View Full Version : Orders (RP concerning Nichos)

Sep 3rd, 2001, 06:49:10 PM
[i] In his personal craft, he thinks of his orders from his Master, Jeseth Cloak...<font color=crimson>

[c] "Bring back Nichos Marr"

[i]He keeps his hand upon his other as he watches the screen that shows the depths of space, and lands on this planet. Hydraulics hiss and he feels the drop of the lift. He stands and walks out slowly.

<font color= forest green> Wincing he looks over the gloomy landscape, almost like Dagobah....sensing Another presence he stands.

</font>[i]Walking towards a hut, he stands outside the door, waiting to be answered.

Nichos Marr
Sep 5th, 2001, 09:50:01 PM
A knock came at the door. It was an unexpected knock at that. The patron(s) of the house hadn't been living there for quite long. Visitors were unexpected, but everything seemed unexpected these days. A short period of time passed by...Again a knock could be heard. This person really wanted someone to answer the door.

The door opened just a creak and an eye peered out. A young man in black garb stood outside, possibly waiting to be admitted into the house.

"Yar kind ees not welcome 'ere!" A voice emerged from the opening. A female voice at that.

Slowly the door opened a bit more. The old lady did not poke her head through, but she could now be identified, slightly at best. She was short, grey hair and wore dirty clothes. One really had to wonder what she had went through to bring her to a backwater planet.

"We know who yee arrr!" She cackled in a squeaky voice. "...Dark Jeeeeedai."

Behind her, in the shadows of the hut an old man appeared as well. He gave the young man outside a grin, showing every single one of his rotten teeth. He wore overalls, beige ones and looked dirty.

<font size=4>THUMP

<font size=2>"Ohhhh, our pet is returnin'. Chongo doesn' like veeseetors, mister." She said, staring up at the man.

The old man spoke from behind her. "I suggest ye skiddaddle sonny."

Sep 6th, 2001, 06:13:36 PM
[i] He looked into the opening after hearing the warnings, and sayings of go away...He grins as he stands waiting for whatever comes that they say...threatens...him

He looks around the hut quickly, his grey eyes surfacing over the small area quickly, he squints his eyes into the opening, and looks more.

He ponders..<font color=green>"Where is Nichos Marr?"</font>[i] Where could he be at he wondered.....Zasz knew that he was on this planet, he was sure of it when he landed, he felt....a kind presence...

<font color=crimson>"I seek Nichos Marr"</font>

[i]He says as he looks into the opening, his hood covering his face, but he feels the Thump getting closer, but he holds his composure.

Nichos Marr
Sep 7th, 2001, 04:58:17 PM
"Ohhhh ye seek Nikis Marr. Or was it Nichos? I can' remember for the life o' me." The old lady said.

The old man just nodded off and turned around. He walked back into the shadows, disappearing behind it's mask of darkness. The old lady on the other hand remained and reached to the side. She pulled out a broom and opened the door of the hut fully.

"Gimeee a sec."

She began to wipe her broom across the entrance-way, clearing a path. It seemed as if she was going to invite the man in, but after she finished, she just threw her broom aside.

"Oh by thee way. Have fuuun wit' Chongo." She pointed behind him.

As Zasz turned around to meet the Force signature, the old lady slammed the door shut. Expecting to see a Rancor-like creature, it was surprising to the Dark Jedi Zasz when he met a foot aimed at his stomach. The man was kicked back, into the doorway. With a loud crash, he destroyed it and fell into the darkened hut.


"Did you like my illusion, Dark Jedi?" Nichos Marr asked above him, holding his green blade in a defencive position, a few meters away from the hut. "Raising a boulder and causing it to drop and make a thumping sound was difficult while maintaining a good illusion."

He walked forward.

"I've seen you. I've felt your dark presence. In my meditation sessions, I could feel you coming for me. Ever since Fire's death on Hoth I have been waiting for this day. You are one of Jeseth's right? Couldn't come get me himself, he sent a lackey to do the job. I hope you can fight...I am a Jedi, and a Jedi's job is to maintain peace in the Galaxy. Stopping your kind is one way of accomplishing that goal."

