View Full Version : Viashino Warrior V (Any other)

Reysa Sashara
Jul 29th, 2001, 05:51:08 PM
::The dence rain forest was such a good terrain for the Via warrior, his above standard suit, claoking capabilities...look shoot shoulder mounted E-11 blaster, body armour that any impereal would choose over there standard assult suits, the Viashino General crouched in the trees a good 80 feet up on the mian parth into the forest village, someone somewere had to travel by::

::The Hot humed climets were tolirable for the Via, his desert homeland must had been twice as hot....this Via was hungry, his favoret delecasy..."Humans"...he licked his lips and waited for his prey::


Jul 29th, 2001, 05:57:34 PM
Gaven Steped out into the Light with Ami. He Looked around, and Flet Uneasy. He Stoped and Loaded the Pistol. He Checked and made Sure His Saber was still Clipped to His Belt. THen he walked on..And Felt the attack Seconds before it came. He Droped to The Ground and Whatever it was, flew over him. He Crawled to His Feet, and Ignited his Saber. He Faced the Thing again, Slashing as it Passed him

Jul 29th, 2001, 06:01:47 PM
Ami stepped back as she sensed the creature's attack. She did not reach for her weapon right away... She tried to figure out what kind of thing they were facing.

I've never seen anything like this... She was cautious as she watched the creature rise and look at them.

Reysa Sashara
Jul 29th, 2001, 06:09:31 PM
OOC: Ami...all Vias are claoked and will take them off when we life...THUS you cant see us :)

::The Viashino brushed past the human quickly, the human gasped and turned at the direction of the cold evil sensation, jast as the human known as gaven turned a hard metalic boot slammed into gavens nose possibly braking it and making it explode in blood..sending him back into a tree back first...not only was the human dazed but now winded, still claoked the two humans heard a laod growel come from the general direction of the trees to his left then a few bleeps....what didint know is the Via are pack hunters....::

Zirilan of the Claw
Jul 29th, 2001, 06:17:33 PM
The Via warrior stared at the moving heat signatures through his helmet.
He saw Reysa leap out at them and he followed, cloaking as he leaped and whirling out his scythe, striking the Female high on her cheekbone with the tip of his blade.
She fell back as he punched her hard in the nose, she stumbled, blood seeping slowly from her wound, Zirilan saw a slight heat signature increase as she fell back.
he could see a reddish blur around her face as the blood rose to her head to try to stop the wounds.
He struck here again in the same place, preventing healing quickly and targeting a nerve ending, she cried out slightly in pain as he leaped away from a cxlumsy, automatic attack and threw back his head, howling at the sky, feeling the blood rush through his vains.
The howl echoed around weirdly.

Jul 29th, 2001, 06:25:58 PM
Gaven Could see his Chance. He Jumped at The Lizard that was attacking Ami and Sliced its Weapon in half. He Swung at it again, Destroying its' Cloaking Thing. He saw it fully for the First time. It was Ugly as sin, with a Face only a Mother could love.He Sliced again as The Other Charged him

Jul 29th, 2001, 06:32:13 PM
OOC: My apologies for being ignorant, Reysa.

As the disgusting thing began to attack Gaven, she realized something had struck her. It wasn't hard to ignore - the pain in her face was loud and clear. This new creature lashed out at her a couple more times, and she winced as it struck a nerve ending. She heard a howl, and she reached to wipe that blood off her face, concentrating the Force on her wounds. They healed fairly quickly, to her surprise. She stood and drew out her saber, rushing towards her attacker. She slashed horizontally across her foe. She felt the wind of a weapon coming at her, and she blocked it as it came around. She lashed out again, diagonally, hoping she might connect with something.

Zirilan of the Claw
Jul 29th, 2001, 06:39:58 PM
Zirilan easily jumped away from the Jedi and lashed out again, this time with a bola, it whriled around her legs and tripped her.
Zirilan came around and kicked her face lightly with his boot.
She came up slowly as he waited, for it was no fun to attack a enemy that cant fight back.

Aug 4th, 2001, 02:51:11 PM
Stepping out of the shaddows, Lash quickly but silently approached Gaven from behind. Reaching out, he took hold of almost his entire head (oversized as it is) in one hand, laying the blade of his drawn scimitar to Gaven's throat. Bringing his knee up hard into Gaven's back andletting go his head, he sent him flying some 10 feet, landing face first on a rock and laying him cold. Stepping up 2 him, he bent down, searched him and removed all his wepons and bound him tight. There was no escaping this one. He left him at the base of a tree with five guards on him, all with blasters trained on his head. Their orders, if he wakes, knock him back out, if he tries nething funny, shoot him, preferably in the leg, but newhere will do. Lash walked off to see what was being done with the girl.