View Full Version : Around The Moon [Belkadan Conflict Thread]

Zorin Hexes
Jul 22nd, 2001, 04:06:47 AM
(ooc) Continued from here:
pub2.ezboard.com/fswvstit...3912.topic (http://pub2.ezboard.com/fswvstitanicstarwarsroleplayingarchive.showMessage ?topicID=3912.topic)
A list of all ships participating in this attack can be found here:
pub24.ezboard.com/fgalact...D=14.topic (http://pub24.ezboard.com/fgalacticmilitaryalliancefrm49.showMessage?topicID =14.topic)

"Admiral, our sensors aren't picking up anything." A young man looked up from the crew-pit and shook his head. "They must be jamming us."

"Very well. Order Destroyer groups three, five, and seven to cease fire and deploy around this planet's moon. Groups two, four, and six are to begin a direct assault on the planet's surface. All other groups, fall back and prepare to make a jump to hyperspace."

"Sir?!" An junior officer leapt up from the crew pit, his eyes bulging with complete astonishment. "A jump to hyperspace?!"

"Yes, Lieutenant. Hyperspace." The Admiral narrowed his eyes. "Bring us out of hyperspace as close to the planet's gravity well as possible. I want six-hundred TIEs prepared to deploy into the atmosphere."

The younger officer nodded to the Vice Admiral respectfully, then seated him nervously and began punching buttons and turning switches. Zorin smirked, then rested back in his command chair as he watched the command groups go to work.

Groups two, four, and six all uniformly fell out of formation, making small corrections in their projected trajectory. The groups, while small, were still a force to be reckoned with. The Imperial Star Destroyers Exeter, Saratoga, and Wasp were fully armed and battle ready, escorted by the Victory Star Destroyers Sauron, Repulse III, and Homer. Each group held a number of other support ships, for tactical and technical support.

Serena Laran
Jul 23rd, 2001, 04:02:21 AM
Serena crossed her long legs as the Exeter changed course. "Report."

The tactical ensign looked up, "We're closing in on the planet, and transports are loaded and ready for launch."

She smiled, "Good. Ready the TIEs as well, in case the Vong get any nasty ideas about a space battle." Serena un-crossed her legs, and looked at her small viewscreen by her chair. "I want the turbolasers to take out targets 3 and 8. That should knock out the powergrid, at least until we destroy it completely."

"Aye sir."

Jul 26th, 2001, 03:56:03 PM
"Ah, yes. I see that you've grown into a nice, strong one. You will do well," Yomin Carr whispered into the tiny slit that was the screechling's ear. He ran five gnarled fingers down it's rubbery back. He grabbed it firmly by the spine, and a flap of the skin rose up on either side of the genetically engineered weapon to reveal thousands of pores. Praetorite Carr noted that all was in order.

As he relieved his lap of the schreechling, Yomin turned to speak with the communications officer. "Clear the auxiliary Villip room of it's grids and overseers. Leave an Oggzil, and set it up so as to communicate with the infidel ships. I'll expect a full report on the bombardment's status by the time I get down there."

"Status report prepared, Lord Praetorite." A warrior jogged up and shoved a report in Yomin's free hand, saluted in the Yuuzhan Vong style, and ran back off to his post. As Yomin's pupils followed the text rapidly, he began to frown.

"Orders, sir?" Asked the Tactical Officer. "We could.."

"No. I have an idea." Yomin lightly set the screechling on a table and secured an umbilical to his forehead. His eyes rolled back into his forehead to reveal milky white, and Yomin began speaking through the ship, silently, to the Yammka on Belkadan. Shortly after, he abruptly pulled the biological tube off of his forehead and picked up the schreechling. He walked quickly down the yorik coral hallway, towards the auxiliary communications room.

Getting there no less than ten minutes later, he found himself alone in a vast chamber. The last person he had seen had been lugging off a heavy Villip grid with a Chazrach. And here, in this vast chamber, was nothing but a small coral outcropping with a single Oggzil on it. Yomin tapped on it.

"Imperial Ship, this is Senior Commander Yomin Carr. You have invaded our space. If you further encroach us, we will be forced to retaliate."

Yomin got the negative response he expected.

"Very well." Yomin dug his fingernails around the screechling's spine. The flaps flew up, and a screeching, high pitched sound was unleashed. It was enough to kill the Oggzil, but not before the sound reached the ears of every Imperial bridge and cockpit.

