View Full Version : Seeking Sovereignty

Ogre Mal Pannis
May 25th, 2001, 01:15:05 AM
The day wasn’t all that unusual on Munto Codru. The townsfolk went about their business as they would normally on this seemingly typical planet among thousands. They knew their world was occupied by an unwelcome sect of beings, but also knew there was nothing they could do about it. Many of the capital city’s buildings were mere facades, not really buildings at all, but tactical emplacements, launch platforms, communications arrays, and surveillance equipment, meant to look like normal buildings.

Deep below the town above, the members of the Sith Empire went about their own daily routines. Some were studying ancient books, some training, some spying and gathering information, and some doing nothing more than sleeping off the rigors of a previous day’s trials and tribulations.

Within one of the rooms in the planet’s depths, a pair of notorious Sith were discussing something, doing some plotting and planning. One of them was a towing green being, known across the Universe as Darth Ogre. The other, a petite but fearsome female, with flowing brown hair, she was Dalethria. Their voices were at a normal tone and volume as they discussed their intents and their desires.

Ogre had been doing some research and had found something that interested him greatly. Over the last few days he had been discussing these interests with his wife, and they had decided to put this into action, to seek that which could make them even more powerful, or quite possibly even make them that much more mad and psychotic than they already were.

Today would be the day they went to search out what Ogre had learned of, and soon they would have what they craved, the power to destroy their foes, the ability to crush any that stood against them in their relentless battle to take anything they wished and devastate whatever their whims would have them. Just their mastery of the Dark arts of the Force was not enough, they must have more, and they would.

Dalethria’s YT-1300 the <MAP name=sig1 alt="Big Green"><AREA shape=rect coords=14,19,378,49 href=http://darthogre.clanpages.com/crsonly/ alt="Charcter Biography"><area shape=rect coords=238,54,372,82 href=http://pub59.ezboard.com/bthesempire alt="Go to the Sith Empire"><AREA shape=rect coords=395,9,583,229 href=http://www.geocities.com/crsonly/Ogrefull.htm alt="Big Green"></MAP><FONT size=1>[<a href=http://pub55.ezboard.com/bogrescave style=text-decoration=none> <font size=1>Ogre's Cave</FONT> ("]Koriolos[/url] waited for them in the underground hangar, her [url="http://darthogre.clanpages.com/dalethria/ML_R2.jpg>droids</a>)] [ <font size=1>Irentios</font> (http://pub31.ezboard.com/birentios)]</FONT>[/c]

Dalethria Mal Pannis
May 25th, 2001, 01:16:08 AM
Dalethria had been constantly studying the files that Ogre came across. Considering the length of time it took to study her husband's own native language of Kashir, the symbols and ancient writing of the Sith somehow came easier for her to learn. Of course, she had a wonderful teacher in Ogre. The book that had been shown to her was lying on the table. The delicate pages were so crisp and very brittle, that turning the pages with her fingers was given up a long time ago. Her mind became her fingers so the danger of damaging the book was lessened. Ever since she regained her control over the rampant energies inside her, the Living Force was for her to mold.

Her eyes were tired and wishing for rest but she had to be sure of what she and Ogre were doing. Perhaps she was being too cautious but with what they were planning, their very lives … their minds, were on the line here. One screw up and it would all be lost in a blink of an eye.

It took great effort to tear her eyes away from the datapad that she was now reading to even acknowledge the question asked, "I have reviewed all this information more times then I can remember. I think I could recite it by heart now, Ogre."

She titled her head to the side, eyeing her husband with a glint of lust in her eye, "I must say … that weapons belt truly fits you well my love."

Her arms outstretched and Dalethria let out a loud groan. The tension in her muscles was getting to her. Was her own fault for sitting in this chair for too long and her body was aching for the adventure that was waiting for them.

The chair slid across the floor and she walked over to Ogre and pressed herself against him, "I do hope this turns out well. For us … and for the Empire if it succeeds."

Darth Phantom
May 25th, 2001, 10:25:09 PM
:: With in the shadows of the lauch bay Phantom sat listening from a far through the force to his masters convosation. In front of him sat his own YT-2400, The Hell Rasier. Ever since Ogre had become his Master, he had taken a secret oath to watch over his Master, not that he couldn't take care of himself, but Phantom had lay down his life before he'd let another living soul harm him. Phantom's eyes begin to glow as the time nears...::

Ogre Mal Pannis
May 27th, 2001, 09:05:28 PM
With a grin he pulled her to him even more tightly, somewhat roughly even, as his arm moved up her behind her and to the back of her head. “We will succeed Gem. Failure is not something either of us has in our future.” He said, just before he lowered his head and pulled her’s toward him meeting her lips with a passionate kiss.

The kiss ended and he looked over at the book she had been studying for some time now. He knew she was prepared and he also knew that he was. What laid ahead would not be simple, but it would be something that could prove very valuable to more than just himself and his wife. The future would be theirs, the Sith would continue their supreme reign of terror over the Universe.

He relaxed his hold on the back of her head and raked his claws down the surface of the chain-mail she wore. “I can see you’re tired now, but we do have a long trip ahead. There will be time for resting en route. Are you ready to depart?”

Dalethria Mal Pannis
May 28th, 2001, 06:18:12 PM
Two fingers played with the strap that held her husband's battle axe on his back, "Yes I am fatigued, but nothing could stop me from leaving now."

