View Full Version : Predator and Prey: The Hunt(Open)
Aug 22nd, 2001, 12:59:59 PM
The lone Yautja walked silently through the underbrush. He was the Alpha male, the leader of the Hunters in all the Hunters.
He slowly set the shiftsuit to the best stage and reloaded his burner.
"Dtai'k-dte sa-de nav'gkon dtain'aun bpide."
'The fight begun would not end until the end.'
The Kainde Amedha was deployed, as the last hunters had failed.
They were killed.
A drone leaped out of the brush and was followed quickly by another.
Two drones. no challenge.
He spun and sliced through the centre of the drone and leaped back as the acid spalshed out, sizzling against the tree bark.
The second one snarled and leaped forward, oepning its second jaws and snapping with them, dragging Vchoun's arm towards the second and main jaws.
Vchoun's shoulder burner blasted five times in a quick burst of blazing fire.
The drone fell back, its chect and head blasted into acidic pulp.
He heard brush rustling and put back up his shiftsuit, his form blurring into the brush as the camouflage came into affect.
Hiding in the brush he was invisible, but in the open his form blurred.
He saw several oomans walk past and smiled.
Now both Pyode Amedha and Kainde Amedha, Soft and Hard Meat, were here.
The hunt was on.
He waited for another Hunter to meet him.
Aug 22nd, 2001, 04:31:27 PM
A Yautja decloaked beside Vchoun as he waited.
"We move?"
Vchoun nodded his head and motioned slightly to the right.
They walked slowly, for they heard the hisses and clicks of the kainde amedha in the brush alongside.
They were on a remote planet in the Outer Rim, one used by the Yautja to test their skills against worthy opponents.
Years ago, an ooman corporation set up a hunting planet here.
They cloned many ancient, feral creatures and set them loose in the jungles.
The oomans were killed off, but the feral species' survived and evolvd into even more deadly creatures to survive the others.
It was a true test for hunters, and so Vchoun and his smal squad of fellow Leaders were here to hunt a particularly vicious creature.
They called it the tar'e'sav.
It was a giant, 30 foot tall monster with spikes and telelpathic abilities.
Somehow, it seemed to have taken control of the kainde amedha's Queen, and so they knew it was a worthy foe.
Vchoun thought of all the skulls that would soon be added to his trophy wall, and the honour that would come with it.
He signaled to his comrade to circle off and cut off the oomans route, also giving his fellow hunter the ooman skulls.
Omman skulls were prized by Hunters and took the centre of the trophy racks, as the oomans had the same technology as the Yautja.
They were worthy foes and were only rarely hunted.
These oomans had stumbled into a intense Yautja hunting mission, as a second ship hadf brought a Kainde Amedha Queen and let it loose.
They would be hunted.
He saw another group of Huners approaching and signaled them to split up and converge on the cruiser that Vchoun had come in on.
They faded into the undergrowth.
He soon came upon another Yautja, Vchoun's current hunting leader.
He glanced briefly at his own symbol carved on the leader's brow. A double circle with a crescent moon through it.
"Take you're party and head back to the ship, and pick up the trophies. We can figure out which is who's later."
The other Yautja clicked his mandibles as an affirmative and walked back the way he came.
Vchoun too started to head back to the ship.
He was assembling all the Yautja here to give them a mission objective.
This hunt would be glorious.
Miryan no Trunks
Aug 23rd, 2001, 02:55:18 AM
*Looking up through the canopy, MnT could not help but admire the deep overcast.. It added a pleasent feeling of solitude to his training, and allowed him to keep focused.. He had come to the planet after reading up on how it had been treated in the past.. A planet covered with little more than dense forest, mountains, and ocean.. There was little if any chance he would be disturbed, and what better chance to train his senses and fighting skills, than on a planet that had been used to breed and hunt some of the most dangerous species ever encountered?*
*Turning his head back down, he came upon a sight he had not expected in the least.. A large, black insectile creature was dashing through the forest beneath him.. He had seen many large insects before, but this one was obviously a bi-ped.. Something he'd Never before seen in a bug..*
" ... Hmm..."
*Dropping down from the branch he had sat on, almost 30 feet up, the Sith Knight landed without a sound. He was clad in a black tank-top, baggy black cargos, and his custom durasteel-rimmed boots.. He had left his trenchcoat behind, as it would not in any way be an asset during this journey.. Strapped to his back, was his 500lb broadsword, Damnation's Touch, but he hadn't used it much as of yet, there was little prey out here that would render it honorable at All to fight with a sword..*
*Almost immediately after landing, the half human half Saiya-Jin took off in a dash after the creature, each step making no more noise than the wind itself.. Quickly, he caught up behind it, and, kicking a stick up into his hand in mid-stride, threw the branch at the creature's back.*
*It hit surprisingly hard, shattering the wood on what appeared to be a fairly hard exoskeleton, and nearly toppling the beast over, as it had obviously not expected that. After regaining it's footing, the creature turned with a hiss, and MnT was slightly stunned by it's visage.. It had no eyes that he could see, so naturally it's sense of hearing would likely be enhanced.. It's mouth was rimmed with thin sharp teeth, about 4 inches long each, but when it opened it's mouth, it appeared there was a secondary set of jaws inside...*
.. You Are an interesting beast, aren't you..?
