View Full Version : Gunship Diplomacy: ShadowFaene

Cizerack Hunter Forces
Jul 11th, 2001, 08:48:38 PM
Three Korri Battlegalleons lurch out of hyperspace seemingly in the middle of nowhere. The location they had arrived at was not logged into any starchart, as it was technically listed as "deep space". The closest system to their location was Bimmiel, which was a full parsec away. Therefore, it could be said that they had just landed in the middle of nowhere. The only point of interest for millions of kilometers lay ahead of the small flotilla. It was a space station, somewhat unremarkable at that. It was typical of many designed to handle trade and other matters pertaining to deep space travel. The reason it had piqued such a noticable interest from the Cizerack Hunter Navy was due to a sharp increase of subspace communications to and from the station. The outpost, known as ShadowFaene Fortress, had become somewhat of a rising prospect in regional trade. Shipping logs and other things confirmed this, as small trading vessels had added the station to their various ports-of-call.

At the moment, traffic around the station was minimal. A few corellian bulk freighters were coming, three gallofree transports were going. It seemed all to be rather dreary. Aboard the Irraa'Iro'Iro, Huntress Captain Seetarriee Anarro was at a loss for the concern. The Hunter Navy had orders stemming from the Emissary directly...communications must be opened with the station. Not only that, but the Pride's own trade viceroy had accompanied the fleet. Anarro had absolutely no idea why such a backwater trade facility was so important. Perhaps the Viceroy held some secret?

* * *

The Korri battlegalleons began to slow their approach vectors to the station, as two squadrons of Keerta fightergrapplers were launched to scan the region for signs of hostilities.

Jul 11th, 2001, 10:55:58 PM
Hera was grinning to no one in particular - in fact, there was no one with her in the office to grin at. Pity.

She had just sold a hijacked shipment of Kammris metal from Nkllon to representatives of the Thalassian System, one of the Outer Rim's slaving capitals, for use in their underground facilities.

The fact that she had obscenely overcharged them wasnt the reason for her smile, although 14 million credits was nothing to sniff at. It was simply the fact that they had come to SFF to get the job done...and done it was. This was very good for business...very, very good.

Remkah poked his head through the door, his face serious. But then again, Remkah rarely smiled.

"Whats up?" Hera asked almost happily.

"You might wanna come look at this."

Follwoing her Base Captain up to the Security hub, she saw on the data display several large blips and a barrage of smaller flashes that could only mean precautionary reconnosaince of the incoming battle galleons. "Do we know who they are, Remkah?"

He nodded. "They're Cizeracks."

Hera's good mood vanished instantly with his reply."Gawd, the Cat People. What do they want."

She had yet to meet a Cizerack face to face, but had heard quite abit about them. She wondered what exactly was truth and what was fabrication. Too soon for her, it looked like she may just come to find out.

Cizerack Hunter Forces
Jul 12th, 2001, 12:02:36 PM
"Captajin Anarrrrrro, the ssstatjion jisss ljightljy defended. Therrre arrre no deplojyed warrrssshjipsss orrr fjighterrrsss jin the arrrea, and the onljy otherrr vesssssselsss we detect arrre trrradjing ssshjipsss."

The Huntress Lieutenant allowed a smile to creep onto her otherwise bland military face, as she addressed her CO.

"We have sssuperrrjiorrrjitjy."

Anarro nodded at the report, ordering the deployed Keerta fightergrapplers back into tight escort formation. Poised on vanguard, the Irraa'Iro'Iro' led the Sanee'Iro'Iro' and Rorru'Iro'Iro' into a slow approach to ShadowFaene Fortress. The Huntress Captain sighed somewhat, watching Viceroy Cassarreessa out of the corner of her eye. The trade director had been aboard the entire trip, and had seldom uttered a word. She'd never met her before, but the woman had a reputation for being rather ruthless. But of course, most Cizerack businesswomen were very ruthless...and with the assets of the entire Pride under her authority, she could well understand how the reputation came to pass. Still...it was her ship, not Cassarreessa's. If it came between profit margins and the well-being of her crew, she would have to demand some insight. Some of the best women in the Pride served in this battle group, and they weren't to be tossed around like so many poker chips.

Turning her eyes away from the Viceroy, Anarro briefly bared her fangs before brushing her hair aside.

"jI thjink we've been herrre long enough to get thejirrr attentjion. Helm, all ssstop."

The three Korri battlegalleons slowly came to a halt, only 2 kilometers from the station. Likewise, their fighter escorts did the same. A Gallofree transport veered wide around the massive ships as it left the station, uncomfortable with the sudden attention. Anarro licked her supple lips. This was where her specialty came into play. The principle of gunship diplomacy. Never aggressive, never threatening, but always carrying the possibility of throwing those traits down in spades. The Cizerack were only flesh and bone, after all. Sometimes you could only negotiate for so much with a fair playing deck. Occasionally, you needed a cut in your favor. Anarro stood, and instructed an Ensign to activate the comm.

"We arrre rrreprrresssentatjivesss frrrom the Cjizerrrack Prrrjide. We have come to open trrrade rrrelatjionsss, and wjill ssseek an audjience wjith the leaderrrssshjip of thjisss ssstatjion."

With eyes shifting again, Anarro waited to see if Cassarreessa also played a similar craft and trade.

Assaurreei Cassarreessa
Jul 15th, 2001, 03:01:08 AM
::Cassarreessa's watchful eye missed nothing. The crew of this ship worked efficiently and so she remained the silent observer. She found that their hunter forces sometimes resented her commanding presence and worked best when left to run the ship. However her presence was definately known to all. She saw Captain Anarro watching her movements and smiled inwardly. No doubt she wondered why she had accompanied the forces personally to what seemed like an insignifcant floating outpost. But that was for her to know.