She stepped out of his embrace and walked over to the table. The book's value was going to be proven soon. Hopefully Ogre's hunch and their research would now prove fruitful. Dalethria closed the book carefully and placed it in her pack. She called over four crystal daggers that she sheathed in their usual places amongst her person. Her sword, that Lord Rayial forged for her as a wedding gift, was going to stay behind. There was no knowing what lay ahead and she did not want her weapon to be destroyed a second time.

The first time it was destroyed played out for a second in her mind and cursed Rama.

Grabbing her belt, she strapped it on and now Dalethria felt complete with Shenlong's Fang hanging at her side. Taking the pack, she slung it over her shoulder and looked to her love, "Ready when you are."

Ogre Mal Pannis
May 29th, 2001, 02:38:47 PM
“Then let us begin our journey, our journey that will lead to even greater power and knowledge.” He said with a proud smile, while admiring how she looked, ready for battle. Her beauty was enough to stagger any one into a state of shock, one of her many attributes that afforded her success on the battlefield.

He walked to their room’s door and placed his hand on the panel at its side. The door slid open with a swooshing sound and he stepped to the side, to allow her to exit first. As she made her approach, he looked back over at their trophy case and a plethora of memories flooded through his mind, memories of great victories and accomplished students, of both his and hers.

His eyes moved away from the case and back to his wife as she passed him by and stepped through the door. He turned and followed with the door sliding closed into a locked position behind as they entered the hallway and began to make their way to the underground hangar, where her ship was prepared and waiting for their departure.

As they entered the hallway, Ogre could sense that they were being monitored by one of his apprentices, but did not send the Sith Lord any message that would let him know that Ogre knew his intentions. This mission was not a private one, any who wished to follow or take part were welcome to.

Dalethria Mal Pannis
May 29th, 2001, 05:41:26 PM
She too sensed that Phantom was here but Dalethria could feel that he was in the hanger bay, waiting patiently for the time to depart. She turned to Ogre with a wink, making him aware that she was in the know.

They continued on their way, returning the greetings of a few members of the Empire that happened to be in the hallway. Dalethria made sure to burn the images of her comrades into her mind that weren't coming with. The danger was immeasurable and she had already accepted that death might find her this time.

Finally they reached the hanger bay and the door slid opened. Dalethria looked over at her ship and saw her two droids working diligently at her ship, making sure that it was in perfect condition for this trip. With hurried strides, she stood next to the yellow colored droid, "I presume everything is set?"

The droid twittered a quick reply.

"Good, get ML and yourself into the ship."

The dome head swiveled around to face the other directed and it rolled off to get his counterpart as Dalethria walked up the ramp, "Coming dear?"

Ogre could hear her laughter as she disappeared into the ship.

Reaching the cockpit, she took the pilot's seat of The Koriolos and keyed in the comm that sent a general message (http://pub59.ezboard.com/fthesempirefrm1.showMessage?topicID=190.topic) to all the members of the Empire.

Darth Snack
May 29th, 2001, 08:28:30 PM
*Snack ran down the cooridors and halls of the Sith Empire's buildings, to reach the hanger bay intime; before his Master, Ogre, and Ogre's wife left. He had just received the message which Dalethria sent from a Comm. Officer, and decided it would do him good to go on more journeys with his fellow Sith, plus maybe he could learn more by helping his taging along with his master.

When Snack arrived at the hanger bay, he looked around but saw no one. He reached out through the Force to sense anyone who might have been out of veiw, and immediately recognized Ogre's and Dalethria's Force signatures. Snack could also sense Phantom waiting around in the Shadows, keeping an eye out.

Snack hastely rushed to his personal X-wing, built as a Gift from Darth Horus. He climbed up the ladder, and made sure everything was good to go before he took his seat. He then sent a message to his Master through the Force, Master, mind if I tag along?*

Ogre Mal Pannis
May 29th, 2001, 09:24:39 PM
“But of course.” He said as he followed her up the ramp and into her ship, stowing his weapons harness in a storage compartment. His saber remained on his leg as he sat in the seat beside Dalethria and began to run some preflight checks, ensuring that the droids had performed their duties properly. Everything checked out and he looked to his wife with a nod.

“All looks to be in order.” He told her after he saw she had finished sending her message to the members of the Sith Empire. With a flip of an overhead switch, the ceiling above them slid open and revealed the way up to the surface through the gutted core of what appeared to be one of the buildings of the city they were below.

Just as Dalethria began to engage the repulsorlifts to carry them up and out of the facility, Ogre received his apprentice’s request, and replied. ”Any are encouraged to assist if they see fit. This shall prove to be a most interesting mission and strength in both ability and numbers will prove helpful.”

Lord Dagger
May 30th, 2001, 04:10:32 PM
Dagger enters the hanger bay. He stops momentarily and reaches out with the Force, sensing Dalethria he touches her mind
"Mind if i join you dear lady...a token of my loyalty to the Empire if you will, and one of my gratitude to you for admitting me"
Without waiting for a reply Dagger boards his lambda and orders the pilot prepare for take off

Dalethria Mal Pannis
May 30th, 2001, 04:27:42 PM
She puckered her lips and looked over at Ogre. He already knew what was on her mind and she reached out to Dagger's presence.

"Thank you ... but, I've still yet to speak fully with the other members of the Empire of your admittance. For now, think of this as a trial. It is an honor to have you with us."

The link was closed off and Dalethria looked around the cockpit, "Coordinates all set?"

