View Full Version : Trouble in Paradise (New Cov Rebellion RP, Open)

Darth Roul
Jun 1st, 2001, 03:45:14 PM
::sits back in his chair as he ordered the final demise of 10 of TSO's troops stationed on New Cov. He knew that this would start a war which he belived TSO could win.

An assasin sat in a window and watched some of TSO's troops converse. He pulled out his weapon and aimed at one of them. He pulled the trigger and the stormtrooper fell. He then pulled out a grenade to finish off the other four. He threw it down as the four troopers were looking for him.

The assasin left his perch and went to find the five wookies. When he found them he pulled out another grenade and let it go into the circle of wookies.

He then ran from the scene. He knew if he stayed that he would be killed for he was being used as a pawn of Roul and the Council.

Roul heard the two explosions and knew that his plan had worked. He truly hoped the council wouldn't be mad because he had done what they hadn't approved of yet. He just couldn't wait anylonger for the politics of the matter to be complete. Roul then picked up a phone and called up the council::
It is done

OOC:p lease no sigs in this thread

Captain Delen Hunt
Jun 1st, 2001, 06:06:54 PM
Dylan Hunt sat on the lounge on the ship he was traveling when he, heard a mesage to the Republic. Seing that they were problems ocuring, he decided to go to the planet to fight against the imperials. He went to his x-wing and grab a a few blaster (small), having his blaster on his side Dylan decided to go the planet. To avoid any detection from imperials he decided to go on a stealth aproach. Onec he reach the planet he unloaded the box of wepons and decided to hide his x-wing in the forest. Dylan walk to the nearest village and decided to train the people so that in the near future they could fight for their good, on the Republic side.By using diplomacy and theach them the truth Dylan stated convincing the people to go in favor of the Rebublic. Dylan started to train the vilager and gave the few wepons he had extra and also encorage the viligar to create some of there own. Also he supervised the instalation on defeses in the area. One of the vilagers then told Dylan "Are you a big officer and when are reinforments coming" Dylan look and aswer "Im just a Liutenant on the Republic navy and im not here offiacialy so he must stay fucos and hope that we find our allies here in this planet, but i promise you this, over my dead body we are going to loose these planet, im going to make sure that the Republic wins"

Darth Viscera
Jun 1st, 2001, 07:18:03 PM
OOC: I'm ignoring your post, Delen. You built defenses in one post, and started training a militia? X-Wings don't have the necessary cargo space to haul a cache of weapons. Too, you're assuming that the people are rising up in favor of the Republic, and against the Imperials, when in fact the planet is under Sith control, not Imperial control. Please learn a bit more common knowledge at swfans.net before you post, and edit your previous post out.

Ten Hours Later

There was a flicker in the void of space, clearly noticable against the oblivionic backdrop, as a makeshift armada entered the system. The death of the five stormtroopers whose mission, as a part of that one SPK regiment, was to supplement defenses, was taken quite badly by high command. It was determined that an uprising could not be tolerated, and thus, the presence of this battle fleet. The Sith would have the assistance of the Empire and what resources it could spare in this matter.

Rear Admiral Veis Tahkov looked out at the mass of ships from his viewport aboard the Super Star Destroyer Night Hammer. The destroyer division had been hastily assembled, and still lacked many of its capital ship escorts, which were not due for completion for approximately another six years. Thus the reorganization had gone smoothly, if not completely, and the division had been formed with merely the ships which were on hand back at Colonies Sector HQ. Captain Zorin Hexes had been recommended personally by the Diktat, and so Grand Moff Schreiger had transferred him to this theater as quickly as could be managed.

Still, the division maintained a group cohesion which was available only in the Empire, based around the idea of a Star Destroyer group. The effectiveness of a Star destroyer was greatly enhanced by the presence and direct use of escorts, and it would be proven in this military action the proper way to prosecute an engagement.

"Star Destroyer groups, confirm combat readiness," he ordered eight of his Commodores, to which he received a prompt reply, signifying full readiness.

"Reserve group, remain at station keeping in holding sector five-bee. Be ready to deploy at my command. Commodores, confirm that your Star Destroyer Captains are ready for battle."

Major Byron Thask was a Major in the Imperial Armed Forces' Adjutant Corps, and had requested an assignment to Admiral Tahkov specifically, upon hearing from his father. He is a good man, Byron. Perhaps a bit cold, but eerily competent. He thought back to those words, and examined the Admiral's face from afar. A good man. He had the face of a good man. Perhaps his fiery competence which had been alluded to would show itself in the heat of battle. He could only hope.

Kade was a uniquely religious planet, one which did not adhere to the norm of Imperial doctrine. High Command had accepted this grudgingly, and made no effort to stop their practices, so long as their primary allegiance was to the Empire.

Clouds had formed over much of the planet, and Major Byron Thask gazed intently at the sight. If anything, the weather of the planet matched the inhabitants' moods.

<font size=1>"Bow down Thy Heavens, O Lord, and come down,
Touch the mountains, and they shall smoke."</font>

He whispered these words, did not wish to encourage the awkward glances which were everpresent. However, he remained a pious man, and no amount of awkward glances would ever change that. And so defiantly, he whispered another phrase, to serve as his own praise to the many a good boy who would possibly die today. He closed his eyes.

<font size=1>"Blessed be the Lord my strength, which teacheth my fingers to fight and my hands to war. Amen."</font>

Zorin Hexes
Jun 1st, 2001, 08:08:37 PM
Captain Hexes gazed past the main view port of the Imperator II Class Star Destroy, Dark Emperor. The entire ship was familiar, yet alien to him. The crew was not fully his own. Yes, he did have to admit they all functioned exceptionally well, and followed orders equally well - but it wasn't the same! He had grown too fond of his previous command on board the Vengeance, and over those few weeks which he had been on board he had carefully conditioned his crew to ritually respond to each of his commands. Many of them had shown amazing promise... Now he had to start all over again.

Then another thought came to his mind: He remembered the red headed young ensign in the crew pit, her sharp grin whenever he had bothered to compliment her on her outstanding work. Perhaps sometime in the future there would be room for -

"Captain, Commodore Natal requesting current battle readiness."

Zorin turned to the man, giving him a questioning look, as if he had failed in some duty. He couldn't well expect the lieutenant to know how he liked things done right from the start, but the man would learn. As they would all learn.

"The Dark Emperor is currently at one hundred percent battle ready status, Sir."

"Thank you, ensign." Captain Hexes grinned slightly. So, one of them seemed to be catching on, and rather quickly at that. "What word have received of our orders?"

A young man stood from the control pit and began, "We are to begin immediate bombardment of the capital city's civilian government housings. Sensors report that rioters have gathered, approximate numbers are obscure at best, but estimates have reported in range of ten to eleven thousand humanoid bipeds."

"You may commence firing the bombardment batteries, when ready."

Zorin seated himself, listening as a familiar hum fluctuated throughout the ship, energy diverting to power the fifty massive space to ground assault weapons. The planet was well within range, but the crew seemed to be awaiting something. He turned his head to the control deck and watched as a bald and muscular man looked up.