Assaurreei listened to the reports coming from the subordinates. Everything was as expected. With only light defense the station itself wouldnt pose a problem should they resist the Cizeracks generous offers of trade. She licked her lips in anticipation. No doubt the crew of ShadowFaene Fortress was trying to put together a quick plan of how to deal with the Cizerack Forces. There was something about the promise of a new trade agreement that ruffled her fur in excitement.

Assaurreei stepped forward as the ensign hailed the station. She was curious to see how they would respond to this unannounced visit. The first reply often told the tale of how negotiations would go and it was crucial to pay attention to details that many would overlook. Nothing could be overlooked and one never knew what tiny details would prove useful in the future.

She felt Anarro's eyes on her back. Everyone was waiting eyes on her as Assaurreei waited to hear the repy.::

Jul 15th, 2001, 07:20:28 PM
Hera sat at a console beside her Captain and brought up a
data base that her security officer, Lord Sodan, had put together for quick and easy reference. The Fortress encountered many and varied "associates" some well known - others not so well. The data was compliled not only on the major universal players - empires and such, but also on galactic traders,entrepenaurs, and nefarious characters known to their line of business. ShadowFaene was a space station, yes, but it was - as its name said - a Fortress and was fortified as such. Hera was constantly dealing with the scum of the galaxy and defence sheilds and weapons capabilities were only part of her fortress design. Knowledge was another.

She keyed in "Cizerack Pride" and instantly a plethora of information crackled across the screen. With quick touch-commands she brought up data on the Battle Galleons; Recent noticeable trade activities (which were many including trade agreements with such large organizations as TSE, GJO, the NR and TSO. The latest was on dealings with the Viashino); and Personell Profiles.

As the transmission came in from the Cizerack ship, Hera identified it as the Irraa'Iro'Iro' and the commanding officer as Captian Anarro and accessed the corresponding data. A picture and character analysis displayed across the screen and Hera looked at it with curiosity. "So...this is a Cizerack, hmm."

Hera spoke to Remkah. "Trade relations? They send 3 battle galleons to talk trade with - in comparison to some of the existing trade agreements - an insignificant operation.
Hm. Well, lets invite the good Captain Anarro for a chat."

Remkah responded to the transmission with the cool suaveness that seemed inate to him.

"Hera DrenKast greets the Cizerack Representatives and asks that they - and they only - come aboard SFF so talks can be held civilly and face to face."

Assaurreei Cassarreessa
Jul 22nd, 2001, 02:08:00 AM
::Assaurreei listened the the message. Her tail twitched behind her lazilly as she ran the message over in her mind. Surely these people didn't expect her to board without having at least one of her own security people by her side. Her nose twitched slightly as she activated the comm to send a reply.::

Thjisss jisss Vjicerrrojy Cassssssarrrrrreessssssa. jI accept Ladjy DrrrenKassst'sss offerrr. Me and mjy djiplomatjic ssstaff would be happjy to conduct talksss on jyourrr ssstatjion.

Howeverrr jI hope jyou underrrssstand when jI sajy jI mussst be accompanjied bjy at leassst one memberrr of mjy own sssecurrrjitjy team. jIm sssurrre jyou underrrssstand mjy concerrrnsss asss jyou would want sssomeone of jyourrr own sssecurjitjy bjy jyour sjide jif jyou werrre on ourrr ssshjip.

::She could feel the crew of the ship looking at her. It was indeed rare that Assaurreei conceeded to conduct talks on someone elses turf. But then this wasnt just your usual mission. To get what she wanted she was going to have to play her cards right and make some small concessions.::

Jul 22nd, 2001, 09:06:54 PM
Hera gave Remkah the go ahead for the Viceroy's stipulation.

It was no less than expected. Precautions were smart. It was all part of any negotiating - there were always risks. In fact, Hera's suspicion would have been aroused if the Cizerack were too willing to comply with her. She had thought they would have planted security personal as part of the "envoy" party, but here Cassarreessa was being upfront about it, which was interesting in itself.

"Your shuttle is cleared for approach to Docking bay 2, Viceroy Cassarreessa. We expect your arrival with in the hour."


Hera stood beside her Captain on a side platform and watched the Cizeracks disembark from their shuttle. Before moving forward to officially greet them she murmered to him, "I hear the female of the pride have the males as their slaves....Now theres an idea I can get on board with."

Moving forward she eyed the group...the leader among them was easy to pick out. Both Hera and the Viceroy inwardly sized one another up as they stood face to face in greeting. In a polite manner, Hera stretched out an inviting arm and inclined her head in a slight bow. "Welcome to ShadowFaene Viceroy Cassarreessa."

Assaurreei Cassarreessa
Jul 24th, 2001, 02:57:53 AM
::Assaurreei stepped off of her shuttle followed by two tall burly male Cizerack security gaurds and her assistant. She gives the traditional Cizerack greeting while looking at the offered hand. Clumsilly she grasped the hand, careful not to extend her claws, and shook it. Strange hyu-mann customs, she thought to herself. At least she was dealing with a woman. She grew tired of dealing with hyu-mann males. They were so very frustrating most of the time and she found they were of limited usefulness as far as expecting them to comprehend the finer points of negotiation::

Thank jyou forrr havjing me Ladjy DrrrenKassst. jYourrr hospjitaljitjy jis much apprrrecjiated.

Jul 26th, 2001, 02:11:29 AM
The hand that gripped hers was strong and quite a bit larger than her own. Hera looked over the security guards too, their frames were large and muscular. She always appreciated the well-built species of the galaxy. The data-base readouts had stressed the Cizerack strength and she could see why.

The Viceroy expressed thanks for SFF's hospitality and Hera smiled congenially. "Of course Viceroy." Three battlegalleons on her doorstep encourages one to be gracious, Hera thought to herself, but omitted saying as much. No need to get the Cats all worked up needlessly, remembering said battlegalleons at said doorstep.

"We can talk in the Parthenon Room. I would show you around, but Im sure with all your business dealings, "grand tours" are only boring and time consuming for you."

