View Full Version : Operation Apocolypse: Building of monsters

Sumor Rayial
Jul 22nd, 2001, 05:24:44 PM
**Deep inside the underground headquarters of the Sith Empire, lay an area of the highest security. The technical division of the Sith Empire military required the highest level security clearance in the empire and even some of the most senior admirals didn't have access here. On this particular day in the main conference room of the tech division an ultra high level meeting was being held. All of the senior members of the military and a few others were present for the unveiling of the empires newest and largest creation. It was a new breed of command ship that harnessed all of the empires advanced technology.

Sumor sat back in the chair at the head of a long elipse shaped table and listened as Sith Knight Varlon Konrad explained the details of the project. In the middle of the table sat a small holo projecter that was currently beaming a three dimensional representation of the new class ship, as it's statisticss and other relivant information scrolled down small screens in front of each seat. A large smirk was painted on Sumor's face, like the preverbial cat that just ate the preverbial canary.

When Varlon finished Sumor leaned forward and spoke.**

Once again you and your team have done it Varlon. With this new weapon in our arsenal the Empires name will be feared throughout the galaxy.

I do however have a concern. Do to it's large size and our current plans we would only be able to devote a single yard to this project. The new production numbers you have put together call for two such vessels. Does anyone have any ideas for building a second vessel that won't cost us the lengthy construction time?

Admiral Jyener
Jul 22nd, 2001, 05:44:56 PM
Admiral Jyener looked up from the readout of the vessel's statistics. It was really amazing to see what could be accomplished with the mind and willpower of humans. Relatively new in the Sith Empire, it was unusual to see him gathered here at the secret meeting. Yet he had experiance, and something to offer that no other military official of The Sith Empire could.

"Lord Rayial, if I may."

Sumor nodded and Jyener slipped a thin datacard into a slot in the table where he sat. The holographic image of the command ship faded out and the picture of a blue-green planet, two shipyards orbiting it, sizzled into view.

"Dayark, an agricultural planet located in the outer rim of the Kathol Sector. Home of Death Fleet, there are two forty kilometer shipyards based here."

The still image sizzled into the rotating starship as Jyener pulled the datacard from its slot and back into his pocket.

"Unfortunately, they have been out of service for the past few months with the dangerously low ammount of resources left on Dayark. However, with this in mind, they are free for your use."

Darth Varlon
Jul 22nd, 2001, 06:14:16 PM
"Resources shouldn't be too much a problem, if things go according to plans." Var said as he leaned foreward on his elbows. "How heavily defended are the yards, Jeyner?"

Admiral Jyener
Jul 22nd, 2001, 09:14:09 PM
Jyener didn't have to think about that question. There was one sure answer, and hopefully it would be the right one.

"The only defense they have now is my fleet, which is away at the moment. However I do expect it to be back in several days."

Darth Varlon
Jul 23rd, 2001, 01:13:33 PM
"Sumor, can we spare any battleships and a wing or two of fighters of our own?" Var said as he turned to face the Sith Lord. "We can pull them out or keep them there once the Death Fleet has returned."

Sumor Rayial
Jul 23rd, 2001, 09:24:41 PM
**Sumor nodded to Varlon's questions.**

Yes I believe we can move some of our secondary heavy ships and some of our unassigned cruisers to secure the area until Death Fleet returns.

**Sumor then turned to face Admiral Jyener.**

Admiral your offer is a gracious one, and I gladly accept. I would like to offer you something in return. Since we are going to be using your yards I would like to offer the use of one of our engineering corps and resourses to produce some planetary defenses for Dayark. Those include planetary laser and ion cannons, and an orbital mine defenses.

Ogre Mal Pannis
Jul 23rd, 2001, 09:42:49 PM
He remained quiet listening to all that was being said. His failure to speak up was an indication that he approved of all that was being discussed. He found himself thinking of the plans and development of the new stellar craft, which this meeting was all about. The forebodingly evil smile growing larger and larger upon his countenance.

