View Full Version : The Reflecting God

Garrett Blade
Aug 20th, 2001, 07:00:26 PM
<FONT SIZE="1">I have an idea where I'm taking this, but I thought it'd be more interesting if people were involved. Anyone who does not wish someone to think he's God is more than welcome to join in. Only the truly evil and sadistic could possibly aid me in this rp, whilst do-gooders and Jedi of any status are needed as a hinderance. This is the first step into Garrett's ultimate finale - complete and utter believe that he is a God. It may be his salavtion, it may be his downfall. Either way, he's going to make sure he has the time of his life finding out!</FONT>

Aquiring a transport off Corellia was the easy part. Convincing TSO Air-traffic control to let him off-world was the hard part. After making a few bribes (slitting a few throats) Garrett managed to aquire access to a rather dashing new Skipray Blastboat. Rather bulky for a fighter, but it was able to put up quite a fight against small capital ships, and fighter squadrons, unaided. The few Sith apprentices who were standing around gossiping right net to the ship didn't have the foggiest idea that they were about to depart life prematurely. At first it was just their eyes that exploded. Crimson liquid spurted out of their sockets for precisely two and a half seconds before their brains jumped out of their head. What goes up must come down. As was the case here. The grey/red mass was able to collide with the messy excuse for a head and then roll off and onto the floor a good five seconds before their bodies slumped to the ground. Garrett idly walked over to the ship, thinking to himself...

How clumsy of me - they were only supposed to think it was time for lunch. I guess my mind alteration techniques need a little work.

With a smirk, he walked on towards the ship. Suddenly, his head dropped and his feet rose as he slipped on the pool of blood and lande on something squishy...

"Oh! Cortex! Hahahahaha!"

To an innocent bystander, Garrett would have seemed like an insane fool with not a care in the world. But to somebody who knew him a little better, they would digest that he was up to something. And to a greater or lesser extend on both parts, he was. He picked himself up and was about to climb into the cockpit when he noticed a large black crate with something written on it.


Naturally, Garrett simply could not resist the temptation. He skipped over whilst whistling a juxtaposaic, one-hundred-percent made-up tune. Skidding to a halt, Garrett cacked his knuckles before fiddling about with the electrnic panel on the crate. He'd never admit it to anyone, but he hadn't the foggiest clue what the pass-code could be. After a few seconds of acting like a crazed lunatic, demonically typing away, a high-pitched "ping" sounded and the crate opened to reveal eight-hundred pounds of XCite-Explosium. And that was only the expression on Garrett's face, as he peered into the crate at a large number of thermal detonators and detonite mass-charges. Perfect he thought.

Grabbing what looked like an armful of the treasured items, Garrett ran haphazardly over to a large transport. Definetly an Action-something transport, though he was unsure of the model number. He quickly grew impatient with the open-button on the door, and so decided to have a battle if wits with the close-button.


The half-open loading ramp closed for the seventeenth time before Garrett took a step back, pressed the open button, waited a mere twelve seconds - allowing it to fully extend, and then walked on as if nothing had happened. He dumped the exlposives on the pilot's seat and returned to the Skipray Blastboat. Before initiating the auto-launch sequencer, Garrett sent a core-red alert message to TSO Security, alerting them to a situation in the hanger bay. A second later, Garrett blasted out of the main hanger doors and shot off into the wild blue...

Garrett Blade
Aug 21st, 2001, 02:59:38 PM
After only three minutes of flight-time, Garrett had broken Corellia's atmosphere and was in space. Seconds later, the fleet came into view. Two Imperial Star Destroyers, 4 Victory Star Destroyers, A trio of Dreadnaughts and an Interdictor Cruiser. Garrett checked his sensor readout. The gravity wells were indeed active. Not to worry - it was Beta Fleet after all! Clearly distinguished from the rest of the ships, what with it's almost cream colour, The Dreadnaught Mattheuss crawled forward slightly from its support ships. Sitting smuggly in his command chair, Premier Romanov grinned at the approaching Blastboat. He sent a message to the oversized fighter in hopes of intimidating the pilot...

Premier Romanov: "Unidentified Skipray Blastboat. This is Premier Romanov, Supreme Commander of TSO Beta Fleet. Power down your engines and weapons systems and identify yourself, immediately!"

Ten seconds passed before a reply was sent. Romanov was about to repeat the order when the message came through. A gargling of incomprehendible sound and electronic noise blurted out of the tannoy system. Romanov could not move. He was paralyzed. The bridge crew were completely still also. When the second message came through, Romanov stood up, eyes wide and white, and walked over to a control panel near the communications station. He signalled the Interdictor Cruiser to power down its gravity well generators.

Whilst this was going on, Garrett pressed a combination of two buttons. The small computer screen flickered slightly from black to sonw before revealing the transport that Garrett had placed the explosives in. The view panned right to center on the corridoor entrance. The doors swished apart, allowing the squad of troops to enter. They troops looked around frantically before homing their eyes on the only ship in the hanger - the Action Transport. A number of the men boarded the vessel whilst the rest of them waited at the base of the ramp. Eight seconds later...


Once the smoke had cleared and the ash settled, what was revealed was a twisted, black mass of metal debris. And littered about it, the bloodied corpses of the brave men who had unquestioningly walked into death for TSO. Meanwhile, above the planet, things were going quite well for Garrett. The gravity well was offline, and the Skipray Blastboat was racing away from the planets own gravity well. Off to the port side, Garrett could see another taskforce of Victory Star Destroyers. Had they been alerted of the situation back on the surface, and were on an intercept course? It didn't matter - they'd never catch him now. Not wanting to wait around and find out, Garrett checked he was clear of the planet's gravity well, pulled back on the controls and blasted off into hyperspace...