Remkah and a couple other members of the crew fell into step a polite distance behind the Cizerack party and they made their way to the conference room.

Entering, Assaurreei saw a long sleek black conference table, rectangular in shape with 8 plush leather seats around it. To one end was a decanter of 'Blood Merlot' and some beautifully crafted Nulan Amethyst goblets. Hera hoped the data was correct and that this type Merlot was enjoyed by the Cizeracks.

As Remkah pulled out a chair for Cassarreessa, Hera lifted the decanter, "Would you and your assistant care for a refresher before we begin?"

Cizerack Hunter Forces
Aug 2nd, 2001, 10:29:52 PM
The small contingent of Hunter Forces guards looked around the room, sizing up their alien hosts. However, given their rigorous training, most remained motionless and stoic, with a few occasionally fluttering their ears. At the sight of the blood merlot, a few of the soldiers smiled, as the lighted visor headsets continued to feed directives from the task force and their commanders.

Assaurreei Cassarreessa
Aug 6th, 2001, 05:52:09 PM
::Assaurreei took the offered seat and glanced around the room proudly. Her nose twitched as Hera lifted a canter of blood merlot. Obviously they had done their homework quickly. No doubt she had people scrambling for information as soon as their ships had come out of hyperspace. Though no databanks information could subsititute for a face to face meeting with a live Cizerack. She smiled a toothy smile and and nodded in appreciation.::

jI sssee jyou have done jyourrr rrresssearrrch. jI thjink a rrrefrrressshment would be apprrroprrrjiate beforrre we begjin.

::Next to her, her assistant nodded in agreement. Her nose twitched at the scent of the blood merlot as the decanter was opened::

Aug 12th, 2001, 01:55:22 AM
After pouring the deep crimson liquid into three goblets, Hera then took her seat opposite the Viceroy.

She watched as both the Cizeracks lifted the glasses to their lips and thought she noted that their eyes dilated slightly at the enjoyment of it. Taking a glance at the guards who had not moved, a part from a slight fluttering of their ears, she observed their disciplined stance. She also took the opportunity to really examine the Viceroy.

Assaurreei was attractive in Hera's opinion..compared to that assisant of hers anyway. But Hera was judging with human eyes..it could be the other way round in the Pride. But she doubted it. The Viceroy was strong in build, muscular, just like the males only smaller. Her colorings were unique and she wore the clothing of one superior in rank judging by the quality of the garments and the ornaments that adorned them.

But that was all outward appearance. Hera watched Cassarreessa closely. Her whole aura was one of command and authority. Here was a creature who was used to having her own way. Hera could see it in the constant confident expression of the Viceroy. She was not one to be trifled with.

The goblet was lowered and Assaurreei slipped a quick pink tongue to catch the last drops of merlot that clung to her lip. She looked at Hera with eyes that came close to...what? mocking?...no.. Hera recognised the challenge in the look as the Viceroy saw the Siths goblet on the table untouched.

Hera smiled and lifted the goblet. She said "to your health Viceroy" and drank deep from the merlot.

Gads that stuff was awful. Remkah, still standing quietly to the side, screwed his face in reaction to the thought of drinking that kind of brew...he would ingest alot of things...but blood merlot was not one of them.

Hera forced herself to hold a composed face...she kind of liked the taste of blood - battle had made her no stranger to it - but to drink it in a wine, in a 6 oz glass was another thing.

Taking a deep breath, she calmly set down the goblet and motioned to Assaurreei. "Another? Or shall we get down to the reason for you visit?"

Cizerack Hunter Forces
Aug 18th, 2001, 01:43:37 AM
As the two women locked eyes, the entourage of Cizerack guards cautiously helped themselves to the crimson liquor as well...ever watchful for a nasty rebuke from their controller for such hasty actions. A few purrs of contentment could be heard as they drank, but otherwise the group remained somewhat stoic....as stoic as a Cizerack could appear to be.

Several of the males kept their eyes on the alien male. Sniffing at the air, they unconciously sized the man up...determining whether or not he was a threat, or just another inferior Forrda. Not particuarly impressed, the guards continued to sit idly...wondering if there would be any action to this mission.

Aug 27th, 2001, 01:13:36 AM
Hera leant back in her seat a little to give the male Cizeracks room as they reached over, helping themselves to the blood wine. As they drank with relish, Hera allowed a whisper of a smirk to cross her lips as she locked eyes with Assaurreei.

"Would your bodyguards care for anything else, Viceroy?" the polite and catering tone of Hera's offer was belied by the way she looked at the Cizerack woman.

Hera didnt care at all that the males had taken some wine. It didnt matter to her. But, she was interested to see what Cassarressa's reaction to her thinnly veiled sleight would be.
Was the emissary the type to react based on "impressions" that her forces did as they pleased? Or was she more in control than that? Did she become easily annoyed by comments designed to promote a reaction? How volatile was this creature sitting opposite her?

Hera waited, noticing from the corner of her eye that Remkah was giving a certain one of the Cizerack males stare for stare.

Assaurreei Cassarreessa
Aug 28th, 2001, 03:32:01 AM
*Assaurreei saw the challenge in Hera's eyes and just gave her a toothy smile. One quick snap of her fingers silenced their purrs and the hunter forces returned to their proper stoic positions. Such hasty actions were delt with internally and not durring negotiations. If the hyu-manns idea was to provoke her into an unprofessional display of anger she would be saddly disappointed. As a negotiator Assaurreei knew when it was best to curb her temper and her tongue. Control was imperative when matters needed to be handed with delicacy.*

jI asssurrre jyou, thejy arrre qujite fjine. Thejy apprrrecjiate jyourr generrrosssjity.

Now jif jyou wjill, jI beljieve we ssshould get down to busssjinessssss. jIm sssurrre jyou've had jyourrr people prrrovjide jyou wjith data on the prrrjide. Ssso no doubt jyou arrre awarrre of ourrr extensssjive busssjinesss dealjingsss.

