View Full Version : An Untamed Bloodlust (Open Challenge)
Gitane Blesse
Aug 29th, 2001, 07:39:10 AM
--Gitane yawned absently, swiping her fingers briefly over her forehead to remove a damp string of hair. She'd known before coming that Kamar was supposed to be a hot planet, but she'd never paid heed to temperature before. Her bare feet stung against the dry ground, bits of brush attempting to lodge themselves with each step.
A faint breeze whisked past as a small cluster of Howlrunners trotted by quickly, most likely in a hunt. Gitane had never seen one of the creatures, though the skulls were sometimes sold in markets as pricey trinkets. She watched as the pack leapt onto an animal and proceeded to tear it apart, a grin crossing her lips.
A thought crossed her mind as she continued to watch the carnage. She'd yet to test what her new body's limits and strengths were. She knew her force abilities were the same, if not slightly sharper, but she knew nothing of her abilities in much else. She gave a soft whine, kicking her feet in the ground, a cloud of fine dust puffing up before again settling. She tilt her head to look near the horizon, the sun setting. With a quick though, she remembered that the 'natives' would soon be awaking. If she was unable to find a worthy battle, she may have to cause a population decrease.--
Nichos Marr
Aug 29th, 2001, 10:57:45 AM
"I know what you're thinking," A voice called from behind her, "You're thinking, "If I don't find someone to pound into the ground I'm going to get really pissed and decimate this place."" Nichos added that remark with a grin, bearing most of his white teeth. He hadn't seen this Sith before, but he had heard of her. She was Vega's wife. Nichos and Vega had been well aquainted some time ago.
"The name's Nichos."
The Jedi was dressed in a long sand colored body suit. He had a brown vest and brown shorts on which made him look a tad ridiculous. He didn't feel that he had to prove anything to anyone by wearing a cliche Jedi robe. At his side he had only a belt and a small pouch. The pouch contained bacta packets. If he did have a lightsaber it wasn't visible to the Sith.
"And now you're probably wondering how I knew what you were thinking right? It's quite simply. I just felt your dark presence, and took a guess. Dark Siding deviants aren't that hard to understand. After all, they are pretty stupid. Hey who knows, maybe you can prove me wrong!"
He ran a hand through his brown hair and took off the sunglasses he was wearing. They were made of cheap plastic, nothing to be hurt with if the Sith tried to use that against him. Nichos tossed them aside. On his feet he wore Jedi boots that protected his soles from this hot ground. Kamar wasn't exactly the best of luxury spots. He had seen better planets in his time.
"So do you really want to fight?" Nichos asked. "Oh and by the way, forget everything you've heard about Jedi attacking second. This isn't some preset hologame, this is reality."
Nichos' hand shot out and with it a purple wave, sent straight at Gitane. This move was commonly known as Force Push. The Jedi couldn't wait to see if she would be able to dodge or repel it. He didn't know her skill or rank, but that didn't really matter to him. All that mattered was defeating one more Sith and vanquishing the Dark Side on Kamar.
Gitane Blesse
Aug 29th, 2001, 11:17:03 AM
--A soft growl left Gitane's mouth as she stumbled, ignoring the feel of a rock digging against the sole of her foot. She flicked at a small hilt on her belt and palmed a dagger into her hand, several other, matching daggers resting on the belt. Her dark eyes gleamed with intrest as she eyed the man with a teasing grin.
"You think I play on games, Jedi?"
She lifted the dagger, a bright shine of it reflecting from the setting sun.
"Why do that... When true bloodshed is so much more fun?"
She tilted the dagger slightly in order to cast a blinding gleam of light from it and took the distraction to lift a second dagger from its sheath, letting the small blade fly forward.--
Nichos Marr
Aug 29th, 2001, 01:19:31 PM
Nichos knew what was going on from the second the beam of reflected light hit his left eye, causing him to shut it. He immediately dodged to the side and rolled, barely missing the thrown dagger. The Jedi hit the floor and rolled a bit to the left. He quickly flipped upward watching as Gitane held her second dagger.
