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Gav Mortis
May 27th, 2001, 11:11:11 AM
Looking up, the sky resembled a brilliant watercolour work of blue and white; a heartening, deep blue occasionally dashed with a fluffy white reflecting the temperate climate of the typical Correlian afternoon. Gav was comfortable with simply leaning against the cold concrete behind him that was the exterior wall of the Order's Medical Center. He was cool in it's somewhat limited shadow under the high mid-day sun and watched medical personnel appear and dissappear within it's courtyard.

Bringing his hands up to his face he wiped away the sweat which had accumulated on his clammy brow, the heat was certainly unmerciful and the air, heavy and dusty. Ever since the fall of the Order's Palace there was a certain thickness in the air from the debris which could be seen off in the distance to the right. The Medical Center was on the gently sloping side of a large hill and from his vantage point, Gav's eyes narrowed slightly as he saw large demolition and construction droids busy at work. Lifting and shifting large quantities of rubble across the great plain on which the palace had stood. The whole situation resembled some sort of mining operation, due to the vast sea of rubble and debris.

I need to get away from here! he thought, It's so, he hesitated momentarily, searching for the appropriate word, artificial!

He took a small metal flask which had been attatched to his belt at the hip, after unscrewing the lid off, he took a savouring sip of the cold water, satisfying his parched lips. Returning it to it's original place, he stood straight after leaning against the wall and set off across the courtyard towards the temporary TSO domicile facility ahead. The suns intense heat baked his now exposed neck whilst he approached the converted military barracks.

On his way he reflected on what had transpired in his respected visits to his two hospitalised disciples, Jeseth and Seth. Now he actually regretted the fact that they had to undergo such severe medical treatment after the events in the forest (http://pub23.ezboard.com/fthesithorderdiscussionchamber.showMessage?topicID =483.topic) because he anticipated training them properly. He had intentions of going to Korriban, a planet owned by the Order however it's importance he felt, was severly underestimated. In the distant future, Gav had intentions of establishing a Training Academy which would, under his supervision, produce the elite of Sith Lords and Jeseth and Seth, he hopes will be the first.

As for Viscera, the man has such an increadible mind of reason, strategy and intelligence but he needed guidance with regards to the uses he prioritises for them. At the moment, his priorities were deep rooted with the Empire, such a degree of loyalty and responsibility was most impressive. But as far as Sith principles were concerned Viscera had achieved little. Hopefully in time he will return from Coruscant to complete his training.

Gav arrived at the temporary living quarters of the Orders' Sith and gave it a look of dissaproval, it was a particually shabby facility compared to what the palace had previously provided. Not that Gav had ever used the palace as he believed there was no need for such luxury for a Sith and similarly he wasn't going to use the barracks. The stone gravel crunched beneath his feet as he walked along the road, throwing up small clouds of dust. Three speederbikes were parked along the road outside the facility; one of which belonged to him, it was a modified Sith Speeder with the fastest engines known to be fitted to a speeder bike. Further along the road were parked to land speeders, scratches ran along their sides and a thin layer of dust and dirt marks discolored their once shiny bodies.

He looked back at his speeder which gleamed brilliantly in the suns light and thought, I wonder if anyone would like to go to Porelli Lake with me...


This roleplay is completely open to all members of TSO and anyone else who would like to participate, it will be taking place on Correlia and I just thought it would be interesting to see what would happen in a typical day on Correlia. I have some pretty dramatic ideas about what Gav will end up doing but I think it'd be great to have our characters interact on basis such where we have no predetermined plotline and just let the story of the day progress, that way, we all have the freedom to do what we want and make it as interesting and uninteresting as we please.

Dark Lord Dyzm
May 27th, 2001, 06:59:56 PM
** The Intense Mid-Day Sun stabs through the leafy branches of a tree to find Dyzm sleeping in a fork of 2 larghish branches. A aharp cry of a bird, and Dyzm is awaken with a start. With a yawn, Dyzm stretches his arms. Knocking a empty bottle of Corellian Brandy down 50+ feet to smash on a exposed tree root below. That was one hell of a party... another yawn follows the thought, and Dyzm starts looking around at his surroundings. Finally relizing his predicument, he groans in anger.
How the HELL did i get up here? After a sec of painful hangover thought, Dyzm starts making his way down. A couple of minutes and a fall of about 10ft later, Dyzm picks himself off the grass and starts walking back to the temporary living compound.

