View Full Version : quests for answers

JediMaster Skywalker
Jun 28th, 2001, 10:35:14 PM
Luke arrives at the Rogue Squadron base and signs out a new X-wing for his journey, as he prepares the fighter for launch his ever faitful droid R2 rolls up behind him.

Luke looks down at him after R2 goes through his beeps and whistles.

No R2, you are not coming with me this time

whrrrrrr beep.

because I don't know when I am comming back, I must find the source of these visions before its too late

whrrrrrrrr beep beep tweet

no R2, I am not going into hiding, I will be back when I find the answers I need, now I want you to find Leia and help her with her academy duties. I will send for you when I return

whrrrrrrr beep

I guess there is no harm in my telling you where I am going....as long as you promise not to follow me

whrrrrr, beep R2!, I said Promise whrrrrrrrr
very well, I am heading to the Dagobah system, and no telling Leia where I am going either, now off you go Luke's obiedient little droid rolls away with its new orders.

Luke receives clearance from the tower for immediate departure, he climbs up into the c o c k pit and starts the preflight checklist. After a few minutes Luke rises his fighter into the sky and heads out of system in prepartion for the jump to light speed, it is at that time that Luke decides to send a delayed holo message to his sister to be delivered on to her quarters comm unit 2 hours after his departure.

Luke programs several jumps into the nav computer, so that it would be difficult to track him.

"Leia, I have taken measures to ensure your safety, the force has given me vivid visions that I will kill you, so I have decided that I need to find the source and circumstances of these visions, I will be in touch, Please do not attempt to follow me, if necessary I may be required to go deeper into sith territory. please do not worry. I have sent R2 to you with orders to help you in your acadmey duties.

May the force by with you.....end transmission",

Luke sends the message to the central comm computer with a 2 hour delivery delay and then makes his first jump into hyperspace. Leaving Leia and the gjo behind him.

JediMaster Skywalker
Jun 30th, 2001, 08:29:44 PM
<font color=green>3 random Hyper Jumps Later</font>

Luke enters the Dagobah system and starts performing system scans, and activates the inflight recorder.

Personal Log

I have entered the dagobah system, I am hoping that my trip to this planet will help me to see further into the vision I had of killing my sister Leia. Prelimanary scans indicate no other ships in the area, Life scans of the planet are inconclusive, their appears to be some sort of natural jamming that is blocking my sensors. I plan on setting down and then heading off towards Yoda's hut. I have set the ship to auto send this log back to Gjo if i do not check back in with the ship every 4 hours...end log

Luke descends into the atmosphere, the planet appeared just as mysterious as the first time he set foot on it.

Luke is able to land the small X-wing into a small clearing...he climbs out of the c o c k pit and assembles a small pack and heads off into the swamp land armed only with his lightsaber and his faith in the force.

JediMaster Skywalker
Jul 2nd, 2001, 09:25:46 PM
as Luke made his way towards Yoda's home, he had the distinct feeling that he was being watched, he had the same feeling the first time he was here, but it was his would be master that was watching him.

Luke passed the cave with the dark force presence, and as before a chill came over his body and again he felt the erie feeling of being watched.

Luke arrived at Yoda's cave and made himself at home.

Luke layed out his pack and started his meditation, and slowly connected further into the force, waiting for the answers to his questions.

JediMaster Skywalker
Jul 8th, 2001, 01:26:43 PM
when Luke connected with the force it was not the future he saw this time but the past, images of old friends and enemies came to the front of his mind,

{vision state}

Friends you have there... {image fades}

I see you have constructed a new lightsaber...{image fades}

so be it..Jed..I{image fades}

and then the face of an old friend approaches him in this state.

Luke, why have you come here, you should be where you are needed.

"Ben?, Ben I need your help, I saw vision of death for Leia"

Luke search your feelings and you will know if this vision is your own..search for one that would benifit from your self induced exile{image fades}

"no, ben wait...." {vision stated ends}

Just before Luke comes out of the meditation state he sees a figure, but the face is obscured but it is not alone it stands to the right of the greatest evil the galaxy has ever known, it stands with the emperor...