He grinned slightly. With his free hand, Nichos motioned for Zasz to get up and fight back.

Sep 7th, 2001, 05:56:23 PM
[b][i]Being kicked into the Hut, didn't exactly make his day, for he looked up at Nichos. Disappointed in himself for giving into the Illusion, for he should have known the difference. He rises up and he looks to the old couple who are in the hut, snickering at Zasz. A cold look from him shut them up quit quickly, and he stepped through the broken door way near Nichos Marr.

<font color=crimson>"I believe you will find me more than a...'lackey' as you put it.

</font>[i]He listens to Nichos Marr go on, and on about what he did to fool Zasz, and his....Goals....

</font>[c][i]<font color=crimson> "I care not of your goals, Nichos, and as for your expecting me, you should be."

<font color=scarlet>Zasz brings up the silver cylinder that bears his plasma weapon.....A <font color=red>CRACK~HISS<font color=scarlet>.... And he holds his blade into an offensive position and moves to the attack upon Nichos.

He brings his blade to the left side of Nichos, but it is deflected by Nichos, with his saber. A brilliant bright light sparks the area, making it luminescent for a few seconds. He moves it to the right, but it is thwarted off again by Nichos' green blade of plasmic energy. Zasz steps back quickly and takes a baseball bat swing at his stomach quickly.

Nichos Marr
Sep 9th, 2001, 08:43:48 AM
Nichos swung his green blade down and around, batting away Zasz's potential attack. If succeeded, Zasz would have severed the Jedi in two. Nichos didn't even want to imagine what that experience would feel like. Dying or losing limbs was not on his agenda.

"I'm sorry, did you want me to call you a cronie? Hired goon?" Nichos scoffed.

At the same moment, he drove his lightsaber forward. It was of course parried by Zasz. The block through Nichos off course and he slightly stumbled to the side. Quickly he regained composure and spun around to block another lightsaber attack.


Both lightsabers made a crackling sound every time they connected. Nichos had gotten used to the familiar sound from spars and battles with Dark Siders. It was one that he heard often as of late.

The Jedi thought back to his fight with Gitane a little over a week earlier. He had almost obtained the exact coordinates of the Sith Empire's base. Nichos managed to drive her off the planet of Kamar and stop potential destruction. His methods were slightly unorthadox but Nichos was growing up. He lived in dark times that required the peace-keeper to take initiative or stand by and watch others die.

"So where does the Black Hand hang out anyway? Am I to find out?"

He feinted to the left. His right foot shot out as Zasz prepared to block and pushed him back into a tree. Nichos twirled his saber like a baton. He took a few steps back and then brought his arm back, winding up for the throw. Nichos' arm shot forward, his saber twirling in mid air as it flew from his hands. Guided by the Force, it cleanly severed the parts of the tree above Zasz. Like a boomerang, it returned to Nichos' hand. He de-ignited it and began to step back. The tree was shaking, and finally gave way. It tipped over, heading for the Dark Jedi Zasz who would be crushed if he didn't do something quick.

Sep 9th, 2001, 09:50:11 AM
Zasz heard the crack, and rumble of the tree as it bellowed in a fall. Moving quickly Zasz ran to the right, out of the way of the tree, barely. He was still running, trying to get clear away. After he did so, he looked at Nichos Marr, whom had a disengaged lightsaber at this time. Zasz tried to take advantage of this, as he Force jumped into the air, and landed beside Nichos.

Zasz tried to make a quick stab into Nichos' mid-torso, but the Jedi was paying attention. Nichos managed to jump back, avoiding the red blade that almost relieved him of his burden in this universe. As Nichos jumped back, he engaged his green lightsaber and took a defensive position.

Maneuvering closely towards Nichos, Zasz got a few words in response to what he said...

