View Full Version : The way she smiles. (continued) (Closed)
Liam Jinn
Sep 1st, 2001, 04:20:02 PM
This evening was just begining too. ( got into the hovercab first, followed closely by Liam. Off to the left of the cab, someone had fallen. That explains the snap.. Liam thought as he told the cab driver where to go.
As the cab pulled away from the bar, a shadowy form at the edge of the building pulled something out of his coat. A small flash of light and the object was put back into his pocket. Frack, just a cigarra lighter. Don't be so worried.. Fett looked at Liam and turned to look at what he was looking at.
"What is it?"
"Ah, nothing. So how smoothly do you think we're gonna pull this off?" Liam replied.
"Let's hope as smooth as it can get, we don't need anyone to get hurt do to our carelessness." Fett at least was in the right mind about this. Liam nodded in responce and watched the passing scenery flying past the window.
A couple of hours later, they arrived at a hotel. Liam paid the driver and got out. Fett exited the cab and looked over the hotel.
"Hmm, not bad."
Sep 4th, 2001, 04:07:29 PM
:: "I've been better though" Ash commented as the pair walked up through the main doors into the reception. Seeing the main desk, the Jedi Master strode over, and leant on the front desk, before looking at the worker infront of him. She was female, slightly younger than him, with medium length blonde hair. As she looked up at him, he flashed her a quick half smile.
"Hi" He said before she could start with the normal authomated conversation you always got when ordering anything. Always fun to throw them.
"Erm, hi" She replied
"I'd like a room. Three in fact, all next to each other" That was a standard thing people with private information did. That way, you could talk about whatever you wanted, and noone would be eavesdropping nextdoor.
"Okay, yeah, three rooms" she replied. Fett was now realising that she didn't have her mind on the job fully. Perfect. When that happened, it increased the chance that they would forget the details. All she'd remember is what was distracting her.
"How much is that?" Ash asked.
"Sorry, that's 600 credits"
He slowly reached into his jacket pocket, and pulled out a large pile of credit chits. He took the majority away, and placed them on the desk.
"600 for the room.." He said, and put the smaller pile on the table next to it.
"...100 for you" He finished, a broad smile on his face. Quite suprised, the woman, reached under the desk, and brought out three keycards.
"Rooms 1137-1139"
"Thanks" Ash replied, and gave her a wink, before taking the cards, and rejoining Liam, who was waiting in the lobby.
"You took your time" He said
"Hey, a guy has to be civilised. Come on, its the top floor" Ash replied, before heading for the turbolift, with Liam following close behind.::
Liam Jinn
Sep 4th, 2001, 10:33:07 PM
As the doors were closing in the turbolift, a hand plunged through the narrow opening, reopening the doors. Three men walked in, then made their way behind Liam and Fett. Liam pushed the button to go to the top floor and the doors slid shut. An erie silence filled the lift as it rose. Only the sparce mumbling of the men was to be heard, then it stopped abruptly as it had begun.
The doors opened and Liam walked out, followed by Fett. As they turned down the hall to their right, the men walked out of the lift.
"Yeah, I know..I see them."
Liam and Fett made their way to room 1138 and went inside, locking the door.
"Heh, not very good at being discrete are they?" Fett said when they were checking out the room.
"Think they'll hit tonight or in the..." A knock at the door interrupted Liam. "Room Service" Both men looked at each other then dove to the sides of the room seconds before the door was turned into splinters.
The men who were in the turbolift kicked down what was left of the door and stormed in with slugthrowers in hand. Fett pulled his 1911's out as Liam grabbed his P220's. The first man went down in less than a second. Fett jumped and rolled across the doorway, emptying a clip into the second man. The third man stepped out of the cover of the wall he was behind to take a shot at Fett as Liam shot two rounds into his head.
The 2 men reloaded their weapons and grabbed their things, stepping over the bodies to leave. As they reached the door, 6 more men turned down the hall and headed towards them. One man shouted "There they are" as Liam and Fett turned around back into their room.
