View Full Version : Cruel Elation... [Open challenge to one Jedi.]

Gitane Blesse
Jun 2nd, 2001, 09:48:50 AM
--Gitane was sitting against a jagged boulder, her booted feet dangling nearly three meters above the ground. Her eyes were empty, save the reflection of light escaping between storm clouds. She shifted on her perch, absently fingering the hilt of her saber. Damp hair clung to her throat, cheeks, and back as raindrops pelted down on her leather-like clothing. She leaned over slightly, standing on the massive formation to gaze down at the surrounding sea of sharp edges of stone. Ocean waves hit against the rocks with soothing sounds in attempt to soak what the rain hadn't touched yet.

Gitane shifted her footing, allowing her to slide down the long side of the rock she'd sat on and step against the wet, dark sand. Something about the demon-like rocks covering the beach pleased her. The sleek, yet almost deadly edges some of them posessed. She wandered around in between the rocks, hidden behind a few, the rest only showing a glimpse of her pale green body. Another pair of footsteps caught her ear and she glanced around, grabbing onto the side of the large rock she stood behind to lift herself up for better vision. Something peaceful was near...Too peaceful.. She'd have to find the creature and ruin their day..--

Jeseth Cloak
Jun 16th, 2001, 11:39:53 PM
<font size=1>(ooc) Yeah well... I've been wanting to RP with you for a while nw anyway.</font> :D

Jeseth paused as he walked along a large expanse of rocks, the ocean wave washing up alongside his boots, but never touching. He could make something out through the rain, a strange pale-green figure standing atop a large boulder. Squinting his eyes, he moved his hand to Ascension's hilt. He hated meeting new people in such inhospitable conditions... but it was just as well - afterall, he hadn't planned on meeting anyone here to begin with. Perhaps this stranger would have something worth taking.

Gitane Blesse
Jun 17th, 2001, 06:36:05 AM
--Gitane narrowed her eyes to better view the person. There was something...Off about them. She shifted her footing and leapt from rock to rock, aided slightly by the Force. She finally reached the rock looming above the stranger and dropped down. Her saber was sent to life in a split second, the humming blade hovering near his throat.--

"Who are you?"

Jeseth Cloak
Jun 18th, 2001, 03:27:45 AM
A stranger.

The thought came to her naturally, the voice speaking to her not of her own devices. Suddenly, she found herself thrown back against a rock, her back striking it with a thud. Ascension's blue blade hissed and crackled to life, coming up in Jeseth's hand defensively. He glanced at her through his narrowed eyes, his wings pulling against his back momentarily.

"And who might you be?"

Gitane Blesse
Jun 18th, 2001, 06:34:04 AM
--Gitane pushed herself from the rock, absently flicking her hand in the air.

"As you said...A stranger."

A shower of wet sand pelted against him as she ran forward, ducking down with a small spin, her saber headed toward his knees--

Jeseth Cloak
Jun 19th, 2001, 01:26:19 AM
her saber was met by the crack and spark his own, the two plasma blades being held at bay by each other. Jeseth wiped his eyes as he slid his blade against her quickly, tossing it back against her own momentum.

"Have it your way."

The Dark Jedi ran toward's her in a dash, his saber catching hers in a circular dance, and finally trapping it against a stone which now sputtered smoke and flames, it's surface beginning to bubble. The bottom of his boot contacted with Gitane's chest, Jeseth's lips curling into a grin as he relished the thought of making her lose hold of her weapon.

Gitane Blesse
Jun 19th, 2001, 09:43:19 PM
--Gitane grit her teeth together and glared at the Dark Jedi, her breathing slightly rasped from the kick he's delt her. She palmed her dagger from it's sheath, letting her saber flicker off to free it from the trap against the rock. A grin flashed over her face as she sent Jeseth on the rock with a sharp force Push and reached out to slide her dagger across his arm just enough for him to lose his grip. His own saber fell onto her arm and she leapt up on a medium rock, leaping to a higher perch. Teasingly, she dangled the hilt in the air.--

"You want this..? Come and get it."

Jeseth Cloak
Jun 21st, 2001, 08:00:59 PM
"No need."

Her eyes caught the glint of a an immense static-like charge, blue tentacles of light streaking and arcing over Jeseth's now-empty hand. A thick bolt of dark lightening snaked across the space between them and struck her in the arm, forcing her grip to slip away from the blade. Jeseth pulled Ascension back to his hand and ignited it once more, glaring at her and feeling the ach in his forearm and biceps. Judging from the smoke that now trailed from her, he doubted she felt all that much better.