Apon reaching his quarters, Dyzm stripes of his clothes and quickly takes a cold sonic shower. After the shower, he dresses quickly in clean clothes and walks out to the landing field toward his waiting ship, the Scythian (http://www20.brinkster.com/dyzmtso/Zooliloquy16.jpg). His Head still aching, Dyzm lays down under the cockpit and nods off to sleep.**

Lord Dagger
May 27th, 2001, 07:24:59 PM
Dagger sat behind the desk in the admirals office onboard the Dominator and looked at the mountain of paperword infront of him and sighed, he hated administration, he was a killer, not a clarke. Dagger stood suddenly and marched out of his office, he motioned for Admiral Sandrax and Lord Chryn to go in and take over, their faces dropped and the Sith grined evily.
"I'm going going down to Coreillia, contact me only in an emergency"
With that Dagger left the bridge and headed down to the docking bay where he took his lambda shuttle and a piolet and headed down to the surface of Coreillia. Within minutes the shuttle set down outside the built up area's, near a small lake. Dagger got out and moved under a tree, he sat down and closed his eye's, the sun was warm but the shade of the tree and a cool brease kept it pleasent. Dagger reached out with the Force, becoming one with the world around him as he relaxed completely

Darth Phantom
May 29th, 2001, 05:01:26 PM
:: Awaking suddenly from a dead sleep, Phantom's eyes shot open. He sat up in bed and smiled at the two woman sleeping still sleeping. He removes the covers and rises into the air, he sets down on the ground being quiet he removes a glass and a bottle of Jack Daniels, he pours the glass half full and swallows its contents with out stopping, he pours himself another and calls his cloak to him. He walks to the window and opens the shade, the sun engulfs the room blinding him for a moment, he turns his head toward the bed slightly.

One of the girls wraps her arms around Phantom's waist as she kisses his ear, he looks to her and smiles, he leans over and kisses her softly on the lips. After a few minutes she pulls away ::

"I gotta go Cale"

:: He nods slightly. She walks over to the foot of the bad and puts on her clothes. He walks to where the other girls sleeping and kisses her lightly she opens her eyes and smiles ::

I'm gonna take her home


:: Phantom walks to the door and opens it allowing her to exit first. The two walk to his speeder bike sitting out front of the living quarters, he notices Gav's bike and smiles he bends down and takes a look ::

Not bad

:: He mumbles to himself, little did he know Phantom had set up his bike for racing. He got onto his bike and started it up, he lets it idol for a git as she climbs on, the bike gives off a low rummble as it idols, she climbs on the bike and Phantom takes off...::

Dyyz Natal
May 29th, 2001, 10:24:35 PM
::sits in his room twirling a cigar waiting, waiting::

Darth Phantom
May 29th, 2001, 11:37:14 PM
:: Around twenty minutes later the sound of Phantom's speeder bike engulfs the living area. Pulling up slowly with a cloud of dust following. He slows down to a stop out side of his door, he hops off and enters his room. He looks around and picks up his glass filled with Jack Danials, he takes a huge gulp and sets it down on his desk. He tilts his head to the side hearing the sonic shower on, he walks into the bathroom and sees the silouett of a human female, he smiles a bit and leaves ::

"Is that you Cale?"


"I gotta go soon. I have to be at work in an hour."


:: She gets out of the shower and walks into the living room, she gets dress quickly. Phantom walks her out to her land speeder thats parked outside. She gets in and Phantom kisses her good bye ::

"Will I see you tomorrow?"



:: With that she drives off down the dusty trail. Phantom turns and walks back into the main living quarters. He walks in and sees Gav ::

Live Wire
May 30th, 2001, 01:06:50 AM
*LW walked down the ramp of the strike and winced underneath the bright Corellian sun. She had arrived planet side late the night before after visiting the new TSO outpost in Cizerack space. The lock clicked shut as the ramp closed up behind her. Ariel was asleep under gaurd in her room so she had a little while to relax.