"Accuracy reporting at one hundred percent. Power has been diverted from the hyperdrive for increased sensor sensitivity."

"Fire!" Another voice boomed over a general common frequency aboard the ship, the gunner in the darkened rooms on the lower deck flipping switches and levers. Immense blasts of pure heated energy burst from the ship's outer hull, incinerating the cloud cover in the planet's atmosphere and instantly causing torrents of boiling rain to splash down throughout the major city streets. Thousands were instantly wounded, many not even involved in the riot or protest. Even more voices shouted out in agony, the tightly packed rebels struggling to seek shelter from the blasts which now came in closer and closer, flesh and hair searing away like butter above a kindling flame.

Smoke, and silence, filled the area as the firing ceased. The mere ten minutes had reduced the area to a field of death and suffering, only a few voices audible in their cacophony of moans and cries.

"Sir," The bald man began, apparently unaware of the incidents which had just taken place below on the planet's surface, or extremely apathetic of them, "sensor readings indicate over two thousand dead, nearly eight thousand critically wounded or dying."

Zorin raised a brow. So this might just get more interesting, indeed. The New Republic would, no doubt, be displeased. He hadn't desired to kill in excess, nor did he enjoy murdering civilians... but war was full of casualties. He had learned to live with that long ago. "Report all readings to Commodore Natal and signal that we are awaiting further orders."

The tightly packed stream of information flew, the holographic images traveling at the speed of light it's self, passing gracefully by over and around the seven other Star Destroyers, beneath the five carefully positioned Victory Class Star Destroyers, and finally arriving to the receptions arrays of the Super Star Destroyer, bouncing from that last point, to it's designated location.

Jedi Knight Katarn
Jun 2nd, 2001, 12:47:22 AM
a ship exits out of hyperspace, Kyle's eyes pop open as he narrowly avoids flying straight into a destroyer.

Kyle yanks the ship hard to port and throws his engines into full power, and maximizes his shield output.

Kyle calls out to his co-pilot

Jan get up here and take over sensor and comm signals lets see if we can hear whats going on.

what the heck is going on down there, prepare for planetary flyby sensors at maximum

(edit: removed sig)

Darth Roul
Jun 2nd, 2001, 01:08:18 PM
::watched as the bombing took place on the city::
I want two platoons to enter the city and take out anyone that is still alive. I mean anyone. Unless they have a TSO, Nothos Inc, DA, TSE or Imperial uniform on kill them. That means women and children too. I have seen these people fight. They fight until the death. Like we must do.

::The 300 stromtroopers walked into the city and met extreamly heavy fire coming from houses, man holes and bunkers. Only 45 of the 300 survived and ran off. Roul met them::
Roul: What happend
Sergent: They dug in. The bombs only brused them. They had been waiting for us for a while.

Jeseth Cloak
Jun 2nd, 2001, 03:24:27 PM
(ooc) Dude, a bunch of wounded near dying civilians would not reduce the Storm Troopers to 45. They would be slaughtered, and at the most I can see there being 80 or 90 Storm trooper casualities. X_X

Captain Delen Hunt
Jun 2nd, 2001, 04:14:22 PM
Dylan hearign from the boming he imeadtly decide to go to the City. When entering the city he sees the strom troper taking advantage of people that are wonded. Onec Dylan sees this he decided that this ca not be tolarated. He send a mesage to the fleet the directed the bombarment "Attention vesseld this is Lt. Hunt of the Republic, your action are intorerable and an act of genocide. it is an act of coward masacre thousand of people just, for your own vanity. For every innocent civilian to you kill i will make personaly sure that you troops are going to pay the price. Anything else justr contact me. Dylan gave the signal so that his militia, enter silently in the city and killed a few storm tropers.

Darth Roul
Jun 2nd, 2001, 04:26:05 PM
OOC: no those who were hurt died. The ones who dug in deep enough were not even touched by the bombs and they killed the storm troopers
Lt. Hunt we will continue killing these traitors. That is all. Oh and I will soon have your head on a pike for aiding these traitors.

Dyyz Natal
Jun 2nd, 2001, 04:48:15 PM
::the Delta fleet entered the orbit of New Cov::
Leutenant open a com link to Diktat Viscera
::D yyz watched as the hologram of Viscera was projected in front of him::
DN: Hello Viscera
DV: Hello Dyyz
DN: I have come with this fleet of 5 carrack cruisers, 5 Hapes Nova Battle Cruiser, 1 Dreadnaught Heavy Cruiser (Opressor), 2 Imperial Star Destroyers and 4 Victory Class Star Destroyers. I also carry 500,000 stormtroopers. Where are your troops stationed. We can cut off the rebels and encirle them and then kill them quickly

Darth Viscera
Jun 2nd, 2001, 05:07:50 PM
OOC: Darth Viscera is not present at New Cov.

Admiral Takhov monitored the transmission and stifled a laugh at the man's apparent inability to speak.

"The Republic is conscripting mental defectives into their armed forces now?" he asked a passing aide, who laughed politely.

"Regardless of his apparent mental retardation, this man has violated the Imperial/Republic non-aggression pact, and is now a war criminal. Patch me through to the commander of those three companies of infantry," he ordered.

A holodisplay flickered to life, showing an image of a Major wearing an Imperial uniform. The uniform was noticably dirty, no doubt because he had been engaged in combat.

"Captain Gefahn reporting, Sir," the man saluted.

"Captain? What happened to your detachment's Major?"

"Killed....by the mental defective, sir. He seems to have gathered a small party of gullibles from the local sanitarium, and enlisted them into some sort of para-military group. He was shouting at us as he fired....nonsensical phrases, our translators are quite perplexed."

"Indeed. Captain, you are hereby detached from service with the Sith. I am making you an Acting Major. Take your three companies in, engage the war criminal, and take him prisoner. Keep an open comm-link."

"Acknowledged, sir."

The holographic display disengaged, and switched to audio only. There was a noticable silence as the Acting Major moved out, followed by the soft but high-pitched sound of Stormtrooper boots crunching against shattered transparisteel. There were screams by the local people, quickly silenced by the troopers' weaponry. Finally, the sound of blaster bolts filled the transmission, and the Admiral stiffened.

"Major, report."

"Sir, the bandits have barricaded themselves near the city's arsenal. Scout droids report thirteen of them, including the mental defective. They seem to be firing blindly at us. We have no further casualties as of yet. Sir...it appears that their flank is in the air. If we lead a squad of men forward, then wheel left, we will have doubly enveloped them, and could then refuse our line...we'd have them surrounded within a perfect circle."

"Sounds like a good plan, Major. Proceed."

Further sounds....A squad of infantry moved out, gradually getting into the rear of the enemy while their attention was devoted to those in front. Further moving-troopers getting into position, then a bark...a command.

"By order of the Diktat, you are surr..agh!"

A stormtrooper fell, blasted in the chest. Immediately afterwords, the sound of blaster bolts flying filled the transmission, then after nearly an eternity, the acting Major reported in.