Admiral Jyener
Jul 23rd, 2001, 10:28:18 PM
"You're offer is generous indeed Lord Sumor, and I am not one to pass down a good oppurtunity. However I am also known to bargain. If you could transport three Star Galleons worth of building materials to the shipyards, I can spare my second yard for the production of several anti-fighter starships as well as a few starfighter wings for added protection. My forces won't be tied down for long, and not even I know how long their absence will be. Yet no one should be expected to rely on your battleships for guarding my shipyard. It is only fair that I contribute to the defense."

Darth Varlon
Jul 23rd, 2001, 11:44:55 PM
"Strength through unity, they say." Var said as he leaned back and smiled. "This is obviously unity, which would mean that the Apocolypse project is the symbol of strength.

"Quite fitting I say. Master Pannis, do you have anything to contribute?"

Ogre Mal Pannis
Jul 23rd, 2001, 11:54:29 PM
As if awoken from a dream, Ogre’s head snapped up and looked at Varlon as he addressed him. He had been paying attention to what was being said, but he had also been pondering the ramifications and possibilities that this new development would bring for the Empire and those that were their enemies, which included about every other inhabitant of the known Universe.

His deep toned voice carried well throughout the small room as he answered.

“I have nothing more to add, as it seems things have been decided upon. I am eager to head to the location where the first is under development and see how the research and construction crews are coming along with the task put before them, according to the data provided. This project is a very interesting one.”

Darth Varlon
Aug 2nd, 2001, 08:16:52 PM
OOC: *bump*

"If there isn't anything more to be said, ladies and gentlmen, I believe this meeting has come to a close." Var said as he stood. "Lord Rayial, the shuttles are ready to take us."

Jedah Lynch
Aug 3rd, 2001, 04:40:12 AM

To those who entered, your post have been deleted by a SW admin.

Such acts of god moding are not allowed and shall not be tolerated.

If you wish to participate at this board then I would advise you to learn how it operates and act appropriately.

Guardsman Carnor Jax
Aug 3rd, 2001, 12:05:36 PM
[c]<font color=white size=2>[i]Need i remind you, Jedah Lynch, the capabilities of the Imperial Royal Guard? Sovereign Protectors to boot. Men who survived Yinchorr to become the Apex of Warriors through out the Galaxy during the time of Palpatine's Imperial Order? Men who fought Lord Vader himself, and not only survived, but on occassion defeated him?

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Aug 3rd, 2001, 12:18:37 PM
OOC~ this discussion needs to be done in the OOC forum. That is what it is there for. Anymore OOC posts that pop up in this thread referring to last night will be deleted.

We can continue this here (http://pub2.ezboard.com/fswvstitanicfrm15.showMessage?topicID=854.topic)

Darth Varlon
Aug 10th, 2001, 10:53:19 PM


<p align="center"><font size="4" face="Courier">Dayark, Kathol Sector</font></p>
<p align="center"><font size="4" face="Courier">1 week later</font></p>
<p align="left">*** Aboard the bridge of the Super Star Destroyer D eath Wind, Varlon strode up to Sith Lord Sumor Rayial, whom also happened to be the acting Fleet commander for the three-prong unit en route to Dayark. As the Knight neared Sumor, he turned around as if he expected Varlon.

*** Lord Rayial, we're five hours from Dayark and the fleet is ready for anything." The Knight reported and waited while the older Sith pondered his thoughts. "I'd also like to report that our forward scouts report the system to be clean of any hostiles and that the new cruisers within the Repressor fleet are showing no signs of power fluctuations."</p>



Admiral Jyener
Aug 10th, 2001, 11:46:49 PM
The air was brisk and the morning sun was glaring down on the vast forest. Yet beneath the canopy of leaves and tree trunks, there was a place were the people inside couldn't tell. Through the dim corridors and past the most heavily guarded doors, dozens of people were assembled in one small room.