Gitane Blesse
Jun 27th, 2001, 09:00:48 AM
--Gitane growled lowly, clenching her smoldering hand into a fist. She opened the hand, careful to draw in the burning pain while it lasted. Her arm jerked and she stumbled back slightly as the sleek tip of a rock lifted from the grainy sand, revealing a small boulder. Gitane sifted her hand through the air and sent the rock rolling into the back of Jeseth's knees. She slid down the side of the formation she'd perched on and darted forward, swinging her saber at the stumbling Dark Jedi.--

Jeseth Cloak
Jun 28th, 2001, 09:16:44 PM
Jeseth felt his tendons give an instinctive tug - a forewarning of what was to come. He ignited his saber as the rock hit, unable to react in time to evade it. Stumbling forward, his blade clashed with Gitane's, sparks flying as the two emissions of power came together. Above the cracking of sabers and flashing of lights, the Dark Jedi now continued to focus his thoughts. He was on his knees, but that in no way meant he was pressed for advantage. Gitane felt a deep impact into he back, bones and nerves pressing together painfully as the Dark Jedi ruptured capillary after capilary in the woman's body, nerve endings setting a light with pain and disability.

Gitane Blesse
Jul 2nd, 2001, 12:54:25 PM
--Gitane bite hard against her lip to muffle a yelp of surprised pain. She refused to give the man the prize of hearing her pain. She stumbled slightly and let out a sharp growl, drawing upon her pain to block the straining attack. Her knees sank slightly into the damp sand as she dropped to the ground, staring silently. Knowing the man would attack, Gitane threw herself forward into his gut and knocked him back against a rock, wrenching a knife from her boot and aiming it towards his shoulder.--

Jeseth Cloak
Jul 5th, 2001, 03:25:25 PM
The blade pierced his flesh, jamming into his bone. Jeseth snarled noticeably before launching her off of him with the Force the knife staying in it's place as Gitane hit the ground. Blood was dripping down his black outfit, his eyes narrowed. He pulled the blade out quickly, more blood leaving him in a lapse of pain. The knife landing into her thigh with a sickening stab. A charge of blue static built up in the pupils of his eyes once more... the air warming around him.

Gitane Blesse
Jul 5th, 2001, 04:02:52 PM
--Gitane cringed, tearing the dagger from her thigh as she pushed herself to her feet. Anger was quite clear in her eyes as she stared at him in silence for a moment before leaping atop a rather jagged boulder, her face taunting him to attack--

Jeseth Cloak
Jul 6th, 2001, 04:13:49 PM
Jeseth held his hand against the wounded shoulder, attempting to slow the blood as it continued to dribble down his arm. Her expression bubbled the anger in him to the surface, despite his attempts to control it. He extended a hand and attempted to launch her backwards off the rocks.

Gitane Blesse
Jul 6th, 2001, 04:53:02 PM
--Gitane let out a rather started shriek as she toppled backwards, gripping her hands against a crook in the rock to stay up. She growled and let herself drop to hit the sand with a light *thud* The soft humming of her own saber as the small detection to where she was, Gitane made her way through the sea of rocks before leaping atop one of the larger rocks that stood among an area of almost nothing save jagged rock formations. Silently, she taunted his mind.--

"Let us play a bit, O 'Dark' Jedi."

Jeseth Cloak
Jul 8th, 2001, 01:58:24 AM
So, you know a bit more of me than you let on to...

The "Dark Jedi" comment had given that much away. Jeseth leapt to the top of the rocky hill and looked down upon her, the waves breaking at his feet. His shoulder was still bleeding badly, but so was her thigh... He grinned as their eyes met, showing his obvious over-confidence in his abilities.He could outmatch this one without much trouble, but a kill so easily won might not be worth much - though still... she had managed to wound him, and that demanded retribution.

"Very well then, toy. Lets play."

Reaching behind himself, he felt around his belt for a second metallic cylinder. The hilt came loose from it's clip, a second beam erupting to life. Jeseth held the sword which had once belonged to Rama Sha, wielding it along side Ascension, which had belonged to the man's brother, Trace Sha. he found it amusing that one was a gift, while the other was a prize. He held them out as separate angles, carefully moving them about in his grip. He had rarely practiced wielding two sabers, but now was a good enough to learn as any.

Gitane Blesse
Jul 8th, 2001, 07:01:46 AM
--Gitane stared up at the man in silence. The two blades were almost luring. A small grin formed across her face as she leaped atop another rock, working her way over until she stood on the same peak as he. She tilted her head and smiled rather innocently before she dropped down, spinning a foot towards his feet, her saber, behind him, headed for his feet.--

Jeseth Cloak
Jul 13th, 2001, 04:55:08 PM
Again the flash of sight of came, Jeseth's saber darting back in time to keep Gitane's glowing blade at bay. There was a clatter of humming and sparks erupted from behind Jeseth's legs, he could see as Gitane's feet moved towards him.


