View Full Version : A dark return (OPEN to any jedi)

Athena Lady Darknss
Jun 26th, 2001, 02:24:37 PM
:: Athena walks back into an area she was once before. She looks at everything. Her dark presence letting some people know she is here. Her cloak whips in the wind the only thing is there is no wind. finally she calls them. ::

" OK jedi lets have some fun..."

Athena Lady Darknss
Jun 27th, 2001, 12:50:10 PM
:: Athena waits and notices that the jedi are not playing today... ::

Christian Lightheart
Jun 27th, 2001, 03:21:17 PM
*The young boy, 16 years of age, picked up the sense of Dark Side user. The first ever he has felt.

Christian Lightheart, Jedi Padawan to Jedi Knight Warren Azalin, stood up. His blue long-shorts hung loosely around his legs, his white short sleeved shirt (a more traditional fighting garb) clung to his torso. He stood about five foot eleven inches, 160 pounds or there abouts. He looked to where he felt the Dark Sider and spoke out.*

Why does one of the Dark wish to come here and bother those who are innocent?

Athena Lady Darknss
Jun 28th, 2001, 11:43:31 PM
:: Athena only speaking with in the force... ::

" innocent please not a single living thing is innocent..nothing is... "

Christian Lightheart
Jun 29th, 2001, 04:27:57 PM
*The young boy's eyes darted around, trying to spot where the voice came from, but only found the passerbyers. Christian immediately sat back down in his seat, his eyes trying to find out where the person was. He answered the voice, which was in his head, outloud... his own voice growing timid.*

Wh-what do you mean? No one... is innocent...?

*He ran his fingers through his white hair, combing it back. He felt suddenly cold.*

Finis Valorum
Jun 29th, 2001, 05:37:39 PM
Finis Valorum steps into the arena and instantly the beauty of the young warrior, Athena catxhes his eye. He stands and steps back unnoticed into the shadows.

Athena Lady Darknss
Jul 1st, 2001, 12:16:13 PM
Athena could hear in the padawan's voice his concern. he must not have been a jedi long. She as well spoted Finis... she would get to him soon. Athena smiled and then finally spoke in the force to Christian.

" thats right Christian not all are innocent and most never are. Only small children are until they are taught to think. Christian do you like the cold? Thats fear you are feeling. If i was you before you freeze to death would embrace it. "

Athena's eyes danced apon Finis her interest in him increasing... who was he light or dark friend or foe.

(ooc sorry i have been really busy ))

Christian Lightheart
Jul 1st, 2001, 02:36:51 PM
OOC: S'ok. I"ve been quite busy myself. ^_^

I... I beg to differ.

*She was right. Christian felt fear. This was the first time he had encountered one of the Dark, but Fear leads to anger, that to hate... it was the path of the Dark Side. He stood up once more, and began walking. The young padawan then spotted the woman, standing off yonder. Lightheart shouted out, trying to supress the growing fear.*

The Darkside is Fear.. and I will not follow that path. You... you must have fear. Fear of innocent people. They too are innocent... in that they have not done a thing to harm you.

*Christians voice was a little shakey; he was sure Athena would notice. He took hesitent steps forward, his right hand slowly reaching for the hilt of his saber. The young padawan, too preoccupied with the Sith did not even notice the other person who was there.*

Athena Lady Darknss
Jul 2nd, 2001, 01:34:26 AM
:: Athena stood there as the Jedi noticed her. the shake in his voice was noticable and she would use that to her advantage. She also noticed the Jedi reach for his weapon. knowing that once a jedi makes the first move to fight there path has started. Athena smiled. ::

" Christian, I fear not the innocent but the innocent have harmed me, they let my home world get taken, my family killed. Christian the darkside has welcomed me, given me power more power then i ever thought. Grip your weapon tighter Christian, let the darkness flow threw you..."

:: Athena dropped the hood to her cloak and smiled at the young Jedi. her face a warm smile, her eyes danced as if a friend. But still her eyes watched for danger and for harm. ::

Christian Lightheart
Jul 3rd, 2001, 03:17:12 PM
Maybe you could have stopped whatever it was which destroyed your home... your family?

*Christian's right hand quickly moved to his back, where he clasped his left hand. To attack was to lead him down the dark path. A place he would never venture. He made eye contact with the woman, noting her warm and friendly apperance. A facade. The young boy could still could feel here dark aura. The nervousness in his voice alone showed that Christian was not falling for her trickery. That or he was just unsure.*

Tell me... why... why have you chosen the dark way?

