View Full Version : Eyes on me. (Open challenge to any Jedi)

Eve Siren
Jul 23rd, 2001, 10:31:46 AM
Eve leaned against her motorcycle and took out her portable keyboard and pushed the 'on' button. She ran her fingers lightly on the white keys then started playing Nobuo Uematsu's song "Eyes on me." slowly. She shut her eyes as she continued playing that beautiful song. Almost reaching the end, she heard footsteps coming from behind. She stopped playing before looking over her shoulder.

"Who's there ? No need to be shy."

EDIT~ Eve, I told you a few times now ... your sigs are too big. Please do not post with them until they are within the 30k limit.

Jul 23rd, 2001, 01:28:54 PM
Akrabbim, drawn in by the sound of music playing, investigates the source of the disturbance. He is intrigued, wondering how such light music can come from a Dark Sider. As the woman turns and addresses him, Akrabbim drops his illusion of invisibility.

I am Akrabbim Melchizan. Who are you? What are you doing here?

Eve Siren
Jul 23rd, 2001, 02:26:55 PM
"Ah, very nice to meet you, Sir Melchizan."

Eve turned off her keyboard and left it hanging on the side of her black motorcycle. She flipped her long black hair with her hand gently as she turned around to face the Jedi.

"Who am I ..? I am Eve Siren. What am I doing here ? I am waiting for some Jedi to come.

Eve walked towards Akrabbim slowly, closing her eyes for along moment then opened them.

"Simple as that."

Jul 23rd, 2001, 06:34:39 PM
Akrabbim steps back slightly as the woman moves in. Something doesn't seem right about this woman's manner... something unsettling.

And why, exactly, are you waiting for a Jedi?

As Akrabbim speaks, he continues backing away, attempting to maintain distance. His hand slowly moves towards his sword hilt, just in case.

Eve Siren
Jul 23rd, 2001, 08:45:55 PM
"Oh, I'll show you why ..."

Eve continued approaching the Jedi, letting the wind put a few strands of her long black hair across her face to her left. She smiled softly as the man his hand on the hilt of his sword and put her hand on his. She pulled down a knife from her sleeve of her left arm and put it to his neck, almost leaning her forehead against his and still holding his hand down on his hilt, making it unable to move.

"To kill, of course, silly."

She looked deeply into his eyes with her gray-ish green eyes then pulled her knife away slowly before hitting him in the face with her metal elbow pad, causing to fall down on the side. She backed away slightly to give him a chance to get up.

"Now, let's not be a lazy bum and get up."

Jul 23rd, 2001, 09:24:03 PM
Akrabbim shakes his head, trying to clear his head from the strike. He orients himself with his feet towards the woman, getting ready to rise.

Get up? Whatever for? It's so comfortable here. You should join me.

Akrabbim kicks hard with his left leg, striking the woman in the right thigh. The blow takes her balance, sending her to the ground. Akrabbim rolls backward, drawing his sword on the way up. The roll, though fast, took enough time to allow Eve to get up. He can only hope he will be ready for her next attack.

Eve Siren
Jul 23rd, 2001, 10:07:06 PM
"Ah, nice one."

Eve layed there, rubbing her head slightly from the shock. She pulled out Thorn (http://www21.brinkster.com/evesiren/Sword.jpg) silently from her back and got up quickly, still not revealing her sword, she dashed towards Akrabbim. Finally revealing Thorn out, she trapped his sword into one of her sword's 'thorns' and pulled it down, pinning his sword into the ground with hers. She then jumped up sideways, her hand still on the hilt of her sword and kicked him the face, making him let go of his sword.

"Still comfortable, Sir Melchizan ?"

Jul 23rd, 2001, 11:49:35 PM
Akrabbim reels from the kick, recovering with the Force, and turns back towards the woman.

*sigh* Here we were, having a nice conversation, and you had to go and take my sword. You do realize that's my FAVORITE sword, don't you? I know it so well... it's like it never leaves my hand...

Akrabbim reaches for his sword with the Force, taking hold of it with his mind. In a quick burst, he causes his sword to spin violently. The scorpion sting tip (http://bama.ua.edu/~osbor005/Sword.jpg) on his sword catches her arm, making an ugly gash. The sword continues its spin, making a high arc and landing neatly in Akrabbim's outstretched hand.

You should have more manners than that, young lady.

Eve Siren
Jul 24th, 2001, 09:17:03 AM
Eve held the gash on her arm, without really expressing the feeling of pain on her face ... She never did express any emotions anyways. She tilted her head on the side, looking at the man.