*She paused for some acknowledgement from their hostess and then continued*

To put jit sssjimply, the Prrrijde would ljike to make forrrmal trrrade arrrangementsss wjith jyour orrrganjizatjion.

Sep 1st, 2001, 02:10:05 AM
The suddden pull back into their disciplined stance at the snap of the Viceroys fingers did not go unnoticed by Hera. No doubt knuckles, and other bodyparts, would be rapped at the very least when they returned to their battle galleons.

Assaurreei's reaction to her prod was not a surprise. To be a successful negotiator, no matter what the situation, one always had to keep the focus on the bigger picture...the goal to be obtained. And the Cizeracks had formed some solid relations with some pretty heavy hitters. Assaurree was not someone new to the game, that was very apparent.

The accent of the Cizeracks was a little disconcerting and took some getting used to. Hera had to concentrate so she didnt misunderstand. She also found she had to actively stop herself from curling her lip and forming the "jrrrr" sounds in silent-mouthed unisen as Cassarreessa spoke. The Viceroy was polite enough to pretend not to notice.

"I am aware that the Cizeracks have indeed made some very high-profile trade agreements. A smart strategy. Make friends, connections, all the while keeping an eye on the comings and goings throughout a wide span of galaxy.
It is impressive, Viceroy, and your Pride to be congratulated.

I have to wonder, just what kind of agreement would you seek with the SFF Operation...and even more curiously..why? Such a small fish in the great big commercial trade pond."

Sep 30th, 2001, 11:07:22 AM

Cizerack Hunter Forces
Oct 8th, 2001, 09:17:39 PM
Huntress Captain Anarro drummed her claws on her armrest, as the Irraa'Iro'Iro' and her sister ships in the task force maintained position near ShadowFaene. The Trade Viceroy and her entourage had left for the talks several hours ago, leaving the Cizerack task force nothing to do but float idly in space. She'd ordered her crew to run several diagnostics to pass the time, but boredom was setting in nonetheless.

Thus, when a Nuffin freighter came out of lightspeed directly starboard of the task force, it nearly caused the high-strung captain to leap from her seat.

"Rrreporrrt!" She snarled, suddenly aware of action to be found.

A platinum-haired Huntress Lieutenant quickly analyzed the sensor readout.

"One Nuffjin frrrejighterrr hasss come out of hjyperrrssspace. jIt jisss jidentjifjyjing jitssself asss the Javet."

Captain Anarro snarled...running the ship's registry through the Cizerack database. Nuffin freighter...the name sounded so familiar.

"Ahhhh....." she mewled, leaning forward to her viewscreen. She smiled, running a pink tongue over her sharp teeth. Her claws unsheathed in an unconcious response to a hostile stimuli.

"Rrred Alerrrt!" She snarled, standing to her feet. The bridge seemed to come out of a sleepy stupor, as bridge officers realized that this freighter wasn't as innocent as was to be believed.

"Prrreparrre to attack that frrrejighterrr." Anarro growled, ordering the task force to mobilize.

"That jisss a pjirrrate ssshjip! Attack jimmedjiateljy!!"

The Irraa'Iro'Iro and her task force began to turn their guns on the Nuffin freighter without so much as a single warning. In a thunderous blast, Gorroka particle cannons opened up on the ship, slagging its shielding in a quick and brutal volley. The Korri battlegalleons locked their tractor beams on the ship, closing in and extending their bore-tip assault ramps...preparing to drill into the Nuffin freighter's hull, and storm the ship with Cizerack warriors.

Oct 10th, 2001, 09:50:47 PM
Hera was awaiting the Viceroy's reply. She was curious why any attention to SFF would be given at all by the Cizeracks.

Sure, her operation was slowly becoming noticed by some of the unsavoury organizations - a non-agression agreement here, a lucrative payoff there. Some sleazy networking with pirates and gangsters. But most of it low profile - and designed to be that way. A gradual inching in of of her influences in the underworld. She even had a few legit dealings going on, just enough to keep such attention as this away from her.

And now this. 3 Battle Galleons in her frontyard.

She began to drum her fingers impatiently on the glossy tabletop.

And then, she had her answer.

A stern looking indiviudal entered into the conference room unannounced. "Excuse me Hera, but you need to see this."

Casserreessa growled under her breath at the intrusion, but looked on as the crewman propped open a holoview screen onto the table and then stood aside.

Displayed in living color was the Battle Galleon Irraa'Iro'Iro firing on the recently arrived Nuffin freighter. Smoke was billowing from her port side and it was visibly being drawn forward in response to the tracktor beam latched about its hull
by the Cizerack vessel.

Hera was incredulous. "What are they doing to the Javet ?" She rounded on the Viceroy, bringing a tangible response from the Cizerack guards and in turn her own crew. Everyone just got alot closer all a sudden. And the air just got a lot thicker. "What are You doing to the Javet?" She demanded, slamming closed the vidscreen. Hera bristled and fury flooded into her luminescent blue eyes, "Thats my cargo on that ship!"

Assaurreei Cassarreessa
Oct 11th, 2001, 03:17:50 AM
::The arrival of the pirate freighter and the hasty response from the Cizerack ship had forced her hand ahead of schedule. Assaurreei growled at the hunter forces signalling them to stop their advances. A physical confrontation would do no good and just make matters worse. They took a step back but the tension was still palpatable in the room. ::

That jisss a pjirrrate ssshjip. jYou wjill get jyourrr carrrgo off of the shjip once we have djissspensssed wjith the crew. We have no jinterrressst in jimpeedjing the deljiverrrjy of jyourrr ssshjipment. We onljy wjisssh to ssstop the pjirrrrates jinfrrrjing on ourrr trrrade rrroutesss. Pleassse be asssssurrred thjisss wjill be delt wjith qujickly.

