View Full Version : A message is broadcast throughout the galaxy...(SPECIAL)

Sergeant Tyle
Sep 15th, 2001, 02:57:08 AM
All forces of good and evil...the New Republic has recieved word that a planet in a galaxy far, far, away has suffered a terrible catastrophe.

I hereby beg a temporary cease-fire, so that we may come together for one day, and stand behind the brave souls on that distant planet, Earth.

I call for all Jedi, Sith, New Republic, Imperials, Cizerack, Dark Jedi, Bounty Hunters, and Smuggler scum...everybody to come to Coruscant, so that we can pay homage to the bravery in the galaxy far, far away.

Lady DeVille
Sep 15th, 2001, 03:01:28 AM
Lilaena stands still on Coruscant with thousands of people, holding a candle in rememberance. A tear was in her eye, and it slowly dripped down, streaking her cheek and running into the hollow of her neck.

Vega Van Derveld
Sep 15th, 2001, 03:02:47 AM
Feeling strangely obliged to follow up on the message he had heard, Vega stood with his head lowered in silent respect, joining those who had already arrived.

Darth Viscera
Sep 15th, 2001, 03:03:57 AM
Viscera and looked down at the thousands of rows of troopers who had been assembled upon the selected meeting place. They awaited all other arrivals, rifles held high and displayed proudly. Checking to assure that the troopers had all arrived in a timely fasion, he glanced at the crono on his arm, then began his decent towards the ground level.

Jedah Lynch
Sep 15th, 2001, 03:10:53 AM
Standing upon a cliffs edge on the planet of Coruscant The Sith stood with his arms by his side, rising one arm at the elbow, opening his hand a bright light shined up from the palm of his hand. The glow reflected off his body as he looked up into the sky letting his mind reflect upon a place that did not seem so far away.

Lord Shadow Reaper
Sep 15th, 2001, 03:11:02 AM
Stading there in the crowed was a dark figure..a candle in hand with his head bowed down...he preyed..


Morgan Evanar
Sep 15th, 2001, 03:11:37 AM
Morgan walked up next to Vega, silent. He stood, his coat fluttered lightly in the Coruscant breeze.

Locus Green
Sep 15th, 2001, 03:17:18 AM
The elderly man, a former Imperial General, stood in full military dress, with his head lowered in respect.

Anbira Hicchoru
Sep 15th, 2001, 03:20:48 AM
:: From the high vantage of a Coruscant rooftop, Anbira stood alone, watching the crowd gather to pay homage to the fallen and the spirit of freedom. A wave of crescendoing emotion filled him, and the Jedi closed his eyes, opening them and looking upward. ::

The Force shall be with them.

:: Gathering the power of the Force, Anbira stretched his hands high into the air, siphoning the air into a pressure sphere, superheating it into bright green plasma. When the sphere became blinding, he cast it skyward, letting a single word escape his lips ::


:: The force sphere exploded brilliantly, showering beautiful light over the entire procession ::

Sieken Kasstra
Sep 15th, 2001, 03:22:25 AM
Sieken steped up on top of the hill next to Vega over looking the thousands apond thousands of people with candles in the darkerning skys, he help a single candle and bowed his head...

Warren Azalin
Sep 15th, 2001, 03:25:21 AM
Minutes after the message had been broadcasted throughout the Galaxy Warren began walking out of his cruiser with Amnde in tow. They had both come as soon as they had heard the news and now stood on Coruscant looking on at those there in silence. Moving towards them in total silence Warren stood side by side with those he had once called friends and some he called enemies, but at a time like this is did not matter who they were, all that matter was that they were alive. For that reason him and Amnde had come to pay their respects and agree to a cease-fire in this time of prayer. Thinking to himself Warren bowed his head in silence.

"May the Force be with them all."

Live Wire
Sep 15th, 2001, 03:29:10 AM
*shrouded in black Catherine makes her way through the crowd with tears in her eyes for the innocent lives forever changed. A single candle clutched in her hand flutters in the breeze. A silent monument to the fallen.

Sanis Prent
Sep 15th, 2001, 03:33:44 AM
(I'd read the holonews, seen the crowds, and heard the rumors of the disaster. Normally, I didn't get involved in other people's affairs, but I couldn't help but feel the slow, dripping feeling of sadness and loss.

Normally...I wouldn't care.

But somewhere...there was a girl that I knew, who was taken from me. I could hear her sweet voice carrying on the Coruscant wind.

Now...there were thousands out there, somewhere, who were having their hearts kicked around.

I couldn't help but identify with them. I'd been there before. I was there again. They were so far away...but so close.

From my window, I could see the candles, the onlookers, and the mourners. I raised my flask to the window, toasting to the healing of broken hearts.

It was a toast I knew well.

I drank, polishing off the rest of the whiskey...its biting taste settling on the back of my tongue. As with my loss, a low simmering feeling to right things that were wrong grew within me. Maybe it would be me...maybe it wouldn't, but somewhere out there...somebody would get those who were responsible.