Sep 4th, 2001, 10:47:42 PM
:: Ducking into the room, the two Jedi quickly propped a piece of what was left of the door against the frame, to block a fast entry, before moving back. Liam ducked behind a chair at the side of the room, while Fett dived over a table, pulling it onto its side as he went. Reloading his two slugthrowers, he stood up, just as one of the men turned the corner, stumbling over the piece of door. Taking aim, he fired a single shot at the man. Penetrating the top of his skull. Two more mooks followed, only to be gunned down by Liam. Quickly hopping over the table, the Jedi Master pulled his Lightsabre out of his belt, and ignited it, before cutting through the wall in a circular motion. Stepping back, he dived into the cut area, falling straght through. The three remaining men turned to fire, leaving their back exposed to Liam's shots.
Picking himself up, Fett dusted his jacket, before looking up.
"So nice to see that railgun of yours came in handy" ::
Liam Jinn
Sep 5th, 2001, 06:50:11 PM
Liam held up his P220's.
"These worked under the circumstances, besides who wants to dig through the bag and get the damn thing out in the middle of a gunfight?"
He flashed a grin then picked up his bag that had been laying on the bed.
"Well, do we move or stay?"
Sep 27th, 2001, 08:27:40 AM
:: "I would say that going would be good" Ash replied, before reaching into his bag, and pulled out a Vibroblade, before activating it. He slowly moved it rond the edge of the hole he had made in the wall, and then round the piece on the floor. This way, the hole looked cut, not burnt. Noone would know a light saber did this.
Putting all of his things back in his bag, he left the room, following Liam. Turning the opposite way to which they came, the pair go down a second repulsorlift to the ground floor, leaving through a back door.
"Should we go now?" Ash asked Liam, who gave a nod.
Walking down the street, the two walked at a fast pace until reaching the Route to the Stars Spaceport. Going inside, tey stepped onto a ship designated for transport between two planets. Both sat down, and waiting in silence until reaching the next planet. ::
Liam Jinn
Oct 28th, 2001, 03:19:57 PM
The trip seemed to go by quickly. They arrived on the planet and set the ship down at the local shipyard.
"Fett, when we do this..lets try not to flash our sabers everywhere. Remember, we have to keep the jedi bit down to pull this off."
Fett nodded in agreement. The two spent half of the day going over different strategies and the other half looking over maps of the city. When night fell they gathered their weapons and headed for the target.
The target was a well protected home near the edges of the city. Guards could been seen and heard along the darkened fence that surrounded the home. Inside the fence the peaceful trickling of a fountain could be heard. The house itself was a few stories tall, windows nearly every few meters or so. A shadowy figure paced back and forth near the windows of the top floor; most likely another guard.
"Damn, I hate rich people." Fett said with a smirk. "No ****," Liam replied. The two Jedi Masters aproached the gate dressed in suits. A guard raised his hand signaling for them to stop.
"Halt! No visitors are allowed during these hours."
Liam and Fett looked at each other then back at the guard.
"I'm sure Mr. Storm told you he was expecting us, didn't he?"
"Um, no. No visitors are allow-"
"Yeah, we caught that the first time" Fett said, cutting the man off. "I'm sure that Mr. Storm informed you of our visit, think hard"
The man stood silent for a moment, then with a little nudge with the force, let them through.
Most of the guards paid little to know attention to Liam and Fett. Only one or two tried to question them but were satisfied enough with the answers to let them go about their way. Reaching a door on the top floor, Liam raised his hand to knock but stopped.
"Here we go.."
Liam knocked then stepped back.
Jun 23rd, 2002, 06:59:10 PM
Myra had been sitting in her room reading a holo-novel when suddenly a knock came at her door. She yelled for whoever it was to go away....but obviously they did not. Sighing heavily, the woman placed the novel down on the bed and walked over to the door. With a swift movement, she flung the door open and eyed the two men that stood before her. Backing up a bit, she was in a bit of shock.
"Who the hell are you?!"
She exclaimed, wondering how they were able to get past the high security. Baffled, she picked up the holo-novel, ready to defend herself if the men tried to pull anything.....
Liam Jinn
Jun 23rd, 2002, 08:40:50 PM
He stood there at the door, stunned. The young womans beauty had left him speechless. Ash nudged Liam with his elbow, bringing Liam back into the real world. He reached into his suit and pulled out one of his P220 slugthrowers. He knew that they didn't have much time to do this, so there was no time for flirting. Raising it, he explained calmly.
"I'm sorry for the intrusion Ms. Storm, but you'll be joining us for the rest of the evening."
She threw her holo-novel at Liam and it hit his chest harmlessly.
"Alright, let's try this again. You have no choice in this matter. You come with us, or die. Got it?"