Construction was still underway and staff was taking care of the most of it. So until a problem came up she wasn't needed. Gav looked like he needed something to do and they hadn't really talked since they had arrived at TSO with baby Ariel. She walked over to him and put her hand on his shoulder.*

Jeseth Cloak
May 31st, 2001, 11:04:27 AM
Watching as his master walked from the medical bay, Jeseth finally picked up his coat and carefully slipped it on, dusting it off carefully and buckling the straps in around his wings. It was one of the many hinderances of having them; clothes all had to be specially modified to suit him. Gav was, however, right. There were many doubts in the Dark Jedi's mind concerning the ways of the Sith, though he had up to now done a decent enough job of passing himself off as one. He had only recently learned of his ascension to the council, as well. This was but one step up a long winding staircase.

Very well, master.

Jeseth wondered silently if Gav had heard him, then shrugged it off and continued on his way to the landing pads.

Morgan Evanar
Jun 1st, 2001, 11:57:02 PM
The wind quietly whispered through leaves of the oak Morgan was seemingly percariously perched on. He hadn't really bothered to visit the base camp that had been established near what was left of the palace, only grabbing supplies to keep him fed and clean for a few days.

Casually, he fell forward in a fashion similiar to a tree that had just been chopped, flipping neatly once, and landing on the ground below with a very soft thud. He reached into his coat pocket, searching for a ration bar, but only found a wrapper. Sighing, he tossed the wrapper over his shoulder. He forgot that it had been breakfast.

Sighing again, he set off for the encampment twenty minutes away, sticking to the denser wood instead of the path, where it was cooler. His stomach started to growl, protesting movement without food. Morgan picked up his pace to a jog, picking his way through exposed tree roots with precision.

Soon, the wood began to thin a bit and the camp's noise was upon him. Dissapearing from sight, he entered one of the supply tents, grabbing a ration package. Morgan turned on his heel, and started to walk out of the tent, but he saw Gav and Catherine. He paused, and became so confused as what to do or say he simply lost any sort of focus at all, and the light around him righted itself, his force signature concentrating again on his being, revealing him in the tent's doorway, unmistakable in his green coat.

Liam Jinn
Jun 2nd, 2001, 04:08:01 AM
The slamming of a door caused Liam to roll out of bed. He hit the floor with a thud and fell unconscious. About an hour later, he awoke, with a splitting headache. 'Gah! Where the hell had the nice lady taken him to last night? Maybe she was more drunk than she thought. Was she even human? What do I care, its not like I slept with her.' Liam got himself dressed and checked outta the room he was in. He stepped outside into the street and the brightness hit him like a truck..or maybe it was really a truck that hit him and the brightness came after..It didn't matter, he was still walking a few minutes later. Maybe he hadn't slept off the effects of the alcohol yet..Hell he didn't even know where he was going..

Dark Lord Dyzm
Jun 3rd, 2001, 12:44:02 AM
**Dyzm Awakes a while later, his head clear and his eyes no longer swimming. He picks himself up off the ground, climbs into his ship, and runs down the pre-flight check list. As soon as everything showed green, Dyzm cut in the repulsar lift and floats up off the ground. He swing the nose of the craft toward the City and engages the engines. The Ship lurches to a start, blasting across the open air, eating up the miles to the city in just a couple of moments. Today was a good day it seemed. With that on the mind, Dyzm nudges the control stick and angles the ship onto a docking platform near Treasure Ship Row. He sets the fighter into passive standby, disembarks and heads off to find some fun**

Live Wire
Jun 5th, 2001, 01:39:10 PM
*Live Wire turned and saw Morgan stading in the doorway of a supply tent. She frowned slightly cause she didn't remember him entering the camp. The look on his face said he hadn't planned on being discovered at all and wasn't sure what to do now.

She turned back to Gav and whispered to him that she would be right back. Haphazardly she brushed her hair back out of her face and walked toward Morgan. She glanced down at the package in his hands, rations. No wonder she hadn't seen him durring mealtimes in the camp.*

So where have you been hiding lately?

Morgan Evanar
Jun 5th, 2001, 03:51:55 PM
Morgan sighed. He had no idea what to really do now.

"I've been sleeping in the woods." he said, rubbing his neck nervously. His stomach rumbled, protesting the lack of food. Live Wire raised an eyebrow, and Morgan's gaze shifted to the ground between their feet.

"I didn't know what else to do."