Luke Leaves Yoda's hut and paces out in the rain.

"what does this all mean?, was the vision induced by another...

Luke approaches the dark side cave

{voice} <font color=green}your weapons, you will not need them </font>{/voice}

Force Shadow
Jul 8th, 2001, 10:50:53 PM
A ship approaches the planet and orbits.

the pilot opens a comm. channel to an unknown destination.

The JEDI is here, but I do not know for how much longer. continuing surveillance. the pilot sends the communication

The Emperors Hand
Jul 10th, 2001, 11:09:54 PM
She couldn't stop running ... her mind screamed to get away as fast as she could but the corridor was unyielding. A blackened passageway they had no means to escape. No doors outlined the walls and all that was ahead of her was empty space. Never before had she felt so helpless, so alone ... so claustrophobic. These were not emotions that one of her caliber should have.

Mental pain echoed and gain in tempo throughout her mind. Her brain felt like it was being squeezed together with a vice. The next sensation was falling to the ground, her knees and arms being banged up upon impact. On her knees, the pain subsided and a presence that she knew all to well entered her mind.

You have continued to fail me, my child. Your mission ... have you forgotten?!

Old and raspy, but the voice held strength and power that most beings could only dream about. She recognized him immediately and she could not argue with what was spoken. There was nothing she could say and she quickly clutched at her abdomen as the pain forced her body to convulse.

You WILL kill Luke Skywalker!

Mara woke with a jolt inside the Jade's Fire. Her body was stiff and sore from sleeping in the pilot's chair. Shrugging off the shivers from her nightmare, she looked to the chronometer. She sighed. Four hours. Four hours! It would be two more hours before the ship would exit hyperspace and enter the Dagobah system. Her visions were of the swampy planet, a planet that the Jedi once called their home. Mara tried to ignore them but then the nightmares of the Emperor returned with more forceful intent ... leaving her an insomniac for the last month. She was surprised that she squeezed in four hours today.

Rubbing the sides of her cheek, she leaned back in her chair. The coincidences in having the vision of Dagobah and the return of her nightmares ... it could only possibly lead to one thing.

Luke was there ... and it was a chance to finally be free ...

JediMaster Skywalker
Jul 10th, 2001, 11:40:15 PM
Luke paced by the cave, what did the visions mean? what did Ben mean by knowing the truth, who would benefit from my being here...who would want me on Dagobah. I just don't know.

Could their be a traitor within the jedi, does the traitor want to destroy us one by one and this is just the start. ok hold on luke, your having delusions at grandure.

Luke decided he needed more meditation, he was too uneasy with this whole situation.

the last time he felt this tense was when he was standing before the emperor on the second death star - that day he thought he would die at the emperor's hand, but it was then that his father was able to make the leap back from the dark side.

Luke has come along way since that time, he has grown stronger in the force, but he still is not strong enough to see the outcome of this.

Luke returned to yoda's cave and settled down to get some well needed sleep.

He took a deep breath and let himself drift off...

The Emperors Hand
Jul 11th, 2001, 04:35:45 PM
The tunnel of swirling light patterns opened up into read space ... finally freeing the Jade's Fire from hyperspace. Mara calibrated her instruments so when the descent into Dagobah's atmosphere occurred, she wouldn't run into trouble. It was easier to land on the planet since the Jedi constructed a base here but for whatever reason, something about the planet itself conflicted with incoming vessels.

Chronometer read thirty minutes now. A short time to find out if what she sought was indeed present.

"It better be ..."

It was unclear how much longer Mara would be able to withstand the onslaught of nightmares. Everyone had their breaking points and she never wanted to find out hers ... ever.

The small Sorosub fighter sped closer to the thickly covered planet that became bigger and bigger through the viewport.

JediMaster Skywalker
Jul 11th, 2001, 10:24:47 PM
Luke woke from his brief sleep and headed out of yoda's hut to stretch and start his morning routine.

