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New Galaxy Warrior
Jul 22nd, 2001, 11:20:22 PM
For several weeks now, New Galaxy Warrior had been stuck on this dreadful planet. It was the worst nightmare he had ever had to endure. The only thing that kept him alive was his will to live and his will to please the Gods. The Yuuzhan Vong warrior knew very well that he was specially chosen for this job because of his strong will and superior fighting abilities.
On this planet he had taken the identity of an Imperial Stormtrooper. He was quite a good actor if he didn't say so himself. He became known as Stormtrooper TS234, the identity of the man who once wore the suit proudly, until he was slain by New Galaxy Warrior. The Yuuzhan Vong warrior had lured him into a dark corner and strangled him. The body had been carefully placed in an incinerator.
New Galaxy Warrior took a second to remind himself how he had gotten himself on-planet. The Yuuzhan Vong had used an Ooglith Masquer and took the form of a young man. He managed to use infidel credits and buy himself a one-way ticket to Wor Tandell. The "young man" had traveled in an Imperial cargo ship. If any ever inquired why he was going to Wor Tandell, he told them a story about how his uncle worked in one of the many droid factories. The Yuuzhan Vong in disguise told them he was going to visit his uncle and stay with him for a while.
Now the New Galaxy Warrior paced across the factory he had been assigned to. He pretended to be keeping an eye on things when he was really going over a little sabotage mission inside of his head. Tonight would be the night to carry out his plan. Everything was ready.
Nightfall came. Among the small shadows of animals, a bigger one crept. The warrior in disguise had discarded his stormtrooper armor and now stood at the side of the Gencore Level IV Shield Generator building. It was heavily guarded, more then the warrior had ever suspected.
Suddenly a stormtrooper had spotted him. New Galaxy Warrior frantically thought of something. He fell to the floor.
"Hey, who's there?!" The stormtrooper growled.
"Help me..." The Vong in human disguise whispered.
The stormtrooper walked up to him, blaster and reflexes ready. Something crawled from beneath the man. The stormtrooper looked down at it, but could not see the creature clearly in the darkness. The warrior turned around and grabbed the creature, which turned out to be a living staff. He knocked the trooper's helmet off and smashed his face in. Unfortunately, the troop had released a blaster bolt that sunk into the soil. Quickly, the warrior put on the dead trooper's armor. It used another foreign device to rid the armor of the blood specks. The warrior picked up the body and placed it carefully in a shadowed corner. He tucked the staff creature neatly in his armor, from his leg to his arm. It was a little uncomfortable, but managable.
As he turned the bend, the other stormtrooper advanced. "What happened?" The trooper asked.
"Blaster Malfunction. I'm going in to get a new one." New Galaxy Warrior said.
"Acknowledged. Hurry up."
The Yuuzhan Vong warrior waited for the gates of the building to open. He stepped inside and watched them close. Finally he was inside, but he still had much to do.
New Galaxy Warrior
Jul 23rd, 2001, 12:01:03 AM
After a few minutes of searching, the disguised warrior had found a holodirectory. It seemed the main computer was in the middle of the building. New Galaxy Warrior cared little for where the actual generator was located. He only needed to get close. The warrior tapped his hip lightly. Hidden within his pants was a single thermal detonator. It was all that was needed to destroy this building.
The stormtrooper hurriedly passed through the halls, passing guards and officers alike. These Imperials truly sickened him. They had no sense of honor. They were all cowardly weaklings.
"Stop right here. This area is restricted for officers only." A bulky trooper barked at him.
"Can you direct me to the nearest refresher?" New Galaxy Warrior asked in perfect basic.
The bulky stormtrooper pointed to the third door on the left from the restricted area. The warrior raced over and pushed the door open. No one save himself was in the refresher. It was quite a relief. He entered a terminal and reached into his suit. The warrior had pulled out the abominable device. He would have to cleanse himself for touching such a thing. New Galaxy Warrior was fortunate enough to have learned how to use one from a captured trooper. He set the detonator for five minutes and placed it behind a toilet.
New Galaxy Warrior stood up and exited the refresher. He would have to leave this facility within the next five minutes, or else his mission would be for naught. He picked up the pace and reached the gates. Taking hold of his rifle, he nodded to the two stormtroopers on each side. They opened the gate for him. The warrior slipped out and nodded to his comrade. Once the gates shut, he waited for the stormtrooper to turn his back. With one hit, he killed the troop. At that moment, the warrior began to sprint away from the building. He discarded the armor along the way, and ducked into an alley. The warrior took out his lengthy Amphistaff and opened up a manhole. He jumped through and entered a sewer system. As fast as his legs could carry him, he ran away from the facility.
<font color=red size=4>BOOM!
<font color=white size=2>The warrior hit the ground and skidded. He had completed his mission successfully. Wor Tandell was shieldless. He reached into his boot and took out a small worm-like creature. It was a villip. A villip he was going to use to signal the Yuuzhan Vong forces at the edge of the system.
Jul 23rd, 2001, 12:13:24 AM
Harrar felt good today. Today was a day where he felt the Gods were on his side. The Yuuzhan Vong had once been a priest, but had soon been transferred to the warrior sect. He had worked his way up to the rank of Commander. That rank allowed him to do what he was going to do today. He was going to destroy an abominable planet where droids were maufactured. Droid. It was such a sacriligious word.
"Commander Harrar, we have received the signal." His tactician said.
<font color=red>"Excellent. Prepare the short journey to Wor Tandell."<font color=white> Harrar replied.
The tactician relayed the order, via villip to all the other ships present. They were aboard a Heavy Cruiser from the second Flotilla. Along with that were 200 heavy coralskippers, 2 speed corvettes, and 24 support bombers. It was not a large fleet, but a sufficient one.
In mere minutes the looming planet Wor Tandell entered their screens. Immediately each ship prepared for the attack that was about to ensue. They waited for the Imperials to strike first. Or else they would...