"Sir, mission accomplished. The mental defective has been blasted in the chest. He will survive. His followers were summarily executed by myself. We sustained two casualties, one killed and one wounded. Sir, what shall we do with the mental defective? He's claiming diplomatic immunity."

Admiral Takhov and all officers within earshot broke out in laughter at the thought, a man killing Imperial troops under the Republic flag-during a Non-aggression treaty, no less-and then claiming diplomatic immunity.

"...Major, bury him."

"Sir? He is not dead."

"I understand that, Major. Strip him of his clothes and any weapons, then place his body in one of the coffins reserved for stormtroopers, place an inverse Republic insignia on it, followed by the words, 'War Criminal', magnetically seal and lock the coffin, then toss it in a convenient ditch."

Noticable pause.

"Acknowledged, sir."

A few minutes of activity and movement.

"Done, sir. His coffin is in among the other rubble now."

Admiral Takhov grinned. His staff would have a story to tell their grandchildren.

Captain Delen Hunt
Jun 2nd, 2001, 05:17:27 PM
OCC: Can someone explained this to me i don't understand what is hapening

Darth Viscera
Jun 2nd, 2001, 05:21:11 PM
OOC: Your militia has been killed, you have been shot in the chest, then tossed naked and disarmed into a coffin. The coffin has been tossed into a ditch. The coffin is locked.

Jedi Knight Katarn
Jun 3rd, 2001, 12:12:47 AM
Jan open hailing frequencies

"This is Kyle Katarn of Rogue Squadron we are requesting a cease fire, a jedi mediator is enroute and will arrive shortly, this disregard for sentient life is unneccessary."

Jan prepare for evasive manuevers and send a priority messenge to the jedi envoy that speed is of the essence.

Jan: encoding transmission.... .... .... .... .... ...sending... .... .... .... ..... ..... ..... ....

(edit: removed sig)

Darth Viscera
Jun 3rd, 2001, 01:00:47 AM
Admiral Takhov listened to the incoming transmission and replied, "Any Jedi found on the scene will be regarded as contributing to an insurrection against the legitimate government of New Cov and executed on the charge of high treason. Stay away."

Takhov turned to the communications officer, and ordered the fleet's Abolisher cruiser to deploy its primary weapon across the hyperlane's New Cov hyperspace terminus point.

OOC: <a href=http://www.crosswinds.net/~insd/insd/abolisher.htm>Abolisher Cruiser specs</a>

Keerrourri Sarrtarroa
Jun 3rd, 2001, 01:05:19 AM
Several minutes later, the small and angular form of a Cizerack Korri class battlecruiser approached via realspace into the area around New Cov. The ship, the Arree'Iro'Iro, had traveled from the blockade zone at Corellia, under orders of Emissarry Sarrtarroa. Slowly, the lumbering capital ship approached the planet, its sensors scanning the vicinity.

Darth Viscera
Jun 3rd, 2001, 01:10:34 AM
OOC: That would result in the destruction of the Arree'Iro'Iro, unless the Cizerack ship had detected the Abolisher cruiser and specifically ordered the crew to evade and exit hyperspace somewhere away from the default hyperspace terminus point. Could you edit that post to say, "Several minutes earlier"? or include in your post that you received Imperial info of the presence of the cruiser, and used that to evade?

Zorin Hexes
Jun 3rd, 2001, 01:53:50 AM
Zorin nodded to his lutenant, watching through the view port as orders were sent for the final launch of all ground units. Several frigates joined the train-like convoy which now drifted towards the planets surface.

"Captain Hexes, an unidentified ship has just come out of hyperspace within attack proximity."

Zorin stood silently, uttering a short and guttural grunt from his throat with an exhalation of air. "Lock on tractor beams and open fire. Disable their engine. Jam all transmissions!." The new-comer's transmitted message was abruptly, and quiet unexpectedly, cut. Anyone who might have been expecting it would now find they were to receive but little more than a fraction of the original transmission.

"Yes, Sir."

Katarn's ship was immediately struck, as if by a massive boulder or bolt of energy. Shaking violent as it continued to attempt moving in it's projected coarse, his readouts told him he was locked in several heavy tractor beams, all of which emanated from the ISD2, Dark Emperor.

On the planet below, several frigates touched down to the surface, clicking their hatchways open in a domino effect of impending doom. 10,000 Imperial Storm Troopers also began their assault on New Cov, gunning down all insurrectionists which had been lying in wait for the approaching frigates. With considerable success, the rioters were pushed further and further back, Storm Troopers dropping dead here and there from the returning fire. Sensors aboard the Dark Emperor carefully kept count, as did the sensors of the other ships which had deployed an equally large number of heavy assault troops. All around the planets capitol, Storm Troopers advanced behind a line of 125 AT-ATs, 250 AT-STs, and 500 AT-PTs, methodically picking off any surviving rebels which may have been present. The 123,600 troops were a monument of Imperial might, and blatantly obvious display of power.

"Sir, reports are coming back from the surface. We've lost several squads, but the attack is going exceptionally well." A young man looked up from a holographic display of a soldier sitting within the cockpit of an AT-AT, his face flickering on and off. "

"Yes, very well indeed..." he thought for a moment, considering the attack which was unfolding below.

"Admiral Takhov has ordered that we launch half of our fighter compliment to further discourage rioters."

"Launch them. Order the pilots to hold their fire until told otherwise." The Captain sat back in his chair, watching the fighters as they banked away from the Dark Emperor and made their way into the planet's atmosphere quickly. Minutes later, a shrill buzz could be heard from the surface. Several insurrectionists burrowed deeper into their crudely made trenches, avoiding any incoming fire which may have been sent upon them from the swooping TIEs.

Dyyz Natal
Jun 3rd, 2001, 11:40:33 AM
send down the troops
::500,000 stromtroopers were ejected from the fleet in thier transport ships. They started their journey down to the planet New Cov::
Major Racc, you are in command of the fleet until I return from New Cov
::D yyz got in his transport ship and started for New Cov to take command of his troops on the field::

Keerrourri Sarrtarroa
Jun 3rd, 2001, 04:01:57 PM
As the Arree'Iro'Iro' entered orbit of New Cov, a signal was sent to the surface, intended for the Sith Order forces.

Huntress Captain Illeerraa: Sssjith Orrrderrr commanderrr, thjisss jisss Huntrrressssss Captajin Harrrrrraasssssseeji jIlleerrrrrraa, of the Cjizerrrack Prrrjide. We have come to act asss peacekeeperrrsss and help end thjisss vjiolent uprrrjisssjing on jyourrr planet. We ssstand rrreadjy to deljiverrr 3,500 of the Prrrjide'sss Hunterrr jInfantrrrjy to ajid jyourrr peacekeeperrrsss jin rrressstorrrjing harrrmonjy to New Cov.