Luke walked through the swamp and before he knew it he was at the foot of the old temple, the one that had been destroyed. perhaps I can find some answers here Luke was able to crawl through a small hole in the rubble and walked through the wrecked hall ways, Luke made his way in and out of various destroyed rooms, he finally exited the old temple on the other side and walked out into an area that was devoid of trees and swamp land. the area was destroyed by bombardments from orbit during the great sith attack.

Luke hoped this would be a good place to meditate perhaps some old jedi spirits still roamed here and would help him in his quest.

the dreams he has been having are very disturbing they all come back to the emperor, the last image he saw before waking this time was himself (at least he thinks it was himself) kneeling before the emperor. where are these coming from?

The Emperors Hand
Jul 15th, 2001, 11:26:52 PM
Mara hopped off the lift before it touched the ground and spotted the infamous X-Wing right before her. Following the strong sense of the Force, her eyes were led to the left where a mud hut was constructed.

"Why in the name of the Emperor would Skywalker waste his time here?"

There was no sound and no sign of human life. Slowly she crept forward and began to search out for any signatures in the Force. Her head darted up and with quick reflexes, pulled out her blaster as a large bat creature flew by. Chuckling to herself for being jumpy, she moved onward. The Force was very strong here even though all the Jedi departed here many months ago. What was strange is that Dagobah was a source of Light and Dark ... it was a very perplexing feeling. Almost uncomfortable.

It didn't take long to scout out the mud hut. Skywalker wasn't there and what her senses told her, wasn't in the immediate area. That left only one place ...

The ruins of the Jedi Base ...

JediMaster Skywalker
Jul 16th, 2001, 12:08:43 AM
Luke rose from his meditation, and headed back through the old temple.

as he made his way out the other side, a chill ran over his body..

something is wrong....I've got a bad feeling

he made his way back towards the hut, being ever so cautious.

what he wouldn't give for R2's Sensors right now.

Luke thought for a second, I must be losing it, what could happen here, there is nothing here that anyone would want, not anymore anyway

Luke continues his trek through the swamp......

The Emperors Hand
Jul 16th, 2001, 04:08:48 PM
Making her way through the swamp was not easy. The mud clung to her boots and when she pulled them away, it made a sickening popping sound. Her legs were getting quite the workout traveling this way. Then the vertigo happened that she was all too familiar with .. and almost as if on cue ...

<font color=red>You must kill Luke Skywalker</font>

"What the hell do you think I'm trying to do?!"

She hissed through her teeth but quickly quieted herself. It wasn't just a reminder but a warning. Mara was close ... she could feel him getting nearer. Quickly, she ran off and took a route that would get her behind the Son of Vader.

About five minutes later, Mara poked her head out from behind a tree ...watching Skywalker. Her grip on the heavy blaster pistol tightened in anticipation. The shot was easy. Too easy. Could Skywalker be that blind to know that there was no danger?

Her fingers fluttered underneath her sabre, ready to unclip it at a moments notice. Lining up the shot, Mara opened fired a shot at Skywalker's head and ran back quickly, letting the sound of the blaster fire cover the sounds of her steps. She ducked behind another tree and waited ...

Either way she had Skywalker by surprise.

JediMaster Skywalker
Jul 16th, 2001, 05:25:18 PM
Luke heard the snap of the blaster and then felt the impact of the blast into his shoulder.

Luke dove behind a tree, blaster in one hand saber in the other.

he looked frantically around for the attacker, but there was no sign of anyone.

how in the force did anyone know I was Here?
Luke used the force to search the swamp, he suddenly zeroed in on another prescence, it was a dark presence determined to kill him.

story of my life Luke thought.

Luke fired his blaster in the direction of the attacker and ran to his right behind another big tree, hoping to get a better perspective. his shoulder began to throb. he went through a brief jedi healing trance and was alert again within seconds.

Luke called out to his attacker hoping to get a spot on his position.

"<font color=blue>Hey!, whoever you are! can't we talk about this? It doesn't have to be this way</font>"

The Emperors Hand
Jul 18th, 2001, 11:18:12 PM
She couldn't believe that Skywalker actually expected to answer back. Only a fool would give up their position and Mara Jade was no fool. Trained by the Emperor since a small child, she had learned everything from acting to assassinations. The Jedi fool would have to do better then that. Strange he was using the same tactics that she was with the blaster fire. It was rather disturbing or Skywalker couldn't think of anything better to do.

