View Full Version : Operation Sarrgasso Fade (Yautja)

Aug 26th, 2001, 12:36:56 PM
List of ships:
Section C
Mark II Victory Class Destroyer: BWD Star
MC80B Star Cruiser: Lucas
MC80B Star Cruiser: War-Lord
Interdictor Class Cruisers: BWSV Lexx
Interdictor Class Cruisers: BWSV Xev
Nebulion-B2 Frigate: BWSV Dark Blade
Nebulion-B2 Frigate: BWSV Recssier
Nebulion-B2 Frigate: BWPV Ambria
Nebulion-B2 Frigate: BWPV Toprel
Nebulion-B2 Frigate: BWPV Mev
Medical Task Force Cruiser: BWMV Veckter
Viashino Light Transport: Voyager
Viashino Light Transport: Beta Z
Viashino Light Transport: Leve
Viashino Heavy Fighter Carrier: Yarrin
Viashino Heavy Fighter Carrier: Attahox
Viashino Heavy Fighter Carrier: Sloth
Viashino Heavy Fighter Carrier: Sudden Strike
Viashino Corrvette: Choux
Viashino Corrvette: Loh'or
Assassain Corrvette: Grahem
Assassain Corrvette: Castrophic
Assassain Corrvette: Plasatoey
50 Heavy TIE Torpedo Bombers (2 Sqaudrons)
Delta Class Dx-9s Transport: Karrn
Delta Class Dx-9s Transport: Victorios
Lictor Class D-Ship: Harold

IC: Kyle sat aboard the command post of the Mark II VSD **BWD Star**.

Lieutenant: "Sir we are on our way now to the Yautja's planet. We will be there in a few hours."

"Excellent alert me once we are there. I want everyone battle ready. I want all the gunners to be battle ready. I want them to go over all their machinery and make sure that it's battle ready."

Lieutenant: "Yes sir."

Khendon S
Aug 26th, 2001, 12:47:21 PM
A Guild attack group leapt into hyperspace, heading for Yautja territory. The flotilla consisted of the Guild Class Star Destroyer Black Star, Illustrious Class Star Destroyer Inferno, Schlacht class Fast Attack Frigates Forgotten Galaxy and Sun’s Revenge. Commanding the task force was Khendon Sevon, himself, aboard the GSD Black Star.

*on the bridge of the Black Star*

“As soon as we’re out of hyperspace, bring shields to full recharge rate, set to auto-angle. Load all mass cannons and prepare them to fire an opening volley… relay to all ships.”

“As you command,” said the tactical command officer, doing everything from one console.

(OOC: For specs. on Guild craft go here (http://pub54.ezboard.com/fkyrinvfrm11)
Ground Forces: 14,500 troopers -all in armor, 30 mobile howitzers, 15 anti-tank tanks, 50 anti-air sleds, 20 UPAUs)

Reysa Sashara
Aug 26th, 2001, 12:48:17 PM
OOC:Graound Sections:

Velof Legion

Commander: Reysa Sasahra
Base: Melofaction "Domanaria"

Warrior Count: 6.000
Scorpion Tanks: 800
Assult Guns: 650
AT-AT: 100 (AOS)
AT-PT: 255
Kam Bots: 3
TIES: 200

Xavios Legion

Commander: Ripclaw Fireblood
Base: Sacatite (Ambria)

Warrior Count: 3.000
Scorpion Tanks: 1000
Assult Guns: 150
AT-AT: 62 (AOS)
AT-PT: 40
Kam Bots: 3
TIES: 600

IC::: Reysa sat in his hamorch (Bed) resting before the fight the Yautja of baord the "Star" had gone to far on beaing so simerler to the Viashino..it was time to destroy there coimmunity...' how dear they decline my offer of kindness' he said to himself::

The Fleet in a whole was carrieing 2 Battalions eatch with the force of 3 armys between themselfs...Reysa loved war and so did his brother Lasheye, he couldent wait to rid of the galaxy of these Yautja was it??..Reysa gave them a chance and they declined...to late to bake out now..Reysa sat back on his bed and layed there staring at the celing...what a war this would be..