Darth Exceron
Jul 23rd, 2001, 12:22:34 PM
A barage of stars rapidly shot-past the large SSD MK.III's viewscreens as a taskforce of Imperial starships raged through hyperspace with hyperspace engines nearly surpassing their limit. The trek towards Wor Tandell was a short one, greatly benefitting the Imperials while quite possibly befuddling the Vong attackers with their quick response.
Aboard the bridge of the flagship Shark Bait, Commander Exceron sat at an expansive command center with several systems cluttered around him, all taking a different purpose in the command of the entire taskforce. Flashing on his main monitor was the atmospheric geography of the planet with the estimated Vong forces lighted in green from various planetary sensors. It was a taskforce that was centered around the escort of its transports, and not the naval superiority which the Vong had the inability to fight when it came to the Empire.
Given that the Vong forces did not seem to create much of threat to that of the Imperials, Exceron assumed that he would allocate most of his time to dealing with the Vong planetary invaders which he intended to stop from landing. Though if worst came to worst, and even one transport was able to land...there would be shear battalions of droid combatants waiting to intercept.
After patting-down his general strategy within his head, Exceron opened an audio transmission with all starships in both Destroyer taskforces.
Exceron: "Second Destroyer Division...make the subtle hyperspace course change now, with your new marker at coordinates 34.234.234. First Destroyer division; maintain current course."
With the sudden course change, the Imperial forces would arrive at the outer planetary atmosphere now at either side of the meager Vong forces. This would hopefully prevent escape, along with limiting the room to dispatch their ground force transports...rendering inner-atmospheric interception of their transports much easier.
Helmsman: "Sir; exit from hyperspace in 20 seconds."
The large blast of several shades of color with the exit of hyperspace came instantaneously, when the Vong forces were finally visable with the naked eye. The exit of hyperspace was marked a mere three minutes, sublight travel from the Vong forces; that was able to be accomplished due to detailed planetary sensor readings of the Vong force positioning. "An easy target, though one which had been ignored by the ignorant Vong warriors," Exceron had droned to his officers over the course of their journey.
Once all ships had fully exited and recuperated from the hyperspace journey, it had become very apparent that the 1st Destroyer Division was approaching from the Vong's left flank, the 2nd Division from their right. All the while, the enormous SSD was making an approach to the center to complete the box, with the starboard side facing inwards for maximum weaponary coverage.
Once again, Exceron opened a broad-streamed transmission over the main, guarded Imperial line previously assigned to the taskforce before departure.
Exceron: "Order 6 YT-5700 frigates(3 from each division) into the planetary atmosphere to target Vong corvettes/transport if the need should come, at all costs."
Exceron: "Interdiction Pickets from each division should focus gravity wells to the center of the Vong forces, and the remaining cruisers and freighters should supply support to the Star Destroyers of their corresponding division."
Imperial Forces:
SSD3 Sharkbait
Destroyer Group One:
ISD2 Bennington
VSD3 Tsar
IP I-116
YT-5700 57-90
YT-5700 57-91
YT-5700 57-92
YT-5700 57-93
YT-5700 57-94
YT-5700 57-95
YT-5700 57-96
YT-5700 57-97
YT-5700 57-98
YT-5700 57-99
YT-5700 57-100
Destroyer Group Two:
ISD2 Independance
VSD3 Aetius
IP I-117
YT-5700 57-101
YT-5700 57-102
YT-5700 57-103
YT-5700 57-104
YT-5700 57-105
YT-5700 57-106
YT-5700 57-107
YT-5700 57-108
YT-5700 57-109
YT-5700 57-110
HS Incognito
Jul 23rd, 2001, 02:51:48 PM
<font color=red>"Idiots. They have no knowledge of our fighting techniques or bio technology. Order all ships to activate the Dovin Basals. We are going on planet."
<font color=white>Harrar's voice boomed throughout all the villips on each starfighter and ship alike. He knew the Imperials would not be able to catch them because of their superiority. Harrar had no intent of staying to fight in space.
<font color=red>"Remember we have the advantage of speed and endurance that not even their sleekest starfighters and hugest ships could possess."<font color=white> He cackled.
Suddenly, without a warning each ship began their journey to the atmosphere. The Heavy Coralskippers and Support Bombers were the first to reach the atmosphere, applying all power to their dovin basals. The speed corvettes and the Heavy Cruiser were slowly following, creating gravitic anamolies to block the firepower from the Imperial forces.
<font color=red>"Order all support bombers to begin their attack."
<font color=white>The message was relayed to the support bombers. The coralskippers quickly formed in groups of three. In the sky it looked like hundreds of meteors were raining down. They began to shoot at the YT-5700s, distracting them from firing at the support bombers. The plasma projectiles slowly weakened each freighter's shields as the 200 skips broke up to divide themselves between each freighter.
The speed corvettes were slowly making their way toward the upper atmosphere of the planet. The siege of Wor Tandell had begun.
Darth Exceron
Jul 23rd, 2001, 05:56:46 PM
"Interesting," Exceron thought to himself as he observed the Yuuzhan starships continue their approach towards the planet. They had thought the battle of speed was won by a landslide; hardly. After reviewing general reports of his fighter compliments, a glimmer of satisfaction grew acrossed his face as he jammed his thumb atop of the transmission array console. "They may have the superiority of numbers now...but not for long," Exceron muttered to himself just before clearing his throat.
Exceron: "Deploy 250 squadrons of TIE Devils, and 6 squadrons of TIE Devastators; the rest shall remain in reserve. All TIE Devils are to intercept atmospheric starships and to provide support to the Freighters immediately; all Devastators are to provide heavy fire power upon the Heavy Cruiser within atmosphere."
After cutting the link, it was mere seconds before TIE Devils, precisely 3,000 of them, being to shoot towards the planet's atmosphere in pursuit of the corvettes attempting to reach ground. As interpreted by flight officers, all 3,000 shot towards the Speed Corvettes in immediate assist to the YT-5700 Frigates, and once the rendezvous was complete, they all began to fire upon the Speed Corvettes in rapid swarms.