As Skywalker was busy figuring out what was happening to him, Mara was already sneaking her way around, being careful to not cause any noise from stepping around in the mud. She was about twenty feet away with plenty of tree cover. Mara could see a tuff of blondish brown hair peeking out and she pulled out a grenade from her belt.

Keying the activation switch, she ran out in the open and threw the grenade right at the huge tree Skywalker was hiding behind. It blew up and Mara ran as fast as she could to a nearby tree for cover. If the Jedi had a chance to see her, she would be nothing more then a blur.

Looking around the tree, she laid down a spread of blaster fire that was around the epicenter of the blast ... hoping that something would hit Skywalker. If she have to blast him piece by piece she would!

JediMaster Skywalker
Jul 19th, 2001, 06:09:20 PM
Luke had just barely seen the grenade in time. he turned and tried to leap behind a large bolder in the area (why that would be on a swamp planet was beyond him), as he leaped, the explosion propelled him further then he had wished to go.
he landed in a monstrous tree.

Luke climbed higher into the tree hoping to get a better view, he looked in every direction.

Luke had to admit, he was getting a little upset, he doesn't like it when people try to blow him up, especially when he doesn't know why.

When the blaster fire erupted, Luke was able to zero right in on the attacker. Luke watched as his attacker practically destroyed his previous hiding spot.

ok, Luke thought that's enough of that, as soon as this assassin stopped firing Luke reached out and the blaster flew from her hands and into his own.

Luke yelled from the branch,Now! are you ready to sit down and talk? Luke could feel the hatred, he could see the overwhelming anger in her eyes.

Luke was a little surprised by the fact that his "assassin" was a woman, not because he didn't think a woman could handle the job, it just never occurred to him that a woman could just as easily be an assassin as anyone, after all most assassin's got their training from the empire, and everyone knew that the emperor didn't allow women or non human species to hold any positions or take on any combat training. The question plaguing Luke's mind though was who hired this cold blooded killer, was it the remnants of the empire or one of the many clans of sith, or did they all group together and decide he had to die.

Either way, he was not going to give them the satisfaction, if they wanted him dead, then they had better send someone a little more experience at handling a Jedi

The Emperors Hand
Jul 25th, 2001, 11:58:11 AM
The scowl on her face was answer enough to whether or not Mara wanted to talk or not. She would have preferred to not fight Skywalker so open like this ... that and fighting in a swamp was truly a pain, but she would do whatever it takes.

Her hand went to her belt quickly and hit a button. The blaster that Skywalker called to his hand exploded in a small blast. His hand and wrist were burnt and Mara ignited her lightsabre. The dark pink blade swung furiously at the tree by her, cutting it in half and falling towards the Jedi.

This was her opportunity to put distance between herself and Skywalker. Mara clutched at her head when the voice of the Emperor returned to her with the same message, seemingly never to stop now. Gritting her teeth, she tried to put the endless sentence into the back of her mind and focused on running back towards Skywalker's ship.

JediMaster Skywalker
Jul 25th, 2001, 12:51:07 PM
Luke ran to the side of the tree, the trunk just missing him as it fell with a loud rumble. He looked down at the hand that the blaster had exploded in.

Luke open and closed his hand and watched as the mechanics moved with the motion, the mechanical hand still worked but the flesh covering was burned away, Luke removed a black glove from his belt and placed it over his burnt hand. Luke looked back towards where the assassin had been hiding, he examined the area where she had been and was able to obtain a trail on the direction she had gone. Luke followed the trail for a little while this way leads back to where I landed the X-Wing, hmm, I better get there fast before she strands me here.

Luke hurriedly made his way back to the landing zone, where he left his ship, as he approached the ship, he didn't see anyone in the area.

he unclipped his lightsaber and pulled his blaster out of its holster as he searched the area.