"How about...Dark Jedi"

Zasz said as he sprung into action quickly, aiming his crimson blade for Nichos' neck. A crack sound was made as the 2 blades pounded into each other, Nichos had blocked by moving his blade up quickly.

In response to Nichos..... "You shall see"

He snarled as he went into combat again with the Guardian of Peace, as he put it. Zasz brought his blade, up and to the left side o Nichos' head, Zasz's right. A bright light was made as Nichos immediatly brought the attack to an end, but it was no sooner then he had to block another oncoming attack to the right side of his head, ever so close to Nichos' head, he managed to block. As Zasz pulled away, he inched his retreating blade, into Nichos' stomach, aiming to give him something to remember.

Nichos Marr
Sep 9th, 2001, 02:44:14 PM
The Jedi jumped back and stumbled to the ground. He noticed the lightsaber had contacted with his skin and almost pierced right through. The tingling feeling erupted into burning that made Nichos want to vomit. He called the Force around him, allowing it to fill him and strengthen him. He would need it to best this Dark Jedi.

"Well then. I guess I should be fortunate..." He started.

Nichos flipped backwards and stood up, using a free hand to brush some dirt off of his clothing.

"...to be able to fight a Dark Jedi."

With a wave of that free hand, the trunk he had cut down earlier quickly rose off the ground. It flew straight for Zasz and struck him in the side, toppling him over.

Nichos used that momentum to catch hold of a thick branch on a tall tree nearby and hoist himself up. He began to climb from branch to branch. Occasionaly he'd use his powers to leap up.

Soon enough he was 40 feet above the ground, waiting for Zasz to follow. If the Dark Jedi felt the need to cut the tree down, Nichos would only have to leap to the next.

Sep 9th, 2001, 07:57:11 PM
Falling to the ground, Zasz blew a quick exhale, dirt flying up into the area around him because of it. He held his lightsaber hilt in his left hand as he threw off the rather large branch that lie on his right side. Standing up he looked around for the Jedi, then found him, moving from branch to branch in a tree above.

He ignites his dark red blade again, and moves to cut the tree down. Zasz squints as he raises his blade, and looks around to the forest. He thinks to himself... <font color=red>"If I reduce on tree to the forest floor....He could just jump to another?"..</font>

Oh this Jedi was smart, taking the battle to a higher plain, with more risk. Egging Zasz on to a place where he wanted Zasz to go. Not very appealing to say the least, but to catch Nichos Marr, it would be a pleasure to do his Master this duty.

Zasz eyed the tree as he jumps high into it, a long leap, aided by the Dark Side. He holds his saber carefully as he jumps from branch to branch catching up to Nichos. About 20 feet below Nichos, he squints to see the Jedi and grips his saber tighter as he moves it in his hand.

Leaping harder accelerated his momentum, the wind was catching his whole body, air cooling him as he went further up the rather large tree. Zasz could see Nichos now in perfect view, he was about 10 feet away. Leaping one more time, he raised his blade, as if he was going to strike. Nichos brought his lightsaber up into a defending position. Zasz struck...but the blade cut through the tree about 5 feet below Nichos. The tree buckled and started to fall to the ground with Nichos in it. Zasz was flying through the air and he landing on a tree trunk, or the opposite tree. Zasz looked back to the tree top that was spiraling downwards to the ground, that held Nichos Marr.

Zasz watched as the tree fell and spoke...

[c]<font color=crimson>"Yes...How fortunate for you."

Nichos Marr
Sep 10th, 2001, 09:31:06 PM
Nichos felt the air rush past him, and the adrenaline fill his blood stream. He hadn't felt so great in his life, even though he was going to die and had little control over the fact. The Jedi saw his only oppurtunity. His hand shot out quickly and grabbed hold of a sturdy branch, 25 feet below the ground. Nichos was forced to drop his lightsaber to catch on to the branch with his other hand.

There it goes... Nichos watched as his lightsaber disappeared under the wreckage. It made a rather deafening crash as it smacked into the ground below.