"You want to play dirty do you? I thought hanging around Vega and the rest would give you a bit more battle honor then you already possess. Guess you proved me wrong. Hey maybe you aren't so stupid after all."
Nichos knew that there was a time for talking and a time for fighting. His eyes narrowed on the dagger she held in her hand. It would be a good idea to use her own weapon of evil against her. The dagger started to shake in her hand, as Nichos tried to pull it away from her. He watched as she tightened her grip to keep from losing it, just what he wanted.
The Jedi reversed the technique and pushed the dagger toward Gitane. It flung toward her opposite shoulder. Fortunately for the Sith she was able to pull back in time, but it had managed to cut through some of her shoulder skin. Blood began to drip...
This tactic was simply a diversion for Nichos to get closer. As she slightly turned her head to see what had almost stabbed her, Nichos jolted forward. He hadn't used the Force to heighten his speed in quite a while. It felt almost exhilirating. What felt even more exhilirating is the kick he planted on Gitane's arm. It didn't break her arm, but had caused her to drop the dagger. With a quick hand motion, the dagger went sliding away from the Sith lady.
Nichos took a step back, fists ready, Force open, prepared for anything.
Gitane Blesse
Aug 29th, 2001, 04:08:27 PM
--Gitane rasped as she glanced towards the fallen daggers. Her eyes narrowed in a split instant of thought and she shifted her feet back slightly. She looked to Nichos with an absent tilt of her head. Her bare foot carefully pushed the dry dirt from a rock as she spoke, keeping her eyes locked in his.
"I once wondered why someone would want to become a Jedi... I then remembered that most are too stupid to realize their mistake for choosing the 'Light'."
She grinned to him and sifted her hand up slightly, sending the rock towards him. She knew very well it would be pushed simply to the side, but she only needed a short distraction. She leapt forward and was nearly upon him, her saber having been drawn and lit, her most favored move in mind. She ducked down, spinning on one foot, her second leg outstretced to catch his leg from behind; saber heading the opposite direction to his midsection...--
Nichos Marr
Aug 30th, 2001, 12:44:11 PM
Nichos pushed the rock aside with ease using his own grip on the Force. At that moment he knew that it was a diversion for a stronger and deadlier move. Nichos watched as Gitane quickly lit her lightsaber and ran at him. Then in a blurred haze, Nichos found himself in a tight position. Gitane had him trapped from moving back or forward and her saber was about to jab into his midsection.
Not taking the time to think, Nichos jumped high, using the Force as a phenomenal boost. He executed a backflip and landed ten feet away from Gitane. Then he felt the sharp pain. Nichos looked down at his knee to see the fabric of his clothing had been severed. He had been victim to a thin long cut on the lower part of his leg caused by Gitane's lightsaber.
Ouch! I knew something like that would have happened. Contrary to his thoughts, Nichos had a small smile on his face.
"I find you mildly amusing, Gitane...right? When you realized that most were too stupid to join the Light Side, did YOU realize that, or the Dark Side temptations in your head dictate that for you? You see, Sith are weak creatures. Can't think for themselves, and they have no control over being duped by the Dark Side."
Nichos reached into his vest and pulled out the gold hilt of his lightsaber. It was made so that it could only be activated upon confirmation of his fingerprints on the ignition. Nichos pointed the saber at Gitane and ignited it. The green blade extended to about a meters length.
"So what's your excuse for joining the Dark Side? You wanted power?" Nichos asked. "Let me fill you in on a little secret. The Dark Side consumes you and eventually destroys you. It eats away at your skin, and soon that pretty face will look like a wall full of cracks."
While he distracted her with his speech, a small jagged pebble rose off the ground behind Gitane and stabbed into her left calve, causing pain and blood.
Nichos took this momentum to run at Gitane. He held his lightsaber with both hands and swung mightily at her neck.
