Gitane Blesse
Aug 16th, 2001, 08:41:07 PM
--The Sith Warrior knew there was a chance of 'asking for it' from leaving her notice in public, but that didn't matter. It might actually liven things up to have a few unwated guests. She grinned to herself as she attached a few elegant notices ( to a paper-cluttered wall outside of Rama's Corner. Her grin widened at thoughts as she stared at them for a moment before making her way off.--
OOC - Not sure of the date yet.. Contact one of us at either (Gitane) or (Vega) and we'll give ya info. :p
Aug 17th, 2001, 07:35:20 PM
Nuriko saw a familiar figure, Gitane Blesse, attaching notices of some kind to the wall. She walked over and read one. "Well it's about bloody time," she said with a smile.
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Jeseth Cloak
Aug 17th, 2001, 08:07:36 PM
<font size=1>[OOC: This would probably take place sometime after the notices were posted, so don't go by my post if you want to make a reference to the time and date of this! Hope you dont mind me being sneaky about this...]</font>
Jeseth stood at the edge of a balcony, one of his hands gripping the white-marble rail. He was (once again) on Corellia, tending to what matters had required his attention as one The Sith Order's residing council members. It was his duty from time to time to return to the planet and sift through many of the issues which kept the government running smoothly. To many who lived upon Corellia, Jeseth was merely an official advisor. Someone not to be minded. To many others who lived within the Palace's regal and beautiful confines, Jeseth was much more than that.
The sun's steady stream seemed interrupted, a shadow blotting over Jeseth's eyes for just a fraction of a second. There was a strange shrill cry, again the shadow moving over the pale flesh of Jeseth's face. He glanced up, unaffected the blinding rays of light. His eyes could adjust quickly enough that he hadn't a need to bother with squinting or looking away. A black and blue creature swooped in, the winged man's hand arching up from the rail and snatching a note from it's toothed mouth. He smirked and unrolled the parchment, then raised a brow as he read over it. His contacts did their job well, but this was useless information to him. Still... it was something to be considered.
He turned his head to the bird-thing, his black eyes moving over it's neck and back. It had no feathers, but wrinkled leathery skin. It was disgusting... yet in some ways, it's colors gave it a pleasant quality. It looked much better in the air. "So the one known as Gitane is to be wed... and might, I wonder, she appreciate my attendance? Perhaps we'll wait and see, little one." He reached into the inner top-most pocket of his black coat, pulling loose a credit chit and placing it into the thing's mouth. "Take this to your master. You serve him well."
It cawed gleefully, flapping away in a chaotic mess of half-graceful motions. A cloud moved over the palace slowly, lending a shade of overcast to Jeseth's side balcony. "Interesting indeed." Thunder struck, raining beginning to pour down steadily. Jeseth was gone, confining himself to the clutter of work within his quarters. That same day, a notice went out to the couple, reserving a seat for a member of The Sith Council.<MAP NAME="Jeseth_2_Map"><AREA SHAPE="rect" ALT="" COORDS="67,162,129,179" HREF="aim:goim?screenname=BinaryCloak"><AREA SHAPE="rect" ALT="" COORDS="143,162,232,179" HREF=""><AREA SHAPE="rect" ALT="" COORDS="247,161,380,181" HREF=""><AREA SHAPE="rect" ALT="" COORDS="139,121,261,138" HREF=""><AREA SHAPE="rect" ALT="" COORDS="164,95,267,112" HREF=""><AREA SHAPE="rect" ALT="" COORDS="149,68,243,87" HREF=""><AREA SHAPE="rect" ALT="" COORDS="172,20,269,52" HREF=""><AREA SHAPE="rect" ALT="" COORDS="137,12,170,51" HREF=""><AREA SHAPE="rect" ALT="" COORDS="34,20,131,51" HREF=""><AREA SHAPE="rect" ALT="" COORDS="17,12,30,60" HREF=""><AREA SHAPE="circle" ALT="" COORDS="359,51,6" HREF=""></MAP>
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