View Full Version : Twilight (Open)

Jul 26th, 2001, 09:56:58 PM
OOC: Open Roleplay to anyone-- not sure on the course the RP will take.

Walking down the tourist street, Poreon could sense of urgency in everyone's mind. It was nearing dark, and all the guide books about the planet said streets got dangerous during the twilight hours. Petty thefts, rape, and assault were all commonplace-- even on the main street. Teenagers ran wild in gangs committing most of these crimes. The Police force were too frightened by the gangs to enforce the law. They, like the tourists and regulars, returned to their homes as nightfall came. All the businesses were near closing time and the numbers on the street were dwindling to the few brave or unknowingbeings.

Purposefully, Poreon had dressed to blend into the tourist crowd. Large cargo pants hung loosely from his hips, exposing checkered boxers. He wore a shirt boasting the logo of a galactic-wide Swoop-Bike Company across his chest. His arms were dug deeply into his pockets, so noone would notice he only had one hand. A legal vibroblade was clipped onto his waist-belt loops. Concealed, a Blas-Tech legal hold out was nestled against his right quadracept. His lightsaber was safely hidden back in his hotel room a few blocks away.

Smug Rug Twenty Four

A bright green neon sign caught Poreon's eye. In a smaller italic print the sign read: The Only Tavern Open 24/7 Jaywalking, Poreon crosed the empty street. He pushed on the wood door, opening it to reveal the Tavern Inside. A variety of species were crammed into any available space. The place was packed. Poreon began "swim" walking his way through the crowd.

Valk Twilight
Jul 27th, 2001, 12:50:59 PM
[i]The bar scene was an every day normality to him. Not that he chose to be in a bar every day of his life, far from it, it just happened that way and he flowed with it. It was just eventuality that this day had him at his usual chair at the counter at the wee hours of the morning. People came and went, another eventuality, but usually most people left at this time, not enter. Thats why he found the new guy quite amusing and he decided to sit back and watch for a moment, just to see what he was here for....

Jul 27th, 2001, 05:10:36 PM
Breathing a bit heavily by the time he reached the bar-counter, Poreon placed his hands down heavily on the counter. He nodded his head and a dated C-12 Personnel Droid rolled over to Poreon.

"WhatcanIgetyou?" the droid slurred all the words together in a gruff voice. Poreon smiled, but the rustic droid gave no indication of appreciating the kind gesture.

"I'll take a... a local." Poreon decided. Reviews of the local drinks were not very promising. Mostly, the reviews said the drink lacked any prominent flavoring-- it was like drinking tofu. But, Poreon was feeling adventurous so he ordered the drink. A metal grappler holding a tall glass filled with a green liquid came out of the C-12's chest.

"thecreditsnow." Poreon tossed a three piece onto the counter; the droid quickly snatched it with the now empty arm. A group of Rodians left a booth near Poreon. The blaster burned body of a dead Devorian remained in the booth. Ignoring the dead body, Poreon sat down in the booth-- facing the entrance to the tavern, awaiting his associate.

Valk Twilight
Jul 30th, 2001, 02:57:05 PM
[i]Now this was getting interesting, no body in their right mind ordered a local, least nobody from around these parts. This guy was money, that showed from his appearance, but not smart money, and that might help a little later. Valk stood, his 6'5" frame towering over most at the bar. He made his way slowly to the bar, moving to a seat just two to the left of the man who just ordered the most flavorless drink in the solar system.

Jul 31st, 2001, 04:15:11 PM
Above the casual uproar of the tavern, Poreon spoke a word into his voice-link system. A blue-phlorescent light flashed twice on his wrist display unit. It is unlike someone to be late for a business meeting. Poreon eyes darted around the bar, looking for any sign of the blind-"date" associate.

Three Rodians and an exiled Ryn left the bar, revealing an open space infront of Poreon. I've seen that human before. A human, of about six-foot five, just sat down to a stool at the bar. Lastek seemed to make up most of this sentient being's face. Lastek was very easy to identify, to a trained eye, and was very common on these underlife planets. It could easily cover up visible scars or certain identifiable features on any humanoid. He could be my person.

Poreon let his only hand fall to his visible Vibroblade. The leather hilt felt comfortable in his hand.

Valk Twilight
Aug 1st, 2001, 08:48:43 AM
It seemed the space between them had just been cleared and that Money, as he had become so keen to call him, had spotted him. He knew he was looking athim, without directly moving his eyes he saw in his peripheral's that the man was checking him out, and moving his hand to his side."Im not armed" Valk said nonchalantly as he turned up his head and downed his drink.He turned toward Money and continued"So, shall we get down to it then?"

Aug 2nd, 2001, 04:43:34 PM
Poreon kept his hand on his Vibroblade, not trusting the man's words. The man hopped off of his barstool and slid into to the booth, sitting across from Poreon. "Yes, let's get down to it." Poreon gave the man a once over. If a fight breaks out, this man'll be no match-- even if he is lying about being unarmed.

"InkTek, right? What exactly is it that you do?" Poreon had caught wind of an up-start company that sounded promising.

Valk Twilight
Aug 3rd, 2001, 01:15:10 PM
"Anything you want us to do, were quite enterprising that way. Build, engineer, develop, basicaly anything. Just name it, then well give you a price."A smirk crossed his face as he spoke, he know when he was being underestimated, not that it bothered him at all."What else would you like to know?"