Gitane Blesse
Aug 30th, 2001, 04:27:18 PM
--Gitane barely even had the chance to spit out the word before shoving herself backwards to avoid the humming blade. A faint sting of burning tingled on her throat as she toppled from her balanced crouching. It was obvious if she stayed in that position for more than a second or two, holding any advantage would be lost.
Gitane narrowed her eyes and sent her body rolling backwards in an ackward somersault, planting her feet in the ground and managing to stand a good yard or so away. Her tongue ran across her dark, painted lips, a slight stinging letting itself be known as the lips, cracked from the dry heat, met with the moisture. Her fingers clasped against the saber's silver hilt, ready to take action if needed. A grin crossed her face as she eyed the drops of blood at Nichos' leg before meeting his eyes coldly.
"You think every Sith is craving only power? Glory? You couldn't be more wrong, Jedi" She spat out the word as if it were a curse, a growl lingering in her throat afterwards.
"Disgusting as it may seem, we are just like you and your kind. You think I'm wrong? You Jedi prance around, claiming to be 'helping' people. You act like you're the supreme-bloody-beings. The innocence in this universe. But, your hands aren't as spotless as you think. You seek to regain peace and yet you shed any blood that stands in your way. Though strong enemies, your kind and mine are one and the same. Born to kill until death. We each simply want a seperate prize."
She smirked to him, taunting the man to speak. As her voice had spilled out as a snake, hunting to strangle its prey, her feet had carelessly taken her nearer the Jedi. She now stood only an arms length or so away. Her eyes held a silent message as she kept his locked in her gaze; urging him to spill her blood.--
Nichos Marr
Aug 30th, 2001, 05:11:47 PM
Nichos took a step forward, staring into the Sith Warrior's eyes. He was trying to discover what went on in that head, what motivated her to hate.
He only held his lightsaber in one hand now, as he stared down upon her. She looked as if she was tempting him to strike her, to give in to his anger. Unfortunately for Gitane, Nichos felt no anger, just serenity. He had a job to vanquish evil from the universe, and the only thing he would harm was evil itself, nothing more, nothing less.
Nichos stared at Gitane, not even the least bit tempted to strike her with his lightsaber. Instead he pushed her to the floor with another force wave. The wave wasn't a strong one, but it was strong enough to trip Gitane on her back.
"The only blood that I shed will be the blood of those who do not deserve to live. Those who wreak havok on others are my enemy." He said in a low voice.
Nichos raised his free hand and pointed it at Gitane. He paused for a moment and stared at her with those chestnut eyes. He'd matured a lot from the brash Jedi he once used to be. Now he was a man who was responsible for his own actions.
"Oh and lady, you'll find that I am Supreme to scum like you." His lips formed into an open-mouthed grin.
Nichos' hand stretched out even more, and with it Gitane began to slid against the dry ground. The hard pebbles and even the ground itself dug into her back, leaving nasty scars and bruises. Nichos knew the feeling wasn't all that pleasant, but it had to be done. Gitane would just make things worse for others, and evil needed to be stopped from being spread.
Keeping his Force control on her movement, Nichos watched as she slid across the ground, in a square-like motion.
Gitane Blesse
Aug 30th, 2001, 08:35:06 PM
--A sharp growl left Gitane's mouth as she scratched at the dry dirt before managing to dig her fingers into a crack, pushing them deep in the dusty earth to still herself. Her back ached and was no doubt bleeding in several areas. She grit her teeth and glanced around with the realization that her saber had been let lose when she first fell. She pryed a hand from the dirt and let the saber roll into her palm before slowly, stiffly lifting herself to her feet.
"I've always thought you Jedi to be nothing but lowly worms...."
As soon as her footing was regained, the Sith growled deeply to Nichos, the hum of her saber flickering on seemingly growling along. The dark turquoise of her eyes almost looked as if sparking in anger, driven on by the pain he'd enduced. Her feet picked up off the ground and suddenly, with little thought, she took off towards him.