Athena Lady Darknss
Jul 4th, 2001, 09:03:36 PM
:: thinks of her answer the true was painful.. ::

" they killed my family when i was young. after taking me from my parents. i then killed my second family. i was born dark they the light just hurried the part where i took back my revenge. "

Christian Lightheart
Jul 6th, 2001, 03:28:52 PM
You do know.... that... e-everything does happen.. for a reason.

*The young padawan stood there, his hands clasped behind his back. He wondered why she had not attack him yet, with her being Sith. Maybe.. maybe there was some light in her. Christian would just have to wait and see.*

Athena Lady Darknss
Jul 7th, 2001, 01:09:08 PM
:: reading into the young Jedis mind athena noticed he wondered why she had not attacked him ::

" I have not attacked because i have not felt like it. But if you like we can "dance" as i like to put it. "

Christian Lightheart
Jul 11th, 2001, 01:51:45 PM
*Kinking his head to the side just a bit, he smiled at Athena.*

Well... given that you are a Sith, and being that I am a Jedi... I would have thought you would have ripped me to shreds by now... I thank you for not, of course.

*His smile grew bigger. The young padawan was ready if she attacked. New to the training and the Jedi he was with yes... but not knew to fighting with a lightsaber and the Force.*

Athena Lady Darknss
Jul 12th, 2001, 02:13:39 PM
:: Athena smiled at the jedi. ::

" Jedi if i want you hurt i would hurt you. And i still have that option! "

:: Athena called upon the force and pulled his saber from its resting spot on his belt. She gripped it in her hands and smiled. ::

" nice work. Care to see mine? "

Christian Lightheart
Jul 14th, 2001, 06:01:38 PM
*His answer of course, was indeed a yes. But not in the sense as Athena might have wanted him to see it.

Allowing the Lightside of the Force to flow through him, calming him and acting as his guide. Christian's hand shot out as he called on the Force to aid him. He, too, could play this little game. One of Athena's saber hilts flew through the air and into Lightheart's awaiting hand. He thumbed the power to it as he gripped it, watching the blade grow.*

Not bad if I must say so myself.

Athena Lady Darknss
Jul 15th, 2001, 12:52:15 PM
:: Athena smiled as he took one of her two sabers. she thumbed his to life and saw the blade hummm to pure energy. Athena still standing had while he was using the force gripped her other saber and held it in her right hand, her reverse grip holding the saber close. The Jedi's saber in her left. Both saber humming to life. She quickly attacked the jedi from the right (my right). Her saber crossed his chest in a low arc that finished at his right hip. ::

" now i might just kill you with you own crafted saber. "

Christian Lightheart
Jul 15th, 2001, 10:31:02 PM
*How ironic that would be, being killed by his own weapon, a weapon which is suppose to protect and defend, not attack.

Stumbling back, a reaction caused by the burning pain which pulsated form his left shoulder to chest, the young Jedi winced. He had never felt pain as excruciating as this. Broken bones, bloodied nose, fat lip, black eyes... he was use to. But this... wow.

Lightheart quickly called out to the Force, asking it to help in him stopping the pain. What little he could call on failed to help, so he tried to focus it on his state of mind. Calm. The Force swirled in his body as he began to feel calm and collective. What to do? If I only defend, I'll surely be killed. Yet... a Jedi only defends, never attacks. But... how could a Jedi lengthen their life by this philosophy? We have to... attack when provoked? attack only when it is the only means to save yours or someone else's life?

The strange lightsaber was alive in his hand. Foriegn as it might be, the padawan could feel it becoming an extansion of his hand, just like his dad use to tell him. "Think of it as an extension of your own arm, and using the saber will become a lot easier," was what he always said. For the most part, he was right. But the white haired boy never fought someone else who had a lightsaber, let alone two. All of a sudden, the Force took over. Without thinking, Lightheart's right arm, saber in hand, flew high to block and incoming saber. It then swiftly traveled low to protect his leg from the next attack. Then it jabbed straight out, for Athena's left thigh.*

Athena Lady Darknss
Jul 17th, 2001, 12:41:33 PM
:: Athena smiled and sidesteped the weak attack to her thigh. Once to his Left Athena brought both her sabers down on the boys back. Together with his saber and her saber, her blood red saber gleamed in the air... She called on the darkest memory she knew, the speed of the attack was now fierce. Athena wondered if the young jedi would beable to stop the attack??? ::

Christian Lightheart
Jul 18th, 2001, 11:14:47 PM
*His own momentum forced the boy to stumbled forward, leaving his back wide open for attack. Catching himself, he caught the faintest image through the Force. Lightheart tucked his right shoulder in and fell into Athena's legs, knocking the two down.

