View Full Version : Lost love, but not forgotten

Lord Gue
Aug 31st, 2001, 02:42:10 PM
He sat on the edge of his hard limestone bed. Carved in just a way that a person could lay flat on it, but then agin it was rock and not very comfortable. Leaning over he held his forehead in his hands as they were propped up on his knees. He had promised, to himself maybe, but he had made a promise and he would have to return. He liked to feel as though she were still with him, even though she had gone away long ago. She was life itself to him, and if not for the few lives that depended on him day by day he would have gladly rejoined her side, but for now all he could do was keep her fondly in his heart."Jen, why did you leave me?" He muttered to himselfSlowly he raised himself to his feet as he made his way over to a communications console in the wall. Upon reaching it he slid his hand up and pressed the main talk button and spoke calmly into the reciever."This is Michael Gue, get a shuttle preped and ready, I need to return to the ship""Aye sir" [i]Came a reply from the other end.He turned and walked down the hall, soon his trek to his fiance's grave would begin...

Lord Gue
Sep 1st, 2001, 02:44:44 PM
[i]His trip to the bay where his personal shuttle was held went uneventfuly; just a simple stroll from the inner reaches of the shadow sanctuary, which admitatly looked much like a castle from the medevil days, to the nearest space port a few blocks away. One of his padawans had approached him along the way to discuss some personal matters with him and to inquire on his destination, but he had simply helped her out on her own matters then shoed her away. He was in no mood to be bothered about his own life this day, from this moment of the trip on he would dedicate it to his lost love, Jen Katrina.