View Full Version : The Unwritten Laws of Light and Dark(open challenge)

Aug 18th, 2001, 01:10:35 AM
*Videl looks out over the battleground, a place where she had fought and learned from many warriors. She knew blood had been spilt upon its surface many times, sometimes from her enemies and sometimes from herself. She looked over the battleground with a fiery glint in her eyes, many of the warriors she had fought were either gone or retired, it made her wonder if there was anyone left who could challenge her skills.*

Edge Solude
Aug 18th, 2001, 03:44:02 PM
She narrowed her eyes, looking carefully at this one. There it was again, that strange aura... the force, it was called. Seraphim often said she was being too thick-headed, taking on opponents she could not beat, but many times she had come out victorious... or better yet... stronger for it. Tomiko grinned. She wanted to fight. "Hello there...." ;)

Aug 20th, 2001, 12:57:55 AM
OOC: why are you winking at me?

*Videl looks up at the newcomer, looking through the tedril strands of hair that always fall over her right eye.* Hello, are you looking for a fight? It's why I'm waiting here, but I'm not exactly sure if you will able to handle me and I really hate wasting my time. But if you're sure you can do this, you're welcome to try your luck....I'll defer first move to you since I will be making the last move.......

Rama Sha
Aug 20th, 2001, 06:41:28 AM
:: Rama sat a few meter away. He leaned back and lite a cigerrete. HE hadn't smoked in years........but it seems his "other" enjoyed, and so here he was.....with a smaokeing stick of paper hanging out of his mouth. ::

Oh don't mind me girls.......im just here for the show.

Aug 21st, 2001, 11:26:05 AM
*Videl looks over at Rama and glares briefly before looking back at her opponent*

Edge Solude
Aug 21st, 2001, 07:37:05 PM
OOC: Why not? :lol:

Tomiko looks over, feeling a strong aura. It was similar to the one she had felt when that ship tried to take down herself and Seraphim, but much.... deeper. It was grating. She crinkled her nose at the smell of that cigarette.

"Feh!" She spins to Rama, annoyed by the unannounced and uninvited pressence of some idiotic spectator. "Who the hell are you?"

Before Rama can respond, he sees a familiar symbol on her sash...

Rama Sha
Aug 22nd, 2001, 07:32:32 PM
OOC: Your Assumeing that, And I wasn't aware of any bad history I had with you. You just decided to leave TSE, it was your own coice. Any Bad history you think we have is your own mind fabircation.

As for ES.......I Actually know her very well. And im not gonna get involed in your fight. This is actually gonna lead up to another RP that will invole ES. I was orignally gonna post in her fight with ALpha......but this one was more current and hadn't begun to play out yet. The fact that it was against you wasn't a detrimeing factor. And as Dale said you didn't want anyone involed you should have posted in Storytelling.

IC: I got a better question lady.......What is that?

:: Rama points at the symbol ::

Edge Solude
Aug 22nd, 2001, 07:40:40 PM
Tomiko glared at the stranger. "What is it to you!?" She rolls her eyes and wafts the smell of cigarette away with her hand.

Aug 23rd, 2001, 11:40:34 AM
OOC: did I say anything about a bad history with you, Rama? No, I don't believe I did and let's not bring up the past again, you know why I left....but due to Axis relations etc, I'm not going to start an arguement.....all I ask is you stay out of it, even though this is the rping forum and since I have open on it doesn't not mean I want everyone and their brother in here....I don't care what your future plans are, this is my thread therefore it's my decision what happens here not yours.....I stated that I was looking for a fight, which is why it says "open challenge" and that means I only want an opponent....if you want to stay here, just stay out of the way, but I will not allow interference by spectators........

IC: *Videl watches although her patience is waning*

Edge Solude
Aug 24th, 2001, 08:21:09 AM
OOC: For crying out loud, this thread was open. Technically anyone and their mother CAN post in here... :lol: Don't whine so much. :)

IC: Tomiko dashes forward and clips Videl in the jaw, then does a roundhouse kick. Videl falls back onto the ground. "You're awfully patient for being a darksider? That is what I sensed from you, yes?"