::Assaurreei quickly gave instructions to her assistant in Cizerack that the cargo of the vessel was not to be destroyed but delivered promptly to Lady Hera::

Cizerack Hunter Forces
Oct 14th, 2001, 09:35:17 AM
Nuffins, like Bothans, were a furtive and weak race. They preferred avoidance over confrontation to make up for this. However...in the face of a Cizerack boarding party...avoidance simply isn't an option. Some nuffins attempted to flee in escape pods, but they were quickly snatched back by tractor beams. Once drawn into a Cizerack landing bay, there were enough warriors near when the hatch opened to dispatch 30 nuffins, much less the one who could fit in such a pod.

Onboard the ship, it was no easier. A few dozen grabbed blasters and made a makeshift barricade in the galley, but once the Cizerack opened up with their heavy autocannons, they shredded the defensive barrier. Quickly, the Cizerack forces fanned out through the ship, slaughtering nuffins, whether they resisted or not. Blood, ichor, and limbs scattered across the ship like leaves in a hurricane. The only ones spared were the bridge crew, who were quickly cordoned off by soldiers.

A terse message was sent to Huntress Captain Anarro.

"Captajin, the ssshjip jisss sssecurrre. We have the command crrrew forrr....jinterrrrrrogatjion."

Back on the ship, Captain Anarro smiled wickedly, sharp canines visible past supple lips. What a fine catch for the day. The Trade Viceroy would be quite intrigued by this.

She opened up a commlink to Viceroy Cassarreessa.

"Vjicerrrojy...we have capturrred the pjirrrate ssshjip, and arrre holdjing jitsss command crrrew."

Oct 17th, 2001, 12:17:52 AM
"jinfrrrjing on ourrr trrrade rrroutesss"

The phrase brought Hera to her feet. It was suddenly abundantly clear as to the purpose of the Cizerack visit. "Trade Agreements" was just a palatable phrase for, "we are taking over your neighbourhood, pal." Hera saw the righteous anti-pirate posture of the Cizeracks as their way of vindication in the eyes of the toff-nosed Trade Ambassadors who still held weight and who even the Cizeracks were accountable to.

This situation was bound to go from bad to worse.

Hera didnt have many cards to play. Her Base was well armed and sheilded, but an all out battle with 3 Galleons was not a favourable option. She decided to hit the Cizeracks in a language they would not misunderstand - remind them of the civic rights and free enterprise.

Heras tone was cold.

"Forgive me, Viceroy, but I do beleive this is not your trade route at all. You have fired upon a non-threatening vessel,
claiming it to be a pirating craft without seeking any kind of confirmation. You also fired without warning, killing any number of occupants and with who knows what kind of damage to my cargo. Your forces have acted without thought or consideration for comercial traders and have violated no doubt dozens of civil rights codes."

She paused to let sink in the repercussions of this action once it is heard at the coming Trade Conference on Trogan - an event every member of any trade/business was aware was soon to take place.

"Oh yes, I will have my cargo. And all negotiations with SFF at this point are suspended."

Cizerack Hunter Forces
Oct 18th, 2001, 08:38:25 PM
Two landing barges departed from the Irraa'Iro'Iro, quickly docking with ShadowFaene station. In addition to the Cizerack entourage holding the Nuffin pirate prisoners, an additional 900 Cizerack soldiers were also aboard. The airlocks opened with a whoosh, and the initial 24 Cizerack soldiers emerged, headed by a Huntress Lieutenant. They formed into a box formation, keeping a dozen battered and shackled Nuffin prisoners within their ranks. Without hesitation, they marched from the promenade region, towards the business office in which the Trade Viceroy and the ShadowFaene administrator were meeting. For their part, the Nuffins being herded along were quiet and quite shaken...some of them having been incidentally maimed when their ship was overrun. Word of Cizerack disdain of piracy spread wide through the galaxy...and the Nuffins knew what fates they had in store for them.

After a few moments, the entourage arrived at the double doors leading into the conference room. With a whoosh, they opened, and the group entered, presenting the Nuffin prisoners to both Viceroy Cassarreessa and Hera DrenKast.

Oct 19th, 2001, 08:03:50 PM
The crew working in the docking bay werent quite sure what exactly was going on.

They were aware Hera was in conference with the Cizerack Viceroy, but was this "entourage" of Cizerack forces and Nuffin prisoners were part of it? No word had been received from either the Faene Mistress or Remkah, the Bases captain.

But, ShadowFaene was not an average commercial base and the crew there had the smugglers instincts. As the marching felinoids moved their captives in staccato unison to where the meeting was being conducted, the more senior of the men subtly indicated for the silent alarm to be triggered. The Base went instantly to "Alert Status."

Little amber lights when on in discreet locations and like a blanket that steadily spread across the base, all occupants armed themselves and went into the auto-drill of Base preservation.

The sheilds went into automatic lockdown. Nothing or no one was coming or going from this moment forward. Not without permission.

Hera was looking at Remkah, when above his head, in the corner of the ceiling, a small amber globe blinked on. Almost at the same moment, "whoosh the conference door slid open and a couple dozen Cizerack faces greeted them, their stern felinoid features a stark contrast to the terrified Nuffin faces peeping unhappily out from behind the formidible Cizerack frames.


Assaurreei Cassarreessa
Dec 18th, 2001, 01:34:23 AM
Cjivjil Rrrjightsss arrre jirrreljivant! Thessse crrreaturrresss knew the consssequencesss when thejy began pjirrratjing. Now thejy pajy the prjice forrr thejirrr ssstupjidjity!

*The viceroy barked orders quickly*

JYou ssshall have jyourrr carrrgo. But jif jI majy pojint out. JYou arrre jin no posssjitjion to be makjing demandsss.

*She gave her a toothy grin*

JI am fulljy awarrre of the trrrade conferrrence. Rrressst asssurrred ourrr actjionsss herrr wjill not be quessstjioned.