Her saber was outstretched and she paused for only a moment with the look to simply strike him before leaping into the air with a flip. Coming down, her left, bare foot hooked against his chin from above, pulling him backwards ackwardly. Her foot slipped off, a half numb strike of pain heading up the bottom of her feet as she landed on the dry, heated ground.
Gitane had barely a split second to spin around before her attack would be lost to the Jedi's ability to balance out. She reached up and grabbing a handful of hair to pull him back forward and sending her glowing blade towards his back, murmuring to him lowly.--
"Cold, spineless worms..."
Nichos Marr
Aug 31st, 2001, 06:13:31 PM
Nichos was in yet another tight position. He knew if he moved, he would feel severe head pains. If he stayed in his position, he wouldn't be alive long enough to rate the pain. He wanted to keep his life, rather then dispose of it, so casually. In the two seconds of spare time he possessed, the Jedi bit his lower lip and acted.
This is really going to hurt. He thought as he latched onto Gitane's arm with both hands and twisted his body to the side. The pain was minimal, but not for Gitane. Her Lightsaber blade plunged into the ground which would have been his back. Nichos twisted her wrist so hard, he heard the bone snap.
The Jedi, still on the ground, swung his leg hard in a low kick that knocked Gitane right off of her feet. He used the momentum of her tripping to get to his feet. Nichos called for his Lightsaber with the Force and ignited it once again. He pointed it at Gitane's stomach. He saw that she still held her lightsaber in her hand. Nichos moved his lightsaber to her wrist and put his right foot down on her stomach. He slowly moved the green blade slightly burning her skin.
Keeping his eyes and senses open, Nichos finally decided it was a good time to speak.
"So Gitane, where exactly is the Sith Empire's base on Munto Cudro?" He felt the need to add something else. "Oh and I'm sure you wouldn't want to try and move me. I mean it could cause me to cut off that wrist of yours."
His saber was making small burn mark all along her wrist and lower arm.
"But if you'd be inclined to answer a few of my questions, I'll let you leave."
Gitane Blesse
Aug 31st, 2001, 06:49:19 PM
--Gitane glared up at the Jedi, gritting her teeth with a snarl of pain. She'd been trapped with little hope of keeping the slowly burning arm. Her other wrist hurt terribly, giving her little allowance of it's use with the snapped bone. Her mind reeled with any choice of action; move and hope to replace the limb with an artificial one, or fail the Empire and answer his questions.
The Sith bit her lip with a careful breath, slowly, painfully moving her arm to her hip and slipping out her last dagger, using the Darkside to aid her in holding the hilt. She plunged the blade into Nichos' ankle, feeling the heated saber slice through a fair portion of her other arm as he stumbled from his lock on her. She called her unlit saber to her hand, biting her lip enough to draw blood.
The girl managed to push herself to her feet, holding the bleeding, barely intact arm close. Her eyes were locked on the dagger lodged into Nichos' leg. She slowly focused her mind in the pain screaming through her veins and sent the dagger ripping upwards through the tissue.
Within seconds, she called it from his leg, letting it skim over the cloth of his attire before sinking into his shoulder, just above the collar bone. Taking in a rasped breath, her cold eyes moved to his face, her voice half growling, barely under a whisper.--
"Even if I gave you your answers... You wouldn't live to remember them."
Nichos Marr
Aug 31st, 2001, 07:37:27 PM
Before the dagger could fully enter his shoulder, Nichos swiped at the hilt (using the Force) and pulled it out. He examined the blood on it. That blood was his blood that had been spilled. As he stared at the dagger, it began to bend until it was no longer usable. Nichos thanked the Force for strong telekinetic abilities. He tossed the dagger aside and stared at Gitane.
"I wouldn't count on that Sithspit." He remarked coldly.
Nichos was slightly in a crouched position. His leg had serious damage that needed healing attention. Slowly, Nichos focused on the Force around him. He could sense the Force around it. A shining beacon of hope in time of need. He called for it, and it responded. Nichos felt the Force travelling through his bloodstream, his throat, and most importantly, his damaged leg. He felt the Force begin it's healing process.