Lord Dagger
May 31st, 2001, 06:52:25 PM
Dagger orders that his shuttle be slaved to that of Dalethria and Ogre then he contacted Dalethria again
"I am well aware of the situation lady...that is why i am here, to prove that i am worthy to be admitted into the empire"
Dagger dropped the communication and strapped himself in. He didn't know how long the journey was going to be so he had better get comfy

Darth Snack
Jun 2nd, 2001, 10:23:02 AM
*A smile came to Snack's face as Ogre answered. This mission of sorts would further his quest for knowledge and power.

He sat in his cockpit, running checks on his computer system, re-checking it then double checking it. A small bleep and a whirl came, then a message from his R2 unti appeared on a screen.*

"Greetings, Master. I am R2-DF265. If you would input the destination coordinates, we will be all set for our voyage."

*Snack let out a small chuckle, then opened a comm to Dalethria's and Ogre's ship.

This is Snack. Master, could you send me the Co-ords to our destination please? Thanks.

"Sure thing," *Dalethria's voice cut in. A few seconds later, Snack received the coordinates and entered them into the NAV system. A whirl of confirmation could be heard from R2-DF265.*

DF, I'll be piloting us for the time being. Once we hit the confines of hyperspace, I'll switch it over to auto pilot.


*Snack started up his engines and the other systems, ready and waiting for Ogre and Dale to take off.*

Ogre Mal Pannis
Jun 3rd, 2001, 02:33:26 PM
The YT-1300 rose higher and higher through the false building, the top of it opening to reveal the open skies above, just before the exited. Ogre looked to her with a nod, indicating that the coordinates were et and also sent to the computer system at TSE HQ, so that any who wished to follow, would be able to do so.

The flight through hyperspace would take them approximately eighteen hours. The place they intended to go being a fair distance from where they currently were. The prospects that waited could possibly hold even further adventure and power, if this mission was successful. The quest for power and supremacy would continue, no matter if they failed or found what they sought.

"You can engage the hyperdrive, at your leisure." He said to Dalethria as she piloted the ship skyward.

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Jun 3rd, 2001, 09:08:26 PM
She opened up a communication to those that were accompanying them.

<Hope you guys are patient. 18 hours is the magic number before we reach our destination. Dalethria out.>

Smiling, Dalethria looked over at Ogre and grinned, "I'm not ready to go to hyperspace yet."

As soon as The Koriolos hit space, the engines went to full power. The ship spun around sideways and shot off further away from the planet of Munto Codru.

Dalethria laughed like a child and finally hit the hyperdrive.

Darth Phantom
Jun 3rd, 2001, 10:29:08 PM
:: Not to far behind. Phantom presses the small red button on his ships control panel, he looks over and to the moniter and sees the Hell Rasier cloak. He punches it into hyperdrive and continues following his master ::

Lord Dagger
Jun 4th, 2001, 05:31:42 AM
Dagger smiled as he heard the news, 18 wasn't so long...
"Follow the Lady's ship...jump to hyperspace when she does and follow her course...at a respectable distance ofcourse."
Dagger sat back and closed his eyes, letting the Force flow through him, revitalizing him and making him strong again. He smiled and drifted into a trace like state, his race's equivalent of sleep...but he was a light sleeper, and comunications would wake him instantly

Darth Snack
Jun 6th, 2001, 08:35:15 AM
*The X-wing rocked then stabilized as it gained altitude. Snack flew the ship, following the other ships which have taken off. As he reached the open vaccuum of space, Snack looked at the ships, and waited for Ogre's and Dalethria's to enter hyperspace first. Once it did, Snack set his hand on the hyperdrive lever.*

Once I pull this, I'll let you take over.


*The soft sounds which came from his newly fitted R2 unit sounded an affirmative. Snack pulled the lever, and watched as the blacknes around him melded into blue and pink haze.*

Ogre Mal Pannis
Jun 7th, 2001, 01:32:15 PM
His wife’s piloting enthusiasm and bravado was no surprise, he’d witnessed it first hand on a number of occasions. With a flash of a grin in her direction, he turned back to his console, double checked all the data and ship’s functions then turned in his seat.

“Looks like we get to sit back and enjoy a moderately long ride now.”

He began to unstrap from his chair. “Shall we go get some rest before we arrive?”

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Jun 8th, 2001, 12:04:40 AM
A mischievous grin played across her face as Dalethria turned her chair towards her husband, "I know of a way to pass the time ... like when we flew to your homeland." :evil:

Standing up gracefully, she slid a finger down the length of his neck and kissed the end of his nose. Giggling, she quickly got out of his way before Ogre could grab her and disappeared into the back of the ship.

Darth Snack
Jun 10th, 2001, 05:49:21 PM
18 hours... great.

*The cramped cockpit of the X-wing fighter gave Snack no room to stretch, to breath, nor to think. Well, maybe not to think, but anything else possible could not be done.*

Maybe I should have went to the bathroom before hand...

*Getting a little restless, only fifteen minutes into the actual flight, Snack shifted in his seat. He closed his eyes, letting the darkness over take him. Snack feel into a trance, one which he could wake out of in roughly seventeen and a half hours.*

Lord Dagger
Jun 11th, 2001, 06:23:54 AM
Dagger's own trance like state deepened, dropping him further into the Force, recharging him, and revitalising him for what ever lay ahead. He would be ready and he would awake should anyone speak to him or when the arrived nearer their destination

Ogre Mal Pannis
Jun 14th, 2001, 12:46:55 AM
His arms reached out and grabbed at nothing but air as she darted away from him, giggling as she left. The playfully evil smile on his face grew wider and the look of lust in his eyes grew intense as he unbuckled from his seat’s harnesses and stood to make chase.