*Assaurreei left it at that. She could infer what she would. The pride was in no danger and they wouldn't be here if they were.*

JYou have jyourrr carrrgo. Now jitsss tjime to djissscusss the terrrmsss of the trrrade agrrreement.

Dec 22nd, 2001, 01:41:58 AM
The Cat spoke the truth. Hera couldnt deny it. The Trade Conference would probly be snivelling and bowing to the Cizeracks. It was no secret they had influence throughout the galaxy when it came to trade - and influence meant money. All things are forgiven when profit is to be made.

It was a tough call. The Nuffins mean little to the Sith, but SFF had a reputation to uphold. If word got out that the Cizeracks were running roughshod over those who traded with it, Heras profit margin would begin the slow steady slide to the red. And that simply pi**ed the Sith Lord off.

However, Hera was not a fool. Not by a long shot. And if she knew anything, she knew there was always "tomorrow". She would deal how she had to today, in order to impose her own will when she was in more of a position to do so.

And that day would come. She would make sure of it.

"Remkah. Have the Nuffins escorted to the lower level confines."

Remkah gave the necessary orders to the armed crew who had quietly assembled behind the crowd at the conference room door.

Hera stared coldly at the grinning Envoy. "State your terms, Envoy Cassarreessa."

Cizerack Hunter Forces
Dec 24th, 2001, 01:33:59 PM
Responding to subspace command directives, the remaining soldiers in the landing barges prepared to be unloaded onto the station, getting their weaponry and gear situated to quickly lock down the trading post. The airlock doors opened, and a small squadron exited, preparing to continue the lockdown.

Dec 24th, 2001, 07:07:15 PM
She waited for the Viceroy to speak. Her eyes glanced quickly to Remkah as his body language was giving every indication that the reports that were coming thru on his ear-com were of a disturbing nature.

He looked at Hera giving her the faintest shake of his head.

Averting her eyes back to Cassarreessa. Hera now aware things
were getting dangerously precarious down in the docking bay.
Her longtime working relationship with Remkah allowed them almost to know each others minds without them needing to speak them. They could read each others gestures and moods with uncanny accuracy. Even should Hera be non-force able, the connection would still be there by reason of their close relationship and shared experiences.

"I am a busy woman, Viceroy, and already this meeting has run longer and been more disruptive than necessary. State what it is you wish so..(and here Hera deliberately changed the tone of her voice and the hardness in her stare) ..you and your "entourage" can get the hell off my Base."

Assaurreei Cassarreessa
Jan 8th, 2002, 03:48:45 PM
*Assaurreei had waited till she knew her people had taken up their positions. She gave Hera another toothy smile.*

Frrrom now on jyou wjill be trrradjing wjith the prrrjide exclusssjivljy. The prrrjide and onljy the prrrjide arrre jyourrr trrradjing parrrtnerrrsss. Of courrrssse jI am sssurrre jyou can sssee how jyourrr people wjill benefjit frrrom thjisss arrrrrrangement. jIt wjill be verrrjy prrrofjitable.

And sssjince jyou wjill have a forrrmall arrrrrangement wjith the prrrjide we wjill make sssurrre that jyou arrre prrrotected frrrom sssuch people asss thessse marrraudjing pjirrrrateerrrrsss. We ssshall leave a small complement of ourrr people herrre to prrrotect jyou and jyourrrr sssatjion frrrom thessse dangerousss menacesss!

jI trrrussst thjisss jisss acceptable!

*Assaurreei gave her another toothy smile*

Jan 9th, 2002, 12:32:15 AM
A hearty laugh erupted as Hera threw her head back in amusement. Oh, this was rich.

Here, in this short time, the Cizeracks had stationed 3 Korriani BattleGalleons to surround her Base , boarded and uncerimoniously apprehended the Nuffin pirate ship with her own goods aboard and were, (if she had read Remkah rightly) at this moment disgorging more of their felinoid selves out of their barge to swarm into her docking bay. And THEY were gonna protect HER from other unsavoury elements?

The Sith re-took her seat, her body still shaking slightly in mirth. Assaurreei was still grinning her toothy smile - she was very self-assured.
Hera's eyes slipped over to her Base Captain and back again to the Envoy. Suddenly serious and calculating, Hera asked, all trace of amusement gone.

"How profitable?"

Assaurreei Cassarreessa
Jan 9th, 2002, 05:23:46 PM
*Yes, profit always got them in the end. Traders went where the money was and it was something the Cizerack used to their advantage.*

Morrre prrrofjit then jyou arrre makjing now.

*Hera gave her a look that said she wanted numbers. She wanted tangible figures that she could look at. Assaurreei growled to her assistant in Ciz and her assitant brought out a data pad and showed Hera.*

Asss jyou can ssse bjy the prrrojectjionsss, jyourrr modessst ljittle operatjion underrr an alljiance wjith usss can easssjilljy double jitsss prrrofjitsss jin underrr sjix monthsss.

Feel frrree to ssstudjy the numberrrsss to jyourrr sssatjisssfactjion. Jyourrr ssstatjion wjill have plentjy of busssjinesss and plentjy of prrrofjit.

Jan 12th, 2002, 12:47:44 AM
Hera did go over the numbers, and they were substancial, even she had to admit.

Going by the Cizerack projections, even if she scaled them down conservatively - there was a very great amount of credits to be made. It would also mean for Hera, she could break into the legitimate market under the Cizerack connection and make all manner of contacts and convenient alliances that could open up a whole spectrum of opportunity down the road...

But nothing was ever handed on a silver platter so freely unless it was ones own head. And Hera was attached to her head at the moment. She was far from trusting these Cizerack Monopolists.

Hera thought on these things for a moment...

She eyed Assaurreei - not giving away yet how much the figures had impressed her.

"And what's in it for you Viceroy? And please dont insult me by
anything less than the truth. We are both in business and know what you are conducting here. SFF is small pickens compared to all your current associates. What is it you want from us?"