Jashiva Darkstorm
Aug 26th, 2001, 10:47:04 PM
B section to the Viashino Fleet:

Mark II Victory Class Destroyer: BWD Shadow Hunter
Mark II Victory Class Destroyer: BWD Vortos
Mark II Victory Class Destroyer: BWD Serpant
Mark II Victroy Class Destroyer: BWD Mortis II
Mark II Victory Class Destroyer: BWD The Hammer
Interdictor Class Cruisers: BWSV Mortis
Interdictor Class Cruisers: BWSV Messier
MC40a Star Cruiser: Knife Edge
MC40a Star Cruiser: Picard
Abolisher Class Cruiser: BWSV Galieth
Abolisher Class Cruiser: BWSV Reaper
Enforcer Class Cruiser: BWSV Death Watch
Enforcer Class Cruiser: BWSV Renee
Nebulion-B2 Frigate: BWSV Bourton
Nebulion-B2 Frigate: BWSV Silver Blade
Nebulion-B2 Frigate: BWPV Hells Fury
Nebulion-B2 Frigate: BWPV Rage
Nebulion-B2 Frigate: BWPV Elipeps
Medical Task Force Cruiser: BWMV Red Blade
Viashino Light Transport: Panther
Viashino Light Transport: Prime
Viashino Light Transport: Nomad
Viashino Light Transport: Carcas
Viashino Light Transport Mormas
Viashino Heavy Fighter Carrier: Jazmin
Viashino Heavy Fighter Carrier: Locust
Viashino Heavy Fighter Carrier: Ryder
Viashino Heavy Fighter Carrier: Silent Death
Viashino Heavy Fighter Carrier: Venom
Viashino Corvette: Saber
Viashino Corvette: Sycth
Viashino Corvette: Via
Viashino Corvette: Dom
Viashino Corvette: Electra
Viashino Corrvette: CDV
Corellian Missile Destroyer: Cara
Corellian Missile Destroyer: Brandy
Corrllian Corrvette: Shazmak
Corrllian Corrvette: Niem
Corrllian Corrvette: Aacaim
Assassain Corrvette: Karan
Assassain Corrvette: Llian
Delta Class Dx-9s Transport: Macy
Delta Class Dx-9s Transport: Chatey
Lictor Class D-Ship: Orist
Lictor Class D-Ship: Lusion
YT-2400 Sqaudron Black Skull (15 YT-2400's)
YT-2400 Sqaudron Lightning (15 Y-T-2400's

IC: Jashiva Temperery commander of the B section till High Admiral Vexter had arrived in his persoanl Shuttel

'All ships within B section please stand by for the junp to the Yaujta planet and make sure as we enter all weapons and TIE sqaudrons are aready and have all TY-2400's on standby...relay for me please skoth'

'Aye sir'

Jashiva sat back as the Stars formed lines

Seftian Spag
Aug 26th, 2001, 11:12:42 PM
ooc: you may wanna wait untill we have enough people to be called a real group, if you do this now it will be a holo victory and lessen your character's honor


a message is sent to reysa from the planet, a message straight from one of the leaders...

coward, you use your ships because you are weak. you lack the abilities to best even a HUMAN. this can all be setteled now, you against me. one on one. if you do not feel that you are skilled enough or if you are just plain frightened to fight me, then by all means, go ahead and be a coward and use those ships of yours. but if you are going to prove that you are the "superior" race, then meet me on the surfice. we will settle this there, if you do not lack the genetalia to battle.

End Transmission

Reysa Sashara
Aug 26th, 2001, 11:26:30 PM
;; A ding sounded in Reysa's quaters;;

' Yes bridge what is it?'