Of course, the sound wasn't enough to kill them, or even hurt them. Diluted over the Oggzil's frequency enough to spare the Imperials their eardrums, but enough to send many, many of them to their knees, clutching their ears. Blood gushed through each side of Yomin's head.

It was at this point that the Yammka took over. The Yun Yuuzhan <a href=http://pub33.ezboard.com/fyuuzhanvongfrm2.showMessage?topicID=89.topic>fleet</a> slingshoted around the planet to face the Imperials. Orbiting half the planet hardly augmented the lumbering Heavy Cruisers enough to call them slingshoted, but it took the Imperials by slight surprised. But with the ringing still in thousands of ears, it was hard to give orders.

Skipper rockets by the thousands left their homes among the Yuuzhan Vong rocket centers, Heading towards anything big enough to call a Star Destroyer. Clashing with the hulls of the Exeter, Saratoga, Wasp, Intimidator, and Sauron, they left shields flickering and hulls scorched. The Sauron had caught a nasty three dozen tightly bunched together, and lost it's auxiliary bridge and the bulk of it's shields.

Yomin had come to by this point, and was back on the bridge. He ordered the Dovin Basals to create gravitational anomalies near the SSD's hangers, and to strip the shields in that area. He was planning to pen them in.

Zorin Hexes
Aug 9th, 2001, 01:02:29 PM
The attempt at harming the Imperial crews was a commendable one, but the Vong leader had failed to realize that there were no orders from the Diktat to engage in communication of any kind. Zorin would not warn them, or acknowledge their transmissions. Unfortunately, however, the communications officer hadn't had any such option. A few minutes into their attack, several of the men who had been listening in for enemy communications dropped to the ground, their eyes rolled back in their sockets. Onboard the Star Destroyer III, Intimidator, there was a sudden wave of hatred towards the aliens who many of the officers and crew men had never heard of before.


The Vong ships sling-shotted around the Belkadan moon to find that the remainder of the Imperial Division (including the Intimidator), had already jumped to hyperspace several minutes earlier, breaking away from the strange affects of the Vong's attempted-blockade of the TIE squadrons. The hyperspace jump had seemed to be a wink in the eyes of Zorin the other officers aboard the remaining Star Destroyers. The Planet's gravity well had stopped them at a near dangerous proximity.

TIE-Devil's erupted from within the various capital ships, nearly 10,000 of them swarming loosely throughout the planet, attacking at anything that was capable of harboring Vong footmen, lighting fire to anything flammable. A few of the TIEs had unfortunately exploded upon release, unable to withstand the heavy pull of gravity, resulting in at least 150 of them falling to the ground at bullet speeds, tearing through anything which might have been in their immediate area of impact.

The ships which had had the honor of coming in helped to come together in a devastating, but likely expected, flank. Blast after blast of Turbolasers and salves lashed out at the Vong ships and planet, a few of them wrecklessly tearing through even TIEs. "They're unmanned. It's merely a diversion." Zorin curtly answered a Captain's questioning stare.

"A division for what, sir?" Just as she asked, an un-manned cruiser dropped out of one of the destroyer divisions, it's shields fully charged. It was operating on highly secured slave circuits, directly controlled by Zorin's command chair.

"This." The Dreadnaught cruiser skimmed over the planet's atmosphere, hardly keeping above it, and continued it's direct coarse towards the Vong fleet. "Now they'll have to make a choice. If they manage to stop it, it'll plummet into the planet's atmosphere... and if not." He shrugged and smirked. The Division had managed to recover itself from the planet's pull. "Has the Saurron been sent orders?"

"Yes, sir. They were transmitted several minutes before our jump to hyperspace... but they were under fire. They message was not fully received. They should still understand their objectives regardless." She shifted, leaning into a control panel and switching a few things around, improving the ship's overall performance. "They're to strike at any Vong Forces arriving for interception at our previous position?"

"Yes... Let's hope they listen. It would be a set back otherwise."

Telan Desaria
Aug 16th, 2001, 01:27:44 PM
Having finally received a command, Captain Desaria was very, very anxious to be in the battle zone. The ISD Saurron had been pulled from the line to receive her new commander, and he was more than ready. But it was the first time in more than a year that Telan Desaria had sta upon the bridge of a Star Destoryer as the flag officer; for it was not just this one ship he commanded, it was the enitre Star Destroyer Group.