Assaurreei Cassarreessa
Jan 13th, 2002, 01:40:45 AM
*Assaurreei tapped her claws together*

The prrrjide valuesss orrrderrr. Shall we sssajy, unjiforrrmjitjy. Havjing jyou asss ourrr bussssssjinesss assssssocjiate contrrrjibutesss to that unjiforrrmjitjy.

Whjile jyourrr operrratjion majy be sssmall, we sssee jitsss potentjial. Wherrre therrre jisss prrrofjit to be made we go.

jIt'sss asss sssjimple asss that jLady Drrrenkassst.

Asss one busssssjinesss woman to anotherrr I urrrge jyou to let the numberrrss speak forrr themssselvesss. Makjing prrrofjit jisss ourrr bussssssjiness and we do jit well.

Jan 13th, 2002, 02:17:22 AM
Hera found it hard to argue with the Viceroy's take on things.

It was true, the profit margin would be exceptional. The Cizeracks had their fingers in all sorts of profitable pies, and the potentials of such pies spoke for themselves.

The cost would come how high though? Hera did not want to lose control of her Base - she would blow the baby up before that happened - yet she was not so naive as to think the Cizeracks would not want their clawed fingers on the pulse of her operation.

"If I agree to this arrangement.....how big a contingent of your forces would remain here Viceroy?"

Assaurreei Cassarreessa
Jan 14th, 2002, 11:58:54 AM
Jussst enough to complement jyourrr own sssecurrrjitjy forrrcesss.

Sssajy twentjy fjive offjicerrrsss. And forrr jyou jI wjill leave one of mjy people wjith jyou wjith jinssstrrructjionsss to asssssjissst jyou. jI wjill make sssurrre thejy know that thejy are underrr jyourrr comand whjile thejy ssserrrve herrre.

*Assaurreei studied Lady DrenKast's face to see how she was recieving this information. Not that she had much of a choice at this point. For awhile Assaurreei had been afraid the arrival of the pirates would jeapordize her work here but everything seemed to be going according to her plan. Her forces were ready and the assitant who had angered her last week was going to have to serve among the humans. Yes everything was looking well.*

jI trrrussst thjisss jis acceptable. *It wasnt a question*

Jan 14th, 2002, 11:01:27 PM
Hera poured Assaurreei another goblet of Blood Wine. She then reached over to another decanter that sat on a round crystal tray in the center of the table and poured herself a rum.

Allowing her face to soften and what seemed a genuine smile to grace her lips, though deceptive in its sincerity, the Sith acknowledged that she was amenable to the proposed setup.

Lifting her glass to the Cizerack Viceroy and then pressing it to her own lips, Hera showed no warmth in her look, even from the smile that still lined her face. "Congratulations, Assaurreei. You further the Cizerack interests yet again. Let the necessary arrangements be made."

Assaurreei Cassarreessa
Jan 15th, 2002, 02:48:52 PM
*Assaurreei took the goblet and drank it in one swallow. She licked her lips gleefully, if a Cizerack could be described as such.*


*She was not fooled. She knew she had pressured Hera into this agreement. But then most people had to be forcefully shown that rejecting the Pride's offers of business were not exactly wise.

She growled instructions over her comlink and her officers began to take their places. One of Assaurreei's lower ranked assitants entered the room looking rather upset.*

This is the assitant I spoke of. She is at your service.

Jan 19th, 2002, 12:25:51 AM
She didnt even bother to glance at the new arrival - her "assistant."

Instead she slumped back comfortably in her seat. Her whole lay-back manner completely opposite to the wileness of her mind. Hera would use the Cizeracks to gain profit and contacts. Money and Influence. (She smiled at the thought) By all appearances to her new "benefactors" she would be working in complete concert with them. Her current operations however would not stop, they would just now have to function beneath the radar. Hera had big big plans from this recent development and she could not implement them with a constant felinoid shadow incumbering her.

[i]"Lets get things straight, Cassarreessa. I"ll allow your lackeys here to look out for your interests. I will even tolerate your unfortunate underling to assist me with communications between you and them. But, she will work for me and do as I say. And if she becomes a problem, I will (turning hard iceblue eyes on the assistant) "remove" her."

Assaurreei Cassarreessa
Jan 23rd, 2002, 02:53:39 PM
*If she needed to have this little show of bravado in return to acquiescing to their demands then that was fine. Let the human think she had some control over what was going on. Besides Assaurreei knew that her assistant wouldnt get in the way. If she blew this job she'd kill her.*

That jisss fjine. Asss jI sssajid. Ssshe jisss herrre to ssserrrve jyou.

*she moved closer and wispered to Hera*

jYou don't have to ljike jit. jYou jussst have to ljive wjith jit.

Now, jIm sssurrre once jyou get usssed to thjisss arrrangement jyou'll come to apprrrecjiate jit'sss rrrewarrrdsss.

Jan 23rd, 2002, 11:32:49 PM
Hera resisted the urge to wrap her hand around the Viceroy's throat and squeeze till she popped. Did she seriously think she could give the Sith ultimatums?

Instead with a flicking of five fingers outwardly, Hera initiated her considerable force ability and in a powerful push sent Assaurreei's attendants collectively sprawling back against the wall. Pinning them there so they could not so much as turn their heads or raise their weapons or even move a finger to a comlink, but could only blink and yeouwl in fury at her. Remkah levelled his blaster on them and remained watchful.

Hera was sure Cassarreessa would have had dealings in the past with the Sith, the Cizerack trade agreements with TSE and TSO bespoke it, and she, more than anyone, would know that the Sith did nothing that they didnt have a mind to. No amount of cajoling, coercing or showing of force would get them to yeild to the demands of another, no matter how overwhelming. Why would the Viceroy think Hera any different?

