View Full Version : ::Rama drags the lowly patron into the depths of HQ ::(cont)
Wandering Patron
Aug 26th, 2001, 07:58:05 PM
<OOC> Continued from ( - minus the single post at the end of that thread, which is obviously not even an IC one.
(The Patron shook his head from side to side, obviously indicating that he had no idea. He was still quite surprised that he wasn’t being stuffed into one of these corpse containers yet himself, and his surprise showed in his features. He began to write some more.
I am now looking at another body. The flesh that remains seems to look somewhat like the man who brought me here. Perhaps it is a family member or perhaps it was a clone.
As he finished writing the last sentence, something occurred to him, something he had heard tale of on another occasion. The man he was now eye to eye with was in fact a clone himself, and what he was now being shown was most likely his original body’s remains. It was now confirmed. This man was indeed Rama Sha, Sith Master of the Empire.
The patron’s face suddenly went blank of expression and his lips finally started to move.)
“Rama Sha, I have a gift for you.”
(The voice was odd. It was no normal human voice. It sounded as if it were a mix of machine and man. Without any other movement, the patron looked into Rama’s eyes directly and the Sith Master could see them changing from a normal color to a red glow. At the same instant he saw this color change in the Patron’s eyes, the being before the Sith Master exploded in a devastating eruption of flames.
The entire room they were in, filled with fire and the ensuing explosion rocked all of Sith Empire HQ, caving in underground passageways and causing power outages all throughout the many levels of the place. Even the city above trembled and shook as if in an earthquake due to the detonation.
The Patron had been a bio-driod. One loaded with enough explosives to completely level the capital city of this planet, and it had just gone off inside Sith Empire HQ, as it was designed to do, when it came in contact and confirmed that it was near Sith Master Rama Sha.)
Jedah Lynch
Aug 26th, 2001, 09:09:43 PM
The room itself had been encased by firmly made of high density material. As soon as the bio droid had entered the room deep probe scanners had picked up the inner bomb device causing the room to be encased in a level two force field while alerting security. As soon as the droids explosion machinerism had gone off the sensors picked up the reading of a build up with its circuits erecting a level one force field half way between Rama Sha and the droid.
The blast was enough to take out the shield shaking the foundation of the room and the rooms adjacent to it. But no further damage had been caused by the blast.
A smoking crater was all that was left of the droid and nothing more. Air ducts began to filter out the smoke to make sure the Sith Master did not choke upon the fumes.
It did not take long before a gathered assembly of Invid troopers marched into the room weapons pointed, eyes glancing about at what had happened. A man in a dark cloak walked in with a grin on his face.
"Rama Sha Rama Sha what have you done now eh?"
Walking to the edge of the blast crater in the floor the Sith looked amused.
"If your starting to have parties try to not make them so explosive, someone might get hurt."
Looking at the fellow Sith Master he reached out a hand to pick him up.
Wandering Patron
Aug 26th, 2001, 10:07:14 PM
(Outside of Rama’s corner, a small ground transport craft sat parked among many others. It was where people left their vehicles when they visited the establishment. A small blue light had been flashing on the console within the vehicle, and then suddenly stopped.
Not less than a second after the flashing stopped, did the land based craft’s engines start. There was no one inside it, but it started on its own, still nothing unusual for a parking area. What happened next was unusual. The medium sized van shaped vehicle shot from its stationary place, directly at an outer wall of the infamous bar where the Patron had been dragged out of not too much earlier.
At the same instant the vehicle struck the side wall of the establishment, it exploded in a mass of flames. The blast knocked shocked comers and goes of the bar that were outside off their feet, while any others, inside the place, would probably be in much worse shape considering the fireball that engulfed it.
(Some distance away, not even in the same solar system a man spun in his chair, as a tone alerted him that something had occurred. The YT-1300 freighter he was sitting in the lounge of, had an audible alarm. It was now going off. He struck a switch on the arm of his chair and it stopped.)
He spoke up, knowing the communications system was already active.)
“Has something happened?”