But his reaction was not quick enuogh. The two sabers singed through his shirt, scorching Lightheart's Skin.*

Athena Lady Darknss
Jul 19th, 2001, 11:53:29 AM
:: Athena fell to the ground as the Jedi winced in pain from the burn She then attacked once more she stabed at his chest, with his saber. ::

Christian Lightheart
Jul 28th, 2001, 08:39:07 PM
*Lightheart quickly rolled to his side and propped himself up, avoiding the lunge from Athena.

He readied the strange lightsaber in front of him, taking a few steps back to defend what the sith would do next.*

Athena Lady Darknss
Jul 29th, 2001, 02:10:51 PM
:: Athena smiled then lifted the boy with in the force and threw him over her. As he fell back to the floor just behind her she swung (sp) her saber and his saber at his midsection. ::

Christian Lightheart
Aug 4th, 2001, 02:23:59 PM
*This was a first as well. The surprise of the Force attack caused the Padawan to freeze with a bit of fear. He saw the two blades aimed for his midsection as he landed and tried to bring the saber in his hand up to block, but nothing happened.

The impact of the Jedi's body on the ground when he hit was enough to bounce him a few inches off the ground, sending him back. The momentum he had carried him further back as he skidded along the ground, just out of reach of the two blades.

Lightheart coughed, spitting a trace amount of blood from his mouth as he did so. He lay there as the dribble of saliva from his cough ran down his chin. Why did I fight today? I was not ready. II should never have fought her... but I had to do my Jedi deed. To fight against the Dark Warriors of the Force, to protect the innocent.

Slowly, the white haired boy pushed himself up to his feet. Pain coursed through his body. He did not want to run from the fight... but if he stayed, he would surely be killed. Lookomg around, he began taking a few steps back, putting distance between the two.*

Eve Siren
Aug 4th, 2001, 03:55:24 PM
... Now, you scared him, Athena.

A voice came from behind the beaten Jedi. As the shadows hiding her face, Eve appeared, still wearing her motorcycle Skull Helmet. She crossed her arms over her stomach, her long trench coat flowing with the wind.

Give it up, now, Jedi. You cannot fufill your mission of peace if you cannot beat a Sith ... Especially Athena. The Lady of Darkness.

Speaking with always a deep monotone voice, Eve took off her helmet and looked at Athena. Holding her helmet under her arm, she shut her eyes and reopened them, turning her gaze back on the Jedi.

Like I said ... Give up.

Athena Lady Darknss
Aug 5th, 2001, 01:02:33 PM
:: Athena watched the Jedi as she heard a friends voice. then as her own eyes flashed from violet to onyx she spoke to the jedi. ::

" You are not ready.... you never will be, from this day forth you will always remember this fight. and lose in each other you join as you did in this one. "

Eve Siren
Aug 6th, 2001, 10:55:16 AM
You heard the Lady.

Eve grinned to Athena. Even though she didn't knew her too well, Athena was always someone to count on. She looked back at the Jedi and grimaced slightly.

Do I need to repeat again ?

Christian Lightheart
Aug 6th, 2001, 11:18:41 AM
*Now it was a truly ill situation for the Padawan indeed. He looked at the new comer, a Sith by the presence she put out. There was nothing left to do but run. For now. He turned to Athena, and spoke.*

So confident you are, now that you have a friend to back you up. Until next time...

*Christian began beck stepping, making sure he kept his eyes on the two Sith. The blood red saber... one of Athena's original... was propped up in front of him, as he kept it for defense. Once he was within the crowd which came to watch the now ended fight. His thumb flipped the power off to the strange lightsaber and clipped it to his own belt. Then, Lightheart turned and ran as fast as his injuries would allow him.