She looked over at the "clown" again. "You and this one, not exactly the best of friends? Perhaps we should tear him apart together?"

Rama Sha
Aug 24th, 2001, 11:03:41 AM
Tisk Tisk.....

:: Rama Sat up ::

Your welcome to try......but I wouldn't advise it. You should just fight her.....If you are attached to your life force that is.

Aug 26th, 2001, 01:16:23 AM
*But with her attention on Rama, ES fails to watch Videl who stands back up and powers up force lightning, shocking ES so severly that she falls to her knees in pain, but Videl doesn't shock ES for long.* Yes, I am a Sith but I'm only patient because I believe in fighting with honor. There's no honor in acting an opponent before they are ready.....

*Videl turns her attention away from ES and glares at Rama* I would enjoy beating you into a pulp. *Videl then smirks darkly* but I highly doubt you would step up to the challenge, you wouldn't even spar with me during my training so why would you step up now? But if you think you can handle fighting me, you're welcome to try "Master Sha." *Videl says quietly with a derisive tone in her voice*

Edge Solude
Aug 26th, 2001, 11:26:16 AM
"Honor?" she asks somewhat weakly, still reeling from the shock, smoke comes from her body. She starts laughing, steadying herself on all fours. "I fight you hand to hand and you bring a Zeus on me. You call that honorable? Hahahahahahaha!!!! Hell, there's no honor in being Sith from what I've been told of your kind, so just give up all the honor talk."

Tomiko staggers up. "What's wrong, bitch? Can't fight me without your convenient little powers?"

Rama Sha
Aug 26th, 2001, 02:12:28 PM
Oh this one things she knows it all.....

:: Rama gets up and walks around Tomiko. ::

You should think you know anything blue girl.......you should know you know. And there is only one way to know you know.

:: Rama took gentely took up a hnadful of Tomiko's hair smelt it ::

You have a familar Aura around you dear....

:: Rama stared across ES shoulders at Videl. ::

If I were to fight you....it would be as unfair as your fight with this being. But if you wish to learn the lesson you did not learn while under my care......I would be more then happy to "teach" them to you. But not here......not now. I want you full rested and healed....and one on one. So you will feel the true power of the darkside.

Edge Solude
Aug 26th, 2001, 02:47:50 PM
She elbowed him away from her, getting her claws and raking him across the chest. "Screw off!"

Tomiko jumped away from him and glared at him. :mad:

Rama Sha
Aug 27th, 2001, 12:53:02 PM
:: Rama began to laugh loudly ::

Aug 27th, 2001, 01:30:30 PM
You slightly misunderstood me, what I meant by honor is I will fight you at your level and not at my full strength and I most likely won't kill you, but I assure you that I am a more honorable fighter than most......

*Videl raises an eyebrow to how Rama was acting with the blue woman*

So basically you're backing down again, Rama? Honestly you claim to be so powerful but you always back down when a challenge presents itself....and for that, I'm somewhat ashamed that I used to call you my master, but it's not like I really learned anything from you anyway, I learned a hell of a lot more from just fighting and sparring with others.....but your backing down yet again is not what I would consider at all brave, only cowards back down from fights without even trying.....are you a coward, Rama?

Rama Sha
Aug 27th, 2001, 01:47:59 PM
You'll come down to my level........Your claims are laughable Videl. Your ego has got the best of you as I knew it would.

If you want a fight here and now.....then it is a fight you shall have. And if you want to survie this......I suggest you not hold back.

:: Rama threw his cig to the side as he jumped to his feet. ::

Sorry blue.........im takeing over from here.

Aug 27th, 2001, 01:52:47 PM
OOC: hehe, well good to hear you do have a bit of courage, Rama, but I won't be back for several hours since I have to get to class, but I'll respond as soon as I can, probably around 4:00 or so over here......

