View Full Version : Turbulent Waters: TSE planet takeover of Garqi (FINISHED)

Dara Shadowtide
Jun 30th, 2001, 07:46:10 PM
:: Sith Lordess Dara Shadowtide Rayial stood onboard the bridge of the TSE SSD Monolith and was reviewing the latest reports on their destination. An array of memories flashed through her mind at perusing the specs on her own homeworld of Garqi. Most of the information she had already gained first hand in growing up on the planet.

It hadn't been that long since she and Sumor had paid a <a href=http://pub2.ezboard.com/fswvstitanicfrm13.showMessage?topicID=159.topic>visit</a>, and Dara remembered what kind of warm 'welcome home' reception she had received at that time. An evil grin curled on the corners of the Lordess's lips as she walked to gaze out of the viewport ::

Officer: "Excuse me, Lordess Shadowtide Rayial?"

:: Dara turned around slowly and looked directly into the officer's eyes ::

Dara: "Yes, what is it Ensign?"

Officer: "We are coming up on the orbit of Garqi. Shall I alert the remainder of the fleet and relay the coordinates you gave me?"

Dara: "Send out the transmission on the encrypted TSE channel. There are various private vessels which have accompanied this mission as well. That is all."

Officer: "Yes, Lordess."

:: As she returned her gaze to the vastness of space, Dara saw the small blue green planet coming into view ::

Just a reminder, no more than 3 posts a day per person as per the rules. Thanks.

Jun 30th, 2001, 08:07:16 PM
Talth walked up to Jyener.
"Are you ready to attack?" Talth asks.

Sieken Kasstra
Jun 30th, 2001, 08:30:54 PM
:: Siekens TIE Defender "Ravens Claw" turned out of its present course and the planet came into view, his HUD (Heads Up Display) featured many Sith ships entering the planets orbit, sieken simply smiled in excitment and took control of the fighter making it come of "Auto-Pilot"::

:: Siekens grinturned to a slight worry as the ship started to shake violently as it hit the planets layer, the shiplitraly shined brightred making sieken close his eyes,the buzz of the shields were heard heavely at this point, but after a few minutes he sped out of the layer and into heavy cload layer the stars looked so pretty from below them, but sieken was more intrested in landingthe darn contraption without giveing his position away::

:: The TIE soon broke the claod cover and into light rainmkaingthe TIE more harder to control you could easerly notice the biggestplanet out of the lot of them Zra, sieken headed from that island dropping at a incredible 2000 ft per seconde he finaly leveld of at 500 ft silently moveing into theplanet not over the rest ofthe islands but over open water...he finaly landed his TIE on the Beechand poped the canpy open,this is where he would meet Dale.

:: the climed from the TIE and slipedon his black body armour and pants, sliped on his inter-red goggles on the top of hishead (Not flipped down yet) and crouched down and played with the sand,his sniper rifle slung aroundhis back with his black backpack, and his saber on his belt::


Moff Tadrin
Jun 30th, 2001, 09:41:46 PM
Imperial Governor Thadius Tadrin frowned. This was not good.

"What do you mean the freyastii crop will be late this season?" he withheld his anger. Garqi could feed itself several times over thanks to the abundant supply of freyastii, the magical vegetable which seemed to meet a human's nutritional requirements universally, but what would become of the planet if it could not grow this season's crop? Only its single replenishing resource kept the planet an inch from a reversion to 100% agrarian. With what would they purchase this season's tools?

By the Emperor's black bones, this season is going to be hell.

Mosh Barris sat motionless. He had said all he wanted to say, apparently.

"Perhaps we could contact Bastion, see if they can perhaps spare an aid package?" he suggested to Mosh.

His response was a guffaw.

"Bastion...what do they have to send us? Half the population there is merely starving, the other half impoverished," Barris replied.

A man wearing the uniform of a Lieutenant Colonel in the Adjutant Corps ran into the room just then, completely forgetting all sense of military protocol or discipline.

"I take it you weren't trained at Carida, Colonel," Barris remarked. He received a puzzled look from the young man as a reply, nothing more.

"Your excellency, beg to report!" the young man said, shivering as he spoke.

"Yes, Colonel, go right ahead."

"Sir, a Star Destroyer has entered orbit of Garqi."

Moff Tadrin's jaw dropped open. Had he been smoking one of the cigars he was so fond of, it would have fallen to the floor.

"What class? Victory?"

The Colonel shook his head cautiously.

"Oh my. Imperial-class?"

The Colonel seemed to slump.

"Sir, there is a Super-class Star Destroyer in orbit as I speak."

"Oh, thank the heavens!" Tadrin boomed. He had no idea how Bastion had scrounged enough resources to remove an SSD from its moth-balled state and re-launch the craft, but this was definitely good news nonetheless.

"Gentlemen," Tadrin began, a silly grin on his face, "I think that this is our lucky day."

Moff Tadrin
Jun 30th, 2001, 09:54:47 PM
Thadius Tadrin strode down the halls of the only ComScan station planetside, flanked by two aids. A group of civilians-people from the media, no doubt-trailed behind him, forming an official-looking entourage. Finally, the command station was reached, and he found himself face to face with a stocky Imperial Army Captain.

"Captain, any word from that Star Destroyer?" he asked, withholding his anxiety.

"No sir, I've been saving that call for your arrival," he responded, obviously aware of some of the political implications involved.

"You've done good, son. Very good indeed," he patted the Captain on the back, and smiled for the holorecorders.

He eyed the communications console, and stared at the readout of a Super-class Star Destroyer. An LED on the console blinked furiously, indicating that the comm signal was nearly ninety-five percent static-free, and therefore capable of full holo-transmission. Sweating, he flipped the activation switch, and a ceiling-mounted holorecorder flicked on, capturing his image from an angle. The holorecorder locked the image down, and its neighboring sensors spread throughout the room activated as well, and began transmission to the orbiting Star Destroyer.

"Imperial forces," he began, and wiped a tear from his eye. "On behalf of the Commonwealth of Garqi, I welcome you back to our humble planet. Your marvelous cruiser is indeed a sight for sore eyes."

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Jun 30th, 2001, 09:59:41 PM
Tiny streaks of white light streaked across the starlit sky of Garqi. Personal shuttles had been deployed from the main fleet and were making their way down to the planet. The world looked quite plain and rather boring. Water as far as the eye could see and lots of sandy beaches. Further into the island there were lush trees and communities ... and people preparing to defend their homes. Unless the population were complete fools run by morons, the Militia was preparing on the island of Zra.

Dalethria tightened the straps to her backpack and leaned forward, trying to see where her group was. It was too dark and the beach was not well lit. Stretching out with her senses, she began to search out familiar patterns in the Force, finding small concentrations of the Dark Side.

Smiling, it didn't take to long and she snapped her eyes open, "Turn the ship three degrees starboard. One of my partners is there."

The pilot nodded and complied with the order as Dalethria unstrapped. She ignored that odd look from the pilot and made her way towards the sealed door.

This should be fun. I missed this on the mission to Bespin.

"Alright, slow her down now as you make the approach then get outta here."

"Bu-But Lordess. You don't want me to land?" he asked looking back and forth between her and the console.

"Nope," she grinned as the door slid opened.

The pilot eased up on the engines and began to decrease in altitude enough so Dalethria wouldn't have to jump that far, all the time thinking how insane this was.

The water streaked by and then formed into sand. She had been counting ever since giving the order ... 3 ... 2 ...1 ..


She jumped out of the shuttle and began to freefall for two feet before calling upon her telekinetic ability to slow her descent. Of course Dalethria could not completely stop herself from falling at such a short distance. Gritting her teeth, she landed on the sand and used her momentum to pull herself into a forward roll.

Five feet later she stopped and pulled herself up to be greeted by a sea of stars not in the sky, "Thank the gods this was sand. Gah ..."

Blinking away the spots of light and drawing upon strength from the Dark Side, her dizziness subsided and she jogged her way towards Sieken.

He was brandishing his rifle and was waiting patiently for her. She stopped just short of him and flipped his visor down with a smile, "We need to wait for two others. Once their here, I'll give you the specs."

Darth Snack
Jun 30th, 2001, 10:47:20 PM
* Just like the one mission... was all that Snack thought to himself. One of his training exercises with four other apprentices of his Master, Darth Ogre Mal Pannis, included the mass destruction of the city of Talas (http://pub2.ezboard.com/fswvstitanicthejedicouncil.showMessage?topicID=257 7.topic) which in turn led to the Sith Empire acquasition of the planet Talasea.

A smirk came to the Sith Knight's lips as his X-wing burst into the atmosphere of Garqi. He jerked hard on his controls to the right, forcing his snubfighter to to three barrel rolls as it shot through the slight cloud cover in the upper atmosphere. He then took the controls and pushed forward; the nose of his X-Wing dropped sharply, making the Sith Knight's ship become perpendicular to the water surface below. Better fix that Snack said to himself as he watched his X-wing plumet at high speeds. He eased up on the controls, bringing the nose of his X-Wing up, about 40 feet from the watery surface.

Snack lessened the throttle, then looked over the NAV computer. He brought up the coordinates which Lordess Dalethria gave him. They wewre gonna meet at this spot, which Snack's R2 unit quickly told him where it is. The Sith looked out the cockpit, to his left and saw a distant beach.*

That it, bud?


Alright, you know best.

*Snack quickly pushed on the controls, sending his X-Wing in sharp left turn. He slowed down as the beach drew near, and slowly lowered his fighter. It came to a stop and descended on the sandy beach, within ten feet of the other ship. The Sith Knight hopped out of the X-Wing, and made his way over to where Dale and the other stood. He bowed his head to both, before he spoke.*

My apprentice, Darth Poreon should be joining us shortly. I gave him the coordinates on where to meet. *He smiled* I think this is gonna be fun.

Sumor Rayial
Jun 30th, 2001, 10:50:57 PM
**Sumor was sitting in his command chair on the bridge of the SSD, and was just about to depart with a detatment from an engineering corps when the comm transmition came in. After listening to it he looked over at his wife and an mischeviously evil smile crossed his face followed by a moment of laughter.**

Ensign open the communications channel.

**Sumor leaned forward in his command chair and as soon as the red transmit light appeared he spoke.**

Commonwealth of Garqi, it is my pleasure to accept your welcome. However we are not Imperial.

**He paused for a moment to let that sink in to those on the other end of the communications.**

No, we are here to return something of yours, and to claim something of ours. Someone will contact you soon to inform you of our purpose here.

**Slicing his hand through the air at his neck Sumor signalled for the channel to be cut off. Sitting back in his command chair another mischevious grin crossed his lips and he shook his head and chuckled slightly.**

I need to get down to the surface and locate positions sutible for our installations. Have fun with whoever that was.

**Standing Sumor winked at his wife and then quickly left the bridge heading for the hanger bay.**

Dara Shadowtide
Jun 30th, 2001, 10:57:00 PM
:: Dara smiled and winked back at her husband and then nodded to the Ensign to reopen the communication channel ::

"Fellow Garqians and Moff Tadrin, this is Dara Shadowtide, daughter of Cale and Brianna Shadowtide of Zra island. I would like to introduce you to the Sith Empire, the organization which will be taking possession of the planet. Your cooperation will greatly speed up the process, however if you resist that will just make it that much more.. shall we say.. bloody? I would advise you to gather your things and prepare to see the true power of the Dark Side. End transmission."

:: With an evil laugh, Dara grabbed her satchel and headed toward the hangar bay to take a shuttle to the main island of Zra ::

Jun 30th, 2001, 10:59:36 PM
The form of a TIE Defender dropped out of hyperspace near the ammassing ships. The TIE Defender though, cut corners and had jumped closer than regular safety guidelines allowed to the planet Garqi.

From Orbit, Poreon checked his NAV Computer. He looked from his computer down to the approximate location on the planet. Covered with clouds... Poreon hated whether, especially anything that could hinder sensory abilities since his Force aptitude still wasn't the greatest. He powered the sublight engines up and dived into the the planet.

Passing through the cloud layers, Poreon was able to see the almost never ending ocean landscape he was flying over. He saw an X-Wing shoot out at the horizon. Checking his Computer once more, he noticed that the X-Wing was heading towards the same destination as his.

Poreon dropped his fighter into a tailspin, pulling up just meters above the water's surface. The ION Wash from the Twin Ion Engines sprayed the water upwards, almost hitting the shields of the TIE Defender. He was getting closer to the beach now, and he could make out three definite figures standing on the beach and atleast two starships.

He slowed his TIE down so that it was only running on Repolsers. He set it down at the edge of the white sand beach just out of the area where High Tides would reach. This also happend to be slightly behind the two other ships.

Poreon opened the hatch on the TIE Defender's ball cockpit and stepped out, lightsaber and SoroSuub blaster swinging freely from their respective placements on his belt. Poreon bowed first to his esteemed master, then to the Sith Lordess, and then to Sieken. Poreon rose from his bow and stuffed his right hand in his right pocket. He had no left hand, it had been sacrificed by himself in a battle. He kept his left arm hanging loosely.


Jun 30th, 2001, 11:00:07 PM
Talth didnt hear Jyener's response on the comm so he turned to his modified TIE V38, the Ghost of Pain, and flew down to the planet, where he cloaked and waited for his partner to land.

Jun 30th, 2001, 11:08:50 PM
(as the ship Omadon a Victory SD 2 comes out of hyper space near the planet Garqi to men stand on the bridge both sith Blade ice and Daegal Murdoch.)

(contacting dara shodowtides ship) This is Blade Ice and Daegal Murdoch reporting for duty.(contact out)

(Blade Ice and Daegal Murdoch headed for the pods that where to take them to the island of Truel on Garqi. They enter there pods and both are quickly jettison to the planets surface. the pods rocket fast towards the planet fire shutting all over the outside of the pod as they move throw the atmosphere at high speed.)

(this was the first time blade had ever been in a space pod and he was wondering if he would ever hit ground. it felt like forever)

(soon they both hit the beach on the island of truel but it was an abandoned beach. they both quickly climbed out of there pods and looked around at the beautiful island with palm trees and white sandy beaches although this beach was riddled with space junk as if many pods had landed in this one particular spot.)

I guess we set up base camp here Murdoch.

(blade begins to dig the weapons and artillery out of his pod as murdoch starts to get the rations and other valuable items they would need for this take over)

murdoch set up communications and tell dara we made it. Then we will go search the island and decide the best course of action to take.

(blade thought to him self to bad we have to destroy paradise). a darn shame.(he whispered). (then an evil grin crosses his face)

hey murdoch as soon as you done over there begin your search of the island I'll start mine know just remember search now destroy later. (blade walks off to go search the island).

Daegal Murdoch
Jun 30th, 2001, 11:16:48 PM
As Daegal is removing the rations from his pod, he nods slightly and says, "I'll let her know as soon as I am finished here."

He looks around and takes in the sweet, but at the same time salty, air of this oceanic climate.

As he unloads the last of the rations, he begins to set up communications and opens a channel to the Lordess.

"Lordess Shadowtide Rayial, this is Daegal. We have landed and are currently setting up base camp. Blade has gone to look around, and I shall join him as soon as I am finished setting up camp. All is well so far. Daegal Murdoch, out."

He closes the channel and finishes the last of the unpacking. He thens sets out to explore the other half of the island.

Moff Tadrin
Jun 30th, 2001, 11:21:45 PM
Thadius Tadrin's smile faded as he now realized the futility of the situation. The Super Star Destroyer above, which once he viewed as this planet's only possible savior, was in fact the opposite. Predestined to doom by our own Messiah. Against such military force, they could not prevail.

"Sith Empire forces, we have not the means to prosecute a defense of our planet. As the Imperial Governor of Garqi, I hereby declare it a free and thus demilitarized zone, as per the Yag'Dhul accords of fifty-six pre-empire date. Craft, arms, public property and artillery will be stacked in the town squares, and officers' rolls prepared, to be turned over to officers which you appoint to receive them. Officers and men of the Imperial Armed Forces stationed on Garqi will take their individual paroles not to take up arms against your government. End transmission."

His face seemed to sag, and he turned to his aide.

"Contact Bastion and report the loss. Prepare the evacuation shuttle, and set its IFF transponder to Diplomat-Neutral. Contact whatever members of my staff you can, and have them meet me at the Capitol building's docking bay, post-haste, lest they wish to be left behind."

Kaine Darklighter
Jun 30th, 2001, 11:39:42 PM
The Sith Disciple, Kaine Darklighter, stood next to the Sith Warrior, Bi0 Hazzard upon one of the shuttles that was heading down to the planet Garqi. They had their own specific mission they had to carry out, and we're forming up a plan before they landed.

Kaine: “Then it's agree'd.”

Bi0: “Agree'd.”

Grinning a bit, Kaine turned to the pilots of the shuttle.

“How much longer?”

"Only a couple more minutes, sir."

Kaine smiled slightly, and stared out the viewscreen of the shuttle, glaring out at the red and purple planet. The scenary from up here was quite amazing, well, Kaine thought so. Those couple of minutes past by quite fast, and before long, Kaine and Bi0 were on the beach of the main island; Zra.

Both were looking down at a map, and after a short while, Kaine simply threw it the ground. Pulling the hoods over their heads, Kaine and Bi0 began to make their way for there target;

The communications depot.

Jun 30th, 2001, 11:53:41 PM
*Bi0 and Kaine looked up to see a lights coming from behind the costal rocks. Seing only way is up, Bi0 and Kaine slowly climbed up the almost vertical rocks. Upon reaching the top, Bi0 and Kaine could see the commincations depot. The large satelite hung over them at an amazing height, it's position facing to the left (Probably to the other islands) Bi0 thought. Bi0 didn't gaze for long. From their distance, they could see two guards standing at a door way*

"Most likely the enterance"

*Bi0 extended his talons and looked at Kaine*

"I prefer their death's to be painful...I'll probably just slash my victim at the throat...how about for your victim Sir Kaine?"

Anubis Lockheart
Jul 1st, 2001, 12:22:04 AM
The freighter belonging to that of Anubis Lockheart sped through the darkness of space. It had just pulled out of hyperspace and the planet of Garqi came into view. Many of his comrades seemed to be arriving in the Garqi system about the same time, as the view was spotted with various ships. Anubis ran his fingers over the controls of the YT-2400, punching in co-ordinates as he did so. The ship's computer spoke.

"Co-ordinates received............co-ordinates locked."

Anubis stood up and smiled as the ship began to turn towards it's destination. He walked over to his munitions locker and opened it, revealing piles of C4 explosive. His grin became even bigger as his eyes went over the deadly explosives. It was something Anubis was one of the best at before his time at TSE. He had missed the job he enjoyed so much, Demolitions expert.

He picked up his specially designed back pack and utility belt and began to pack the pockets with C4. Anubis didn't allow any leeway at all, the pack was filled to the brim. He quickly gathered up some other equipment he needed like rope, Laser and most importantly, Saber. He placed all of the equipment he needed onto the table and went and sat in his cockpit chair. There was an estimated 10 minutes until landing time. He leaned back, craking his knuckles then securing his armor as he waited for the fun to begin.


Mosh Barris
Jul 1st, 2001, 01:25:22 AM
:: Mosh Barris could not believe what his commanding officer said.. to just give up so easily without a fight? That very thought was not in the fiber of his heart and soul for he was a soldier and would fight to the end if necessary. Surrender was the way of a coward, and he was not a coward! Leaping for the comms mic he grabbed it and yelled into it, broadcasting to loudspeakers all over the islands so that all citizens could hear ::

"Citizens of Garqi, this is Mosh Barris and I declare a coup d'etat to overthrow Governor Tadrin's rulership as he is no longer sound of mind. As the Civilian Military Prefect appointed by Admiral Pellaeon and the eight moffs of the remaining Imperial sectors, I now order you to take up arms and defend your homeland from these Sith invaders! Fight for Garqi!"

:: As he releases the transmission button, Mosh Barris sneers at Tadrin ::

"I will now quote a great Imperial leader, Grand Moff Tarkin: 'What? Evacuate at our moment of triumph? I think you overestimate their chances'. Garqi will not fall without a fight Tadrin, not on my watch."

:: The Lieutenant Colonel stepped forward timidly and spoke with a surprisingly commanding tone ::

"As the highest ranking military officer I now take command of this planet. Mosh Barris come with me.. and troopers, take Governor Tadrin to the prison block ::

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Jul 1st, 2001, 01:57:26 AM
"Excellent, we're all here now," she said as Dalethria brushed a stray strand of hair from her face.

She crossed her arms, "Our objectives are both in the main city of Arel. We're going to spilt up into two teams now. Snack and Poreon. You two are going to the spaceport and seize control. Anyone trying to leave ... dies. Just because their great Moff said they are surrendering doesn't mean people aren't going to try and leave. Keep contact with us and report your progress.

Sieken ... you and I are going to the supply house ..."

There was another announcement over the loudspeakers. Dalethria heightened her hearing and was able to make out the entire message.

Some idiot not only thought that these poorly armed fools on this planet could take on the might of the Empire, he quoted her own grandfather. Badly ... Some bastard peasant quoted her grandfather!

She bared her teeth and her eyes disappeared under a blanket of hot white light, "No one sullies my family name!"

It took all her restraint to not release her rage upon Sieken who was standing right next to her. Through clenched teeth she stepped back and pointed to Snack, "Take Poreon and get to the SpacePort. Kill any military officials. No mercy!"

Only by the turn of her head did Sieken even know that Dalethria was looking at him, "You and I dear Sieken are going to the Parliment building. I want to personally meet this Mosh Barris."

She spun on her heels and sand kicked up as ran towards the city.

Moff Tadrin
Jul 1st, 2001, 02:11:50 AM
The troopers escorted him towards the prison block. Halfway there, however, he spoke aloud an override code which had been issued to him personally by Admiral Pellaeon in case of such an emergency.

"Five-three-four-nine-two-gamma-black. Run it through your scanners." The stormtroopers had been trained from initial indoctrination to respond to the top-secret BLACK code, which indicated a command directly from the upper echelons. The two escorts produced a datapad and punched in the code, authenticating it with the latest downlink of Bastion's main Ubiqtorate computer.

"Authenticated," the stormtroopers responded in unison. "What are your orders?"

"Escort me to the evacuation shuttle so I may present my report of the situation and the news of this planetary loss to Admiral Pellaeon," he commanded.

They did as he asked, and he boarded the evacuation shuttle, flanked by the two stormtroopers. The Lambda-class shuttle ascended from the docking bay, its servomotors swiveling the wings downwards until the locking mechanisms activated. With a gentle thrum felt inside the cockpit, the ion engines thrusted the shuttle away.

"Lock in course for Bastion, design with Evasive Pattern Achilles-Five inherent in course pattern. As soon as we clear the ionosphere, cloak and engage hyperdrive at timed point."

The Shuttle continued its ascent, attracting the attention of a few invading starfighters. Within two seconds of entering the ionosphere of the planet, however, the shuttle had cloaked.

Darth Varlon
Jul 1st, 2001, 03:00:28 AM
"Flight group Gamma two, tenuous unidentified contact in the area of Delta seven." A comm transmission came across Flight Lieutenant DeViniant's helmet comm as his Interceptor group flew combat patrol to keep fleeing ships warded. "Suspecting transport ship with cloak."

"Copy that, command. Extrapolating probable course and engaging." The Lt. replied before feeding the solution to his flight group. "Lets gun down this dog."

With a near-perfect bank to port, the four squints zeroed in on the Moff's shuttle, using nothing more than a guess for targeting. Suddenly eight emerald bolts rained out into the vacuum of space, three of them dissapearing into a patch of nothingness.

"Gamma five to all units, we have bogey! Coordinates Delta seven-zero-one mark twelve." The ambiguous fighter pilot shouted over his comm as his formation broke and began to harass the shuttle.

"Unidentified shuttle, you've been spotted. De-cloak and surrender or be destroyed."

Kaine Darklighter
Jul 1st, 2001, 03:08:44 AM
An evil grin came upon the face of the Fallen Jedi, as he stared out at the unsuspecting guards. He turned his head to Bi0, having a different plan.

“Pain will cause screams, which will cause the whole communications center to be alarm. Sneaking up on them, and killing from there would be the best. No scream, no alarm.”

Kaine knew that if Bi0 didn't have a mask on, he'd have an evil glare on his face at this moment, but eventually the Sith Warrior agree'd.

“Alright, Well, Bi0, You take the gu--”

A buzzing sound came over his commlink, and before long a voice passed through.

Saph: “Kaine? Kaine? You there?”

Saph? What's she doing here?

Kaine: “Saph, Is that you? What're you doing here?”

Saph: “Yeah, It's me. I've been told to join your group. What's your position?”

Kaine: “Bit late for this,” Kaine sighs lightly. “We're over at the Communications Depot, and we were just about to take care of same guards. Meet us out the front, we should have them dead by the time you get here.”

Saph: “Alright Kaine. I'm still in orbit, so give me some time.”

Kaine double clicked his commlink, giving the affirmative to Saph.

“Now, As I was saying .. You take the guard on the left, I'll take the one on the right. Let's go.”

Jul 1st, 2001, 03:08:46 AM
*Meanwhile, on the island of Turel, a small shuttle lands. Inside Firebird looks at the control tower. He begins to concentrate on the minds of the people in there. He slowly begins to change the Tower operators minds, having them lock the doors in and out of the Spaceport, and impounding all ships except for the shuttle that had landed.*

Jul 1st, 2001, 03:19:09 AM
:;The A-Wing enters the atmosphere and she views the planet, a small smile on her face. Saphire opens the commlink and enters the code to her teams commlink down below, they were probably in the middle of the mission right now::

Saphire: Saphire here, I am landing near the communication in 00:20. tell me when to join you as soon as you are ready and the location to meet.

Kaine:Alright saph, We'll let you know when to come.

Saphire:Deal, see you then.

::Saphire smiles wider, checking her weapons are in place and that she was ready. Nodding she puts in the codes to land on her masters planet, it was take over time::

Jul 1st, 2001, 03:36:33 AM
*Bi0 agreed with Kaine even though he didn't like it*

"As you wish Kaine...split up now"

*Bi0 didn't wait for a response from Kaine. he lept off the rock he was on and jumped from rock to rock down to the leveled plain. Bi0 wasted no time. His positon was futher from Kaine's he'd have to run to his place. He would have to head to the northeast side of the commincations tower. He would then hide behind the wall and wait until Kaine was in position. Bi0 turned on his comlink in his helmet*

"Sir Kaine...It will take me about 5 minutes to reach the northeast wall and then toward the left guard...you should reach your positon earlier then me...stay there until I get to mine".

*As Bi0 ran, the setting was seen...there was a forest bulit right on the edge of the northwest and northeast side of Zra's Commications Depot...from above, it was two forests and in the middle was a plain with a road, which probably lead to the Medical Facitly or Police Brigade*

(Once the CD is taken over, the police brigade is next. Lady Sapphire should reach us by the time me and Sir Kaine take out half of the personel)

*Bi0 continued heading in the direction to the northeast wall*

Vega Van Derveld
Jul 1st, 2001, 08:31:35 AM
Just above the main residential area of Zra the VSD El Andvari had allowed passage for the TIE Phantoms Praetor Fenix and Praetor Icarus to swoop down ready for landing. Piloting the Fenix, as ever, was Sith Knight Vega, and in the Icarus was Sith Disciple Gitane. The two touched down one after another departing their transports with haste as they emerged out into the panic striken city.