Jedi Knight Katarn
Jun 3rd, 2001, 07:19:59 PM
Kyle and Jan are tossed into the control panel as the ship is grabbed by the tractor beams

Kyle: What Happened!
Jan: several tractor beams have locked on, we arn't going anywhere.
Kyle: terrific, so much for our peaceful mission, did the transmission get out?
Jan: I am not sure, they are jammin us but can't tell if any or all of the transmission was received.
Kyle: well it don't matter once the Rogue transport ship gets here the jedi medeator will try and get these guys to stop waisting lives.

ok shut down the engines or we are just going to burn them out.

kyle went over to the main computer and entered some commands followed by a security authorization code.

now lets wait and see what they do, keep the shields a max and tie the engine eneregy into the shields that way they should last a little longer if our friends decide to blow us to smitherines

Darth Viscera
Jun 4th, 2001, 02:21:18 AM
The Imperial Army continued its advances into the heart of the Sith planet, occassionally harassed by the die-hard banditos who lurked in the shadows, awaiting an opportunity to unleash their chaotic potential. It did not take long to enter the planet's capital and seize control, at least in a du jure sense. The government officials were kept in place, but they began to serve the occupying Imperials' interests at blaster point.

A single Imperial star destroyer has the capacity to subdue a planet. A single Super star destroyer has the ability to scare the populace beyond their capacity to resist. And so, the Victory-class Star Destroyers hovered but a few kilometers above the planet's major population centers, launching daily starfighter reviews as an example of what would occur were they to disobey again. The Tarkin doctrine was very useful in these types of situations, and it was the threat of force, rather than actual force, which kept the insurrectionists in line. For many an inhabitant of New Cov, the fire in their hearts which led them to rise up had been extinguished.

Darth Roul
Jun 5th, 2001, 01:40:17 PM
The Cizeraks are clear to land on New Cov

Jedi Knight Katarn
Jun 5th, 2001, 10:42:51 PM
kyle entered some more commands into the main computer, Jan get me a scan of the Dark Emperor, while i continue these calculations.

Kyle then opened a communications channel to the Dark Emperor, This is Kyle Katarn, release your tractor beams, we are not here to interfere, only to mediate, I am sure a peaceful resolution can be found to this skirmish.

Cizerack Hunter Forces
Jun 6th, 2001, 02:16:34 PM
From the Arree'Iro'Iro, two large barges began to move toward the surface of New Cov. Onboard each, 1,500 Cizerack soldiers stood ready to deploy, as well as a number of war vehicles, including AT-ST's and AT-AT's. The lumbering transport barges were each escorted by a squadron of Cizerack Keerta-class fighters.

With clockwork precision, the barges touched down at the outskirts of the capital city. Enormous bays opened up on the craft, allowing soldiers by the hundred to disembark, and prepare to lock down the surface. The red-armored Cizerack soldiers looked eager to perform. Each was armed with a variant of an E-web automatic blaster, configured for a Cizerack's added strength, to be used as an assault rifle. In addition, the Hunter soldiers also wore ceremonial battle prongs, in springloaded arm gauntlets, for melee combat. On their heads, computerized visors allowed their female commanders to give the males orders in realtime. The visors also contained special sensors, augmenting the soldiers already-sensitive eyesight.

The soldiers assembled in phalanxes of 300, as the 20 AT-ST's and 5 AT-AT's were offloaded. Just as the soldiers, the armor of the walkers was a full crimson. Overhead, the 2 squadrons of Keerta fighters kept close vigil, keeping the airspace clear for the arriving forces. The female ground commanders briefly gave their orders, and then the group dispersed into the city, 1,000 soldiers moving in advance of the main force.

They were to neutralize any rebellious resistance, and bring the city under martial law.

Darth Viscera
Jun 6th, 2001, 09:17:21 PM
The Imperial Military Governor sent a message out to the Cizerack forces, in the form of a holo-communique:

This is Major General Hayris Tyraa. The Imperial Army welcomes you to Theoron, the capital of New Cov. Feel free to partake of our supplies. Fleet has established a route from the Core. There is to be a victory celebration later tonight. Your officers are welcome to attend. Tyraa out.

Cizerack Hunter Forces
Jun 7th, 2001, 11:59:52 PM
A group of four Cizerack infantry began moving through a debris-littered road, when blaster fire rang out from a blown out building, striking the point-man in the face. Dead before he hit the ground, the stricken Cizerack male fell, his autocannon clanging to the pavement. The other three infantrymen spread out in lightning-quick succession, keeping low to the ground. They switched on their armor's limited capacity shield webbing, which offered them more protection than their armor alone. As they crouched behind cover, the soldiers peered around, scanning the area through the EM spectrum with their visors, as well as smelling the air for a trace of their enemy's scent. After a few seconds, the soldiers had located 15 humans, positioned in a building 30 meters ahead.

With feline stealth, the soldiers began to back up, finding an alleyway they could use to flank the Hyuu-mann rebels' positions. They cautiously approached, now from the other side of the enemy positions. Approaching the building's far wall, the felinoids scaled the wooden windowpanes with their claws, reaching a vantage point of the building's 3-story high roof. Quietly sneaking across, they positioned themselves at a point which was roughly above the mass of the enemy's triangulated positions.

On a coordinated signal from the soldiers' female superior, the males opened fire on the roof, blowing apart a large hole in the top. In the smoke, debris, and chaos in the seconds afterwards...the Cizerack dropped through the aperture, landing easily despite the 15 meter drop. Suprising their enemies, they opened fire with their autocannons. With the destructive force of an E-web, the Cizerack autocannons tore through the poorly-equipped rebels with murderous abandon. Limbs were blown apart and bodies cleaved in two by the stream of deadly fire. One of the soldiers threw down his weapon, extending his metal battle prongs. With superhuman speed, he ran down the Hyuu-manns, engaging them at close range. The startled rebels could only scream as he tore through them, plunging his steel blades through their hearts, or across their midsections.

In 13 seconds, the three Cizerack soldiers annihilated the 15 rebel guerillas.

Lucious Zaarin
Jun 9th, 2001, 01:04:37 PM
Over the comms of the several million Imperial crewers, pilots, and soldiers came the voice of someone they'd never heard. Perhaps they'd seen his face on the holos- he was the first of the original Grand Admirals to fall.

One-time proprietor of the many ships in the Dark Lightening Strike Fleet, one time overseer of the goings-on of the Moffship, he was ruled by self prepetuated thoughts of glory. In reality, he was mad. Mad, and on the bridge of a Super Star Destroyer.

His name- Lucious Bentir Zaarin.

"Alright! The Battle of New Cov has worn off it's streategic importance. We have pressing matters in the Expansion Region- the Colonies Sector Fleet has more pressing matters. Pull out."

The armada hesitated, all comms hanging dead. Lucious scowled. "This is Gr- Vice Admiral Lucious Zaarin! Code.." He paused. He didn't know any good codes. Maybe if I make up a code, they'll think I'm the only one with authority to access it! They wouldn't dare second guess me. He grinned, ever so slightly. "Code Aurek-Besh-Niner!"

As muttered confirmations of promises to return to fighter bays roared in, and as the return vector was plotted, Lucious seated himself. "Captain Dizzewog, report when the fighters have returned to their bays, the troops back in their on-ship barracks, and the return corses are plotted!"