IC: When I said about levels, I was speaking to the blue one...Rama, you rely far too much on what you've seen me do, just because I fight a certain way, does not mean that is the extent of my skills. In truth, most of the time I have been holding back a lot for I am way more experienced than what you have seen. Did you ever stop and think as to why I was only able to be defeated once? And once again you're acting as if no one can defeat you, but believe me, fighting you will be no trouble whatsoever for me....so I will let you begin this since you seem so confident about your skills, I hope you will at least be somewhat of a challenge for I do so hate wasting my time.....

*Videl again says quietly while smirking wryly*

OOC: ttt.....well gtg for today, I'll be back tomorrow night most likely....now don't be a coward by continuing to ignore this, Rama......

Sorsha Kasajian
Aug 30th, 2001, 02:17:56 PM
:: Sorsha grinned at the exchange between Videl and Rama. She steps out into the open for a better vantage point and gazes at Rama ::

"I'm going to enjoy this. Not to worry, Videl. I won't interfere."

Rama Sha
Aug 31st, 2001, 04:38:46 PM
:: without a single word Rama charges in and smashes his knee hard into Videl's gut takeing her off her feet. With uncanny speed her brings his hands down on her back smashing her back towards the ground. Instead of meeting the ground she meets Rama's boot coming up to meet her. It smashes into her ribs and sends her flying towards Sorsha landing just a few inches from her feet. Rama was sending a messages without saying words "Your next" ::

Sorsha Kasajian
Aug 31st, 2001, 04:48:03 PM
:: steps away from Videl to prove her word. She would not interfere in the fight, unless she was struck first ::

Sep 1st, 2001, 01:27:28 AM
*A sound comes from Videl which Rama takes for her crying out in pain but as Videl gets louder, he realizes she's laughing. Videl looks over at Rama as she gets up* How unoriginal Rama, using some of my own attack patterns against me.....

*Videl smirks as she begins to lift a large boulder with the force. The ground cracks and the dirt falls away from the rock as she lifts it before she sends it straight at Rama. And as Rama readies to defend himself to block it, the rock suddenly shoots upward and Videl appears from behind it. She smirks before she slams her elbow into his throat and at the same time bringing her leg up to knee him in the groin. Rama wheezes and falls backward but before he can fall back, Videl moves behind him and raises her leg up again so Rama is draped over it. Wasting no time, Videl grabs Rama by the neck and legs then begins to bring her knee up into Rama's back, pushing up on his spine with increasing pressure. Rama writhes but he is helplessly held fast by Videl who lets go of his neck and punches him in his ribcage. Rama cries out loudly but not for long as he coughs up blood from his fractured ribs puncturing his lung. Videl smirks wryly before she lets him fall to the ground*

Has your time in your TSE Council seat made you soft, Rama? You'll have to do better than that....unlike you, I've been either training or sparring the entire time I've been here so I will not be beaten easily......

Edge Solude
Sep 1st, 2001, 09:38:40 PM
Tomiko watches the speed the two of them moved at as they struck blows at each other. There was no way in hell she was in their league. She had actually hoped Videl would do that little light trick again.... but she was obviously busy with that man.

For some reason, their voices played in her head repeatedly. She knew very little of Jedi and Sith from what Seraphim had told her. And that other one... he had just confused her some more.

As Tomiko pondered through her confusion, it was as if a switch in her brain suddenly turned on.<UL>"Well you've never told me anything about your family or for that matter anything, before you met me. So excuse me if this is a little harder for me to grasp then you. I Just got a sister-in-law....."[/list]That audio <a href=http://pub2.ezboard.com/fswvstitanicthejedicouncil.showMessageRange?topicI D=2579.topic&start=10&stop=12>transmission</a> from the chip Alice planted on Fujiko.... Her eyes widened at Rama. The voice was unmistakable. Damn, where was Seraphim when she needed her? She continued glaring towards him, watching what he would do next....

Rama Sha
Sep 2nd, 2001, 02:02:41 AM
:: Rama gets up to his knees ::

Im not on the council anymore whinch.......I think your thinking of Nuriko.

