View Full Version : A walk in the woods...(open)
Master Yurza
Aug 19th, 2001, 11:23:37 AM
Yurza landed his ship in the woods and started to walk around looking for something to do. It had been a boring week and he needed a challenge. All of his freinds had gone off some place and he had spent his time in the training grounds at TSE, but even that brought him no satisfaction. Before long he realized that he was about to walk off of a cliff that dropped off about a mile or two. He stood there for a moment contemplating whether or not he should try to climb down it and back up without the help of any ropes or anything.
"Should I?" He wondered aloud. After waiting for a moment he walked over and looked down in the crevice and the he started to cloimb over the edge and climb down. He kept looking aroudn each time he found a secure place for something that would make the trip a little more interesting.
Nerysm Seraphim
Aug 26th, 2001, 11:51:05 AM
Suddenly, a youthful looking woman jumped off the cliff. Yurza can see her silhouette as she leapt over his position and towards the other side of the crevice. She caught some rocks under her hands and panted slightly, securing her position on the cliffside. She doesn't even sense Yurza there.
Edge Solude
Sep 1st, 2001, 09:59:23 PM
Another figure appears, jumping overhead and for the opposite side of the crevice as the previous one had. "Crap!!" The arc in her jump was far less than her predecessor and she fell for quite a ways before catching the cliffside, her claws digging into the rock. "@#%$!!"
Seraphim laughed and yelled down to her. "Told you you needed a practice. Just because your little vials tell you how doesn't mean you can just go out and do something."
Tomiko growled and started to climb up.
"Don't bother!" Seraphim let herself drop and caught the side of the cliff again until she was nearly equal to Tomiko's position.
"......................... Show off."
Sep 1st, 2001, 10:34:18 PM
::I suddenly awoke from my deep slumber under an old tree. I heard voices...two people were yelling. I got up and looked around. I saw a couple of humans climbing down a cliff. I picked up my over and under rail gun/blaster and hid behind a tree. I figured there were more where those came from.::
Edge Solude
Sep 2nd, 2001, 04:50:23 PM
She dug her claws into the cliffside and began to climb down.
"Hey now! That's cheating!!"
Tomiko rolled her eyes.
"You need to learn to do it without your claws. Retract them and hang on with just the tips of your fingers."
Tomiko Hessen
Oct 25th, 2001, 05:58:50 PM
She slowly began to climb down. She gasped out and slipped on the rock side a bit. Tomiko looked down again. "Crap.... I hate this."
"Well you aren't suppose to love it."
"Hmph." She continued to scale down the cliff.
Master Yurza
Oct 26th, 2001, 11:00:16 AM
Yurza watched as the person fell and just barely caught the cliff. He then looked for something to help him turn around and he called out to the people.
"Are you crazy or something?"
When they turned to look at him he could see that they were two young females and he started climbing towards them to make sure that no one was hurt.
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