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View Full Version : A Lonely Night

Reysa Sashara
Aug 2nd, 2001, 12:15:50 AM
:: The Viashino general woke to a large crash as many Via walked by carrying torpedos to the fighters on the lower decks, the steam rose from the Vias helmet as he sat up from his hamerch sort of bed, shaking his head to free his dredlocks from the hamerchs holes he swiveld his head round to lay his bare four toed feet on the cold serface of the floor::

::He could feel his heart pulsating from the crash, this night was strange, he was actrally nervouse, the first time in 20 yeras...he was scard of somthing, he thought for a seconde, thinking they were rather like humans....Reysa had a child and a Veclar (Wife) at home in Domanaria, he was actrally missing them...home sick as it were, a strage feeling for a Via...."Home...s...s..sick" he said to himself wipeing the cold moisture from his helmet....::

:: he thought of his little girl (Amasata) in Dom and his wife Brande...he hadent seen them in only a few weeks yet he was heart broek....heart broken...a Viashino Warrior of high respect.....heart broken...what a strage night this was to be::


Reysa Sashara
Aug 2nd, 2001, 12:54:23 AM
:: He looked out of the half-open door to the small crack of light entering the cell type room, the Via's room consisted of 3 things....praise to the gods..statues and such...his Via Weapons...and his pride and joy...his trophys, the skulls of many all hanging on the wall...when ever he beat a enemy in a match...there head would be ripped off and there skull kept as a trophy...that was the Via way..all Via had some kind of trophy...he even had a Vongs skull there...long time ago that was...a sand dragons skull was the center of the collection thoguh, it took him 6 attepmts to kill that 8 foot beast::

:: Reysa sat there looking at his vast collection of 13 indervisual skulls, ranging from Human..to insectiod thinking of the many good times he had...traverling with his brother far and wide searching for many ways to start there own clan...and now they had it..it wasent the same somewthing wasent right,i mean he loved his clan dont get it wrong...but he missed the traverling across every planet..searching for trophys...Reysa wated a fight....Reysa wanted another trophy..a trophy he didnt have up there...but where??::