(He inquired with a harsh tone. His relaxation had been interrupted and he was not at all pleased. The reply came quickly from the cockpit.)
“Long range transmissions from the bio-droid and his speeder have ceased sir.”
(The man sitting in the lounge sat up in his chair a little, his expression changing to one of satisfaction. Maybe the mission was completed and maybe not, but the data they had received from the droid was already quite valuable. It would make up for the fact it had not succeeded in its mission if that turned out to be the case.)
“Engage hyper-drive and initiate plan alpha-onyx.”
No sooner had he issued the command, then the ship lurched out of its stationary place and vanished into hyperspace in a flash.
Sumor Rayial
Aug 26th, 2001, 10:54:36 PM
**Sumor had been on the shipyards checking on the progress of the Apocolypse-Class Star Destroyer currently being developed there when his wrist mounted comm beeped.**
"Sir, Comm room calling. That anomalous transmission that we picked up has ceased."
Damn. Did you at least get a fix on the end point?
"Yes sir, the transmittion terminated in the Drackmar system."
Very well.
**Sumor shut down the link to the Comm center and opened one to the tactical control center.**
"Tac Center"
This is Lord Rayial. I need a squadron of TIE Razors sent to the Drackmar system, and I mean yesterday. They are looking for a ship or a hyperspace exit vector.
"Yes sir, anything else sir?"
Yes I want all Interdictor's in the Oplovis Sector other than the Munto Codru system to activate their gravity generators. It's a long shot but it's all we have right now.
"Yes sir"
**Within less than 2 minutes the orders went out and 8 gravity fields sprang up throughout the Oplovis Sector. A squadron of TIE's were headed to the last known position of a ship suspected to be in connection with the explosion that had just been reported to Sumor. He wanted answers, and would nothing would keep them from him.**
Wandering Patron
Aug 26th, 2001, 11:07:51 PM
(A few hours later, the spaceship dropped out of hyperspace, made a course shift and then blinked away again. Its crew was looking forward to seeing who might be interested in the information they had acquired. If the preliminary contact they had didn’t work out to their satisfaction, they would seek some alternates.)
Rama Sha
Aug 27th, 2001, 12:49:41 PM
Well I must have put a crimp in someone's style.
:: Rama said as he let Jedah help him up. ::
........but not a brave person. Terroist much for honor among thieves huh?
:: Rama started to move his arm and noticed a large piece of Shrapnal in. He Reached down and pulled it out quickly ::
:: He looked over at Jedah with pain in his eyes. ::
I think you need to recalbarate those shield generators.
Jedah Lynch
Aug 27th, 2001, 01:04:39 PM
"Indeed so, in fact the technical teams are already at work on that, never had a need for such strong generators down here much but that shall change. The best thing about surprises is that it always show you ways to improve the efficiency of operations."
Looking at the wound on Ramas arm the siths eyes focused on the blood. Such tasty stuff and delicious. Blood was the sole substance that kept the undead Sith Master going now. Pushing the blood lust aside he bent his elbow pointing his thumb back over his shoulder towards the crater in the floor.
"Cowards tend to make such attacks at that. Whoever did this was quaking in their boots afraid we would find out who they were and then quickly dispatch them....swiftly....brutally and painfully, so they sent one of their little sex toys in their stead. "
A mocked smile came to his lips at the thought of the torture he would place on the person for this. Shreading the poor persons flesh as they were taken prisoner. One of the Siths favorite tortures involved shaving some skin off the elbows followed by the knees, chest and legs with a blunt instrument and placing blood sucking parasites onto the persons body that would dig into the mans exposed flesh biting and devouring whatever it could. A slow painful excercise for the victim no doubt.
"You should get that wound checked"
Rama Sha
Aug 27th, 2001, 01:24:17 PM
Ah it's alright......I'll tend to it later.
First we need to get a team in here and see if there is any of that droid left. If we can get a make an model it'll be something to go on. Also see if they can get some bomb residue from in there. Not to many places you could get a bomb that powerful that small. This person had to get it someplace.