*Suddenly, the bug leapt for him, a very feral jump. It's arms and legs bent and outstretched towards him, whilst it's obviously quite articulate tail swung around from the left, the long point at the end aiming to stab into him..*
*Pivoting back on his right foot, MnT pushed forwards into a low duck-and-roll, right under the creature. As he turned forwards, he snapped his left leg down, smashing into the beast's chest, and sending it toppling backwards, landing and rolling back on the spires protruding from it's back. MnT flinched, knowing that if the creature could feel pain, it would have been in quite a bit right then..*
*Wasting no time, he stood back up, and got himself into a defensive position, keeping his mind open to the force, incase some of it's friends heard, and decided to come by to join in..*
Aug 23rd, 2001, 11:16:08 AM
The tall Yautja watched the black clad ooman fight a kainde amedha drone.
His form leaped out and slashed through the middle of the drone.
His clear blurred form leaped back into the brush as the oomans face took on a surprised expression.
"I'm not alone here..." cme the strange ooman language in a fearful tone.
Vchoun wondered if this ooman was worthy.
He sent back to the most recent cruiser landed to release the next Queen, but to send in a needle for it to target ooman pheremones.
He smiled and clicked his mandibles in pleasure before putting back on his mask.
Odan Urr the Scholar
Aug 23rd, 2001, 11:43:25 AM
The lone Jedi walked slowly through the forests amd glades.
He enjoyed the piece and quiet.
Suddenly, five black, eeless, banana-shaped head, huge teeth and two jaws leaped out into the open.
He whirled as he ignited 'Vita' and 'Mortis' and slammed them into the waists of two of the things, slicing through and leaping back as he saw acid splashing out.
He turned asnd sliced into a third as he cut off a claw of the fourth.
the fifth leapt at his back and gouged two long furrows down his back.
He yelped in surprise and turned, throwing his saber out in an arc and decapitating it.
He turned again to finish off the last one, but it ran off, yelping out a warning call.
He scanned for the things brain, and was surprised to find one.
He had sensed nothing in the others.
This could be a problem.
He hoped that there wasnt more of them, but in his heart he knew there were.
sig is over the 30k limit. please shrink thanks.
Miryan no Trunks
Aug 24th, 2001, 02:52:12 AM
... I'm not alone here, I see..
*MnT smiled slightly.. He'd only ever met one other Yautja in his life, Bi0hazzard, and this one seemed more feral.. Much more like how he'd always heard Yautja to be.. It was hard to physically see, through the bushes, as well as the light-bending technology he knew the hunters of the species often used as camoflauge, but it's slight force presence was quite clear. He watched it's mandibles click together, with what appeared to be a look of pride on it's face.. He took a moment to remember as much Yautjin as he could, and spoke a few phrases that basically translated to:*
"... How can you feel pride in that kill..? You, invisible to the creature's senses, came out and slashed it in half from behind.. There was no skill involved, aside from in the making of the weaponry and armor you don.."
Aug 24th, 2001, 01:58:39 PM
His mandibles clicked softly in surprise and he uncloaked.
This must be one of the....Force...users.
"You can not understand, ooman. I am never pleased with the kill of a drone. They are kainde amedha and in this hunt, worthless.
You shall have to survive this before you can understand."
With those words he reactivated the shiftsuit and faded out of the bushses, and away from the Sith's mind.
OOC: Hey MnT, check out the Yautja board
Miryan no Trunks
Aug 25th, 2001, 09:10:41 PM
"You must survive before understanding"
*He knew his yautjin was not perfect, but the meaning was clear enough... He likely was going to be hunted..*
" ... Well then, perhaps this will be an interesting interlude to my training.. "
*Whilst in mid-thought, MnT leapt straight up, and grabbed onto a branch about 25 feet in the air.. Twirling around and landing, perched on top of the branch, MnT stopped to think for a moment.. The Yautja would undoubtedly be using their technology to their advantage, as much as they could.. However, he knew he had a few advantages over them.. Likely, they mistook him for a simple human, and had no idea of the Saiya-Jin heritage that his visage hid so well.. Aside from his abnormally dark eyes, all of his features looked completely human.. Of course, he wouldn't use his ki for any major attacks, perhaps though, for reflecting the energy bolts he knew the Yautjin shoulder-cannon to fire.. But his natural strength and speed would come well in handy in this..*
*Leaping off the branch, the Sith Knight darted through the trees, from branch to branch, making hardly a noise as he swiftly traveled, searching out with the force, for the locations of the Yautja he'd met, or any of the others for that matter..*
Aug 27th, 2001, 08:03:57 PM
Thats when the drone struck.