The Captain looked oddly at the new commander. "Me, sir?"

"Yes you!" Spat the Vice Admiral.

"But Sir, my name is no-"

"Sir," piped up a lieutenant. "Your credentials have been met. Preparing the jump to hyperspace. Waiting verbal confirmation to jump."


With that, the task force made the jump.

Admiral Traest Krefey
Jun 9th, 2001, 03:31:43 PM
The Bothan Aussult Cruiser Ralroost has burst out from hyperspace into the calm of things, roughly seven-point-nine kilometers away. Why the ship had come here, no one knows. They had been experiencing engine problems since they had left Bouthuwai. The hull of her, was burnt black in several spots. On the insides, the ship was in well condition, shields at ninty three proficency and nineteen operation turbolaser batteries. Not well, but good enough.
"Lt. make a full system sweep with sensors." Admiral Traest Kre'fey commanded to a fellow Bothan.
"Aye sir." Responded the shorter, younger, darker, Bothan; "Sir, it looks at though the planet..New Cov, laser fire sir.. landing ships.. several ships out there.."

The Admiral thought hard but brief on this, after a minute or so, he finally gave an order. "Attention, all officers on deck.. if you think we should continue..say nothing..but..if anyone thinks this is not a good idea..speak now..or forever hold your peace."
"..." Is all that was heard from the bridge. Seconds later, the Bothan cruiser lurched forward at sixteen MGLT.

(I figured I needed to show what happened to my precious ship after the whole Bothuwai incidant.)

Keerrourri Sarrtarroa
Jun 10th, 2001, 01:43:33 AM
Huntress Captain Illeerraa's eyes widened slightly, as another ship dropped into realspace, and was summarily rocked violently as it encountered the GMA Abolisher's anti-hyperlane weapon. Sections of the ship's hull blew open in belches of orange flame, and the engines winked on and off, before exploding in a shower of debris. Across the Bothan ship, dozens of sections reported massive damage, as well as numerous casualties.

It had all happened so suddenly.

Her eyes narrowing again, Illeerraa turned to the helm

Huntress Captain Illeerraa: Helm, ahead at full. Clossse jin on that ssshjip. Comm, open a channel.

The Arree'Iro'Iro' began to transmit a signal to the ship.

Huntress Captain Illeerraa: Unjidentjifjied vessssssel, thjisss jisss the Arrrrrree'Irrro'Irrro of the Cjizerrrack Prrrjide. Prrreparrre to be gjiven assssssjissstance.

Cizerack Hunter Forces
Jun 10th, 2001, 02:23:38 AM
A half-burned speeder was crushed flat by an ominous red column of metal. It was a leg of a Cizerack AT-AT, as it plowed through the disarray of the urban center, lumbering through wreckage and debris. To either flank, smaller AT-ST's ensured that all angles of fire were covered.

Behind these mechanized weapons platforms, three squads of Cizerack infantry advanced...with autocannons at the ready. The primary danger in urban combat zones such as these were small-arms ambushes or the occasional sniper. However, the use of armor to spearhead the advance gave potential attackers a slight doubt to their actions. Any hesitation on the enemy's part could be a crucial advantage, and the Cizerack used fear as a bloodless weapon.

Admiral Traest Krefey
Jun 10th, 2001, 11:20:38 AM
Admiral Traest Kre'Fey, held his left arm tightly, his skin was was warm. Warm with the blood dripping slowly down it. The Bothan Commanders wound had come when the ship was attacked, a support beam for the hull above the bridge, swung down, taking a large chunk of flesh from his arm and sadly, killing an ensign. Minor fires were every, Bothans rushed to put an end to them.
"Sir!" Lt. Tran'fey, "We are being hailed from the large dangerous looking craft about half a kilometer away."
"Lets here it.." The Admiral said darkly.

After a brief second or so, the audio system came to life, a strange voice filled it."Unjidentjifjied vessssssel, tisss the Arrrrr'o'Irrro of the izerrrack Prrrjide. Prrreparrre to be gjiven assss-" The bridge crew stood around silently for a second.

"Sorry about the condition of it Sir," Lt. Tran'fey said, muffling a laugh.
"Either they are mocking us or mean to give us assistance. Send them a message, we are ready for assistance, but just in case, ready fighters. Its not I don't trust them, but I've heard rumors." The Bothan Assualt Cruiser was loaded with two full squadrons of C-Wing starfighters, four B-Wings, three A-Wings, and five X-wings.
"Aye sir." The Lt said, seconds later, he said, "Cizerack Pride ship, We await your arrival."

Keerrourri Sarrtarroa
Jun 10th, 2001, 01:40:30 PM
The Arree'Iro'Iro began to maneuver close to the crippled ship, searching for the vessel's primary docking interface terminal. Finding it, the Korri battlecruiser adjusted its angle, and guided its assault ramp from its ventral mooring sheath to the other vessel's outer hull. It contacted the ship with a magnetically-sealed "clang". Instead of using its bore-tip apparatus to forcefully breach the hull, the assault ramp simply used a standard airlock interface, and the doors between the two ships opened. Huntress Captain Illeerraa, four other female officers and a dozen male Cizerack infantry stepped aboard. The sight that greeted them was an assortment of short-statured furry aliens. Illeerraa knew them all-too-well, as her ears folded back slightly.

She hissed under her breath at the sight of the refugees.

Huntress Captain Illeerraa: Bothansss...


Admiral Traest Krefey
Jun 10th, 2001, 01:51:12 PM
Admiral Traest Kre'Fey, awaited the Arrivial of the Cizeracks from their cruiser.On each of his side were two Bothan guards and a crewman to his left. Alas, they came aboard. Led by a female, as usual. The Admiral decided not to hold his arm anymore, as the blood slowly began to clot up, and his body began to fix it self. Sadly though, his cream color fur arm was covered in red blood.
"Welcome aboard the Ralroost, I am Bothan Admiral Traest Kre'Fey, although I think my planet may be of no more," He paused to collect himself fro ma moment of pain, "Thank you very much for giving us your assistiance."

Keerrourri Sarrtarroa
Jun 10th, 2001, 02:02:19 PM
Huntress Captain Illeerraa: How manjy crrrew do jyou have herrre, and how manjy wounded?

Illeerraa caught the eye of one of her more-aggressive subordinates. She turned slightly to her, and gave her a look that made her think twice about any overt signs of aggression. For now, they were here to render aid to these Forrda, even if they were the same aliens responsible for the sneak attack at Calan. Whatever judgment was to be passed, it would be passed later. Not here.

Admiral Traest Krefey
Jun 10th, 2001, 02:12:03 PM
The Admiral knew well of the hatered the Cizeracks had for Bothans, he knew of the stories from Calan. "We have 28,000 people on board. About 13,000 are injured. Our facilities can deal with roughly 10,000. So 3,000 are injured. Personell is not a problem. What ever the hell happened back there blew out our Hyperdrive, forward shields, and we have 23% Power for the ship. Life support is at a minimum and I apologize if the conditions are uncomfertable for you." The Bothan paused, "On another note, we have been exiled from Bothuwai by the New Republic."

