View Full Version : The Viashino move to Dominaria (an account from Lasheye)

Aug 3rd, 2001, 04:58:25 PM
Admiral Lasheye
Day one
"Once the ships assigned to the move left the rest of the fleet and made the jump, there was no turning back. We made three jumps in total, and although we were tracked on the first, we encountered no resistance, and lost the trackers by the second jump. We arrived the the Dominaria sector some 6.5hrs later, and received the most wonderful reception from the resident Via, who, it appears, could not wait for our arrival. Sadly it seems that those who had chosen not to leave with us all those years had never really agreed on how the planet was to be run, and our arrival wasmost beneficial to them because it broke up much political violence, and restored faith in the rebels. From there, after much extended celebrating, we were shown to accomodation, specially constructed for us, and we slep well.
Day two
In the morning, the ships were unloaded and the engineers began constucting a command post which was to resemble the post on Ambria in every way inside. On the outside however, it was totally invisable, burried some thirty feet into a mountain whose slopes are covered in rainforest, the prefered terrain of the Via. The plans had already been transmitted to the planet, and the excavations made, so construction was relatively strait forward. Teams of engineers also began constructing a ship yard, a wepons-works, and basically all the essential buildings for an opperating central command.
Jump to day eight
By now most of the structural work was complete, and the tasks now fell to the technitions to fit the command center with a new state of the art com. network, linked to all the other centers, the furnishing also took place, and by day ten, all the command canter lacked was some Via, and, of course, Lash's closest companion and brother, Rey.
Day eleven
By day eleven the shipyard, aided by the extra engineers and technitions not already busy on the minor jobs, was nearly complete, along with the wepons-works. The other, less important factors such as hangars and dry docks could wait till later, however Lash was pleased, the main structures were almost complete, within the tight two-week schedual he had set.
Day fourteen
By the time Lash was due to leave, anyone taking a look would think the Via had been here since the beginning of time, such was the quality of work done by the talented Via.
Lash then left for the fight, hoping things sill went well for his brother and the Via.

Reysa Sashara
Aug 4th, 2001, 03:45:16 AM
Nice to see ya back bro :)