Unfortunately Nichos didn't have time to worry about his weapon. He had a bigger problem, just a short jump away. Nichos hoisted himself up and grabbed hold of the trunk. He straightened himself and looked across hoping to catch sight of the Dark Jedi.

"Since you probably know my name, I'd like to know yours." Nichos called across the gap.

A small branch shot out from in front of Zasz and smacked him across the face. Nichos' hand shot out, and with it a slight Force wave to knock Zasz off balance, and off the tree. The Dark Jedi stumbled for a few moments and then tripped and fell back, plunging toward the ground. He wasn't exactly in the best of positions to escape, but Nichos expected it in a way.

I would like to know his name, if he lives to tell me. There's something odd about this one. He has the elegance that the primative Sith do not possess. Perhaps he is truly a Dark Jedi. He certainly has the skills. Nichos thought, keeping his eyes on the Dark Jedi tumbling toward his death. Nichos had experienced that same feeling he was probably having only a few minutes ago.


Sep 10th, 2001, 10:13:15 PM
Zasz watched as the Jedi escaped death, barely. He was plummeting to his death and caught a branch, probably almost dislocating his shoulder in the process. He was resourceful no doubt, but could he still be so in harsher conditions?

Having little time to sit and watch, he felt the branch land into him, and the wave of the push. He was falling downwards, to meet his fate at the bottom of the forest floor. He hand his lightsaber hilt, the blade now disengaged as he placed his feet downwards, trying to land on the large branch below him. His feet smacked hard onto the branch as he managed to stop falling.

<font size=30>CRACK</font>

The branch he was on gave way, and he was falling again, this happened for several more branches until he finally stopped. He wobbled and moved his hand up to the tree's mass to steady himself. He had avoided death, but he could not celebrate, for he had a larger problem at hand.

Nichos Marr was watching on, and Zasz knew it. Zasz's grey eyes bounced off of each branch until he found Nichos. A little below Zasz's position a tree away, about 40 feet. He had forgotten the tree that he had cut was still there, standing tall, but cut off near the top. Zasz clipped his saber to his belt quickly as he took a leaping stance.

He leaped up into the air, flying of sorts. He managed to catch the stump in mid-air with his legs, and he kicked off of it, and again, force jumped/leaped into the air. He could see Nichos as he was almost there. His leap brought him a little bit over Nichos' head, and his foot landed there, leaving a small indention, if it had been Nichos' head, he would be no more.

He kicks off and lands to a branch opposite of Nichos, and he begins his attack. He moves forward and places a kick to his chest, causing him to step back. Nichos had almost lost his balance and fallen down the tree, but he placed his foot behind him on a branch, guaranteeing his life. Zasz stepped forward again, and placed a hand towards Nichos' face, putting him back down onto 3 branches that were out, like a ledge. Zasz raised his foot, and tried to stomp down onto the Jedi's chest, which would send him spiraling downwards to his untimely death.

Nichos Marr
Sep 12th, 2001, 07:16:19 PM
Nichos was slightly dazed by the series of attacks that Dark Jedi Zasz had unleashed upon him. He finally came to his senses, in time to see Zasz's foot. The foot would eventually crush into his chest, breaking a few bones and causing Nichos to die. This was obviously not a good day for the Jedi. This attacker wasn't as clumsy as the rest and didn't speak very much. Nichos disliked not having the oppurtunity to throw a punchline at an enemy here and there.

He smartly grabbed onto Zasz's ankle and stopped his foot from impaling the Jedi. Nichos used the Force to strengthen himself as he attempted to swing Zasz toward the forested floor. Nichos managed to slam Zasz into the trunk of the tree and figured it was good enough. The Jedi stood up as fast as his legs permitted and hopped away to a nearby tree.