In space, the lone Heavy Cruiser was bombarded by 72 TIE Devestators and roaring turbolasers, ION Cannons, and heavy laser cannon fire crashing into its shield alternate from all angles from enraged Imperial capital ships. The Heavy Cruiser would have great difficulty escaping from the cluster of Imperial ships in sublight space, let alone attempting to enter hyperspace with Interdiction Picket gravity wells focused upon them.
Exceron: "Inform planetary defenses to form precautionary defenses in case there is a breech in strategy, and they reach ground."
Exceron couldn't help to chuckle a little bit after he closed the link to the communications deck. The TIE Devils were just too numerous to be shot down one-by-one, and supplied too great of a fire power in swarms to even allow the starships approaching the atmosphere escape with their lives. Time would be of the essence, and it was on his side.
Jul 23rd, 2001, 09:13:10 PM
Harrar knew evasive action had to be taken. He ordered the release of their grutchins. These same insects had been released at their conquest when taking Belkadan. A swarm (50) of .5 meter sized insects named grutchins were released through a small hatch on the Heavy Cruiser. These creatures had the unique ability to latch onto a hull and tear it apart. One by one, the grutchins would feed on each TIE devil.
In addition to that, 2 squadrons of coralskippers were released from each corvette and the heavy cruiser. Secretly one squadron moved away from the battle and headed for the Interdictor pickets, planning to destroy them one by one. They had been too fast for any scanners to track.
The Speed Corvettes entered the atmosphere, focusing all the Dovin Basals on increasing their speed as they ripped across the atmosphere, almost too fast for any ship to catch up to.
Harrar commanded that the Heavy Cruiser stay in space. The gravitic anamolies that were created sucked in the blaster fire, along with ion cannons, which wouldn't do any harm. The ship was almost fully guarded except for a few holes between the anamolies that allowed the Yuuzhan Vong to gun down TIE devastators that hopelessly tried to attack the massive cruiser.
The three light coralskippers formed up in a triangle-type attack position. They were symbiotically connected to eachother with the help of a yolk placed inside each ship. The bottom two skippers released two projectiles. The projectiles both struck and destroyed a TIE devil. The Yuuzhan Vong fighters were fast and effective. Luckily for them, the Empire was not used to seeing such weird attack plans. Easily the weird fighters ripped through the TIE devils with minimal loss.
Yuuzhan Vong coralskipper pilots were only the best chosen. They had proven themselves worthy of flying in the name of the Yuuzhan Vong through many different grueling trials. The fighters truly were the pride of Yun Yammka.
The support bombers had finally reached firing range, taking minimal damage. They began to bomb every building in eyesight as the 200 coralskippers in the atmosphere fought the incoming wave of Infidel fighters. The coralskippers were more then enough to provide clearance for the two approaching speed corvettes that would touch land shortly. Even the corvettes began to fire on any oncoming TIE devil, destroying it before it came close.
The Imperial commander was smart, but he lacked one important thing. He did not know much about the Yuuzhan Vong. They had only begun their campaign a few months ago, and took every precaution to make sure all information about them were destroyed. The Yuuzhan Vong had been studying the Galaxy for over fifty years prior to this war. Knowledge was of course power.
New Galaxy Warrior
Jul 23rd, 2001, 09:26:45 PM
<font color=red size=4>BOOM!
<font color=white size=2>New Galaxy Warrior was pleased with the way things were going. He had just obtained another box of Thermal Detonators from breaking into an explosives store. The man was a little reluctant to give him the detonators, until New Galaxy Warrior had killed him.
The Yuuzhan Vong was now in his true form. He was equipped with a container of thermal detonators attached to his living belt, and a Tsaisi. Although his part of the mission was over, NGW thought he could be contributing much, much more.
The Yuuzhan Vong began to run around the city he was in, planting thermal detonators inside every factory. If the other Yuuzhan Vong ever learned he was using Infidel devices, he would murdered. Right now, that didn't bother NGW.
Darth Exceron
Jul 24th, 2001, 10:15:29 AM
A successive trail of reports frequently managed to fall into Exceron’s hands from the various battlefields in the general area. Each held a given advantage and disadvantage, rendering the conditions extremely hard to judge. What had been confirmed was that various forms of unknown Vong weaponry reared its head in atmospheric battle, and spitted right into Exceron’s face. Though, to Exceron’s joy, these methods proved to be relatively futile when attempting to destroy nearly 3,000 fighters, which held impervious agility and evasion capability.
Specifically, the TIE Devils and YT-5700 Frigates continued to take runs at the unshielded Speed Corvettes, undaunted even when a given fighter’s Wing was destroyed. The daring strikes at both Corvettes proved to breech and nearly destroy 25% of each Speed Corvette, even when they had just plunged roughly 1/7 of the way through the atmosphere. This was accomplished by shear number of area fire netting of the Devils, and momentum was just beginning to come with it.
Soon after, Exceron received an alarming transmission from a subordinate.
Ensign: “Sir; Interdiction Pickets have become entrenched in enemy fire power, that of what is reported to be of a few squadrons of Coralskippers.�
Exceron: “Withdraw TIE Devastators of their current position, and direct them to rendezvous and divert enemy fire from the Interdiction Pickets. I want the Interdiction Pickets escorted to the mass of Imperial capital ships to receive large-scale support fire. Once there, I want them to reactivate gravity wells immediately.�
Ensign: “Sir…where should main-stream capital fire power be directed?�
Exceron: “Turbo lasers are to be allocated to intercept the Coralskippers once in-range…heavy laser cannons and ION cannons are to be directed at the Heavy Cruiser in which their gravity anomalies will soon fall.�
Ensign: “Yes, sir.�
Ensign: “Sir…planetary defense informs us that there is a presence on the planetary surface whom is destroying facilities and complexes; though all of this destruction can be targeted to one city.�
Exceron: “Quarantine the city immediately, no one is to pass in or out of its limits. Guards at all possible city limit entrances and exits are to be tripled. Order all families to remain in their dwelling for inspection by local law enforcement officers. After precisely five minutes of this order, I want the city to be stormed, and anyone whom is not accounted for at the homes is to be immediately stunned and placed in high-security impoundment, and to be put-up on charges for crimes against the Empire.�
Ensign: “Yes, sir.�
Telan Desaria
Jul 24th, 2001, 11:55:45 AM
The Shadow Warrior was a fine ship, three hundred and fifty meters in length, and bristling with weapons. Its corridors reaked with new paint and her halls still vibrated with the thrum of new engines just hours ago installed. Admiral Desaria now had a new compliment of warships he could use in battle and win with.
