View Full Version : Mos Eisley: Close Encounters

Gav Mortis
Jul 17th, 2001, 06:51:03 PM
Basically I'm bored and thought I'll put myself in a scenario on a neutral planet, anyone who's in the mood for fighting should join in and have some fun!</FONT> :)


Leaving the small hanger bay in which his shuttle had just docked, Gav decided he would visit his favourite bistro on the other side of town. It would take him about twenty minutes to get there nevertheless he knew that if Mos Eisley had maintained it's reputation then no doubt he would encounter enough to keep him entertained on his travels.

Garrett Blade
Jul 17th, 2001, 07:58:11 PM

Thats all it was. Sand!

Sand, sand...bleedin' sand!!!

Garrett had been on Tatooine for almost two months now. In that time, he had built up a reputation amongst the local crime lords. It had gotten to the point were he had to walk around in public in a disguise. He trapsed through the hot sand in his bare feet, wearing tattered, sandy clothing, and a torn, hooded tunic around his head and upper body to hide his face. As he was walking through the market-stall cluttered street, a Twi'Lekk bumped into him and reacted rather angrily. Garrett simply apologised using a foreign voice and walked on. He was reaching the market center now - a large, circular area with a large fountain that was devoid of any water.

Gav Mortis
Jul 18th, 2001, 11:00:03 AM
Gav chuckled with delight whilst watching the two little Jawas engaged in a furious arguement over a bulky R1 droid, enticed by the Siths influenced the weak minded creatures were soon brawling around in the sand. Their high-pitched shrieks were unheard amidst the daily noise of the Mos Eisley streets.

Leaving the jawas to their fighting, he continued navigating the lively market places until he flet a familiar presence once he'd entered the epicentre of trade, the market was densly packed, however after masking his own presence with that of a Zabrack weapons dealer he continued to seach for that dark signature.

Suddenly, Gav caught sight of someone who was instantly recognisable to him, despite the cloth decor across his face. He had not been seen by the person and decided to take a detour down a narrow alley until he came to a dead end where he would scale the small wall and move on.

The man was nearing, Gav pin-pointed his location down the adjoining alley and so quickly made his way to the junction which was found behind a pit-fighting arena and a privately-owned, Imperial restraunt where the higher ranking officers at Mos Eisley would dine. Silently, the Sith waited in anticipation of the mans appearance, he could here him nearing as the sand beneath his bare feat sifted.

Suddenly, there was a hissing sound which quickly became a high-pitched hum as Gav's black lightsaber blade swung down before the masked man, who had instinctively brought up his lightsaber in defense. The blades clashed with screaming force and the narrow passages were illuminated in brilliant colour.

"You didn't think you could from me forever did you?" he said with a brief grin.

No doubt the masked man was suprised to find that the person waiting for him down the alley was not the Zabrack weapons-dealer that he had sensed. He recognised this man.

Garrett Blade
Jul 18th, 2001, 12:21:56 PM
Garrett looked into the mans eyes. Ah-ha! So it was Gav all along! Garrett had instinctively brought his red lightsaber up to block the attack, and pulled down the fabric-mask across his face with his free hand...

I'm not a Muslim!

Garrett thrust his lightsaber forward, causing Gav to dodge backwards out of harms way. Garrett completely removed the masking cloth, but kept the head-piece on to protect him from the head...

Now what brings you to Tatooine?

Gav Mortis
Aug 28th, 2001, 09:38:45 PM
Amused by Garretts as ever unpredictable response, Gav stepped forward skillfully wielding his lightsaber in his right hand whilst bringing his left arm behind him, the back of his fist resting on the small of his back. It was an elegant posture which the Sith had adopted from his time posing as a Jedi on Yavin VI, the Jedi Knights had develloped a beautiful artistry with the ancient weapon, but enabled deadly precision with every thrust.

A sharp swing from above knocked Garretts saber off-target, the blades still locked to one side, Gavs blade on top of his old apprentices.

"A training mission. Jeseth and Seth are with me. What's your excuse?"