Athena Lady Darknss
Aug 6th, 2001, 12:23:47 PM
:: Athena watched the Jedi run. ::

" No you were about to either die or run anyways. AND I SHALL COME BACK FOR MY SABER. "

: Athena looked at Eve and smiled. :

" Eve so good to see you, again. The bloody child took my saber. Well i still have his. "

Eve Siren
Aug 6th, 2001, 12:33:48 PM
"Very nice to see you too, dear Athena."

Eve walked towards Athena and tilted her head to the side, blinking once. She glanced at the Jedi running ... She never saw a Jedi run out of a battle before ... Hmph. She looked back at Athena.

"Have what ?"

Athena Lady Darknss
Aug 6th, 2001, 11:42:35 PM
:: athena shuts off the saber and hands it to Eve. ::

" his saber!. I took it before the fight started. then handed him mine. so he had a foren weapon and i still had my other saber. "

Eve Siren
Aug 7th, 2001, 09:09:30 PM
Eve blinked once and grinned, taking the saber.

"You did a great job. Now let's get to the medbay for your inujuries .."

Eve put her arm in Athena's back, under her arm. She pointed in direction of her motorcycle and smiled.

"I don't usually let people ride on it so .. Consider yourself special."

She let out a slight laugh before walking towards her pride and joy, her motorcycle. Gotta think of a name for it ..

Lord Maim
Aug 8th, 2001, 03:18:08 PM
As the fight comes to a close, a cloaked figure makes his way from the second row. His eyes cold and heartless, he kneels down to the precise location the majority of the fight had taken place. His black, armored gantlet moves over the ground slightly, his tongue uttering strange words. As he stands, slowly, and turns to face the direction in which the females departed, he reaches his full height. The man stands 6'6" and is draped in a death black cloak. The cloak flows around him like a cloud of death, seeming to move before he does as if parting the way for him.

<font color=red>"Finally....."</font>

The mans voice sliced through the air like a saber through a bantha's skin. A twin pair of taps against his wrist mounted comm unit, and his speeder-bike is at his side. With a blindingly fast movement, he mounts the vehicle. The throttle slammed forward, he soars after the females at great speeds, overtaking the gap swiftly...

Princess Razielle
Aug 8th, 2001, 06:16:49 PM
Razielle stepped from the shadows, a vision clad in black and violet, and looking for all the world like she would have to shoot a favorite pet. She ran and launched herself into the air, easily unseating Maim from the speeder. She rose and brushed herself off..

"Maim.. it would displease me greatly if you were to harm my sister, Athena. I wouldn't suggesst it... I really wouldn't."

She turned to leave Athena to her fight and glanced back to Maim one last time, her sincereity in her words lethally apparent.

"Oh one more thing... Leave Eve alone too..."

Darth Syren
Aug 8th, 2001, 08:07:23 PM
Syren had arrived a while ago, watching Athena and the Jedi from a secluded location well within the deepest shadows of the area. A slight grin creased her lips as she witnessed the defeat of the Jedi.

Eve Siren
Aug 8th, 2001, 08:41:02 PM
Eve remained silent and lowered her eyes down to the ground as the Siths spoke. She didn't really know any of them, but just sat on her motorcycle, to see if Athena had anything to say.

" ... "

Darth Syren
Aug 8th, 2001, 10:13:14 PM
Syren noted the young lady sitting on her motorcycle and took special note as to how she lowered her head. Picking up her feelings of being left out and not well known, Syren looked to her and nodded, acknowledging the young girl, then offers what could pass as a small smile.

Lord Maim
Aug 9th, 2001, 01:56:48 AM
The Sith Lord and Priest, rose to his feet as if weightless. A brief glance is all he afforded Lady Razielle, turning once again to his mission....

<font color=red>"I have no intention of harming Athena....By the way, it is good to see you again too."

</font>His hands mindlessly brushed the dust from his cloak as his eyes turned to Athena. A brief mind delay to send Syren the thoughts of memories past and present before turning back to his quarry. He moves without sound, like a slow summer wind breezing past with the sent of death. His eyes cold and heartless, he approaches Athena....

<font color=red>"Lady Athena, 'tis a pleasure to see you again. I believe this belongs to you?"

</font>His hand moves from within his cloak, still seeming as if a bubble of silence enshrouds him as his motion creates no noise. His hand rises to great hers with a datapad held within it....

<font color=red>"I am sure you will want it. Take a look, you will know why."

</font>With that the man known only to few turns sharply, headed back to his damaged speeder to make repairs and return to his ship....