" Communications room, record the folliwng message and send it to the Shark Bait: This is Admiral Telan Desaria. I have under my command one Carrack-class light Cruiser and three Corellian Gunships which I am willing to place under yours, Admiral Darth Exceron. I do this for the Empire's greater glory and for the people of Wor Tandell, and for the people of Garqi, since I couldn't save them." Desaria lowered his head in rememberance of his failure and retreat.
" You have Twenty-four hours to answer this message. My fleet will be at the edge of the Tandell system. Desaria aboard the Shadow Warrior out."
Baron Gertallya, now the Warrior's commander, placed a comforting hand on the admiral's shoulder. " We'll kill many a Vong soldier tomorrow, Admiral."
" If he let's us..."
Jul 24th, 2001, 02:25:44 PM
The Support Bombers had long since been forgotten as the TIE devils focused on the two descending Speed Corvettes. As they were ordered, the two squadrons broke up. One squadron divided themselves among each city entrance and exit, dropping bombs on the guards and gates alike. The other squadron began to drop their bombs on the largest buildings they could find.
A squadron of Heavy Coralskippers had found their way out of the atmosphere as well. They provided cover for the bombers by seeking out and destroying any ground turrets that tried to damage the bombers. The heavy coralskippers were at a slight disadvantage due to their lacking speed, but they were good enough to put up a decent ground fight.
In the atmosphere, both speed corvettes had obtained 1/4 of damage. The coralskippers were ordered to divide themselves amongst the two and form "walls" to make sure the speed corvettes had a good landing. The coralskippers shot back at the TIE devils, not showing any signs of giving up. In war, there was no such option as giving up. The only option was to fight back and win or lose. The Yuuzhan Vong did not intend on losing, although most were unaware of the tremendous odds against them.
Things were even more hectic in space. The Heavy Cruiser had managed to drive away a few fighters and destroy amounts of TIE devastators. They still had many more TIEs to endure. The devastators had left the battle to seek out the coralskippers which had managed to destroy a number of pickets already. The coralskippers that were left behind, along with the swarm of grutchins were enough to keep the TIE devils at bay.
Ten grutchins managed to latch on to the hull of the VSD3 Tsar. They used their pincer-like claws and teeth to rip through the hulls of the destroyer, causing air to leak out of certain areas. The grutchins were moving fast, and they were less then a meter long, which provided trouble for the turrets. The black of space made them almost invisible to the human eye, because they were black also. One was shot and destroyed by a turret, which caused the others to go into a slashing frenzy. Soon the VSD3 would be inoperable. Several of the 9 grutchins headed for the engines.
Darth Exceron
Jul 24th, 2001, 03:20:19 PM
Enormous swarms of several hundred TIE Devils in each, along with at least one YT-5700 Freighter continued to lay superior firepower down upon random and unpredictable parts of the Speed Corvettes' hull, with thousands of shots planted every second. The Coralskippers had the effective Anti Aircraft power, but the TIE Devils had incompherable numbers and fire capability; so much that the sight turned to be just blaze of laser shots.
By now, roughly 1/5 of the atmosphere had been breeched, though 50% of the hulls on each Corvette had been wrecked; probably even killing a majority of the Vong ground forces which dwelled in those portions of the craft. The Coralskippers managed to take-out a few TIE Devils with each run, though the small and evasive TIE Devils managed to breech the loose barrier of crafts surrounding the Corvettes, to damage the Corvettes even to a greater extent, with each run.
Shortly after this, reports of a planetary attack of low-level Vong bombers became the new discussion relay topic through Imperial communication systems; it had not been long before Exceron recieved word of this. Damage to the city continued to remain at a low, just because the attack began recently...and the number of Vong Bombers in the area were minimal.
Exceron: "Deploy 140 Squadrons(1680 fighters) of our TIE Devils still in reserve and hangered in our capital ships to the planetary surface immediately...destroying the arial bombers is their first priority. Instruct them specifically to seperate into teams of three, and to attempt to fire from opposite sides of any given bomber to become effective against the Vong's peculiar shielding systems."
Ensign: "Sir...there has been a hull breech in hull of the VSD Tsar. Lifeform scanners report large insect-creatures upon the hull."
Exceron: "Attempt to feed the turbolasers in the southern quadrant of the ship this information...we should be able to take-down a few with this."
Shortly after, the tranmission from Admiral Desaria was recieved...and it appeared to be a very intriguing set of circumstances, indeed. Once current battle affairs of the moment had been dealt with, reply to Admiral Desaria was sent through the communication station.
"Admiral Desaria...this is Commander Exceron. Your offer, for the good of the Empire, is much obliged, as is your loyalty. If you wish to assist...first forward me your personal, and starship identification numbers. After being cleared, you will have the opportunity to act as you see fit."
New Galaxy Warrior
Jul 24th, 2001, 07:01:18 PM
New Galaxy Warrior stood at the edge of the town. He had made sure that no stormtrooper guards were present in his area, but the Yuuzhan Vong was still a little uneasy. Every few seconds he would have to look over his shoulder. The Yuuzhan Vong tugged something metal and shiny off of his belt. It was a remote control, covered in different buttons. The remote had come along with the twelve thermal detonators.