Ah. It seems the civilians have been alerted to our arrival, Gitane said Vega whilst scanning the area to sight either his master or other team member Gryfon. Neither were in sight at the moment, but he was sure they would be around somewhere.

Come, I believe we have business to attend to he called, starting to head off before turnign to look over his shoulder to Gitane.

Eve Siren
Jul 1st, 2001, 09:41:56 AM
-- Arrived on the same ship as her Master and partner, Eve just behind Firebird, she cracked her fingers and stretched her arms. Wearing like always her usual black leather outfit and her Skull helmet, she turned her gaze to Firebird. --

"You think this is gonna be easy ?"

Sieken Kasstra
Jul 1st, 2001, 12:30:58 PM
:: Sieken grinned at Dale running away..he then took hot on her heels, running up the sand bank on to the small ledge that cleard the beach from the rest of the island, clcking his kneck he looked at the villagers that looked at him as they ran past toward the goverment building::

::Siek was surprised at the speed of the lordess in-front of him, and Sieken even beaing as fit as he was was having trouble keeping up, he speeded the pace up as his rifle banged on his back, the outskirts to the city was lightly populated with only a few villagers at this time in the morning so they were basicly going in un-noticed,jumping over grrass planes and seating areas heading toward the large building that could beseen in the distance::

" Hope the governers like un-expected surprises" he said under his breath

Darth Snack
Jul 1st, 2001, 12:40:13 PM
*Snack did not say anything as he felt the concentration of Dalethria focus on the message which was barely audible to him. He glanced at his apprentice, Poreon, knowing full well that he would be able to hear the message clearly, since his specialty skill was a heightened sense of hearing. Snack would have Poreon tell him what was said, but he had a good feeling of what it included.

The Sith Knight returned his gaze to the Sith Lordess, seeing the rage in her eyes, and hearing it in her voice as she added one more objective to Poreon's and Snack's mission. He bowed and brought his head back up, a sick evil in his eyes.*

As you wish, My Lordess.

*A half grin came to the Sith Knight's lips as he formulated a plan. Dale and Sieken started in on their run towards the city of Arel. Snack turned to face Poreon.*

How good are TIE Defenders at shooting down ships?

Jul 1st, 2001, 01:31:14 PM
(After Blade and Murdoch had search the island they desided take the communication tower should be there first plan of attack)

(blade started packing a backpack with C4 and thermal detinators. He then put it on his back and he threw murdock a back pack full of the same stuff. Blade then put on a belt and attached his 2 light sabers then attached to blaster pestols. then he grabbed 2 blaster rifles and slung them over his shoulder.)

Alright murdoch lets go grab what weapons you will need. we will meet at the base of the communication depot.

(the communication Depot was on top of a rocky hill and it had to gaurds posted at the front door. Blade sat there waiting for murdoch to show up and murdoch soon did show)

Alright murdoch where going to try to keep a low profile alright. first things first thow we have to get of the gauruds that are posted. you take the right one i'll take the left. be as silent as possible.

Moff Tadrin
Jul 1st, 2001, 03:30:31 PM
Three emerald lances shot through the cloaking field, briefly entering the Moff's field of vision, to his horror.

"What is our shield status?" he asked one of the stormtroopers, who had taken up a position at the tactical console.

"Shield status is holding at one hundred percent, dispersed evenly," the stormtrooper responded, adding a sharp radio Ccchp to his reply, be it by design or accidental.

"Engage timed evasive maneuvers!" the Moff commanded, and he imagined with his mind's eye, the invisible ship juking to starboard, then back to port, all the while struggling to maintain a straight-line course.

He glanced at the hyperdrive control console, and briefly noticed that the gravity-well safety lock had switched to the Off position, signifying that the shuttle was out of range of the planet, and clear to make the jump.

"Is our course for Bastion locked into the navicomputer?" he asked, directing his query to the stormtrooper on the right.

"Affirmative. Course is locked. Designing for Imperial Hyperlane 31-A Trans-Rim."

"Engage hyperdrive!" he shouted.

Moff Tadrin
Jul 1st, 2001, 03:40:42 PM
The shuttle lurged forward, and the Moff was uncertain of what had happened. He was used to seeing the standard elongated starlines as the ship disappeared into a flicker of pseudo-motion, but the cloak was active. He could see nothing. It was as if someone had draped a sheet of plasteel over his eyes as he ran across an obstacle course.

"Drop cloak," he instructed. "Confirm that we're maintaining the right course."

The cloak disengaged, and Moff Tadrin was relieved to see the familiar storm-like tunnel of hyperspace which marked this particular hyperlane.

"Long time no see, old friend," he muttered under his breath.

"Course is confirmed," the stormtrooper seated on the right reported.

Daegal Murdoch
Jul 1st, 2001, 04:36:38 PM
Daegal put on the backpack, and began strapping his belt on, sabers attached.

"I use only my sabers and hand-to-hand combat, but I will carry the backpack for you."

As he moved closer to the tower, he noted the two guards what Blade said.

"Looks good.", he muttered.

Daegal looked at Blade and nodded. They both maneuvered towards the rear of the building, the rocky hill hardly slowing their movements. Daegal began to communicate through the force, so as to not alert the guards.

"In position, give the order."

"Now!" was all the reply that Blade gave.

Daegal ran towards the guard on the right, jumping through the air and landing a kick to the guard's chest. The guard slammed hard against the wall, but quickly regained his composure and began to retaliate.

He shot at Daegal with his blaster rifle, Daegal attempted to dodge, but the shot still grazed his shoulder and blood began to flow slowly.

Daegal ignited his gold saber and charged the guard. Quickly, he attempted to sever the guard’s right arm, but was blocked. However, this left an opening for Daegal to swiftly kick the guard in the side.

The guard doubled over and Daegal quickly beheaded him.

Daegal turned to see how his comrade was doing.

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Jul 1st, 2001, 06:07:00 PM
Sieken was keeping up as best as he could with Dalethria. She knew what she was doing ... Dalethria could go faster then this but was going at a pace in which Sieken could manage. The Dark Side was her strength, speed, and now guide to destroy those that were not worth the flesh they had.

The regular townsfolk hadn't a prayer of stopping the two Sith that flew by them down the street. Some watched in awe and others cowered back to their homes and small shops.

She jumped into the air and landed gracefully on the other side of the swoop that was in the middle of the street. Anything that got in her way was going to be avoided or cut down ... she had no time for foolishness because death was calling for Mosh Barris' blood.

Dalethria halted and then flipped forward to dodge the blaster fire that came towards her right flank. Shenlong's Fang was quickly unclipped and ignited in one switch motion as she scanned the area. A look of astonishment and almost pure delight crossed her face as Dalethria laughed. They gave the peasants blasters and seven of them decided to block their path towards the parliament building.

"Sieken," her eyes glanced over in his direction briefly, "You better not break a sweat."

They opened fired and red bolts peppered the ground in front of them. Dalethria moved left, increasing her speed enough to dodge the fire and threw her sabre. It whirled in the air as two men screamed out in terror as they were cut down without mercy.

Apparently some of these peasants actually could fire a rifle and her danger sense warned her of blaster fire that would hit her. She quickly brought her hand out, palm forward, and met each blast. The bolts dispersed harmlessly off her hand and she called her sabre back to her to block the next volley of fire. Bolts ricocheted off the yellow blade and another man fell by his own deadly fire.

Sieken Kasstra
Jul 1st, 2001, 06:34:01 PM
:: Sieken followed closely behinde Dale, the quickly swung round his E-11 and coverd Dale back, heturned round fireing at his persuwers,hitting one in the chest and blowing the others leg clean off, he then turned back around jumping over a speeder bonet and closeley follwed Dale::

" Oh dont worry about me mah lady takesmore stuff than this to makeme swaet"...

:: Just as he said this somthing in the air was comming toward them..some kind of fighter or transport, sieken and Dalestopped looking at it speed toward them::

" Sothing like a coupleof fighters might make me sweat imay add"

Jul 1st, 2001, 07:16:18 PM
(blade snuck up behind the other gaurd and put his hand around his mouth so he wouldn't make a sound. Then he stuck his light saber threw his back and it came out threw his chest. He then pulled is saber free and let the body drop to the ground. then he noticed murdoch watching him. he grinned evily.)

alright murdoch now we go inside and sett up the explosives.
(murdoch noddded his head)

(they both walked in the door and there was a gaurd sitting at a desk in the front of the building)

gaurd: who are you and what do you want

Blade: we are the extermination team we need access to sector 8 (he laughs a little)

gaurd: (looked confused) what the hell are you talking about do i have to kick you to out of here

Blade: more like us killing you

(gaurds eyes widen. Blade punches him in the face after he hits the ground blade cuts his head off with his saber. then he goes over to the computer terminal and messes around with it a little bit)

Alright murdoch there are a total of 20 gaurds here we killed 3 leaving 17 there are 8 levels to this place 2 gaurds on each and 1 at the roof you take levels 1-4. i'll take 5-8 and the roof set the C4 in places it real don't matter where just space it evenly between levels also if there does end up being more gaurds here then the computer says. wich i figure there is. you can use the thermal detinators to get you out of major trouble but you don't have to use it. After that we will meet at the bottom of the hill where we started you will probably get there before me so just wait don't worry about me i have got out of tighter situations.

(they head for the elevators at the back of the room blade entering the right one murdoch enters the left elvator to go floor 4 and work his way down.)

see you out side murdoch.

(blades elivator doorcloses and heads for floor 5 and is going to work his way up to the roof)

Jul 1st, 2001, 08:17:23 PM
"Quite good Master." Poreon looked at his master after hearing the pure rage in Dale's message. "I'm a hothand in a starfighter we could graze the target from the air, taking out anything that launches, and the go do the clean up from the ground. Whatcha think?"

Poreon looked around, his eyes falling on the XJ-5 X-Wing his master flew. It was a good fightercraft, though Poreon perferred TIE Models.

Darth Snack
Jul 1st, 2001, 08:59:17 PM
You read my mind...

*Snack's smirk grew. His idea was set, and he was sure it would work. The Sith Knight looked towards the city, feeling the dark power grow as Dale and Sieken began to terrorize the civillians.*

Then lets get going. If these natives are smart, then they will more than likely flee to the space port... where we will be waiting.

*With a snap of his arm and a flick of his wrist, Snack's X-wing woke to life. He quickly ran to it, jumping into the cockpit. taking control of the X-wing's controls, he watched as Poreon did the same.*

Last one to the spaceport buys a round of drinks at Rama's when we get back.

*The Sith Knight let out a little laugh as he piloted his X-wing towards Arel's spaceport.*

Jul 1st, 2001, 09:13:30 PM
Poreon snapped on his TIE Helmet and jumped the few meters up to the cockpit of the black with silver racing stripe fighter without using the latter. Poreon was a fraction of a second behind getting off of the ground, because he still did some of the manual pre-flight power ups.

He wrapped his only hand around the pilot yoke. In the short time he had been on ground from Bespin, he had his starfighter refitted so all the appropriate controls mounted on the yoke so he could operate it with his only hand. He goosed power from the shields to the engines, maxing out the engines speed at roughly 155 MGLT's in the atmosphere.

The TIE Suffered a downgrade in manueverability once it was in atmosphere, but Poreon did not doubt that his flying skills couldn't handle technical moves. Nor did he think that the ships in Arel Spaceport would provide much of a hassle.

Poreon zipped his fighter just ahead of his Master's X-Wing's nose. His Master turned sharply right and then left, putting him just ahead of Poreon as the spaceport came into view.

"You owe me some drinks." Snack said.

Poreon looked out of the TIE's rounded viewport. "Spaceport is at two o'clock." He briefly scanned the spaceport with his eyes. In the lines of craft on the ground, most were common or slightly modified Stockfrieghters and Transports. A flicker of speaking circulated in the back of Poreon's mind. Starfighter Pilots. Twleve of them, prepping for flight.

"Master, at the far edge of the spaceport we have a squadron of Z-95s." Poreon alerted his master to the meger opposition. "They are still on the ground, but they should be up and flying in as little as two minutes."

Darth Snack
Jul 1st, 2001, 09:55:22 PM
*Snack looked out the X-wing to his right and out, noting the spaceport. This would be much fun.*

I doubt the two of us will be able to stop all twelve of them using conventional means. Let them take off. We should be able to take out at least six.

*Snack closed his eyes, letting the darkness consume him; allowing him to build for a much higher Force Stamina.*

Poreon, I want you to allow the Darkness to control you. Then reach out and see if you can't get into the minds of at least one of them with your skill... I'll try a perverted Jedi Mind trick on two of them. See if we can't destroy them from within.

*The Sith Knight opened his eyes as his X-wing shot past the spaceport. Let them take off... He said to himself, though he knew Poreon could hera it. Snack cut back on the throttle, slowly turning his fighter around. He felt through the Force the twelve snubfighters just taking off.*

By the way, you must tell me what Lordess Dalethria got all upset about.

Jul 1st, 2001, 11:33:44 PM
"Something about an Imperial Upriser quoting the Late Grand Moff Tarkin. Suppose it's cause our enemy used her granddaddy to issue a civil war type thing against us." Poreon absent mindly gave Snack a synopsis of the incitement.

He heard in the back of his mind Snack respond with an oh, but he didn't pay much mind to it. He was concentrating on the twelve Z-95 Headhunters. He resisted the urge to destroy the Z-95s. He could easily outfly the dated snubfighters with his eyes closed, but his Master wanted him to use the darkside to destroy the fighters from within. It was a daunting task, but nothing compared to fighting a Jedi.

The thought of fighting a Jedi reminded him of his lost hand. The pain was still numbly there and the hatred for the Jedi, Kat, was clearly still there. Poreon concentrated his thoughts into his ability, hearing. He focused only on the lead Z-95.

He could briefly make out the pilot's mind. The pilot was intent on destroying the Defender and X-Wing. His confidence level was way too high for safety. Poreon found the ear canal of the Pilot.

He traced it to the ear drum, one of the main components used in hearing. He had been working on this attack for some time now. He had only just perfected in his duel with the Jedi. Poreon used his mind to "tap" the eardrum and send it into millions and millions of reverberatoins a second. This produced an extremely high pitched sound that damaged the ears.

He could sense the Pilot release his hands from the yokes and clasp for his ears.


Poreon lost his concentration and snap rolled his starfighter to starboard. "What the hell was that?" He talked to himself. He looked at a damage indicator. The second trifold wing was in yellow, compared to the optimal green. Poreon then realized what had happened.

In his concentration on the Lead pilot, he had tuned out all that was around him, even his own starfighter. He hadn't been flying it at all, and one of the Z-95 had passed too close to one of the trifolds. One of the S-Foils of the Z-95 clipped the Defender Trifold.

With that brief moment of ceding the ear attack, the lead Z-95 Pilot regained control of his fighter.

"Blast." Poreon spoke to himself as he evaded a green laser shot. His darkside concentration had been lost. He would need to regain it.

Dara Shadowtide
Jul 2nd, 2001, 12:08:50 AM
:: Sith Lordess Dara Shadowtide Rayial assesses the mission in progress so far on her descent to the planet's surface in her shuttle. Reports of secured areas with no resistence at all are coming in, as well as lists of thousands of people beginning to surrender themselves as captives of the Empire. Dara smiles as she finishes the last comms report screen ::

"Hm, this seems to be moving much quicker than expected however that is certainly fine with me.. and for the glory of the Empire."

:: Dara's shuttle touches down smoothly on the main island of Zra amid total chaos. Civilians are running everywhere, seemingly not knowing what to do. Some are screaming to surrender, while the others are yelling to take up arms and defend.

With a smile on her face, Dara sets her wrist comm for the TSE encrypted channel and contacts her apprentice, Vega Van Derveld. The light blinks blue and she speaks quickly and quietly ::

"Vega, this is Dara. Things are going well with the mission. I want you to proceed to the large residential sector and I will take out the port. I will acquire an Amphibion sea transport at the docks and will wait for your arrival near the south sector at the completion of your objective. We will then set out to sea to do a little underwater adventure. There's no time to waste. Dara out."

:: Knowing the main island like the back of her hand, the Lordess sets out for the docks, utilizing all the shortcuts to her destination that she finds along the way. Garqians that she meets along the way look at her in confusion, and Dara leaves a trail of blood behind her as those stares are met with the wrath of the Dark Side.

As she rounds the corner of the last alleyway before the docks a group of eight young men bearing large rocks and clubs smiles at the Lordess. She scans the situation and smiles back coyly ::

"Well hello there boys."

Thug #1: "Let's get her now!"

Thug #2: "Yeah, jump her!"

:: As the young men begin to circle her, Dara levitates two of them in the air and smashes them face first into the brick wall of the tall building towering over them. Their unconscious forms scrape to the ground as the Sith Lordess turns her attention to the remaining six.

The wind begins to pick up and debris from the alleyway begins flying in the air and into the faces of those around her. The Dark Side begins to swell within her as she calls upon the power of the darkness which permeates her entire being.

Dark lightning crackles at her fingertips as she points at the closest men to her with a smile. Tendrils of white blue energy flies forth from her outstretched hands and into the chests of the two men. A web of bright light encompasses their bodies as they drop to the ground screaming in agony. The smell of burning flesh rises into the night air as the remaining men begin to back away from Dara.

Moving with force enhanced speed to her waist, Dara grabs a Sith Blade and flings it toward a man with precision, imbedding the blade into his forehead deeply as he falls instantly dead to the ground. As the three men begin to break into a run, she pulls out her Crystal Sith Dagger and sends it on a rapid course directly into the base of a man's skull. He falls forward and twitches slightly before he stops moving altogether, a pool of thick blood expanding on the ground around his head.

Refusing to let the last two men escape, Dara engages force speed and then leaps up and over the men with a twist while unclipping her sabers from her belt. As she lands in front of them she ignites her blades simultaneously and they impale themselves. One by one, she kicks the bodies off her sabers and then disignites them. The Lordess makes up for lost time by running the rest of the way to the docks ::

Sumor Rayial
Jul 2nd, 2001, 12:19:06 AM
**A specially modified assault shuttle slid through the atmosphere on it's way toward the mainly blue planet below. When it reached a altitude of 200 meters off the oceans surface it began moving towards the drop zone 10 kilometers off the coast of one of the smaller islands on Garqi. The islands name was Jwal and supposedly uninhabited.

Upon arriving at the drop zone the bottom of the assault shuttle opened up and a prototype sea skimmer dropped out of the hold. The skimmer was constructed of a boats hull with a pair of turbofans on either side of the fusilage. It would skim across the water at about a meter off the water and at a higher rate of speed than any boat.

After the skimmer had impacted the water the assault shuttle lowered even more, until it was only a couple of meters from the skimmer. Jumping out of the shuttle Sumor landed in the middle of the skimmer and quickly moved to the helm as the rest of his team jumped from the shuttle to the skimmer.

His team was not the normal one of elite troopers that he normally lead but one composed of 10 combat engineers and 5 elite troopers. Their mission was to scout and locate suitable locations for TSE to set up communications and temporary planet defenses on the uninhabited islands of Jwal and Utira.

As the skimmer approached the island Sumor noticed something out of the ordinary, lights. This island wasn't as uninhabited as it was supposed to have been.**

Dara Shadowtide
Jul 2nd, 2001, 12:41:10 AM
:: Arriving at the port, Dara quickly surveys the area. Water vehicles are still secured to the docks and the place looks to be abandoned. Running along the wooden docks, Dara unfastens the ropes and sets the vehicles out to sea. No use in destroying something that the Empire could use later.

Hidden just slightly behind the storage building, Dara spots her transport of choice... an Amphibion water assault vehicle. Unfortunately this model was old and did not give her the opinion that it had received regular maintenance in a while, but it was the best she could do for now.

The Lordess checked the rest of the buildings along the perimeter and acquired some diving supplies for their trip out to sea, as well as a few blaster rifles, hand blasters and some explosives. She would now walk the area and monitor any activity until her apprentice arrived ::

Jul 2nd, 2001, 04:55:57 AM
*Bi0 had made it to his postion at the northeast side of the Commincations Depot on Zra. Bi0 made a quick glance from behind the wall he was on to see the two guards guarding the door to the commincations tower. Bi0 could see the hanging light above the door way, the only source of light out in the opening. Bi0 turned his head away and rubbed his chin*

(This might work in our favor...now to wait for Sir Kaine to reach his side of the wall....after that, we can take out these guards and move ahead)

*Bi0 took out his Projectile Disc and held in firmly in his hand and peeked around the wall again*

(And with Lady Sapphire joining us, we'll complete our objectives soon)

*Bi0 had a plan to take these guards out without them knowing it...once Kaine got in place, he'd let him know*

Lady Razielle
Jul 2nd, 2001, 05:23:03 AM
Reviewing the last of the mission itinerary, Razielle closed the datapad before her with a resounding click. According to the time it was now nightfall on Garqi and her part of the mission could now come into play.

She left her quarters on Omadon. A brisk walk brought her to one docking bay and selecting one of a variety of Imperial Shuttles she boarded it alone. Entering a sequence with accustomed skill, she set an automatic piloting program to deliverer her directly to Truel, the 2nd island of Garqi. Relaxing and thinking of the task ahead she smiled and awaited the landing.

Upon reaching the planets surface, she disembarked the shuttle and walked down the ramp.

"Ahhhh nightfall... "

Working quickly and undetected she set up a hidden resting place for herself and surveyed her surroundings. Comparing them with the schematics she had already seen of the planet. The smell of the ocean was beautiful on the night air.

Such a lovely place to create mayhem...

When she concluded her work she opened a secured TSE comlink channel to the other two members of her team alerting them to her position and awaiting further instructions from them.

"Daegal, BladeIce... Razielle here. I have landed and await further instructions."

Jul 2nd, 2001, 01:10:02 PM
(blade reaches level 5 and his comlink goes off he slinks into a dark corner.)

This blade nice to see you have arrived Razielle as for your task me and murdoch can take care of the communication depot here you can take out there Ocean Rare and Precious Jewelry Shop in the bussiness disricted and find your self some nice jewels. take what you please and kill off every one there civilian or military if you get into trouble call me all be there as soon as possible after you have done your task we will meet up with you in the residential disricted. have fun. blade out.

(after that blade pulls out the 2 blaster pistols and walks casaully up to the 2 gaurds posted)

gaurds: what the hell

(both are shot in the chest and fall to the ground dead. al of a sudden 5 more gaurds come running in.)

gaurds: freeze

Blade: @#%$ you

(blade then does a high flip over the top of them and lands behind them as they turn around blade kicks one in the face while blasting 2 to the ground. the 3 left come shoting after blade runs towards a corner to hide and returns fire taking out another of the gaurds leaving 2 left he then throws both pistols to the ground and grabs his sabers. blocking there blasts he runs towards them and quickly decapitates one of the gaurds. then cuts of a limb of the other. then blade drops one of his sabers to the ground and grabs a rifle from his back and fires it into the gut of the gaurd. he then drops both his rifles and and picked up his saber.)

blade: to much baggage (he then runs off placing c4 in sertain areas)

Lady Razielle
Jul 2nd, 2001, 02:18:18 PM
"Right Blade I copy that.. I will contact you again after I am properly attired in jewlery."

She smiled and closed the connection. She quickly secured her camp and checked her coordinates. She began the hike to the buiness district and quickly located the Ocean Rare and Precious Jewelry shop. She saw that even though it was late the establishment was still open. She walked in with a springy step and bestowed a bright smile on the proprietor, a young female with silvery blonde hair and a haughty smile of her own.

Proprietor: "Welcome! I am Sybelle, what brings you to our establishment so late miss?"

Razielle: "I was walking on the beach and decided to drop in. I have heard many things about your lovely shop. Tell me, how much would you like for it?"

Sybelle looked around puzzled at the various cases containing jewelry and other fine collectibles.

Sybelle: "It? Have you set your mind on a piece already?"

Razielle walked along one case, sliding her gloved hand along the glass. She turned back and smiled at Sybelle.

Razielle: "It being this store. I want the whole thing."

Sybelle laughed and folded her arms across her chest.

Sybelle: "I am afraid that is not possible, I would never sell. If your buisness is concluded madame I wish to close my store now. Goodnight to you."

Razielle's eyes lit on a diamond and amethyst tiarra. She noted that the case was locked and sent her padded elbow through the glass. A gasp was heard from Sybelle who was backing toward an office, for communication most likely. Razielle peched the jewled tiarra on her head and then also removed a matching dagger. Turning to Sybelle she smiled and then frowned.

Razielle: "Where do you think you are going?"

Razielle threw the dagger pinning Sybelle to the wall with startling accuracy. With the spped of the undead she was upon her silencing her scream with a hand pressed none to gently to her mouth.

Razielle: "Oh do shut up.. You know what never mind. I'll do it for you..."

She removed the dagger from the woman's bleeding shoulder and ran it aross her throat in a lightning fast movement. Blood poured out in a red torrent, had Razielle not already dined she would have partaken of the dying woman's blood. Instead she let the body slide to the floor with a thud and kicked it out of her way as she examined the rest of the jewles.

Daegal Murdoch
Jul 2nd, 2001, 02:24:44 PM
Daegal runs to the elevator and heads to the 4th floor. Suddenly, he hears a voice over the intercom, “Warning! Intruder alert! Intruder alert!”

The elevator makes a sudden stop as they shut them all down. Daegal kicks open the doors and climbs up the shaft to the 2nd floor. After prying open the doors on level two open with his sith dagger ( he is met by a guard.

The guard tries to quickly dispose of him. Daegal leaps over the guard and gives him a quick kick in the back of the leg. The guard falls flat on his face. Daegal quickly takes his dagger and shoves it into the guard’s back.

Another guard, hearing the commotion, ran to where the noises originated. As he arrives, the only thing in sight is the body of the dead guard. Daegal jumps down from a ceiling panel, and kicks the second guard into the open doors of the elevator and he falls to his death.

Daegal, looking for the stairs to level three suddenly encounters a 3rd guard, one that should not have been here, according to Blade.

Blaster in hand, he fires at Daegal. Daegal dodges the first before he can ignite his gold light saber. Daegal blocked three, quickly fired, shots. The guard started to get frustrated and careless about his aiming. Daegal sees an opening and darts at the guard, quickly severing his legs.

Now with level 2 cleared, he went up the steps to level three not knowing what is awaiting him.

Athena Lady Darknss
Jul 2nd, 2001, 03:55:47 PM
:: Athena had just arrived with a rough landing on Garqi. her comm unit broken in the bad landing of her brothers privet shuttle. She finally got out of the craft and kicked it. She watched as a broken part fell off the craft. Athena then looked around and saw the night stars above her. She would need to find talth soon and his partner. ::

Rama Sha
Jul 2nd, 2001, 08:08:57 PM
:: Rama exited the Ship Last, he carried his Helment under his arm and was in full battle Attire. ::

You know you could have warned me we were so close.........