Live Wire
Jun 5th, 2001, 04:27:20 PM
*When she heared that she felt sad at the thought. Had she really left him feeling so helpless?*

You could stay in the camp, or if it makes you feel uncomfortable to do that then you can stay with me on the Strike.

*she looked down at the rations pack*

And I think we can find something a little bit better then emergency and field rations.

*she took his hand and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek*

You want to go with me and get some real food to eat?

Morgan Evanar
Jun 5th, 2001, 04:49:59 PM
He wanted to melt around her when she took his hand, and wanted simply to be with her.

"er... ok, I guess."

The prospect of real food over-rode his confusion and fear of the situation that he was stuck in. His stomach rumbled loudly again. He looked around again, spotting Gav not too far away. Gav... the definition of complication in his life. Morgan sighed, and followed Live Wire.

Gav Mortis
Jun 7th, 2001, 12:07:03 PM
After a brief talk with Live Wire, it looked like a trip to the lake was a good idea, especially in such merciless weather. Although the conditions were fierce, she stood there as though her very presence would calm the strongest torrents and melt a frozen sea. For a moment Gav sat on ht bonnet of one of the speeders and watched her whilst she spoke to a man with whom he was unfamiliar, as they spoke, the smooth, silky soft hair was lifted lightly by an occasional, relieving breeze and it was at those moments, each individual, strand would beam a golden brilliance as it was caught in the suns light. This would then expose her neck; composed of the smooth, creamy skin that Gav had come to adore so much.

She continued talking to Morgan and that was all Gav knew of him, however he could neither hear their words nor guess what they were talking about but did not wish to be rude by probing their conversation with an omnipotent presence. Every gesture she made, whether she was shifting her feet about on the floor or when she irritatedly brushed her hair out of her face, which always made him smile; seemed to be a well orchestrated, graceful ballet of motion in his eyes. The entire feeling was euphoric, whenever Catherine was around he knew because to him, it felt like the other half of himself had just found him once again.

Emotions surged throughout his every vein and muscle, his skin tingled from head to toe like electricity so strong he almost believed he was emanating an electrostatic hum and someone might hear him. He shook his head annoyed at his idiocy sometimes and turned away from the two only to see the newest addition to the Order's ranks, Phantom say his farewells to an exoitic looking woman, no doubt from the city. With legs akimbo on a powerful speeder bike, she sped off, taking the screaming engine sound with her.

"Good morning, Phantom. Busy night?" he asked with a brief grin which was returned by the fellow Sith.

"If you have no other plans today. Care to join myself and few others to spend some time at the lake?" he asked courteously in hope that he would accept the offer. He hadn't had the chance to get to know Phantoim very well, perhaps this was his chance. Besides, Gav was going to go anyway to get the hell away from all the chaos going on around here, with the reconstruction and whatnot.

<FONT SIZE="1" COLOR="#FF8C00">Insert Phantom's reply here.</FONT>

Gav's attention was momentarily diverted and he looked up, to see flying high overhead, a Lambda-Class shuttle, it looked like it was going to land somehwere near the lake, he thought for a moment, almost certain he could recognise someones presence on that craft, then thought no more of it. The palms of his hands might as well have been sizzling on the boiling metal body of the vehicle on which he sat, he knew he had to get changed before he left and so standing he made his way towards the barracks.

He paused at the doorway, recalling what Jeseth had said to him in his mind, Very well, Master

He thought about his two apprentices back at the Medical Center, one was deep in a coma and would not wake up until in two days whereas the other was already up and about. He exhaled deeply, almost like a sigh, then closing his eyes, he propelled his thoughts across the fabric of force until he found Jeseths presence within it, he was headed for the hanger bay.

<FONT COLOR="#00BFFF">Jeseth, would you care to join a group of us who are going to Lake Porelli for a while?
You can take some time off there, have a rest if you wish.</FONT>

After speaking with his apprentice, Gav made his way into the barracks and several minutes later came out again, wearing loose-fitting, sand coloured trousers which went just below the knee-cap and a thin, sort-sleeved, white shirt buttoned halfway up and casual shoes. Already he felt much more relaxed and cooler, he'd gladly left his regular attire back in the homestead.