The thermal detonators were no longer with him. After reviewing an infidel map of the city, he had placed each detonator in strategic spots. It had taken him two hours to do, and he almost got caught a few times, but NGW had succeeded in hiding each bomb in a major droid-producing factory.
"For the Gods." He whispered and pressed four of the buttons on the remote. Explosions were heard all around town as buildings came crashign down. Everything within a quarter mile radius of each bomb was destroyed by the blast. About 45% of the factories had been decimated by NGW. He was proud of himself.
"Hey, you there! Stop where you are!" A stormtrooper screamed. NGW frantically tugged at his amphistaff that had coiled around his hip like a belt. The amphistaff woke up and began to hiss at the two stormtroopers racing toward the Yuuzhan Vong without a disguise.
The troops raised their blasters and shot at the Vong. It easily jumped to the side and rollled, waiting for the Imperial footsoldiers to come close enough for him to---
<font size=4>Krrsh! Krrsh!
<font size=2>His amphistaff acted as a whip and disarmed the first stormtrooper. With a hard flick of NGW's wrist, he used his weapon to smack the Imperial in the face, sending him back into his partner. The Yuuzhan Vong raced toward them and hardened his Amphistaff. He began to beat both of them savagely, until he was sure they were dead.
"If I stay, I'll have company." He grinned to himself. The Vong adjusted his Amphistaff to make it as a belt. He took out his Ooglith Masquer and changed his shape. Only Force Users could tell he was a Yuuzhan Vong now. He quickly darted into the alleyways and shadows, where no one would dare follow. Overheard, NGW heard the sound of bombing. The support bombers had already begun to do their work.
Jul 24th, 2001, 08:50:15 PM
The Heavy coralskippers weren't doing all that well against the overwhelming wave of TIE devils. They managed to hold their own and had destroyed a sufficient amount already with the help of the Speed Corvettes, but more was expected from Yuuzhan Vong pilots.
The Support Bombers were unharmed, and had finished their rounds. Most of the city lay in ruins due to their quick work, and help from a ground force. Buildings just began to explode and crash to the ground. The Support Bombers left the city and began to bomb any building or outpost in sight.
The Speed Corvettes both managed to land, although 70 heavy coralskippers had been wiped out in the process. One speed corvette wouldn't be able to rise off the planet again. All the Yuuzhan Vong warriors were ordered off the ships. Some had died due to TIE devils destroying parts of the ship. Out of the 6000 warriors, only 3500 remained alive.
They were ordered to march across and destroy every infidel in sight. Yuuzhan Vong warriors were elite, agile and strong. They would not be bested by "stormtroopers" or whatever they called themselves.
In space, more coralskippers had joined the siege on the Interdiction pickets. The Heavy Cruiser was left alone, imperviously trying to defend itself. Harrar ordered all power be converted to the Dovin Basals.
He spoke through the villip to each of his coralskipper pilots, relaying orders. A squadron of skips divided themselves among the remaining Interdiction pickets in that area and drove their coralskippers straight into the pickets, destroying them. Another group of three coralskippers smashed right into the bridge of the VSD3 Tsar, finally destroying the ship.
The remaining skips began to hurl themselves into pickets and ships alike. The Heavy Cruiser knew the interdiction path had been cleared for them by the kamikaze fighters. It blinked into hyperspace, leaving the grutchin, warriors, and remaining skips behind, and trapped.
Darth Exceron
Jul 24th, 2001, 09:25:34 PM
The offensive by the Vong had been surpressed, a little less efficiently than he had hoped for, though the damage still appeared to be fairly low, considering the Vong's strange and new tactics. The Heavy Cruiser flagship had barely escaped with its life; though still with deep battle scars.
Ensign: "S-Sir...the Tsar was destroyed by a kamikaze of Coralskippers to the bridge; there was nothing we could do in time."
Exceron turned his head from the Ensign without a word, ashamed of himself. He had lost a starship and nearly an entire city...though in exchange for a questionable victory, in grealty surpressing further damage to the planet, and especially a planetary takeover. Though glory had yet to be won.
Exceron: "The remaining TIE Devils, nearly 4,500 of them, are all to report to the lower planetary atmosphere. I want 1,000 allocated to destroying the two Speed Corvettes...the rest are to take dive-bomb measures(though with their laser cannons) to take-out the remainder of the Vong soldiers."
By that time, just about 250 of the soliders had been easily taken-out by the rapid-fire laser cannons of about 2,500 remaining Devils which remained from the first attack party; and their reinforcements were coming to help finish the work. To Exceron's benefit, the seclusion and isolation of the one targeted city didn't allow inter-city travel to the Vong Warriors, rendering damage, overall, minimal.
After clearing his throat once again, Exceron opened a transmission uplink to all Imperial starships in the area.
Exceron: "Keep a constant barage of fire from several directions upon all enemy craft...make craft closest to the first-priority."
Telan Desaria
Jul 25th, 2001, 01:02:05 PM
" Admiral!" yelled Baron Gertallya, bursting through the doors to Desaria's ready room, datapad in hand.
" I assume you have pressing matters to engage with, or you would be so careless with you life, as I am the commander of this Fleet, hoever somall, And, we do have those three Star Destroyers on the way, you know, and if you wish to command one of them, you should leanr the ettiquite I tought you when we served Centaur."
" Yes, Admiral, but Commander Exceron responded!"
The Admiral was unable to contain his feigned pompousness any longer. " All right. Hand me the datapad!"
'Admrial Desaria....Act as you see fit.' " This is marvelous!" The Admiral immediately dictated a reply.
' Ships: 1 Carrack-class light Cruiser Shadow Warrior
Built by Sith customer shipyards. Completed on 24 July
3 Corellian Gunships
Avidity, Anariah, Exocriate
Built by Sith Shipyards Completed on 24 July
Cost: 8.176 million credits Imperial
Commanded by Imperial-in-training Admiral Telan Desaria,
flagship Shadow Warrior commander, Captain Baron Gertallya
-We Will look for a reply within twenty-four hours. If you achkowledge us, our ships will enter the fray under the Imperial banner. Our Carrack-class Cruiser was specially built to combat starfighters. On behalf on my crews, we wait for battle.