(edited for content)

The Emperors Hand
Jul 25th, 2001, 05:09:52 PM
Mara raced through the swamp, jumping over dead trees and ducking under the limbs and vines that dangled from above. Sabre in hand, she was mentally berating herself for being careless. She should have gone after Skywalker on her own time and own terms. Not now and not here. This was ground he was familiar with and held and advantage. Stupid nonsensical dreams; dreams of failure and of coming here.

"Damn swamp."

Her cloak got caught up in the twigs that wanted to hold the cloth. She pulled quickly and the fabric ripped off. Continuing on her way, Mara stopped and closed her eyes ... frustrated. She was about twenty feet from where the ships were and Skywalker had beaten her here. Her extraordinary senses alerted her of his presence.

Not taking any chances, she assumed that Skywalker had sensed her and Mara ran off towards the east.

JediMaster Skywalker
Jul 29th, 2001, 01:44:17 PM
Luke felt the chill of the dark side and turned in time to see some of the bushes rustling off towards the east.

Luke followed the path to the east, then realizing that he could probably make better time by taking to the trees, as he hopped from branch to branch, and leaped from vine to vine, in no time he had caught up to the assassin and watched as she hurried her way thru the swamp, Luke continued to follow her picking his time on when he would confront her.

The Assassin turned back towards the North and shortley after that headed back west, Luke realized that she was doubling back towards the ships.

Luke raced ahead of her and sat in the trees waiting for her to come past him.

As she passed underneath him Luke swung down from a vine passing over her head and landing 10 feet infront of her.

Unclipping his lightsaber, Luke looked at her

"now, who are you and why did you come here trying to kill me"

The Emperors Hand
Aug 2nd, 2001, 12:12:23 AM
"You wouldn't like the answer, Skywalker!"

The sabre came to life in her hand and pushed Skywalker back with all her might. Mara calmed her mind and had to think logically of a way out of this mess. Back and forth, both of them tried to get advantage over the other. Her muscles began to ache from the running in this humidity as well as exerting herself in this fight. Mara found herself loosing ground and being pushed further back.

Ducking underneath Skywalker's attack, his green blade sliced deeply into a tree and she fell back further. The distance was greater between them and Mara saw an opening to escape.

Before her feet even left the ground, overwhelming anger and disappointment sapped at her strength ... forcing her to cry out. She fell to her knees and snapped her head around to search out this intense presence of the Dark Side. Only with her Emperor that she felt such power that was awe inspiring and caused such fear in her.

It made no sense. Her heart raced and her head throbbed right above her brow as all she saw was a cave. Just a cave ...

JediMaster Skywalker
Aug 6th, 2001, 03:48:40 PM
Luke watched as she collapsed on to the ground he could feel the fear comming off of her. It almost overwhelmed him, he watched as she eyed the cave nearby.

You know there is nothing in their except what you take with you. I sense confusion in you, you must not give into anger and hate. Let it go!

The Emperors Hand
Aug 12th, 2001, 09:26:47 PM
The nightmare burned into her mind as she cried out, drowning out the mental calls of peace that Skywalker projected.

Vader laid dead. The top of his right hand cut of earlier from Luke Skywalker's sabre. It snapped and crackled from the damage, spurting forth ominous liquid that was Lord Vader's life essence.

The air bristled with electricity as the Emperor continued the barrage of attacks against the Son of Vader. The young Jedi manage to stay afoot, blocking some of the massive energy with his sabre. The grime determination on his face was almost unbearable to watch. Such pain and anger were lined across his face that his youth was being sucked away by relying on such feelings.

Emperor Palpatine was all alone against the crazed Skywalker.

<font color=green>Why did you send the guards away?!</font>

Arrogance had to be the only answer to that. He was so sure that himself, the true power of the Dark Side personified and Vader, the father of this boy, could easily turn this powerful progeny.

It was the arrogance that was his undoing. His sworn protectors were gone and the mighty Vader was dead on the floor because the Emperor's insights were wrong!

Mara knew what was coming because it always happened the same. Skywalker advanced upon the Emperor, slashing with all his strength. Palpatine must have been drained from using that energy ...