The building shook violently as alarms started blaring. A voice came on the intercom, seeming a bit frantic. 'All security personel to ground level! All security personel to ground level!'
"Oh great, we've got to move faster Liam!" Ash shouted.
Liam put his gun back into his suit and sighed looking at Myra.
"Look, Ash and I are Jedi. We are here to save your life. It seems your father has made some very nasty enemies, and we recieved word that they were after you. I don't have time to explain it all right now, just come with us, Ash here doesn't bite. Can't say the same for me but.." Ash pulled out a 1911 and calmly shot a man running towards the door. Obviously the 'nasty enemies' were getting close..
Jun 24th, 2002, 11:23:49 AM
Myra shook her head at first, quite afraid of what these men would do to her. Looking around she suddenly heard the alarms go off and then felt the house begin to shake. With a bit of hesitation, she grabbed Liam's hand to ensure her safefy.
"Damnit.....I just hope that you're telling the truth...."
She said nervously, wondering how in the hell these two men planned to get them out of there. If they're truly Jedi...they should be able to... She thought to herself....
Jun 24th, 2002, 08:10:43 PM
Listening to the corridors behind the Jedi, Ash could hear people coming. There's too many of them for us to protect her he thought, before he had an idea. Opening up his holdall, he pulled out a few items he might need. A DL-44 blaster, some spare power packs, and a commlink. The Jedi Master then opened Liam's bag, and proceeded to pour the contents of his inside, before throwing in his Sligthrowers as well. Checking his sleeves, he felt the two metalic objects concealed up there, before getting up and looking at Liam.
"Here's the plan. I stay here, hold them off. You go with her, try to find a way out. When I get out, I'll commlink you. Find somewhere to lie low" He said, checking the charge in his blaster.
Before his fllow Jedi could reply, Ash pshed him into the girls room and shut the door, before shooting the lock. Slowly flexing his muscles to calm himself, the Jedi slowly raised his pistol in a two handed grip, and awaited the arrival of company.
Jun 25th, 2002, 06:32:31 PM
Myra and Liam were shoved into her room abruptly. She was a bit flustered when she nearly ran into the Jedi's face with her own. Looking up into his eyes, she breathed a sigh of relief and looked down, blushing.
"I'm sorry...."
She said shyly and then looked to her window. Running over to it, she unlocked the bolts and looked to him.
"I don't know any other way....unless you want to use the air-ducts. There's one right above us..."
She motioned upward to a vent that could be removed. Both of them could easily fit through it, and she knew her way around the small tunnels.
"I've had to sneak out before....I know my way. It may very well be the only way...."
The young woman said with a serious look on her face. The window would be a bit too obvious...and she would rather be safe if she was truly in danger.
Liam Jinn
Jun 25th, 2002, 07:46:24 PM
"My pleasure."
Liam shook his head, trying to stay focused. Myra walked to the window and started explaining ways out. She mentioned the vent and he walked over to it, thinking over the decision.
"Alright, lets take the vent."
He reached into his suit again and pulled out both of his P220 slugthrowers. He ejected both clips and replaced them with a full clip.
"You know how to use one of these things?" He asked, holding one up.
She nodded and he tossed it to her.
"Safety's on, just don't shoot me."
Liam grinned as he pulled off the vent cover. God she's beautiful, he thought to himself. He pulled the commlink out of his pocket and held it up to his mouth.
"Ash, we're taking the vent. Hold them off as long as you can then get the hell outta here."
He put it back into his pocket, then walked over to a desk. Picking up a chair, he moved it under the vent. Smiling, he looked at Myra, his eyes meeting hers.
"As much as I don't like the idea, you know where you're going, so I'm afraid you get to go first."
Jun 28th, 2002, 06:30:55 PM
Myra nodded slightly and took the gun, then clipped it to her belt. Smiling she looked up at the vent and then did sometime unexpected. She leaned over and kissed him gently before getting up onto the chair.
"For luck..."
She winked and then grabbed onto the edges of the vent...then hoisted herself up and into it. The young woman poked her head out through it to see if Liam was coming up anytime soon. Sure enough he was. She moved out of the way and down the vent a little further, then pulled two flashlights off the wall. She had conveniently hung them in there for times when she needed to get out of the house, and quick. Her Father could be scary sometimes...and when he was, she did not want to be around him.....
