View Full Version : A challenge on Tattooine (Rama Sha)
Evil Hobgoblin
Aug 16th, 2001, 09:03:11 PM
Hob stood alone in the desert, staring at a set of Krayt Dragon bones. He had sent a challenge to Rama Sha of the Sith Empire by messenger and was waiting for the Sith Master to show up.
Rama Sha
Aug 16th, 2001, 09:08:01 PM
:: Rama Wraps a heavy Turine around his head. "Man Had to be Tattooine. Twins suns are gonna burn my skin to a crisp. I hate this place. " He walks down the ramp of the Star Phoenix III and makes his way towards the Cordniates he had been sent ::
Evil Hobgoblin
Aug 16th, 2001, 09:13:32 PM
Hob turned his eyes away from the set of bones as he sensed the presence of Rama. He spotted the Star Phoenix nearby, the Sith Master walking down the exit ramp.
Hob strode down a hill of sand, stopping midway down. Rama had probably sensed Hob before or at the same time Hob had detected Rama, so there was no point in hiding himself.
"Ready?" he called out.
Rama Sha
Aug 16th, 2001, 09:19:07 PM
"Thats kind of a dumb Question Peck.......Does it really matter?"
:: Rama unwraps the turbine and lets the wind catch it and watches it blow away, he let his hand slide down to his Flamesaber. It was actually to heavy to for this terrian, but since he had no other saber it would have to do. ::
Evil Hobgoblin
Aug 16th, 2001, 09:28:18 PM
Hob gazed long and hard at Rama's lightsaber. "No."
He extended a hand and gave Rama a violent shove using the Force, ready for whatever response would come.
Rama Sha
Aug 17th, 2001, 05:59:51 AM
:: Rama moved back a little but steadied himself easly. ::
"What's the matter Hob.....You don't know how to use a Saber. "
:: Rama didn't make any motion, but the slight rumbling low in his throat meant he was indeed doing something. Suddenly the sand under Hob began to give way......almost becomeing a quicksand. It quickly filled in around him. Rama watched as Hob attmpted to pull himself free but to no avail. The sand quickly rose up under his arm pits and then stopped. ::
"You really lack imgination you know that. "
:: Rama charges in and plants a knee into Hob's Nose who is now level with the knee. The impact disloges hob and sends him rolling down the opppiste side of the Dune. ::
Evil Hobgoblin
Aug 17th, 2001, 10:10:51 AM
Hob rolled until he came to a stop. He reached one hand up and straightened his crooked nose out, then took a few breaths through it to make sure it still functioned properly. "And your attacks have all the force of a mewling kitten."
Hob sweeps his hands towards each other and Rama suddenly gets caught between two crossing waves of pressure. One wave knocks Rama's legs out from under him and the other wave shoves Rama forward so that he ends up facedown with a mouth full of sand.
Rama Sha
Aug 17th, 2001, 08:27:31 PM
:: Rama spits the sand from his mouth. ::
"What would you know about Powerful force attacks Dark Jedi have always been weaker then us Sith."
:: Rama takes out a small torch out of his belt. He lights and then rasies his hand to the flame which begins to grow in size. He throws the torch to the side as the flame grows into a great fieball. Rama releases it....but instead it hitting Hob it impact on the ground and then slides along the ground towards it's wake it leave a shiny new plate of glass. Rama Rolls on to the glass and slides down the dune towards hob. The flame goes out right at Hobs feet and Rama Charges up his his fist with Force lighting. He gains more speed heading down the glass dune and then lunges forward planting his fist into Hob's already injuried nose. At that same moment the force lighting that was charged in that same fist jumps to Hobs body making it a one two punch. ::
Evil Hobgoblin
Aug 19th, 2001, 01:10:52 AM
Hob twists his head at the last second, taking Rama's shock-punch on the right side of his face. Lightning dances across his skin, arcing from lip to lip across the open air of his mouth and he flies backwards several feet. Although he was quite prepared to absorb any energy thrown his way, Force Lightning was somehow different from normal energy. It had a taint to it that somehow left him nauseated, and a corruption he could not dispell. In the end, Hob was forced to ground the energy into the sand beneath his feet, turning it to glass.
Meanwhile, Rama Sha required his attention. "And what does a Sith Master who cannot rid himself of his most hated enemy truly have of power, Clown?" Hob bared his teeth at Rama in a mocking grin. Behind Rama, the glass that he had so conveniently created lifted itself off the ground, breaking into shards in the process. Those shards then flung themselves at Rama.
Rama Sha
Aug 20th, 2001, 06:46:17 AM
:: A Powerful force sphere eminated out from Rama. The Sand underhim got pushed out leaveing a large half sphere impression in the ground. The Shard of glass bounced off the Sphere that was above ground. ::
"I don't think you know what you think you know speak of my worst enemy as if you know them, but I don't think you really do. "
Evil Hobgoblin
Aug 21st, 2001, 01:56:24 AM
Hob lifts a hand and waves it in the air, mocking Rama's speech. "Ooh, peck, you don't know my worst enemy, blah, blah, blah."
He then overlays the Force Sphere with a layer of his own that blocks the air from coming in. Rama will suffocate if he stays in there for too long. "What a useless thing to say, Rama," he snorts. "Why don't you tell me who this worst enemy is? You? The Hand? Or is everyone you meet your enemy?"
Hob pauses. "That's it, isn't it? You're paranoid, have something to prove to the galaxy, so there isn't a thing that exists that you don't hate."
Rama Sha
Aug 21st, 2001, 06:49:18 AM were right the first time......I am my own worse enemy.
:: Rama released his Force Sphere and dropped to the ground ::
Evil Hobgoblin
Aug 26th, 2001, 12:36:19 PM
Hob rolled his eyes, then clapped his hands together. The sand that had been on either side of Rama rose in a wavelike motion, then spilled over, burying him.
Rama Sha
Aug 26th, 2001, 02:05:42 PM
:: the dune of sand no covering Rama settles and there is no motion. Suddenly a jet of sand fires out hitting Hob in the face. Rama Rolls out of this hole before the sand collapses in around him again. ::
Evil Hobgoblin
Aug 28th, 2001, 12:06:14 PM
Hob opens his eyes, having had just enough warning to squeeze them shut before being doused in sand. He shakes his head to get some of the sand out of his hair and beard.
The heat beating down on the Tattooine sands was intense. Hob had been bleeding some of it away from his body, but now he wrapped it into a different form. The air above his hand ignited into a fireball and Hob threw it at Rama.
Rama Sha
Aug 31st, 2001, 04:41:58 PM
:: Rama charged up a ball of Force Lighting and threw it. It impacted the Fireball sending the fire in all directions, but the larger ball lighting stayed true to it's course impacting into Hobs Chest. ::
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