View Full Version : Shaken, Not Stirred

Admiral Jyener
Jul 11th, 2001, 11:55:23 AM
Only seven minutes ago they had dropped out of the clutches of hyperspace and made their way around the tiny moon. Now a rusty looking planet was in sight. The atmosphere looked empty, leaving the reddish-brown texture of the landscape wrapped around the spherical rock. It was Poderis, and had he not gone over the technical readout of the planet, he could've easily mistaken it to be boring and calm.

"You guys strapped in back there?," called Jyener from the pilot's seat.


"Got it."

The Lambda-class Shuttle False Aid tore through the thin atmosphere of Poderis. Cruising at 80 km/h, the far from sleek craft started to pick up speed because of its 50 degree angle descent. Once through the planet's protective layer, Jyener pulled up on the stick and brought the shuttle's nose level with the horizon.

Admiral Jyener
Jul 14th, 2001, 12:49:36 PM
Beep, beep, beep

"What now.."

Reaching over to a small lifeless panel, he flicked a small tab to bring up the warning screen. A topographical satellite picture flickered on, longitude and latitude lines forming a grid over their general area, with a small circle in the center representing the shuttle. It was heading northwest towards a farm about 30 kilometers away. In the top-left hand corner of the screen was a huge swirling blotch. Jyener touched the part of the screen where the circle was, making the image zoom in to get a better look. The circle was more detailed now, and he could make out thousands of little specs within it.

"A windstorm, blast.."

Within an instant his right hand was wrapped around the throttle, pushing it forward. He didn't have to be told that he had no time to waste. Supposedly those behemoths could reach up to a rotating speed of 200 kilometers per hour, and we wasn't about to risk getting caught in it. Glancing back down at the display, he looked to find out exactly how far away the storm was, and to see if it would cross into their approach vector before they did.

"What is it Admiral?"

Before he could get a readout, he spun his head up and around to see Taja in the cockpit's doorway, peering out through the foward viewport.

"Windstorm. A nasty looking one, and it's coming right at us."

Looking back down at the control panel, Jyener quickly read the small print in the corners of the warning display.

"Twenty klicks, one eighty kilometers per hour...Eleven seconds," the Admiral muttered to himself.


"Get back to your seat! Both of you, brace yourselves!"

Had there been windows on the side of the shuttles cockpit, Jyener would've been able to see the enourmous storm swirling right towards them, not stopping for anything. The wind got closer, and the shuttle started to rock. The sticks and switches inside the cockpit rattled for a few seconds while the shuttle struggled at top speed to change course. Then it got violent, and Jyener's seatbelt could barely keep him still in his seat. Gripping the flight yoke with both hands, he pulled up on it gradually to try and steer the craft up to a higher altitude and out of the storm.

Lady Razielle
Jul 16th, 2001, 03:51:56 PM
Elsewhere, two X-wings dropped from the SSD-Hellfire and made their approach towards the planet. Upon entering orbit the lead X-wing sent a transmission on a secured channel to the other one that was flanking its decent to the planet's orbit.

Razielle: "Harry.. This is not going to be as easy as I would like, one of the local storms is rampaging. We are going to have to do some serious flying to avoid it."

Harry: "Right I see the readout Ma'am, I will follow your course."

The two rolled their ships with skill into the planets chaotic atmosphere. The turbulence knocking out the communications for a short time. Almost immediately they were set upon by huge tornados which pummeled their crafts with debris from the planet surface.

Razielle increased power to her sheilds and could only hope Harry would do the same. She spun hard to the right into the flow of the tornado and her ship was spit out the other side of it with an added thrust of power.

Lowering her gaze slightly she watched her tracking and Harry did in fact follow her lead. She grinned and was quite impressed. Her smile quickly died as a wall of sand shot up before her blinding her sights. The communication system came back on line just as Razielle forced the ship straight through the sandstorm towards the scheduled landing rendevous.

Razielle: "Harry, we need to go straight through this... I don't think this one is too big..."

edit~ personal pic needs to be shrunk. 30k limit :)

Harry 13
Jul 16th, 2001, 11:14:31 PM
"Fowlling your lead Lady Razielle." said Harry as the two fighters began to pass through the storm

Admiral Jyener
Jul 16th, 2001, 11:16:16 PM
While the small craft struggled to pull out of the violent storm, sand, debris, and rocks slammed into the viewport from the opposite direction. The flight yoke shaked ferociously in Jyener's hands, trying to rip free of his grip. Then suddenly a deafening thump filled the rear cabin and cockpit, followed by a fierce jerk that threw everyone from their seats to the floor. Following that was complete silence. A blanket of blackness fell over Jyener and left him with peace and quiet. He could get used to this, forever.