Keerrourri Sarrtarroa
Jun 10th, 2001, 02:28:49 PM
Illeerraa thought for a moment. It would strain her ship's logistics to the maximum to take on 3,000 wounded. The Arree'Iro'Iro' was not as large as the Bothan ship, and it would be difficult to compensate for an increase in numbers.

Huntress Captain Illeerraa: Forrr now, have jyourrr wounded brrrought aboarrrd mjy vessssssel. We wjill sssee to thejirrr jinjurrrjiesss, jincludjing jyourrr own. jI wjill have ourrr majin carrrgo bajysss converrrted jinto ad hoc hossspjitalsss, whjile we sssjignal ourrr homeworrrld forrr furrrtherrr ajid.

Illeerraa wondered just what the Pride Mother would have to say about a ship full of Bothans.That alone piqued her interest enough to continue this. At the same time, however, she could not neglect her operations planetside. With the withdrawal of the Sith forces Imperial allies, the Cizerack warship was alone at New Cov, and solely responsible for aiding TSO's peacekeeping on the surface.

Admiral Traest Krefey
Jun 10th, 2001, 02:38:56 PM
"My arm is fine. I will ignore the pain, as I have to get back to fixing my ship. If you won't mind me asking, what has happened down on the planet New Cov?" The Admiral inquired.

Elsewhere on the massive cruise, Lt. Tran'Fey gripped a hydrospanner as he was making repairs to the bridge wiring system. He was trying to fix the early missle warning system for the bridge. He was having little sucsess, for the wires were mostly burnt up and trapped behind a melted console side.
Unbeknowst to the threat above him, the Lt. worked hard, continuously trying to pull apart the melted durasteel. His fingers, slightly burned sending the sent of burnt flesh. Sadly, the second he removed the panel, a support beam flew off its lock, decapitating the Lt. fully.

Keerrourri Sarrtarroa
Jun 10th, 2001, 02:46:22 PM
Huntress Captain Illeerraa: jI do mjind jyourrr assskjing. And asss forrr jyourrr arrrm, jI would rrreccomend at leassst appljying a bacta sssalve and bandage to the wound.

Admiral Traest Krefey
Jun 10th, 2001, 02:52:15 PM
Admiral Traest Kre'Fey looked at the Cizerack captian. "My Arm is fine. Well, it looks like you've been fighting, I have 2,000 troops itching for a fight, along with three squads of fighters ready to go. If you need 'em, tell me."

Keerrourri Sarrtarroa
Jun 10th, 2001, 02:59:28 PM
Illeerraa smiled half-courteously

Huntress Captain Illeerraa: Thank jyou Admjirrral, but jI assssssurrre jyou, we have the sssjituatjion on the planet well jin hand.

Admiral Traest Krefey
Jun 10th, 2001, 03:03:18 PM
The Bothan Admiral sighed quietly then said, "Well, I must go to my duties. My people will transport to your ship ASAP. Thank you very much. Good hunting on the planet." With that, the Admiral departs to the bridge.

Keerrourri Sarrtarroa
Jun 10th, 2001, 03:14:08 PM
The two commanders departed, and Illeerraa began to send squads over to the crippled Bothan ship, bringing the nearly 3,000 excess wounded aboard the Arree'Iro'Iro'. Slowly, the main cargo bays of the battle galleon were cleared and turned into a makeshift hospital, as Bothans either walked or were carried by gurney inside. It took about an hour to fully transfer the Bothan wounded aboard, but it was eventually finished.

Overseeing the task, Illeerraa scowled somewhat, her fangs showing through her lips. She disliked the notion of caring for these deceitful creatures as much as anybody on her ship. Nevertheless, it was a nuissance that might prove to be beneficial in time. Still...it was a chore she detested.

Briskly returning to her personal quarters, Illeerra sent a personal communique back to Carshoulis Prime.

<font color=0000CC>IMPERATIVE URGENT:




Admiral Traest Krefey
Jun 10th, 2001, 03:25:24 PM
On his way back to the bridge, Admiral Kre'Fey wondered how he could repay the Cizerack Captian and her crew. Thoughts ran through his mind, such as carrying cargo or guarding convoys. He knew, that this ship would be grateful to the Pride for a long time. He glanced at the workers rushing around, trying to fix his ship. Once great and powerful, the Ralroost had now become near a piece of Junk.
He paused for a second, as several Bothans passed him carrying a massive power cell, which would get the power generator started. The cream colored man walked into a turbolift, heading directly towards the bridge.
"I'm sorry Sir," Said an Jr. Lt as he exited the lift, " Tran'fey, is dead sir."
A wave of greif came over him, that Lt. had served with him for a long time. He was a good friend of the Admirals. Death..no more.. Thought the Admiral. "Lieuteniant, order everyone to double their efforts, I want to be space ready in five days."
"Yes sir." Complied the Lt.

Jedi Knight Katarn
Jun 10th, 2001, 05:35:04 PM
<font size=1><strike>Jan: Kyle I think they are ignoring us.
Kyle: lets target some of those heavy tractor beam emitters and see if we can punch some holes in them and get out of here. let me know when you have a lock
Jan: right, it more then likely will do us know good, unless you have a heck of a lot of fire power hidden somewhere,
kyle: no but at least maybe we can get there attention
Jan: targeting system is scanning</strike></font>

ooc: edited that out, guess i should read a little closer, sorry and thanks




Keerrourri Sarrtarroa
Jun 10th, 2001, 06:00:51 PM
OOC: Katarn, the ship that had you ensnared in tractor beams has since departed.

Cizerack Hunter Forces
Jun 11th, 2001, 12:03:43 AM
From the surface, four Keerta fighters streak toward the approaching ship.

Jedi Knight Katarn
Jun 12th, 2001, 10:20:12 PM
take evasive actions, turn back towards the hyper point, we are gonna need a little help with this one...

hyperspace coords. entered, standing by for verification from nav computer

Cizerack Hunter Forces
Jun 12th, 2001, 10:45:48 PM
At the same time, four more fighters approach, from the Arree'Iro'Iro's direction. A message is sent to Katarn's ship.

"Unjidentjifjied vessssssel, we have jyou on ourrr ssscopesss now. jYou have enterrred a contesssted zone. Pleassse cut jyourrr engjinesss, gjive jyourrr jidentjifjicatjion codesss, and prrreparrre to be jinssspected."

Jedi Knight Katarn
Jun 17th, 2001, 04:17:39 PM
Allright Jan, cut all engines and open hailing frequencies.
comm channel open
"This is Kyle Katarn, Jedi-Knight, state your intentions."
comm united muted
Jan send out our present position to rogue command and launch hyperspace probe.

jan follows Kyle's orders and launches the probe into hyperspace, away from the general hyperspace lanes.

Jan get me scans on those ships.

Keerrourri Sarrtarroa
Jun 20th, 2001, 02:27:38 PM
The Keerta fighters approached and began to slow to idle speed, gliding toward the motionless ship. A female voice came on the comm line.