-Admiral Telan Desaria
OOC-for a link and proof of the ships, go to the Sith customer shipyards: I'll be online 'till two o'clock, then again tomorrow at noon.
Jul 25th, 2001, 04:37:43 PM
OOC: Just to bring everyone up to speed on where the Yuuzhan Vong stand right now. Harrar and the Heavy Cruiser have left the scene. That leaves 3250 warriors on ground, 41 grutchin in space, along with 27 Light coralskippers in space. There are also 115 heavy coralskippers in the atmosphere.
IC:When the Heavy Cruiser had left the scene, none of the Yuuzhan Vong were angry from being left behind. If all went awry, this was the back up plan that had been decided among Yuuzhan Vong elites. When the Heavy skips in the atmosphere received the word that the Heavy Cruiser had left the immediately applied all power to their dovin basals and headed back for space.
As of the moment, the remaining Yuuzhan Vong forces had no intention of running away into Hyperspace now that the pickets had been cleared off. There was still much to be done and many Infidels to sacrifice to the Gods.
The Grutchin had found a new target. 31 of the 41 grutchin latched on to the ISD2 Independance and began to feed off the hull. Half of the grutchin on the ship were latching onto the backs of turrets and ripping out the inside components. In less then 30 seconds the ship would go down due to the quick creatures. Their agility and size made it easy for them to move around quickly and made it hard for them to track with turrets.
The coralskippers left behind moved closer to the battle with the others that had just arrived from the atmosphere. They broke apart and divided themselves into groups of two. About 10 groups of two began to seek out the YT-5700 and began to smash into them. All it took was for one coralskipper to reach full speed and dodge the spitfire. The ship would proceed to strike the YT-5700 creating an explosion and destroying the ship. Already three skips and 2 YT-5700s had been destroyed.
A squadron of Heavy coralskippers began to form up and attack the three Corellian gunships that had just arrived. Instead of using a kamikaze technique, they maneuvered themselves around the laserfire and shot at each gunship's shields. There were four skips to each gunship.
The remaining 110 coralskippers broke up into groups of 22. One of the five groups focused all of its firepower on the VSD3 Aetius. Two other groups sped toward the ISD2 Bennington. Along the way, four coralskippers had been destroyed and more were being fired at. All forty skipper pilots focused their dovin basals on the ISD2's shields and managed to strip them from the ship. The two groups of skips began to fire on the shieldless ISD2. The remaining two groups of coralskippers broke up between the two Hammers and the two Fires.
As the space battle ensued, the Yuuzhan Vong warriors hurriedly scattered across the fields and cities of Wor Tandell, knowing that the farther they were from eachother, the more Imperial land would be destroyed. The TIE devils had already done a fine job of scorching plains, and already destroying 350 of the 3500 warriors.
Suddenly, each warrior received a low screech from their villips. It was a signal from above. Each Yuuzhan Vong warrior reached into the living at their side and pulled out three dweebits. Dweebits were reddish brown beetles that could make a planet uninhabitable by humans without rebreathers. These certain dweebits were genitically engineered to make the process only last for three days, rather longer. Each Vong bent down on one knee and set the dweebits free on the ground. The insects immediately began to release their scent that would help alter the environment. These dweebits could reproduce and their "scent" would soon produce an orange airborne gas that would cover the planet.
After the Dweebits were released, the Yuuzhan Vong got up and started to run again.
Darth Exceron
Jul 25th, 2001, 05:18:04 PM
Within space, the productive method to destroy the Vong creatures, of sort, had been already put to use in every situation possible. From afar, captial ship turrets were not very effective due to the fire that seemed concentrated from one direction; though this was not bother, because at this point the enemy fighters were not in range, either. But long before any given Coralskipper was in firing range of a capital ship, their large perimeter on the side being attacked was able to hit these Coralskippers simutaneously from several directions. This rendered their unique shielding ability null in the blaze of random fire from hundreds of turbolasers...already bringing 40 Light Coralskippers victim.
The Grutchins were another problem...though Exceron and his officers had long learned their lesson from the Tsar's destruction. Though seeming to be invisible to the naked eye, a combination of life sensors and infared sensors gave all the capital ships ability to visible see them, and exploit their flimsy defenses. Though their speed was admirable, the shear number of turbolasers, on the attacked ship, Independence, were enough to deal with the threat. Roughly 15 of them had been hit from elevated turbolasers on the upper portion of the hull from afar...yet slight hull damage from these turbolasers upon the hull was expected and tolerated. An additional 11 of these grutchins had also been destroyed using this same, and effective, method through mass blazes of turbolaser fire and life/infared tracking. In total, 26 of the grutchins once upon the Independence had been destroyed; and the rest(5) were too meager of a number to cause admirable additional damage, let-alone destroy the entire craft.
Within the atmosphere, the periodic stop of Yuuzhan Vong soldiers to lay their odd objects to emmit a poisoness gas costed them deeply. And their sprints to escape from approaching enormous swarms of TIE Devils proved futile and useless when compared to the overly superior speed and agility of the Devils. In exact deaths, 750 additional Vongs had been slaughtered from the onslaught of Devil fire(7 shots per second), massing to a total of 2,500 remaining Vong warriors. By now, each warrior had at least 1-2 Devils targeting their "pathetic" souls.
The poisoness gas was another story, though given that it was nothing brand new to the Imperials, all planetary inhabitants were in the process of being informed of the deadly gas along with the invading Vong warriors, and sealed-tight subterrain shelters were already being filled by the thousands. Luckily, given that the gas was a byproduct of living material, the gas spores were very susceptable to great amounts of heat; which had been supplied unknowlingly by the TIE Devil thruster output. Though it was not possible to kill it all, a considerable amount had been killed by the swarms of Devils swarming overhead.