:: Rama rasied his Helment and placed it on his head. It hissed as if formed and airtight seal and all the systems on the suit kicked in. ::

Darth Shatan
Jul 2nd, 2001, 08:14:29 PM
.....I would have had more time to prepare.

Jul 2nd, 2001, 08:51:06 PM
::The ship landed and co-ordinates flashed on her commlink, telling her where to head. Nodding to no-one in particular Saphire checks her weapons and looks at her fathers saber, she only needed one. Opening the drawer with weapons she takes out a small laser blaster and hooks it onto her belt. Her feet move almost silently as she walks out of the ship and onto the ground. Pushing the bushes back from where her ship is landed she views the surroundings. A couple of civillians, a couple of police..::
::Walking with a smile on her face, the cloak she had donned hiding her weapons she smiles and looks like a normal civillian until she reaches a bar near the communications depot, ready for her summons. The waiter comes and she orders a drink, meanwhile keeping her angelic friendly face on. Soon....::

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Jul 2nd, 2001, 10:31:49 PM
She glanced quickly skywards to see what Sieken was talking about. There was only one person's life force that she sensed and it was in the body of a decrepit looking Y-Wing. How that thing got off the ground was anyone's guess.

Dalethria spun around and blocked two more blaster bolts and growled, "Sieken, take care of these two ... I got the fighter."

Now that the last two peasants were being taken care of, Dalethria focused her attention on the Y-Wing. The humming of her sabre became her focus as her mind became one with the Dark Side. Hatred simmered inside her body as her eyes locked upon the fighter and she could picture the lone pilot clearly through the cockpit. He was going to open fire soon and the distance was closing fast.

Laser fire sailed towards her but she was in no danger ... the swoop lifted off the ground and blew up into large chunks of debris as it took the hit for her. Now she could attack ...

It was rather sad ... Dalethria really wanted to hear the pilot scream as she telekinetically crushed his helmet which in turn, crushed his head. She did receive some satisfaction in watching the Y-Wing spiral out of control and exploded into a two houses.

The flames rose high into a fireball and citizens ran in terror from the blaze as it became caught in the wind and spread from house to house ...

Anubis Lockheart
Jul 2nd, 2001, 10:42:55 PM
Slowly, The freighter began to make it's decent onto Garqi. The thrusters reversed and pushed against the ground, providing a soft touchdown for Anubis. As the smoke began to clear, the hatch of the YT-2400 slowly slid open. The hatch landed with a thud onto the hard road beneath it as Anubis made his way back over to his backpack. He slung it onto his shoulder and picked up his blaster rifle. He then made his way outside his ship.

The smoke billowed around him like fog as he stood outside his ship, the hatch closing behind him as soon as he was off of it. The smoke finally cleared, and a small gathering of people were left staring at Anubis. His ghastly appearance obviously startling them.

"Well well what do we have here?"

Man: "Ummm. If you want to visit here you have to sign in through the spaceport."

Anubis lifted his rifle and took aim, pulling the trigger which sent a laser beam at the man, blasting him into peices. THe people around him scattered and tried to take cover.

"Ah come on............COWARDS!"

Anubis sent a rally of laser fire at the scrambling people, taking out as many as he could see. Steam arose from the barrel of his weapon when he finally stopped firing.

"These people are nearly as cowardly as the Jedi. Ah well, suppose I better get to it."

He slugged his blaster over his shoulder, and walked down the centre of the residential area.

Eve Siren
Jul 3rd, 2001, 12:07:59 AM
-- Watching her Master come down the ship, Eve put on her helmet and cracked her neck. Would she die from this takeover ? She didn't care, she had no regrets. Nothing to lose for. --

"Let's do this."

Athena Lady Darknss
Jul 3rd, 2001, 12:42:30 AM
:: Athena looks around and reads what little data she could find about the island Caran. only knowing her teamates would be heading to the Spaceport, the Food Outlet, and the Supplies Warehouse. she only had to find out where they were going first. ::

Jul 3rd, 2001, 01:43:25 PM
Talth walked up to Athena and said quietly, making her jump,
"We should head to the Spaceport first."

Jul 3rd, 2001, 05:39:30 PM
Poreon spun his starfighter around and fired three quick laser bursts at an oncoming Z-95. He didn't aim at the fighter, just discouraged it from attacking him. Poreon concentrated on this pilot, this time around. He made sure he would not make the same mistake as he did last time.

He extended his focus to the pilot and all of the pilots in the Z-95s. His main focus was on the pilot, but he was attuned to the other fighters too, so he wouldnt crash into them. He decided he would do something different this time. He found the pilot's windpipe covered by the pilots oversized helmet. And, using the Force, he forced the windpipe to close. It happened slowly at first, but then Poreon applied more pressure, squeezing it shut. The pilot grasped for air as his windpipe gave way. His hands left the controls of the fighter and Poreon quickly nudged them foward.

This sent the Z-95 plummeting to the ground with the Pilot unable to reegain control. It exploded with the ground and a YT-1300 that was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Jul 3rd, 2001, 06:14:51 PM
(after packing the 4th floor in sertain places with c4 Blade ran to the 5th up the stairs at the top he met a gaurd)

gaurd: you can't be in here

Blade: like i give a flying @#%$

(gaurd starts firing at him blade jumps up and over the gaurd then he kicks the gaurud down the stairs. the gaurds neck snaps as his head hits the wall at the bottom of the stairs)

(blade walks throw the 5th floor door. as he walks throw the 5th floor placing c4 he notices civilian workers in the depot. he calls one of them over to him.)

blade: how many gauruds are there the computer said 20

civilian: ha theres alot more then 20 they called in a hole bunch just a couple of hours ago I guess the sith are suposadly attacking

Blade: i know that parts true cause i am sith

(the civilians eyes begin to widen. blade laughs then decapitates the civilian)

Blade: Hmmm the people of this island ain't to smart

(blade then throws a thermal detinator into the room with where the other civilians where. Blade then walks towards the end of the hallway as the room explodes. fire shots out where the door had been. all of a sudden 4 gaurds come running in the first was to slow he quickly got a light saber in straight throw his chestas he turned the corner the second gaurd had a lucky shot that grazed the side of blades arm)

Blade: @#%$

( blade then went into a kinda of bilistick rage and ran straight for the gaurd that shot him. blade put his saber throw the gaurs throat he died quickly. he then turned his atention to the 3rd gaurd. blade punched the gaurd in the face knocking him to the ground blade then grabbed the gaurds blaster rifle and shot him in the face at close rage. blood wnet everywhere blade was covered in blood. the 4th attempted to run away but blade quickly shot it in the back with the rifle and he hit the gound dead.)

(blade finished c4ing level 5. then comlinked murdoch.)

Murdoch hows it going down there. i think you should know they called in more gaurds just before we got here. do you copy.

Sieken Kasstra
Jul 3rd, 2001, 06:50:09 PM
:: One peasent slashed at sieken with a stick, sieken ducked this and rolled left swiping up his saber and cutting up his chest letting a mess fall out, then quickly turned to see another foolishly attack him, driveing the saber into the peasents stomerch made him fall to the ground dead::

:: Sieken looked out to the Y-wings crash site as most of the peasents ran away::

"Ready Dale?" he said as the parlement building was only a few streets away, the top of its bell tower towerd above the rest of the city

::D ale Nodded and the were running down the street again toward the building::

Lady Razielle
Jul 3rd, 2001, 06:51:10 PM
Razielle stepped over the fallen corpse of Sybelle and walked around the store deciding what to keep and what to demolish. She selected a silver bracelet for Athena that would coil up her arm like a serpent. For Dara she chose a gilded beaten choker, on its shiny surface was a Dragon, which matched an armored breastplate she would give to Sumor. She wouldn't take too much with her for convinience sake but as a last thought she grabbed a ring which reminded her of someone she couldn't place at that moment.

She cast one last look around thinking it was a really nice shop it was a shame it was going to have to be destroyed. She could tell many of the artifacts in here must have been excavated from beneath the ocean's surface. She would be destroying some of the planet's history along with the shop.

"Oh well.. thats life."

She shrugged and walked over to a wall. Digging her nails into the plaster she ripped out a handful of wiring. She dragged the wires out of the wall and pulled them over to a polishing machine. A few twists and connections on her part made the wires spark and sizzle. Without a second thought she plunged the wires into the machine and flipped the switch to on.

Grabbing her tiarra, dagger and gifts for her friends she skipped out of the shop like a little girl and paused to turn the lights out on her way out the door. As she walked back down the beach to her camp and stowed ship, the Ocean Rare and Precious Jewels store exploded in a blinding aray of colors. The blast sent a wave of heat over Razielle even from the great distance she had walked.

She smiled and straightend the tiarra on her head and kept walking muttering to herself..


She packed the plundered valuables into the shuttle and then sat on the ramp, bringing her comlink to her lips.

"Raz here, Daegal? Blade, how you boys doing?"

Admiral Jyener
Jul 3rd, 2001, 08:12:51 PM
It was late and Jyener had just gotten back from a tour of the newly constructed army base down on Dayark. Since his arrival back on his personal Super Star Destroyer, he only had enough time to use the refresher unit and throw on a clean outfit. While pulling up his camoflauge pants, he glanced down at his chronometer.

"Always. I always find a way to be late," he cursed to himself.

After tucking in his black muscle shirt and getting his pants on, he wrapped his belt around his waist and buckled it. Sitting down on his bunkbed, he slid his combat boots over the cuffs of his pants and tied them tightly. Finally done, he walked towards the door - sensors picking him up and sliding it open. Before exiting, he reached towards his desk grabbing a satchel full of explosives to be clipped onto his belt, as well as his old lightsaber.

"They better have that blasted shuttle ready by the time I get there," Jyener muttered to himself, still annoyed at his own tardiness.

When he arrived at the secondary hanger bay, his eyes instantly caught on to the large, glistening, folded up Lamda-class Shuttle. Jogging down the staircase, he reached the dozen stormtroopers lined up on both sides of the entrance ramp to his craft. With a wave of his hand and a signal through the force, he sent them away to their normal guard posts, not wanting the company during the trip.

Darth Snack
Jul 3rd, 2001, 09:44:43 PM
*Snack watched at Poreon's first attempt to dissable one of the z-95's pilots which ended in failure and a close call with another one. However, the failure was quickly pushed back as Poreon's resourcefulness caused the destruction of another one. Very good.

The Sith Knight had made sure to stay low for the beginning of this small outnumbered dogfight. That soon changed. With authority, Snack piloted his X-wing back into view of the now 11 enemy bogies. Two of them broke off from their formation and began to spit out their green laser bolts at Snack.

The Dark Side began to flow through Snack's entire body, alwoing him to see the next moves of the fighters before they moved. The initial fire missed the X-wing barely, and with a few quick manuvers the next volley missed as well. Let himself go into the Force, Snack moved himself behind one of his two attackers, firing his own red laser blots. Three shots later and the z-95 was spirraling do the planet below.

The other z-95 flew in hard on Snack's tail, and began to fire. The Sith tried to shake him, but wasn't able to, allowing the headhunter to score a minor hit on one of the right S-foils. Taking evassive action, Snack quickly pulled up, barrel rolling as he gained some alltitued. He quickly bolted left out of his climb. His eyes grew wide as he sensed a head on collision with another z-95. He moved his control's forward, diving just in time to feel the turbulance from the z-95. Snack straightened out, and looked up and behind him, seeing that the z-95 which had been on his tail had collided with the other one, the resulting explosion just only a millifraction of the explosion the death star made when blown up at the Battle of Endor.*

Poreon, that's three down. I don't want to stay up here longer than we have to. Let's just outfly and outsmart these boys, get them to colllide with each other and the like. I'll see if I can't control a few minds.

*Snack smirked, as he reached out with the force, perverting it to his likings.*

Daegal Murdoch
Jul 3rd, 2001, 11:48:04 PM
Daegal heard the comlink, and paused, moving to a corner to respond.

"Going fine here, moving to floor 3. I copy that. Murdoch Out."

Daegal moved to floor 3.

As he opened the door, he was quickly shot in his right arm, causing him to drop his saber. Blood seeped out, quickly turning the arm of his black tunic a dark, crimson red.

He quickly dove for his saber, and using his momentum, he somersaulted and stood up. He clicked on his saber and charged the guard, skillfully blocking 2 shots.

He threw a quick combination at the guard, a left jab, a right hook and a swift kick to the side. Only the jab was blocked. Daegal then slammed the base of his saber into the side of the guard's head, causing him to fall to the floor. He then impaled him in the back. The smell of flesh burning was gratifying. Daegal smiled.

He then began to lay c4. Even though it was against his character to use any weapons other than those that belonged to him, he had to complete the mission, for he had to prove himself to those in the Empire.

He moved into the next room, and encountered 2 guards. He was shot at, and he quickly dove behind a desk. He then unclipped his sith dagger ( He rolled out from behind the desk and before the guards could fire, he threw his dagger, striking one in the forehead with astounding accuracy.

He sprang to his feet and charged the guard. The guard kicked Daegal squarely in the chest, sending him reeling. Daegal used the momentum to roll backwards and quickly get back to his feet and regain his composure. He then ran towards the guard and kicked him in the gut. He then sliced the guard across his throat. Blood seeped out, and Daegal looked more pleased than ever.

As the last guard was kneeling on the ground, choking on his own blood, Daegal reached over and retrieved his sith dagger ( and reclipped it to his belt. He then set more c4 and proceeded down the steps and outside.

He opened a comlink to Blade.

"Blade, all mine are set, how are you doing? Need any help in there?"

Jul 4th, 2001, 12:33:08 AM
(blades comlink beeped as he started to head up to level 4 it was Razielle)

I'm doing fine we are almost finished here. we will meet you at the residential area. blade out.

(blade began to run up the steps and his comlink beeped agian this time murdoch)

no i don't need help i'm almost finished here you can leave and meet Razielle at the residential district or you can wait for me outside.

(blade then ran to floor six it was empty he had no problem placing c4 so he quickly ran to 7 and agian an empty floor and agian no problem placing c4 he then ran to floor 8. there where 5 gaurds waiting for him.)

Blade: oh @#%$

Gaurd1: we got him

Gaurd2: we shure do

Blade: ya you wish

Gaurd1: he is over confident

Blade: not over confident but i do have thermal detinator

Gaurd2 he is bluffing trying to use his jedi crap on us

Blade: ha you wish i was jedi but i'm sith

Gaurd1: samething

Blade: not even close

(blade then lauches his body into the air and lands right between all 5 graurds he the grabs both his sabers and conectees them together and he the then decapitates 1 gaurd heads with one shot leaving 4 left)

blade: lets rock

(2 gaurds advance vance him with stuners blade jumps and kicks them both in the face knocking them back but then anther gaurd kicks blade in the kidneys. blade drops to the ground.)

Gaurd1: he is over confident

(blade spits out blood then jumps to his feet and produces a thermal detinator. he throws it and blade jumps to the ground agian covering his head)

(a load sound kaboom could be heard. fire shot over blades bad hotter then he had ever felt. after about 10 minutes of laying on the ground blade rose from the ground and stood up he had burn marks on his back and his shirt had been torn he also felt a big pain in his back where had been kicked. he looked around there was fires in burning all over the place and and ten dead soldiers laying on the ground. he walked slowly and to the exit to the roof and placed c4 as he went.)

Blade: oh @#%$ what a bad way to die. ya right i'm glad the basterds where gone.

(blade reached the roof only one gaurd left. blade grabbed his sabers and started cutting and slashing at the gaurd and when the gaurd came close to the edge of the roof blade kicked him off. blade then set the timer up for the c4. he then went and looked over the edge)

hmmm. what a fall may the force be with me.

(blade started the timer. then he jumped from the 8 story building he used the force to lightin his landing. as he hit the ground with a thud hehe began to roll down the rocky hill as he reached the bottom he saw murdoch run from the building. the build then wnet up into flames with a load kaboom. Blade just laid there in pain.)

Admiral Jyener
Jul 4th, 2001, 03:38:37 PM
The unnamed shuttle, DF-01, leveled out with the horizon, it's three stabilizer fins slicing through the thin night air. The pilot toggled through various navigation points until finally locking onto the position of the local spaceport, on Garqi's third island of Caran. The quiet man had recieved orders earlier from Jyener, indicating that he was to shut down all forms of communication. The Admiral honestly had too much on his mind to worry about the petty locals' concerns. It didn't matter much anyways, soon they would all find peace, for eternity.

"Stop here.."

The ready-to-go Jyener had crept up over the shoulder of the pilot and was staring out through the viewport trying to make out objects in the dark. Not a second later he was already hopping out of the shuttle through an open latch. After a three yard drop, he landed on the rooftop of the rusty looking spaceport. Appearantly it didn't have a 24 hour service, shame. Above him he could hear the hum of the steathly craft creep away towards the stars. Wrapped around his left wrist was a long range four-way frequency walkie talkie he had taken from the shuttle.

Pressing down on a button with his thumb, he emitted a series of clicks into the device by tapping his finger near the microphone. Jyener had already preset the signal to that of Athena's and Talth's during the trip. Whoever was in range of the device would now know of his arrival.

Gryfon Spaid
Jul 4th, 2001, 05:06:05 PM
:: Sith Disciple Gryfon Spaid makes his way to the planet's surface in one of the TSE fleet shuttles. Upon landing, he contacts Lordess Shadowtide Rayial and receives her coordinates.

As he walks through the streets of Garqi, he sees citizens surrenduring to the Empire and for those few who choose to resist, they meet their fate by the end of his saber. As he arrives at the docks, he searches for the Lordess and sees her already approaching him ::&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp

"Hello Lordess, what would you like me to do? I take it the mission is going well?"

Lady Razielle
Jul 4th, 2001, 06:26:59 PM
Razielle took enough time to change out of her now bloodied clothes before she made her way to the residential area. She wouldn't have wanted to scare off any of the locals without due cause. She shed her long sleeve shirt and pants, replacing them with a one piece dark grey suit that would blend easily into the night. After lacing up her boots and reattaching her holsters, she took off in the direction of her allies.

They didn't appear to have arrived yet, the streets were quite empty and the lights from the nearby homes had been dimmed. She chose a spot off of one of the main roads that was very shadowed to wait for them.

As a second thought she put a repeating pulse signal through her comlink, on the secured TSE channel, that they could use to locate her position. Leaning up against the wall with a sigh, she brushed her long hair over her shoulder and waited.

Daegal Murdoch
Jul 4th, 2001, 07:33:11 PM
Daegal exited the building, and moved to the base of the hill. Dusk was quickly approaching, so he took the time to tear a piece of his cape and use it to bind the wound he had received from being shot.

After he finished, he quickly moved, stealthily as always, towards the residential district. As he was approaching, his comlink beeped repeatedly, alerting him of Raz's position.

He moved quickly to the source and stood beside her.

"Hello Lady Raz, I trust you are finding your stay in this cesspool enjoyable thus far?” he said with a slight grin.

Athena Lady Darknss
Jul 4th, 2001, 09:09:33 PM
:: Athena jumps then follows talth ::

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Jul 4th, 2001, 10:21:54 PM
Her muscles pumped with adrenaline as they ran down two more blocks. The Parliament building was coming up ahead as the tower bounced in and out of Dalethria's vision. Her heart began to beat even faster, surging with bloodlust.

There was no finesse. Dalethria and Sieken ran down the path and passed through the small opening of bushes. It led into an open court but something wasn't quite right. Her eyes told her that no one was here but the Force beg to differ.

Behind them ... four figures ...

"Get down!" Dalethria yelled as she pushed Sieken to the ground. Stray blaster fire whizzed by the area where the Sith Disciple was. A second slower on Dalethria's part and Sieken might have been pumped full of holes.

She turned around and still saw no one. Everything was still including the bushes. "This is ridiculous."

Unclipping her sabre, but not igniting it, the Sith Lordess brought her hand out in front of her and pulled it back towards her body almost violently.

Four peasants were thrown into the air from their hiding spots and Dalethria rolled her eyes, "Kill these idiots Sieken."

Sieken Kasstra
Jul 4th, 2001, 10:35:54 PM
:: Sieken looked at Dale and raised his brow::

" aww I didnt know you cared.." he said showing a slight grinn

:: sieken quickly un-leashed his Knife-Edged boomerang and flipped it at the 4 men, the boomerang swiped the kneck of one poor guard and slit the belly of another making his guts spill, the boomerang slipped back into Siekens hand::

:: The other 2 was just about the raise there weapons when seiekn quikcly dispearsed a small silver ball making them both look down to it,the exploded blowing in there face a brillent white light witch almost instanly blinded them, the quickly ran over to them slashing down on there knecks cutting them both off::

:: Sieken looked back up at Dale with a trickel of blood running down his face, Dale raised her brow slightly::

" What can i say? i lovemy little toys.."

Jul 4th, 2001, 11:19:11 PM

*Bi0 continues to wait for Kaine to move into position*

(Looks like I might have been wrong....well, can't do nothing about it now....)

*Bi0 hears a humming noise on the right side of the wall he's on....he walks carfully as not to get the attention of the guards...upon reaching the right wall, Bi0 takes a quikc beeb*

(Great.....It's one of those camera bots)

*The floating camera bot, about the size of a volleyball, slowly is floating to Bi0's position...if he was spotted the objective would be aborted*

(Damn, I can't let it see me...but I can't destory it out right or the explosion will give me away....got to play the cards right)

*Only a 10 seconds away, Bi0 puts his entire body against the wall and waits for the cam bot...the bot slowly is about to make it's way around the wall when all it see's is a hand grabbing it's lens...before it can signal for help, Bi0 brakes the antena atop it's head...Still holding the cam bot, Bi0 opens a latch in the back of it and tears out some wires. A few sparks fly but, not a explosion...Bi0 drops the cam bot on the ground and it slowly twitches with what life it has left....a few seconds pass, and it's offline*

(Well, at least i had something to do while I was waiting)

*Bi0 grabs the cam bot off the floor and hides it in some bushes as not to attact attention should it be found. After that, Bi0 slowly walks along the wall back to the place where the guards were...to Bi0's luck, they haven't seen or heard Bi0's attack on the cam bot*

(Now, for the wait to continue....)

Jul 5th, 2001, 12:34:52 AM
( after about 3 hours of laying on the ground on moving blade finaly rose. he rose really slowly and limped his way towards the residential area. after about 1 hour he arrived still limping and hurt.)

Its time to get to work guys. we kill anybody and every body no explosives here. try not to wake the hole neighbor hood or we will have to hunt down and kill em.

(with that blade limped in pain his way to the residential area. not caring what anyone else had to say about the plan of attack)

Kaine Darklighter
Jul 5th, 2001, 02:13:10 AM
OOC: Sorry for taking so long, Bi0 and Saph.


Kaine rushed around the back of houses, going through their backyards. People were complaining, and yelling at him to leave, yet he simply ignored them, and kept going. Before long, he was in a place that looked like a forest. Tree's and such surrounded the area, and Kaine was close to where he was mean't to meet.

Running to the side of the comm-center, Kaine tapped his com-link twice, letting Bi0 know he was in place. Tapping his com-link twice again, both Sith rushed out from there positions, attacking the guards. The guards had no idea what hit them. Kaine's saber ripped through the skull of the guard he was mean't to take, while Bi0 killed his guard(Which Bi0 will explain in his next post.).

Jul 5th, 2001, 08:45:22 AM
*As Kaine finsihed off his guard, Bi0 walked around the dark corner, dragging the other guard with his head turning in the wrong way. Kaine gave Bi0 a questioning look*

"What? I said I would PROBABLY slash his throat"

*Bi0 dropped the dead guard and threw his Projectile Disc at the light hanging over them. It would give them away so Bi0 smashed it. Bi0 caught the Disc and put it back at his side*

"We'll have to go in without Lady Sapphire...this comincations depot must be put out now".

*Bi0 slam the door down and walked in*

(No guards....they must not know were here yet)

*Bi0 motioned the coast was clear and continued inward*

Gitane Blesse
Jul 5th, 2001, 12:31:01 PM
--Gitane fingered the hilt of her saber out of habit as she glanced around, a gleam of anxiety in her eyes. She'd done many things, yet a mission such as this hadn't been one of them. She met her gaze with Vega's, silently awaiting his lead.--

Jul 5th, 2001, 04:38:34 PM
"I copy master"

Poreon stretched his senses out to analyze the flight patterns of the remaining Z-95s. They attacked in pairs, one coming from port, the other from starboard. Poreon would try a manuever similar to the Smugglers Fient.

He sped through one of the fighter couples and after extending his lead by a hundred meters, cut all thrust and hovered. The Two Z-95s, eyeing an easy target, broke off into their customary attack plan of flanking from both port and starboard. They cut back, about to to bisect Poreon's defender.

Poreon cut his hovering motion, and using his fighters speed, dived to the ground two seconds before the Z-95s were on him. He zoomed toward the spaceport ground and levelled his fighter out at a meter above the spaceports patronizing ships.

The less nimble Z-95s copied this manuever, or actually, attempted to copy this manuever. They dived down, but weren't able to level out fast enough. They crashed into the duracreet walls of a spaceport bay, exploding in a heap of fire.

"Two more down."

Dara Shadowtide
Jul 5th, 2001, 04:48:02 PM
:: Dara was securing the entrances of the supply building on the docks while awaiting her rendezvous with Vega and Gitane, when she sensed a new force signature approaching the area. Reaching out with the Dark Side, the Lordess recognized him to be an apprentice of Rain's, and walked to meet him ::

"Greetings Gryfon, it is good to have you aboard. I know that the first TSE mission is a rather exciting one, indeed. Yes, things are going along as planned. I want you to patrol the border of this area while I contact the various teams for a status report."

Gryfon: "Yes, Lordess."

:: Dara nods and Gryfon bows before moving off with his hand on his saber hilt to walk the perimeter of the docks. Dara retrieves her comlink and sets it to the encrypted TSE channel and sends a message to all the teams deployed on Garqi ::

"This is Lordess Dara Shadowtide Rayial. The mission is progressing as planned and this is due to an excellent job by you all, congratulations. A great many Garqi citizens have surrendered and are still surrendering. We have established a holding area for them on the main island of Zra in the Coliseum of the Garqi Agricultural University. Complete your objectives expediently for the glory of the Empire and I shall wait for you to contact me when your team has achieved all of their objectives. Dara out."

Darth Snack
Jul 5th, 2001, 05:22:40 PM
*Watching from the side, Snack winced at the site of the explosion.*

Keep the spaceport in tack, methinks Dalethria wants it for our own use. But take out ANY ship you see flying besides mine of course.

*Snack focused on his concentration, about ready to reach out and tap into one of the pilot's minds. Without breaking his thought, he opened up his comm again.*

Oh, by the way, have fun bud.

*He smirked while his eyes closed. Reaching out, he tapped into one of them. Their #2. Good. He probed further into his mind ready to plant the seeds of deceit. Why am I attacking those who don't warrent attack. They are peaceful and only want to land. Let them go. If the others don't comply, then I will just have to clear their way as well.

A few seconds passed then one of the z-95's shot at Snack's X-wing. In an instant, #2 flew out, and headed strong on the persuer of Snack. #2 was prolly one of the better pilots in the squadron, and would make quick work of the others. In a matter of mere seconds, the z-95 which had shot at Snack was now just a fireball in the sky, as it plummted down until a small frieghter got in its way. At least the two Sith would have less to clear up.