"I wasn't going to take it now, my dear man, please do not assume my actions."

She left Thorn in the ground and ran towards Akrabbim but instead of rushing into him, she jumped up, landing on his shoulders, wrapping her legs around his neck.

As he loses slightly his balance, she backflips quickly, dragging him down with her. She landed on her hands but letted go of the Jedi before landing, making him slam into the hard ground, hearing a horrible boom. She stood up and backed away. He was going to recover with the Force ... That stupid thing.

"I hope you're not using the force, dear, let's fight fair now."

Jul 24th, 2001, 06:48:23 PM
Akrabbim staggers to his feet. On his way up, he flings two shuriken to the side, far out of the battle field. He masks them with a Force Illusion, making them invisible. He slowly regains his feet, taking a defensive posture.

Not use the Force? I am a Jedi. The Force is life. The Force is light. I think it would help you to see the Light.

Akrabbim opens himself to the Force, and attacks with a blast of Force Blindness. He floods her mind with light, making it seem that she is staring into a supernova.

OOC: BTW, what does your character focus in, or is she an all-around character? Also, if you have any questions about my character, view the Flash sig linked to the bottom of my sig.

Eve Siren
Jul 24th, 2001, 07:52:43 PM

Eve reels back in shock as she covers her eyes with her arms, blinded by the extreme light. Still knowing the location of her sword and the scenery of the fight, She paced around blindly, grabbing her sword out of the ground. All she could count on now was listening to the sounds. Shutting her eyes tightly, she held Thorn in one hand, listening to the sounds surrounding her. Force ... the life and the light ? It was the Jedis who ruined her life ... And Akrabbim wanted her to see the Light ? Bunch of bullsh*t.

Jul 24th, 2001, 10:43:12 PM
As she is blinded, Akrabbim rushes her with Force Speed. He flings his sword into the ground to his right, and breaks left as quietly as possible. He slips behind the woman, locking her in a marine headlock.

Why have you attacked me? What did I do? There must be a reason...

Eve Siren
Jul 25th, 2001, 11:59:19 AM
"Yes, there is ..."

Eve opened her right eye then put her hands on Akrabbim's arms around her. She bent down quickly, pulling him over herself, then slamming him into the ground, head first. She rubbed her neck and managed to open her eyes fully.

"But it's none of your business, dear."

Eve approached him, holding Thorn up then rammed her sword into his shoulder violently, watching blood spurt over her face. Then she pulled it out, Jedi blood rolling down on unique red sword.

"And you ... Why are you a Jedi ?"

Jul 25th, 2001, 06:38:48 PM
Akrabbim winces in pain from the shoulder wound, holding his free hand over it. He rolls backward to his feet, addressing the woman.

Why am I a Jedi? Because there is a severe lack of justice in this universe. In my homeworld, there was nothing but darkness. I crave truth, light... not the evil in which my brethren revel.

Akrabbim calls back the shuriken he had previously thrown away. He guides them with the Force, sending them into the backs of her knees. The razor sharp weapons slice deeply into her tendons, making walking difficult.

And since you attacked me first, I believe knowing your reasons for fighting a Jedi IS my business.

Akrabbim covers himself with a Force Illusion, making himself invisible. Since he would not be able to fight as efficiently with his wounded shoulder, more guile would be necessary.

Eve Siren
Jul 25th, 2001, 07:11:14 PM
"Ugh, invisibility force shield."

Eve looked around, anger rising into her soul. Since she couldn't walk without really hurting herself, she just stood there, waiting for something to happen, after taking off the shurikens from the back of her knees. She kept them in her hand, listening to the slight noise. The wind breezing made a slight sound which made it harder to locate him.

"Come out, come out, wherever you are !"

Jul 26th, 2001, 01:11:37 AM
Akrabbim yanks his shuriken back, nicking the woman's hand in the process.


Akrabbim wanders quietly, speaking while still masked with the Force. He uses the Force to confuse the woman slightly, making it a little harder to determine where he is by his voice. It is much harder to hide sounds than it is to hide visual clues, so the sound is not obscured completely. She can tell that the voice is coming roughly from in front of her.

I think now would be a good time for us to talk. Even with one hand, I can still stab you before you see me coming. But I am a Jedi. I will not use such tactics unless you force me. So let's chat. Why is it that you want to attack me?

Eve Siren
Jul 26th, 2001, 09:47:04 AM
"It's simple, really."

Eve let her guard down as he spoke to her, standing as if the fight never started. She tilted her head to the side, looking down to the ground, and holding the wound on her arm from his nasty scorpion sword.