"Admiral, message from the fleet. Incoming transmission from a friendly source."

An enlisted crewman had just entered the room and interrupted the briefing taking place inside. After hearing the man's message, Jyener spun his head around to see him still standing there at attention.

"At ease," Jyener excused himself from the crowd of listening officers and walked towards the newcomer.

"Can you pick up the frequency and tell me who it's from?"

"Sure, hold on," he looked down at the datapad in his hand and tapped a few keys, "The Sith Empire, sir."

Grinning Admiral Jyener took the datapad as the enlistee handed it over to him. Once reading through the transcript and a list of ships, he handed the pad back over.

"Signal the fleet to form up on the shipyards. Have someone prepare a shuttle for their arrival, as well as coordinates to our location. Perhaps our visitors would like to join in on the meeting."

"Right away, sir."

Sumor Rayial
Aug 11th, 2001, 02:09:11 PM
**Sumor sat back in the command chair and watched as the SE force dropped out of hyperspace. Slowly the ships moved into defensive positions around the planet.**

"Sir communication from the planet. Generalized message. He is inviting the commanders of this fleet to a meeting being held on the surface."

Thank you.

**Sumor turned and adressed Varlon.**

Var I don't expect any trouble but if it comes I'm sure that you can handle it. There is something at TSE that soon will call for my attention so I must head back to Munto Codru.

**Varlon nodded his understandment.**

Good. I'll see you in a few weeks for a status report.

**With that Sumor stood and walked off the bridge and headed for the hanger bay where a quick Scout ship was waiting to return him to Munto Codru.**

Guardsman Kir Kanos
Aug 12th, 2001, 07:00:40 PM
Helmet cradled under his arm, Kir Kanos, onetime Imperial Royal Guard, exited the meeting conucted by Admiral Jyener Celchu of Death Fleet. After a disagreement in the sequestered conference room, the independant commander of the Super-class Star Destroyer Infliction left on not the best of terms.

The fact he left unopposed tipped the ex-Guardsman on edge. The information he carried was, after all, of the highest confidentiality.

"Ready the shuttle," he addressed an aide brought along to Dayark's surface, nearing the single-craft hangar holding his Lambda-class shuttlecraft.

He required no guards -- he was more than capable of defending himself should the need arise.

"Immediately, sir."

Darth Varlon
Aug 12th, 2001, 10:01:40 PM
OOC: The following fleets (http://www.geocities.com/bofh_tk/tse/fleet.htm) are in Dayark's orbit. So you're far from unopposed.


"This is Sith Knight Varlon Konrad of the Death Wind Battle Fleet, representing The Sith Empire, you've entered a restricted zone, leave immediately. This is your first and final warning." The sith said before cutting communications and turning to the SSDs captain.

"Prepare weapons, if they want to try anything, be ready gun them down."

Captain Kir Kanos
Aug 12th, 2001, 10:24:37 PM
OOC - Identification change. Same Kanos, only not exactly a Imp Royal Guard any longer.

By unopposed I meant that none of Jyener's men had physically tried to seize me.

Captain Kir Kanos
Aug 12th, 2001, 10:57:43 PM
"You have clearance, shuttle Contruv."

Ensign Jardeth, the aide accompanying Kanos to the surface, gave his superior a blank, sidelong, surprised look. Neither of the pair had expected to be allowed to leave.

"Take her out, Ensign."

"Yes, sir."

The sleek shuttle eased out of the hangar, it's two large foils falling into place with the precision of an Imperial-crafted vessel.

This is Sith Knight Varlon Konrad of the Death Wind Battle Fleet, representing The Sith Empire, you've entered a restricted zone, leave immediately. This is your first and final warning.

"Patch me through, Ensign."


"Captain Kir Kanos, SSD Infliction. Understood, Konrad. We'll be on our way as soon as possible. Kanos out."

Jardeth cut the communication. The next voice heard was Kanos' second, Noriss.