' sir a messege has been relayed to you from the enemy race'

::Reysa listernd to it and burst into a matalic laughter::

' Skoth record what i says and send it back please'
'Aye sir'

' Today my enemy, i do not wish to battle such a race of yourself, it is not you i wish to destroy..it is your big headed attitude and your planet i wish to take from you..other than that..you may leave...if you wish to merge with us...by all means please..join us...if you wish to battele..then it will be by our terms NOT YOUR INFERIOR!!! we are the domenent race here not you..it is by our chooseing weather we fight with weapons ships and tanks it is not your desision how dare you make my race look inferiro when it is you who is weaker...your honer is no longer respected within the Viashino..you shall die if not surrender'

Aug 27th, 2001, 11:55:43 AM
The Dark Dragoon watched the screens with interest.
He had heard of this attack on his allies, the Yautja, and so he'd come in his fireghter.
So he watched

Aug 27th, 2001, 12:25:23 PM
Kyle looked up as he saw an officer come up to him.

Officer: "Sir we are exiting hyperspace in a few minutes what are your orders."

"Have all starfighters at ready but send one bomber squadron out to aid in the ship uards destruction. I want the **Star's** gunner crew and the **Dark Blade** to concentrate all fire power on the ship yard's as well."

Officer: "Yes Sir."

Kyle sat in the command chair waiting. He watched as suddenly the white lines came apart and stars covered the view around them with the enemies planet dead ahead of them. Suddenly one bomber squadron went soaring by the front view port. Kyle watched as the shp turned slowly towards the ship yard and turbolasers where being charged.

Reysa Sashara
Aug 27th, 2001, 12:39:07 PM
The Busserling of the ground assult team made reysa swaet. his head turned to an officer

' Grand General the attack on there ship yard has begun...all TDS's are ready and tanks are fully laiden..the Skoth are enjoying this sir...were ready to fight'

' Good skoth, you have done well to get this lot ready in time, you are premoted to Skoth-Captain, and you will lead the begoran section into there weapon works...go'

' Yes Grand General...thank you'
' You are welcome my son'

Soon 34 TSD (troop Drop Ships) and one Viashino Landing craft braoke from many ships in the C section and began its decent into the enemys planet...Reysa looked out of the TSD cabin and saw B section just come out of orbit...excitment of war went through his body and the cheers of the Skoth rang through the intercoms...what a war this will be

Aug 27th, 2001, 12:44:13 PM
The small Yautja defense force came around the dark side of the planet.
It consists of 2 Nebulon B Escort Frigates, a Strike Cruiser, and an interdictor cruiser.
Aboard the Interdictor, the commander sends out a transmission.
"We would like to discuss terms of...surrender.
Please come aboard my cruiser, you are welcome to bring whatever troops you wish as bodyguards and I swear that well you are on my ship you shant be harmed."

Reysa Sashara
Aug 27th, 2001, 01:03:36 PM
' Your offer of surrender is much apreciated, and your merge with us will be grand,, BUT you baord our vessel, not the other way round...you again are allowed to bring force onbaord but you will be surrounded with Skoth at all times..you have 15 mins' Reysa said ordering his ground crew to dock with the fleet once again

Khendon S
Aug 27th, 2001, 04:19:54 PM
As the Guild attack group trailed behind the main battle fleet of Viashino craft, Khendon maked a huffing sound. “Seems we shall not be able to see the efficiency that Reysa has spoken so highly of. Launch a prophet, have it gather recon. on the area and report in as soon as it has completed its mission.” Khendon shook his head, the only reason Guild forces were here was to observe, and interact if need be… but it seemed neither was required.

Reysa Sashara
Aug 27th, 2001, 04:32:35 PM
Reysa Sat in his office along side him was his man-servent placeing "Human" and Viashino dishes, Reysa nodded the the servent and carried on making notes and attack plans...

' You may go skoth'
'Thank you sir'

Reysa pressed a button on his desk

'yes sir'
'Have yourself relay a message to our firneds the guild and have him baord the shadow hunter along side me if you will we have matters to discuss before meeting our enemy'

'right away sir'

Aug 27th, 2001, 04:37:44 PM
Kyle smiled as he heard the news. He was human yes and didn't enjoy death as much as the Viashino.