Eve Siren
Aug 9th, 2001, 09:21:46 AM
... Weirdo. Eve thought. Looking at Syren, she nodded slightly before turning to Athena. She glanced at the other Siths and grinned.

"If you ladies are not too busy ... We'll take Athena to the medbay first and have a girls' night out, after. To celebrate a victory or whatever you want."

OOC~ edited sig and check your email please. Also refer to this thread ... pub2.ezboard.com/fswvstit...=874.topic (http://pub2.ezboard.com/fswvstitanicfrm15.showMessage?topicID=874.topic)

Lady Razielle
Aug 9th, 2001, 08:46:49 PM
Razielle nodded and allowed a small smile to grace her features recognozing the familiar tremor in the force, knowing that signature to be found in a soul as black as her own..

"Syren.. Indeed it has been too long, let us rescue the Lady Athena from her frolic with the Jedi and then I'll buy you a drink."

With that Razielle crossed over to her sister and hoisted her over her shoulder, at a grumbles protest from Athena. Razielle headed to a small copse of trees that concealed her speeder and dumped Athena into the back seat.

"Shall we? Syren, do me the honor of driving while I fix her up? And Eve, will you follow us?"

Eve Siren
Aug 9th, 2001, 08:57:07 PM
Eve nodded slightly as she made the engine of her motorcycle roar loudly.

"Yes, Lady Razielle."

Darth Syren
Aug 10th, 2001, 04:30:41 AM
Syren allowed Lord Maim to scratch the surface of her mind, a wicked grin plays over her lips as a rapid succession of images flash through swiftly. As fast as the grin appeared, it suddenly vanished.

Athena Lady Darknss
Aug 10th, 2001, 10:31:42 PM
Athena had not said a word while the others just showed up. she smiled at Maim just after taking the offered data pad. then as her blood sister heaved her over her shoulder. Athena yelled and bitched as she always did. Then she looked at Syren and smiled. " thanks Syren, from you that has to be good!"

" Eve dear please join us in what ever we are doing! this is Syren and you know my sis Raz. and hes Maim! "

: Athena waved as she was carted off :

(OOC rememeber i am moving and shall get to this as i can)

Darth Syren
Aug 11th, 2001, 01:32:22 PM
Syren skimmed the speeder over the terrain, making her way across the distance in what may have appeared to be a hurry. Those who knew Syren, knew that she simply loved to speed. As the lights of the local town drew near, she glanced over her shoulder to see how Raz was coming along with tending to Athena's wounds, then looked over to see that Eve was keeping up with the pace.

Lady Razielle
Aug 12th, 2001, 10:09:04 PM
"Good work Syren, our usual kinda place..."

Razielle laughed and finished applying a small amount of bacta ointment to Athena's damaged skin.

"Okay sis, all better.."

She glanced from Syren to Eve and then stretched her back and tossed her hair over her shoulder. Climbing down from the speeder and helping Athena down she looked around.

"Okay Syren, you pick. Where we going?"

Darth Syren
Aug 14th, 2001, 12:34:23 AM
Syren tossed her gloves into the speeder then had to chuckle a bit as she hear Raz. Looking down the street one way, then over her shoulder to the other, she checked out the names of the establishments on the building fronts.

Lady Razielle
Aug 14th, 2001, 08:51:27 PM
Razielle grinned and sauntered into the establishment, she ducked under the body of a severely drunk twi'lek that was half sprawled across a billiard table and the bouncers stool. Apparently the poor fool had been caught in the cross fire of a brawl.

She cringed as a string of drool slid from his mouth and onto the floor. His left eye cracked open to leer at her and she glared and sent her elbow flying into his head sending him back into his state of drunken oblivion.

"Lovely Syren... Just peachy."

After muttering to Syren who was nowhere to be found Razielle looked over her shoulder to make sure Athena and Eve followed. She twisted and navigated her path through some hypnotic trance dancer's. One scummy looking young man had the gall to grab Raz's arm and pull her to him in step to his dance. She was far quicker then he though and reverse his hold on her, twisting his arm painfully behind his back and shoving him into a transparasteel wall.


She finally made it to a row of stools lining the far wall of the club and hopped up on one crossing her legs.

Dark Lord Maim
Aug 15th, 2001, 10:25:23 AM
(OOC: I didn't feel like having 2 names and 2 sigs, so Ignore the Dark Lord of the Sith part on this board.)