<font color=green>But how could that be? Skywalker would never get that close to you.</font>

... a direct hit was score across his chest. Then the Son of Vader grabbed the Emperor and threw him over the nearby railing. Palpatine fell story after story to his death down the shaft of the power core and when the end came ...

<font color=red>YOU WILL KILL LUKE SKYWALKER!!!</font>

Her body was rigid as the vision washed over her. Arms were pinned to the sides of her body as her fingers curled in strange ways. She could feel the pain of the Emperor's death herself. Veins burned as if they were on fire and she could feel the Dark Side trying to consume her body, wanting to expel all her energy so not even a dead husk would remain.

The vision subsided and her green eyes snapped to life, casting daggers in Skywalker's direction, "You killed him! It was because of you that he's dead and ruined my life!"

JediMaster Skywalker
Aug 16th, 2001, 09:32:55 PM
Luke felt the sudden surge of rage that ran through her. "What are you talking about?, I havn't killed anyone.., at least not lately. Who is this I am suppose to have killed?"

Luke gripped his lightsaber tighter, he kept it ready just in case the stranger attacked. Luke carefully watched his surroundings, while also keeping a close eye on his Adversary.

"Tell me your story, if you want to kill me so much at least I should know the reason. If you indeed tell the truth and i did kill some one dear to you, thus ruining your life then I will try to atone for that act."

The Emperors Hand
Aug 20th, 2001, 07:32:58 PM
"The Emperor."

<font color=red>You will kill Luke Skywalker.</font>

She didn't know she was hissing through her teeth as she spoke."

"You turned on him after you killed Vader!"

<font color=red>You will kill Luke Skywalker.</font>

Mara covered her eyes with a hand, trying to concentrate over the constant mantra that was going on in her head.

JediMaster Skywalker
Sep 1st, 2001, 03:34:46 PM
"You turned on him after you killed Vader!"

I am afraid you have been misinformed. I did not kill vader, I only freed him from his confusion.

Anakin was my father, and it was he who saved me from the emperor by throwing him over the railing. Whom ever told you that I killed vader and the emperor was lying to you. If that is your sole motive on wanting to kill me then you should rethink what you want to do. let go of your hate and you will see the truth.

please trust me. Luke looked into her eyes trying to touch her soul, trying to get her to believe him. let us put down our weapons and discuss this.

You are confused..all the while Luke was talking he was carefully edging towards her, keeping ever alert for an attack, this woman was in a very unstable state and one wrong move and he could be seriously injured

The Emperors Hand
Sep 2nd, 2001, 08:30:36 PM

That thought screamed inside her head, drowning out the mantra of her Emperor. She had heard of the "Son of Skywalker", meaning to be Luke but never could she fathom that Vader was connected in statement.

The Emperor lied to her. The vision was false. He used her.

Mara's green eyes grew wider and Luke could see through them, the thoughts that were running inside her mind.

Was she ever in control of her actions? Palpatine trained her since she was a child. Mara never doubted him and took his word on faith. She spent her entire life serving him because she wished it. Was that a fabrication as well? Did she serve the Emperor because she wished it?

Then her eyes narrowed as she looked up at Luke. He was sincere, that much she could tell. Either he was telling the truth or a damn good liar. The later made no sense from what she knew of him.

"Fine. Weapons away."

And that promise was kept as the redhead stood up. Eyes never broke their contact with the Jedi's as she clipped her weapon to her belt.

"But there won't be any discussing."

A shoulder briefly brushed across Luke's as the once fabled Hand of the Emperor walked to her ship.

JediMaster Skywalker
Sep 9th, 2001, 05:03:42 PM
Luke switched off his saber and clipped it to his belt.

He watched as the woman walked past him, "Hey Wait, don't you think you could at least tell me your name!" Luke followed her back to her ship.

"you obviously know who I am. If you are confused on what happend on the Death Star II, I can help you." Luke ran after her but still she said nothing. Luke needed to get to the bottom of this, the force brought them here for some reason and he needed to know why.