The sleeping quarters were in the aft of the ship and he knew by her tone and her mention of previous times that was where she was heading. Arriving at the door to the room, he found it closed and pressed the activation button. The lights were dimmed and his heightened sense of smell was picking up the pheromones her body was producing and it made his own body return in kind, anticipation building.

He walked in the door and it slid closed behind. Reaching for his belt a tug, freed it as he approached and crawled into the bed, still smiling wickedly in the darkened room, his clothing lying on the floor next to hers.

Chaos Alexander
Jun 14th, 2001, 10:46:53 PM
::Chaos's own V-wing followed the other Orge and Dale. Dressed in his Garou combat gear , Chaos went into
a trance-liek state. His God-Father as well as his master would know he was close behind them. Power. Chaos could almost taste it. Chaos had his own plans for power as well. A machine that could turn the tide of battle as well. That or make a hell of a torture machine. eather way maybe they would return the favor if he helped. If not....it seems to be one hell of a ride so far.::

"Time for them to met the true Hound of War!!!!"

"With that Chaos enetered his trance.::

Miryan no Trunks
Jun 15th, 2001, 02:10:05 AM

*The first words that came to the mind of MnT, as he made the transession from unconcious to concious.. The hum of engines provided a constant note of bass to the room he was in, as he sat up, and looked around.. It seemed a fairly simple room, judging by the shapes of different objects in it.. He couldn't quite make out the majority, as it was blanketed in darkness, and he had just woken up, his eyes not having much chance to adjust yet.. As his senses clicked in rapidly, he felt the presences of his Master, and her husband, Master Ogre, and realized where he was..*

*As he got out of bed, and flicked on the lights, he looked around again, and realized that it Was indeed a fairly simple room, albeit a nice-sized one. A dresser and desk against the wall of the door, the bed against the other side, as well as a fairly large window, with a nice view of nothing. In the two opposite corners, one beside the dresser, and the other at the end of the bed, were the two lights. The third corner without a door at it was where all his weaponry lay, his sword and staff propped up against the wall, with his nunchaku, sabers, and custom attachments lying in the modular sheaths he'd designed for them, ready to be attached to his belt, or the loops in his trench-coat. Making sure everything was as out of the way as he could get it, he put on a tank-top and shorts, stretched, and began his morning katas..*

*An hour and a half later, MnT decided to go into the rest of the ship, and hunt down the shower room..*

Darth Phantom
Jun 15th, 2001, 06:49:30 PM
:: Phantom lowers his head and shakes it, he smiles a bit. He sends his master a message through the force ::

*I know you can sence my presence master. I thank you for not calling me out. I wish to help you in your search...

Commander Vanicus
Jun 17th, 2001, 03:33:59 PM
The light of the world’s yellow sun glinted through the shield over the walled city of Iziz. Occasional shadows passed by the shield, as the winged beats had recently made their passage to the planet, when one of its four moons passed close enough to share atmospheres.

Being the commanding officer of the New Republic contingency, which had habited this planet for what was nearly an entire millennia, afforded him quite the level of respect as he passed civilians and they greeted him with broad smiles. Elder women pushing their daughters forward, trying in their not so subtle ways to set this prestigious single man up to become a part of their families.

Perhaps one day he would consider marrying, but the one to whom his heart already belonged did not reside in this city, nor was anyone even aware of their affairs, except for a few of the other residents at the Nadd Outpost. The place that still bore the name of a Sith, even though it was not a place of Sith any longer, and hadn’t been for hundreds of years. His primary concern while here was his duty to protect this place, as it had been the duty of his family’s lineage for several generations. But Lily Brand consumed his thoughts, endlessly. He longed to be with her and spend every moment in her presence but they lived separate lives, in separate cities, only seeing each other when duty called for her to be here at Iziz or for him to be at Nadd Outpost.

Lily Brand
Jun 20th, 2001, 05:14:50 PM
There was a change in the air this day. The Jedi Master that protected this outpost woke with a bad feeling that something major was going to occur. It was all around her like the Force was trying to tell her of danger. This was why all morning, without having any breakfast; Lily Brand stood at the top if the Nadd Outpost's lookout tower. She had been quietly mediating to herself, opening her senses so the Force could help her find the answers to her questions.

Delicate fingers pulled the hood back from her head as Lily stepped forward. Her eyes were drawn to the sky. Yes, something was indeed coming and from another planet. As she focused towards the heavens, her heart began to feel cold, empty. It was like death itself was washing over her body and making her feel dirty. Her senses were being overwhelmed with the Dark Side.

Across the horizon, the morning sky was being engulfed in a sea of Dark. Night befell the planet right before Lily's eyes. Her heart was racing with what was happening as she saw the four moons vanish as did each star in kind until there were only seven. They formed a circle in the ominous black sky until they collided together, blinding Lily.

The Force finally released the vision and, Lily found herself on the floor. She was holding onto the side panel of the station and stroked her hair back into place. Standing on her own power, she could tell that her legs were still weak from what had occurred. Only a powerful Dark presence could affect her like this and that vision reeked with evil. But what did it mean?

She cleared her mind and listened to the beauty and life around her, guiding her mind to find the pieces to this new puzzle. It didn't take long before her eyes snapped open in horror.

"No, not that."

Her gaze lowered to the floor and the repercussions of what could happen if what the vision told her did come true. Jaydos Brand, her father and teacher, swore an oath that his family would protect this city. That oath held another purpose that only she was privy to. In this instance, she would have to rely on help. The seven demons were more then she could handle, but there was aid.