After quickly the effecting repairs on his land speeder, the Sith Lord and priest made his way in silence into the small establishment. Not exactly following the group, but not avoiding them either. They merely had adjacent interests. His, at this time, was nourishment. This, this hive of villainy and hatred, was the closest place for miles and his best hope before leaving the planet....

He made his way to a corner booth, which became suddenly available when a man seemed to choke to death on his meal. The Sith Lord simply pushed the man aside and seated himself. His hood slowly drawn back, his young face displayed for all. Lord Maim knew his good looks and family heritage would have gotten him far in life, the fact he was adept in the force and a powerful Sith Lord was merely icing on the Corellian cake.

Lord Maim wasted no time in making his order, meat and rare at that. This was a treat indeed. Rations kept you alive in space, but they got old quickly, and didn't taste all that good to begin with. His wine, brought to him quickly, was sipped. The Sith Lord held much power, but rarely displayed such as he rarely found the need. His wealth and position afforded him most things without the use of force or physical persuasion. From time to time, however, it was necessary for him to 'dispose' of a less than worthy person. He held no remorse for this, as they should have known better in the first place.

Lord Maim's eyes scanned the room, the fell upon Syren, Athena, Razielle, and the one he did not know. Her name was Eve, that much he had learned, but who was she? What was she doing with this bunch? He felt her lack of abilities in the areas of Force manipulation. So what was she doing with these three? These questions were of little concern to him in the long run, as she most likely had little to offer him. For some reason, however, they plagued him and he wondered...

edit~ sig needs to be within 30k limit.

Darth Syren
Aug 15th, 2001, 12:21:09 PM
Syren was enjoying all the action surrounding her. She laughed at Razielle's reaction to the pathetic drunk Twi`lek and went 'merrily' about her way, blending in with the crowd. Syren grabbed a stick to play a bit of her own style of pool.

Athena Lady Darknss
Aug 15th, 2001, 01:55:45 PM
:: Athena looked at her red skin where the Bacta was placed and watched her sister and friend walk into the bar. She looked back to see Eve. ::

" well? lets party. "

Athena walked from the speeder and into the bar. she watched her sister push a man into a wall. she thought to her self ~ ooh he touched her~ Athena saw Syren grab the pool stick and start up a game. she smiled.

" syren i want to play! "

:: Athena walked over to Syren and smiled. then looked at Maim.::

" Well hansome you going to play too? "

Lord Maim
Aug 15th, 2001, 02:04:16 PM
The Sith Lord sat at his table alone, awaiting his meal. Upon the servers arrival, he noticed a piece of hair in his food, this was not acceptable...

His glance turned to Athena slowly, as the server suffered what appeared to be a major heart failure. His voice, slightly muffled by the bars conversation, spoke to Athena in kind..."Are you referring to me?"...he asked, already knowing the answer...."I should warn you, as with most things, I do not play fair."....a sly grin graced his face as was usual for him when speaking to a female. Somehow he trusted them more, yet less. He gave much more respect to those of the female persuasion than he would a male. The Sith Lord held little faith in the males of the Galaxy....."Weak"....he thought. Weak and stupid. To easily persuaded by those of the female type. This was unwise and foolish.....foolish indeed.

He rose slowly, before approaching the others. His gaze cast around the establishment. "Detestable creatures" he thought to himself...."Unacceptable."......

Darth Syren
Aug 16th, 2001, 02:22:33 AM
Syren grinned as Athena entered and announced she wanted to play pool too. Immediately after, a grubby hand was reaching for one of the pool sticks laying on the ledge of the table. Syren smacked her cue down hard on the hand and shot a nasty glare at the fool.

Lord Maim
Aug 16th, 2001, 02:41:26 AM
Maim stood near the pool table, his gaze turning to Syren....

"I am nothing of the sort, I merely detest incompetence. You of all people should know that by now. If something is to be done, let it be done correctly."

The Sith Lord turned towards the table, his mind taking in the layout of the device, each flaw within it spoke to him through the Dark Force, each crack, each slant was evident to his eyes. He turned slowly looking to Athena, then to Syren once more. His gaze then fell upon Eve, who he did not know. His head tilted to the side slightly while he attempted to read her.

If there was one thing the Sith Lord did not like it was incompetence, but on top of that it was uncertainty. This female was a wild card, he did not know who she was or for that matter, what. Being sidetracked by such trivial things was, perhaps, one of his flaws. However, in the end it usually assured him he knew what he would get, and from whom.....