Ourrr jintentjionsss arrre not jyourrr concerrrnsss. Ssstand bjy forrr jinssspectjion.

Splitting off, two of the fightercraft veered a distance away, covering the other two craft, as they slowly turned their hulls, attaching their ventral sides to the corresponding airlock emplacements on the ship. A hiss of air could be heard as the airlock interface was used to open the hatches. Within a minute, a female Cizerack officer and two male Cizerack soldiers stepped onto the ship, eyeing Kyle and Jan with blue eyes. The female pilot spoke.

Ssslave jyourrr engjinesss to ourrr fjighterrrcrrraft, Hjyuu-mann.

Jedi Knight Katarn
Jun 20th, 2001, 05:18:04 PM
kyle turned to the intruder "I think not", Kyle carefully pressed a button on his belt and sirens began to ring inside the Katarn I.

attention...attention...self destruct system engaged 90 seconds until detonation...
katarn activated his lightsaber and stood his ground.
now we all die together
attention...attention...self destruct system engaged 85 seconds until detonation.

Admiral Traest Krefey
Jun 20th, 2001, 05:51:40 PM
Admiral Kre'Fey looked at his chief technition, Lt. Scot'ep, "I'm sorry sir, we got no powerr,*" He sighed, "We can't do a thing. Dead in the water. We need repair yards of sort."
"I see. Thank you Scot'ep. You may leave now." The Admiral says sadly.
"Ensign, deploy a flight of C-Wing fighters to partol the area around the ship, I don't want to be attacked off guard."
"Aye sir." Says the young Ensign as he rushes off to fufill the order.

The Bothan looked down at his desk. He looked at comlink as he lifted it up towards his lips. He thumbed it on, allowing him communications with everyone in-system, through relaying it to the ships systems. He spoke out, " Attention, any frieghters, cargo tugs, or private vessels, if you want to make a little money and pick up some passengers, if you can, the Ralroost would be glad to see you. I am Admiral Traest Kre'Fey, Rouge Admiral of the Bothan Military, Exiled from the New Republic space. Captain of the Ralroost. Please help."

*= Scottish Accent.

Cizerack Hunter Forces
Jun 20th, 2001, 09:25:04 PM
The two male soldiers reacted quickly, their 10-inch steel battle prongs ejecting from their forearm gauntlets with a twang. They moved to either side of Katarn, as their commanding officer drew her sidearm blaster pistol, leveling it at the hip towards Jan.

"Don't make thjisss anjy worrrssse than jit jisss, Hjyuu-mann. jYou have enterrred a zone of djissspute wjithout clearrrance. Ssstand down now, orrr we wjill leave jyourrr ssshjip wjith jyourrr corrrpsssesss on boarrrd."

One of the males growled gutterally as he spoke.

"Be carreful. He holdsss a wjitch'sss weapon."

They continued to circle Katarn, as the female spoke.

"What factjion arrre jyou wjith?"

Keerrourri Sarrtarroa
Jun 21st, 2001, 02:27:03 PM
Illeerraa frowned somewhat, watching the squadron of C wings depart the crippled ship. She turned to an ensign.

Illeerraa: Sssend a sssjignal to the Rrrallrrroossst'sss fjighterrrsss. jInforrrm them that we have the sssjituatjion
well jin hand, and that thejirrr fljightsss majy jinterrrferrre jin ourrr rrrenderrrjing of ajid

She turned to one of her Lieutenants

Illeerraa: Have ourrr rrressserrrve fjighterrrsss launched to fljy essscorrrt forrr the Bothansss. Courrrteousssljy encourrrage them to rrreturrrn to thejirrr hangarrrsss.

As Illeerraa spoke, the distinctive shape of a Korri battlegallion shot from hyperspace about 60 kilometers starboard. It was the Meerra'Iro'Iro', dispatched by Emissary Sarrtarroa from the Corellian blockade zone to assist in the New Cov incident.

Jedi Knight Katarn
Jun 22nd, 2001, 12:38:00 AM
kyle watched the intruders intently

"computer, cancel auto destruct authorization Katarn beta three niner niner pi"

<computer voice:>[i]authorization confirmed autodestruct cancelled, awaiting further orders.

Kyle addresses his "guests"

I am Kyle Katarn - Jedi of the Greater Jedi Order, we were in system on a routine patrol when we noticed the horrible disregard to life and offered to mediate an end to hostilities, we are still expecting a Jedi envoy to arrive momentarily.

Cizerack Hunter Forces
Jun 23rd, 2001, 02:43:40 PM
So, the intruding ship was from the Jedi. This would take somewhat more tact than the pilot was wanting to dispense. The male soldiers began receiving new imperatives through their visor interfaces. Command was very clear on the matter. If at all possible, the Jedi were not to be harmed.

With a steely sheen, the males sheathed their battle prongs, while the female pilot slowly holstered her sidearm. She spoke, choosing her words carefully.

"Jedji sssupporrrt wjill not be needed herrre. jYou majy rrreturrrn to jyourrr sssuperrrjiorrrsss. We arrre well-equjipped to prrrovjide adequate peacekeepjing measssurrresss herrre, and arrre dojing ssso rrrjight now."

Jedi Knight Katarn
Jun 24th, 2001, 11:06:16 AM
Kyle listens to the female pilot while the males sheathed their battle prongs.

<font color=blue>Female Pilot</font>"Jedji sssupporrrt wjill not be needed herrre. jYou majy rrreturrrn to jyourrr sssuperrrjiorrrsss.
We arrre well-equjipped to prrrovjide adequate peacekeepjing measssurrresss herrre, and arrre
dojing ssso rrrjight now."

<font color=gray>so...they will let us go or i could insist on the jedi being apart of the mediation, no if it was just me i would risk the chance, but i have to think of Jan as well, she did not sign on for this.</font>

<font color=blue>Kyle:</font> Very well Pilot, we will leave you to your internal matter, but the Jedi are watching this part of the galaxy so don't be surprised if you see us here again. I will contact the Jedi envoy and call them off. Good Enough?

Admiral Traest Krefey
Sep 2nd, 2001, 11:06:22 AM
The Admiral fully understood what the Cizerack captain was going through. He would be wanting to have the Bothan's return fighters to if he were in here position. Kre'Fey glanced out the viewport. Saddened by the beating his ship took. A true shame. " Lieuteniant, have the fighters return. I want them on stand by though.. not that it'll matter much if the Ciz's decide to kill us." He said somberly.

"Aye capt'n, it'll be done." Said the younger Bothan, he was currently moving debris like the Admiral, off the consols and whatnot of the bridge.

The entire ship, was still barely hanging on by a thread. Massive breaches all over the hull were forming. Some would come up out of the tiniest hole. Repair crews, were runing up and down the ship, trying to fix her hull with what they had. Casuallties were steadily rising, some help of the Cizeracks, helped keep that number down. Most of the fires were being put out.

The massive cargo carrying space was very useful on the ship, carrying spare turbolaser pieces and lots of spare hull metal, made it very easy to find resources to fix it. Thirty thousand tons was a lot of space after all especially on a ship like the 'Roost.