The blue beam of Ascension came down before the Dark Jedi's feet, intercepting the Sith's leg-sweep nicely.

Gitane Blesse
Jul 14th, 2001, 07:12:33 AM
--Gitane snarled and quickly managed to swing her feet back, though a streak of smoldering skin could be seen through the freshly burned hole in her boot. She flipped herself onto another rock, her eyes narrowed as she stared at Jeseth. Biting on her lip, she shifted her hand in the air. Silently she called the previously dropped dagger from the sand, sending both it and the one she'd wounded his shoulder with towards him.--

Jeseth Cloak
Jul 16th, 2001, 03:58:03 PM
Jeseth sprung himself back quickly, pulling one dagger out of the air with blurring speed and attempting to incinerate the other simultaneously with his saber. He had obviously miscalculated; The second blade skimmed his saber and stabbed into his shoulder, it's blade having been heated by the plasma beam. The Dark Jedi held his place for a second and glanced down at the dagger, then back at Gitane as he pulled it out with a slight gush of blood. It had luckily been hot enough to seal the wound a little...

Gitane Blesse
Jul 19th, 2001, 07:01:25 AM
--Gitane grinned rather demonically as she watched the blade sink into the man's shoulder. She shifted her hand in the air, knowing her plan was rather simple, and called a jagged boulder from the sand. She wave her hand in the air, sending the mass towards him.--

Jeseth Cloak
Jul 20th, 2001, 01:27:31 AM
The rock seemed to be traveling on it's mark, moving steadily and without hesitation towards it's target, Jeseth - but then it crumbled into a pile of ash it neared him. The Dark Jedi narrowed his eyes a bit more, then tossed the dagger back into the water, listening as it plunked into the ocean. His attention was now on Gitane. The rock beneath her trembled, then rose without another warning, knocking her off balance and threatening to send her slipping into the sand.

Gitane Blesse
Jul 29th, 2001, 05:50:33 AM
--Gitane let out a snarl of surprise, grimacing as her barefoot hit the ground at an odd angle before her knees sank onto the sand. She grit her teeth, glancing around to find her dropped saber. After a moment of failing to spot the weapon, she had nothing to do but stare up at Jeseth; her mind blank for actions.--

Jeseth Cloak
Jul 29th, 2001, 07:55:45 PM
There was a moment of mutual understanding between both of them. Perhaps Gitane knew that she had run out of luck this day. Jeseth's lips took on a curve to them, his grin intensifying.

Goodbye, Stranger.

The large stone that had been hovering only a few centimeters above the ground shot forward, rolling in it's axis as it buried the Sith beneath almost a ton of pressure. Sand kicked up all around her, clouding the atmosphere for a few more seconds. Jeseth leapt forward on top of the stone and used his wings to push some of the sand out of his field of vision. Gitane's saber laid there beside the stone, partly covered in the moist white sand. He pushed himself from the stone and landed beside the metal object, then scooped it up and gave it an appraising glance.

At least you'll be remembered.

Standing upright, Jeseth sluggishly made his way back to the village by the shore. He had found what he came for... though it had cost him. He was loosing blood fast... hopefully there would be a doctor in the village.

Gitane Blesse
Jul 30th, 2001, 03:17:59 PM
--Gitane choked weakly under the massive pressure. Her ankle felt broken from the previous drop, but that was the least of her problems. She choked again, the grinding feeling of inhailing sand becoming present in her lungs. She coughed, gathering her strength mentally. She could feel herself slipping fast into unconsciousness. She had only one hope before the dreamless sleep would overwhelm her. Using the gathered strength, she sent out a thought through the Force. She couldn't tell who it would reach; she was too weak to. Taking in a last, sand-filled gasp, the Sith became limp under the rock.--


Vega Van Derveld
Jul 30th, 2001, 03:44:11 PM
///Target 2, 3 and 7 eliminated...

Fenix burst through the umber cloud spawning itself from the exploded X-wings. Barrel rolling the craft to the left, Vega continued to try and pick off pratice enemies, blowing them into shrapnel one by one.

And one, four, five and six. boom.


Glancing around the cockpit for the source of the voice, it clicked after a second in Vegas mind that it was a force sent message. One, infact, from Gitane. Tracing its location roughly in his mind, he thrust the engine of the TIE Phantom to full power and headed over towards the area from which it had originated.