"Hey are you two ready to go yet?" Gav called over two Live Wire and Morgan who were still talking with more than serious looks on their faces. He made his way over to his speeder bike and climbed on, before he started the engine up, he shouted.

"When you guys are ready, take one of these landspeeders or whatnot and catch up, I'll be on the Southern side of the lake. See you there!" he finished with a warm smile.

Then starting up his thunderous engines, he turned slowly then howled off into the distance, leaving a temporary cloud of dust where he'd left.

Live Wire
Jun 7th, 2001, 04:04:34 PM
*LW smiled and shook her head slightly as she saw Gav take off on his speeder bike like a bat outta hell. He hadn't changed a bit in all the time he had been gone. Still the same brash, reckless, carefree young man she had come to know over the years. She laughed.*

That bike will be the death of him one day.

*She turned back to Morgan smiling*

I did tell Gav I would join him later at the lake. But why don't we change our plans slightly and pack a picnic lunch and take it down there? I think that would be nice.

Emmy Skellington
Jun 7th, 2001, 04:08:47 PM
Emmy was already at Porelli lake, fishing as any imp would...
Using a stick and line and a slab of meat for bait.
"..Yeah I got'em..heheheh...he's mINE!! Big Zeus will be MINE!!" You see, Emmy was going to try and catch the biggest fish in this lake, and then fry it up and eat it. He ripped off a chunk of meat and stuck it on the hook, grinning evilly as he cast the line. Now imagine that sight, a Purple Imp thing with a red hat fishing.
"Yeesssss...I will not go hungry AGAIN!!!" He cackled...then felt his line catch on something.
"..YEAH!!! You're MINE you sunuva.." he muttered as he pulled at the line. It wouldn't Budge.
Another yank, no budging.
"......He must be HUGE!!"
ANother Yank....the line came closer.
One more...and Emmy was thrown backward, the Line catapulting out of the water. He landed on his butt and looked up.....and promptly fell over when something hit his head.

"...ERGH!!" He muttered, sitting back up. He grabbed the end of the line and held it up. A nice, big, Rusty blaster was attached to the end of it, apparently gettin' caught on the hook.

"....Is this like a DUMPING GROUND?!?" He Muttered, takin' the blaster off and tossing it in a large pile he had collected from the bottom of the lake.
Then he cast his line again.

Morgan Evanar
Jun 12th, 2001, 03:32:58 PM
"Sure... why not. It'll be fun." He tried, but couldn't sound genuinely enthusiastic. He let the smile slide off his face like toast that had just slowly slipped off the counter, landing face down, strawberry jelly to the floor.

Morgan opened the cold storage, sorting through it. He managed a salad, some ceasar dressing, quite a few crutons, some balsamic vinegar, olive oil, fresh tomatoes, pickles, onions, a clove of garlic, bread, chicken and some very excellent cheese. Somone had gourmet taste in cheese.

Next, he grabbed a heating element from the field kits, placing it with the rest of the items in a plastic thermal container.

"I think there is something missing, don't you?" Evanar noted as he grabbed two gallons of water.

"I don't think so..."

" This" Morgan held up a bottle of very excellent wine, amazed that his surrogate father's hobby had finally proven to be of some use.

"Lead the way." He said as he easily hefted the container, placing the strap on his shoulder. Live Wire turned, and began to walk out of the supply tent when Morgan reached down and pinched her bottom.

Live Wire
Jun 12th, 2001, 04:27:34 PM
*She let out a giggle and turned to him slapping him lightly on the shoulder*

"hey there are people around here*

*He just looked at her mischeviously as if to say 'yeah what are you going to do about it?

She took his free arm before giving him a quick kiss on the cheek. It wasnt hard to see that while he was trying to be enthusiastic about this whole lake thing he didnt really feel it. He was just going to make her happy. Catherine felt bad cause she knew the source of the problems but there really wasn't much she could do about it. Despite that she was determined for this to be the perfect day.*

Jun 12th, 2001, 08:50:34 PM

Morgan Evanar
Jun 25th, 2001, 01:35:38 PM
"Ready?" Morgan asked Live Wire as he turned on the power to his speeder bike. He felt her nod behind him, and the bike hummed to life. Slowly, he eased it out of the temporary encampment, and then opened her up a bit, briging the egine to a quiet whine.