Jul 25th, 2001, 10:01:53 PM
Out of the 142 coralskippers, only 82 of them remained. Things were not looking good for the Yuuzhan Vong, but this did not change their attitude one bit. It was quite an honor, one of the biggest of all to die in battle, fighting agaisnt Infidels. They would be rewarded by Yun Yammka, the God of war in the afterlife.
The 20 skippers that had devoted themselves to a kamikaze attack on the YT-5700 had destroyed 16 YT-5700s. 40 skips had been gunned down already by the capital ships. Two coralskippers formed up as the rest moved away from the shieldless Independance. One landed just above the bridge while the other landed on the ships hull. Before any turret could destroy them, both heavy skips self destructed, spewing molten plasma everywhere. Slowly, the ISD2 Independance began to blow up, from a chain reaction. The plasma from the explosion had melted into the ship and fried some circuitry on the bridge.
That only left 80 fighters. The group of 22 skips that had been fighting the Hammers was now reduced to 19. One Hammer had been weakened severly, but the other seemed to be in good enough shape. A coralskipper pilot, followed by three others moved in, and used his Dovin basals to rip off the shields of the Hammer in good condition. Instantly, the 5 space-faring grutchin that had stayed back for now, moved in and latched on to the smaller ship. One ripped its way inside and began to wreck the ship from inside. Soon it would be destroyed as well. While the grutchin were busy with one Hammer, all 19 remaining skips focused their firepower on the already damaged one.
As for the 21 remaining coralskipper pilots attacking the fire class light cruiser, they slowly began to move away, to assist the 22 skips fighting the Aetius.
The 20 coralskippers that were left over focused all of their firepower on the already weakened Bennington. The 31 grutchin had done a mighty fine ship in causing over 31 different hull breaches. Those creatures had not died in vain.
The warriors on the ground were in an even worse position. Most had found hiding places in caves and narrow forests where only the best TIE devil pilots could follow. Others hid among the city ruins and other cities.
They were no longer out in the open. TIE devils were having a hard time tracking them down, and seperating the lifeforms underground (hiding from the ecosystem that was rapidly changing) and the Vong in hiding. The plant life on Wor Tandell slowly began to die due to the Dweebits' effects on the ecosystem.
One of the Speed corvettes raised off the ground just enough to reach the level of the TIE devils. As the damaged ship lagged toward the majority of the TIE devils, the Imperial fighters noticed and began to swarm on it like an ant on candy. The speed corvette was being manned by 11 Yuuzhan Vong warriors. It did not have the ability to fight back, just to endure until more fighters came.
<font size=5>BOOM!
<font size=2>The Speed Corvette had activated its Dovin basal. Since they were not in space, no black hole formed. Instead an air wide explosion wiped out nearly 400 TIE devils that had been attacking it and that were nearby. The speed corvette was no more.
Darth Exceron
Jul 25th, 2001, 11:08:27 PM
All Imperial capital ships which had been thrown under attack by pursuing Vongs had only one possibility, which was a very effective one at that. Both Hammers, at first, managed to meet in the heat of battle to provide the other with fire support. The foolish Vong Coralskippers attacking each Hammer took the bait, and ended-up flying between both Hammers at various occasions. With fire supplied from opposite angles, the Coralskippers began to become destroyed by the dozens...and eventually all pursuing 19 Coralskippers had been destroyed. Just after the Skips had been dealt with, the Hammer free of attack began firing upon the other with constant readings from both infared and life monitors. Though that the Hammer being fired-upon by the other recieved additional damage in the process, the remainder of the Grutchins within the Hammer had all be destroyed and only carnage remnants of them remained. Once free of attack, the Hammers managed to pull themselves away from the battlescene, and positioned themselves to the farside of the SSD...both undectable and free of attack from the SSD's guard.
As for the ISD, Independence, that was recently destroyed; the destruction blast radius took much more from the Vong than a couple meager fighters. At the time of the destruction, it had been the place in time where the Vong Skips, not assigned to kamikaze duty, had rendezvoused in the battleground before heading-off towards their designated SD marks. As a price, it took 18 of the 20 Skips attacking the Bennington, deflecting the possible destruction of it. To follow this up, the Benington re-routed itself to SharkBait, and positioned itself diagnoly across the width of the stern(back) of the SSD. This forced any attackers who wanted a piece of the Bennington to place itself in the gap between SharkBait and the Bennington...creating a multiple fire-angle deathtrap for any fighter whom attempted to approach, even on a kamikazee mission. The first fighters to fall victim were the remaining 2 Skips which had previously confronted the Bennington.
Given that the Vong fighters had re-routed themselves before finishing the Fire-Class Cruisers...the Fire-Class Cruisers also managed to make their way to the farside of Sharkbait, where any attacker intending to follow would definitely be destroyed by the several turbolasers surrounding the SSD. All in all, this only had left 43 Skips to attack the fully-shielded Aetius. Twenty of which had already been destroyed by the Aetius, with assist from the Sharkbait due to the fact that destroying the Skips had been rendered simple when attacked from several directions simutaneously. With the 23 Coralskippers remaining, attempts to destroy the 50% shielded Aetius continued. Though with every fire of a plasma launcher, the Aetius had inched its way closer and closer to the SharkBait, with thrusters in reverse. With a very narrow manuever downwards, the Aetius managed to place its bridge directly under the hull of the enormous SSD. Even if the shields were suprisingly lowered, the SSD shields were in close enough of a proximty to cover the bridge of the Aetius. In addition, all of the Coralskippers whom attempted to make a kamikaze at the bridge, even with shields up, would fall a victim from multiple turbolasers firing mecilessly upon the Skips.
Upon the ground, the a variety of the Devils had already picked a particular Vong to follow after the scatter measures were no Vong had been completely lost, at least in general location. Furthermore, most of the Vongs traveled in small groups as they went to hide. By now, 1,500 Vongs remained, though the pursuit operation was just beginning. Through it all, the TIE Devils continued to tear-apart particles of the deadly spores being emitted into the air, and it was estimated that only half of the spores remained, when also considering the extreme heat of the laser shots fired by the Devils.