"The Jedis ruined my life from the beginning, the first day I was born, the first minute I saw the damn light. So ... It's just revenge."

Knowing the voice directly in front of her, she pretended to fall down because of the pain that the shurikens then went to her right boot, grabbing out the dagger and thew it, hitting exactly where she thought, in her mind, with the help of her training with her Master at mind trick, the dagger digged right into his right front elbow.

"Don't think that because I'm a warrior and a GIRL, that I'm supposed to be weak and stupid."

Jul 28th, 2001, 06:05:59 PM
Akrabbim yells out in pain. He drops his illusion and yanks the knife out of his arm.

What on earth did we ever do to you?

Akrabbim attacks once more, sending a huge wave of Force Confusion at the woman. Her mind is flooded with images, making it nearly impossible to concentrate. He runs past her, as fast as possible, holding out the hilt of his sword as he passes. The hilt slams into her head, making a sharp cracking sound.

Eve Siren
Jul 28th, 2001, 10:45:19 PM
"Ugh !"

Eve was about to lose her balance to step back. She shook her head and stood still, concentrating on taking off the Force Confusion and finally suceeded.. Pretending to still have it, she held her head and walked 'weakly' towards the Jedi. She took out the dagger Tempist gave her from her sleeve and continued walking to but instead of pulling it off, she just left it in its' silvery metal sheath and threw a gas bomb at the ground to make the scene all smokey, then she jumped at his legs, knocking her hard metal sheath on his right knee, breaking it .. but not permanently. She backed away as he fell down. He may not be able to stand anymore for a little while ... but he still had the Force.

Jul 29th, 2001, 03:58:20 PM
Akrabbim immediately drops to the ground, holding in the shout he wanted to release. As he falls, he makes an image of himself, holding his weight up on his left leg. He makes himself invisible, and aims his attack. He makes the illusion appear to stab at her neck with his sword. Instead, he stabs directly at her right leg, aiming for the femur. The result should leave the woman unable to use her left leg, and with the injury already sustained to the back of her knees, she should be unable to walk.

Eve Siren
Jul 29th, 2001, 04:42:18 PM
Eve feel down, holding her left leg. She let out a small groan and unsheathed her silver dagger, "Maiden of Silence", and threw it at where Akrabbim attack was projected, hitting him in the chest, near the wound of his shoulder, but she made careful not to touch his heart. She stood up with the help of her motorcycle, leaning on it but she was still unable to walk. She grabbed Thorn with one hand, her other hand, holding onto her motorcycle and pointed Thorn at the man.

"I don't think we're gonna be able to battle if we both cannot walk. My fellow Sith will come at any moment now ... And I will not steal your favorite sword. I know how much it means to you."

With that, she grabbed her Maiden of Silence dagger out with one of the thorns of her sword, ignoring the yell of pain from the Jedi. She was being too nice for a Sith with him ... and it was definitely not in the Siths handbook.

Jul 29th, 2001, 05:36:45 PM
Akrabbim hobbles up on one leg, wincing, but using the Force to hold in his pain. He pulls out a bacta patch and applies it to his shoulder and chest wounds.

We will have to talk again sometime. I still wish to know the source of your anger. Perhaps we can talk under less violent cirumstances. Good day.

With that, Akrabbim turns to leave. He masks himself in an illusion of invisibility, and then applies Force Masking, making himself invisible to detection. This is not the end... merely an interlude.

Angelique Rien
Jul 29th, 2001, 06:41:34 PM
OOC - :p I was asked to do this. She just didn't say what character. :lol:

IC - ::Angelique tilt her head absently, her nose wrinkling at the scent of something common to her. Blood. Violence was thick in the air. A grin flickered over her features and she hugged her little Dinko, letting it down to tromp around. She nearly skipped, her wings flapping softly, toying with the air. The Succubus paused and cocked her head more to the side in awe.

The girl on the motorcycle nearly enchanted her. Bits of blood and grit on a pale complextion. A giggle left Angelique's throat and she almost trot over, fingering a small vile from her pouch as she dipped in her nail. The 19-year old tilt her head again and walked up silently behind the girl. There was only one other group of Sith she knew of. She had to go there.

The nail sank lightly in against the spot at the top of the girl's spine, the fluids working as a mild tranquilizer from the pressure point. Another demonic giggle left her mouth and she caught the girl, holding her up with one arm as she tied a rather leash-looking bit onto the cycle's front. She looked at the limp girl and murmured before walking off (http://pub59.ezboard.com/fthesempirefrm1.showMessage?topicID=310.topic)::