Liam Jinn
Jul 2nd, 2002, 07:27:45 AM
Liam just grinned widely as he hoisted himself into the vent. When he finally managed to get into a crawling position, his face twisted suddenly as a few disturbing images passed through his mind. The force was trying to warn him of...Myra's death? No...
Myra tugged on Liam's sleeve, urging him to follow. He shook his head and moved foward. The section in front of the two burst into gunfire; Liam pulled Myra back as it moved closer.
"I think we've been found." He said as another burst of gunfire shot through the vent. Liam couldn't help but let out a small cry as a bullet tore through his shoulder. "Slugthrowers...great!" Myra reached down and pulled out her gun, turning it around and slamming the butt end into the remaining piece of the shredded metal. It carelessly fell to the floor, hitting whomever was shooting.
Liam kicked off another piece of the vent and slid out, landing behind the shooter, who was just getting back to his feet. Quickly he pulled out his gun and calmly emptied 3 rounds into the mans head. Myra slid out of the vent and rolled when she hit the ground.
"Alright, the vent isn't gonna work out, we're sitting ducks in there and they know it. Let's just try this the-" Blaster fire shot past Liam's head. He dove to the left and shot the new opponent at the end of the hall. "Ok...we go through-" Another blast. He shot the man again. "Alright...let's-" Another blast whizzed past Myra. Liam walked catiously to the shooter and calmly emptied the remainder of his clip into him. He sighed as he walked back to Myra. His shoulder ached, though the force was already numbing the pain. Giving Myra a small grin he helped her up.
"We go through the door."
Jul 2nd, 2002, 02:52:35 PM
Myra was shocked when the vent shaft opened with a terrible round of fire. Suddenly before she knew it, they were in a room in the back, and a door was right there before them. Liam killed off a few men...and then suggested the door. Smiling, she nodded and took his hand.
"Let's go....we must hurry. I have a speeder out back here....we'll take that into the city or something....wherever you think we should go."
She said as she opened the door and ran outside with him. Surprisingly, no guards or patrolmen were out there....they all were probably preoccupied in the front of the house, which was a good thing. She looked back to Liam as they made their way into her speeder.
"I'm driving..."
She said with a bit of a laugh and they pulled out of the way. A thought crossed her mind suddenly and she stopped.
"Wait, what about the other man that was with you? The Jedi guy?"
Myra was concerned that it wasn't proper....or good....for them to leave without him. Did he have a way out? Would would become of them? To many thoughts entered her mind now and she was always....
Jul 13th, 2002, 05:28:02 PM
Still not moving, Ash made a face as he felt a swell of emotions from someone, most likely Liam.
I should have left him out here... he mused, as a figure walked round the corner. Gently squeezing the trigger, the Jedi's pistol spat laser at the man, hitting him in the chest. Hopping backwards, Ash jumped into the next doorframe behind him, thus changing his location. He watched as another man sprung out from behind the wall, firing in the space he had just left. A shot to the head showed the man the error of his ways.
Heading round the corner, Ash sprinted off, hoping that it wasn't leading to a dead end.
Liam Jinn
Jul 13th, 2002, 07:25:31 PM
Liam smiled at Myra.
"He'll be ok, trust me. We're supposed to get to a safe place and contact him, I believe. You know of any?"
He looked into her eyes, realising the danger that she would have to be put through. He felt sorry for her, briefly recalling the circumstances that had thrown Ash and himself into this mess..
Liam had met the man in Yog's Bar, he seemed very nervous and scared. The more he thought of it, the more he appeared to be injured. He had a black over coat on, it was soaked due to the recent storm that had rolled in.
"Thank you for meeting me, Jedi." said the man, somewhat shakily.
"Please, call me Liam. Now what is it you need help with?"
The man reached into his coat and pulled out a datapad. He slid it across the table to Liam.
"My daughter might be in trouble. Trouble because of my mistakes!" He said, obviously chastising himself in his own mind for a moment before continuing. "I tried to do the right thing for once, and contacted the authorities as soon as I learned a few of my employees were using my corporation to smuggle newly researched weapons off planet and to mercenaries. Well to cut to the chase, those Mercs have taken an intrest into my family affairs, and well, I'm afraid they might take my daughter from me..." He choked out.
Tears were falling freely from the mans light blue eyes. Liam felt his heart sink as he looked on the datapad. She was beautiful...He spoke before the man had a chance to say another word.