Snack reached out once more, letting the Darkside flow through his veins. The Sith Knight tried to tap into the mind of one more, but found it difficult. "Fine". He fired at anything and everything, putting his X-wing in 84% thrust. The one z-95 pilot he just tried to control flew infront of him. Not the best place to be. Goodbye.*

7 down and 4 to go. Keep ole #2 around. He seems to like us.

Lady Razielle
Jul 5th, 2001, 08:03:56 PM
Her senses homed in on the scent of blood long before Daegal approached her. She tilted her head to the side, nodded and then smirked.

"Hey there, sustained some damage did you?"

The moonlight glinted off her small fangs before she turned and stared to pace. Not too long thereafter Blade put in his appearance also wounded. She didn't comment on his injuries but nodded her agreement to his plan of attack.

"Right, silence is our best policy. The last thing we need is widespread panic now. I will take care of the outskirts and back alleys as I am good at prowling. Why don't you two knock off the bigger homes and I will meet you when I have.. had a bite."

She winked at her comrades and moved away so quickly they were left with nothing but the soft, yet evil sound of her laughter.

She found her first victim to be a young man, most likely out making mischief in the night. He was peeking around a wall, watching her from some distance, under the assumption she didn't see him. She walked with a sway in her hips, which drew him out of his shadowed perch.

Mugger: "Hey there sweetness, you look like you could use a little fun and I am just the man to give it to you!"

Razielle stopped and grinned at him with a look of hunger he mistook for interest.

Raz: "Ooooooh I think you may be right, you have just what I want."

She closed the distance between them and whispered.

Raz: "Now come down here and give me a kiss.."

Mugger: "Yes! You got it hot stuff..."

As the young would be theif leaned down Razielle's bewitching violet eyes held his gaze as her fingernails slashed upward from his shoulder and through his neck. She drug his body into an alleyway and licked her fingers as she walked off.

"One down.. So easy, you almost feel sorry for them.."

Mosh Barris
Jul 5th, 2001, 11:51:55 PM
:: Mosh Barris follows the Lieutenant Colonel to the main officer meeting room on the second floor of the Parliament building. He had only been in there once, as Moff Tadrin was away so often that he conducted his own official meetings via holotransmission.

Barris looked around the ornate and stately room at the portraits of the great military leaders of the past and present. Not holding a military rank of his own, Barris knew it was destined someday for him to be in the military. He was confident that the government would reward him for his dedicated civilian service and upstanding record. Barris's smile fades as he hears the Lt. Colonel yell in dismay ::

Lt. Colonel: "Unbelievable! He got away... someone will be held responsible for this mishap and will pay for their error, mark my word Barris."

Mosh Barris: "Sir?"

:: The Lieutenant spins sharply with a grim look on his face to address Barris ::

Lt. Colonel: "Moff Tadrin, you fool. He escaped."

Mosh Barris: "Shall we deploy a task force to aprehend him, Sir?"

Lt. Colonel: "Not at this time, Barris. He will be attended to at a later time. Right now we need to assess what kind of military assets we have here on the planet and what kind of forces we have."

:: Mosh Barris clears his throat and speaks quietly ::

Mosh Barris: "Well um Sir, that would not be a difficult task actually as we um.. have no assets and no forces."

:: Barris grimaces awaiting the Lieutenant's reaction. Mosh Barris suddenly finds himself tagged in the face with a holopad as the Lieutenant storms across the room to look out the window in a complete rage. Barris rubs his head and just stands at what he thinks best represents 'attention' stance, awaiting his commander's next order ::

Darth Shatan
Jul 6th, 2001, 04:27:52 AM
:: Rama looks around the Space Port, in the distance he can hear the air warning sirens going off. He see's several flight officers heading towards their gunboats to try to repell the attack. Rama draws back his arm, force lighting shoots up from his fingers and then takes the form of an ever growing ball of engery. He release it at the first gunboat it. It impacts the ship and sends surges of engery through it. For a moment the ship seems to be fine, then suddenly explodes with great force sending the pilots to the ground. ::

We need to keep these ships on the ground, I don't want them to hinder the others in their attacks. We also need someone actual in the tower. If those controllers break free will have a real problem on our hands.

Athena Lady Darknss
Jul 6th, 2001, 01:50:27 PM
:: Athena and Talth finally made it to the Spaceport they looked around just as jyner(sp) had teamed up with them. ::

" Well boys now what? "

Gryfon Spaid
Jul 6th, 2001, 05:53:18 PM
::Gryfon walks of the docks and takes a quick look around for anyone watching him. He notices a couple of sailors running towards him with blasters pointed at him. Gryfon grins as he pulls his sabers and extends the silver and red blades. The sailors begin to fire at him at random as Gryfon charges at them with brilliant speed. Gryfon runs between the two sailors and hit the sailor on his left with the hilt of his saber to the back of his head. The second sailor turns and blasts Gryfon in the shoulder causing him to drop one of his sabers. Gryfon smiles as he focuses the pain of the blast into a powerful rage. Gryfon picks up his saber and charges at the sailor blocking the shots fired at him. Gryfon kicks the blaster from the sailors hand and as he punches him across the face. The sailor staggers from the punch, Gryfon laughs as he walks towards the sailor to finish him off. Gryfon stabs the sailor in the stomach and smiles. He looks at the sailor on the ground as he begins to get up to fight. The sailor charges at Gryfon firing several blasts. Gryfon swiftly blocks the shots fired. The sailor then charges at Gryfon with rage and fires blind shots. Gryfon pulls back his sabers and slashes the sailor across the chest several times. Gryfon watches as he falls to the ground in pain, and begins his slow and painful death. Gryfon hooks his sabers back to his belt and continues his patrol of the docks.::

Anubis Lockheart
Jul 6th, 2001, 08:35:28 PM
OOC: Sorry for the lateness of my reply again. I've been away for a bit.

IC: Is wasn't too long before Anubis was among what seemed to be the most populated area of this sector. Unfortunetly, there didnt seem to be many people around. The obviously once busy streets now remained empty, nothing but litter and dead vegetation passed over the streets. The people of this city must have heard of the Sith arrival and fled........ but how? His train of thought was cut off as he heard something ruffle inside a nearby building.


Not bothering to inspect what it was, Anubis pulled out a pack of C4 from his pack. He pushed in the code and stuck it to the side of the building. The Timer began to beep loudly as Anubis walked slowly away. The beeping became steadily faster and softer as he walked away before finally erupting into a massive explosion. Anubis turned back around to view the carnage, the fire reflected upon his face as he grinned in glee. It had been a while indeed, but it still gave him the same satisfaction.

Jul 6th, 2001, 09:15:21 PM
Four fighters left...

Poreon glanced down at his radar. There were four enemy snubfighters left in the air. One had suddenly changed to the nuetral status of blue. That was number 2.

Poreon pulled his Starfighter up to an altitude of two thousand feet. A pair of the Z-95's gave chase. Poreon accelerated his fighter, taking the pair well outside the spaceport, so no collateral damage would occur.

He felt the ground with the Force. It was a chunky dirt outside the spaceport. He got a good grasp of it with the Force and heaved it off of the ground. Like a Tsunami, the Zdirt rose and impacted against the lead of the Z-95s. His view was clouded, he spun off into the dirt trail and crashed into the ground after trying to pull up.

Daegal Murdoch
Jul 6th, 2001, 10:22:51 PM
Daegal walked off, hearing what his comrades had said.

He quickly moved stealthily through the streets, keeping to the darkness as always. He moved closer to one of the larger mansions, the hunger for death growing stronger within him as he took each step.

He entered through the gate, and was promptly greeted by two guards.

Guard 1: "Present your identification."
Daegal: "Certainly."

Daegal moved towards the first guard, and appeared to reach into his rear pocket. In actuality, he was removing his sith dagger ( He threw the dagger with astounding accuracy; it lodged itself in the guard's esophagus.

The second guard ran out of the guardhouse, and began to fire with his blaster at Daegal. Daegal moved with resounding speed, dodging the first two blaster shots. He quickly unclipped and ignited his saber and deflected another. He ran towards the guard, slamming his saber hilt into the guard’s temple, knocking him to the ground. Daegal then stepped on the side of the guards head, the sound of cracking and crunching bones was quite sickening and delightful at the same time.

"Why must you people resist us, you only bring more suffering upon yourself. No matter though, I would make you suffer whether you surrendered or not."

He then seared the guard's midsection, leaving him to die in a pool of his own blood.

He moved to the entrance of the house.

Vega Van Derveld
Jul 7th, 2001, 06:49:37 AM
Nodding to Gitane, Vega began to make his way towards the large cluster of buildings not too far away. This was he area his master had spoken of, and now he would be passing through it to find a mode of transport and perhaps have some fun.

C-666: "Master Vega.."
Vega: "I hear you loud and clear, '666. What is it?"
C-666: "Shall I remove the TIE Phantom from this planet for you, sir?"
Vega: "Ahum, yeah.. go ahead..."

Cutting off the link abruptly Vega began to move at a run, seeing the crowds and brown in motion ahead sweeping from side to side, so many innocents ready to be picked off.

Come on! This'll be great! A little fun before we meet Dara! called Vega over his shoulder, whipping Seraphim into the air with a deep hum as he flipped into the crowd, swinging the blade down to send it crashing into the pavement.

Screams and yells came from the people as they looked to the trenchcoated stranger as he removed his blade from the stonework to thrust it sideways into the gut of a young woman.

Whoops! he laughed loudly, drawing the saber out from her limp body, watching with glee as it toppled to the floor.

Gitane Blesse
Jul 7th, 2001, 07:04:53 AM
--Gitane rolled her eyes with a quiet laugh as she ran after Vega, her already drawn and lit saber jostling through the crowd rather aimlessly. As she caught up to his side, Gitane glanced down at the limp body of rather plump man, her mouth twisting into a small smirk. She paused for a moment before looking at Vega.--

"How soon until we're needed at the rendez-vous?"

Darth Snack
Jul 7th, 2001, 12:53:10 PM
*"Oh crap" was all Darth Snack could say before one of the z-95's had locked on to him. He tried to shake him, but it was too late. His X-wing was hit. Sure Snack was a Sith Knight and all, but hell, he was no expert fighter pilot.*

Well, might as well go down in style.

*His X-wing was done for, but that did not mean it would end just there. Using all he had in fighter skills, the Sith cut his thrusters allowing his snubfighter to fall lifelessly to the ground. The z-95 which was flanking Snack shot above and infront of him. Pulling the trigger type thing on his controls, Snack fired what ammo he could, alowing the Force to take control of the energy bolts, guiding them to impact on that z-95.*

Poreon, I want you to stay up in the air for some time once you kill that last fighter, keep track on any who try to leave here. This little squadron threat ends now.

*Snack closed his eyes. He noticed that #2 had just shot down one more. Come here, number two. Using the mind control he had on him, Snack made this skill fighter fly to the downing X-wing. Snack then cut off his control of the person, and pressed the eject ignition, sending the Sith Knight into the air. The X-wing and z-95 headed for a head on collision. The pilot did not realize until it was too late. His reward for helping the two Sith was not to suffer.

The Knight reached the zenith of his climb, then began falling. With gravity pulling him down, his acceleration increased rapidly. Then it suddenly jerked to a stop. When his one time apprentice, Darth Horus, had made his X-wing in the construction yards of Cayss, Snack made sure Horus implimented some extra stuff. The ejection and the parachuette on the seat just to name a few.

*Slowly, the seat comtaining Snack fluttered to the ground. The wind had pushed him to juct outside the Spaceport complex, near the main enterance. When he landed, Snack stood. His usual black clothing covering him from neck to foot. He reached for his commlink, and opened up the channel to Lordess Dalethria.*

Hey Lordess. Snack reporting in. A squadron of z-95's held my apprentice and myself up, and cost me my X-wing, but they are done away with. Poreon is up flying around making sure no one leaves by ship. I'm about to enter the port right now and take over. Shouldn't be too long now. Snack out.

*He put his commlink back away and walked calmly into the spoace port.*

Jul 7th, 2001, 06:10:55 PM
Poreon swept his Defender by the falling X-Wing to make sure his master would arrive at a safe landing. Seeing his Master begin hisf all, Poreon fired harmless laser blasts around him to deter any attackers at the present moment.

Once his master was safe, Poreon looped around the spaceport, his eyes watching for any escaping ships... Hopefully the Z-95 demonstration would deter people from escaping or attacking.

Vega Van Derveld
Jul 8th, 2001, 05:13:17 AM
We're needed now, to be honest, but we do need some transport, so a little killing will help, eh? he said beginning to head off through the frenzied parting crowds.

Gitane followed a little behind as the two made there way past the security of the area with great ease, rebounding any assaults with a simple flick of the saber.

I believe we shall have these he said, stepping up to three men standing on the corner of one block of housing. They stood by 3 speeder bikes looking rather ominous to anyone who passed by.

"It's those freaks!" one yelled, followed by another launching a punch at Vegas chest. Simply catching it with his free hand, the Sith Knight twisted the mans arm with a gut-wrenching crack, kicking him to the side. The other two, now aware of who was in control, pressed themselves against the wall, their speeders free.

Ah. How kind of you.

With a clean swipe Vega drew Seraphim across the mens chests. He always thought that a slow death was much more entertaining and always gave the public a chance to see his handywork.

Now then, if you don't mind, he said, swinging himself up onto one of the speeders, .. we have to be going, gentlemen.

Admiral Jyener
Jul 8th, 2001, 12:02:03 PM
His eyes nearly shut, Jyener looked down from his gaze at the stars and nodded to both Talth and Athena. He had detected their footsteps from at least 20 yards aways, but decided to keep to himself. His transponder clipped back on his belt and one hand resting on the hilt of his lightsaber, he looked as if he had no worries or care for the destruction taking place all around the planet.

"This place looks empty. Let's clear things up here, and then head over to the food outlet for a snack. One of us can rid the spaceport of any inhabitants, while the other two split up and secure any surrounding streets and passageways," he paused, "unless you guys already have a plan.."

Athena Lady Darknss
Jul 8th, 2001, 04:39:35 PM
:: looks at the Admiral and nods thinking the plan is fine. then she looks at Talth. ::

" thats up to you, just tell me what ya need and i shall do it. "

Jul 8th, 2001, 04:55:37 PM
Poreon's eyes wandered across his air scanners to his ground scanners. The constant beep on his Radar increased to 100 bpm, 70 over normal. He looked down at his scanners and then out at the horizon.

"Master... scanners are showing a large mass of mixed human aliens on the western horizion about a kilometer away. I can't pull up definites on the scanners, but from using the Force, I can hear atleast a hundred distinct voices, four different species for sure. And a definite that atleast half a dozen are wearing stormtrooper armor. Shall I make a fly by?"

Sumor Rayial
Jul 8th, 2001, 05:03:58 PM
**The skimmer slowed as it reached the shore. Silently he signaled for the engineers to stay with the skimmer and the troopers to follow him.

Silently moving through the brush Sumor and the troopers moved in on a small concrete building with some unusual peices of equipment sitting on the top. Spotting a radio antena in the midst of the other objects Sumor signaled for one of the troopers to move to disable it as the rest of the team moved in.

Slipping to the side of the building Sumor led the troopers around to the door of the building. With a few quick hand signals Sumor told the rest of the troopers what he wanted them to do. Moving right in front of the door Sumor drew his desert eagle and pulled back the hammer. With one solid kick the door flew open and Sumor and the troopers flooded into the room, panning the room with his pistol in front of him Sumor hardly made a second thought as he pulled the trigger. A crack filled the room and a body fell to the floor. The sounds of another two pulse rifle shots filled the air and Sumor turned to see that his troopers had dropped another two occupants of the room.

While the troopers dragged the three bodies out of the building, and the engineers began their survey of the island, Sumor searched the building. It looked to be a research facility of some type. Keying in a few commands Sumor found that the facility was connected to an underwater research lab deep in the ocean near the main island of Zra.

Keying the TSE encrypted communications radio Sumor sent a short burst message to Dara so that she could delogate someone to check out the facility.

<font color=red>Underwater facility found, coordinates to follow, good hunting. Sumor</font>

The coordinates of the facility followed the message a few seconds later.

Stepping back outside Sumor went in search of the head engineer. It was time to get back onto his mission objectives.**

Darth Snack
Jul 8th, 2001, 06:49:21 PM
* Copy that. Sure take a ride out see what you can see. Maybe even rain some of laser fire down on them. Probably just some locals wanting to evacuate. Carry on.

Snack sent his message to Poreon through the Force. Upon entering the facility, the Knight looked around. Humans and humaniods and different species littered the compound, not entirely sure of what to make of the sky battle they had just heard and witnessed. Walking up to one of them by the enterence, Snack asked a question.*

Where's the main operations room here?

*Random Humaniod* "[I don't know]"

Not a the answer I was looking for.

*Random Humanoid* "[Not my problem now is it?]"

Or so you think.

*Snack's left hand jumped up and closed around the humanoid's neck. The force of his attack slammed the alien creature hard up against the wall. He squeezed, applying more pressure with each passing second. The closing and breaking of the alien's neck was heard with a snap, causing a few of the onlookers to look in their direction yet paying no heed for it.

Releasing the creature's neck, Snack walked away. The form fell to the floor limply, dead at the hands of Snack. If the Sith Knight could not get anyone to tell him where it is, then he'd have to find it himself.*

Darth Varlon
Jul 9th, 2001, 01:20:02 AM


Lady Razielle
Jul 9th, 2001, 01:37:52 AM
The pickings were slim on the island that night. Razielle made quick work of a few workers comming home late, and a few stragglers on their way home from a night out. She prowled for a while longer but didn't see any other activity on the streets. She made her way back to the larger homes and looked around for her comrades.

She saw one of them enter a large, mansion style home and she follwed through a low window. Her feet silent as she crept along the halls.

Jul 9th, 2001, 02:11:32 AM

*Bi0 and Kaine walk into the commincations depot...all that is seen is a hallway*

(Isn't guarded....guess they didn't expect a invasion)

*Bi0 looks up to notice an air duct*

(That might work....won't be noticed by the guards)

*Bi0 turned back to Kaine*

"Sir Kaine, it might be wise to split up....you follow the main hallway and I'll take the air duct....It's only big enough for one and stealth is one of my forte's".

*Without another word, Bi0 jumped up and smashed right though the air duct mesh. Once inside, Bi0 crawled though the air ducts in hopes of getting to the main room faster*

(Sir Kaine can fed for himself....he doesn't need any help....besides, Lady Sapphire will join him shortly....)

*Bi0 continued to crawl through the air duct quietly....as not to alert the guards of his presence...Bi0 began to notice how dark the air ducts were*

(One is always prepared)

*Bi0 tapped a button on his helmet and his vision was turned to night vision...Bi0 could see the never ending hall of the air ducts and could see it perfectly*

(Much better....now to the main room....if I can find it)

*Bi0 once again continued his quiet crawl though the air ducts*

Jul 9th, 2001, 04:59:37 PM
'Eh, Master... I don't think this is some evacuation. There are hundred and eleven people here, all carrying some sort of weapon. Mostly vibro staffs and hold out blasters... by the looks of it mostly SoroSuub blasters. What's this eh? Seems the seven wearing stormie outfitt's have thermal detonators with them, two each. 'n, they are carrying a huge briefcase. It's a uh...'

Poreon cycled through his limited weapons knowledge.

'It's an E-Web! Master, they are still about 800 Meters away from you. I'm gonna go to ground and kill them the hard way.'

Poreon passed over the people and landed in a small dirt patch 100 meters away from the lingering members of the mob.

Darth Varlon
Jul 9th, 2001, 06:37:32 PM
The clock was ticking down quick as the small elitist force of sith made their way through the city towards the commercial district. Nightfall would only last another few hours to cover their operations as they assaulted the rather prominent black market that fed off the mainstream markets. Var blinked as a half-dozen merchants surrounded him and his team offering weapons at various ‘discount’ prices, obviously noticing they were armed rather heavily for a group of six. With a swift punch, Var sent the first to the ground with a snarl before turning to the other five merchants.

“I would quickly advise the rest of your fellow competitors to swear their allegiances over to The Sith Empire before things get bloody.” He said simply, drawing one of his blasters and aiming it at the recovering man. “You have five seconds or he dies.”

It seemed that these merchants weren’t stupid, seeing as they quickly fled. But a moment later that wasn’t quite the situation as a blaster bolt sprung past, grazing one of the disciples on the shoulder, who turned and quite gracefully gunned down the sniper in a single shot. Without hesitation, the others broke up into two-man teams, Var’s teammate already drawing his second blaster while he prepped a thermal detonator before both seeking cover. It didn’t take the black market’s own militia long to fill the area with cover fire from three strategically placed E-web heavy repeating blasters.

With a mutter, Var rose over his cover and threw the grenade into the crowd of onrushing soldiers whom noticed a moment too late as the detonator went off, scattering most while three unfortunates were turned to nothing more than a mist of blood and scattered body parts. His teammate then rose and gunned down another two of the militia soldiers with his blasters before both ducked down to avoid return fire.

“This is going to be a lot damn harder than I thought…” Var muttered to himself as the whine of blasters traded from the various teams and the militia in the background.

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Jul 10th, 2001, 12:11:40 AM
Dalethria said nothing to Sieken ... she could feel through the Force that he laid waste to the four peasants. Her attention was focused elsewhere. His words were lost as her thoughts were consumed by what she was looking at.

The Parliment building.

"Damn bastard," was muttered under her breath as she sprinted full out to the front doors. Even before she reached them, the doors were ripped off their hinges and plastered against the wall as Dalethria ran into the building.

A fist through the head of one unfortunate soul only increased her fervor for blood as she reached out to find the one known as Mosh Barris ....

Jul 10th, 2001, 05:19:48 AM
(Is there no end to this everending air ducts?)

*Bi0 had winded his away through a great many corridors...he made a few wrong turns and ended up going in a circle once....but it paid off as Bi0 notices some light up ahead of him*

(Finally, a way out....)

*Bi0 crawled to it to see that a grate was in front of him but, the outside could still be seen*

(How far did I crawl?)

*To Bi0's surprise, he was in a very tiny room....a small light bulb was hanging from the ceiling. Bi0 looks down as far as he could and saw it was a janiators room*

(Of all places....)

*Bi0 slowly opened the grate and dropped it to the floor gently as not to attact attention. Bi0 then crawled out of the air ducts and dropped to the floor*

(Glad to be out of there....these air ducts are not like the ones seen on those Trade Federation Ships)

*Bi0 popped his neck and back and walked to the door when Bi0 could hear some buttons being pressed...someone was going to open the door to the room he was in*


Darth Varlon
Jul 10th, 2001, 01:04:20 PM
With a sudden staccato explosion, the triplet of E-Web sniper positions went up in smoke, blood, and body parts as the other two teams converged on the bulk of the militia, each carrying two rifles which were spitting red death. Jumping over the crates that he and his partner were using, Var leaped into the fray with his scythe in both hands, igniting it and carving one of the men down the centre before he brought the scythe around to bisect another. Before he could rip through a third, the man found a blaster hole in his forehead. Turning, Var saw his partner holding a smoking blaster with an emotionless expression.

Within moments of the opening shots of the firefight, it had ended with one disciple wounded and all the militia gunned down… or in pieces. With a nod, he and his squad began looting some extra arms for the next phase of the assault, the communications array at the heart of the city. Loading what arms they could onto a speeder, the squad of Sith set out to strike at their next target, but not before reporting in that the Garqi black market defenses had been neutralized and its position.

Jul 10th, 2001, 10:58:28 PM
::Saphire got up and walks softly towards the communications depot knowing they would be already trying to get in. She sneaks around the netrance they forged and tiptoes around silently, hiding in shadows to check her position and stance. She sees Kiane and nods, appearing beside him silently and smiles as he looks at her::

I made it

::Her blaster in hand and weapons at ready she looks around for fools and follows Kaine::

Kaine Darklighter
Jul 11th, 2001, 03:18:27 AM
The Fallen Jedi silently walked down the mainhall of the communications center, and was quite surprised that there hadn't been a person in sight as of yet. The main-hall went on for what seemed to be several miles, and Kaine just kept walking and walking. It was like an endless pit, except that the hole wasn't going down, and there was light all the way through. He turned one of the corners, then stopped.

Oh here we go .. He'll tell me where to go.

Kaine managed to get a smile on his face, and he walked up to a man that seemed to be guarding a certain room.

“Well hello there.” He said, once he got close enough to the guard.

"Hello. State your business here." The guard replied, his face staying an emotionless mask. Kaine grinned at the guard,
before answering.

“Can you tell me where the main communications room is? I have to get a message there.”

"I'll need to see some security clearance."

The guard didn't seem to like people he didn't know. His face was still an emotionless mask, staring up at Kaine.

“But I dont have any clearance. I have orders from the Grand Moff.”

"I'm sorry sir, but I need to se--"

“Oh shut up.”

In a swift movement, Kaine raised up both hands, latching onto the mans head. Before the guard even had enough time to scream, he twisted with great force. A sickening crunch was let out as the guard's neck snapped in two, which also instantly killed him. He heard someone walking towards him, and turned around, only to see a familiar face.

"I made it." said Saph.

He noticed her look at the dead body, and he grinned.

“He wouldn't let me through.”

Turning back around, he drew a blaster, and held it firmly. Kaine and Saph moved to either side of the door, and he nodded to her. Pressing a button, the door whooshed open, and Kaine jumped out to infront of the door, his blaster pointed at... nobody. It was just another hall, that seemed endless.

There was a sign on the wall, which pointed down the wall, and it said:

<font color="ff0000" size="3" face="tahoma"> Main Communications Room </font>

Kaine smiled slightly to Saph, and they continued down the hall.

Jul 11th, 2001, 06:08:01 AM
*The janiators door creeped open and a guard popped his head in*

"No one in here....".

"Who'd be in there you moron?"

*Bi0 had wedged himself between the two small walls just before the door opened. From what he heard, their were two guards outside...Bi0 was glad that the lightbulb was lower then he was or his shadow would appear on the floor*

"You never know....who knows what....what the?"


"This grate for the air duct is on the floor"

(Damn....I should have placed it back....oh well, I needed to kill some guards anyway...)

"Come here man! Help me get this grate back on!"

*The second guard walked to the doorway*

"It's probably one of those dumb vermin around here..."

"Just shut up and help me get it back in!"

"Fine, fine".

*The second guard walked in a gave the other guard and lift up to the air duct where Bi0 had jumped from. Bi0 grinned*

(There guard is totally down...time for two kills)

*Bi0 jumped down from the two small walls he was placed in and landed quietly...the two guards still don't know he's behind them*

"Can one of you gentlemen tell me where the Commincations Main Room is?"