:: He Balls his fist and a small spark of Force lighting begins to build up in his hand. ::

......and if anything you stole those moves from ME!

:: As he says the last words his swings his arms around and up, smashing them into Videl face knocking her into the air. Rama then lets lose with a blast of Force Lighting hiting her in mid air throwing her back. He lands alsmost ten feet away. Mouth bleeding, body burned from the lighting. Rama gets to his feet. ::

Whatever power you think you have........is still no match for me.

:: Rama lets out a loud yell and smashes his fist into the ground. In doing so releaseing a large force wave that was now traveling underground towards Videl. Just as it reached her, Rama jerks his hand up in one motion and the wave explodes under Videl sending a cloud of debris and dust up into her face and eyes. She then falls into a large hole in the ground the wave had left. ::

Edge Solude
Sep 2nd, 2001, 04:48:04 PM
Nuriko. The minute she heard that name, she gritted her teeth and clenched her fists. So close to her quarry, yet so far away...

Sep 3rd, 2001, 01:09:38 AM
*Videl can be heard laughing yet again* Yes, I'm well aware that you aren't on the Council anymore and I know why but that's mainly because you could never let things go, never realizing that each fight you started lost you several more allies......and in regards to stealing, what would I have ever had to steal? You taught me nothing that I didn't already know, all you taught me was to shoot at two rocks, lift your damn ship, try to control my anger and don't give my saber to anyone....so frankly I would have nothing to steal from you because I would have no need to since there's nothing you can do that's worth stealing! Everything I learned over my lifetime of how to fight has nothing to do with anything I learned from you....and yet you used to try and take credit for training me.....your cowardess and lies are definately not some of your better traits, "Master Sha." And I really shouldn't have to point this out, but yet again, that was another of my moves.......

*Videl then powers up force lightning and sends it at Rama. While continuing to shock Rama, Videl lifts him with the force and holds him a few feet above the ground. Videl smirks as she also lifts two more large rocks, moves them on either side of Rama and sends them both at him, smashing him between them. Videl walks over, grabs Rama by the head with both hands and jolts him again with force lightning, frying hundreds of brain cells in the process. Videl then Rama drops to the ground again but this time stepping back a few feet to avoid another cheap shot from Rama* You really are pitiful, you do know that, right?

OOC: and btw, what were you trying to say with whinch? were you trying to call me a wench?

Rama Sha
Sep 3rd, 2001, 02:23:03 PM
I know you stole that one from me.......

:: Rama springs to his feet and grabs Videl's Head and digs his thumbs into her eye sockets ::

........I invented this move.

:: Force lighting jumps from his head and jumps threw her head. Back and forth from hand to hand ::

You are a young fool Videl.....You gain nothing and risk to lose everything.....and for what? A inner demon that I could really give a crap about.

:: Rama digs his thumbs into her eye sockets deeper. ::

You have no Past, no present, and no future. You might as well not exsit.

:: Rama lets go over her head, but before she can drop to the ground he smashes his fist into her face knocking her to the ground. HE reaches around and grabs his saber, it was from his Jedi days but still worked, and smashes the Emitter into her forehead. Blood trickles down from the wound. ::

I know I didn't teach you to talk this much. Do you ever shut up?

:: Rama tapped the activation button with his finger ever so lightly. ::

All I have to do is press this and it's all over Videl. No more brooding over what I did and didn't do as your master. You will be free. Free from all of this..........and god knows you have moved up in rank any since you left me. Sith Lord? For haveing so much better training you sure havn't moved up in the world any.

Sep 4th, 2001, 01:57:22 PM
I talk too much? Hell I've never known anyone with a bigger ego than you....*Videl laughs as she kicks upward and knocks the device out of Rama's hand. It flies through the air where Videl catches it then crushes into hundreds of tiny pieces.* and you never knew when to just shut up and do what you needed to do....*Videl says quietly, wincing as she removes the emitter from her forehead then heals that wound* And I am already free, getting away from you was all I needed.... and as far as rank is concerned, I haven't moved up since I haven't been there, I've been training offworld, and really rank doesn't hold any meaning to me...Lord is just a word, it doesn't really mean much, only a title we give people...... I have been able to hold my own against some of the stronger Sith and Jedi so one f**king word means nothing to me!