Lieutenant: "Sir do we continue with the attack on their ship yards?"

"Yes we will cease their production line. I want it captured though. Call the bombers back and have them loaded inside the **Star's** hanger. Have **Voyager**, **Beta Z**, and **Karrn** go in and capture and secure it. . Have **Grahem** and **Castrophic** follow them in. If anything fires at them alert me immediately."

Lieutenant: "Yes sir."

The Lieutenant turned than and walked off.

Khendon S
Aug 27th, 2001, 04:52:36 PM
Khendon received the Viashino invitation and smiled, “Officer Blackthorn, you have command.” Khendon walked off towards the lift, located at the rear of the room through an airlock, incase the neck of the bridge was punctured. He took the lift to hangar bay area, boarding his personal shuttle, which carries four fighters, one being Khendon’s custom built fighter.

“xv01, you are clear for launch from docking bay 07, have a safe trip.”

“Roger that, Black Star flight control, see you soon.” Khendon’s craft left the hangar, five other men aboard, three pilots, two bodyguards.

“Shadow Hunter, this is GNCxv01 requesting permission to dock, over.”

Reysa Sashara
Aug 27th, 2001, 04:57:44 PM
' You have permission to dock to the Shadow Hunter and remain there for safe escort to Reysas office' said a louge human-Via controller

As Kendon docked 15 Viashino-Gaurd de-claoked and surrounded the whole of his ship within 5 secondes, the main viashino walked foawrd

'dejavouse kendon?'..he smiled under his metalic helmet ' please follow me'

Aug 27th, 2001, 07:25:20 PM
Kyle walked up to Reysa and saluted.

"We have some troops at this momement moving in to take control of the shipyard sir. I am also thankful that you have given me the honor to come with you to the meeting."

Aug 27th, 2001, 07:38:14 PM
Vchoun mumbles something and then says a quick prayer to the Black Warrior.
He signals to the Leader of this pack and wlaks to the shuttle bay, alone. He was not afraid of his enemy.
He piloted the ship through the stars between the vessels, leaving his Interdictor on the alert.
Should something go wrong, they were to take all the shuttles that were still in local space and jump to hyperspace, heading to an planet unknown to all the forces and groups in known space.
For the Viashino didn't know that there were no civilians left.
They had gone.
His ship neared the Viashino flagship and he stopped it. He plugged on his face mask and helmet, his carefully woven dreadlocks left exposed, and put on his ceremonial armour.
he opened the hatch and felt himself sucked into space.
he activated his mini thrusters and flew over to the docking hatch.
Upon it's opening, he pushed himself in with his claws and landed on the deck with a thump.
He was escorted through passages and turns 'till he reached the briefing room.
The door slid open and he strode through, head held high.
"You have come." the Viashino general stated matter-of-factly.
"Yes." Vchoun's normally alive voice was turned gravelly and basso by the mask. "now we begin talks."

Reysa Sashara
Aug 27th, 2001, 07:39:16 PM
Reysa Looked up from his desk and saluted in the human fasion and bided Kyle to a seat which he took..

' Yes military adivisers like yourself are a good thing, and Lasheye is away in the Dominaria system i must take care of this myself'

Kyle noded

'The Guilds leader Mr.Kendon sevon shall be arriveing here soon his ship has just landed in the hanger im sure you will show respect Commander' he continued

Reysa Sashara
Aug 27th, 2001, 07:45:01 PM
Vcoun had just enterd the door and 8 Viashino Gaurds surrounded him and escorted the man to a seat infront of the Viashino General..

'Good afternoon my simerler looking friend...you state your needs and i will state mine...the Guilds leader will arrive shortly, but what we discussright now..is between our clans...state your requests..'