"Alright, so I protect her, find out who's behind the Mercs and get paid for it? You do realise that the Jedi must be kept in the dark on this, else we might make more enemies than necessary."
The man nodded, "You've got the picture, just protect my baby.."
Myra tapped Liam on the shoulder, bringing him back to reality. She spoke softly, "Are you alright? I said I know of a place, it'll just be a few minutes before we get there."
He smiled once again and nodded. "I'm fine, and it'll do as long as you're sure it's safe.."
Jul 15th, 2002, 02:31:01 PM
Myra smiled gently and nodded her head, glad that his friend would be alright. Now they would leave for a safe place that she knew of. People there would protect her with their lives....and a friend of hers was no different. She looked at Liam and motioned for him to put on his safety harness.
"I would hate to get in an accident and have you be killed because you were not strapped're to cute to die."
She kissed him on the cheek and grabbed the stearing joysticks. With a wink, she pressed down hard on them and the speeder lurched forward at an unbelievable rate of speed. They went flying past other speeders and people standing around...until they suddenly darted to the right. Ahead of them, small buildings could be almost seemed like a small shack-town. Myra darted to the left and then to the right again....then headed straight down the center. On each side small shacks lined the "road" below the speeder. They seemed to be in the heart of the little "town" now...and it looked as though no one ever came here. A few little children stood outside one of the shacks and watched the passing speeder in awe. One waved and called out Myra's name. She stopped beside a larger building and parked the speeder, then hopped out. With a gentle smile, she walked over to the little child and lifted her into her arms.
"Oh have another cut on your leg...what happened?"
She questioned the little girl. Her little face looked down for a moment and the eyes of the child slowly looked up at Myra. She shook her head and signed something quickly. She was mute...and it was evident. Myra obviously understood what she said and shook her head slowly.
"You're daddy needs to learn some patience....don't be afraid of him, just love him. I have to go friend and I have to hide with Gamma..."
She said softly and set Gloria back on her feet. The little girl waved as Myra took hold of Liam's arm and led him into the largest shack of them all. It was a small "bar" run by an old woman named Oshia....but affectionatly called "Gamma" by Myra and the others that had ever gotten to know her.
"Gamma....this is a Jedi and he is protecting me.....but we need to hide anyway. I hope you don't mind..."
Gamma shook her head and told them to be safe. With that, Myra moved a rug from the floor and lifted a the door of an underground safe-hold. She climbed down the steps and looked up to Liam, offering her hand so that he would not fall on the steps that his feet did not recognize. Of course she was familiar with this...she had hidden in here before, but would not tell him that yet...he would have figured it out anyway.
"We'll be safe here as long as we stay quiet. If we need food, it's over there."
She pointed toward a large pantry with food of many sorts. It didn't appear to be a rich part of town....but there was a hidden wealth that those in the city did not know of. She smiled slightly and sat down on a run down couch, then curled up with a blanket that was left for her...or others who came for the safety the place offered. It was cold down there....but they would be able to keep warm....even if it was only a thin little blanket....
Rulic Kar
Jul 15th, 2002, 10:43:34 PM
The first wave of his men had broken through the wall successfully. It wasn't long before they had the lower levels secure, save a few guards that insisted on commiting suicide considering the odds and training of the mercinaries they faced. Rulic made his way through the opening in the wall and stopped one of his men.
"Did you find the girl?" He asked, placing a hand on the man's shoulder.
"Not yet, but I think we have something that might interest you." Came the reply.
Rulic was obviously displeased with this news and backhanded the man. "Fool! I only want the girl!"
"B..but sir! It's Mr. Storm!" He stammered, backing out of arms reach of Rulic.
Rulic's expression immediatly changed to a wicked grin.
"Show me."
The man led Rulic down a hallway and into a room. Myra's father sat in a chair behind a desk, his head hung low as if he were unconscious. Kar slowly walked to the desk and pulled out his slugthrower clearing his throat as he did. Storm lifted his head slowly, catching sight of the slugthrower, but not stopping until his eyes met Rulic's.
"Terrible thing you've done Mr. Storm. Trying to shut down our business, were you?"
Storm closed his eyes and shook his head, a tear falling down the side of his face. "Please..don't do this." He pleaded.