Jul 16th, 2001, 11:30:10 PM
*A third TIE fighter flies out of the SSD and it holds the 3rd member, Zekk, he maneuvers, hey, im your diplomat raz, you need a sweet talker, im the guy you need, im following your lead, so when's they rendevouz?

Edit~ your sig and personal pic needs to stay within the 30k limit

Lady Razielle
Jul 18th, 2001, 09:07:29 PM
Razielle arched one elegant black eyebrow at the sound of the third member of her team putting in his most timely appearance. She smiled and spoke over the sound and interference of the storm.

"Nice of you to join the excursion Zekk, long time no see. We will meet up on the planet surface at the appointed coordinates and then you and Harry will begin your attempt at diplomacy."

*A short while later...*

Inside the designated subterranean hangar, the three disembarked their ships and met prior to heading off on their own. Razielle sat perched on a rock adding small supplies and weapons to her belt.

"Okay so you understand, this needs the utmost care? Take the Officials out to dinner or soemthing, be the image of politeness. Meanwhile Jyener will be executing his part. When things start to look ugly, offer to aid them in their fight against the terrorists, providing the planet is signed over to you for Administration purposes."

She leaps off the rock and nods to a lift, in the face of the cavern wall.

"That will take you diretly underneath the enclosed residential area of the city. I will be going a different way but I will keep my comm on in case you should need me.. Good Luck."

She heads off deeper into the cavern-hangar alone..

Admiral Jyener
Jul 19th, 2001, 12:32:17 PM
Several hours later

*Sniff Sniff*

Smoke. A soothing smell to his nostrils. However there were different kinds of smoke, and there was one kind he hated with disgust - cigarette and cigar smoke. Natural smoke, from any kind of fire, was something he could get addicted to even if it did burn out his nostrils after a while.

After regaining one sense, he slowly lifted his eyelids as if it were a chore. His sight was blurry so he blinked instictively a few times to try and clear it out. All he could see was the pale blue sky hovering over him, the occasional cloud passing by here and there. Then he could hear the snapping and cracking of fire. Lifting up his head he craned his neck to the left and right until he could make sense of his surroundings.

It was an odd sight indeed. Their shuttle lay in the sand in a position so out of shape that it hurt to look at it. Two of the wings were bent, the other completely vaporized leaving only the stabilizer on the fuselage left. The entire craft itself was upside down with the nose of it grounded into the desert sand. The tinted cockpit window was completely shattered leaving pieces of glass laying under it. Other than that, there were dents of all sizes made into the hull. In some places there was a hole that managed to burn it way through the shuttle's entire armor.

However that wasn't the strangest part about it. About 40 meters away from the burning wreakage was a huge two story barn. Made simply of wood and stone, the once hospital barn looked like it took a worse beating than the shuttle. The wood panels warped and the roof tiles half-way torn off, the structure was a monstosity. Almost all of the paint was stripped from the wood, but what was left of it was red. Where he guessed windows used to be, all that was left in the man-made holes were a few glass shards left attached to the edges of them. On the visable end of the barn from where he was standing, there was a gaping hole. It was obvious that something tore through it, with ripped pieces of wood and splinters scattered on the ground beneath it. Then it became clear. The hole was somewhat in the shape of a shuttle, his shuttle.

Jul 19th, 2001, 04:17:45 PM
*Zekk looks at Harry

"Lets go get them to go to lunch, ill do the talking, you can act as my aide, or something...

*Zekk walks in the direction for the leaders building, which was in the map he had seen...

-----Admin/Mod Edit--------
Edited out personal picture. 30KB limit between sig and personal picture combined. Your current personal picture is over 300KB all by itself. Please reduce or ask for some help doing so.

Kamui the fallen angel
Jul 20th, 2001, 10:39:29 AM
*Kamui slowly walks up to the Admiral*
"Admiral are you allright"

edit~ please shrink sig to 30k limit.