The Lambda-class Shuttle Taruill VII moved under the imposing prow of the mighty vessel passing close to the turbolaser turrets and ion cannon, almost drifting along the port gun decks. Then the shuttle descended for the ventral landing bay, and docked with the ship. A reception like the one when he received upon his comission to Admiral so many years ago awaited. Rows of bone white storm troopers and black-clad fleet troopers; green uniformed officers and grey tuniced technicians all waited at a rigid attention.

The huttle tocuhed down, and the ramp lowered. In a his brand new uniform with polished rank plaque, spit-shinned boots, and code cylinders, Telan Desaria descended onto the deck.

An officer saluted. " I am Lieutenant Commander Mantin Vorran, your Executive Officer. Welcome to the Saurron, Captain Desaria. This is Major Kentrell, Fighter Commander, and Colonel Trammar, Ground Coordinator."

They saluted. Desaria retuned it. " What are your first orders sir?"

" Keep the ship at here under impulse power and prepare to receive my fleet. I have additional ships on the way. Three gunships and a Carrack Cruiser, with two more Destroyers a few days later. They will be part of our Destroyer Group. Other than that, we are to wait for orders from Admiral hexes. When we receive them, we make the Vong sorry they were ever hatched..."

Serena Laran
Aug 23rd, 2001, 01:24:46 AM
Captain Laran watched the viewscreen as the TIE Devils tore into the planet's atmosphere. The unmanned fighters were claimed by Belkadan's gravity, pulling several straight to the surface in impressive explosions.


Serena looked at the ensign, ignored him, and turned to the screen again. "Prepare to engage turbolasers, left battery, various targets, and fire at will, Commander." She tapped the screen in the arm of her command chair. "I want these Vong out of our way."

"Sir." He sounded a little worried.

She looked over at the ensign. "Did you have a question?" Serena's tone was as icy as her eyes, and one eyebrow raised into her milky forehead.

The tactical officer was non-plussed. "Eh, no sir. Preparing to engage the enemy, left battery ....targeting..." There was a pregnant pause even as the Devils were making mincemeat of the planet's surface and barraging the incoming Vong capital ships. "Firing at will." He released control to the gunnery crews, and Laran could almost hear the commanders shouting orders at the black clad crewmen far below the bridge.

Turbolasers lanced out from the Exeter, some firing through the TIEs to get at the Vong. The Devils were unmanned, droid controlled fighters, and there were tens of thousands of them, so a few lost were not such a big deal. The Captain watched closely as a TIE exploded, and then crashed into a Vong ship, narrowly missing the bridge area and blowing up a few decks down. The ship shuddered and careened out of control for a moment, until the Vong commanding it got it under control again.

"Target that ship, right battery, and knock out the weapons and hyperdrive." Serena tapped her screen. Her orders were relayed, and she sat back to watch the fireworks.

Telan Desaria
Aug 25th, 2001, 10:55:03 AM
Note-Ships under my command:

*ISD I Vehemance
*ISD I Interrogator
*Carrack Cruiser Shadow Warrior
*Carrack Cruiser Eudaemon
*Corellian Gunship Avidity
*Corellian Gunship Asperity
*Corellian Gunship Excoriate

SD Group Nine:
ISD2 Hornet***not arrived at scene of battle yet
VSD3 Sauron
IP I-108

* denotes personal armada

The ships of captain Desaria's personal fleet had arrived days ago, so seeing emembers of one ship's compliment on another was not uncommon now as the formation was away from the battle at Belkedan. Their uniforms were the same save for one difference of the Centaurian-natives: on the officers' Imperial trousers, a white stripe ran down the seam of their pants. As it did on the Fleet troopers and technicians no matter the grade. The only difference was stromtroopers, and they were distiguished in that their armor was grey.

" Lieutenant Commander Merrell. I have decided that keeping a force of this size away from the fron without orders is detrimental to the Imperial war effort, as it was me who took it away, it is I who shall put it back. Ready both my Fleet and Saurron's squadron for immediate deployment and battle."

" Aye sir." Several careful pairs of eyes glanced up at their commanding officer, but dared not make themselves known.

Within moments, the formation of ships was ready for battle. The lights of the bridge had been dimmed, and the fleet had been formed up around the three Star Destroyers.

" Set course for Belkadan..."