Eventually he descended between the branches furthering himself away from Zasz. The Jedi took one more leap and landed on the ground, shaking the diziness from his head. He spun around, not sparing any time to regard Zasz's presence. Instead the Jedi closed his eyes and began calling the Force to him, and speaking out to it. He was preparing for his next attack, if there would be a next attack. Perhaps Zasz had fallen?

Nichos would have to wait and see.

Sep 12th, 2001, 08:14:12 PM
Zasz slammed down back onto the tree trunk, and felt it shake as he hit it. He almost fell off to his death, but managed to stay onto it. Nichos was retreating this whole time, as he did so, it gave Zasz the opportunity to leap to a tree behind him, and stay there for a moment.

He looked down at Nichos. The Jedi was preparing for something...an attack? Well, he would get that for sure. Looking down he moved silently from tree branch to tree branch down to the ground. Zasz was trying to be as quiet as he could be to attack Nichos with the utmost surprise.

He slipped to the ground and walked behind Nichos, he was almost there. Zasz jumped into the air and placed a kick into the back of the Jedi's neck, causing him to jolt forward and fall face forward onto the ground. Zasz's saber came to life in his hands, he rushed forwards and cut at his legs. Nichos moved forward quickly, causing Zasz's red blade to sink into the ground. Pulling it out immediately Zasz attacked again, Nichos avoiding, making the blade slash close to his legs again.

He rushed forward to the crawling Jedi, who had somehow managed to get to his feet. As he moved, he stopped infront of Nichos and placed a well decisive slash to the Guardian of Peace's stomach, that if landed, would cause major damage.

Nichos Marr
Sep 12th, 2001, 08:56:34 PM
Nichos leapt back anticipating the attack. The blade slashed through his shirt, leaving a clean burn mark. Luckily it didn't contact with any of his skin.

Just what I wanted. Nichos thought. You may be smart Dark Jedi, but you aren't unpredictable.

Nichos took a few more steps back and cupped both hands around his mouth. As practiced before in his early training, Nichos felt the Force fill his throat and eventually his voice box. He felt the feeling as his vocal cords took on a different shape.


The Jedi was able to emit a successful buzzing sound. Instantly a flock of wasp-like insects flew straight at the two combatants. Nichos projected an image in their small minds that suggested he wasn't present. Each wasp focused on the Dark Jedi Zasz who was unprepared for such a spectacle.

Nichos had used similar attacks on Darth Viscera and Darth Snack, so he was no veteran to this kind of thing. He grinned at Zasz and began to walk backward as the black wall of wasps swarmed on the Dark Jedi. No doubt they were angry at Nichos' wake-up call.

Instantly they began to sting and bite their victim. Nichos knew there were too many for Zasz to handle all at once. These insects weren't poisonous, but left irritating rashes after stinging their prey. Nichos almost cringed at the thought of what Zasz would look like after this ordeal.

Suddenly, something gleamed at the side of his eye. He turned his head to regard his golden lightsaber, half sunken in wooden debris. Nichos called for it with the Force, keeping his eyes on Zasz.

Sep 18th, 2001, 08:25:49 PM
Zasz watched Nichos as he heard a loud buzzing sound. It was originating from the Jedi. He winced as he was quite annoyed with this sound. He could tell that Nichos had stopped, but he was still hearing this sound. He turned and saw a swarm of small wasps. They immediately began to bite him, Zasz could sure tell as he screamed from the onslaught of tiny attacks.

He looked up through the swarm and yelled out again, and a large blast emanated around him. A force blast from Zasz managed to rid him of all the small insects around him. He watched as all of the wasps fell down onto the ground, fried to a dark black color.

Zasz stumbled back a bit, agitated and quite angry at this attack. It was hard to defend, not only that, but Zasz had been bitten many times. He could feel the itching yet, but he had a feeling it would eventually arrive.

He looked at Nichos who was standing in front of him, without a saber. Zasz was still holding his ignited, how he managed to the whole time, was amazing. He moved forward and sliced at Nichos. The jedi being defenseless stepped back quickly, and avoided a death blow. Zasz jumped into the air and kicked him into the face, placing him onto the ground hard. Zasz moves forward and raises his blade and makes it strike down towards his head, aiming to slice it in half.