At one instance, a party of nearly 250 Vong Warriors had been found peering from a secluded and low-level outpost within the depths of the forests. Standard fire power would not breech the outpost, but there was something that would.
TIE pilots were forged from the Imperials over years to always take every action for the Empire, and to assume that their lives would come to an end in the service of the Empire. For 10 TIE Devil pilots that day, that time arrived as they smashed into the outpost at various locations, destroying the entire facility and the 250 Vong within it. This left the entire Vong ground forces on Wor Mantell with only 1,250 soldiers.
Jul 25th, 2001, 11:35:00 PM
The remaining Yuuzhan Vong coralskippers were small in number. 23 were left of the magnificent 236 that had arrived. This was indeed a huge loss, but more coralskippers would be grown.
The coralskippers all knew that their time in this battle had ended. Sacrificing their lives for nothing was useless. They would be shot down before they could try anymore kamikaze attacks. The coralskippers all blinked into hyperspace without warning, leaving the warriors alone. Just like the Heavy Cruiser had done.
Only 1250 Yuuzhan Vong warriors remained on the ground. Ten of those warriors had created a plan. They had made their way back to the last speed corvette. It seemed to be almost completely wrecked, except for a precious forgotten cargo. Onboard, an overgrown and relatively unharmed dovin basal. It ranged 8 meters in diameter. The dovin basal looked like a giant pulsating heart with blue spikes.
The ten warriors picked the dovin basal up and dragged it off the living ship. They set it on the ground and began to speak with the dovin basal in the God's language. The basal responded by curling its tendrils in and out. As they relayed an order, the dovin basal complied and instantly began to activate its gravitational pull. Any stronger dovin basal would be able to pull down a moon on a planet, but this one was just strong enough to pull down all ships above ground in a 300 mile radius. Since the TIE devils were small and didn't weigh much, the tug yanked them all by surprise to the floor. 2/3s of the TIE devils fell to floor and impacted, destroying the fighters, some buildings, and some of the landscape.
The Yuuzhan Vong had destroyed themselves in the process. They were crushed by the enormous gravity pushed against them. The Yuuzhan Vong had lost the siege at Wor Tandell. Although the disease still remained.
Darth Exceron
Jul 26th, 2001, 01:58:47 AM
News of the Vong's actions were echoed among the hallways of all of the remaining capital ships in the form of gossip and in periodic reports of the situation. Exceron had been the first to hear of the news directly from the TIE Devil Flight Commander who happened to live from the great blow...given that he, at the time, had been higher in the atmosphere and affected less than some of the others.
Flight Commander: "C-Commander! The Vong have sacraficed theirselves to destroy roughly 66% of our fighters, with some odd method of gravitational manipulation. All of the Vong are reported deceased by ground crew from the great impact."
Exceron: "...And of the poisoness spores?"
Flight Commander: "It seems that the combined blast of nearly 2,000 TIE Devils hitting the surface has resulted in a chain heat wave...most of the spores have been eliminated, and the remainder are already beginning to become quartantined in one area...and are beginning to be nuetralized to prevent the possibility of spreading."
Exceron: "Round-up your survivors and return to the outer-atmosphere to load onto the capital ships."
Flight Commander: "Yes, sir."
"With every loss comes a victory," Exceron mumbled to himself as a last measure to forgive himself of the Imperial lives he had cost. Though, besides for one city which had been affected by the attack, the general well-being of the planet had been maintained from the Vong attackers. The Imperial Navy's losses were very apparent, though losses were expected...especially by the use of the Vong suicidal tactics. Personally, this was only the beginning of the Vong-Imperial war for Exceron; but his time for vengence would come.
Though many of the capital ships were damaged, there was nothing that couldn't be quickly and temporarily mended in order to enter hyperspace. Scars to the Imperial Navy would eventually be regenerated, and the ultimate cause of the Vong attackers had been deflected and been proved null.
Exceron: "Helm...prepare to jump into hyperspace with the pre-determined coordinates(deeper within the Delteon Sector), on my mark."
Telan Desaria
Jul 26th, 2001, 12:31:20 PM
Desaria saw the Imperial ships prepare to retreat and heard Exceron's message to fall back deeper into the Delteon Sector. The losses for the day's combat had been high, especially for the Empire's fighter arm.
" Your orders, Admrial," asked Baron Gertallya from his terminal.
" We saw no combat today, but we accepted, however fleetingly into the ranks of the Empire again. We shall show our loyalty. Bring us alongside the Shark Bait and link our Navicomputer to theirs. We will leave this field in formation with our brothers. We are Imperials again..."
OOC-sorry I'm late
Darth Exceron
Jul 26th, 2001, 03:45:16 PM
OOC: It's no problem...but in your post, note that we weren't retreating, because we had won; just withdrawing because there was no reason to stay.
Telan Desaria
Jul 27th, 2001, 11:31:55 AM
OOC- I know. I just wanted to be part of the victory parade along side of the man who won. If you need the help of my personal fleet, you may call on us anytime. We are adding an Imperial-class Star Destroyer at the beginning of August: (
and a Victory II-class Star Destroyer, at an unspecified time, courtesy of the Sith.
Thank you for letting me be a small part of the battle. Please, call on us again.
Admiral Telan Desaria
Jul 27th, 2001, 05:47:44 PM
OOC: I think if you compare casulties, you'll find out who really won. :D
Vong Casulties
- 2 speed corvettes
-177 coralskippers
-6000 warriors
Empire Casulties
- One VSD
- One ISD
- 2 Interdiction Pickets
- 15 YT-5700s
-Over 2500 TIE devils and a few TIE devastators
-One major city, including the death of thousands of residents caught in the bombing, and those that died of the virus we unleashed.
- Scorched cities and plains from TIE devils firing at warriors.
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