"I have no intentions of turning back now. Do you take me as an idiot?!" Rulic shot back. "And it will not stop with you. Your daughter will also suffer for your mistakes, that I promise!"
With that being said, he raised his gun and laughed. All that Storm managed to choke out was, 'Plea..', before he was shot in the head twice.
Rulic smiled and turned, walking out of the room and to one of his Mercs that was leading the attack.
"Harv! Why haven't we found the girl?" He asked, rather annoyed.
"We've encountered some unexpected resistance on the upper floors. Don't worry though, we'll have her soon enough." Harv replied.
"See that we do."
A moment later and a sound of a speeder taking off caught Rulics attention. "I thought you could handle this job, Harv. Tell me that wasn't the girl driving away."
"We put trackers on all the speeders out there sir. If it was, she'll just be in a for a surprise later."
A faint smile crossed the scarred faced of Rulic. "Good. Now clear the upper floors, I'm taking the rest of the men after that speeder."
Harv nodded and Rulic made his way back through the opening in the wall.
Harv didn't like Rulic as much as he respected him. The two had worked together before on many occasions. He was good at what he was paid to do. Plain and simple.
Harv sighed and made his way up the stairs to the third floor. He pulled out a blaster and signalled for someone who knew what was going on. A man came running up beside him and began panting.
"We've got a problem! There's a man down the hall who's putting up quite the fight! Permission to use grenades?"
"Is the girl down there?"
"No sir, we had a report of her and another man making their way through a ventilation shaft. A few of our men tried stopping them but the man took 'em down sir. We think they probably escaped in a speeder."
Harv slammed his fist into the wall. "Damn it!" After a long pause he sighed. "Fine, use whatever force necessary. No one lives, you understand?!"
"Yes sir!"
The man turned around and pulled a grenade from out of a bag that was on the floor. The timer was set to blow five seconds after the pin had been removed. He quickly pulled free the pin and held it for three seconds before throwing it down the hallway and jumping back into the stairway for saftey.
Jul 20th, 2002, 04:02:32 PM
To most, that sound could have been anything. But Ash knew. Ash knew that it was something being thrown for him, with no expectations of a return favour.
Quickly putting his pistol in his belt, Ash ran to the window, and pushed it as open as it could be. Flicking out his wrist, a long cylindrical tube sprung into his hand. As the purple glow from his lightsabre covered his body, the Jedi hopped out the window, spinning to face where he had come from. Thrusting the sabre forward, it dug into the wall, slowly falling down the wall, as the explosion took out where Ash had once been.
Liam Jinn
Jul 20th, 2002, 04:40:02 PM
Liam sat down and pulled out his communicator. He pressed a few buttons and sent Ash their location. When he was done he turned back to Myra, a grave expression on his face.
"I have a bad feeling, something's just not right."
Myra shook her head. "We're safe here, I've ha-"
Liam jumped up and a second later an explosion rang from outside. Now he could clearly hear the screams from those above. Pulling out his P220's, he made his way to the stairs.
"Myra, I want you to stay down here. I'll be back when it's safe."
She shook her head in protest, but Liam had already thrown open the door and closed it back.
Rulic Kar
Jul 20th, 2002, 06:24:16 PM
As Rulic gathered five men to help track down the speeder, he heard an explosion. He laughed silently, knowing the threat on the upper floors had been eliminated. Each of the men hopped into a speeder and took off towards a red blip on the screen of their scanners.
It wasn't long before they found the speeder parked on the side of a road in a small town. Rulic placed his hand on the speeder and a wry smile could be seen crossing his face.
"It's still warm." He said, pulling free a slugthrower. "I want this place searched, find me that girl!"
Each of the Mercs began searching the buildings. The owners of the buildings who tried stopping them were shot where they stood. One of the Mercs even threw a grenade at a man who threatened to call the authorities.
Rulic's men worked quick, and in a short time had found the place where Myra had entered. Most of the bar dwellers were cleared out without a fight, but a few tried being stubborn and were shot. The rest ran out screaming.
Seemingly out of nowhere a man appeared with two P220's in his hand. Rulic's eyes widened as he fired three shot's into the chests of two of his men. Before they hit the ground another one fell; a bullet lodged firmly in the man's brain.
"I won't let you take her!" He shouted. He dove to the left and rolled, firing another shot- this one hitting one of the Merc's in the throat.