Nichos Marr
Sep 18th, 2001, 08:39:39 PM
Before the blade could slice Nichos' skull open like a cantelope, the Jedi gave a swift kick to Zasz's ankle, causing him to falter for just a moment. He ripped his own lightsaber off of his belt and ignited it just in time to block a second blow. The sound of humming filled the air as both opponents stared at eachother straight in the eye.

Nichos' problem was quite clear. He was in a very awkward position. A position that could and probably would eventually cost him his life if he did not move swiftly and smartly.

He focused, imagining himself roll to the left of Zasz. Nichos projected this image into the Dark Jedi's brain. Naturally Zasz instinctively swung down, not having enough time to decipher the truth of the image. Nichos rolled to the right and stumbled back on one hand, holding his lightsaber in the other. He used the few moments that Zasz took to get his bearings straight to pick himself up. He jabbed forward only to meet Zasz's saber in a talented block. Nichos began to take a few steps back.

This situation is heating up. But I'm sure I can handle it. Nichos would have given himself a confident grin if he weren't in battle with a pissed off Dark Jedi. Maybe I shouldn't have used the wasp trick. All of those poor creatures are dead...because of me.

"Zasz, why are you trying to kill me? I thought Jeseth wanted me alive." Nichos struck out again, slashing downward and to the right.


Both lightsabers met again and made a crackling sound. Nichos hopped backward and to the left. He dove forward and jabbed at Zasz's side. The Dark Jedi turned to meet him, but at the last second, Nichos flicked his saber off. Zasz brought his lightsaber down to block. At that moment, Nichos' used his free hand to plant a punch on Zasz's nose.

Before he could be sliced in half, the Jedi jumped back. Zasz followed, his face red, and his eyes shone with anger. Nichos began to naturally step back. He didn't even notice the tree trunk behind him. The Jedi stepped on it and slipped, right in front of the Dark Jedi that looked mad enough to kill.

It's times like this I wish I had eyes in the back of my head. Nichos cursed in silence. His eyes were wide with anticipation as he waited to see what Zasz would do.

Sep 18th, 2001, 09:06:21 PM
Zasz was beginning to feel the itching rashes of the many bites that were inflicted upon him by the insects. Nichos had managed to avoid all of the attacks...Then...

<font size=15> WHAM</font>

He felt his nose pummeled by the fist of the Jedi. Immediately he felt that his nose was broke, because it felt like it. It was not, to his liking, he looked to the jedi as he was moving back.

Zasz approached forward madder than a hornet. He gripped his saber tightly in his hand as he stepped decisively on the soft ground of this swamp-like type of land. He approached slightly faster and then he saw it, a moment of opportunity.

His opponent had fallen, because of the tree behind him. How could of he fallen? It didn't matter, it was the moment of opportunity for Zasz. Moving towards him quickly Zasz leapt into the air, he aimed his saber downwards near the Jedi's heart. But the Jedi moved slightly as Zasz came down, where his saber was to land, he knew not.

Nichos Marr
Sep 18th, 2001, 09:41:21 PM
About four bells went off in Nichos Marr's head as he felt the Lightsaber rip through his flesh and pierce his shoulder bone. The Jedi hadn't felt this often, but it wasn't something he looked forward too. His eyes were wide open, and so was his mouth. It took him a few moments to realize he was screaming in agony.

The Jedi closed his eyes and instinctively used the hilt of his lightsaber and thwacked Zasz right between the legs. The Dark Jedi doubled over and fell to the side in pain. This gave Nichos enough time to slink across the ground and slowly slime his way up a tree. His wound wasn't bleeding, due to the lightsaber cauterizing it.

"Ow...Ow..Ahhh." Nichos cried as he removed his hand from the wound. He used his free hand to grab hold of a branch and stand himself up. The Jedi's lightsaber was still gripped in his right hand which was beginning to lose feeling due to the shoulder wound.