Aug 27th, 2001, 08:01:59 PM
He removes his mask.
"I will serve you, aye, but any ships I reqeust from my Shipyards are mine.
Second, I want control of my forces, subservient under you. They will have life continue as normal, but we cannot have our command stripped down. As in, you can't remove me from control.
Thirdly, if and when such a time comes as to us wanting to split off, we shall have a non agression pact and you may have one Viashino senator on our board of control, as we shall have one Yautja senator on yours.
Lastly, we do not have to accept your religion and you ours. We may continue to do as we have, hunting and capturing skulls. We shall give you, as a token of our...merging...three fully ready Kainde Amedha Queens for Hunts of your own."

Reysa Sashara
Aug 27th, 2001, 08:18:43 PM
here is my rules...

(1) You shall be kept down to a limited force and will not go over the fleet limet..warrior limet...or ground unit limet..you will make your war units through our shipyards and weapons works as your is beaing dismanteld

(2) As i see it your fleet will be a max of 100 ships no bigger than VSD's MADE THOUGH OUR SHIP YARDS, you will have 600 ground units..tanks and such..again made thought our factorys and a maximum of 7000 warriors..if i see anymore than that on your baord, the deal is of

(3) the planet is named our..The Viashino and Predetor race and be co-exsist, you may not build factorys or shipyards on THIS planet..others i do not care..but this planet will be ruled as your not building no constructions areas..

(4) you will be given a out-post in our quadrent where you will be once a mont to produce evedence of you building constructions and otherbuilding threads

(5) a taking of another planet is your descision not ours

(6) Any reaserches you may construct will be shared with us...

(7) we have a back up pact..not a non agression..someone attacks you..we back you up...someone attacks us..you help us..

there are my rules and i expect you to agree..if you dont we will forcefully take thge planet fromyou'

Aug 27th, 2001, 11:26:38 PM
"The Queens shall be delivered to you're cruisers. I suggest, commander, that you use sufficient defenses to hold them.
But the pack-up pact is one I would like to change slightly, for there is nothing in there against you attacking me or vice versa.
So the back up should be as follows:
When and if the time comes for us to break off from you, we will assist the other and shall not attack the other.
Essentially, an alliance."

Reysa Sashara
Aug 27th, 2001, 11:51:19 PM
Just then a Viashino-Man servent rushes in with a sharp kncok to the door and hands Reysa a message from one of the Viashino Spys...

' Oh i see your plan my friend..you are to ally with the Dark Dragoons and hope they back you up am i note right?' reysa said baning down on the woven wood table

' Wht you dont rearlise is that i have spys on your planet and this have just been brought to my attention..!!'

Aug 28th, 2001, 01:02:59 AM
Kyle lowered his arm slightly not noticable and touched the cold metal of his lightsaber.

"Calm down Grand General Reysa. I would hope that Vchoun has a reasonable excuse for this."

Kyle stared at vchoun not blinking and remaining still and combat ready.

Khendon S
Aug 28th, 2001, 09:07:49 AM
Khendon walked in, a grin on his face, all of Reysa's guards for him had 'disapeared'. "Well, well... how are you, Reysa?"

Reysa Sashara
Aug 28th, 2001, 12:02:32 PM
' Nice to see you old friend' They claped hands and Reysa showed him to a seat

'we were just discussing agreements of surrender when a message cma eot me...something abouthim the Yautja alling with the Dark Dragoons..i fear his plan is to seek fleet back up from them...this man much have a good explination' he said turned towards the creature

Khendon S
Aug 28th, 2001, 03:17:27 PM
Khendon interjected, "I do not believe the Dark Dragoons have a fleet sufficient enough to aid them, so it shouldn't be of any concern."

Aug 28th, 2001, 03:44:00 PM
OOC: Alright, how the hell did you find that out, its in a locked forum man.
IC: "They could not arrive in time to assist in any way, so I surrendered."
OOC: Dammit, if I find that you'e infiltrating with someone...

Aug 28th, 2001, 04:07:32 PM
Kyle laughed softly.

"So you have to take choice two instead of trying to fight for survival. Pathetic."