Her family wasn't the only one that held such loyalty to this city. The Vanicus family physically protected Iziz with their military minds and dedication to its people. She would have to contact Alexander immediately.

Lily stopped herself from rushing down the stairs at the thought of him. It had been at least two months since had seen him last. She had missed him coming in with supplies last month and her heart ached for the future. Their future seemed like two separate strings, each on a different path from one another. She knew how he loved her. Considering her abilities, Alex had to be aware that Lily knew of his love for her. Her feelings echoed his.

Pulling her hood up, Lily made her way down the tower with her mind being pulled two ways. One thought kept creeping to the forefront and it did bother her.

Now they might die together, never once speaking what their hearts felt.

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Jun 20th, 2001, 07:50:48 PM
It was only about an hour left before the ship would break out of hyperspace and return to normal space. Dalethria finished her showering not too long ago and was straightening out her wet hair. Once she looked presentable, she quickly got dressed and grabbed a towel to wrap around her neck, keeping it dry.

When she opened the door to head outside into the corridor, she almost ran into her Apprentice, Miryan. "Well, I see you're awake and active. We'll be at our objective soon so don't take too long."

Dalethria nodded to him and headed towards her quarters

Ogre Mal Pannis
Jun 20th, 2001, 09:22:40 PM
The steam that rose from the shower in the fresher room was thick and made sight in the room somewhat blurred. The walls dripped with condensation, as the fan fought to compensate in evening out the temperature.

Phantom’s Force message came just as he had stepped out of the shower and began to dry himself. Ruffling his long blond hair with a towel, he replied via the Force. Your wish to help is known of and appreciated. We will be arriving at Onderon in approximately an hour. The target is an ancient Sith starship, which I believe is now habited by Jedi, from the studies I have done. There is also a small presence of New Republic personnel and vessels to consider, it should prove fun slaying them all.”

Finishing in the fresher room, he walked back into the quarters area and began to clothe himself, watching his wife strap on her weapons. He snapped at her with his towel before he donned his cloak. :evil:

“Ready for some fun?”

Darth Snack
Jun 22nd, 2001, 12:44:56 PM
Erm... uh.... gir... AH!

*Snack's eyes opened widely from his trance. A nightmare.. the same one which has been plauging him since he rejoined the Darkness.

The blue and pink gaseous haze circled about his X-wing. A cold sweat developed on his skin from the dream, and it made him all the more ansy to just get out.*

30 more minutes... great.

Miryan no Trunks
Jun 23rd, 2001, 08:56:13 PM
*Glancing up at the chrono on the wall, as he walked back from the shower room, MnT smiled.. There was a half an hour until the ETA, good time to prepare his weaponry, and himself, for the mission..*

*Reaching his room, MnT placed the wet towels in a hamper, and collected a change of clothes, and his trenchcoat from the dresser. Changing into his cargos and tank-top, MnT left his trenchcoat lying on the bed, the weight causing the mattress to curve down around it. Dressed, he then began attaching his weaponry.. His sabers were hooked to his belt, hanging over the pockets of his pants, the sheath for his nunchaku hooked over his back left pocket, whilst the nunchaku-attachment for his sabers was sheathed over the right. Finally, he donned his trenchcoat, before fitting the articulate dura-steel strap that attached to the sheath of his broadsword, over his right shoulder, and under his left arm..*

*Standing in the middle of the room, MnT closed his eyes, and began a meditation, preparing himself mentally.. He did not know what to expect, and so was making sure he expected nothing.. It was the only way to be prepared for every situation..*

*As he finished, and opened his eyes, he looked up, and saw it was time..*

... Well then, let's go..

*With that thought, he went to the door, and left to join the others..*

Commander Vanicus
Jul 3rd, 2001, 11:20:55 PM
At his station the commander sat and reviewed reports from varying areas of the planet and lookouts on the moons. A beeping noise from a nearby console made his attention suddenly change from that of the reports on the data pads he was holding. He looked to the operator of the console suddenly.

“What is it?”

It was rare that the alarm sounded at all, that console was the scanner array system, most commerce in this system was pre-approved weeks in advance. Something was not right. The operator replied.

“Unidentified starships entering our sector from hyperspace sir. No clearance codes transmitting. They are still about twenty minutes from entering atmosphere, and we do detect weapons systems on the craft.”

The Commander turned to his left. “Deploy the two squads of X-Wings immediately. The use of lethal force is authorized, if they do not respond to inquiries immediately.”

This was the first time something like this had occurred in nearly a thousand years, it figures it would be him that would have to deal with such things. His father and grandfather had it pretty easy throughout their tenure with no incidents.

The next thought that came to mind struck him hard and fast leaving an obvious expression of dread on his face. Nadd Outpost! Could they be going there?

“Ensign, what destination does their trajectory indicate?”

The scanner operator quickly keyed in some commands. “It looks as if they are heading for the Outpost sir.”

Rising from his chair quickly and with the expression on his face being replaced by one of determination. “Tell the flight deck officers to prep my A-Wing and send a message to the Outpost immediately that we have unknowns heading their way, intentions at this point, unknown.”

Vanicus strode out of the room, heading for the cities hanger, his step somewhat hurried.

Not exactly the circumstances I wanted to see Lily under again. He thought to himself as he walked down the hallway.

Lily Brand
Jul 10th, 2001, 11:33:53 PM
"Brand? Um ... there's a message coming in. From the main city."

Lily turned her head quizzically to who had spoken. She was just about the relay a message to Alex ... Was it a sign that the Force was looking out for this planet? For them ...