Hera had seen a rare opportunity - lucrative (though climbing into bed with the Cizeracks was unpleasant) - the pros in Hera's mind far outweighed the cons. And was the reason she had agreed in the first place. Hera would never do anything but what she willed to. Both she and the Cizerack would die first.

"You believe Im afraid of you Viceroy?" Hera asked incredulously. "What makes you think I couldnt kill you and your little band in this room, discreetly leave my Base and blow it up internally before your troops downstairs or your Galleons outside would have any inkling anything was wrong?"

Hera's hand slipped to her lightsaber- reading that the Viceroys face revealed her driving desire to rip into her Sith host- but made no other move than to keep the loudly protesting males held fast against the wall.

[i]"You and I will have a better working relationship, if you understand I am not going to "get used" to anything. Rewards or not."</>

Assaurreei Cassarreessa
Feb 16th, 2002, 03:22:53 AM
*Assaurreei just stared at Hera unflinching. Her anger was inconsequential to her and her threats meaningless. The entire proceedings was being transmitted to her warships and should things go wrong the would blow up the station with everyone on it. She was one to take risks for profit and it was a quality that had earned her the postition she held with an iron fist.*

Fearrr jisss jirrreljivant. Prrrofjit jisss the onljy thjing that matterrrsss. Do not thrrreaten me. jI thjink jyou know jit wont accompljisssh anjythjing.

*Assaurreei held the position of power and so she just moved on. She held a data pad out in front of her which contained the contract that had been drafted as they spoke per the arrangements.*

Herrre. Rrread jit and make sssurrre everrrjythjing jisss to jyourrr sssatjisssfactjion. jIm sssurrre jyou wjill fjind jin jit the terrrmsss we jussst agrrreed upon. Marrrk jit once jyou arrre sssatjisssfjied and we wjill be done herrre. jIm sssurrre jyou have otherrr matterrrrsss to attend to.

Feb 17th, 2002, 03:27:23 AM
The Viceroy was confident - proud in the fact that she had an armada to back up her condescending attitude toward the Sith. Hera had seen it before. History had seen it before. Those who were arogant because they had military might somehow mistook it for real power, when the real power came from within. From the power of the darkside, that could move beyond the realm of hard weaponry to the intangiblelness of the Force and effect the affairs of men. It was clear to Hera that Assaurreei was afflicted with this same mentality and while battleships and forces were not a thing to disregard, (and Hera never did) they were not where true might was found. Atleast not to Hera's mind.

She gave Assaurreei credit though, even with her burly male bodyguards pinned like ragdolls to the wall, the Cizerack envoy remained unflustered and coldly professional. And Hera liked that. If the Ambassador refused to even consider the possiblity that her military superiority was not the deciding factor in this trade agreement, Hera did not care. She saw profit. She saw opportunity. And if Cassarreessa wanted to beleive otherwise, then that would make Hera's plans go so much the better.

The Sith took the data disk and read it over carefully, though she felt that it would be just as Assaurreei had said - exactly as they had discussed.

With a sly wink, Hera made her mark as requested. "Looks like you and me are 'associates' now, Viceroy. What a pill huh?"

Grinning, she handed back the disk to the Ambassador and then, relaxing her grip on the males, they dropped to the floor with a uniform THUD.

Assaurreei Cassarreessa
Feb 18th, 2002, 03:36:45 AM
*Assaurreei took the data pad back and finalized the agreement. Another business venture successfully closed. She waited till the men picked themselves up and bowed to Hera.*

And jit looksss ljike ourrr busssjinessssss herrre drrrawsss to an end. Thank jyou forrr jyourrr cooperrratjion. jYou majy contact me at anjy tjime ssshould jyou have quessstjionsss orrrr concerrrnsss. Or jyourrr new asssjissstant can relajy thossse to me. A pleasssurrre dojing busssjinesss with jyou.

*The Hunter forces began to move out and Assaurreei followed them back to their ship*

Feb 19th, 2002, 10:31:57 PM
Personally escorting the Viceroy to her ship in the docking bay, Hera was taken aback slightly to see a contingent of Cizerack forces already unloading into her Base. She didnt like the view much at all, her crew liking it even less.

A snarl from the Faene Mistress held any aggressive movement from her crew in check and she felt, more than saw, their incomprehension of what exactly was happening. Blasters and other weapons lowered slightly and there was much turning back and forth of heads and questioning among themselves. She would have to brief them all later and layout the new protocol for the different types of business dealings they would now be involved in. That and the need for discretion where their former, less legitimate, contacts and liasons were concerned. It would mean juggling pirates, smugglers and Cizeracks alike, but Hera always did like a challenge.

A Cizerack male approached Hera and the Emissary and made the signal that all was ready for Assaurreei's departure.

"Perhaps we will have the pleasure of your company again soon, Viceroy. Lets not let it all be just about business."
The two women smiled obligatorily to one another. Hera Bowed cordially to Cassarreessa, as the Ambassador boarded her craft. The Cizerack Assistant thudded her chest with one fist in the traditional manner and stoically watched her Mistress leave.

Neejaarri Saaneessorr
Feb 21st, 2002, 04:42:40 PM
Neejaarri Saaneessorr slinked up to Assaurreei and the Sith known as Hera, handing the former a data pad.

"We arrre rrreadjy forrr jyourrr deparrrturrre, Mjissstrrressssss," he cowered in fear of the Sith woman, although he knew he could break her neck with a simple order from Assaurreei.

He followed his mistress as she walked towards the ship.

"What arrre jyourrr orrrderrrsss, Mjissstrrressssss?"

Cizerack Hunter Forces
Feb 24th, 2002, 08:19:03 PM
Within a minute of news of the agreement struck between Cassarreessaa and Darth Hera, the contingent of Cizerack soldiers began to debark from their landers, securing the areas and setting up security checkpoints and patrols. It was according to the Cizerack plan to "augment" Shadowfaene Fortress' defenses. This would be to Cizerack preferences, of course.