View Full Version : Open Challenge to Jedi Padawan/Knight

Chaos Alexander
Jul 21st, 2001, 11:39:04 PM
OOC: I don't know if I should stick to padawan as far as RPG wise goes. The Warrior rank is above Padawan, but not Knight yet. So I will have to challenge both.

IC: The Garou Knight waits for the Jedi to show up. The setting is a dence forest. Tress surround the lanscape. The sky is almost not seen. Chaos stands in his Garou armor. Chaos is roughly 6'0 and well built. He is not huge, but in shape. He has enough muscle to do what he needs, but little enough so that he is fast and not bulky. His long blond hair flows to his waist. His hair is help in place with Garou ties. He goatee his well trimmed as well. He grey eyes flash as he waits. He was training hard. He could not stop there though. Win or lose, he would come out of here better than before.::

Kaine Darklighter
Jul 22nd, 2001, 01:38:56 AM
OOC: Nice Druid from D2 pic. :)

Jubei SaDherat Vader
Jul 22nd, 2001, 02:00:40 AM
(Jubei's eyes opened from his meditation in a mossy clearing of the forest. The force spoke to him, and told him he was no longer alone. Standing quietly, Jubei straightened his robes, gazing through the brush and foliage.)

Hello stranger.

Sten the Chimp
Jul 22nd, 2001, 12:04:14 PM
"Kick his ass, Chaos!"

::Looks at Chaos.

"Damn man, how the hell did you get so big so fast? Oh, wait. You must've been eating your Weaties!"

Sieken Kasstra
Jul 22nd, 2001, 12:20:58 PM
* dances around*

" my name is, my name is, my name is slim fast shady....:) "

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Jul 22nd, 2001, 02:09:08 PM
OOC~ guys .. let this by a fight thread please ... don't need it cluttered up by this stuff :p

Chaos Alexander
Jul 22nd, 2001, 08:08:19 PM
::Chaos didn't even turn around. A hard Force push slamed Jubei close to Chaos. Chaos droped and fell to the ground. He swept kicked Jubei's legs out from under him. Chaos Used the force of the kick, added witht he Force, to spin to his feet. With a few backflips he was 10 feet away for the Jedi. He got in a qiuck defenecive stance.::

"Hello, I am Chaos Alexander Dawnstrider. Son of Former Jedi Knight and Council Member of the GJO Verse Dawnstrider. You have me at a small advantage. You may you be?"

Jubei SaDherat Vader
Jul 22nd, 2001, 09:10:52 PM
(Jubei's legs swept from underneath him, and he began to pitch toward the ground. Spreading his legs slightly wider than his shoulders, Jubei sprung into a 3-point prone position, and snapped his back in a quick wavelike fashion, springing off the tips of the fingers of his right hand. As he swung back to his feet, his left hand reached to his cloth belt. With a lightning-fast movement, Jubei snatched at the loose end of the belt. A blurry wave of white shot forth as the padawan monk snapped the cloth belt forward. Inside the rolls of fabric, a two-pound steel weight was tied to the other end of the belt. Hurtling at incredible speed, the striking end of the meteor hammer made a beeline straight for the Sith's face. It would surely hit without obstruction. However, the padawan deftly withdrew the slack on the meteor hammer's cloth line. The weight snapped to a halt, exactly half an inch in front of Chaos' face. The puff of displaced air blew strands of hair out of his face, as Jubei recalled his concealed weapon to his grasp. The speed and control alone were effective weapons. They served as intimidation.)

And I am Jubei SaDherat Vader, Calanic apprentice monk and Jedi Padawan. Son of Lady Vader and Anbira Hicchoru, and I am not impressed by your clumsy display of rage.

Chaos Alexander
Jul 23rd, 2001, 08:17:08 PM
::Chaos smiled. One true one. Finally a warrior of class. Like two sides of a coin they were. Both fight with speed and mind, yet one fights with rage, while the other light.::

"I am not yet done brother Jedi. My rage may not impress you, but I on the other hand will say that I am. That way a pretty nice trick. One that would have knocked me for a loop. It would have taken a lot out of me to heal that fast."

::Chaos knew he had to keep on his toes. This was a fight he very well may not win. This warrior faught witht he grace of a cat, and the power of a tiger. It was a level of grace Chaos hoped to reach. Untill then he must really on tricks. Chaos let his anger flow. It helped him control the Dark Side. He had tried the Light Side once. It didn't feel him like this. This was like raw power. The anger of the mockery that came from the Jedi helped as well. Chaos lite his LS and threw it. Using the Force He made it spin. It seemed to form a grey disk. Jubei easily moved out the way. A snap is heard as a whip is wraped around the Jedi's leg. Chaos was ont he other in. He pulled hard droping Jubei to the ground.::

"This is one of the three things I have of my mothers. It comes in handy. I must say. I am honored to battle one such as you. The last Jedi I faught ran away like a coward. Then again, Shade Magus was always one. I plan to get something out of this battle. Maybe even copy a few of your moves. Immitaion is the best form of flattery after all. Tell me. Which do you feel is the most powerful? Mind of Body? I say the mind. While we batle we might as well learn from each other. This should be fun indeed."

Jubei SaDherat Vader
Jul 24th, 2001, 12:35:02 PM
(Laying on the ground, Jubei struggled slightly for a moment, attempting to work the whip free. He could not. Instead, Jubei crossed his free leg over the taut whip, and wrapped it once around his leg. Quickly, he kicked his knee up toward his chest, causing Chaos to be jerked towards the prone Padawan. The Sith stumbled towards Jubei, who extended his chambered leg outwards and upwards into a pump kick, pressing into the pit of Chaos' stomach, and causing the air to be forced from his lungs in a painful wheeze. As the Sith gasped for air, Jubei uncoiled the whip from his ankle, rolling backwards gracefully to his feet.)

Chaos Alexander
Aug 5th, 2001, 09:01:00 PM
::Chaos worked hard to breath in. In a reflex he lashed out witht he Force. He let a wave of Dark energy hit the Jedi in the chest. The Jedi flew a few feet with black energy crackling all over his body.::

OOC: Sorry it took so long. Had some RL problems I had to work out. YOu can claim I was dumbfonded with you skills though. (j/k) Thanks for your understanding.

Jubei SaDherat Vader
Aug 15th, 2001, 02:53:42 PM
(Tumbling to the ground, Jubei is awash in painful dark energy. With concentration, he eases screaming nerve endings, washing the pain from his body. Standing up, he slowly whirls his meteor hammer around himself, the flowing white robes and twirling cloth belt of the hammer creating disorienting confusion with the rhythm of Jubei's motions.

He flicks his wrist, sending the projectile outward with a snap. Missing wide left, the weight passes Chaos, but Jubei presses a knife-edge hand into the cloth line, and snatches backward, causing the weight to hook around, snapping at the Sith's right kidney with a painful jab.

As Chaos stumbles forward, Jubei advances and spins at the same time, drawing the belt around his waist as he closes on his adversary. Dropping low and spreading his feet wide, he ensnares the Sith with a scissor-leg sweep, clamping behind the knees, and causing Chaos' head to slam towards the ground.)

Chaos Alexander
Aug 18th, 2001, 08:51:38 PM
::Chaos fell toward the ground fast. He had to think fast as well. He held out his hand and stoped the blow as much as he could. He feel and his head hit the ground some. It dazed his for a couple seconds. It rolled away and got up. A sharp pain in his side let him know he had a bruised kidney. That wasn't good. He ignited his LS.::

"Lets do this Like true Force users."