"Wha-What is your problem? That re-really hurt!"

Nichos forced a grin. The rocks around Zasz began to prance around the soil but then they raised up high, and began to drop back down. Nichos continued this method, watching as the rocks fell back down and pelted the wounded Zasz, adding lumps to his wasp bites and other injuries.

"Had enough?"

Sep 19th, 2001, 07:35:09 PM
Zasz watched as Nichos was in horror of his shoulder. Zasz had no time to rejoice in the slightest bit, for he was hit in a place that made him topple over. He was rolling on the ground as he groaned. Seconds later rocks were slamming into him, not helping the bites that were inflicted on him earlier by the wasps, or him being hit between the legs.

Zasz managed to stand up while the rocks fell, but one hit him on his shoulder as he stood, and it caused him to stumble. He looked upwards towards Nichos Marr, and saw a hole through his left shoulder. How painful that must have been for this Guardian of Peace...

Zasz ignited his saber once more and started to move towards Nichos and he ran slightly, stopping only a few feet infront of him, who had his blade ignited infront of him. He engaged in an onslaught of attacks, left and right, vertical, and each time Nichos defended with his blade, even though there was a hole in his shoulder. Zasz stepped to the right a small bit and aimed a hard punch towards the shoulder that bore the hole. He heard the Jedi cry out in pain....

Zasz concentrated in his mind as he looked at Nichos and he jumped to the left. This left Nichos dumbfounded for a few seconds, but then he saw it. One of the boulders that just pummeled Zasz, was flying in the air, straight at him..

As Zasz had jumped to the right and out of the way, he watched the large rock near Nichos, and he spoke.

<font color=crimson>"As it should hurt....Enough?...Never"

Nichos Marr
Sep 22nd, 2001, 04:46:57 PM
Gritting his teeth, the Jedi dove at the boulder, daring his life. The Jedi brought his green blade up and sliced magnificently through the boulder. Tiny pebbles and charred pieces of boulder flew into him, pelting his skin and leaving welts and tiny blood marks. The Jedi himself stumbled through the boulder as it broke in half and skidded to the ground. His clothes were stained with mud, blood and dirt. His face and his hands were no exception, but still the Jedi maintained his fighting spirit.

He rose up off the ground, Lightsaber held firmly in both hands. Nichos stood in his defensive position, giving Zasz the most determined look he could muster.

"Never say never." Nichos remarked and let his lightsaber fly. He brought his hands up and controlled it with the Force, like a puppeteer would control his puppets. Zasz blocked the first strike. The Jedi's lightsaber spun around for a second attack, but de-ignited just as Zasz tried to block. The Dark Jedi unexpectedly spun forward, but the golden tool of good flew straight into his eye.

Lightsabers by themselves were pretty strong and durable, but Nichos' had the luxury of a gold covering. As the hilt struck Zasz in the eye, it left a huge welt, that caused him to close it shut for just a moment. Nichos reclaimed his weapon soon after and held it defiantly. Zasz still clutched his own weapon, but now he had to deal with a black eye.

How do you like them apples? The Jedi thought to himself with a smug grin. He re-ignited his green blade, choosing to hold it with only one hand. The pain in his shoulder had evidentily increased, and now his whole arm felt nullified. He did his best to push back the pain, like most Jedi did.

"What's your name, Dark Jedi?" Nichos asked.

Sep 25th, 2001, 06:45:31 PM
Zasz stumbled back immediatly, his eye shutting due to the pain of the strike. The jedi had managed to poke him in the eye, and with his saber hilt no less. The small round end had managed to move Zasz's eye back pretty far. He moved back even farther and opened his eye, he was gripping his saber tightly and he managed to open his eyes and look at Nichos Marr.

Zasz was still squinting his right eye as he looked at Nichos, who was showing a great deal of pain due to the large hole in his left shoulder. Managed to put back the pain...no doubt... As he had seen many jedi do before. While side-stepping Zasz looked forward to Nichos and wondered what he would do, but that wasnt his part of the area.