The ooman was knocked over and had to roll to avoid being killed.
He, that is Vchoun, dodged into the underbrush and tracked a metamorphosing drone he had seen.
They couldnt have another Queen, they couldnt!
Miryan no Trunks
Aug 28th, 2001, 04:18:08 AM
*He saw the Drone too late, and cursed his own sloppiness.. He had been searching for the Yautja, and had somehow passed over the Alien that now was leaping out at him from the side.. MnT thrust his right hand outwards, with a quick Ki blast that not only stopped the bug's momentum, but pushed him sideways off the branch..*
*A quick twist of his head to the left, showed a tangle of branches that were highly inopprotune for his survival.. He reached out with his left hand, just in time to snatch one of the more horizontal branches, and brought his body up and over, his arm outstreched.. However, there was still a fairly large mass of sticks pointing out to the side, and up towards his body.. Letting his arm go limp, he edged his body's fall so that he was going nearly straight down, but at an angle, just barely passing by the branches.. The moment his legs were clear, he allowed himself to flip back upright again from the semi-roll, and dropped..*
*Looking down, the Sith grinned, and caught onto a particularly sturdy branch with both hands.. A gymnastic-esque flip, and he was again perched on top.. He watched the bug continue to tumble down through the branches, it's shell shattered in places, before finally crashing against a rock on the ground, that peirced through it's back, and out of its' chest..*
*Hopping back down, MnT took a moment to look over the felled creature, studying the yellowish liquid that seemed to act as blood.. There were distinct acidic properties, as the rock was melting rather rapidly..*
... Hmm...
*Turning at a sound, MnT looked forwards with the force, and picked up the Yautja he'd met briefly, chasing after another of the bugs.. It seemed somewhat different though..*
*MnT turned back around, just in time to see yet another of the creatures playing on his concentration.. It leaped at him, arms outstretched, and the knight Grinned..*
.. Too Far Away!
*He backstepped once, and the beast landed, tumbling forwards as it attempted to regain it's footing after such a close miss.. With it's arms down, MnT brought his left arm back, and swung a quick horizontal hand-slash at the top of the creature's head.. If he had not trained himself to the level of quickness and strength he possessed, he might not have been able to cut his hand right through its skull, without getting any of it's acidic blood on him.. Fortunately though, he had.*
*Pulling his hand back and hopping backwards simultaneously, he avoided the spray of blood that began to exit the beast, as it fell to the ground, it's body going through death spasms that he was slightly surprised to see.. He didn't expect an insectile creature to behave in such a manner..*
" ... Now back to the Yautja.."
*Searching out for it again, MnT took off silently, making sure to keep his mind open to his entire surroundings.. He was not about to let himself be caught like that again..*
Aug 28th, 2001, 04:07:51 PM
He saw the drone just as he had rpedicted, surrounded by about 300 other drones that were to metamorphose into Royal Guards once the Queen was done.
The potential Queen had surrounded herself by secretion and was hald done, a Queen the size of a Drone.
He prepared to fire when he saw the ooman burst through the bursh behind him and raise it's burner-blade to an almost touching point on his back.
Vchoun turned slowly and made sure his shoulder burner traced with his eyes.
He fired a split second too late as the ooman raised it's burner-blade and deflected the blast.
Vchoun spoke a few words to the ooman and it's eyes widened.
"You know my language?"
Vchoun grinned and pulled off his mask, letting his mandibles show his amusement.
He was an imposing site, 3 meters tall with eyes like burning yellow portals into hell.
One of his tusks was snapped at an odd angle in a duel yars ago from a strong roundhouse punch, snapped to a razor angle and he was given the same nickname as the great Leader of old, Dachande.
He spoke again, "This Queen cannot be allowed to finish changing. If it does, the other four Queens will come here and they will become one mega-hive and nearly impossible to destroy.
Assist me."
He was proud of himself for being able to speak so much of the strange language but was shoked, truly shocked when the ooman replied in his language.
"I shall help, for the glory of the Hunt."
He stared for several seconds, all hints of amusement gone from his face as he stared slackjawed at the ooman who could speak Yautja.
"Where did you learn my tongue, ooman?" Vchoun asked in his lanmuage.
