View Full Version : Viashino V Vong Blood Match (friendly)

Reysa Sashara
Jul 29th, 2001, 07:51:55 PM
::The Viashino Warrior walked out to the center of the sand pit the circuler arena was packed out with Via and Vong watchers chanting words of praise to there fellow comrads, on one side....the Vong Public....on the other Via Skoth, the Viashinos helet lightly let out steam from the opernings in the helmet, as the Va fliped the Via Scyth around in one hand, he waited for the oposite doors to open to the Vong Warmater::

::the Via licked his lips...although he had never eaten a Vong before.....un-like humans the proboly taisted discusting::


Tsaak Vootuh
Jul 29th, 2001, 08:01:15 PM
<font color=red>"Belek Tiu."<font color=white> The Yuuzhan Vong Warmaster shouted, greeting the Viashino warrior in his native tongue.

The Warmaster stood a little over 2 meters, a daunting figure in his living red cloak. It was grown with only the finest and most comfortable of tissues. He tugged it off and threw it aside. Underneath his cloak, the Warmaster donned Vonduun Crab Armor. A living armor, strong enough to endure a strike from the sharpest of swords.

His face was covered in battle scars, and tattooes. He possessed no nose, only two nostril slits visible on his face. It looked as if he had recently had a face lift.

The Yuuzhan Vong carried a hardened Amphistaff in his left hand. The Amphistaff was also a living creature, like everything else used by the Yuuzhan Vong. He grinned toothily at the Viashino Warrior, deeply inhaling the fresh air. Tsaak Vootuh's legs moved as he ran toward Reysa. He jumped high in the air, and swung down with his Amphistaff, at Reysa.

Reysa Sashara
Jul 29th, 2001, 08:05:22 PM
::Reysas agileness was a quick surprise to the Vong lifting his foot sideways at the vong and blocking his staff with his own, conecting with the Vong face a small cry of pain from the Vongs lipless mouth, somthing reysa never heard before made him step back a few paces and watched the vong sping back to life form the floor::

:: reysas quick movements gave him the better advantage here quickly moveing towards the Vong as he looked up a short smach in the face with his metel boot made the Vong wipe his face vigerussly the hated of metle was reysas short term advantade as a quick short burst of pain came from the Vong the staff slammed into the Vias head hard...::