Leaping forward zasz slammed his blade into that of Nichos Marr's. Causing it to move in his one hand. The bring flash of the hit lit up the area around them. Zasz kept on attacking Nichos until the Jedi brought his blade up to stop zasz's from moving against him anymore. Strange, for a 1 handed man at this time, he was doing quite well.

Remembering the question as Zasz pushed back on Nichos' blade, which he could feel weakening.

"My name, is not relevant at the time!"

He managed to say as Zasz pushed off the dark green blade of the Jedi Knight. Zasz lunged forward and aimed a controlled strike to the lower stomach of Nichos.

Nichos Marr
Sep 27th, 2001, 06:47:53 PM
Nichos took a step back and then executed a perfect backflip that landed him on a low branch behind. He wobbled for a few moments but managed to keep his balance. Nichos' lightsaber had been deactivated when he flipped, to save himself from the risk of accidentily impaling himself. Zasz stood under him, probably tempted to strike the tree and level it. Much damage had been done to the swampy forest already. Nichos knew it had to stop.

And it will stop now. Nichos thought firmly. He jumped back off the branch and landed on the mossy ground. Nichos ignited his lightsaber with a familiar snap hiss and brought it up above his shoulders. He held it like a batter held his bat in Zoomball.

Then Nichos charged, and struck out. Zasz blocked, but barely. He struck left, trying to use only one hand. Again Zasz block and tried to attack, but Nichos ducked and swiped at Zasz's fleet. The wily Dark Jedi was very skilled and agile, but Nichos felt the force burn like a flame within himself. He struck harder and faster, amazingly only using one hand.

"And now...." Nichos struck right, causing Zasz to hop to the left. "...Your evil legacy dies with you."

The Jedi feinted left, feinted right and then struck forward. The blade burning the fabric of Zasz's clothing stopped before his unprotected heart. Both combatants froze, as Zasz prepared to die. But the blade never pierced his chest, Nichos had de-ignited it.

"Now you must live with the fact that a Jedi spared your life." Nichos commented, as he clipped his lightsaber to his belt. "Bring me to Jeseth, I will bear no resistance. You have won this battle, but you will lose the war."

Nichos awaited Zasz's response, grimacing at the pain in his shoulder.

Sep 30th, 2001, 08:04:35 PM
Zasz scoffed lightly as he was spared....by this jedi? If Nichos had so done, he probably coulde have killed Zasz...possibly. Zasz winced and grimaced to his beaten and battered body, which had been stung, bit, and bashed with rocks, pummeled, cut. Zasz move to the side and still held his lightsaber ignited.

"You spared me?...."

Zasz brought up the hilt of his saber quickly and hit Nichos in the temple, his saber disignited before it got to his head. The jedi was out, now to deliver him to his master via his orders. Zasz watched as the Jedi crumpled to the ground, unconscious for a while, no doubt. Bending down, he picked up the golden hilt of Nichos' weapon, and tucked it away in his dark uniform.

Zasz grabbed Nichos' arm and dragged him over the swamp land, and forest floor. He had to go around the debree and burnt area that happened due the the long battle. He moved past the hut and saw the elderly people who had met him earlier...They saw what he was dragging...no not what, who. Their heads hanged when they saw this and the turned away.

Zasz looked further beyond and saw his shuttle, he looked back to see Nichos still out of it. The shuttle's ramp came down, greeting the 2 that were entering. He drug the body inside the shuttle and secured him. He heard him stir and Nichos Marr looked up, but only to meet his own saber. Zasz had hit the jedi again, on the temple, but this time much harder.

Moving to the pilots seat he sat down, turned the systems on and closed the ramp. He heard the engines fire up and the shuttle starting to lift off and up into the atmosphere, then away from the planet. He set in a course for Vjun and turned around to watch Nichos incase he woke up.