Traest Kre'fey
Jan 28th, 2002, 11:50:57 AM
(Bump!) :wave

Cizerack Hunter Forces
Jan 28th, 2002, 10:01:58 PM
The Meerra'Iro'Iro' swung slowly alongside the Arree'Iro'Iro' and the crippled Ralroost. With the new ship came new facilities and aid. The battlegalleon moved to starboard, latching itself onto the Bothan ship's remaining airlocks, and transferring support staff to the ship.

Boarding the vessel, an unusually tall Cizerack female approached Illeerraa and Kre'fey. Her hair hung low in several small blonde braids. She faced Kre'fey, clapping a fisted right palm over her left breast in greeting.

"Admjirrral Krrre'fejy, jI am Huntrrressssss Captajin Sssaasssssseeno, of the Meerrrrrra'jIrrro'jIrrro'. We arrre rrreadjy to brrrjing jyourrrr wounded aboarrrd. Alssso, engjineerrrsss arrre herrre to put jyourrr engjinesss onljine. Djirrrect usss therrre now."

Saasseeno wasted little time, her voice sounding somewhat practiced and formal, and a little preoccupied. She eyed the Admiral's flesh wound, one of her light eyebrows raising in curiosity.

Traest Kre'fey
Jan 28th, 2002, 10:38:28 PM
"Yes, I will have one of my men show you were to go, I have more to do on my ship in terms of repair. Just one question, what will happen to my men and will they ever see the light of their homeworlds again? " The Admirals tone was modest and he was bent on saving his crew, if nothing else.

Rushing the Female Cizerack, he had a young recruit rush over to her. "This way uhm... Miss." He wasn't sure of her actual title because of his ignorance of Cizerack culture, so he did his best not to offend her.

"Huntress," Said Kre'Fey, "I do hope you like my ships accomodations to your desires. " Although he didn't mean to come off sarcastic, he may have. And that, could have been a mistake.

Cizerack Hunter Forces
Jan 28th, 2002, 10:54:54 PM
Saasseeno moved a thin braid out of her eyes. She turned to two of her subordinates, speaking in a tongue the Bothans found rather indecipherable, although strangely rhythmic and flowing. The two engineers nodded, each holding a case of tools. They followed Kre'fey's assistant to main engineering.

Saasseeno returned her attentions to the Admiral.

"Nearrressst frrrjiendljy porrrt jisss jin Cjizerrrack ssspace. We wjill leave asss sssoon asss jyourrr ssshjip rrregajinsss powerrr to engjinesss."

Her blue eyes glanced to Captain Illeerraa.

"Everrrjythjing wjill be decjided therrre."

Traest Kre'fey
Jan 28th, 2002, 11:01:28 PM
The Bothan breathed in sharply, he watched the new Huntress look at Illeerraa, but wasn't sure of anything to do to beter himself. Kre'Fey for once had no choice but to side with the Cizeracks.

"Okay. Then as soon as the engines are workable we'll get ourselves to Cizerack space." He said to the two Huntress's. Deep down inside though, he knew his crew was most likely become dinner for some billions of Cizerack and himself, shown as a martyr for his people, and just another meal to the felines.

Cizerack Hunter Forces
Jan 28th, 2002, 11:50:16 PM
Sasseeno and Illeenaa took a moment to speak, each mewling almost musically in the flowing Cizerack tongue. Sasseeno passed Illeenaa a datapad, and she returned to her ship, apparently to review orders from home.

Sasseeno stayed aboard for the duration of the repairs. In the span of three hours, the Cizerack engineers worked with the Bothans to restore rudimentary sublight drive. As the last of the Ralroost's excess wounded were transported aboard the Meerra'Iro'Iro', the boarding clamps released, and the two battlegalleons began to escort the Ralroost to Pride space. Captain Sasseeno stayed aboard, to advise the Admiral.

"Keep jyourrr ssspeed ssslow and sssteadjy. We wjill rrreach Carrrssshouljisss jin one hourrr."

Traest Kre'fey
Jan 28th, 2002, 11:56:48 PM
One hour. It seemed like an eternity to the Bothan. His ship, his pride and joy. His "woman" per se, was wounded. Crippled. Not even in a fight. Although physically he could not feel her pain, he could mentally and he knew that even at a slow sublight speed he was still pushing the breaking point of the hull.

"Huntress. I have a question, what is to become of me and my crew once we reach Carshoulis Prime? " Traest's voice was dark, like he already knew that he was going to be slaughtered like a bantha and fed to the other Cizeracks.

Cizerack Hunter Forces
Jan 29th, 2002, 12:13:34 AM
Sasseeno looked down at the Bothan, arching an eyebrow.

"Asss jI sssajid, everrrjythjing wjill be decjided on Carrrssshouljisss. jYou needn't worrrrrrjy, Admjirrral."

She placed a hand firmly on his shoulder, the claws in her fingertips extending just enough to press against him. She smiled darkly.

"jIf we werrre herrre to kjill jyou, we would have done ssso alrrreadjy, jI think."

She purred, her tail swishing about as she removed her hand to brush a braid behind her left ear. A few minutes later, the escort convoy arrived at the busy commerce world of Carshoulis Prime.

Traest Kre'fey
Jan 29th, 2002, 12:20:49 AM
Since his small experience with the Huntress's claw, he had been slightly tensed, not exactly finding her humor funny. The commerical world of Carshoulis Prime was infact, busy. Shuttles and transports zipping around.

"Well, Huntress, I guess its time you lead us on. To our fate." The Bothan looked at her and then out the main screen. A little weary of meeting fate.

Cizerack Hunter Forces
Jan 29th, 2002, 12:57:33 AM
Arriving at the Cizerack homeworld, the Bothans were offloaded from their derelict vessel, and processed through several infirmaries in the capital city. The Ralroost was towed to the Cizerack spacedock, where it would be assessed later. For now, Saasseeno and Illeerraa aided Kre'fey's men off the ships, where they could be attended to. Kre'fey was given quick and expert attention, and his wounds were mended with the amazing potential of Cizerack medicine.

Traest Kre'fey
Jan 29th, 2002, 01:13:41 AM
Kre'Fey wasn't sure what to think about the fact he was still standing. Possibly, he'd be left alone after all. Curious to know what was going on, he found the nearest Cizerack Medical doctor who looked like she was in some authority and spoke to her, "So when do I meet the Pride Mother or hear word of her orders?"

Cizerack Hunter Forces
Jan 30th, 2002, 12:45:20 PM
The doctor looked at Kre'fey as if he'd asked her how to mine all the cheese out of the center of the moon or something. Arching an eyebrow and fluttering her ears once, she ignored the question, tending to his wounds.

Traest Kre'fey
Feb 3rd, 2002, 12:18:37 PM
Although Traest was slightly angered by the fact the doctor ignored his question, he withheld it. The Bothan decided that he'd best let the Cizerack doctor do her work without insulting her by more then he already had. A long day it would be indeed.