Admiral Jyener
Jul 20th, 2001, 11:01:57 AM
Jyener spun around to see Kamui come out of no where. Appearantly the sand was a good mask for footsteps, something he would have to remember for later.

"Yeah, just woke up."

Wiping off the sand on his jumpsuit and in his hair he nodded towards the shuttle.

"Come to think of it, how'd I get out here? Shouldn't we be sitting upside down in that shuttle getting burnt alive?"

Dark Lord Mittharauruodo
Jul 20th, 2001, 01:18:51 PM
Nodding to Zekk, Mittharauruodo walks on through the city noticing how this city lacked the cleanness and order of a military starships.

Lady Razielle
Jul 22nd, 2001, 01:10:24 PM
Razielle glanced back over her shoulder to watch Mitt and Zekk as they headed to the lift. She could only hope they were as good at delegating as they boasted, it was a sensitive job and would not be easy charming the planetary officials.

She came to a pipe the could easily fit two people inside its circumference and ducked inside. She looked up the pipes shaft and saw nothing but blackness. But she had done her studying beforehand and knew the layout of where she was. She pulled a length of wire from her utility belt and attached it to a hookshot. With calculated precision it flew up the shaft and attached firmly to the suspension bridge at the top, hundreds of meters up.

Smiling she released her fingers and was immediately lifted into the air, dangling precariously as the wire pulled her up. At the top she hopped over the suspension bridge and walked along the abandoned catwalk that had been used to build the cities sheild barrier. The only sound was the howling of the fierce storm outside the barrier and the tapping of her booted feet.

She quickly broke into the upper levels of the planets leaders private tower and crept through the abandoned halls. She rounded a corner and was intercepted by a protocol droid.

DK 308: "Oh my.. I hadn't realized we had company. I do not believe I have met you. These chambers are reserved for visiting royalty you see."

Razielle offered a regal nod of her head and smiled, she removed her glove and offered her fingertips to the droid.

Raz: "Never fear humble droid, I am royalty. Princess Razielle Shadana of the Sovereign planet Davora. You may test my DNA if you wish."

The droid stepped forward and pricked her finger extracting the blood sample which was sucked within its metallic hand for processing.

DK 308: "Greetings Your Highness, I must have a technical malfunction and had forgotten your presence. How fares your family?"

Razielle watched as the droid shut down all alarms to her presence after her blood was indeed on the list of visiting royalty. She quickly grew sick of the idle chit chat and was not happy with the reminder of her parents demise.

Raz: "Oh my parents.. They are no longer with us I am afraid, as soon you will be bucket head."

She hisses and dug her clawed hands into its chest, ripping out its vitals system wires. The droid sputtered as it shut down and the light from its eyes extinguished.

"Now... to find a bedroom..."

She drug the droid along with her and stashed it in a closet in the first bedroom she came to.

Admiral Jyener
Jul 27th, 2001, 11:38:14 PM
A new pilot under Jyener's command, Kamui shook his head and moved to the Admiral's side, gazing at the roasting hunk of scrap.

"Nope. Taja and I dragged you out here as soon as we crashed. You must've blacked out when we were hit. I've been waiting all day for you to wake up."

When we were hit..

Taking another good look at the folded over barn laying next to the shuttle, Jyener understood it. The only reason they were all stuck here was because of that blasted barn. But then another piece of the puzzle was missing.

"Where's Taja?"

Kamui turned to face Jyener, his eyes squinting with the sun shining right above them, "She took off a little while ago to find out where we were. Said she would contact me once she found someone to 'help' her. Nothing yet."

"Alright. You got your stuff?"

"Yes. I grabbed your bags after we got you clear of the shuttle, too."

They both new just what he meant by "stuff". Each of them had their lightsabers as well as an E-11 Blaster Rifle strapped to their sides. He didn't know about Kamui, but Jyener didn't intend on using them much. The real toys awaited them inside the light duffle bags, and he couldn't wait to test them out.

Dark Lord Mittharauruodo
Aug 3rd, 2001, 11:56:03 AM
Following Zekk through city towrads their objective began to sense some sosrt of presence following them. But he could not pin it down. As Zekk and I walked into the buliding and with the few moments of relitive safety offered to them by the tinted glass motioned to Zekk and told him that he could sense someone following them but they were covering themselves with the force.