View Full Version : Fun? (Open)
Khendon S
Aug 30th, 2001, 07:32:51 PM
The amber sun of Tofra kissed the Abreia mountain range’s highest peaks, passing over it with ease and emitting a golden glow over the dead sea of Ovek, embracing the Borishal forest of lifeless oaks with its warmth, and finally, reaching the stone field of Kadje, caressing Khendon’s face, bathing him in its radiance. Night had melted away quickly, and the sounds of the mutants that lurked in the forests and plains had died, they had all gone into hiding, for fear of the lethal rays of the Tofra sun; Khendon was alone.
Khendon wore the following: a white ribbed shirt, accented by a white gold cross with a blue diamond located in the center, dark brown cargo pants –that of standard military issue-, a thin, black vest, and military issue combat boots. Holstered on his right thigh was a standard Guild issue Kleine Gewehr, lusterless and timeless, a piece of art from the modern world. Hidden inside a slightly ajar pocket located on the inner side of his vest were two cylinders, each deadly, each beautiful.
A gust of wind wiped at Khendon’s light brown, almost dark blond, hair, waking him from his concentrations, his mental surveillance of the planet.
Aug 31st, 2001, 02:58:33 PM
Gaven stands near Keldon and grins. He Sends out a Dark-Side Blast and Nudges him awake. "Wake up keldon. You doom awaits."
Khendon S
Aug 31st, 2001, 06:18:52 PM
Khendon nearly falls off from staring at an ugly creature that has awaken him from his meditations, in fact, he actually has to drop his right arm to the ground to prop himself up. “Oh, Gaven… it’s just you, wondering when I’d have bad luck… What do you want?!”
Cizerack Hunter Forces
Aug 31st, 2001, 06:36:10 PM
The Leenai shuttle lifted off from the leeward side of the mountains, hurtling skyward and back to Tofra's orbit. In its wake, the platoon of Cizerack infantry it had deployed began the 3.2 kilometer hike to their engagement positions. The target had been confirmed as on-planet. The 24 felinoids fanned out, using their strength and agility to cover distance in short periods of time. Using claws, they climbed into the trees, bounding through the mountain canopy, to get a better vantage point. Eight Cizerack advanced forward in this manner, leaving sixteen to proceed on foot, as they carried the heavy Cizerack repeating rifles with them. The soldiers' headset visors streamed in orders from the shuttlecraft above. They were spreading the net....and it would soon draw tight around their prey.
Aug 31st, 2001, 08:04:55 PM
Gaven Steps toward Kehdon (OOC: How the hell...?) and grins. He ignites his Lightsaber and says Nothing. He Slashes down word searing Branches arouns Kheldon's face "Oh, Nothing. Just FOR YOU TO DIE!!!"
Khendon S
Sep 1st, 2001, 11:26:50 AM
Khendon rolled to the side, wrapping his leg around Gaven and bringing him to the ground, as well. “What’s wrong with you, man?!” Khendon elbowed him in the chest, got up, and backed away, retrieving one of his lightsabers from his vest, holding it face down in his right hand, and hitting the activation stud, bringing the glowing multi-color beam to life.
Sep 1st, 2001, 02:12:57 PM
Gaven Threw a punch and hit K in the face. "Oh, I am mearly INSANE!" Gaven slashed and Sliced at K, Hiting the Glowing Energy blade. He stoped himself and Let the Dark Side Flow. He Hit K in the arm, leaving a Deep Gash. He stod back in a Defencive Postion. His Dark Cloak whiped around him as he made a Great energy storm and Relased it on K.
OOC: I cant Figuare out how to Spell yer damn name. So, I'll just say "K" :-p
Khendon S
Sep 1st, 2001, 04:19:39 PM
Khendon was starting to get pissed off. He pulled his second blade, face cringing in pain from his new wound. Khendon activated the second blade, allowing his immense anger to take control and manipulate his body, letting go of his conscious senses, letting the demon within posses him, opening the flood gate. Khendon, or the demon Khendon, did a spin in air, both blades swirling. The first blade was easily deflected by his opponent, but the second managed to hit him in his left shoulder for a moment, causing the skin to slowly bubble and blister, turning dark, burnt, charcoal black. Khendon landed and pulled back into a defensive stance, “You sure you want to do this? I’m not really into the ‘ground combat’ thing.” Khendon looked towards a tree and lifted it, using the force, sending it towards Gaven.
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