Aug 28th, 2001, 04:14:04 PM
He turned to the ooman.
"My people do not fear the Black warrior, asnd we will not cower.
If you challenge my honor, then you should prove you are stronger than me, you all hide behind armed guards in fear of one alien. You would all be braded cowards in my society for bringing these guards.
If you want to fight, little thing, ten take this elsewhere."
Vchoun stood up to his full three meter height and stared down at the small ooman.
"I request he be removed.
Oh, and you all scrambled to you're allies when a larger force took you on, I wished to have my people survive, rather than have the whole race wiped out. We are proud, but not too proud as to not accpet defeat when it comes.
When there is the proper time, I will die valiantly as will every other of my race, you would lie in a bed with machines pumping anesthetics into you're systems and macgines helping you breathe.
I have seen far more seasons than you , ooman, don't you deem my courage."
His eyes blazed and his fingers twitched, his shoulder burner following the ooman at every turn.

Aug 28th, 2001, 04:23:43 PM
OOC: I'm sitting in a chair.

IC: Kyle shook his head.

"I don't hide behind armed guards their here t amke sure you don't step out of line. I am merely stating what I see. If you want to try me you might want to learn more about me. I am Kyle Horn ex-mercenary one of the most deadly humans you will come across. I am here to state what I see as an advisor and that is what I am doing."

Reysa Sashara
Aug 28th, 2001, 05:32:39 PM
OOC: actrally my dear friend what i saw was on a open forume..."The meeting hall" i beleve

Reysa stood up in total anger ' YOU DARETHREATERN MY SKOTH AND EXPECT A FAIR SURREDER TREATY??, YOU DARE COME IN HERE MY SHIP AND THREATERN MY CREW AND MY ALLYS!!!' he said looking down apon the short creature

He sat down back on the table as both Kendon and Kyle did not expect such a furosios and loud shout from the General, he was normaly passive face to face...

'No we sit here and we wait for your agreement, or we sit here for you poxy allies to turn up..ether way you will surrender in time and you also will get your allys destroyed...it is up to you'

Aug 29th, 2001, 08:15:22 AM
His calm returned.
"I thought you were clear on that. We accepted."
OOC: And that, so you may know for the future, is what Yautja culture is. Someone insults you, you challenge them. It wasnt a slight against you, it was just that they're pretty easy to anger.

Aug 29th, 2001, 02:44:25 PM
OOC: I understand and it's all right

"We actually spoke of what this would recieve from each other. Not the official surrendering. I have a comm. line ready for you to announce the news to your people. Anyone on the shipyard are to give their side arms to the commando parties there and to hand full control over to them. Also all ships are to pull back and will be looked at by some of our own operatives. This is a security precation and is standard procedure."

Aug 29th, 2001, 02:53:18 PM
He let out a small chuckle...then it turned into a laugh...The others at the table stared at him until he exlained.
"Asking my people to give over the tools of the Hunt would be like asking them to kill themselves.
And if you will destroy the Shipyard, I shall let my people do the self destruct. They are the only ones who know the codes.
And I'm afraid those ships don't belong to us, so I cant let you look over them."
OOC: Okay...the rest of these negotiations are gonna prolly be on MSN or email.

Reysa Sashara
Aug 29th, 2001, 06:37:28 PM
After the Predetor left Reysa sat in his office for a while, and consumed the Raw Pattela fish, and the rice that been left out from them all then had fried human-mean a somewhat delacacy in the Viashino Empire...

'Yes General Skoth?'
'Relya the B section to make there way back to the Ambria system i have some businuiss with my brother to attend to'

'Yes General Skoth' the LT-Skoth said happerly'
'Also tell Commander Kyle...the Human to keep his section here the garrison the planet, and to set up some make shift bases till such time a Viashino Tarnsport can bring more permenent building materiels, and also for him to start building 1 TIE bace on the planet'

'yes sir'
'That is all LT'

Reysa sat back and watch the B section manova into the right positions and eventually disapear into the space..then suddenly his ships began hyperjump back into his home system....Ambria

Khendon S
Aug 29th, 2001, 10:15:42 PM
(OOC: I didn't inf. I know the frelling leader, he's my friend, if we're talking about myself and the Dragoons.)