*Totally surprised the second guard who was lifting the first guard, freaked out and dropped the first guard. He was going to fall on Bi0 when he quickly retracted his talons and impaled him as he fell...the 2nd guard was about to yell when Bi0 grabbed his head and slammed him against the back wall. Bi0 let go of the his head as the blood trailed down the wall. Bi0 also pulled the 1st guard off of his talon and left the two body's there. He exited out of the janators room and began wiping his talon with a peice of shirt he torn off one of the guards*

(Very weird scenario....two guards inspecting a janitors room....they must have been green horns)

*Bi0 began walking down the quiet hallway and switched on his com link with Kaine*

<html>Sir Kaine, you there? Have you made any progress on your end?</html>

Kaine Darklighter
Jul 11th, 2001, 12:59:22 PM
Kaine almost instantly stopped walking, as he heard a crackling over his com-link. Immediatly after, a familiar voice came through.

"Sir Kaine, you there? Have you made any progress on your end?"

“I'm here, Bi0. We know where the Main Communications Room is, and we're heading there now. Try and find your way to us, we'll be waiting so we can all strike at once.”

Kaine tapped his com-link twice, signifying that he was out of the conversation with his fellow sith.

Jul 11th, 2001, 01:55:49 PM
*Bi0 heard the two clicks and stopped to think*

(Try to find them?....I don't even know what floor I'm on...)

*Bi0 resumed his run down the hall*

(Try to find them.....I left Sir Kaine at the bottom floor I'll have to go back down there but how can I that's going to take some time)

*Bi0 continued his run and headed toward the fire escape stairs...he quickly ran though the door and headed downward to the bottom, while running, Bi0 turned on his com link and called Kaine*

<html>Sir Kaine, where are you exactly?</html>

Jul 11th, 2001, 10:15:40 PM
Poreon grasped onto the TIE Defenders latch and propped it open with his only hand. He jumped the meter from the cockpit to the ground. Holding his ignited, black lightsaber, Poreon walked calmly to the back of the mob. He was not afraid of regular people like he was afraid of Jedi. He wouldn't fall apart in fear like he did with the Jedi.

With his eyes alit with fire, he swooped his lightsaber through the torso of a Rodian and then used the Force to snap the neck of an unsuspecting Diamalan.

Jul 12th, 2001, 04:00:18 AM
:;She walks onto the guard room, near the main control roomand notices two people in it, one drifting off. She smiles at them and smiles even cheekier as they look at her weapon, suddenly coming to attention::

Well, I see your awake, sleeping on the job eh?

*she smiles as they attack and lets Kaine have one person as she concentrates on the younger guy with the messy black hair*

*she lets him take her by the throat and puts her small blaster at his chest, the shock on his face well worth it as she shoots and lets blood fly everywhere. Looking she sees kaine had done his part and she sat down on a blood stained chair*

Lets wait for Bio to contact you again.

Admiral Jyener
Jul 12th, 2001, 12:38:14 PM
Talth and Athena had set off to secure the surrounding neighborhood of streets, while Jyener crept down the rusty stairs on the outside of the spaceport, leading from the rooftop to the third floor. As he neared the doorway, he overheard a quiet conversation from inside the building. He must've been near an office, the perfect place for someone wanting to keep things concealed. Guess they hadn't done a good job at doing so. Leaning his head up against the cold steel wall, he started to listen in on the conversation.

"No... Taking off at any time would alert them of our presence. We just need to find a safe hiding place until they leave."

"What are you crazy? Just sit here waiting to die?"

"Surely you don't expect them to stay here much longer..! Someone is bound to come to our rescue."




The noise came without warning, and it had caused the two men to stop talking. Meanwhile Jyener attempted to tap into their thoughts through the force. He had to find out what was going on. But instead..

"Attention residents of Caran. This is reporter Salma Jax of News Channel 12. As you may know the planet Garqi is in a state of emergency, however you are asked to not panic. We are being told that help is on the way from neighboring systems."

The calmer man spoke up, "Ha! See? We just need to hide and wait around until they come in and blast these punks away."

"There have been few sightings of these night creatures, yet one local shopowner has been kind enough to give us a description. Mr. Dodger claims that they are nearly impossible to sight. According to him they 'creep through the night and attack when you least expect it'."

Again, one of the man interrupted the newscast, this time the paranoid one, "Yeah, like I'm going to wait around for them to just eat me up. I'm taking my transport and splitting! At least I'll have a chance!"

Heh, heh.. We'll see about that little man..

Vega Van Derveld
Jul 13th, 2001, 04:22:36 AM
The two shot across the area like a plague, sending people jumping to the side as the two Sith seemingly didn't even see them. Dust from the city streets kicked up into the air into the eyes of on lookers, obscuring their vision of the caped blurs as they passedby.

"This is Brenton Darschwood of the Garqi national news reporting from the Docks of Zra. The president has just now issued a statement to say that everyone should remain calm and that these invaders that have appeared on the planet will cause no more harm and destruction as the planets defense forces have been se- ARRRGH!"

The camera shook up an down, focusing in on the yellow beam that had shot through the reporters chest. It dissapeared, allowing the body of Darschwood to drop to the ground revealing the culprit.

Never believe anything you see on the news, kids laughed Vega, starting up the speeder again to shoot off after Gitane.


It was mere minutes before the two pulled into the Docks of the city, the meeting point. Speaking via the force Vega gave a signal to let his presence be unmasked, knowing his Master would pick it up.

Dara Shadowtide
Jul 13th, 2001, 05:11:37 AM
:: While Gryfon was patrolling the perimeter of the docks, Dara had found her way into the communications booth on the dock and had tuned in on the incoming reports of the invasion on the holonet station GNN. She smiled as this was almost as good as getting reports from the teams themselves.

She saw live footage of explosions near the Arel Spaceport and thought she caught a glimpse of Snack's X-wing and Poreon's TIE Defender mowing down some local ships. The next camera angle showed a beautiful young woman wearing a tiarra leaving the Ocean Rare and Precious Jewelry Shop just before it exploded. Dara laughed as she recognized the woman as her comrade Razielle.

Just then, the broadcast seemed to be interrupted as the reporter fell lifeless to the ground. A very familiar face appeared in the camera as Vega revealed a newfound career calling. Dara had to put her hand over her mouth so as not to draw attention to herself from laughing so hard. The station broadcast suddenly cut off and Dara found herself receiving an incoming transmission from her husband, Sumor ::

<font color=red>Underwater facility found, coordinates to follow, good hunting. Sumor</font>

:: Dara smiled and locked in the coordinates of the underwater facility and then headed out of the communications booth to brief Gryfon on the updates. On her way there, she received another transmission on the encrypted TSE channel from her apprentice, DarkLordKhan, who was within orbit of Garqi awaiting instructions. Dara opened a channel to him on her comlink ::

"Greetings, my apprentice. You are just in time to join us on the last phase of our team's mission objectives. I am sending you the coordinates now. We await your rendezvous on the docks. Dara out."

Admiral Jyener
Jul 13th, 2001, 10:15:15 AM
Tip-toeing along the steel deck at the bottom of the stairway, Jyener made a good attempt at sneaking in. When finally getting to the paint-stripped door, he twisted the knob and pushed the door open slowly.


The two confering men inside looked up from the television set. Meanwhile Jyener ignored the door's noise and moved on until he came upon a room right next to the exit he had come through. Two large window panels came before the door at the other end, shudders closed but with some visible light slipping through. Quickly walking past them, he stood in front of the door waiting. Suddenly it swung inward and one of the men appeared. He was tall and skinny, pale, and had a long moustache with both ends twirled down.



Within a split second Jyener had his lightsaber handle in his hand and ignited. The silver blade grew to life with a snap that startled the confused man. Pointed down at the floor, he swung the illuminating blade in a diagonal upwards slash, ripping the man in half through his torso. With swiftness he kicked the split man to the ground and lept foward into the office. Terrified after witnessing his friend's brutal death, the second man fell to his knees in an uproar of religious begs and chants. No sooner after, his head fell to the floor in a bloody mess. Rolling under a desk, his head turned ghostly white and his eyes seemed to just stare into oblivion. It gave Jyener a chill, but he knew he would get used to it in time.

Walking towards the TV to turn it off, he noticed a new figure had replaced the lady he had heard from outside.


Giving the screen a quick salute before he turned it off, he made his way out. The corpse blocked the doorway, but instead of kicking it out of his way, Jyener picked up the upperhalf of the man by his hair and brought up his already ignited lightsaber. Holding the body arm's distance away, he took the blade of his lightsaber and burned a big "J" into its stomach. Grinning, he dropped the dead body and continued walking along the metal rafter to find more prey.

Kaine Darklighter
Jul 13th, 2001, 10:28:33 AM
"Sir Kaine, where are you?"

“I think we're on the second floor, Bi0. Just follow the dead bodies.” He chuckled.

Turning around, he faced Saph.

“We have to wait here for Bi0. When somebody comes, we'll hide up close to the walls, then take them as they walk past. We cant be discovered yet.”

He let out a small sigh, then tapped his comm, iniating the conversation with Bi0 again.

“Try and find us by sensing us. You might find us faster.”

Jul 13th, 2001, 12:51:02 PM
:: Khan flew his Modified QX-9 Manta "Dragunov" to the planet's main island of Zra. From there, he cruised in the clouds, looking for the port. Finding it, he flies downward, and finds a good spot. After landing he jumps out of the cockpit, and sees a local man who was hiding walking toward the Sith Disciple ::

Man:"Please sir, are you here to help us??"

:: Khan removes a hilt from his belt, and puts one end against the man's chest, the other pointed away. After running his thumb over the small button, two Glaive blades snap out of the ends, spraying the air around Khan with a bloody mist.


Removing the dead local from his blade, Khan starts walking toward his master, who he sees talking to Gryfon in the communications booth ::

Darth Snack
Jul 13th, 2001, 11:38:09 PM
*Ironicallly, the Darkness showed Snack the light. The growing evilness which he felt within his apprentice as he killed off one after another filled the Force with this darkness which Snack needed. Using this newfound power source, The operations room within the spaceport was easy enough to find.

Bursting through the door, the Sith Knight looked around at the startled and puzzled occupants.*

"What are you doing here?"

Taking this place over.

"Like hell you are."

You could say that.

*Smirking, Snack reach out with the darkness and caught ahold of the man's trachea. Snack began crushing it, forcing the air and oxygen out of his systems. As the other watched on as thier boss, as Snack guessed collapsed to the floor due to his crushed windpipe, he spoke again.*

Now, unless you all want to join the fate of that carcass, then I suggest you do as I say. Create a perimeter around this spaceport. No one enters; no one leaves. No ship enters; no ships leave. If any try to enter or leave, I want you to shoot them down. Kill them. If you do not do as I ask, I will kill with my own hands. If your lucky, with my saber.

*No one said a word. The officers were shaking, not knowing what exactly to do. Apparently intimidated and full of fear. Good. Yet Snack did not like their hesitation. He unclipped one half of his orange bladed double saber and ignited it. SWiftly, he walked over to one of the guys and impaled him through his heart. With an evil glint in his eyes, Snack looked back at the rest of them.*

Now! And make sure you report to me directly when the this port has been secured.

*They didn't need a third warning. The fear which he had felt emenating from each and every one of them told him that they would do as they were told. Within five minutes, the Arel Spaceport would be under TSE law.*

Poreon, make sure none of the mob which you spoke of get near this establishment. Copy that?

*Snack hopped into the comfy office chair the boss owned. Roling it close to the meeting table, Snack plopped his feet up onto the table and awaited the reports from his captives.*

Jul 14th, 2001, 12:03:06 AM
The killing was automatic in Poreon's mind. Each life did not register more than a second of a thought in Poreon's mind. A slice, a burning hole, a bone crushing punch; it did not matter to Poreon.

'Poreon, make sure none of the mob which you spoke of get near this establishment. Copy that?'

Poreon responded by sending a tremor of death through the Force. He lobbed a Thermal Detonator into the heart of the crowd. Blinding light came first, followed by torn shreads of bloody skin.

'Master, I am coming.'

Poreon eyed a bloddy speeder bike, for the most part intact. He threw the torso stump of a stormie away with the Force. He threw the speed levers foward, beginning a bumpy ride on the speeder missing its Stabilizer.

"You there. There is no admittance allowed into here." A nervous looking civilian said.

"Stop me." Poreon glared his teeth and raised his only hand with his lightsaber in it. The civilian, obviously fearing for his life on both sides picked up a comlink. He turned his back to Poreon, visibly showing his pride at thinking the warrior could not hear his conversation. He turned back around, looking uneasy.

"He said you may pass." Another look of smugness came over the civilian's face.

"You fool." Poreon proceeded to sever the civilian's neck with his lightsaber. Poreon searched for Snack's presence, and easily found it. He followed the "beacon'" of the presence.

"Hello Master." Poreon said as he entered the room where his master rested.

"I trust the guards gave you no trouble?"

"He was a liar, now no more."

Jul 14th, 2001, 12:40:52 AM
"Copy that Sir Kaine"...

*Bi0 continued his running down the fire escape stairs...he was on the third floor*

(Good....one more cycle and It's 2nd floor)

*Bi0 reached the 2nd floor and opened the door..Peeking out slowly, Bi0 noticed a body next to the floor...he looked farther to find even more bodies*

(I believe I'm on the right track)

*Bi0 continue his run walking past the bodies and getting blood on his feet...Bi0 concentrated while running and found Kaine and Sapphire*

(Good....there they are!)

*Bi0 rounded the corner and stopped in his tracks and leaned against the wall*

(Sounds like voices....)

*Bi0 peeked around the corner to see about 4 guards hiding behind a wall*

Guard 1: "Damn those two Sith's...they've taken out the guards here!" "Will have to take them out now!"

Guard 3: "Maybe if we attack them as one, we can win"

Guard 4: "Sounds good, those Sith's are going to get it!"

Guard 2: "Oh yeah"

"Not if I have a say in it..."

*The 4 guards are turned around to see Bi0 holding his doublesaber with both ends lited*

Guard 3: "There's a third one?!"

Guard 1: "Kill it!"

*Bi0 began spinning his double saber just before the blaster shots got to him...they deflected and hit the wall, ceiling and floor, leaving black burn stains on them*

(No time for one on one....)

*Bi0, pushed forward into a rush and headed right at the guards, still spinning his saber*

Guard 1: "Oh no! It's going to kill usssss!"

*Before they could run, Bi0 cut into all of them. There arms, legs, torso's, and heads were all cut into peices. Kaine and Sapphire finally heard the screams and turned to there left, to see the walls rather red. Before they could check it out, Bi0 rounded the corner, his saber handle was drenched in the guard's blood as was his entire body. Bi0 walked up to them, leaving behind a trail of bloody footprints and dripping blood. Bi0 stood a few feet away from them as not to get blood on them*

"Glad you caught up with us Lady Sapphire...I'd shake your hand but, I'm not exactly descend right now".

*Bi0 turned to Kaine*

"Glad to see you again Sir Kaine....I see you've had your share of fun as well".

*Bi0 wiped his mask with his hand but it did no good since he had blood all over him...he shurged*

"So, ready to tackle the Main Room?"

Dara Shadowtide
Jul 14th, 2001, 06:27:51 AM
:: Dara sensed the force signature of her apprentice and new holonet GNN star, Sith Knight Vega Van Derveld approaching from the south. She also noted another familiar presence with him but could not place it. The Lordess then detected her new apprentice DarkLordKhan on the docks as well. With a smile she walked to greet each of them and saw that it was Gitane Blesse that was with Vega and nodded to her ::

"Hello all. It is indeed a glorious day for the Empire as we increase our holdings in the galaxy. I understand your missions went well so far and we now have one final objective. I have secured a vessel and some diving equipment. Sumor has provided me with the exact coordinates so we should be there in no time. Follow me and we shall depart."

:: The team followed Mission Commander Dara Shadowtide Rayial to the far side of the docks where they boarded an Amphibion Water Assault Vehicle. Moving to the command cabin, Dara ignited the triple hover drive engines and as they hummed slowly to life she activated the micro hover engines as well. She smiled as Vega found his way up to the gun turret controls, as he was always one to be prepared to blow up things on the spur of a moment.

Dara navigated the ship out to the prescribed coordinates and then handed diving gear to each team member. One by one they dived into the cold water and swam with force enhanced speed to the underground entrance. They followed Dara in a single file line down a long tunnel which opened up into an indoor pool area where they surfaced and climbed up a ladder, being careful to stow their gear out of sight.

Walking down the large corridor, they found that the doors to each security sector were already propped open. Dara smiled and as she led them through the last large door, it opened up into a research lab area. The white marble floors reflected the water from the right wall which was covered with aquariums. Various plant and sealife was contained within and datapads hung on the sides of the glass, tracking the activity within.

Continuing to survey the lab, Dara saw an open area straight ahead with assorted workstation areas, and then finally a large ebony glass wall to the left which seemed to conceal another area of the lab. Nodding to the team members she spoke quietly ::

"Let's split up and find what we can. Rendezvous in 30 minutes. Be sure to grab anything that looks as if it could benefit the R&D labs of the Empire. Now, go."

:: Dara watched Gryfon and Khan take off to the right, as Vega and Gitane moved toward the ebony glass wall. Dara moved straight ahead into a large open space. A small circular platform stood empty and Dara moved closer to see what might have been there. As she walked up the stairs to the platform, she bumped into something. It was very odd in that whatever it was she hit, she sure couldn't see it. She placed her hands on the invisible hard surface and traced all around the oblong shape which felt similar to a small vehicle of some sort.

Looking around, she spotted a console desk and walked over to investigate. A datapad showing a small sea vessel laid in plain sight next to some controls. She picked up the datapad and as it scraped across a series of buttons, the same sea vessel she saw on the datapad shimmered to sight on the platform. An underwater cloaking device.. brilliant.

The Sith Lordess grabbed the notes and datapad, and quickly stored them in her waterproof backpack. Studying the workstations, she moved to them in succession and found a sonar detector console screen. There were a series of codes equated to durations and frequencies of sonar waves that the scientists must have been testing for covert underwater communications technology. Dara smiled and stored all that information in her waterproof backpack as well. Just then, a loud noise echoed in the lab chamber as all the doors slammed shut ::

Jul 14th, 2001, 07:43:48 AM
::Saphire smiles and nods in respect::

Im more than ready.

::She gets out the small blaster and hooks it onto her belt again. She also looks at the dead guards, lives wasted from pure stupidity. Oh well, many lives are wasted over foolishness and stupidity::

Yes, im far more than ready.

Darth Snack
Jul 14th, 2001, 05:32:07 PM
Well done, Poreon. Now we wait for those reports.

*Snack smiled. Poreon had proven himself a great asset to The Sith Empire and Snack was pleased. Only one thing now Snack wanted to know while they waited: Poreon's fight with the Jedi. But that would have to wait until some other time. Rushing through the doors was one of the millitary officers in charge of the spaceport. Snack, having killed the boss, guessed that this one took over.*

"We are now fortified. No one will enter or leave unless strictly authorized by you."


*The Sith smiled, taking his gaze off of the officer and back to Poreon as he took out and keyed on his comlink to Dalethria.*

The Lordess will be quite pleased.

Lordess Dalethria, this is Snack. Just reporting in to say that the spaceport is now under our control. Poreon and myself will now focus on the University... it shouldn't be that far. Snack out.

Well, let's get to it.

Jul 14th, 2001, 06:17:54 PM
"I will follow Master."

As the two began walking, Poreon probed his Master's mind. His master was curious as to how the duel went on Bespin. Poreon raised his only hand to give a synopsis of the duel.

"I failed, master." Poreon lowered his head to stare at his feet, unwanting of the Master's reprimands.

Darth Varlon
Jul 14th, 2001, 06:34:01 PM
“Var, we’re approaching the checkpoint.” One of the disciples said as the familiar whine of blaster fire started up again, this time a pair of the disciples using their sabres to deflect the beams to keep the explosive-laden speeder from taking a critical strike.

“Keep on target,” He said and looked at two of the disciples. “Norris, Zeke, lets show them how it’s done.”

Var and the two disciples took up positions on the speeders in which at least one could cover another and started to fire away as the speeder crashed through the checkpoint barrier, the whine of blaster fire becoming a constant hum as the speeder shot by. One of the other disciples suddenly climbed onto the roof of the speeder, toting a bazooka, and shot back at the checkpoint. A moment later, it went up with a brilliant explosion and a shockwave that rocked the speeder slightly.

Turning around the disciple shot at the comm. tower and frowned when the warhead failed to damage the building. To the side, Var cursed and nearly fell off the speeder as it wheeled around to face the building.

“The rest of you, get the hell out of here. I’m going on a suicide run.” Kerry shouted over the constant whine of blaster fire as Norris and Zeke attempted to damage the building with their rifles. “You guys got a minute to get the hell off before it’ll be too late to.”

“You hear him, lets go!” Var shouted, watching as the others jumped off and scattered to avoid return fire that suddenly sprang up from automated turrets. “Good luck, Kerry.”

Var then leaped off and quickly found shelter, sniping off the turrets like the others and suddenly ducking seconds before the speeder impacted with the building, the blast resembling a star during supernova, and with a shockwave to match.

Gathering the shaken up members of his team, they started their three-kilometre trek towards the vehicle dealership.

Darth Snack
Jul 14th, 2001, 06:35:36 PM
*Snack really did not say anything in reply to Poreon. He knew Poreon was going to fail, that is why he sent him. Letting out a sigh, he picked up his pace, Poreon following suit.

As the two were just about to exit, Snack stumbled to an abrupt hault. He walked over to on of the computer terminals and keyed in of the University.*

"Garqi Agricultural University. Located two miles northwest of the spaceport."

*The Knight hacked into the computer a little more, trying to see if he could dig up an millitary or defensive units which might be stationed there.*

Here we go...

"Defensive Status: Currently under no protection."

Good. Poreon, Don't concentrate on the failure too much, yet instead use it as a fueling source to help you grow in the Darkside. The University is close and unarmed. You lead us there.

Lady Razielle
Jul 14th, 2001, 06:45:46 PM
Razielle crept through the house and sensed her comrade Daegal as he rounded a corner and spotted her. She whispered to him.

"Hey there, I came to see if I could offer you any help, but as I entered this house I sensed something comming from south of here. I think its the Marina. I am going to check it out. I will notify you of the situation."

She nodded to him and then left the house through the window she had entered. She broke off at a run through the night and then slowed creeping silently through the shadows of the Marina.

The smell of mortals, two of them assaulted her senses. The scent came to her from a dimly lighted boathouse. Through the cracked walls she heard their frantic voices discussing the nights activities.

Man's voice: "I don't know how many there are! At least 30 of them!! The blew up the Jewelry shop! I think Sybelle is dead..."

Woman's voice: "Well, we will have to get off the island before they discover us too!"

Razielle smirked at the thought that the three of them had created so much chaos that the residents thought there were 30 of them. She dug her nails into the wooden walls of the boathouse and easily scaled to the roof. She walked to the center of the old and crumbling structure and with a pounce, dropped down to the center of the floor in a crash of wood.

She lands in a graceful and catlike crouch before springing at the man and sinking her teeth into his neck ripping skin away with a spurt of blood. The womans screams pierced her ears and Razielle dropped the man into the water next to the boathouse dock.

Razielle: "Silence.. All will be over soon."

The woman broke off at a run for the doors, Razielle easily overcomming her and spinning her around. She grabbed her by the throat and hauled her off the ground.

"Now see? You had to go and run. I hate that. Now I am going to have to hurt you some...."

The woman's tears of fear soaked down her and over Raz's hands still wrapped around her throat. Raz flung them woman into a boat and kicked a load of crates over ontop of her, pinning the woman's broken and half choked, but still breathing body beneath them.

"Well... Lets see, what to do..."

She looked up at a fueling tank and grinned. She unclipped her saber from her belt, ignited it, and leaped up slashing through the tank. Fumes and fuel spilling out and onto the dock and boats.

Raz waved a hand distastefully in front of her face and then nodded.

"Later lady, it stinks in here..."

As she departed the building she knocked a lantern off the wall setting the entire boathouse aflame. The woman's body and was quickly engulfed in flame. As was the rest of the boathouse. Razielle looked around the rest of the Marina, looking for her next playspot.

Eve Siren
Jul 14th, 2001, 07:10:18 PM
-- Eve ran into the Food Outlet, hiding behind huge shelves of food. Guards have been chasing her for awhile with guns. She took out Thorn (http://www21.brinkster.com/evesiren/Sword.jpg) and leaned against a shelf in the back of the outlet, looking over her shoulder, waiting for a guard to come soon. One of 5 started shooting near her but she jumped up, landing on top of the crumbling shelf and vanished behind another one. The same guard ran to her with a grenade in his hand but she pulled her hand through the shelf and put it into his mouth and dashed between his legs as he fell down and exploded. She jumped up, pulling Thorn into a guard's face. She grabbed the gun, still in his hands and shot without stopping another guard. She grabbed Thorn and disappeared behind another shelf. The two other guards left and checked the other shelves and as one arrived and nearly screamed his partner's name but Eve grabbed his head and cracked his neck. The only guard left panicked. --

"You're all alone ..."

-- Eve came out, standing in front of the exit door. She glanced at her left arm. She grinned, she got shot since the beginning. The guard ran at her, obviously scared but still shot her in the shoulder and her left arm again. As he stopped and the shadows vanished, she stood there, smirking through her helmet. --

"Big mistake, moron."

-- Eve rammed Thorn into the man's shoulder as he yelled out in pain and waited until he was indeed dead, or at least, helpless. --

Sieken Kasstra
Jul 14th, 2001, 08:42:30 PM
:: Sieken saw Dale run into the building, and then he turned to look down the ally which led back along the beach and back along to a shiping dock the supply center, the cold night sky was perfect for a infiltration, his black suit and balaclave was preped and wrapped around himself, he lowerd the Balaclava that only showed his eyes, cocked back the Blaster pin and, shot off jumping over a few benches and down the dark ally,switching on his flash light on hid blaster, he pressed fowrd down the ally::

:: Finaly the ally ended comming out onto the promanard alone the beach, sieken looked left past a few shops and closed stalls and began to run down the beach road that was paralell to the beach running down it as fast as he could barging past the villagers and down toward the dockyards and the supply depot..::

Jul 14th, 2001, 09:36:02 PM
Nonetheless, Poreon still felt dejected and fearful. It was too much to qualm. Just because his Master did not reprimand him now, did not mean their would not be full reprimands after their mission. The failure ate at his soul, slowly tearing it apart. The Fear feasted on his soul, quickly tearing it apart.

"Unarmed, that should be easy." Poreon tried to add enthusiam to his voice, but it was obvious his thoughts were elsewhere. Faintly paying attention to his surroundings, he did not notice the fearful citizens running to and for like they were chickens with their heads cut. One of the citizens collided with the unattentive Poreon, knocking the two down. Poreon lay on the ground, not raising to continue.

His will was lost, lost in the fact that he was a failure. A failure that could not come to terms and proceed. A failure that would be a failure for eternity. His glazed over eyes, like a dead man's, looked up at the blue-green sky.

Something tugged at Poreon. HIs mind flittered slightly, finding that his Master had corralled Poreon with the Force and was pulling him slightly elevated across the ground.

"Master..." Poreon said with a voice losing its fire. "My spirit is broken..."