Reysa Sashara
Aug 25th, 2001, 11:38:04 AM
Section force:

IMP Scout Ship: Disect
Corrllian Corrvette: Shazmak
Corrllian Corrvette: Niem
Corrllian Corrvette: Aacaim
Assassain Corrvette: Karan
Assassain Corrvette: Llian

Flaoted 7 light years from the Vong planet on a scout mission to analys the situation..

'All stop' said the scout commander Haslop...
' continue local and outter scans and move in on inpulse towards the Vong planet and hail them when we are in contact distance...keep scnas going at all times' he turned and sat down...


Telan Desaria
Aug 27th, 2001, 04:30:06 PM
The ships of both Captain Desaria's personal armada and Star Destroyer Group Saurron, which together made an imposing force indeed, were traveling through hyperspace bound for battle.

" All stop, Commander."

" Sir we've not reached the battle yet," replied Commander Vorran, beads of sweat dripping from his forehead, this the closest to to combat he had ever gotten.

" I am aware of that. My plan is simple. The Gunship Avidity will proceed on course and draw Vong forces towards our arrival zone. Then we will drop out of hyperspace and smash them, having landed on top of them and caught them in a deadly cross fire."

" Aye sir. Dispacth the orders."

The Avidity continued on as per Captain Desaria's orders and arrived in a honet's nest of Yuuzhan Vong fighters. Her guns swept off dozens, but more and more came on. She came about and sped off like a freightened wasp, drawing them into the trap.

As a hundred coralskippers formed to make their death strike on the gunship, which was far from dead, the Imperial warships came to the recue, deploying their own TIEs and assault bombers and firing neon energy at the skips. Many were laid low in the first several second, cleared off the Avidity by the precision fire of Academy fresh gunners.

" Well-done, Commander. Your crews are to be commended. Most of the kills go to Group Saurron, I believe. Send repair teams to Avidity and have her fall back into formation. That's Belkadan and that's Captin's Laren's Group. Shall we say hello?..."

Telan Desaria
Aug 28th, 2001, 02:38:25 PM
" Captain," said a voice from the starboard crew pit. We have an urgent message from Imperial Command. It is marked Priority I."

Captain Desaria looked down at the communications officer who had relayed the message. " Put it on, Ensign."

Lieutenant Commander Vorren looked up from his station. All of the bridge fell silent. Only the clicking of droids and the beeping of monitors could be heard as the holoprojector came to life. A man stood six feet tall, donning the spotless white uniform of an Imperial Grand Admiral.

" It's Admiral Hyfe!" said Vorren.

Desaria shot him a cold glance before the projection began speaking. " Captain Telan Desaria, squadron commander, Imperial Fleet, Thyferra Sector. This a Priority I transmission. Effective immediately, you are given a field promotion to the rank of Commodore. I trust you have the skills for this rank, as you have proven in the past, as your records show. Don't fail me. Admiral Hyfe out."

Congratulations, Commodore..." said Lieutenant Vorren, saluting...

Aug 29th, 2001, 01:52:28 PM
OOC: Telan, there is a mandatory 36 hours between posts. Speaking of which, could someone give me a rundown on this? I'm having trouble reading today.

Telan Desaria
Aug 29th, 2001, 04:09:54 PM
OOC-certainly, I've been promoted by Grand Admiral Hyfe and wanted all involved to know. You have my sincere apologies about the time frame. And as far as the battle goes, that is that I've been assigned a command by Admiral Hexes and brought it to Belkadan to engage your Fleet to eliminate an enemy threat. That is my plan. As far as my personal tactics and stratgeic concoctions, I cannot divulge.

Commodore Telan Desaria

Telan Desaria
Sep 14th, 2001, 11:32:28 AM
*ISD I Vehemance
*ISD I Interrogator
*Carrack Cruiser Shadow Warrior
*Carrack Cruiser Eudaemon
*Corellian Gunship Avidity
*Corellian Gunship Asperity
*Corellian Gunship Excoriate

*ISD II Thrasher Completed by Guild and arrived at battle

[i] Order 11827 AADS4-Personal Fleet of Telan Desaria, promoted Admiral of GMA, ordered disengaged from skirmish at Belkadan. Force to be moved to planet Thyferra. Star Destroyer Group Saurron To hold position and drive off any enemy ships.

Admiral Telan Desaria-
GMA-Supreme Commander-Thyferra Sector Fleet