Wandering Patron
Aug 27th, 2001, 02:27:58 PM
(Rama Corner had been burning for hours. It seemed that TSE’s security systems and fire suppression systems weren’t quite as effective or well designed for it, seeing as the fire had been allowed to go on this long.
Within the depths of the HQ, where the droid had exploded an almost complete hand lay on the ground. It was twitching and moving still and making some noise as it did. The two Sith noticed the sound and turned to look at its source.
The hand kept twitching as they caught sight of it, but it started to emit a strange yellow colored smoke. As the smoke poured from it, the hand ignited in flames and began to burn away, the sulfuric acid smoke it was giving off, enough to burn holes in the skin, or lungs of anyone present.
Its payload delivered, the now burning hand, became little more than ash on the hard surface of the floor, an orange stain outlined the shape of the hand as the smoke had left a residue.)
Jedah Lynch
Aug 27th, 2001, 04:28:54 PM
The smell of the sulfur caught the Siths keen sense of smell making him turn as it started to spread out towards the room. Leaping to the side of the room the Sith accessed a control panel taking charge of the ventalation systems manually.
The smoke from the blast had already been sucked out safely enough and now much of sulfuric acid smoke began to be withdrawn from the room as well. The only victim was one trooper with mild first degree burns on his arm along with a vicious cough. A medic outside the room due to the explosion of earlier brought to examine any of those harmed quickly injected all those in the room with an anti toxin preventing any more harm.
"Rama...If I could swear the guy heard me with my last remarks I would with that last stunt."
Snickering the Sith was brought a report on the bar explosion.
"Seems one of the walls was burnt and scorched but nothing major, most of the fire was fromt he ship itself. Some damage, some dead from the common rubble, but no Sith casualities. Nothing that wont be fixed in several hours. Apparantly whoever tried this stunt thought a little bomb blast would take out the place. This is the Sith HQ....what do they think we make the place out of..toilet paper?"
Tossing the data pad to Rama to look at he grinned once more.
"The fire is out and the components of the ship that survived the inital strike removed and discarded. It was inspected, studied and disposed of promptly without incident. Whoever did this is simply trying to be something awful big....but coming up awful pathetic."
A trooper wearing a bio chemical suit and gear marched in inspecting the readings in the room.
"No further traces of chemcials airborne at all. Only a small trace on the floor and that is nothing exception or harmful. Seems the vent system did its job and save you some grief...not that you Sith are easier taken out by posion or such things as air borne chemcials. Lucky bastards"
Catching his tonuge the trooper shut his mouth before saying anymore realizing exactly to whom he was speaking too. Exiting the room the two Sith watched as the room was put in quarentine and cleaned.
Donteran Valnare
Aug 27th, 2001, 05:50:14 PM
It hadn't taken him very long to go from the <a href= ?topicID=4001.topic>Council Room</a> to the Sith Masters living quarters.
When he arrived he found the area filled with troopers, from medics to demoliitions. Picking his way through the troopers and brushing aside the salutes thrown his way Donteran made his way to the room where all the attention was focused.
Stepping inside he saw Master Rama Sha again. Less than a couple hours before he had been hiding from the Sith Master. The second man in the room was Sith Master Jedah Lynch. Donteran had met neither of them in person but had read both of their classified profiles and had a basic idea about both of them. Steping further into the room Donteran snapped to a sharp salute in front of both of the Masters.
Colonel Donteran Valnare reporting. Lord Rayial ordered me to report to you Master Lynch.
Rama Sha
Aug 31st, 2001, 04:54:31 PM
Perhaps we should check our selves for bugs, and maybe we should stay silent......lest some other evidence might magically disappear.
:: Rama laughed. ::
I want a report and samples of everything they find in that room. I'll be in the med bay tending to this wound.
:: Rama began to walk off then stopped and turned back around. ::
On second thought.......
::He removed a Data Pad and tossed it to Jedah ::
.......have them sent bonded Couier. Im planning in takeing a buisness trip.
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