Jul 15th, 2001, 12:20:57 AM
(blade walks up to a little ways and stands before a mansion still in pain. he walks in to it surprisingly there was no sucurety. he thought to him self how wierd.)

this is wrong where is everyone.

(blade walks into the kitchen area and starts dig through the refregerator. he grabs aqn apple then he continues his true of the house.)

Vega Van Derveld
Jul 15th, 2001, 06:05:55 AM
The two Sith approached the dark wall with curiosity, Vega first to touch it. Running his palm over the smooth surface it reminded him of a tidal weathered pebble, very even yet it seemed to reflect very little light. He began to slowly pace along the length of the wall, realising in his mind that it seemed so much longer than it had done on first glance.

It was almost opaque, but left room for a tiny amount of vision through to what it was hiding. The Sith Knight moved inch by inch closer to the glass, narrowing his eyes, trying to see what mystery was held behind the shield.

For a moment, all that was heard was the noise of someone pushing various buttons upon what Vega imagined would be datapads or the like, but then, something else made a noise. Something more alive.

At first it was simply a low murmur, but it began to grow at a rapid rate. From behind the wall of murk a building moan eventually struck it's crescendo and formed into a full blown roar. If you could call it a roar that is, it was more like a booming yet shrill shriek.

From instinct Vega jumped back from the glass, his arm raising out to the side in a feeble attempt to guard Gitane. From that moment on it was mere seconds before the thud of doors locking down and exits jamming themselves shut alerted the group of Sith to the problem at hand.


Pushing through the glass like it was paper the gigantic being entered the room with a shattering flouish of unceremonial grace - which signalled the regular snap-hiss from all present.

The various coloured beams of the fighters hummed in a volume which seemed pitiful compared to the continous bellow of the creature. Dara, Khan and Gryfon had already joined Gitane and Vega, watching with interest as the 12 foot being moved rigidly from the sea of ebony to launch itself forward.

Dodging to the left Vega flipped into the air, catching glimpse as he did of Gryfon charging at the create. The Disciple skidded to the left of it, swinging his saber violently towards its dark, flakey skinned body. Fear began to show in it's pool like eyes as Khan followed suit, flipping through the air with suprisingly talent as he cleared the being to rebound against the small of its back, thrusting his saber down into the skin to send pools of dark liquid spilling down onto the floor.

Joint attack! called out Vega, moving from his position to begin to run at the (almost) humanoid. A crackle sounded off to his right, causing his to immeadiately duck down, skidding beneath the being as it moved further towards the other Sith, it's huge wing like arms revealing razor sharp tipped fingers which eagerly strained for the blood of Vegas comrades.

Talons of white light began to flicker in the air as the Dark Lordess' eyes faded to a deep black, malevolence oozing from every pour in her body as she rose one hand away from her cyan saber to lift it into the air. The other sith moved away, catching sight of the area behind the insect-humanoid, which seemed partly intact, excepting its holding area.

The white flickers became cerulean and deep magenta tendrils that danced together upon Dara’s finger tips for mere seconds before shooting out to shroud the shrill-shrieking and now suspended by the force life-form. Holding the being in suspension for a minute or so while the other Sith watched with a look of awe and obvious respect, Dara eventually allowed it’s limp body to drop to the ground.

What in Gods name was that mumbled Vega, clambering over the corpse to survey it from a different angle before turning his attention back to the area which was once held behind the dark glass.

Seems we have us hidden … monster creation lab! chuckled Vega. Screens flashed with data on the now – hopefully – deceased being which was, according to the data shown here, infact human.

Bloody hell...!

Darth Snack
Jul 15th, 2001, 12:31:44 PM
*It was not like Poreon to be like this. Yes, he had a bunch of fear.. but Snack never thought it was this bad. But now was not the time to bring this into full swing. The Sith Knight made sure to "drag" his apprentice along. This mission needed to be completed, and Snack wanted it done as soon as possible. Only after Poreon's words of his broken spirit did Snack drop his hold and Poreon along with it. Turning around to face the fallen Sith, Snack looked at him, a rage filling him.*

Like hell you are broken! You have a fear of the Jedi. You fear seeing them, you fear fighting them, you fear their way of life.

*His voice picked up alittle volume, his grasp on the darkside growing.*

I sent you to face a Jedi knowing this full well. I knew you were not going to be able to defeat the Jedi because of that fear. I sent you to face the fear which plagues your mind. To stand up and beat down your fear. You came back from your mission, alittle bruised and beaten. But your alive! You came back from facing your fear, and to me, that is a victory in itself.

*Snack lowered his head, calming his voice a bit*

Being defeated is something that is natural. We all cannot win every fight we are in. Losing in battle, however, should not be looked down upon, for you learn from the mistakes made and grow stronger by not making those mistakes again. So tell me, what did you learn from this fight?

Athena Lady Darknss
Jul 15th, 2001, 01:10:49 PM
:: Athena and Talth had reached an intersection of streets. she took the right as he walked down to the left. As she walked many people had stopped to look at her and some had tried to stop her. she walked and killed various people as she went. but finally a group of planetary enforcement had shown their faces. 5 men dressed in the usuall uniform of Gargi. Athena smiled. Her mind was at easy and fully with in the force. Her saber (one of them) was already hummming. One of the five men attacked. She dropped low and kicked his feet froim under him, he fell back and hit hard on the pavment. Athena stood and sliced his chest from shoulder to shoulder, then looked at the next person.
The next man had thought out his plan. He lowered himself to the street and started a volly of blaster fire at her. with little effort Athena blocked then one of the bolts hit her saber, she moved her saber just enought to get the bounce and hit the man right between the eyes. The thrid and forth man thought to attack together. one from each side of Athena. She smiled then her second saber snapped to life her face glowed now of both a red and violet light. in one single move both where dead. One had attacked with his fist and a blaster butt. Athena swung her saber in a low arc and cut off his knees. As her saber removed his legs he turned and fired his blaster hitting his friend in the shoulder. With the second one distracted Athena threw her saber from her left hand and hit the fifth and final man from this alley way. She looked at the one who was living but hurt from the blaster wound.
Athena kicked the man to the floor.
" Where is the rest of your men? "

The man studdered from fear, " your, your, your...*he pointed at Athena *

Athena: " im a what? "
Guard: " a girl, a girl just kicked our ass. "
Athena: " ooh so what, not like you could fight anyways. "

Athena annoyed now with his comment she didnt wait for him to talk. She took out her sith blade that was a gift from her master. and cut into the mans neck. ::

" And this girl just killed you all. "

Eve Siren
Jul 15th, 2001, 01:27:45 PM
-- Her evil smirk quick disappeared as she removed her bloody sword out of the man's body. Now for explosives ... She looked around as she pulled out mini bombs from her belt and glanced around to discover a sort of freezer. She opened it and spotted fruits. She licked her upper lip ... She has only started eating but a week ago. She took off her helmet and held it under her arm then grabbed an apple. Biting into it without letting go, she heard more guards coming. With the apple still in her mouth, she threw the mini bombs a bit everywhere and exited the outlet from the back. The guards were going to follow her but she pressed the button on her belt and the explosion gave out a horrible sound. A mix of deadly screams and a big horrible kaboom ... Eh, oh well. The Food Outlet was destroyed, mission accomplished .. Least she hoped so.

She ran back to the base, eating the apple on her way to see her Master, holding her helmet and her sword, Thorn. --

"Hehe .."

Sieken Kasstra
Jul 15th, 2001, 01:38:22 PM
:: Sieken got to about 2 miles away from the dockyards where the supply depot was, the moduler cranes stood tall over the mian section to the docks, but, his target was on the other side, the dockyards however would have to be passed and infiltrated to acrally get to the supply outlet but sieken beiang a past NR speceil forces opritive this was his element, infiltration of a base..take the target out, and get out "Hopefully" unseen, BUT this time it wasent just a single man, it was a whole building, something just a little diffrent for sieken, NR missile baots would do the job for him, but this time....him alone had to do it, and the dockyard looked as if them were crawling in guards...::

::Sieken had 2 miles to work out a planes....so he pressed on whithout a utter of a sound::

Jul 15th, 2001, 01:41:56 PM
Talth walked dwon a few streets and then unfruled his wings, leaping intothe sky and flying towards the warehouse.
He landed after several minutes of flyinf and slammed several bolders into the warehouse door with the Force.
He whirled and leaped into the midst of the guards, slashing and whirling. Shortly, the outdoor guards were dead.
He stalked in, masking his presence, and scouted out the warehouse. He lifted a data card that detailed the warehouse and certain points that would be ideal to attack.
Athena, Jyener, take the rest of the island. Im going after this district.
Talth whirled in, igniting both sides of his lightsaber, and dived at the guards. He deflected bolt after bolt, but soon realized they had E-Webs and he coultdnt fight those for long, so he dived forward, sliced the hand off of one guard as the guard fell back screaming, and grabbe a blaster, spinning and blasting with precision, dropping several surprised guards befpre they dived behind barracades. Talth targeted the blaster ammo crates and lifted it over towards the guards with the Force, blasting as soon as it was close to them.
It exploded with a huge BOOM and killed most of the guards over there. Talth dived innto the remaining guards, the latter cowering in a corner as the Sith sliced them aprt.
The guard he had hurt first snarled and grabbed two blasters, firing them repeatedly at Talth.
Talth felt the anger flowing through him at this ones impertinence but couldnt crush the blasters, as he had to fight the other guards.
He threw the guards infront of him as a shield as the guard fired repeatedly, killing the other guards.
Talth smelt the coppery scent of blood and threw out a plan, crushing the blasters as he leaped over the dead guards and sliced ff the guards head, it landing with a plunk.
Talth smiled and whriled, looking for another guard to kill.
They were all gone.
Talth smiled and moved onto the next building.

Edit~ keep sig within 30k limit

Jul 15th, 2001, 10:55:09 PM
"You what?!?" Poreon shot up from his "drag." He did not hear Snack's remaining words about learning; he was too infuriated that his master had sent him to his almost doom.

"You sent me to an almost death knowing that I'd fail?" Poreon's anger mounted. He set his feet down on the ground and pulled his lightsaber up, into his hands. He ignited it, the long black blade extending from the equally black hilt.

Poreon planted his feet firmly on the ground and looked at his Master. A fire blazed in Poreon's eyes. How dare he... Poreon thought. The anger was insuppressable and it interacted with his midichlorians.

Subconciouscly, Poreon extended his left arm that ended in a stump. The anger inside Poreon sent a tingling sensation down his left arm. A black ball of dark energy shot out of Poreon's hand like a laser from a blaster. The dark energy was all of Poreon's anger transferred into the darkside. The evil thoughts spun around faster than light inside the ball. The ball was targeted at Snack.

Jul 15th, 2001, 10:55:46 PM
:: Khan walked around the beast into the room, gazing around at the many screens with flashing data every once in a while. Looking further down, large tubes, holding creatures that one would think came out of a nightmare, adorned the walls. One of the tubes was broken, with liquid spilt onto the ground, apparently being the cell of the beast they just killed. Khan turned around to look at the others, the blade of his black lightsaber pointed down ::

"These beasts may be of some use to us.. "

Kaine Darklighter
Jul 15th, 2001, 11:54:42 PM
Kaine smiled slightly as he saw his fellow Sith, Bi0. They all knew what they had to do now. Turning around, Kaine used a hand to motion for Saph and Bi0 to follow him. They walked down the main hall, and it didn't take them long toto see the door to the main control room. Surprisingly, There was no guards outside the entry to the room.

“How are we going to do this? Run in and just slaughter everyone? Or use them to do work for us? I'm not sure what work they would do, but I'm sure we could make them kill each other without us having to do any work.”

Kaine grinned at his fellow Sith. He couldn't really tell what either Bi0 or Saph would say, but he was sure that they'd want to slaughter the men. The grin fell, and his face returned to an emotionless mask, as he waited for the answers of the two Sith Warriors.

Lady Razielle
Jul 16th, 2001, 12:56:29 AM
Razielle wandered back outside and glanced around the Marina. As an afterthought she walked over to the various ships and water transports. A few she simply set out to sea, laughing as they went around in circles, creating waves and ultimately crashing into each other.

She boarded one sleek looking transport and kicked on its engines. She steered it out into the black water and then turned it back to shore. Pressing its throttle all the way forward the small craft excelerated to shore. As it was nearing it collision with the dock Razielle backflipped herself into the water with a splash and then sputtered to the surface, she was in time to watch the transport rip through the dock and speed a short distance across the land, crashing into a building.

Laughing, she trugged up to the shore and wrung her wet hair out. With a grin she decided to head back to the residential area looking for Blade and Daegal.

Jul 16th, 2001, 01:58:28 AM
::Saphire looks around, fire in her eyes. She knew what she would enjoy most, but she would leave that up to Bio. She turned off her saber and hooked it to ehr belt, getting her other saber, death, in her hand::

What do you say Bio. fun and messy slaughter, or creative slaughter?

Jul 16th, 2001, 07:30:15 AM
*Bi0 clipped his bloody lightsaber on his side and extended both his talons, with a evil grin on under his mask*


Daegal Murdoch
Jul 16th, 2001, 01:10:59 PM
Having finished this mansion, Daegal walks quickly towards the door. He kicks it open and walks off into the darkness, to find another house to pillage.

He senses Raz and quickly moves down the street towards her.

"Did you take care of the Marina?", he asks with a smile.

Jul 16th, 2001, 01:13:22 PM
(after an hour of searching the house blade found no one there. he thought it was weird that no one was in this particular house.)

(he opens a Com link) hows things going with you Razielle.

(all of a sudden he hard a noise below the floor board. it was a silent and very hard to here cough but blade heard it well with his training as assassin he had to learn to her even the smallest of sounds.)

hmm maybe there are people here.

Darth Snack
Jul 16th, 2001, 02:36:40 PM
* You have got to be kidding me. That was the only thought running through Snack's mind as he saw the dark ball of pure hatred cut through the air infront of him. Dodging to his left, he tucked and rolled, then propped back up, watching with his eyes as the dark ball shot by him through the space which he previously occupied and into the side of a passing vehicle, resutling in a massive explosion.

Snack covered his own face and neck to protect him from any stray debris, then turned his attention to his enraged apprentice with a sly grin. Poreon's rage had consumed him; his power in the darkside growing by the seconds. Snack knew his apprentice earned the rank which he was, and soon will be. It was only a matter of time...

An idea barged its way into Snack's mind. One more test for Poreon was in store.*

Poreon, if you wish to release your anger, then do so! But you'll have to find me first!

*Snack concentrated on the dark energy around him. He focused on it, calling it within himself and more importantly, his legs. In a split second, Snack was gone, using the Force Speed move to arrive at the University in mere seconds.

Once he had arrived, he headed for the main building, housing the head office. Quickly kicking down doors in his path, he found it and the person who ran the establishment, going through his paper work. The fear in his eyes grew as he looked up at the six foot three inch Sith Knight. Snack just smiled at the man, who was stiff with fear. Soon, Poreon would come and blast his way in looking for vengence on his Master. This man would make the perfect sacrifice.*

Lady Razielle
Jul 16th, 2001, 08:22:11 PM
She walked down the street still not completely dried off from her escapade in the ocean. Wringing her long hair out in a puddle she heard Daegal and turned with a grin.

"Yes the Marina has been recently renovated.. There was a couple there that was either attemting to flee or to send for help. Either way, they failed and the Marina's fire lights yonder sky.."

She nodded in the direction of the golden and red lit horizon, which was filled with smoke. Just as she would have inquired about the house her com alerted her to Blade and she answered it.

"Things are going according to schedule with me Blade. I have Daegal with me and we were just discussing our next course of action. What is your position?"

Sieken Kasstra
Jul 16th, 2001, 08:57:36 PM
:: Sieken had arrived to the gates of the shipyard::

" ID and papers please" the gaurd said casualy looking around "* Sieken just stood there arms folded

" ID and papers please....NOW!!!" WAAAK sieken smashed the hilt of his sniper rifel hittinf his nose sending the nose bone up into his brain killing him right away::

" yea i heard ya" sieken said walking up to the gate and climbing over it

:: Sieken hit the floor on the other side of the gate, he ran foward jumped in the air and landed on top of a crate as a gaurd went by...he quickly jumped down behide the guard piulling out his knife and slitting the gaurds kneck there silently let him slip into the water::

:: Sieken flipped down his night vison goggles and looked down the shipyard, viewing the whole establishment, many workers were rushing about...in the distance....a ship coming in......this could cause problems::

Kaine Darklighter
Jul 16th, 2001, 11:15:17 PM
Kaine looked from Saph, to Bi0, to the entrance to the main communications room. He turned back to this fellow sith, then nodded to both.

“Let's do this.”

Igniting his silver bladed saber, a grin came across his face, and he turned to the entrance of the room. Walking up to the door, he pressed a few buttons on the side panel, and the door whooshed open. All three Sith went barging in, Kaine going straight down the middle, heading for what seemed the main communications area. Bi0 went to the left, heading for whatever guards were there, and Saph went right, heading for another place that looked like a communications area.

All three sith reached there targets quite fast. Kaine grinned as he saw the scared look of the two communications men. Both of them turned back to their comm. area, and started to send off some messages, but before even one word could leave their mouth, a saber sliced through the neck. Blood began to pour from the bodies, and they fell onto the floor, there heads rolling off to the side.

Doing a quick spin, he saw Saph and Bi0 finish off there area's, and grinned slightly.

“Alright.. What's next?”

Jul 17th, 2001, 12:19:11 AM
Poreon let his anger filter out of his body and into the air surrounding him. The anger and hate created a bubble of sorts, able to prevent anything entering it's range. The shrapnel from the exploding car impacted with the shield, but disintegrated before traveling any farther.

As the explosion cleared, Poreon saw the fleeting image of his Master followed by a voice.

'Poreon, if you wish to release your anger, then do so! But you'll have to find me first!'

He growled a viscous growl like an enraged tiger's. Another blast of pure anger and hate shot out of Poreon's left stump. This ball hit a passerby square in the chest, sending the man to his immediate doom and a three- hundred-meter fall into the Noomb River.

He ran at a 4-minute mile pace, following his Master's footsteps towards the Dean's Office of the University. 'How could his master do that? Just how could he!?! Oh, look! A helpless, pathetic human…' Poreon's interior monologue raced until another darkside bolt raced out of Poreon's hand and killed another, innocent human.

Poreon reached a brick building that looked like Colonial times architecture. He kicked the door open with the sole of his Kevlar boot. Yet another Darkside ball raced out of Poreon's arm at his Master standing opposite the door.

Jul 17th, 2001, 06:37:06 AM
*Bi0 walks up to the computer*

"This computer should be destroyed...should this place be recaptured, they won't have the edge".

Kaine Darklighter
Jul 17th, 2001, 10:22:56 AM
“Why dont we just destroy every single thing in this room? They wont be able to fix it if we do that.”

Kaine grinned slightly, and began ripping up the computer that was closest to him.

Athena Lady Darknss
Jul 17th, 2001, 12:50:00 PM
:: athena was walking down the street when she came upon a large storage area. She decided to go in and look around just to see what all was there. Opon entering the area, her eyes widened with what she saw. Some of the largest amounts of weapons and transports just locked up here. She grabbed her comm unit and called Talth. " you have too see this. im i think 4 streets and 3 block north of you! " Athena looked around studing all of the stuff in the large area. ::

Darth Snack
Jul 17th, 2001, 09:50:37 PM
*A smile crossed the lips of Snack, showing the reality of his evil intent to the man infront of him. The wooden and metallic clang which rang in his eyes filled the room, yet was soon drowned out by the cries from the Force as the pure hatred and perverted use of the Force was used in another energy burst from the enraged Poreon. Knowing since the second he took off in his run just minutes before that this was what Poreon was going to to, Snack stepped to the side once again, and just in time.

The pure ball of hatred and anger ripped through the desk and into the man, blowing both of them to tiny bits and fragments. The force of the explosion was enough to send both Sith flying backwards; Snack into the side wall, knocking it down as he tumbled through it; Poreon back out through the way he barged in, with bits of debris covering his body.

Coughing and shaking his head free of cobwebs, Snack slowly rose to his feet and quickly unclipped and ingited one of his orange blades on his dual blade. He swung around, bringing his weapon of destruction up to catch the black saber blade of Poreon. The two stood there stalemated, neigther one giving an inch.

The straight, emotionless face of Snack lasted only a few seconds as he began to cackle evily. The sly grin reappeared on his face, as he looked his apprentice in the eyes.*

You've done very well... Sith Knight Poreon...

The agricultural University is now ours, thanks to you. The Sith Empire is greateful that you are fighting with us.

*Snack kept his stance and balance, still not giving an inch in the stalemate, yet ready for anything.*

Jul 17th, 2001, 10:08:04 PM
Talth heard something bleeping and he stopped in the middle of killing a guard, mumbling "repeat".
His blood fury stopped at that news and he whirled, flying to Athena's position.
"I suppose you need my power?"

edit~ need to keep you sig within the 30k limit

Jul 18th, 2001, 12:31:49 AM
(blade finds the hatch to the hiding place he opens it and inside are 3 little kids)

Blade: where are your parents

Kid1: fled to find help and told us to hide are you help

blade: maybe i am or maybe i'm the angel of death

Kid1: i won't my parents

Blade: more then likely your parents are dead already

Kid1: but...but....(begins to cry)

(blade slaps the kid along side the head)

Blade: shut up

(blade then pulls out a pack of cigerettes and takes one and lights it and starts smoking it. blade then shut the hatch on the kids.)

Blade: maybe your in luck i don't kill kids but more then likely you will die sooner or later.

(with this blade leaves with the kids crying in the backround. he locks all the doors and walks out to join murdoch and Razielle. he went throw a depressing thought should he have killed those kids or not. he soon reachs his compainions.)

Its done my friends are part is fininshed what shall we do know murdoch.

(blade stands there smoking waiting for an answer but still in thought on what he should have done. he then thought its wrong to kill kids just wrong.)

Sieken Kasstra
Jul 18th, 2001, 01:06:23 AM
:: Siekens veiw of the large cargo ship, looking round the corner of a cargo crate was pretty good, the ship shortly docked and the shipyard team were un-loadeing some sort of weapons, guns?? looked like E-11's some grenades....and....no...couldent be...a tank?? Sieken watched the tank roll of off the ramp and into the shipyard section he couldent see from here,and saw some troops run from the ship and take up positions around the supply bunker...::

:: There was something ammusing they must be gaurding in that bunker...somethink alittle more vaulible from what it seemd...i mean...tanks?? no no no, something was in there worth putting 30 gaurds round and 2 tanks i mean come on::

Athena Lady Darknss
Jul 18th, 2001, 01:21:38 AM
:: watched as Talth flew into the area. ::

" no not your power your answers. "

:: Athena showed him the area where all the transports and weapons where ::

Sieken Kasstra
Jul 18th, 2001, 01:48:50 AM
:: Sieken slipped his sniper rifle from around his back and put the scope to his eye, looking through it he could only see a number of men and then..sieken got a tap on the shoulder::

Guard one: Who the hell are you buddy" he said unclipping his blaster

Guard two: Looks like we got ourselfs a fool

No my friends i think it is you who is the fool"

Sieken said grabbing the end of the first gaurds blaster then yaking it out of his hands and tossing it in the water, then while haveing the first gaurds arm inter-locked unter Sieks arm, his kciked the 2nd gaurds chest, the 2nd gaurd flew into a steel rod inpailing him to it in a load but blood currderling scream::

:: Sieken the put the first gaurds arm over siekens shoulder and yankes down snapping the gaurds arm almost in two::

Gaud one: please stop...please" he said falling to his knees but behinde his back un-clipping a knife

:: Sieken began to walk off::

Gaurd one: AGHHHHHHH :: he shouted running at sieken

:: Sieken then ducked, then pushed the gaurds head into the same steel rond which crushed the guys cheek bones into a bloodly mess, he slid of the 2nd and first gaurds of the rod and slipped them into the near by water::

"God-damn fools" said, getting back into his origanl position planning a move

Jul 18th, 2001, 09:27:12 AM
*Bi0 began to follow suit and started ripping off the control panels and cutting the wires with his talons*

Kaine Darklighter
Jul 18th, 2001, 10:29:58 AM
Once Kaine, Saph and Bi0 had finished ripping the room up, he made them all come together, to look at a map.

“Saph, I think you should go take control of the Medical Facility, while myself and Bi0 take the Garqi Unified Police Brigade. The Medical Facility wont take long, so you'll be able to join us before we get far. Does everyone agree?”

Daegal Murdoch
Jul 18th, 2001, 12:32:56 PM
Daegal nods, obviously pleased.

"We make a great team, I will let Dara know the good news."

He opens a comlink on the TSE channel.

"Dara, this is Deagal. Team 5 has completed the sweep of Truel. All objectives are completed as assigned. Awaiting further orders. Daegal out."

Daegal closes the comlink and looks towards the ocean.

"It is a shame that we had to decimate such a beautiful world."

He then communicates with Blade via the force..."I have sensed you battling with yourself over whether or not to let those children live. You have my respect, my friend. You did a good thing back there."

Telan Desaria
Jul 18th, 2001, 01:09:34 PM
(Oribitting one of Garqi's moons)
One SSD MK I, 1 ISD MK II, 1 Dreadnaught, 3 Corellian Gunships

" Admiral," called a voice from crew pit.

A young man seated in the command chair donning a grey uniform and flowing black cape looked down, slowly reverted from a trance-like state. He looked first through the bow viewports at the lifeless planetoid ahead, then left to the Imperial officer that spoke.

" Yes?"

" We've reports from the planet that resistance continues to falter against the Sith, sir. Tactical analysis puts their their time until all fighting stops at three days."

The Admiral went into another trance, then stood and strode aft down the catwalk, placing his hands authoritatively under his cape.
" That Moff surrendered with a Super Star Destroyer like this one at his command. With another Super at Endor, we could have crushed the Rebels! And now the Sith threatn on of our planets!" he belowed, anger raging in his emerald eyes.

The Captain in the crew pit coughed, raising his right hand to his mouth. The Admiral, nursing battle wounds from that painful engagament, got his emotions under control. " Baron Gertallya!"

" Admiral Desaria, sir?

" I am a loyal Imperial as we all are. If bastion does not send reinforcements to Garqi in one day, we attack the Sith Fleet. In the meantime, we need to give the defenders a distraction. Send in the gunship Thrasher for some hit-and run-fun...

Jul 18th, 2001, 04:43:19 PM
'Sith Knight Poreon...' the words had a nice ring to it. 'Sith Knight Poreon...'

Anger had fully consumed Poreon though, so the melodus words were just another blur of background noise in Poreon's head. Anger was all Poreon could hear. Poreon returned his Master's gaze with a cold, hateful look. The two Lightsabers, black and orange, were all that seperated the Master and Apprentice from Death.

Poreon was first to break the stalemate. He reverse-pivoted his black blade off of his Master's single, orange lightsaber. Twisting, he spun the hilt in his hand like cradling a Lacrosse Stick. Two thirds of the way through his fifth spin, Poreon flicked his wrist, sending his lightsaber horizontally at his Master.

