View Full Version : :: Blocking the past :: (open)

Bounty Hunter Aki
Jun 8th, 2001, 04:06:35 PM
:: walking through the desert of Tatoonie Aki remembers <a href=http://pub2.ezboard.com/fswvstitanicthejedicouncil.showMessage?topicID=207 4.topic>Her first battle here</a> she sighs, not wanting to think about her Sithly past, Aki continues to walk ::

Nash Stolar
Jun 8th, 2001, 08:14:55 PM
*Nash was on tatoonie doing some self training when he saw someone walking, he then ran to catch up to her..*

"Hi...ummm *looks around* what are you doing in a place like this?"

ooc:It said open ^_^

Bounty Hunter Aki
Jun 8th, 2001, 10:41:23 PM
:: looks at Nash, she can sense he is a Jedi ::


OOC- Yeah I did...*lol*

Nash Stolar
Jun 9th, 2001, 11:20:24 AM
"Thinking?..Penny for your thoughts.."


Aug 3rd, 2001, 02:19:27 PM
A young man catches a glance of the Jedi's lightsaber and pulls his hood down. He was a Force hunter, but wasnt prepared to fight right now. His gun had just been blown up and he was waiting to buy another from Force Master Hunter. He had a light dagger that he had stolen from a Sith, but it would be of no use against a light saber. He followed the Jedi and his companion from a good distance, so they wouldnt suspect him.

Aug 3rd, 2001, 10:50:58 PM
I am withdrawing my position in this thread. I didnt know it had been dead for 2 months lol