"I'm going to need directions from here. I've never been to the lake before." he said, almost yelling over the drone of the bike.

Live Wire
Jul 3rd, 2001, 04:40:27 AM
*LW put her hand on Morgans shoulder telepathically feeding him the directions to the lake, rather then try and yell over the whine of the engine. He nodded indicating he understood the information and he sped up a bit dodging deftly through the trees. It had been a long time since LW had been a passenger on a speeder bike and it was a vastly different feel from actually being at the controls. She held on tightly to Morgan almost afraid she'd fall off at the next turn.
Her long hair came out of its neat bun on her head joining the already present annoying strands that always found their way into her face. She tried to twist her hair up and away from her face while still holding onto Morgan but had to give up the rather futile effort. With her hair flowing wildly in the wind she breathed in the fresh air of the forest, letting it fill her lungs with its crisp scent.
Before they saw the lake she could smell it. As the speeder broke through the treeline the clear blue water spilled out before them, the sun reflecting off the middle of the lake. Morgan headed around towards the south side and LW could see Gav's speeder bike parked by a tree in the distance. Catherine noticed he brought the bike to a halt a good distance from where Gav was set up. It was probably best that way. When she needed to talk to Gav they would find each other.
Strong hands around her waist lifted her gently off the bike and she smiled at Morgan.*

I can get off a bike without help ya know.

*He shrugged and walked over to a shady spot and set down the picnic basket. LW closed her eyes at the gentle breezes washed over her skin and listened to the sound of the wind in the trees and the faint whispering of voices in the distance. It was a beautiful day.*

Gav Mortis
Jul 17th, 2001, 03:45:00 PM
While both Morgan and Live Wire were settling down under the shade of a large oak tree, Gav had emerged from beneath the waters surface, disrupting the calm lake sending shimmering ripples outwards. He'd been swimming for some twenty minutes now, the water had been innitially cold but after a few minutes he'd become acclimatised to it. Strands of soaking hair hung down almost over his eyes, he needed a haircut before he left in two days time that was for sure. He brushed his hair back and continued to wade up and out of the lake, water dripping from his toned, muscular torso. He'd certainly maintained his shape whilst gone.

"Hey you two!" he called over to Morgan and Live Wire who were sat rather comfortably next to each other, "Come in! The waters great!"

The pair exchanged glances and said they'd join him shortly, for a moment Gav could've sworn he'd seen Catherine resting her head on Morgans shoulder, they seemed really close. It's good to see shes had people to turn to when she'd been feeling down; shes been through a lot. As much as Gav wanted to sit down next to her, he felt he'd be disrupting her time with Morgan; Gav could almost feel a literal magnetism between his body and hers and had to make the extra effort to stop his feet from going any further. He would be patient until he could be alone with Catherine, surely Morgan can't be at her side all the time.

"Sure thing. Don't hold back for too long now!" he shouted with a smile, then turned back to the water.

Taking in the scenic view of the gleaming lake of clear water, the stream which ran off it on the other side, the hills that made the valley in which the lake resided and above, a magnificant sun against a bright, blue sky. Everything was fresh and ripe, similar to the blossoming love he had for Catherine which in time he hoped would bare fruit and they can be happy forever.

Be soft, free, fluid he thought as his eyes closed on the sight of the water and carefully he knelt, wearing only his shorts in the water which was about two or three inches deep.

Slowly, his hands were placed on his knees as he slipped into oneness with his surroundings until all he could here was the sound of water; trickling and bubbling all around and eventually, despite his closed eyes he was able to see the water around and it was then he began to play. Without indication, the water before him began to rise slowly, it was a clear, blue tower about the thickness of his neck which grew before him. It began to spiral gently, sparkling in the suns brilliance, blue and white; the liquid pillar began to bend seemingly of it's own accord, had it a life of it's own?

It curved slowly, one would almost believe it would lose balance and the power over it would destabilize and it would collapse back into the lake. But no, on it went curving around Gav and upwards it spiralled beautifully. After ten minutes, the water had formed a spiral which reached up some twenty meters, it was a marvel for any passers-by who witnessed the spectacle. However as peaceful as it was Gav was in no mood to further concentrate and wanted something to eat. And so the spiraling water sloly diminished, moving backwards into the water.