Dara Shadowtide
Jul 18th, 2001, 07:15:16 PM
:: As the creature drops to the lab floor, all the lab doors unlock once more with a loud *whoosh* sound. Dara turns to her fellow team members ::

"You have all done the Empire proud in your performance in completing our team objectives. I congratulate each one of you. All that remains here is to obtain as much data for our R&D labs as you can hold in your satchels and backpacks. As Mission Commander, my place is back up on the surface and I will return there now. Depart this facility in 15 minutes time and rendezvous back up on the surface. At that time I want Vega and Gitane to remain at the docks and continue to monitor activity. Gryfon and Khan, I want you to travel to the third island of Caran and assist Anubis's team by securing the Marina. Continued success to you all as you define what is the true glory of the Empire. See you up top."

:: Dara nods and then leaves the lab. Making her way down the long hallway she returns to the inside pool area and grabs her diving gear which had been stowed out of sight. She climbs down the ladder and then swims with force enhanced speed back down the passageway and up to the Amphibion sea vessel. She then sets the autopilot to take her back to the docks and then return to the rendezvous point for the other divers to ride back as well. Upon her arrival at the docks, the Sith Lordess checked the latest reports being transmitted to her from all the teams deployed, and first responds to Daegal's request for additional orders ::

"Deagal, this is Dara here. Nice work to your team on completing your objectives in a timely matter. I want your team to go over and provide assistance to Team 4 by taking control of the Supplies Warehouse on Truel now. Dara out."

:: The Lordess sees that Snack and Poreon have secured the Agricultural University campus and sends additional orders to them as well ::

"Snack, this is Dara here. Excellent job on taking care of the spaceport and university. I want you and Poreon to make your way to the Food Outlet now. Take control of it and then contact me when you have completed this. Dara out."

:: Still reviewing the mission reports, she notes that all communications depots and spaceports are now under the jurisdiction of the Empire. One particular report caught her eye though. She saw that her sister Dalethria was en route to the Parliament compound in Arel. With a smile on her face, Dara decided to join her and have a little fun as well. Knowing the roads of the main city like the back of her hand, Dara quickly made her way in and out of backroads to catch up with Dale.

Running up the stairs to the main Parliament building she saw the splintered main doors which were plastered against the wall and knew that she was just behind Dalethria. Dara made her way down the hallway and identified her sister's strong force signature nearby. Dale seemed to be especially enraged this fine day and that brought a smile to Dara's face as that could only mean one thing... more carnage for the glory of the Empire. Seeing Dale down a hallway, she reached out via the Dark Side to greet her ::

Hello, my sister. Would you like a tour of the building? I could have probably worked here part time growing up, and would be happy to expedite the process of whoever it is that is about to feel your wrath.

:: Dara had taken the public tour of the facility so many times as a child that she could pretty much take Dalethria wherever she wanted to go. Dara did have a couple of places she would like to visit while she was in the Parliament building as well, but that could wait until after she and Dale dispensed some Sith chaos and destruction ::

Darth Varlon
Jul 18th, 2001, 08:05:01 PM
Coming over the ridge that overlooked the vehicle and vessel dealership on the coastline of Caran, Var noticed a single Chariot LAV patrolling the outer perimetre of the seventh assault team's final target, not to mention a seemingly unmanned AT-AT walker. Muttering to himself, he turned back to his four stone-faced team members, who only nodded in agreement to the unsaid question.

Before Var had even finished turning, the high-pitched whine of a sniper rifle cut into the air. Var turned back to see a closely packed bunch of starfighter fuel barrels burst out into a violent explosion, rocking the speeders nearby and taking a few of the nearby remenants of the Caran defense forces with them.

Var smirked for a moment, then frowned as troops began filling into the various fighters, speeders, and the AT-AT. With a slitting motion across his throat, the sniper aimed again and took fire on the Chariot LAV, the high-power shot blowing a hole in the encryptor dome, and the force of the blow dipping the nose of the craft into the ground.

A moment later, two more sniper shots lanced out, with a third following. All three hit their marks, blowing large pocket holes into the armoured craft, a final fourth one striking the fuel cells, sending the craft up in a ball of flame and shrapnel. A second later, twin blaster bolts ate into the rock face below the sith team as a pair of modified T-16 skyhoppers closed in.

With a well placed shot, the first skyhopper's cockpit blew out, sending the crippled craft colliding into the second in a fiery death, only to be followed by another straifing run by a TIE fighter.

"Where the hell did they get all this firepower?" Var muttered to himself as he brought out his scythe and ignited it.

With a grunt, the sith hurtled it towards the fleeing fighter, controlling its path with careful manipulation of the force. seconds later, the whirling blade of death cut into the right solar panel of the fighter, slicing off enough to cause the fighter to lose control for a moment. Just as the pilot began to regain control, a triplet of shots rip into the back end of the TIE, digging into fuel cells and the ion drive as Var caught his returning scythe.

With a sudden flash, an painfully loud explosion, and a rocking shockwave, the TIE was gone, its only remains being smoldering shrapnel that quickly fell to the ground below. But now, the AT-AT was starting to exit the lot. The sith started a rapid descent down the cliff face, but already it was too late, the first set of blaster bolts lanced out and blew out the cliff face, claiming the lives of two more of Var's team.

Sliding down the cliff face, Var's only surviving team mate unshouldered a large cannon-esque weapon. The young desciple was slowed for a moment as a large rocket launched from the upper barrel on the weapon, arcing out at the AT-AT. When the missile struck it, the blast sheared off the right-side blaster on the head, but it wasn't enough to disable the walker, as it returned fire, this time unsuccessful in harming the sith as they continued to slide down the near verticle surface of the cliff.

Another rocket then lanced out, this time hitting its mark in the cockpit of the walker, blowing it out and causing the power cells of the AT-ATs blasters, destroying the boxy frame in a wracking explosion that rocked the foundation of the dealership. By the time Var and his teammate arrived at the dealership, the guards had prepared themselves for surrender..

.. all but one that is. That last one ducked out from behind cover and fired a blaster bolt, which ended up striking the last surviving desciple square in the forehead as he jumped into the way. With a scream of rage, Var jumped over the crowd and towards his opponent, scythe beared.

" The God of Death is back from hell!" The knight shouted moments before landing and bisecting the assaulter at the waist, finishing by bisecting his upper half with another swing.

Covered in sweat and blood, Var radioed in a mission complete. A costly one however.

Lady Razielle
Jul 18th, 2001, 09:30:35 PM
Razielle, Daegal and BladeIce, pleased with the rapid completion of their assignments set out to cross the island of Truel in search of the Supplies Warehouse.

"Hope we don't run into any of the others before they know its us... That could get ugly."

Razielle nods into the distance at the bright lights of a buliding that could possibly be the warehouse. She stops in her tracks and folds her arms across her chest.

"Looks like we found our target boys, shall we?"

Jul 18th, 2001, 09:38:55 PM
Talth turned to Athena, a slight smirk on his face.
He whips out a grenade and throws it in, pulling out two blasters as the explosion goes off and he charges in trhough the flame.
"Athena, branch off and attack the Food Outlet."
"Jyener, finish up with the attack on the Ships."
Talth blasts apart several guards.

Edit~ This is the third time I have edited your sig. Needs to be shrunk to about 30k.

Darth Snack
Jul 18th, 2001, 10:16:58 PM
*Slipping, Snack ducked as Poreon attacked; the black blade barely missing Snack's head. He used his left hand to position himself back upright as his orange blade once more met with Poreon's.*

"Snack, this is Dara here. Excellent job on taking care of the spaceport and university. I want you and Poreon to make your way to the Food Outlet now. Take control of it and then contact me when you have completed this. Dara out."

*Both Sith looked down at Snack's commlink, distracted by Dara's words. As she spoke, Snack went on his own offensive. The other end of his dual blade igniting, he shot up, spinning his double bladed saber over his head. Batting away Poreon's black blade, Snack manipulated the Force and pushed out, sending the new Sith Knight five feet back and on the ground. Tossing his weapon to his left hand, he picked up and thumbed on his commlink with his right.*

Copy that, Dara.

*Placing the communicator back into the pocket from which it came, Snack eyed his apprentice as he stood up.*

Poreon, now is not the time! You have faced the Jedi and took the first steps in over coming the fear which you hold. Allow me, now, to guide you in using this newfound anger which possesses you in order to master your fear.

Jul 18th, 2001, 11:23:50 PM
Lets kick some butt.

(he stares at Razielle then murdoch)

lets just hope they left the front door open. cause i don't feel like cutting a new one. Murdoch any stradegy plans or are we just gonna rush in there and hope they don't out number us by a whole lot.

(he sends a telapathic to murdoch. I say we keep it silent at first but its your choose man.)

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Jul 18th, 2001, 11:58:15 PM
She hadn't put much distance between her last victim and now. Dalethria wasn't sure how far down away from the front doors but she had turned a corner ... or was it two corners? Her mind was too focused on her task to kill Barris that such things weren't important. Not even the communications that she had received from Snack and Sieken were even her concern now. If need be, she would explain later but now the guards that were coming at her were her focus.

Two blocked blaster bolts with one hand and Dalethria dodged the third. The Dark Side was ever present as her lust for death and chaos grew with each passing second. These cattle had to die quickly for the source of her rage, the one that soiled her family's name and honor, was being denied by these fools!

The sabre screamed across the air coupled with Dalethria's own cry of fury. Her swing covered the entire area in front of her. The yellow blade cut the guards' head off cleanly as well as slicing a line through the wall. Control was laxing and continuing to decline rapidly.

This peaceful community was reflected in the action of the other guard that was still alive. The horror of watching his partner's head bounce off the floor, splattering blood everywhere, was a sickening sight. It stopped the man right in his tracks which made the last lamb fall to the slaughter.

The Dark Side wanted more sacrifices and Dalethria started to run off to find more meat when a voice in her head halted her. She turned to look at her newest blood sister is confusion.

Dara?! Where did she come from? Perhaps if her goal wasn't so singular, she would have sensed her approach.

Her voice snapped Dalethria out of her bloodlust enough so she could think somewhat clearly. Dara was saying too much for her to understand fully but a few words stood out. Building, expedite, whoever, wrath. Dara knew where Barris was.

"The Moff's office! Where is it?!"

Even uttering those two sentences so they would make sense was a struggle for the Sith Lordess. She hissed parts of it out while stuttering the rest. Her whole body was shaking with anger and Dara looked expectant for more information.

"Barris ... must ... die!"

Jul 19th, 2001, 12:06:07 AM
*Bi0 begins walking out*

"Whatever Sir Kaine....I just want to capture my Master's planet back".

*Bi0 filpped his Projectile Disc into the air and caught it with his hand. He turns around quickly and throws it at the huge computer screen, scattering the entire screen and embending it into the computer...Bi0 continues to walk out*

Admiral Jyener
Jul 19th, 2001, 12:55:41 PM
The room was dark and musty, with not much to see in any direction. He had cleared two more office areas while also gathering interesting documents in one of them. It was a map of the sector, revealing secret locations that no one had suspected to be here. Another was a log of all incoming and outgoing flights through this spaceport in the past two weeks. Once stored on a surprisingly easily accessible computer, it was now downloaded to his own datapad he had brought along with him. The information surprised him. Though the building looked old, abandoned, and rarely visited, many planetary officials had been through here recently with interesting craft each. The looks of this place were indeed a deception.

His footsteps echoing in the small corridor of officers and work areas, Jyener came upon a steel door guarded by a security camera overhead and a keypad to the side. Keying into the force, he entered the small metallic box with his mind's eye and could see many various colored wires all leading from a tiny circuit to an electronic lock. Following the maze of wires, he came upon the lock and simply unlocked it with his mind. Opening his eyes he heard a successful click and moved past the door.

*Beep beep beep*

"Jyener, finish up with the attack on the ships."


His comlink went on and off with the message from his team mate, Talth. Not wanting to alert any night guards, he reached down with his hand and switched off his comlink at his side. Looking back up, his eyes came upon just the thing he needed.

Jul 19th, 2001, 01:32:55 PM
Exhaling a deep breath, Poreon let his Black Lightsaber blade fall into the crystal cylinders of the hilt. Sweat oozed down Poreon's anger whisped face.

"Yes Master..." Poreon let the words flow from his mouth. The swirling anger inside Poreon's mind began to slow, clearing his mind to focus on reality. A light switch had just been turned on in a dark room. He looked at his surroundings for the first time. Broken duraplast and duracrete from the cracked walls filled the floors with a whitish-grey soot. Snapped in half, the magnificent Dantooine Wood desk of the Dean lie in pieces. The dead body of the dean was sprawled across the floor, twitching form the Dark Side.

Master Snack, dual blade lightsaber in the left hand, looked at Poreon. "Yes Master" Poreon said again, this time confidence filled Poreon's usually fearful voice.

Daegal Murdoch
Jul 19th, 2001, 04:06:56 PM
Daegal nods.

"I would say stealth is the best option. However, does it really matter what their numbers are? There cannot be that many people in there that they could take all 3 of us. I say we have a little fun in the name of Darkness."

Daegal smiles.

"Raz, what's your take?

Sumor Rayial
Jul 19th, 2001, 06:33:17 PM
**Sumor and his team had finished on the island of Jwal and had moved to Utira. Sumor stood on the beach looking out over one of the vast oceans of the planet. His attention to his thoughts was broken as a trooper walked down the beach and stopped beside him. Turning Sumor returned the salute.**


"This island was completely uninhabited sir. The engineers have finished their survey and await your presence so that they can make their report."

Very well, lead me to them.

**The trooper took a position a stride ahead of Sumor and slightly to the left and led him down the beach.

After a short walk which eventually lead away from the beach to a fairly large clearing in the middle of the island. The engineers had set up a portible table and maps of the 2 deserted islands were spread out over it.**

Gentlemen what do you have for me.

**The ranking engineer spoke up for the group.**

Sir after surveying both the island of Jwal and Utira we have found that our original speculations were correct, the preliminary plans will not have to be altered at all, in fact they can be expanded if we need to."

Excellent. I will radio for the transports to be notified and we can begin. I would like your team to divide in two. The first team to return to Jwal and lead the assembly of the barracks for the 201st's arrival. The rest of your team will remain here and begin assembly of the construction yard and compound for Master Lynch's pets, and make sure to get that compound correct, we may be on an island but I don't want them getting loose.

"Aye sir."

Also have another team dispatched to the spaceports and have the neccissary modifications made for our ground based fighters.

"Aye sir."

Very well you have your orders, dismissed.

**Sumor quickly returned their salute and then made his way away from the group and keyed his comm unit to the fleet frequency.**

This is Lord Rayial. Signal Admiral Cureatz.

Dara Shadowtide
Jul 19th, 2001, 08:29:47 PM
:: Dara nodded in understanding as she heard the target of her blood sister's wrath named ::

"It's not far, follow me."

:: Dara and Dale made their way down the west wing and up a flight of stairs to the main officer meeting room on the second floor of the Parliament building. As they ran down the halls, they dispensed the small amount of guards at their posts along the way. One man was lifted into the air by Dale and hung on one of the Parliament flag poles decorating the hallway with the tip piercing through his chest from his back.

Dara force choked two guards until they gagged on their own blood and dropped lifeless to the ground. Three other guards met their fate as sabers ignited, ran them through, and were disignited again before they could even speak a word.

Rounding the last corner of the west wing office sector, Dara and Dale came upon their ultimate destination. Dara spoke via the Dark Side to Dale ::

Barris and the Lieutenant are behind these doors. As you take care of Barris I will take out the Lieutenant and make sure no one else is hiding in the room. Let's go.

:: The two sith women nodded and then kicked down the large double doors and stepped inside ::

Mosh Barris
Jul 19th, 2001, 08:42:34 PM
:: Mosh Barris begins to lose feeling in his legs from standing at attention for what seemed to be an eternity in the main officer meeting room. He cleared his throat cautiously ::

Lt. Colonel: "What is it now?"

Mosh Barris: "Permission to stand at ease, Sir."

Lt. Colonel: "I don't care what you do, just stay out of my way. I have a crisis situation here and I don't need a man who doesn't even hold a military rank of any kind playing soldier. Do you understand me?"

:: Barris blinks and did not expect that reaction after his long and dedicated record of service to Moff Tadrin and the citizens of Garqi. He frowns and walks over to the desk and tries to find something of help to the situation at hand.

The double doors suddenly burst open and Barris and the Lieutenant find themselves face to face with two women. Looking up from the desk, Barris addresses the intruders ::

Mosh Barris: "Identify yourselves immediately. This is a restricted area and you will be arrested for trespassing."

:: Four guards step from their posts at the side of the room and ready their weapons, slowly closing the distance between themselves and the two women ::

Admiral Cureatz
Jul 19th, 2001, 09:58:13 PM
**Admiral Cureatz sat on the bridge of a TSE Wraith Cruiser. It was one of 4 Wraith's and 4 Nebulon-B2's that were escorting 2 Escort Carriers 4 Troop transports, 3 modified troop transports and 10 regular transports.**

"Sir incoming encrypted transmission from the lead group."


"It's the go codes sir."

Very well. Comm notify the convoy that we are getting underway. Helm set course for Garqi, engage the hyperspace engines when ready.

"Aye aye sir."

**The 27 ships started to move forward and then suddenly seemed to jump forward as the hyperdrive engines were engaged, destination Garqi.**

Lady Razielle
Jul 19th, 2001, 10:52:51 PM
Razielle gazes at the layout for a minute before answering. Seeing the wooden frame of the warehouse, and the sawdust that surrounds the place gives her an idea. No matter what the numbers inside the building were, with enough care they could easily be locked inside... And set fire to.

"I say we smoke em..."

She explains the idea of the three of them splitting up and making sure everyone is trapped inside before they torch the place.

"What are your thoughts?"

Daegal Murdoch
Jul 19th, 2001, 11:02:57 PM
Daegal smiles, obviously VERY pleased.

"Creative and destructive...yes, I do like it very much."

Jul 20th, 2001, 04:37:02 AM
:;Saphire nods and thinks about ways to get into the medical centre. She looks at kaine and Bio, nodding as she checks her weapons with her hand and walks out of the mess they had created and out of an escape route. She walked over a dead body that most probably had been killed at the entrance and looked not very far away to see the medical centre. Guards were everywhere, by now they'd know about the takeover if their radio had been working. Sith were attacking every corner::

Well, let the party begin

:;She looks at the roof of the medical centre and at the windows, at the basic structure of the building. She could slaughter and come in the easy way. Or sneak in and slaghter afterwards....both appeared appealing. But life was life and if someone was stupid enough to attack her, they could, she always enjoyed a good kill. Besides if someone was in the way what better way to get past.
She walked up slowly, knowing the innocent look approach wouldnt help with blood belonging to fools on her clothes.
She moved aroudn the corner of the building, grabbing one gaurd and slitting his throat neatly and efficiently, No time to get fancy::

::Walking silently she took notice of the surroundings and the feeling, suddenly gone cold as she touched the hard, stone floor of the medical centre and she scanned for a patient of some sort. The first door revealed dead bodies, not much good to her in any way but the second door held an elderly man, he had information that she needed. Grinning she closed the door behind her silently and walked up behind him, getting out her saber::

Athena Lady Darknss
Jul 20th, 2001, 11:05:09 AM
:: Athena went running back down one of the many streets she had come up to find the strong hold of supplies. She then started to put many small devices around the food outlet buildings. each one connected to one another. Athean hid behind another large building and blew the food outlet in half. There was no guards running out to greet her. Athena figured she had killed who all was left. ::

Jul 20th, 2001, 04:50:35 PM
I can see there end already. lets burn em.

(with that the team of 3 splits up to do each of there jobs)

Darth Snack
Jul 20th, 2001, 09:55:47 PM
*Letting his two blades of orange plasma dissipate, Snack cliped the hilt of his dual-blade to his belt. He swept his eyes across the broken and messed room, taking in a deep breath of his own.*

Our next target is the Food Supply Storage area. Be on the lookout; there might be defensive units placed around. That is, if there are any left to defend this planet. Let's go.

*Stepping over the the rubble, Snack motioned for Poreon to follow. Not quite knowing where the food outlet was, the Knight reached out with the Force, sensing the area around him. Picking up on the location, the two Sith Knights walked out of the building they were in and headed north down the street.*

Kaine Darklighter
Jul 21st, 2001, 10:37:52 AM
Kaine shrugged his shoulders slightly, then followed out after Bi0. It didn't take them long to back track the way that they had come, and before they knew it, they were back outside the Comm center again. They already knew where the Garqi Unified Police Brigade, and were heading to come out behind the building.

Jul 21st, 2001, 11:43:49 AM
*Bi0 and Kaine walked out of the Commincation Depot and headed toward the Police Brigade*

(Lady Sapphire should handle her own...like a Medical Buliding has many guards)

*Bi0 threw away his Projectile Disc on purpose...he didn't know why...maybe it was because it wasn't a family treasure or because he could only use in certain situations. It didn't matter to him...he had a mission to complete. He turned to Kaine, walking along side him*

"After this Sir Kaine, a nice bath in a bacta tank will suit me just fine".

*Bi0 grinned under his mask*

Jul 21st, 2001, 05:54:16 PM
Talth glances at 10 guards charging him, five on each side.
He whirls, throwing his blasters and squeezing the charge in them, creating a rippling explosion infront of him.
He whips out his hands to the sides and places them flat in the air, pushing the Force through every micron of his body, flinging and choking the guards into the sides of the walls and the fires raging around them.
Talth feels exhausted, but he whirls and points innfront of him, crouching slightly, creating a wnd that pulls the whole thing off course, the fire raging into other buildings and guards running out, screaming and burning. Talth clenched his fists, and most of them fell to the ground, their necks twisted and snapped.
Talth floated into the air above the warehouse and chlenched his fists agin, squeezing the explosives in the warehouses, setting off a huge explosion, engulfing Talth and creating a mushroom cloud above the district.
Athena and Jyener looked over there and stared for a minute, before going back to their tasks.
Talth had dissapeared......

Athena Lady Darknss
Jul 21st, 2001, 10:06:01 PM
:: Athena had looked up in just enought time to see the Mushroom cloud. she waited to see if Talth was ok. She didnt see him and went running to the area she had last seen him. Her tasks were done and she thought Talth would need the help. Athena reached the area and the dust was now settling. ::

" Talth ? Where are you. ??? "

Jul 21st, 2001, 10:40:24 PM
Word of the invasion was spreading quickly. By now, most of the citizens had secluded to their homes. The few brave enough to stay on the streets and fight the Sith were either dead or about to die.

"Not much of an organized defense force here, Poreon?"

"I think we've kept the police force busy. They should just be getting to their precious spaceport... But I sense that their is a full time police force at this Food Warehouse. I think it's one of the larger food outlets on this planet." Poreon responded with his tactical analysis of the situation. The duo was in the Eatery District of the main island now. Bakeries, Cafes, Tap-Caf houses, and full scale resturants lined the two laned street. Foods from around the galaxy were all represented on this street. The buildings on this street were no larger than two stories. Most looked like conversions from old houses. It gave the street a sense of Character.

"Master... I can hear something."

Snack told Poreon to continue, "It sounds like Chicken Walkers... AT-STs. They are walking-- seem to be patrolling a perimeter not too far from our location. There are atleast four. Probably more on the opposite sides. I'm taking a guess that some Turrets-- similar to what the Rebels used at Hoth-- are defending the Outlet too." Poreon tried to extend his senses further, to get a good visual of the defenses.

Jul 21st, 2001, 10:42:21 PM
Silence greeted her frantic questions, though she thought she saw a shadow slip out of the fire.

Lady Razielle
Jul 22nd, 2001, 12:46:09 PM
Razielle broke off at a run through the night, surrounded in the shadowed glow from the lights within the immense warehouse. She backed up against the outer wall and inched along it comming to a window. She quietly pulled a crate over and stood upon it gazing insdie the building. Not too many people were inside, mostly just nightshift workers rearranging crates and taking an inventory it would appear.

She hopped off the box and peered around the exterior. Spotting a crane that was used for the purpose of moving beams and machinery she grinned and moved towards it. Once in the drivers seat she turned on its engines which rumbled to life. The arm of the crane already had within its metallic clutches a steel beam. She swung it around and moved forwards to one door of the warehouse.

The workers inside meanwhile heard the crane as it powered up and started moving towards the door to investigate why it was in operation. As they opened the huge double doors screams of panic broke from their lips as Razielle swung the huge crane hard at the door barring this exit shut. The impact sent the workers flying backward violently, landing on the dirt packed floor with injuries.

She climbed down from the rig and sauntered over to the door peeking inside the splintered and cracked wood. They would not be getting out this exit. Now if Daegal and Blade could lock down any other escapes before the injured workers could find them, their plan would be set and the building could be torched.

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Jul 22nd, 2001, 04:25:32 PM
The four peasants were mere insects to her. They weren't the reason why she was here. It was the one that spoke up. He had the same arrogant tone and deep voice that had echoed through the loudspeakers not too long ago. Now the insignificant worm was ordering her and Dara around ... only having a vague idea to who she was.

Only her objective mattered and now she was being stopped from reaching it. These ingrate fools would have to be stopped.

Breaking away from Dara’s side, Dalethria moved to the left and sliced off two of the guard's arms at the elbow, forcing them to drop their weapons the fun way. Both of the men dropped to the ground screaming in horror and terror, staring at their falling limbs in shock.

Channeling the Dark Side through her, the desk that was separating Barris and Dalethria flung to the other side of the room. The desk crashed into the wall and because of the force behind it, created a hole in the wall. Papers fluttered the ground and the fear was heavy in the eyes of Mosh Barris. A sickening grin of pleasure spread across Dalethria’s lips as she slowly brought up her sabre.

She stared down the blade length wise and right at Barris’ heart, “You have defied my family’s honor you bastard. Now my grandfather demands blood!”

Barris had no time to say anything or even attempt to defend himself. Truly he was a coward that hid behind colorful words. A simple politician that knew nothing of what he spoke of. She was doing the galaxy a favor by running him through.

Barris breathing became raspy as he struggled for each breath, trying to delay the inevitable call of death. His heart was beating frantically to try and keep him alive and he clutched at Dalethria’s shoulder in a death grip. It hurt but the Sith Lordess betrayed no signs of such pain. Mosh could see the utter contempt and hatred that this woman had for him. He never saw her before in his life but yet the crazed looked spoke volumes that she knew him.

In a raspy voice, Barris gurgled out the last few sentences he would speak in this lifetime; “I don’t understand … who are you?”

It would be too easy to let him die without knowing but she hated doing things the easy way. “Most know me as Dalethria.” She kissed him on the cheek and grinned at him, staying nose to nose with him, “But you can call me Navaria Tarkin.”

She laughed triumphantly as the realization of what she just said lit up in Barris’ eyes. With incredible strength, Dalethria lifted him into the air and threw him out the window. Glass shattered everywhere, inside and outside. Some even cut into her flesh but Dalethria paid it little attention as she stepped forward. The glass cracked underneath her boots and she peered out the window. His body was draped over the tops of the bushes like he was lying in bed and Dalethria smiled. Mosh Barris had a look of confusion and shock.

It looked so beautiful.