Lady Razielle
Aug 17th, 2001, 08:19:08 PM
The beguiling violet eyes of Razielle swept over her circle of allies. They apparently felt like mixing a game of billiards with a odd form of flirtation. She knew that, not unlike herself, her sister and her dear friend Syren, were two of the most flirtatious and lovely women in the galaxy.

What a trio they made, the men didn't stand a chance. Actually.. around them that was quite literal. Fall in love or fall down dead. Razielle laughed softly, a melodic sound that floated to her friends as she approached.

In her hand was clasped a glass of Corellian Rum, she set it on the side of the table and withdrew from her cloak a flask. She poured some of the deep red liquid of the flask into the glass and then replaced the flask to her cloak. She slid her gloved fingertips around the glass and lifted it, swirling the liquids together, the drink twinkled like liquified gemstones as it mixed. When she finally took a sip she grinned and licked the red droplets from her lips. Then grinned at her friends over the rim of the glass.

"I would offer you some but..ummm..you know."

The lights of the club glinted off her fangs as her chilling laughter filled the noisy club.

Darth Syren
Aug 18th, 2001, 02:01:38 AM
Syren curled her upper lip a bit as she looked to Maim.

Lord Maim
Aug 19th, 2001, 04:00:04 AM
The Sith Lord grinned as he heard those words, "Take your turn"....indeed it would soon be his turn, for a great many things, but now was not the time to think of this. Now was the time to relax.

He raised his cue to the lead ball, what some might call the cue ball, and with a light tap he sent her on her way. His eyes closed, visualizing the table. His connection to the Darkside prevalent as he tore the balls a sunder, all with stripes draining to the appropriate pockets in sequential order. A grin upon his face as he handed the cue to Raz.

"I do not play fair, this is true, but at least I leave one left to give you each a chance to shoot as well."

A grin danced upon his lips for a moment, but that moment soon passed. His eyes once again fell to Eve and his curiosity got the best of him once more. His glance turned to Syren, speaking to he mentally..

"Who is this one? And of what import?"

The question, though simple, leaves a lot to be answered for. Summing up who someone is, is never an easy task. He, however, believed if anyone could know what he wanted by such a question, Syren would.....

Darth Syren
Aug 19th, 2001, 04:51:34 AM
Syren gave the Lord a mental slap upside the head for cheating.

Lord Maim
Aug 19th, 2001, 05:16:11 AM
The Sith Lord chuckles slightly, the amusement of the images racing from her mind to his shown only slightly upon his face...

He looks back to the table, awaiting the next of the ladies to take their turn. He is not sure what "to young is" considering his own age, but ponders the thought none the less knowing none of them, well except perhaps Syren, knows him well enough to read his thoughts...

Darth Syren
Aug 19th, 2001, 05:25:00 AM
Clearing her throat, she looked to Maim and didn't even bother with blushing. She had read his own thoughts one too many times to know he often had impure thoughts of his own.

Lord Maim
Aug 19th, 2001, 05:29:59 AM
The Dark Lord Grinned....

"I see nothing unfair about it. Use the gifts you have been given."

He tossed a wink towards Syren, something he did not do often, as it was not in his nature. He shook his head with a slightly laugh....

"But if you wish, go ahead and restart."

He turned his glance once more to Eve then back to Syren....

"Then who is my type?"...he spoke into her mind...."I have been searching for quite some time now and I have found no one who can retain my interest, without being someone I was forced to kill.".....

Darth Syren
Aug 19th, 2001, 05:47:12 AM
Syren gave him a look and then pointed to the table.

Lord Maim
Aug 19th, 2001, 05:56:39 AM
The Sith Lord grinned slightly, knowing only she could get away with such acts, especially in public. He focused his mind momentarily, calling each of the balls to return to it's previous position..

His glance also gaze about the bar..."Surely this is not what the galaxy had become?"....he thought...."Surely there must be someone out there...."....his glance fell upon Athena. Sure, he had thought of her in that manner once or twice in passing, but would he ever actually pursue such a path? And then there was Raz, a beauty to be sure, but she did not particularly hold a good view of him. His glance then fell to Syren, now there was a prize to be had. He had often wonder, what it would have been like, careful to block said thoughts from her in the past. He shook his head lightly....perhaps this is all there truly was, and his destiny was simply to be found...alone......