"You should know better then anyone that a Jedi does not need his body to fight. All I need is the Force as my ally."
Nichos eyed her hand, the one with the saber clasped in it. Blocking his own thoughts, Nichos let a few seconds pass by. Then he closed his eyes and pictured Gitane's arm flying up, and striking herself in the side of the jaw with the unlit tool.
His eyes opened to the sound of her letting out a small cry of surprise. The metal tool had hit Gitane and knocked her back. Any harder and she would be out cold, but she wasn't.
"I'm disappointed in you Gitane, you never answered my question."
Nichos limped forward until he stood above her. His lightsaber was in his left hand, unlit.
"Here we are again....Any more surprises I should be aware of?"
No matter how much pain he was feeling, Nichos supported himself on his bad leg. He used his other leg to kick sand into Gitane's eyes. Her wrist was weak from the burn it had endured earlier. Nichos tugged at it with the Force. It went flying into his free hand. Now he held two Lightsabers, one in each hand.
"I'm never one to use similar tactics, but I'll make an exception for you." He said.
Nichos ignited both and limped his way around Gitane. His new position put him facing the top of her head. He ignited both Lightsabers and put one at each side of her neck.
"Give me the exact coordinates for the Sith Empire's base on Munto Cudro and I will let you leave. Do not make me repeat myself." Nichos remarked in an eerily calm voice.
Gitane Blesse
Aug 31st, 2001, 08:16:13 PM
--Gitane kept her eyes on the ground at her feet. Neither of her hands would allow her to make any quick movements. She drew in a slow breath, closing her eyes. The heat from the sabers at either side of her neck was felt singing her hair and skin. Her teeth grit as she searched her mind for any way out. Again, she was leftwith two choices; Confession or Death.
"I will..not..."
She suddenly thrust her arms up, feeling the blades dig into the base of her neck and shoulders. Her broken hand trust out against the torn leg, a snap being heard, though from whose limb, it was impossible to tell. Her other hand, still bleeding severely, difficultly staying as part of her arm, knocked against his leg enough to knock the Jedi backwards.
Gitane stumbled onto her feet weakly and carefully pulled her saber from Nichos' hand, clutching it with her arms, pressing the limbs to her chest. She glanced to the forgotten, roaming howlrunner pack, and sent a simple message into what seemed the leader's mind. Feed on the fallen man.
With that, not bothering to stay around, Gitane took off to reach the Brigandier, seeking only to survive.
After a few minutes, she was in the ship and collapsed against the seat, murmuring to it to take her to the Empire.--
Nichos Marr
Aug 31st, 2001, 08:41:56 PM
Nichos stared at the ship as it began to lift off the ground. He himself was on the ground, staring up into the sky. He closed his eyes and sent a message to Gitane through the Force. He hoped she heard it and spread it. The message was:
~ Tell your Empire, that this Jedi is no longer going to wait for the Sith to destroy themselves. ~
Faintly, he heard a flapping sound overhead. Nichos recognized it to be a pack of Howlrunners, native to Kamar. He knew what their motives were, and he could hear them approaching quickly. The Jedi closed his eyes and focused on locating their life forces. He felt them, and he also felt their hunger.
"Not good..." Nichos whispered.
He brought a hand to his head and focused. Nichos entered the leading Howlrunner's mind. There is trouble at the nest, He thought. Nichos transferred the thought into the leader's mind. As if it was pelted by an arrow, the creature stopped. It squawked a few non-comprehensible orders to the other Howlrunners in the pack. They turned around and flew off toward what Nichos presumed was their nest.
He managed to flip his body around and climb up a medium sized rock. Nichos examined his leg, it was broken. The stab wound had slightly healed, but not by much. He would have to find medical attention for his leg. Other then that he had a minor chin bruise, and a shoulder cut.
Quietly Nichos stumbled off to the nearest town. He had saved this planet from the perils of another Sith. Nichos looked up at the sun shining brightly. He had survived another day...
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