"I have a...friend," he had to use the ooman tongue for 'friend', for there wasnt that word in Yautja, "who is of you'r species. he taught me."
"Than we shall Hunt together and destroy the Queen!"
The two set off slowly towards the huge shell like structure that was the Queen's domain and moved silently.
he turned to offer the ooman a Shiftsuit spare powerpack he carried but found himself unable to see the ooman.
He growled low in his throat and the ooman suddenly stood there.
"Where were you?"
"I hid myself from you with the Force."
He had heard of this...force...and he shook his head.
"Follow me."
They snuck past the dornes, even though it was cowardly, they needed to kill the Queen...there would be time for the drones on the way back.
They entered the main chamber and saw hundreds of eggs there, waiting to hatch.
Vchoun pointed silently, knowing that the ooman could sense him, and though what they were going to do.
He moved and placed several detonators in positions to destroy the shell bring the roof down in here.
then he saw it and knew that they couldnt hit the Queen in her weakest phase.
She was fully changed.
He pulled out a burned-shotgun and passed one to where he thought the omman was, pointing again, now at the Queen.
He loaded in and explosive pack and aimed right at the area surrounding the Queen, signaling that the ooman should do the same.
He fired then, pounding out every pack he had in the area surrounding the Queen, watching as the ooman did the same.
All the guards were killed as the Queen shrieked impotently.
Vchoun set the one minute timer to go on the bombs and charged forward, slicing off one of the Queens claws before diving under and sliding his spear-sword into her neck.
She shrieked again, this time in, pain, as he whip;ped it out and jumped up, scrambling up the antler like bone coming off the Queens skull.
He slammed down into her neural cortex and scrambled her reflexes as he jumped off, screaming to the ooman to run to the exit and cut through, then to RUN!
The countdown signaled 20 seconds in his helmet as he dived through a hole and ran into the jungle, seeing the ooman do the same several seconds later as the drones flooded inmto the shell.
Vchoun dived down into the brush as the explosion went off, sending a shockwave in every direction and slicing down trees with rings of fire.
The shell cracker, and the explosions set off trails of oil set down around it by Vchoun earlier, ripping up the landscape for at least three hundred feet around.
He felt his dreadlocks singing as the shockwave rippled over him.
He looked up and saw ther ooman lying several hundred feet off to his left, burnt over various portions of his ody and injured.
Vchoun loped over and pulled out a medikit, quickly doing some repairs and fixing a broken arm with a little snap.
he left some burn treatment neddles and ointment and ran off to gather mroe arriors for the next hive.
Miryan no Trunks
Aug 28th, 2001, 05:27:28 PM
OOC: Actually, It's not good RPing to state what the other person does, not at all.. I hate to do this, cause you obviously put a lot of time into that post, but could you maybe cut it back to when Vchoun speaks? I've put a lot of time in to the personality and whatnot of my character, and I'd much rather things went right >_< (For one, he considers using guns an act of total dishonor, and would rather die than be forced to do so.. )
Aug 29th, 2001, 08:20:04 AM
I know, but he's desperate man. And he only uses it to kill a few eggs so that he doesn't get a Ch3est Burster in his face, and it isn' against Predator code to use guns., ifthe situation gets outta control or they go into a hive they take out burners. This is just a stronger one.
And could you ask what you want you're character to do? Because I could edit it in...I don't really wanna delete so much of my post. And I realized yesterday you might not like it, sorry...I just though it made a nice post...plusm all you have are a few burns because of the explosion, since I fixed the right arm. But whatever, I mean, he is you're characyter.
('scuse my bad typing, it's 6:15 AM and I have to wake up my cousinto drive to Edmonton so he won't miss his flight...:( )
Miryan no Trunks
Aug 29th, 2001, 12:25:58 PM
ooc: Well, last resort, he'dve simply used ki blasts to destroy them :) As for the predator bit code, in the first movie, the yautja in it used the burner all the time, even when it was just one on one.
It was a good post, I'm not saying it wasn't, just I'dve enjoyed it a lot more if I'd actually gotten to RP out what MnT did for it ;)
If you do edit, could you make it so the speech was in Yautjin, so it makes more sense for him to be talking that way? Also, the ki blast thing (dark purple if you describe the color)
edit: and How did I Just notice that Odan Urr was ripping off my Sabers >_< Vita and Mortis. Those are Latin for Life and Death, right? Same saber-names I've been using since last october >_< (just in a different language)
Aug 29th, 2001, 02:54:48 PM
whoops...I didnt know that.
I just like Latin and those were the first names that came to bad.
Dalethria Mal Pannis
Aug 29th, 2001, 07:24:39 PM
OOC~ Hey you two, please take this to OOC or email from now on alright? :)
And when you wish the OOC posts to be gone, let me or another mod/admin know.
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