He looked around the bar once again, shaking his head.....There was much to fill his time no doubt, countless who where no longer deserving of the gift of life, and simply awaiting someone to relieve them of their meaningless existence. Those things never ran dry, those tasks would always be there, but someday, perhaps he would find something more....

Darth Syren
Aug 19th, 2001, 07:15:21 AM
Syren left the good looking Lord to ponder his own thoughts while she was out seeking something to do. Soon enough, her wish was granted. Bursting through the door, a band of criminal wannabe's appeared, weapons drawn. One even had the gall to shoot a hole in the ceiling! Well, no bother with that, it was a dump after all and that hole might actually improve the appearance of the place..might.

Athena Lady Darknss
Aug 19th, 2001, 06:42:38 PM
Athena had watched her dear friend Syren and the Dead sexy lord smiling and be soooo cute with one another. As much as athena knew Syren was SO not Maim's type. The pool balls had just returned to the starting postion on the table. Athena leaned over the table and shot the lead ball into the triangle of other balls. Each ball spun and sank into a hole. 1 by 1 by 1. although each ball was put away in number order all but the black as night eight ball. it sank into the left courner pocket and the lead ball just behind it.

Athena looked up and over at Eve and Raz, just as the wannabe's came fireing into the " dump" as Syren loved to put it. Athena allowed a devious smile to cross her lips. Her eyes twinkled and she ran to Syren.

" fun time! "

Lord Maim
Aug 19th, 2001, 08:54:33 PM
The Sith Lord stifled a yawn as he looked to the entrance, then back to the table....

"She cheats as bad as I do."

He chuckled then looked back to the group of miscreants who entered the establishment. His thoughts, not interrupted by them, continued upon the search for an appropriate mate. With a silent motion his hands dropped to his sides within the cloak, each held a firm grasp upon on of the twin energy blade hilts held within. He pulled them from their clasps, and spun them together, his saber staff now held within his right hand firmly. All done in silence, within his cloak, betraying no motion to the area...

Athena Lady Darknss
Aug 21st, 2001, 11:52:06 PM
Athena turned and saw the Lord. " i didnt cheat! "

Darth Syren
Aug 22nd, 2001, 07:10:46 PM
Syren smiled as Athena arrived at her side, then laughed when she heard her retort to Maim. After a moment, Syren asked Athena as she eyed the thugs..

Athena Lady Darknss
Aug 23rd, 2001, 12:24:56 AM
Athena thought for the moment as she watched the fools.

" ooh syren 3, 4.... yeah thats it! "

Athena gripped her saber and waited for the right moment.

Eve Siren
Aug 24th, 2001, 03:06:27 PM
Remaining silent for a long time now, Eve tilted her head to the side, watching the Siths 'have fun'. She lowered her eyes down to the ground and bit her lower lip, thinking.

"Umm .."

Athena Lady Darknss
Aug 25th, 2001, 02:16:01 AM
Athena looked over at Eve.... " whats up? "

Lord Maim
Aug 25th, 2001, 03:59:28 AM
"Perhaps she does not enjoy your brand of fun, Athena."

This is all Lord Maim spoke, his sabers hilts still held within his grasp firmly, he waited for action. Not seaking it, just becoming ready for it...

Athena Lady Darknss
Aug 25th, 2001, 09:50:10 AM
Athena walked back to her seat as the fools just stumbled around. she would wait for Syren to do something then maybe join in.

Eve Siren
Aug 26th, 2001, 10:23:47 AM
Eve shook her head briefly when Athena asked her question, but turned her gaze away from everyone when the Lord Maim made the comment about her. She frowned slightly, her eyes half-closed and mumbled the name softly, loud enough just for her. "Vyes .."

Athena Lady Darknss
Aug 26th, 2001, 11:20:03 AM
" Eve ?

Want to go back home. this place is getting about as stale (SP) as bantha meat. "

Eve Siren
Aug 26th, 2001, 04:24:24 PM
Eve smiled slightly and nodded. She stood up and wait for Athena.

"Sure .. Better head back sooner or later anyways."

Athena Lady Darknss
Aug 26th, 2001, 11:01:54 PM
Athena stood up and walked with Eve. After giving her sister Raz a hug good bye. Athena smiled at Syren. then looked at Maim.

" good nite to you all "