View Full Version : Life, Love, Death and ME

Renwel Cushing
Jul 25th, 2001, 08:32:10 PM
As Renwel straps himself into the seat of his freshly stolen ship he thinks back on the events that have taken place, Only a week and my whole life has changed forever.As he looks out the window, to see if all the bodies are cleared away, he presses off some blinking light and also the comm. unit.

Now he can see that his home world officers are finally getting that door open. “You guys are a little too late" he exclaims out loud knowing that none of them could hear him anyway. As the ship slowly glides upwards he can hear sounds of weak blasters hitting the hull. As he presses some waist-high buttons, he can feel the power of the ship kick in.

As the ship blasts out of the docking bay, he can only wonder if they would try to catch him. Knowing they are a planet that tries to keep apart from the rest of the galaxy. After a while in flight he engages autopilot, leans back in his chair and lets out a big sigh. Now then, lets see what this ship has to offer, shall we?

Renwel Cushing
Jul 26th, 2001, 10:11:50 PM
Renwel heads back to the cargo bay. While looking around, he spots a partially large case that is sitting apart from everything else, he walks over to the case and sees that there is a fairly complicated locking mechanism. “Ah…I will worry about that later, it may have something useful in it, with a lock that big. I will go see how she is doing.”

Renwel walked back through the ships cargo bay to the living quarters. He walks up to a small life form shivering in the corner. “Are you cold, sweet heart?” Renwel looks down to a rather young girl. “A little, father” The small figure took her head from her knees and gazed up to the large figure. Renwel walked over to a small basket and picked up a blanket. Walking back, he unfolded the blanket and wrapped it around her.

“Is that better?” Pulling away from her and smiling. “Yes, thank you” she replies burying her head into the blanket. Renwel walked back to the cargo bay to see about that locked case. As he walked back to the case he thought of how he would break it open.

Renwel Cushing
Jul 27th, 2001, 10:09:19 PM
Renwel looked around the cargo bay to find a welding tool. After pouring out three or four boxes he finally found a rather old but still useable one. He walking over to the case and began cutting a line across the lock. Hot sparks flew off to the floor as he got a ninth the way done when the welder gave out and stop working.

He through the dead welding tool and looked down at the pile of tools he poured out. He picked up a thin blade and a small hammer; he started to pound away at the last part of the lock. Finally breaking through, he sets down the tools. Standing up, he looked the box over once more before opening it. Renwel reached down and lifted the lid open.

Looking down to find a pile of old equipment and junk. Looking up at the under part of the lid, he finds a checklist of stuff in the box. Looking down again he starts to take junk out and dropping it to the floor. Getting near the bottom of the case he spots a crate with a small lock on it. He lifts the crate from the case and places on top of another box.

Picking the hammer and blade again he takes to this lock as well. Breaking the lock in five hits he tossed the tools aside. Opening this crate he found a smaller box; silver and red all around, except it had a smooth sunken in black side. He walked back to the large case and looked closer at the checklist on the lid. He scrolled down to the end to see:

Red Comm link…1
Green Cloak…1

~ ~ ~ ~ Sith HoloCron…1

He figures that this new object would be the Sith HoloCron. Not sure what it did, he picked it up and cared it back to the living quarters and set it on a high shelf. Turning around to his daughter, he looks down to see she was smiling. “Feeling warmer?”

Renwel Cushing
Jul 29th, 2001, 02:33:52 PM
3 days later:

Deciding that he was out of harms way, Renwel prepared the ship for landing on a nearby planet. Checking over the scanner to find any life forms, he only found small reading about the surface. Now he looked for the best place to land. This planet had a thick jungle on this side and places to land were rare.

“Julia, Come up here and strap or self in.” Julia came running into the cockpit and sat in the co-pilot seat. “Are we landing?” She asked with a big smile on her face. “That we are, my sweet heart.” Finally spotting a good place land, he started the landing sequence. Holding the controls steady the ship entered the atmosphere.

Pushing a button he could hear the land gear come out from the ships hull. Touching down on this remote planet he stood up and looked out the window. Seeing mostly trees in all viewable directions, he started to turn the ships engine off. Walking out of the cockpit he made his way to the door. “Stay here honey, I will go see if it is safe.”

Jerred Rez
Jul 31st, 2001, 09:11:53 AM
Jerred could hear the ships engine's winding down, watching from just outside the ship as he spun his disrupter pistol around his trigger finger. His hat cast shadows over his face, but the green glow of his goggles scattered the darkness unevenly. Renwel had chosen the wrong ship to steal - Jerred had been attempting to make off with the goods on board for quite some time, and just as he approached the ship, it was raided by troopers, thanks to an inexperienced thief. They apprehended him, but it only took a few moments to dispatch of the squad and be on his way. He had followed Renwel ever since...

"Don't move." The pistol's shaft presses up firmly against Renwel's temple. Jerred grabbed the man's blaster away from his belt, pressing the second weapon against his back. "Get back in the ship. Now."