The Emperors Hand
Sep 10th, 2001, 07:06:53 PM
Mara was halfway up ramp when she stopped. She turned around with an amused look on her face. The green cloak settled around her frame as her hands came to rest on her hips.

"You want to help me after I tried to kill you? Skywalker ... you're just like I always thought of you. The naive little farmboy from a backwater planet."

Her eyes seemed to sparkle in a mocking gesture.

"Obviously age hasn't made you any wiser."

JediMaster Skywalker
Sep 15th, 2001, 01:54:05 PM
i may be a naive little farm boy, but I have the answers to your questions, i am the only one left that was in the room with the emperor and my father, only I can tell you the truth on what happened, and only I can free you from your confusion, please stay...

The Emperors Hand
Sep 30th, 2001, 01:00:38 PM
Her eyes shifted to the ground, thinking through Skywalker's offer. He didn't have anything to gain or loose in telling her the truth, if that is indeed what he told. For years the visions she received was told from a certain point of view. The Emperor's last wishes and the drive to kill the one responsible for ruining her life.


Green eyes full of questions returned to look at the not so young Farm Boy from Tatooine.

Could it be that the accusations that she held were directed at the wrong person?

"How is it that I know what you say is true? You could always try feeding me what I want to hear so I won't try and kill you ... again."

A wiry smile crossed her lips, hiding the fears of what truths the Son of Skywalker held.

jedimaster skywalker
Oct 3rd, 2001, 04:21:42 PM
The force will tell you if I am lying. I think you already know though that I speak the truth.
When I was on Endor with the assualt team, I knew that my presence there would compromise the mission, so I went seeking my father, hoping I would be able to turn him back to the light, but instead he took me before the emperor on the second death star.

Luke paused in his story. do you wish to know more now..?

The Emperors Hand
Oct 5th, 2001, 12:17:30 PM
Naive fool, but it is that naivety that makes me believe he is telling the truth.

Mara walked down the length of the ramp until she was about four feet in front of him. Her jaw was set and her face reflected nothing that was on her mind.

"Go on."

jedimaster skywalker
Oct 14th, 2001, 04:15:03 PM
Luke continued his memory.

"We arrived on the Death Star and I was Immediately taken to the Emperor's throne room, and there he sat in his chair, the dark side had withered him greatly over the years.

Darth Vader handed him my lightsaber and he placed it on the arm of his chair, he boasted of victory and how powerful the dark side would become when he continued my training and ultimately my conversion to the dark side. I knew it was only a matter of time before the fleet would arrive and destroy the station with all of us aboard, soon the fleet arrived and started their attack, but they had determined that the shield had not yet been destroyed and they attacked the cruisers and other capital ships of the empire.

I could feel something in the Emperor that didn't seem right, like he knew for a fact that the rebellion was about to be destroyed, but I blew it off as over confidence...

{flashback} '
You are wrong your highness, soon I will be dead and you along with me. '

but the Emperor only laughed at my comment and told me of the trap he had set, for a moment I had become very mad, he could feel my hate, but I knew I couldn't just stand there and watch my friends and comrades die, I had to do something.

So I called my saber to my hand and attacked the Emperor but Vader blocked it.

Vader and I fought for a few minutes but I soon took to the shadows, I knew I could not kill my father, so I refused to fight him. I told him that I could feel his conflict that he didn't want to do this, but i was unable to bury my own feelings, including the recent news i had received that Leia was my sister. so he decided that if I would not turn he would go after her.

I could not let that happen so I attacked him, with all the hate and rage in me, I was able to beat him back and ended up severing one of his hands, I looked and saw the inner wires and it reminded me of my own mechanical hand, that and the emperors evil rantings brought me out of my rage fed attack.

I stopped and through my saber away, refusing to fight anymore.

{flash back} You have failed your highness, I am a Jedi Like my father before me
That is when the emperor attacked me himself , lighting bolts erupted from his fingers and I knew I was a goner, I pleaded with my father to help me, after what seemed an eternity, he picked the emperor up and through him over the railing, and that act let my father cross back over to the light"