Jeseth Cloak
Jul 30th, 2001, 03:49:39 PM

Jeseth stopped in his tracks, growling as he heard the woman calling out. She had survived... but barely. He considered going back to finish the job, and despite his wounds he knew it would take little more than a bit of added pressure to the rock that was now crushing her into the sand. Or perhaps not... no, he wouldn't kill her. Turning back, he looked at the dark stone and closed his eyes, pushing forward both of his hands. It lifted up from Gitane, hovering above her for a second before moving and setting down into the water with a slight splash. Jeseth looked at the figure lying there in the ditch and smirked before bowing in mock fashion.

If we cross paths again, there will be no help for you... There was a pause as Jeseth searched, Gitane. The Dark Jedi allowed his mind to rip through her memories in her moment of weakness. He had seen enough to satisfy his curiosity about her... at least for now, and thought it was time to get going. He wiped the rest of the bloody sand away from his body and turned his attention back to making his way through the dense jungle surrounding the beach. The village lay somewhere past it...

Gitane Blesse
Jul 31st, 2001, 08:14:03 AM
--Her mind whirled in a dome of emptiness as Gitane's body lay limp upon the wet sand, amongst the jagged boulders. The Sith had indeed been put in bad shape from the massive weight and pressure of the rock; Her face was bruised and bleeding, any area that had laid above others most likely was supported by a now-broken bone or two. The girl's only chance, though she was no longer under the rock, was that she would be found shortly. Before the death she so loved to cause came to collect its fee.--

Vega Van Derveld
Jul 31st, 2001, 08:35:39 AM
The Fenix landed smoothly down on the outskirts of a remote town - which Vega could not name. The Knight hastily exited the cockpit down into a rocky area, drawing Seraphim from its holster. He scanned the area then noticed what he had came for 20 metres or so away.

Approaching Gitane at a jog Vega slowed down to see his apprentice. She didn't look good at all. Sighing quietly, he knelt down by her, placing his hand against the base of her neck. He felt her pulse and also at the same time, detected a figure of great force prowess leaving the area. The culprit was getting away, and would continue to do as Gitane would need medical attention quickly.

Approaching from behind, C-666 took Gitanes limp body in his arms as Vega handed his apprentice to the droid and began to walk back to the Fenix, looking at the ground infront of his feet as he walked.

Gitane Blesse
Jul 31st, 2001, 09:31:48 AM
--Gitane let out a weak groan, finally able to pull herself into consciousness after some time. She slit open an eye, the other too swollen to make the attempt. Confusion struck her mind as soon as she could focus on her surroundings. She clearly wasn't at the beach anymore. Panic flickered in her mind and she tried to sit up, yelping sharply in pain. Tracing her tongue on her cracked lips, she drew in a soft breath before murmuring.--

"Where..where am I?"

Vega Van Derveld
Jul 31st, 2001, 02:49:11 PM
C-666 would have smiled if his robot face had allowed it.

"It's alright, Miss Gitane. We're on-board Master Vega's ship, headed back for home. What a state we found you in! All cuts and breaks, my, the droids shall be at work for some time!"

Shut up came a gruff voice from the cockpit.

"Oh right, deary me, I don't suppose you wanted to know that now did you?"

Gitane Blesse
Jul 31st, 2001, 02:57:35 PM
--Her mind was too clouded to care for the most part; and the droid's ramblings only aggitated the soft pounding in her head. Only one word caught her attention amidst the clutter of works babbled to her. Another groan, barely audible as it was, interrupted the droid before she found her voice, a frantic hint in her weak voice.--


Vega Van Derveld
Jul 31st, 2001, 03:04:53 PM

His voice sounded a bit muffled through the half closed door way.

"Please Miss Gitane, Master Vega is trying to fly the sh-"

The droid toppled to the side as Vega slammed his fist into it's side.

Something you need? he said with a slight grin.

Gitane Blesse
Jul 31st, 2001, 03:12:52 PM
--She laughed faintly, an easiness settling in her mind from having him in her sight. She cringed after attempting to shake her head, sighing at her lack of movement.--

"Nothing.. But... In how bad a shape am I?"

Vega Van Derveld
Jul 31st, 2001, 03:18:43 PM
"Very b-" was all '666 could say before he was deactivated.

Not too good, I have to say. Seems you were given a royal beating by someone, Gitane he said, frowning slightly.

A few small droids approached from the left with various packs of bacta and such.

Should be back at Helios soon though, so hang tight.

Gitane Blesse
Jul 31st, 2001, 03:34:44 PM
--Coughing softly, she made a slight nod. She let her eyes shut, trying to ignore the pain ringing through her body. She was exhausted; her mind whirling to remember everything that had happened. Letting out another sigh, Gitane let herself drift off--