A bad feeling sunk into the pit of her stomach before the words left her lips.

"What does it say?"

The officer looked at his display and then to Lily in confusion.

"Not much, Ma'am. There are unknown vessels heading our way. To the outpost. Commander Vanicus is flying over here soon and already has X-Wing's intercepting our guests."

She turned away from the young man and began heading towards the exit.

"Then it has already begun."

Darth Ogre
Jul 15th, 2001, 09:38:35 PM
Dalethria answered him with an evil grin and a nod of the head, just before their ship exited the conduit of hyperpace. The fun would indeed be starting soon. A Fact made quite apparent by the twelve blips that immediately popped up on the ship’s scanning screen, al heading their way and with weapons primed for combat.

Ogre was aware that one of Dalethria’s Disciples was aboard the craft and thought now would be a good time to utilize his presence to aid them in what they were doing. There were two sets of turrets on this ship that could be controlled manually. Ogre opened the ship-wide PA system and spoke.

“Report to gunnery turret immediately. We have twelve craft heading our way with weapons hot.”

As he prepared the power systems, shields, and thrusters for combat conditions, Ogre turned to Dalethria again.

“You want to do a little shooting ships out of space with your Disciple? There are two turrets to be had for individual control.”

Darth Snack
Jul 15th, 2001, 10:47:13 PM
*A warning flashed through Snack's mind and body. A danger sense, sounding off the sirens and flashing red lights filled the Sith Knight's thoughts. Something's not right... And his instincts served him well. As his X-wing fighter exited the confines of hyperspace, the sensors installed blipped with twelve enemy craft: X-Wing model. Getting ready for a battle which he knew was imminent, Snack flicked the botton which put his S-Fiols in attack position.*

Master, shall we fire first shot or see if they have anything to say?

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Jul 15th, 2001, 11:34:32 PM
Her answer was a big grin as she unbuckled herself. A quick peck on her husband's cheek and Dalethria departed the cockpit and headed towards the turret access. She hadn't seen her Apprentice, Miryan yet, so he was either on the way or in the turret.

When she poked her head inside, both chairs were empty and she frowned. Climbing up the ladder, she hopped in the chair and began to access controls.

Miryan? Better get in here soon since we got targets coming at us.

Miryan no Trunks
Jul 16th, 2001, 01:46:53 PM
*Even as the words were being spoken through the comm, MnT stopped in midstep, and changed direction.. He had seen the turrets earlier on, and would make haste to get there.*

*As he continued down the corridor, he smiled slightly, sensing his master moving towards the same are he was.. A few moments more passed, and he came to the turret.. Stepping in, he smiled and bowed to his Master, before seating himself in the other gunpod, and readying himself.. He may not have been one to use guns in person-person battles, but against another ship, he knew well that a saber would be of little use. He had studied the schematics behind turrets, and figured he knew them well enough to be considerable help..*

... Well than Master, Shall we?

Chaos Alexander
Jul 18th, 2001, 09:29:51 PM
::Chaos sat in his V-wing. He called to his master by via the Force.::

I am ready for action master

Ogre Mal Pannis
Jul 19th, 2001, 02:38:36 PM
The distance between their party and that of the X-Wing squadron from the planet’s surface was quickly closing, and the comm. lit up with hails and requests for intentions, and the like. Ogre merely shut the receiver’s volume and increased the forward shields.

”Fire at will!”

Was the message he sent to all the Sith whom where in the immediate vicinity through the Force, as he prepared to make evasive maneuvers in the midst of what soon would be a dogfight in space.

Darth Snack
Jul 20th, 2001, 09:43:35 PM
*The message Ogre had sent formed into words in Snack's brain. Once received, the Sith Knight moved his own X-wing into attacking speed. With a sly smile and an evil glint in his eye, he mouthed the words, "With pleasure," to himself.

His X-wing shot out infront of Dalethria's Cruiser. Spitting red laser bolts, flew straight for the formation of fighters, hoping to surprise them and break their tightly knit formation.

Coming under heavey fire himself, Snack was not able to drive head-first into the group. He took evasive action and dove, bringing two of the enemy fighters to chace him.*

Chaos Alexander
Jul 20th, 2001, 10:30:55 PM
::Chaos smiles at the ships coming at him. This what he needed. A test of his powers. He wanted to see how bac he could mess up the humans' minds. Chaos pulled his V-wing away from the X-Wings. His craft could fly circles around them. The down side, his shields were no where near as strong. He fired a shot of cluster missles the group. The missle seperated into 7 smaller ones. The X-wings spread apart to evade the shot. Chaos knew one of the first rules of combat. Divide and destroy.::

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Jul 23rd, 2001, 01:07:21 PM
The chair swiveled back and forth as Dalethria fired repeatedly at the X-wings. Little bastards were fast but she opened herself to the Force and let the Dark Side flow through her body.

Instinct took over and she went back on the offensive. Laser fire streaked across space and impacted against an X-wing's right wing. It broke through the deflector shield and the right wing blew up, sending it spiraling towards his wingman. Fortunately for the other pilot, he was able to fly out of the way before the X-Wing exploded into a ball of fire.

Miryan no Trunks
Jul 23rd, 2001, 04:10:52 PM
*Watching the fighters flying back and forth around outside the window, MnT kept his mind going full speed, calculating speed and distance..*

... Find the target, aim the crosshairs, pull the trigger..

*One of the X-wings that was flying by expoded, front and back halves spiraling off away from each other..*

... Find the target, aim the crosshairs, pull the trigger..