"I am sure we can come to an agreement, if not, then you will find your life greatly shortened!" Rulic spat out. He fired at the man and was dismayed when the bullet came to a stop in midair, then fell to the ground harmlessly.
"It's a Jedi!" He shouted to the last of his men. This troubled Rulic. Had Storm contacted the Jedi? He thought as he ducked behind a booth. The shooting stopped for a minute and the last Merc pulled out a grenade and tossed it in the Jedi's direction. It too stopped midair, but was sent back to the Merc. It exploded, leaving a mess behind.
Cursing, Rulic shot out a window and leapt out of the bar and into an alley.
Jul 23rd, 2002, 11:58:46 AM
Myra did not want to stay while Liam left....she thought of him as her protector now...and perhaps a friend, something of which she had not had in a long time. Sighing, she let him go and sat back. After a few moments of silence, it was shattered by the familiar sound of a slugthrower....then a bunch of commotion. She almost yelped, but covered her mouth and cowered in the corner so that no one would hear her if she did make a noise.
The young woman shook with fear as she sat there, listening to what happened upstairs...right above her head. She could see the floorboards moving and she could hear them creaking. Suddenly a few more shots rang out and then all was quiet. Placing her hand upon a small table, she rose to her feet and looked up as if to see the happenings. Her heart skipped a few beats and tears welled in her eyes as she thought of them killing Liam. can't be... She thought to herself when she heard nothing more upstairs. How badly she wished to run up the ladder and burst through the trap door to make sure he was alive...but she knew that if she did, she ran the risk of killing herself.
Without saying anything she slowly moved over to the creaky couch and sat down, bringing her legs up to rest beside her. She pulled the old blanket over her once again and stopped shaking a bit, vowing to herself that she would stay down here until someone friendly found her. She almost gave up all hope of Liam being alive...and she let the tears fall. He would have come down by now... She thought to herself as she leaned her head against the back of the couch and silently cried....
Liam Jinn
Jul 29th, 2002, 06:51:55 AM
The once lively bar filled with the noise of chatter and laughter found itself very quiet, save the dripping of the sink in the back. The booths, tables, and the chairs, were broken or shot; blood still stood on a few tables and the floorboards as a reminder of what had just taken place. Not many had lost their lives, considering the bar was full, but it still pained the Jedi to see that people were capable of murder.
Liam crawled to his feet and slowly began laughing. It seemed the world took on a different perspective when one was upright. Maybe it was from the bloodloss, considering he had a hole in his shoulder, or maybe it was just that he had held his own against six mercenaries. Whatever it was, it made him happy.
He looked around to see if anybody was looking and hopped around dancing a few steps, then as if hit by a brick wall, he remembered Myra. All he could keep picturing was her beautiful smile. The way the side of her mouth curved softly as her cheeks moved aside as if afraid to stop the beautiful lips from...Maybe she wasn't just another girl, Liam thought as he shook his head. Obsessed already it seemed. She was safe for now, Liam hoped, as he flipped open the trap-door.
As he began his decent into the lower room, he could hear what sounded like soft crying. The Jedi Master dropped his slugthrowers and ran to the couch to find Myra alright, yet crying..
Jul 29th, 2002, 09:21:19 PM
Myra suddenly was aware of another presence in the room, then she saw Liam. Smiling through tears that poured from her eyes, she threw her arms around Liam's neck and embraced him so tightly you would have thought he had been gone for years.
"I...I thought that they killed you!"
She said in a bit of hysteria. The young woman pulled away just quickly enough to kiss him...something unexpected for the both, but she felt it was right. Replacing her arms around his neck, she cried tears of happiness into his shoulder...happy that he was alive still...and was here for her now....
Liam Jinn
Aug 18th, 2002, 10:21:18 AM
Liam would've liked to hide his surprise over the kiss, but it seemed impossible.
His eyes suddenly shot wide open, but closed as she drew away. He held her in his arms, amazed at the way he felt about her. A few days ago she had just been another pretty face on a datapad. Only a few hours had passed since they'd met, but he felt differently now. The Jedi Master knew he shouldn't trust his least not yet.
Opening his eyes, he gently pushed her away, lifting her head with a hand. He looked into her eyes and spoke softly-
"It's alright. You're safe for now, though I can't be sure as for how long."
He knew that he had to get her off this planet, but first, he'd have to find Ash.
"We've got to leave Myra, and it might be a long trip.."
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