Athena Lady Darknss
Jul 22nd, 2001, 04:50:55 PM
:: athena turned her head to see the end of the shadow. She still had her sabers ready and watched the dark black being. ::

" Talth?"

Admiral Cureatz
Jul 22nd, 2001, 08:51:55 PM
**Slowly the transport fleet moved into position over the planets surface.**

"Sir we have acheived orbit of Garqi."

Very good. Send a message to all the transports except the one carrying the invid to begin shuttling their respective cargos to the surface. When we recieve a signal that the invid inclosure is completed we will begin transfering them to the surface.

"Aye sir"

Couldn't be soon enough to get those creatures off my hands.

**Cureatz shook his head and said under his breath.**

"What was that sir?"

Nothing. Carry on with your orders.

"Aye aye sir."

**Within a few short minutes the skies became filled with landing craft and TIE starfighters that would be garrisoned on the planet. As the first troops started to land, Cureatz signaled Lord Rayial that the landing operations had begun, and that the ETA for all human and technological cargo would be 3 hours. He also requested a timetable on when he would be allowed to start ridding himself of the bio-engineered beings aboard the modified transport now orbiting above planet.**

Dara Shadowtide
Jul 22nd, 2001, 09:41:41 PM
:: Dara moved off to the right to engage the two guards approaching her rapidly. Keeping the Lieutenant in her sight, she reached to her belt and ignited her turquoise and light blue blades. Calling upon the darkness which consumed her, the Lordess force leaped up and over the guards and landed with a twist. She masterfully shoved the sabers in each of the base of their skulls and ripped downwards along their spines.

Blood curdling screams filled the room at the moment the two guards perished by the Sith Lordess's hands, their bodies falling to the ground in a heap and coming to rest eternally in a large pool of blood which flowed freely. Dara focused on her next target, the Lieutenant, and saw him start to back up as if trying to find a way out of the room ::

Dara: "Stand at ease, Lieutenant. Your military career, while perhaps distinguished and well decorated to you, is of no consequence or interest to myself or the Empire."

:: The Lieutenant reaches for his blaster and begins firing in futility at Dara. She blocks each blaster bolt with her sabers, and sends them back at the Lieutenant, who suddenly becomes a victim of his own firepower. Blaster bolts sear through his uniform as the smell of burning flesh emanates in the room. As he stumbles backwards against the broken glass from Barris's room departure, he is met with a large blast of pure dark side energy from Dara as she slowly begins lifting him into the air.

As glass shards scraped against the Lieutenant's back, he attempted to keep from screaming and the anguished sounds of defeat were muffled as he met his fate at last. At the top of the large, wall sized window there was a spike shaped section of glass which remained in tact after Barris's body crashed into it. As the tip of the glass pierced the Lieutenant's back and emerged from the lower part of his chest, he screamed out one final order ::

Lieutenant: "Engage planetary codes.. ARRGGGHHHHHHH!"

:: Blood streamed from his body like a fountain as he took his last breath with a gurgle. He hung suspended in mid air, a decoration of an era gone by for the planet of Garqi. Dara quickly made her way over to a screen which was flashing bright red. She took out a small device and plugged it into the console. The datapad located the main planetary codes as well as an encrypted set with an old executable file of an imperial code sequence barely recognized any longer.

Dara then quickly keyed in the command codes to deactivate the alert, and remove the old imperial hidden executable code. The Sith Lordess and Mission Commander then programmed in a new set of codes that assured that Garqi was now under the control of the Empire ::

Darth Snack
Jul 22nd, 2001, 09:45:40 PM
*Nodding as his apprentice spoke, Snack busied himself formulating a plan of attack. He looked around the market to his left and right and straight ahead. The Outlet they were going to shouldn't be too far down this road from their current location.*

If we can aquire even one AT-ST, it would help us greatly in picking off any defensive strike they muster up. Once everything is clear... that's when the real fun will begin.

*Smiling evily, Snack picked up on his pace.*

Kaine Darklighter
Jul 23rd, 2001, 04:23:29 AM
Kaine let out a small chuckle, and nodded his head in agreement.

“It'll do me fine too, Bi0, it'll do me fine too..”

The two Sith turned a corner; and there it was. The Police Brigade. It didn't have many guards out front, and they'd be quite easy to take out. The problem was trying to take over the whole building. What if they just blew it up? Hmn, that might work.

“Bi0, I figured that instead of us rushing in there with three billion police shooting us, why dont we just blow it up? Or, we could use another idea..”

Kaine began whispering to Bi0. He didn't really know why he was whispering, he just thought it necessary. Once finished whispering, he stepped back, grinned, and waited patiently for Bi0's answer.

Rama Sha
Jul 23rd, 2001, 04:31:18 AM
:: A Small Secuirty vessel fires acroos the ocean heading towards the main island of Zera. Rama had stolen the ship from the spaceport which was being securied by Firebird and had split ways with Eve who was taking out the Food Outlet. Ahead he could see the outline of the coastal markets, Resturants and other places of Buisness. He clicked on the ships targeting Computer. ::

Jul 23rd, 2001, 05:52:25 AM
::Saphire smiled as the man went white. Her eyes glittered as he gulped hard::

Well, I need some information old man, and I know you have a tongue to tell me, or at least for now...

::She laughs as he trembles and nods, knowing full well what she was saying::

Old Man: What do you want to know, ..sith??

Saphire: Yes, I am sith, if you arent stupid enough to find out. Stop wasting time and tell me where the guard station is and where the main power room is. Also, who is the main leaders in the guard teams around here.

Old man: Y.y.y.es. if you wish. The tall aldeeran man with green eyes and blrown hair and the large nose is the main man. The lady with red hair and a scarre on the right side fo her face is also high in the ranks and..

::Saphire smiles cruelly::

Saphire: Your the other one? Not good enough I'd say, I crept in here without you noticing. Im surprised your a leader, they must be promoting anyone now.

::Saphire did not ask who the sub leaders were, she did not need that, she only needed to know who to wipe out first.She forced his mouth open and cut his tongue out slowly, him writhing in horrible pain. She gets out one of her custom throwing knives with TSE's symbol and stabs it into his guts, leaving him on the ground sobbing soundlessly, alive and probably alive enough to recover. Grabbing a nearby cloth she covered his mouth and shoved him under a table after a second thought.
She walked out soundlessly and moved into thye next room, finding six guards and as she smiled flirtiously at each fo them, it took them a few seconds to notice blood on her. A few seconds too late. She already had her saber ignited and three had their belly sliced, one had their chest cut open, one had their throat sliced three times and the other decapitated. She looked at the bloody mess on the floor and as she left she closed the door softly, letting the dead lie to rest quietly.
Five more rooms and twenty, or more as far as she could count were down, she had not seen either of the other two commanders::

:;After walkign around she came to a room with a distinct look about it, this had to be it. Below her , as sher had seen through a window was the med centre's main patient room, machines and bacta tanks working effieciently. well lights out everyone. She put her hand to the door and grinned, opening it and seeing the man and woman the now soundless man had told her about::

Hello ladies and gentleman, welcome to tonights entertainment, the power failure of the med centre and the take over of the sith.

::She laughed as they turned around and faced her, her saber ready and a now icy look on her face::

::Her saber was a flash of light as they skillfully attacked and dodged, she cought the man by the waist, kicking him back and slicing him into three parts. The woman looked like she would be sick but faced Saphire with a look of fury and pain.
Saphire Flipped back from the attack, kicked the woman in the jaw as she attacked, and taking out her dragon balde, while switching off and placing her saber onto her belt, slicing the scarre open, and stabbing the woman in the stomach, determining every attack the woman would give out before it happened. The woman sank down and moaned, her eyes full of daggers as she looked at Saphire. Saphire returned it with a cold smile and went to the control panel, openign her commlink signal::

Kaine, Bio. Im here and turning the power off.

:;She flicks a switch and the doors to the med centre lock, the security bars sliding down with a large crash that echoed through the walls. Everyone includign the patient and doctors imprisioned. She turns the switch for the power off and the lights go out, all but her saber glowing::

Im about to head out now guys.

:;She keeps the saber on as more gaurds may be around and headed out of the room::

Jul 23rd, 2001, 07:07:52 AM
*Bi0 was never the type to attack an enemy without them knowing it. In short, he didn't like Kaine's plan*

"You afraid of getting your hands dirty Sir Kaine? Cause I sure am not"

*Bi0 held his saber handle without igniteding it*

"Besides, your must have been misinformed on the number of police. Master Shadowtide said the population was less then a million...meaning there's probably about 300...500 police at best...they may have numbers but we have EXP".

*Bi0 begins walking to the Police Brigade*

"And I don't belive any of them have been in combat with a sith before..."

*Bi0 was cut off by Sapphire's transmission. He heard it but didn't reply*

"Ah, now Lady Sapphire will join us...that will make it more fun for all of us...of course, it won't be easy. To kill so many police would take quite long but if it wasn't, then where would the fun be?"

*Bi0 looked toward the Police Brigade and saw the many search lights atop it's rooftop. Bi0 and Kaine were a good 20 meters out of the lights*

"Will have to wait for Lady Sapphire...an attack with just us will be fruitless".

*Bi0 walked to his left and sat down next to a tree*

"Besides, this walk to the Police has tired me...it be wise to save our strength until she arrives".

Kaine Darklighter
Jul 23rd, 2001, 07:55:48 AM
OOC: Bi0, If you'd get on AIM, I'd tell you what I was whispering about. :p


“Ah, yes, but what about my other plan? You know, the one that I whispered to you?”

Kaine looked at Bi0 once more, waiting for his response.

Jul 23rd, 2001, 11:04:35 AM
Poreon was a fledgling during the Rebellion but he remembered taking New Republic history when he was in the Sixth Grade-- extra circular since the Empire's propaganda never really admitted to losing to a bunch of furry animals. Many Ewoks had devised simple machines to crush the sheetmetal used on parts of the AT-STs. A group of Ewoks and a wookie had even hijacked an AT-ST. If two ewoks and a wookie could crush an Imperial Legion, the two Sith Knights would be able to capture an AT-ST with their eyes closed and hand tied behind their back.

Poreon extended his single hand, palm flat. The two Sith knights stopped. They had reached the end of the Eatery District. Trees and native plants filled the new area-- Plaza Park. Just beyond the park, the Food Outlet rest. Pulling out a pair of 'noculars, Poreon adjusted the focus. He could make out the commercial area of the food outlet-- trucks pulling in and out, dumping or receiving their loads. The Vision became uclear as the long, metal leg of an All-Terrain vehicle empowered the majority of the view. The Leg bent and continued walking. Poreon reattached his noculars to his belt. In a low voice,

"Master, I've analyzed their patrol pattern. The AT-STs guard the middle in pairs. They stop for three minutes at each end of their patrol. When they are stopped, there are two STs in the middle, and two STs either on the left or on the right ends. Four Facility Class KDY's guard each corner of the square compound. They rotate 180 degrees each, viewing all possible angles. There is a blind spot while the AT-STs are moving and the Gun Turret is unprotecting."

Jul 23rd, 2001, 01:03:59 PM
:: After being adressed by Dara, Khan and Gryfon begin taking off the datapads on the tubes. Filled with data about the creatures which lay inside, the pads would prove useful to future experiments. After that they return to the main room and meet up with Vega and Gitane and return to the surface, heading back toward the docks. After docking, Khan splits up with Gryfon as they both walk toward their seperate ships ::

"See you on Caran, comrade."

:: With that Khan climbs into his QX-9 and lifts off, engaging all systems and cruising at a low altitude toward Caran ::

Rama Sha
Jul 24th, 2001, 04:50:00 AM
:: the Small security vessel zipped over the buildings. The peopl who had been hideing came out to wave on the fighter thinking it truely was one of theirs. Rama turned the small craft around and aimed the cross hairs at the largest building. A Resturant with a motel above is what it appeared to be. He flipped up the arm switches for the Photon Torpedos. He pulls the trigger and two balls of blue light shot forward from the craft. Rama pulled back on the stick as they impacted. The Restruant exploded into a million tiny fragments, ppl on the street who were waveing were thrown to the ground. Again Rama took aim and pulled the trigger. Another store down the street exploded in simlar fashion. ::

Jul 24th, 2001, 11:01:31 PM
::Saphire laughs as a crackle is heard, the water she had secretly spilled on the main controls had now sizzled the wires and would not work. The door would be locked now, that woman would die in there or be locked in for a long time.
She spotted two guards, and killed them cleanly with the gun, three shots at the temple, throat and heart. She did this for each around 23 guards that came by and as she got out into fresh air by breaking a door open she smiled as she spotted two familiar figures a way off. Running up, aware of people and thigns around her she walked up to them and winked::

Well, shall we?

OOC: guys i might not be on tonight and possibly tomorrow, thats why my other post was so long. If you need me for anything just write me in vagualy and ill pick it up from there.

Darth Snack
Jul 25th, 2001, 10:53:20 AM
*Keeping his eyes fixed upon the food outlet, the structure rose high above the tree and Snack could see two of the four Facility Class KDY's stationed at the two corners. The AT-ST's were not visible through the park's trees, but their faint mechanical whine was just audible giving away their positioning. Matching the low voice of his apprentice, Snack replied.*

Your lead, Poreon.

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Jul 25th, 2001, 05:27:01 PM
After relishing in the death of Mosh Barris, she made her way over behind her sister and looked over her shoulder. Some strange codes were scrolling across the screen, "What are you up too?"

Jul 25th, 2001, 07:36:07 PM
Poreon Nodded, his bleached blonde hair flicking sweat onto the ground. Poreon lie commando-style on the park ground. He wiggled his elbows, letting his body follow the foward motion. Now just outside the park's tree line, Poreon was visible to the AT-STs and the turrets.

He moved quickly, becoming a blur in the scenery. He sprinted down the grassy, three degree slope. Metal crunching sound grew in volume as Poreon crouched behind one of the still AT-STs. The leg reached two full bodies above his crouched form. Looking up, the entrails of the AT-ST were visible. Coolant Tubes led to the motors for the legs and the movable laser blasters. They dangled from the botom of the cube head of the chicken walker. For a Sith Knight, it would be an easy jump up to the tubes.

Compressing his legs and cocking his arms back, he gathered power for his jump. He swung his arms foward and extended his bent legs. At the zennith of the jump Force was pumped into the upwards momentum.

Poreon clasped his only hand tightly around the coolant tube. The legs of the Metal Walker were centimeters away from Poreon's hanging body. The Knight wrapped his human legs around the metal legs and eased his body into a standing position against the Chicken Walker Head. Precariously, he tight-rope style turned his body so his stomach was flat against the head.

To get to the top... His blue eyes glanced up at the small latch that gave access to the small controls of the Raptor AT-ST Walker. Using the Force, the latch was pushed open, giving the Knight access to The Controls. He mobius flip-jumped himself up and into the cockpit. Catching the Gunner and Pilot off-guard he quickly silenced them by snapping their knecks.

"I've captured a Chicken." he whispered into his comlink. "Shall I clear your path?"

Sieken Kasstra
Jul 25th, 2001, 09:37:38 PM
::Watching a few moments while the dead bodys flaot in the black water, the night air was soon growing cold, sieken jumped onto a crate analysing the distant movement from the shipyard security, he looked up to a over hanging crane, the crane extended right over the actral storage depot::

:: Sieken ran like hell jumping from crate to crate, finaly gripping hold of the yellow fraime of the crane and climbing up the 150ft tall structure::

"HEY YOU!!" a voice signaled below "Get down from there" he said firing a few shots up a Sieken

"Aghhhh crap" he said letting go fo the crane and falling right on top of the man blade first running the blade through the top of the humand skull fight though his body out past the end of his spine, he then twisted the blade cutting the man in half::

"that shut ypou up didnt it" he said starting his trip up the crane again

Darth Snack
Jul 28th, 2001, 01:40:13 PM
Please do.

*He spoke softly, then arose to his feet. Still surrounded by the foliage of the park, he began walking towards the edge. He saw the AT-ST that Poreon hijacked, and watched as it began to spit laser fire at the other walkers and tuurents.*

Jul 28th, 2001, 09:27:46 PM
The cube head of the escorting AT-ST exploded into a ball of fire, leaving two unweighted legs standing alone. With a Cher-chink the head of Poreon's AT-ST turned a hundred-eighty degrees and spit six more burst of laser fire at the remaining two AT-STs that were running towards the rouge AT-ST now. The first AT-ST exploded at the neck joint: the second AT-ST's legs gave way, resulting in a four meter crash to the ground.

The Turrets began sending their scarlet beams of energy at Poreon's AT-ST, but it was just out of the turrets range-- as was it outside the STs range. "Master... could you do something about those turrets? I don't wanna risk losin this Scout Walker."

Darth Snack
Jul 28th, 2001, 09:45:09 PM
I'm sure I could...

*Focusing the dark power into his legs, the Sith Knight took off on a dead Force Induced sprint to the right corner facing him. As the turrent fired upon him, missing with every single shot for it could not track Snack fast enough, he unclipped his double blade and jumped.

He used the Force to jump, being able to land in the turrent control pad two stories up from the ground. With both ends of his death weapon ignited, Snack sliced and chopped down the two guards working there, silencing the turrent.

Snack looked across the length of the top towards the other front turrent. It was unable to hit Poreon in his AT-ST, but kept the machine at bay. Stepping onto the roof, he ran over to the other side, and jumped into pad. Taking these two guards down by surprise, Snack took a seat in the turrent control modual.*

Think the other two turrents will cause a problem?

*The Sith Knight pressed a lever, causing the turrent to move back and forth the full 180 degrees of it's motion.*

Athena Lady Darknss
Jul 29th, 2001, 02:16:03 PM
:: Athena runs from the site of the explosion and heads to find the Admiral. She makes a mental note to check up in the med bays at the HQ at home. Talth still might show up there. Just later. ::

Jul 29th, 2001, 09:10:41 PM
"They'd make a purrrdy explosion." Poreon laughed.

The AT-ST Steering system was a dual lever system. The right lever controlled the right leg: the left controlled the left leg. Poreon pulled the left lever back while pushing the right lever foward. The AT-ST turned to face Snack in his turrets. Poreon thrust the control foward, creating equal momentum for each leg.

The vehicle ran foward at fifty miles per hour. Quickly crossing the grassy area to the Turrets, Poreon used the Force to pop the hatch of the AT-ST.

"Hop on in, Master."

Darth Snack
Jul 31st, 2001, 04:34:32 PM
That they do.

*Saying that as he jumped in, Snack took the right seat, and gained access to the weapon controls. Pressing he few buttons, his head jumped up as he heard and saw red laser bolts fly through the air.*


*As Poreon closed the hatch, Snack took aim at the side of the building opening fire. The duracrete and concrete and all of the other beams and metal sturctures holding the food storage facility up shattered and splintered as the red bolts of doom struck down upon them.

Snack then took aim at the third turrent, which was trying to fire at them yet missed each shot. In a firey explosion, the turrent was no more.

Smiling, Snack looked at the building once more, and began to pummel the outside of it once again with laser bolts. Each mini-explosion caused a part of the wal to crack and tumble, making a nice big home-made entrence*

Let's blow this joint from the inside out.

Aug 1st, 2001, 07:16:36 PM
Fiddling around his pockets, Poreon grabbed two objects. He pulled them out, struggling to hold each in his hand. A red light blinked on the top of each silver ball. Poreon handed his Master one of the silver balls. "Thermal Detonators. Very good if you can run fast."

Snack pressed down on his firing controls and created a gaping hole inside the Food Warehouse. Using the Force, Poreon pushed the throttle foward and the AT-ST walked through the new hole. "Look's like the Center, Master. The path behind us is relatively clear-- just need to dodge large transparisteel and rock. Think you can make the run?"

Poreon turned the Chicken-Walker's head so it faced the way they came. A relatively straight path led back outside, two-hundred and fifty meters away. Broken transparisteel and duracrete littered the floor, creating managable obstacles. Turning his head up, Poreon propped the hatch open. He lept out of the AT-ST and onto the marble floor. Silently, his master landed next to him.

"Six Minutes... So we can watch master."

Darth Snack
Aug 1st, 2001, 08:05:39 PM
Then let's plant and go.

*The Knight nodded as he looked over the silver device in his hand, blinking its red light. He set the detonation for six minute like Poreon said. Setting it down on one of the feet of the Chicken Walker he smiled and noticed Poreon do the same.*

Think I can bum a ride off of you back to HeadQuarters?

"Of course"

Snack then let the darkness consume him and allowed the Force to penatrate his body, controlling his movements. He was the first to set off at a run headed through the way the blasted in. Jumping the downed pieces of rock and building and ducking under those which hung too low.*

Aug 1st, 2001, 09:07:26 PM
Poreon sprinted his heart out, using the Force to aid his stamina. He made it out of the Food Complex seconds after his faster Master. Stopping a safe distance away from where debris would fly, Poreon hunched over in an attempt to catch his breath.

He glanced down at his chrono. 00:03 Poreon looked up at the building, sweat pouring down his eyes.

"Boom." Poreon mouthed the words as the two thermal detonators exploded.

Darth Snack
Aug 1st, 2001, 10:22:58 PM
*Catching his breath he turned to look at the now distant building. And the fireball and could of smoke which devoured it. Mission accomplimshed.*

You're Defender isn't a multi-personal craft is it? Ah well... We'll find something at our spaceport.

*He smirk, relaxing a bit. The day had been long and tiring. A warrior had took his first steps into Knighthood, a planet had been liberated back to Lordess Dara. All was well and evil.

As the two began to trek back towards the spaceport where their mission all began, Snack spoke.*

You still owe me a round of drinks. :)

Dara Shadowtide
Aug 1st, 2001, 10:46:20 PM
:: Dara watched as the last of the codes changed over and the planet of Garqi came under the control of the Empire. The screen returned to its normal dark grey color and the blue TSE logo appeared in the center of the screen. She turned to face Dale with a smile ::

"Oh, I just changed all the planetary codes over to encrypted codes that only TSE has knowledge of, my sister. Garqi now belongs to the Empire. Thank you for your help in this mission. It was invaluable, as you are to me."

:: Dara glanced around at the remnants of the bloodbath incurred by the two Sith Lordesses and then chuckled before returning her attention to Dale ::

"By the way, nice work on Barris. It was indeed a pleasure to fight alongside you."

Athena Lady Darknss
Aug 2nd, 2001, 11:36:29 PM
Athena was looking around for the Admiral, but only found other sith who were killing un-needed humans. She walked until she found and felt the force signature of her master. She waited out side of the building her master was in and took a seat.

Aug 4th, 2001, 05:31:43 PM
:: Khan glanced out the c*ckpit of his QX-9, watching the beach speed by. Cruising low over the coast, Khan saw that the Marina was not far ahead, and that Gryfon was not far behind him. He throttled up to attack speed, and armed his advanced concussion missiles. Narrowing his eyes and getting a lock, Khan released 4 consecutive screaming harbringers of death from the wing of the ship. The missiles advanced and pierced the outer wall off the communications building; completely annhiliating the bottom floor of the 3 story building in a flash of blazing fury. The foundation crushed, the building then collapsed on it's side to obliterate the nearby restaraunt; killing dozens of patrons.

Khan did not even grin and just flew threw the smoke to make another run. It mattered not if they tracked him in before he fired, they're dead now. He did a barrel roll and curved around for a run on the docks. He slowed down a bit and switched to canons. Cruising straight over the piers, he sprayed green death over the lined up boats; passing through immense explosions along the way as boats erupted into flame underneath a Sith Disciple of TSE ::

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Aug 5th, 2001, 01:53:20 PM
Her hand tightened around Dara's shoulder and she returned the smile, "As you are to me as well."

Dalethria turned to look at the gory mess that they caused and sighed, "A shame it was too quick ... it would've been nice to savor the battle a bit longer ...."

Then she returned her eyes to Dara. They sparkled with laughter, "... but it was much better to fight beside you then be enemies."

The reference was rather obscure but thinking about it, it began to grow clearer that Dalethria was referring to the time that Dara came after her when she was Navaria.

Aug 10th, 2001, 04:02:04 PM
:: After making two runs over the docks, all the vessels were either completely obliterated or rolling into the waves, beyond repair. Khan eased the stick up, gaining altitude before doing a snap-roll to the right and curving back around to get a better view of the whole marina. In the distance he noticed Gryfon's ship had landed, and he knew that now his comrade was planting the explosives in the buildings and piers of the marina that weren't already turned into slag by Khan's guns and missiles.

Khan emptied two more concussion missiles into the administration building, blowing out the glass that then shattered onto the people panicking below. The building then collapsed in on itself in a swirl of dust and flying duracrete. Swooping around, he started to make runs on the main parking lot, turning aircars and rescue vehicles into piles of burning scrap ::

Sumor Rayial
Aug 11th, 2001, 02:36:19 PM

**A small group of senior officers jumped in surprise at Sumor's sudden appearance.**

"Everything is coming along as expected sir."

The first planetary turbolasers?

"48% completed sir."

The garrisons on each of the islands?

"Completed and maned sir. We can expand our presence on the larger islands imidiately if that is your wish."

No, we should be okay for now. What about the conversion of the spaceport into a airbase?

"Well there were some unforseen problems to start but we have corrected them and have sped up the conversion. Right now we have the base maned fully and 84% of our fighters are ready to fly. There is alway a half squadron on alert five with the remaining 6 ships on alert ten."

Good job overcoming those obsticles General. When the conversion is completed how many fighters can we house there?

"Two wings sir."

Hmmm. When the first set of constructions are completed I want another base built with a second set of wings.

"Yes my lord."

And finally, the Invid?

"Well sir... They aren't to happy with their enclosure, they have been causing a lot of trouble for us. The expert that Master Lynch sent with them believes it is due to the fact that they are being unable to have the freedom to create their hive."

From what Jedah has told me of these creatures it is a good possibility. Have your men removed from the island, place low yeild detonators on the encolsure doors. When all your men have left blow the doors and let them have the island.

"Sir is that wise?"

I don't know, but I would rather have them happy than causing us problems.

"Understood sir."

Good. That is all.

"Yes sir"

**The Generals saluted and turned to go and take care of their duties. Sumor started walking back towards the temporary command center with an evil grin on his face. The planet was under their control now, and with about a 90% completion on all of the first set of defensive positions someone would have a lot of trouble taking it from them now.**

Daegal Murdoch
Aug 19th, 2001, 10:52:20 PM
Daegal began running towards another entrance to the warehouse, a smaller one. It was just a regular door, plain and wooden, but it had to be barricaided none-the-less. He quickly moved towards a steel beam.

He picked it up with the force and moved it towards the door. He positioned it so that the door could not be open and then quickly began jogging again, looking for another exit to block.

Dara Shadowtide
Sep 3rd, 2001, 04:39:52 PM
:: Over the next week, Dara received the last of the transmissions of mission completions on a newly established encrypted planet transmission channel. All nine teams had reported in with success in achieving their assigned objectives, Dara had changed the planetary codes and Sumor Rayial had coordinated and implemented all remaining planetary defenses.

With Operation: Turbulent Waters now complete and Garqi under the control of the Empire, Dara and the rest of the members of the Empire boarded their ships and private vessels and returned to HeadQuarters ::