Sanis Prent
Aug 25th, 2001, 03:08:16 PM
OOC: Contact me please on this. I've got something interestingly similar regarding Anbira and an artifact called "the Laenos Lith" :)

Nichos Marr
Aug 26th, 2001, 07:54:19 PM
"Can't say I'm surprised at all..." Nichos Marr said to himself. He was staring at his datapad watching a female Gotal report the latest news updates from the Galaxy's hotspot. A small skirmish on Corellia had taken place earlier that day, and a ship escaped into hyperspace. There wasn't much information on the incident but it had managed to catch Nichos' attention.

"Vreep." His droid called through the doorway. It was a green R2 unit, given the nickname of "Jay". Nichos had Jay ever since he had started his career as a Jedi. R2-J8 had always been faithful and helpful, especially in the cockpit of an X-wing fighter.

"I'm coming Artoo." Nichos replied, paying more attention to the datapad, then his droid.

"Brrrrpp Voop!" His astromech droid sounded a bit angry.

Nichos' eyes scanned the screen of the datapad. He had long since switched channels, and was now trying to access The Order's main holonet channel. Perhaps he could find out who it was that left the Order.

<font size=3>BZZ

<font size=2>"Ouch!" The Jedi jumped off his chair and fell to the ground. He hadn't even noticed his Artoo droid roll into the room and extend it's arc welder. It had used it to shock Nichos in attempts to gain his full attention. Nichos was sprawled across the floor with his datapad still locked in his hands.

That's one way of getting attention, He thought with a sigh.

"C'mon Artoo, I'll come to the docking bay in a moment. Just let me finish up here." Nichos pleaded. "I swear I'll only be a few minutes longer."

With a few beeps that sounded like curse words, the droid retired from it's effort. It's third leg extended and it wheeled out of the room, and away.

Nichos' attention returned to the holonet channel. He couldn't get in without access to the proper passcodes. Finally he gave up and sat back on his chair, flipping through the news channels for any kind of clue. Normally he wouldn't be too interested in such a situation, but Sith business was his business. Only a week back he had the pleasure of meeting Sith Master Gav Mortis. It wasn't the most pleasant of experiences he wished to remember.

"It was believed to be Garrett Blade, a traitor to the Order..." Nichos passed the channel. It took him a few moments to realize what he had just heard. Frantically he flipped back to the channel. A small logo at the bottom, displayed "Corellian News." Nichos made himself comfortable while he began to take notes on the facts he knew.


Ten Minutes Later

Blade is a maniac, there is no telling what he will do, Nichos reflected. He'd heard of Garrett's past escapades, such as his trip to Coruscant. He could be a potential threat to the Jedi Order. He doesn't look like a stupid weakling, that's for sure.

Nichos stood up and pocketed his datapad. He was dressed in casual garb that seemed to be the latest trend on Tralus. He was on vacation away from the Jedi Order, but that didn't mean his obligations as a Jedi stopped.

He quickly grabbed his wallet and lightsaber and left the hotel room he was staying in. By now his droid was probably already at the docking bay hangar where Nichos' borrowed ship was docked. He would have to hurry.

Garrett Blade
Aug 29th, 2001, 01:39:02 PM
Three days later, the ship emerged from hyperspace above a glowing paradise. Bespin truly was a sight for sore eyes. In a few years time, Garrett would only have to look at a floating city to turn into a hysterical barrel of laughs in seconds. But for now, he just smiled to himself, thinking of the implications that would occur should the repulsors fail. It wasn't worth thinking about - a nice prank, but nothing more at the moment. Garrett powered up the sublight engines and cruised towards the atmosphere of the planet. Bespin was one of those planets where you felt like your ship was flating rather than flying. The upper atmosphere was very relaxing. Garrett found himself floating in a sea of drugs, and lost himself in the bliss of the pink and lazy oranges. A cloud car skimmed his front trajectory, but soon lost interest in the military markings on the Skipray Blastboat - even if it was TSO's insignia. After several minutes flight time, Garrett reached Cloud City. Luckily there were no patrols so it was relatively easy landing on an unused pad.

He stepped into the smoke-filled corridor, several city patrons walking around mumbling something about philosophy and the current state of galactic affairs. How boring! Now what to do!

Garrett admitted - he had no idea why he had come here. Perhaps it was just a place to come and sit. Think. Ponder. Thats it! Garrett was very fond of a pond. After chatting to the young woman on the main desk and convincing her that slitting her thoat in the toilets was a great idea, it didn't take Garrett long to fiddle about with the terminal to give himself a room for the weekend. And not just any room. The Presidential Suite on the top floor, with a lovely view of the golden skies of the Life Zone.

Garrett Blade
Aug 29th, 2001, 01:41:05 PM
Five minutes and a forged suicide note later, Garrett was at the door of his room. The doors swished open as if they hadn't been opened in some time - shows just how often people as important as Garrett visit Cloud City. He waltzed into the grand suite with the elegance of a bantha, and slouched onto the long, curvy couch with a thud. Dust jumped up out of the fabric and attacked his nostrils. He snezzed and laughed. he laughed and sneezed. This lasted a few hours - anyone watching would think "Sad".

It was a little after midday on Bespin. That meant it was late in the evening on Corellia. Garrett sat for a few minutes thinking about what was going on thanks to his explosive laughter a few days ago. Not wishing to dwindle on the thought too long, he stoop up and decided that it was time to go shopping...

"These clothes are just awful. This simply won't do!"