Gav stood, feeling very relaxed, however his skin was hot under the suns summer intensity and as a result, he decided to join Morgan and Catherine under the oak. He thought it would give him the opportunity to better aquaint himself with the man, after all if he was on the Council he felt it his personal duty to be on good terms with all members of the Order.

"Mind if I join you both for some lunch?" he asked politely, sitting down by them, however he could not help but feel a little intrusive and a little awkward.

Live Wire
Jul 18th, 2001, 04:42:12 AM
*LW was leaning against Morgan and smiling as they talked quietly. They had seen Gav's beautiful water show but were so wrapped up in each other they didn't notice him approaching till he spoke. She looked up surprised and moved a little bit away from Morgan and sat up straight. Trying not to make her hesitation apparent she smiled at Gav and turned to Morgan who was doing his best not to look uncomfortable.*

Sure, we'd be happy to have you join us for lunch.

*Morgan nodded his consent. LW hadn't planned to deal with this situation this soon but TSO was a small organization and it was rather impossible for him to avoid Gav's company forever. Guess it was just as well she was around to make sure things didn't go badly.*

"I hope I'm not interrupting anything..." gav said tentatively.

*LW shook her head no, assuring him that it was perfectly fine. Her and Morgan were just enjoying a nice afternoon away from the hustle and bustle of TSO. Morgan for the most part remained silent and Catherine smiled at him, her eyes appologizing for how the afternoon was turning out. She knew he wasn't exactly comfortable being around Gav. Unfortunately this just showed her how vital it would be to approach the subject with him. She shook her head trying to shake off the confusion that threatened to settle in.

Every time LW thought she was getting close to figuring out what she felt and what she should do something happened to throw her heart into turmoil once more. And now sitting here between the two men she loved it was no easier. However her smile never wavered and to anyone looking it was just three friends sitting and enjoying a pleasent afternoon together. Only Morgan had the slightest hint of what she was really feeling inside.

Gav helped the two of them get the lunch out and casually talked of TSO and how things had changed while he had been away. Catherine kept the small talk going lest they get quiet and the situation turn visibly awkward. Morgan was still quiet only responding if he was asked something and then he kept his words brief. LW would have killed to know what was going through both of their heads.

Because of Morgan being present Gav kept his flirting down but LW could read him better then anyone else and his looks and smiles communicated so much more to her then anyone else would have known. Part of her wanted to just blurt out everything but she properly and wisely held her tongue. This was neither the time nor the place but it was an internal torture. To be with one she felt like she was cheating on the other and vice versa. Were all matters of the heart so complicated?*

Morgan Evanar
Jul 30th, 2001, 12:27:00 AM
Uneasy failed to capture Morgan's state of being completely. He was confused, and desperately wished somone could explain this mess.

He looked about, eyes drifting about the scenery. It was an incredibly amazing day, from an everyday standpoint. Air was warm, but not hot, and there was a steady seven knot breeze that kept it moving. Humidity was low, too. But Morgan couldn't feel it. He was worried about every single action he made, no matter how minute, and soon found himself holding is breath.

I want... I want.... And therin lay the problem. He had no clue what to accomplish that would keep what he wanted intact.

Historically, and fictionally, love triangles usually ended in tragedy and sometimes death.

Why am I thinking about this stuff?
Because, its an unfortunate possiblity. Thinking of possibilities is one of the ways you are still alive.

He forced himself to breath again, through the idle chat. Morgan set down his cheese and apple onto the plate. His hand shook.


The hand persisted,and the light bent itself around him a bit, leaving him distorted, like one was looking at a refelction is a mostly still lake.

"I... I need to go for a walk." Abruptly, he stood, and walked off twoard the edge of the lake.

Gav Mortis
Aug 3rd, 2001, 09:21:29 PM
Then suddenly the awkwardness Gav had innitially felt escalated beyond his control as he sat with the pair making conversation. For an odd reason, he felt really uncomfortable, something crept up his spine, it tingled and sent shivers throughout his body and despite the warmth all around, inside he had turned cold.

Something was serverely wrong, he could feel it and the senses of a Sith Master were rarely far from accurate especially when the feelings were so intense.

What is going on? Something isn't right here! The thoughts of doubt plauged him throughout the conversation, sometimes making it difficult for him to form sentances, it was so distracting.