Renwel Cushing
Aug 4th, 2001, 11:44:40 AM
Renwel slowly backed into the ship with the two blasters poking at him. “Take anything you want I just stole this ship nothing here is mine.” Jerred looked around the interior of the ship to make sure it was safe, his green goggles changing shades as he scanned it.

“Where is the cargo bay?” Renwel slowly pointed in the direction of the bay. “Take me there, now!” Poking at Renwel with the two blasters, Jerred push him in the direction he was pointing. As they entered the bay, Jerred scanned this area too. Noticing that a certain large box was open and half of the junk laid about the floor, Jerred shoved Renwel to the floor to free up his hands.

“Stay down and don’t try anything stupid.” Renwel righted himself and sat there staring up at Jerred’s bright green goggles.

Jerred Rez
Aug 8th, 2001, 12:25:15 PM
Jerred looked at the items on the ground and scooped them up, stuffing a few of them into his trench coat as he scanned the room. The girl was moving towards the man on the ground, and he quickly brought his blaster up. "Stay over there." Jerred's hand motioned for her to go back to her corner. Renwel was nervous, seemingly pleading for Jerred to put the gun down.

<font size=4 color=red>PHAZZAAP!</font>

Smoke trailed up from the barrel of Jerred's blaster. For a moment he blinked, unsure of what had happened. He accidentally shot her in the face. Damn. Blood was spilling out across the floor beside the small girls body. I'll have to kill him now too.

Renwel Cushing
Aug 10th, 2001, 02:34:16 PM
Renwels connection to the world slowed as he watch a gun being pulled on his one and only daughter. Screaming out her name, he watched her dead body fall to the ground as most of her head slid down the wall behind her. The gruesome picture of her was now and forever imprinted into his mind.

The anger raised inside him as he reconnected with the speed of the world. Able to still get up, the full impacted of this scene hadn’t set in his mind yet. He leaped at Jerred with his arm trembling out in front to reach him “You…you are dead…”

Jerred Rez
Aug 14th, 2001, 11:50:49 PM
Jerred dodged to the side in a short step. When in a state of rage, most species made stupid decisions. Renwel hit the floor in a heap as Jerred slammed the back of the man's blaster into his skull. Blood flowed from the ship-jacker's head, and Jerred just continued to look down at him with glowing goggles for eyes. "Stay."

Looking around the inside of the ship, Jerred saw little of interest... merely a few items scattered around the box, and a cube laying in the middle of the room. It had apparently rolled from within the clutches of one of the two victims... "What is this?" He glanced down at the near-unconscious Renwel.

Renwel Cushing
Aug 17th, 2001, 12:38:40 PM
Renwel was half dazed lying on the floor; his vision was quite fuzzy as he tried to look around. He could see that his daughter pulled that cube; he took from the box, off the shelf and dropped it into plain sight when she saw what was going on. Dammn…it…

Struggling to grab the cube in a failed attempt to hide it, he fell short of it as Jerred stepped over him. Jerred squatted down in front of the cube “Hmmm…this looks like what I came for” he said with a small smirk on his face. His goggles changed shades of green as he scanned it through different wave lengths.

Renwel still dazed and almost ready to slip into unconsciousness tried his hardest to lift himself up and attack Jerred again. His hand slipped from its hold on the table and he smash upon the floor once more. Unable to move anymore, he laid there staring at Jerred’s feet.

Jerred Rez
Aug 17th, 2001, 11:56:05 PM
Jerred pulled a thermal detonator from his belt and held the release button securely, then glanced down at Renwel. He had what he needed, now he just needed to clean up before he left. "Close your eyes. It'll make it easier. The screeching round device was placed in the tiny and now-blue hands of Renwel's daughter. Her blood had almost completely drained, and the rigor mortis like state would be enough to keep the device in place. It was slowly sliding out of her hold and the bounty hunter knew he'd have to move, and move quick.

It only took him another few seconds. He was gone, leaving the bleeding Renwel behind on the floor, and the thermal detonator winding down. His ship wasn't very far away... but he'd need to make it out quick before the fire spread. In a dense jungle planet such as this one a blaze could get out of hand very, very quickly.

Renwel Cushing
Sep 30th, 2001, 11:51:25 AM
Renwel still had enough strength left to watch Jerred quickly remove himself from the ship. Aware of what he had done, Renwel made a slow attempt to move as far away as he could from the detonator and his daughter.

A daughter he would never get to hold again. He thought of just giving up, going back to where his daughter lay and hold her one last time.

"Noooo...." he exclaimed aloud as he move to the back of the ship. His options had run out. There was nowhere else to go. He raised as high as his body would let him and rolled over some metal boxes. Moving other smaller boxes around him, he heard the screeching stop and he closed his eyes.

His entire past flashed before him, all the happy times, sad times, all the times leading up to this very moment. Like some type of clock counting down to his fate...