*Videl yells as she sweeps Rama off his feet then backhands him across the face as he falls towards her, shattering his cheekbone. As Rama still falls forward, Videl rolls out of the way back onto her feet, elbows Rama at the base of his neck then draws her katana and slashes down Rama's back.* You are such an idiot, Rama, I'm not finding my world the slightest bit of the hell you seem to think I do.....the only inner demons I have are for what I have done before I got here.....

*Videl grabs Rama by the arm as he is still somewhat stunned. Straightening out his arm, Videl then punches right in the center of the lower part of his arm, shattering both the radius and ulna, leaving Rama with a now useless arm.* Such a pitiful little man you've become Rama, unable to take out your anger about TSE so instead you take it out on me, very cowardly......

*Videl laughs as she moves a few feet away again so Rama won't attack her with a cheap shot yet again*

OOC: ttt...be back tomorrow night.....

Rama Sha
Sep 9th, 2001, 05:22:05 AM
OOC: Whoa Whoa Whoa.............You just Heal the wound? Healing is a Jedi Trait not a Sith trait. And even then I doubt you could just "Heal it" It would take time.

Edge Solude
Sep 9th, 2001, 05:38:19 AM
Tomiko looks over at Videl. She does talk too much.... :rolleyes:

She looks over at Rama, weakened by his fight. Seraphim was so leery of force-users.... always warning her about them. Was this one of the ones she was suppose to be scared of? Inside, she wanted to laugh out loud. I could take him as he is... steal his data... and we'd have our mark and one stupid Sith out of our way.

Tomiko darted over to Rama and pounced him. His wounded arm under him, she put a foot on his good arm and grabbed a fist full of his hair, pulling back. Her other hand got into an odd motion, and a mechanical clicking noise could be heard. A needle with an attached vial emerged from her wrist. She prepared to strike at him with it like a cobra. "Your data is mine!!"

Rama Sha
Sep 9th, 2001, 05:57:36 AM
:: Rama's Eyes grew black and Anger swelled up in him. Tomiko's Wrist Stopped mid Strike and began to move backwards. She fought it as much as she could but she couldn't move it forward. Suddenly her other hand released Rama's hair. Tomiko felt her whole body learch back off of Rama. Rama picked himself off the ground and uses his good arm to grab the arm with the needle attached. He twists it around and back away from his body. ::

I don't know anything about any Data sweetheart, but you still havn't answered my question, and your gonna answer if you want to or not!

Edge Solude
Sep 9th, 2001, 06:02:50 AM
"How about or not!" Her claws come forth from both hands and she digs them into Rama's arm. He lets her go only momentarily but quickly grabs her by the hair. "LET GO!!" She twists and squirms, digging her claws into his hand again. This time though, he doesn't let go.

Rama Sha
Sep 9th, 2001, 06:16:42 AM
"You know your getting to be a real pain in the ass!!!"

:: Rama looks over his shoulder, he knew any min Videl would be on him again. ::

"Listen up Blue....That Girl over there is gonna come chargeing in here at any min and you'll be the one that'll end up dead if she does. I suggest coperating with me. You might get out of this alive."

:: Rama painfully lifts his wounded arm up and hits his Comm. ::

I.S.S.A.I............get here now.

" On my way sir."

Edge Solude
Sep 9th, 2001, 06:24:02 AM
"She seems more interested in killing you than me. I couldn't care less SO DON'T RUN AWAY ON MY ACCOUNT!!" She kicks at him, lashing around. "NOW LET GO!!" Her needle and vial retract back in and she pulls him towards her, biting him in the arm.