Then suddenly it dawned on him. The feelings torturing him weren't conjured up from his own heart - these were the feelings of Catherine and Morgan taking affect on him! One after another, their intense feelings of discomfort and sometimes even panic would hit him with the force of a tsunami and he felt suffocated; drowning in a cesspool of awful feelings and emotions.

It was almost like he was unable to breath, something was being hidden here today, something deceitful and is obviously causing them both noticeable amounts of discomfort. Gavs eyes raced back and forth, Catherine wasn't to bad however Morgans pulse raced, his hands quivered - something was definately wrong and it was beginning to worry Gav. He didn't even have his lightsaber with him; did they know something he didn't?

He felt like he was going to break when Morgan abruptly stood and went off for a walk alone, that virtually convnced Gav that there was something serious that was being concealed away from him, or was there?

Paranoia didn't come close to describing how Gav felt. So he waited for Morgan to be at a safe distance then asked frantically, a look of genuione concern on his face, "Catherine, what's wrong?"

Live Wire
Aug 11th, 2001, 06:29:42 AM
Catherine tried to catch Morgan's hand as he got up but he pulled it away from her. She watched him and walk towards the lake dejected and hurting. Her first instinct was to follow him but Gav's eyes were like lasers on her skin and she could feel him trying to read her emotions and she wisely stayed put. Inside she cursed herself for letting this situation arise in the first place. Gav was a sith master and Morgan's discomfort would have been painfully obvious to anyone looking on.

Decit was not something Catherine took pride in and part of her genuinely just wanted the truth to be out in the open. Resorting to this cheep deception was something she considered beneath her, and yet, somehow she just didn't have the courage to say what needed to be said. It wasnt like she felt she could hide it forever especially since she had put it off to this point. But speaking up meant making a choice and to be honest she had no idea what that choice should be.

The harsh realization was that this was probably going to be a no win situation. No matter what happened someone was going to end up hurt and she was going to feel guilty about it. She looked at Morgan standing alone by the lake, his back to her, and her heart broke. Yet she looked at Gav and she saw everything she'd ever asked for being handed to her on a silver platter. He made no effort to hide his affections for her and he loved her without shame. It was what she had waited for and now she hesitated...

She shook her head and gave Gav a weak half smile. "It's nothing." She bit her bottom lip guiltily and brushed back an annoying strand of hair. "Morgans just.....frustrated with me right now."

Gav looked at her questioningly but inside Catherine knew that this was a conversation it was best she have without Morgan. That and one look at him and she could see that he was definately not going to be able to handle being present for it. Gav moved closer to her and took her hand, still concerned.

"If somethings wrong you can tell me, Catherine" he reassured her

Her eyes downcast she shook her head again. "It's nothing as serious as you're making it out to be. Trust me." The acknowledgement that there was more going on then met the eye and the asertation that it wasnt something of immediate importance was enough to placate him for the moment and he seemed satisfied though still concerned.

"..but we should talk later. Just not here." Those words said Catherine knew she was running out of time. Gav's frown deepened and she knew that she had just comitted herself. He would indeed hold her to her words, they would have to talk. She knew her discomfort was obvious but at least, she was reasonably sure, Gav hadn't ascertained the reasons behind it. That knowledge would have to come from her directly.

Gav kissed her hand lightly and Catherine didn't pull away. There was a comforting familiarity about Gav and she liked it. True he had always been the wild, unpredictable, and dangerous type. He had the bad habit of worrying her all of the time and he would probably always be that way, but just the same there was something she loved in all that. With an inward sigh and a smile to Gav she stood up an walked towards Morgan.

Jeseth Cloak
Dec 3rd, 2001, 04:21:26 PM
<font color=lightblue>I apologize to you Master Mortis... but I cannot join any of you for today. I have some political matters to tend to. I will contact you as soon as I return to Corellia. I don't intend to be late for our journey.</font>

Jeseth took a deep breath as he entered the landing pad, glancing around for his ship. Seth's ship was still docked as well... so he hadn't left. Perhaps it would be a good idea to have him come along. Things had heated up on Vjun, and the fold had been in discussion for several days. All of the back and forth journeys to Corellia had started to become a burden... but when matters concerned The Black Hand, he preferred not send any transmissions.