*Another spectacular explosion, another x-wing decimated by red laser-fire..*

... Find the target, aim the crosshairs, pull the trigger..

Commander Vanicus
Jul 23rd, 2001, 10:43:29 PM
The sleek shape of an A-Wing streaked closely over the surface of the planet heading for its destination of Nadd Outpost. It’s pilot calmly and easily negotiation over the semi rigged terrain, knowing this path quite well from his many trips here. Usually trips with an official intent, but an actual underlying purpose. A purpose to see the one, who he loved, something he didn’t get to do often enough for his own tastes.

The comm. aboard the ship crackled to life and a voice called out. Just the voice’s tone was enough to know there was a problem.

<font color=teal>”Base calling Blue one.”</font>

“I read you, go ahead.”

<font color=teal>”The defense squadron is under enemy fire sir. Half the squad has already been lost.”</font>

The commander didn’t activate the relay switch to activate the receiver on the comm. as he cursed to himself. “Dren, I knew that being undermanned these three months would prove to be a bad thing.”

Their heavy cruisers had hypered out of the system, taking with them the bulk of this planet’s space defenses. It was time for an upgrade to their armaments and fighters, and seeing as how quiet it had been here for the last several decades, no more backup was brought in or left behind than the single squadron. They did have a light planetary-based defense system, but it was just that, a light one.

The commander finally pressed the transmit button for his comm. system, relaying his message to base.

“Activate planetary defense turrets and ion batteries, and scramble all ground based fighters.”

<font color=teal>”Yes sir.”</font>

There were about another half dozen fighters that they kept planet based, for back up and a half dozen batteries of ground based laser cannons and another half dozen ion canon emplacements, all fixed near the city of Iziz and Nadd outpost.

The Commander’s ship slowed as he arrived at the landing pad outside Nadd outpost, just as the laser and ion cannons surrounding the pad came to life and started tracking towards the sky.

He landed his craft and climbed from the cockpit, seeing her already waiting near the entrance to the outpost. His head shook from side to side slightly as he considered that this entire ordeal could possibly end it all for them. The objects they were here to protect usually drew the worst sort of beings to try and capture them.

Darth Snack
Jul 25th, 2001, 07:03:30 PM
*The two fighters were hard on Snack's tail, not giving the Sith Knight an inch of breathing room. The two spat their laser bolts with bad aim for this close combat.

Jerking back and to his left hard on the throttle, Snack's snubfighter pulled up sharply and began turning around. It took the two bogeys a second or two to comensate for this manuver, but one was back on Snack's tail as the second cut his turn and incline short, ready to tear through Snack's X-wing from his underside. Yet they misjudged one thing, that Snack had the Force as a weapon.

Sensing this move before exacuted, Snack jolted the throttle hard to his right at the last possible second. The one from under shot his laser aiming for Snack, but caught his wingman instead. Using this moment of confusion following the resulting explosion, The Sith Knight flew his X-Wing back around, catching the other in his computer target locking grid. Snack fired two bolts, both impacting and tearing the other to shreds in a small boom.*

Lily Brand
Jul 27th, 2001, 01:36:49 PM
Her robes fluttered and rippled around her body as the A-Wing landed. Lily could feel her heart beating in anticipation in seeing Alex. This could be the end for them because of what they were protecting. They both knew the consequences and accepted their heritage but it didn't make the pain of their hidden love go away.

Once the fighter was secure, Lily began to make her way towards the vessel with happiness and sorrow all rolled up tightly in the pit of her stomach.

That feeling began to grown and take over her senses. Pain ... death ... loss. The voices of those dying high above in space were flooding into her mind, wanting to heard one last time before end.

Dizziness washed over her and she felt herself going faint, but she drew upon the Force to help give her the strength to not loose control. Her heart went out to those that were fighting valiantly and the guilt inside her was ever present. She knew those men and women had no chance against the Sith and were only delaying the inevitable.

Lily cast her eyes downward at the ground and wondered if it was possible for even herself to stop them. No ... there was no if, she had to prevent them from stealing the artifacts. Hopefully there was enough ground forces to keep the Dark Ones away from here while she and Alex prepared.

Ogre Mal Pannis
Aug 4th, 2001, 01:16:21 AM
Only five of the twelve fighters they had originally engaged, remained. It looked as if they had not taken any damage yet, neither Dalethria’s craft or the ones belonging to those who had accompanied them.

The chattering sounds of beeps and mechanized whistles of Dalethria’s two astromech droid, filled the cockpit, which Ogre now occupied alone, save the two semi sentient machines. Both were plugged in and keeping all the ship’s system’s running in peak condition, switching the modulation and strength of the shields to match where the enemy fire was coming from.

Ogre veered this way and that, trying to avoid fire as best he could, when laser bolts streaked across space in front of him. It caught Ogre somewhat by surprise and caused him to turn the craft suddenly. Had it not been for them still being in the weightless vacuum of space, the G-Forces from the swift turn would have caused black out.

The trajectory of the bolts made it quite plain that their origin was the surface of the planet and not from the X-Wings they were currently dog-fighting with. This situation had just taken an unexpected, but not intolerable turn.

“We have turbo laser fire from the surface, lets get this ilk taken care of in a hurry and move on to bigger and better things.” He relayed through the communications array, informing all of what his thoughts were, briefly.