Rama Sha
Sep 9th, 2001, 06:35:25 AM
You not important enough to care about to her. She would tear thru you to get to me. Plus I have powers that will help me.......you however do not. And im not leaveing on your account......Im leaveing on my wife's. You know something about they symbol and I want to know it.

:: A laser bolt fires from above, impacting in front of Videl sending her flying back. Rama looks up to see the Star Phoenix III above. A harpon Fires out of the bottom and impacts into the ground in front of them. ::

Hold on lady we're going for a ride.*

:: Rama twists Tomiko around and attaches a harness that was on the Harpon to her and then he attaches a clips on his belt to the harpon as well. ::

Ok I.S.S.A.I......get us out of here.

:: The Harpon jerks out of the ground and pulls them skyward. ::

Edge Solude
Sep 9th, 2001, 06:43:56 AM
"You know nothing about my powers! You BASTARD!!!" She starts screaming.... Sorsha and Videl can hear her ranting fading as the distance between them grows.

Rama Sha
Sep 9th, 2001, 06:53:56 AM
:: the Cargo bay doors close shut as they are lifted into the Ship. ::

"Well from what I have seen lady, your either really rusty........or your not as strong as you think you are."

Edge Solude
Sep 9th, 2001, 06:59:04 AM
"Yeah, yeah." :| "Whatever." :rolleyes:

He was so arrogant. Knowing nothing of her past.... just like those all those soldiers she had killed. Staring down at her... ignorant worms. Tomiko looked back at Rama. She would enjoy killing him.

There was no where to go now and Tomiko would have to wait and see where they ended up. No doubt Seraphim wouldn't be too far behind soon enough. The most disturbing part of all of this was that he had seen 3-Mask's symbol before. That just couldn't be possible...

Sorsha Kasajian
Sep 9th, 2001, 03:01:25 PM
:: Sorsha smiles as Rama's ship becomes a mere pinpoint on the horizon, then glances over at Videl.

"Not the same man we both served loyally, Videl. Once he was a great sith. To me he was a God."

:: A look of deep sadness washes over her face for a moment, quickly replaced by a sneer of malice ::

"Then he became weak."

:: Videl could feel the hatred in her as she turns and walks away ::

Sep 10th, 2001, 12:55:06 PM
OOC: you sure seem to remember only what you want to, Rama, you know I'm a healer regardless of the fact that I'm a Sith, and need I remind that I healed you several times....

IC: *Videl curses loudly at the retreating ship before looking over at Sorsha* He is only a shell of the man I knew, the Rama I called "master" is no longer there.....

*Videl then looks away as she turns and signals to her panther and wolf that it is time to go and the trio fades into the night*

Edge Solude
Sep 10th, 2001, 11:50:56 PM
<font face="Courier" color=#0000f9>A tiny mechanical spider walked along the battleground. Its tiny eyes had peered over at the one known as Sorsha Kasajian and then the one known as Videl.

It began to beep a high pitched tone. One the average ear would not be able to hear.</font>

Nerysm Seraphim
Sep 11th, 2001, 12:01:49 AM
A few miles away, Alice had been practicing on her own for hours now. She kept near the ship, while Tomiko went off to who knows where to "gather data". She'd never understand that kid.

But this.... Alice flipped backwards and manuvered her sword around gracefully. This was so relaxing for her. Swordplay was an artform; you needn't necessarily someone with you to enjoy it. She spun around on her heel sword in hand....


O___O !!!

"GAHHHHHH!" She suddenly dropped to her knees and covered her ears. "DAMMIT TOMIKO!!!" Tomiko's little spider was sending off that high-pitched distress noise. Alice took one of her hands off of her ear, leaning the ear against her shoulder to muffle the noise and found a button attached to a small panel that was strapped around her wrist.


The noise stopped and the blue light on her panel blipped. "Now what have you done....?"

Alice walked over to the ship and strapped herself in. First, that irritating little spider... then follow the signal in Tomiko's internal tracer to her location. She would rather find Tomiko first, but she had to face it. She'd really be in for it if she didn't pick up that damn spider of hers.