After posing the question, Gav sensed Garrett was ready for another strike and luringly loosened the grip on his saber, allowing Garretts blade to follow through on it's own momentum. With a quick turn of the wrist Gavs blade was now under Garretts and he used Blades own circular momentum against him and pulled up, lifting his opponents blade above them.

Garrett was now open for attack and siezing the opportunity, Gav landed a swift pointed foot into his gut knocking the breath out of the Sith. At this Garrett naturally retracted but maintained his defense, causing Gav to cautiously back away.

"You've been hiding for too long, it's about time you came out of retirement old boy!" Gav said with a grin, then leapt into the air and propelled with gravity-defying force cleared the wall of the Imperial Officers Restaurant.

From the roof, he called down, "Care for something to eat?"

Garrett Blade
Aug 29th, 2001, 01:57:07 PM
Garrett looked up at Gav, he looked quite stupid on the roof, shouting down at him. Garrett seemed to pull downwards at nothing. Suddenly, the roof beneath Gav crumbled and he fell through the ceiling of the restaurant and landed on a table surrounded by four aliens. The wall in front of him exploded. Garrett emerged from the cloud of dust and ran at him, picking up a circular, metal tray on the way...

"Why not try the Duck!"

From his sitting position on the table, legs akimbo, Gav tilted his head back and lowered his back, ducking out of the way of the sharp object. He then rolled out of the way of Garrett's saber. The table fell into two halves, collapsing onto the floor, covering the elegant carpet in sauce and food.

"Table for one!"

Gav brought his foot up to deflect the redwood table, knocking it to one side. Garrett then disappeared through the door that led to the kitchen...

Gav Mortis
Oct 22nd, 2001, 10:06:29 AM
Following Garrett into the kitchen Gav reignited his weapon and it burst to a warm, dark glow as he leaned against the kitchen door, not knowing what to expect he closed his eyes - shutting out the sound of angry Imperials approaching, non too happy about having their meal interrupted. He could sense the alarm of the plongeurs in the kitchen as they watched Garrett sprint through. Then in one instant Gav caught a glimpse of Garrett as seen by one of the cooks wielding a hefty meat-knife.

As Gav entered the kitchen he saw the blade contacting partially with Garrett's left shoulder, it sliced through the skin and embedded itself in the wall behind him, the shot wasn't perfect but Gav had to both focus on entering the room and controlling the chefs actions simultaneously. Against the immaculate tiled walls was a dash of blood where the blade had struck.

By now, Garrett had stopped unknowing the Gav had entered and that he had influenced the chefs attack. Infuriated, the Sith ran at him and leaping over a worktop he was caught on the chin by a swift uppercut, but not from the cowering chef but from Gav. It made an awful, gut-wrenching sound with his jaw and sent reverberations up through the front of Garretts skull. His head ached, even more so when it cracked against the hard ceramic floor tiles.

Steam filled the air in the kitchen, the heat was intense and all workers in the kitchen were dripping with sweat, amazed at the sight of these two going at it and not a drop of sweat on their brows.

"Oh come on! I always thought you were better than that!" cried Gav as he leapt over his recovering Sith opponent and made his way to the exit, where he would have to descend five flights of stairs to leave the building.

As he was leaving, roughly two dozen cooking utensils about the room suddenly took life and were either lifted from worktops or ripped from the wielders grasp and simultaneously hurled at Garrett once he'd stood up. All types of accessories; both sharp and dull although all metal and reasonably heavy flew accross the room, occasionally through a chest or two to meet their target.

Garrett Blade
Nov 2nd, 2001, 05:23:28 AM
The smell of burning wood was thick in the kitchen. Garrett thought. Then he acted. The sharp objects hurling towards him at fantastic speeds were all intercepted by various pans and cutting boards, either picked up or manipulated offensively by Garrett's mind. Once the initial threats were out of the way, Garrett clenched his fist and pulled down hard in the air. Nothing happened in the kitchen, although there was a loud screetching sound outside as metal twisted upon itself, and the exterior fire escape came crashing to the ground like a house of cards, with gav somewhere on it when it fell. Garrett smirked slightly, knowing full well that Gav wasn't hurt.