Commander Vanicus
Aug 6th, 2001, 09:27:53 PM
The wail of the turbolaser batteries near the landing strip as they opened, fire was enough to drown out any sounds the slight breeze might be making. It caused him to look away from Lily briefly as he exited his ship and began walking towards her, his heart feeling lighter than air at just having a clear look at something other than the holo-display he kept of her in his room. He saw the red beams leaping high into orbit and couldn’t help but hope that they would dispatch the ones who had come for the artifacts. It was a fleeting hope that he knew would probably not be a reality.

As his eyes came back down from the sky and feel upon hers, it was clear how worried he was about their future, and whether they would have one or not. As he saw her gaze returned his worry seemed to slip away and vanish, at least for the moment. Her beauty and strength of character were evident enough in her features to lift his troubles away for at least a few minutes.

The silence between the two of them seemed to last forever as he got within arms reach, they both knew how the other felt about this and about their shared feelings of love. It made the silence more than bearable as the stood and looked into each other’s eyes. His arms raised from his sides slowly and he took hers in them, pulling her gently towards him in an embrace near the entrance to the Outpost, the red flashes from the turbolasers bathing the two solitary figures in an eerie and maybe even foreboding glow.

Lily Brand
Aug 22nd, 2001, 04:42:03 PM
If there was a way to preserve this moment, Lily would have probably done almost anything to stay in his arms then pull away. Her hands still continued to hold Alex's gently, not wanting to remove all contact. Not only did the Force giver her strength, but the love that she felt for this man, this soldier, in front of her reinforced her purpose and mission.

"There isn't much time. They will break through soon, Commander."

It was all business once again with Lily but their planet hung in the balance between Light and Dark. She took a moment to collect her thoughts and finally pulled her hands away, letting them linger just a bit longer so she could feel his fingers before all contact was broken.

"If this Outpost falls, the Sith shall inherit power long forgotten and grow stronger then the already are. They must not retrieve what they came for."

Miryan no Trunks
Sep 7th, 2001, 04:47:27 PM
*Yet another bright yellow explosion expanded to fill his viewport, just as quickly dissapating into the vastness of space, as appearing in it in the first place.. MnT watched the cockpit spin off down to the left, but had little time to reflect as suddenly another X-wing was upon him, laser bolts firing right at the turret.. He squinted slightly as the shielding absorbed the blast, thankful that the droids working the shields had responded so efficiently.. However, as MnT tried to get a target lock on the fighter, he found that it was moving too erratically.. He couldn't get a shot in on it... Another barrage of laser-fire, and he decided to just forget the guns..*

*Closing his eyes, he reached out through the turret, through the sheilding, into the x-wing's cockpit, and right into the pilot, with his mind.. He concentrated on his task, knowing that the pilot would be experiancing extreme pain... He had only tested the technique a few times, but knew what level to stop it, before it would be fatal.. MnT continued to charge the bio-electricity running through the man's brain and skull, sensing through the force that his x-wing was picking up speed, but moving straight now.. He was obviously not in control.. Good...*

*His face flinched, as the link as suddenly broken, by the man's head exploding from the amount of energy pulsing through it.. As he opened his eyes, MnT watched the pilotless x-wing drift off into space..*

Commander Vanicus
Oct 7th, 2001, 12:18:33 AM
His hands tightened in their grip of hers and his head nodded as he heard and agreed with what she was saying. It was his family’s duty to protect the people of this planet, as well as keep what this outpost held out of the hands of those who would use it for purposes other than historic pieces on display.

An idea came to him, one that would at least possibly help to fulfill at least one of those duties, and possibly make it easier for the other to be achieved as well.

“Perhaps we can move that which they are coming here for. We could delay them finding it and have a better opportunity to defend the people of both the Outpost and the city, by not letting them have such power so easily.”

He wasn’t really very familiar with the ways of the Force and had another question about his idea.

“Would it be necessary or even possible to maybe mask the power or presence they give off in the Force by using the Force.”

It was just a guess, but a semi-educated one, as he had been so close to Lily since they were both very young, that he did know a little about her abilities but it really made little sense to him.

Lily Brand
Oct 23rd, 2001, 02:37:21 PM
Her hands were still interlaced within his and gently she pulled them away. They disappeared inside the folds of her cloak as she brought them together. Now was the time for planning and she had to be focused on the task at hand.

"They can be moved but they must not be touched. The question is do we have the time?"

Lily casted her eyes skywards and sighed.

"Time is running out, Commander."

Her eyelids fell to the ground as she answered Alex's second question.

"I can mask their presence. I should be able to for a short time. Think of it as two opposites cancelling each other out. They aren't expecting a Jedi Master here.... that shall give us a small edge."

Commander Vanicus
Dec 6th, 2001, 11:19:16 AM
“Let's hurry, move the items, and mask them for the detection of those who would seek them out for their own greedy purposes.”

He said as his eyes followed hers up into the air and then back down towards the ground. He tugged her hand before she even had a chance to respond and started heading back into the outpost building.

They left the sound of the shrieking laser batteries behind as they entered and made their way to where the ancient items were stored. This wasn’t exactly the kind of quality time that he wanted to spend with the love of his life, but at a time such as this, there was no one in the Universe he would rather be with than her.

Chaos Alexander
Dec 6th, 2001, 05:00:36 PM
::Chaos slamed his ship beside Orge, and Dale's. The G-Force held him to the back of his seat. Soon the ground assult would begin, Chaos hoped on the inside.::

How close are we to what we came for my Lords?

::Chaos pulled his ship hard to the right to avoid a turbo laser blast. The wke of the beam sent his ship through some turbulance. Chaos held his ship at bay.::