"... yes, Captain. We should be ready to make the jump upon your arrival."


The Lambda-class shuttle groaned as the main hatchway ground open, hissing as pressurized hydraulic fluids escaped into the well-maintained hangar bay.

Out strode Kir Kanos, making the brief excursion to the bridge of the collosal warship.

Moments later, the massive weapon-of-war leapt into hyperspeed, her destination known only to Captain and crew.

Darth Varlon
Aug 13th, 2001, 08:27:32 PM
"Captain, signal the fleet, I want all ships on constant yellow alert. Give my very same warning to any and all starships entering the system." The Knight said as he sat back into the commander's chair in the centre of the Death Wind's bridge and crossed his legs.

"As you wish, sir." The captain said with a TSE standard salute before turning to go and dispense orders.

If these guys were in anyway related to the GMA, I'm going to kick my own ass for letting them go.. He thought to himself with a sigh.

Darth Varlon
Sep 8th, 2001, 12:38:01 PM
Accessing Project logs




System Ready

Project log, day 48. The massive Apocalypse is comming along nicely. Her massive, sleek, dagger-like frame stretching a full twenty-four and a half kilometers and gleaming where unpained armour's covered the completed sections of the ship. All has been quiet since the Super Star Destroyer pulled through weeks back.

End Project Log... Encrypting.




Encrypting Complete. Tight-beam relay to TSE HQ via substations begun.

Sumor Rayial
Sep 11th, 2001, 07:27:08 PM
**Sumor sat in the leather chair behind his desk deep inside the secure Military section of the HQ. There had been much progress on the Apocolypse currently held in orbit of the planet Munto Codru.

Pressing a button on the desk Sumor sat back and started to dictate his next log entry.**

Project Apocolypse log, Day 51.

Recieved transmited logs from Varlon reporting progress of the beta vessel at approximately the same as the alpha. Nothing else of intrest to report.

49 days remaining.

**With a push of another button the log was closed and saved in the directory set up for the Apocolypse project. Leaning back a wide grin spread over Sumor's face. Fourty-nine... he thought to himself.**

Varlon Konrad
Oct 5th, 2001, 08:07:26 PM
Project log, day 65.

Completion of the second Apocalypse class command star destroyer is only twenty-five more days from the time of this recording's end. There's only 6.82 kilometres of hull left to apply armour to and install weaponry. The rate at which this massive star destroyer has been increadible, I would have thought it would have taken more than three standard months to complete, but this is obviously not the case.

On a lighter note, I've had security stepped down slightly to allow highly encoded personal messages to be sent back to families from the crews of the defense fleet and those that will be crewing the new command star destroyer. I only hope this silence lasts..

Varlon Konrad
Oct 20th, 2001, 03:19:54 PM
High Orbit over Dayark. 3 months after the start of Operation Apocalypse

"Commander Varlon, all stations aboard the Crimson Death report one-hundred and three percent efficiency," The Death Wind's commanding officer reported with a salute. "The fleet stands ready for your word, my lord."

Varlon heard the man, but ignored him for the most part as he stared out at the sleek hull of the second of two massive command star destroyers. Its black hull emblazed with dark crimson highlights, from which it gained its name. The Knight then turned and went to the command chair in the center of the main walkway and sat down.

"This is Sith Knight Konrad aboard the Death Wind, all ships, move out. Heading has been sent to all of your hyperdrive systems and you should have a solution." He said in a powerful commanding tone. "Once the Crimson Death has cleared the shipyards, we make the jump to lightspeed. Engage."

For the first time, the massive stardrive engines of the Crimson Death ignited, spilling forth millions of tons of thrust which, slowly at first, began to push the enourmous twenty-four and a half kilometre ship from the shipyards above Dayark. In only a span of about two minutes, the gigantic ship had reached the jump point and, in a blink of an eye, the gigantic form of the ship, and its escorts, ripped through the very fabric of reality into that of Hyperspace.