You sow the wind...and reap the whirlwind.

Funny how the sting of loss was making me more and more of a sentimental guy.

For tonight at least, I'd let it happen....for them.)

Arya Ravenwing
Sep 15th, 2001, 03:43:01 AM
Arya stood silently among the people of Coruscant, holding a candle that a child had handed to her.

There was so much pain to be felt. She wanted to close up, to not let it touch her again...but she opened herself to it for this moment. Tears sprang to her eyes, and she fell to her knees in the crowd, candle sputtering but staying lit.

We will not forget.

Assaurreei Cassarreessa
Sep 15th, 2001, 03:52:03 AM
::Assaurreei led a small procession of her people all holding candles and murmuring prayers. This was a time to set aside differences and prejudices to come together....so for tonight they stood among people of all kinds as bretheren::

We mourrrn the fallen and prrrajy the ljivjing can fjind comforrrt and peace. Tonjight jyourr pajin jis ourrr pajin. Be asssurrred ourrr hearrrtsss go wjith jyou.

Keerrourri Sarrtarroa
Sep 15th, 2001, 03:55:41 AM
Sarrtarroa was also present in the Cizerack procession. Ten ships had come straight from Carshoulis, full of Cizerack who heard of the tragedy, and were ready to pay their respect. The Emissary placed a fisted right paw against his left breast.

Todajy...we arrre all....hjyuu-mannsss. We all sssharrre wjith jyourrr lossssss, and offerrr ourrr love.

Ogre Mal Pannis
Sep 15th, 2001, 04:01:09 AM
There was much that he had done in his own time that was similar to what had caused this request to come into being. But there was something about this particular occasion that had caused an actual stirring within the Sith Master and Council member of the Empire. Something about this situation made him take notice and respect the request that had been made.

He stood at a great distance from where all the others were gathering, but his presence was easy enough for those of them, who either took the time to look around, or could feel him within the force, to know and recognize as being there.

Atop a small hill in the distance, his sillouette was unmistakable and for once he was unarmed and not looking as if he were full of bloodlust. This was a one time occasion, one that he would honor for those that had been lost needlessly and the result causing many others to be so brave. It would not be forgotten.

<IMG src=http://thesithempire.clanpages.com/Sig4.jpg width=500 height=215><FONT size=1>[ <font size=1>Ogre's Cave</FONT> (http://pub55.ezboard.com/bogrescave)] [ <font size=1>Irentios</font> (http://pub31.ezboard.com/birentios)]</FONT>

Admiral Taylor Millard
Sep 15th, 2001, 04:04:06 AM
On the Imperial Star Destroyer Superior Admiral Taylor Millard stood; the red-cloaked Imperial Guardsman Thomas to his left; his second-in-command Captain Tomar to his right; Jaranda Piett behind him, wearing a black jump suit; and Vice Admiral Serena Laran behind Thomas.

Millard's uniform was pressed and ironed...the brown material spotless and clean. His blue eyes sparkled...but there was a tear in his eyes. He'd seen the destruction of many planets...of many nations. But he'd never seen destruction to a nation who had no provocation to it...no warning...no...No Reason.

He wished he could be there...assisting the people of New York and America; as they recovered from this horrible tragedy. This act of war. He wished he could help this young nation in their fight against terrorism. But alas, he was too far away.

He studied the footage...watching the two planes collide into the two towers, watching them collapse, and seeing the people. The civilians, firemen, and policemen...the men and women who died saving others.

His heart was heavy, watching the people-with all their differences- band together as one nation...and it made him smile, eyes tearing...watching the Congressmen sing...the President speak...and the Memorial Service to honor the dead.

"Admiral," Tomar spoke, his voice full of seriousness, "What shall we do?"

Millard took a step forward. Taking a deep breath, he spoke.

"We pray Tomar. We pray for these people. We pray for those who have lost family members and friends."

He keyed the com for the ship.

"Attention all crewmembers on the Superior. Today, we do something different. We pray. Please, bow your heads...for those who wish to cross themselves, cross themselves. The young nation before us, has watched a horrible fate befall one of its cities. May the buildings be rebuilt better than before...Join me please."

He prayed, "May God have mercy on the souls of those who were lost...Muslim, Jew, Christian, Atheist, Democrats, Republicans...although from different backgrounds...all one nation...all Americans...Amen."

An young tune began to play...something the probe droids had intercepted while gathering information on Earth and America.

As 'The National Anthem' (as it was called) began to play, Millard and the rest of his crew saluted. In honor of those that were lost. The saluted America and her president. They saluted everyone. Different people. All Americans.

When the piece ended, Millard ended his salute...exitting to his study...and cried silently.

Jubei SaDherat Vader
Sep 15th, 2001, 04:12:29 AM
(On his knees, Jubei clutched his prayer beads, praying for peace...peace and tranquility for the little planet Earth. He prayed that the horrible actions witnessed would be the last, and that balance would once again be restored to all that was good in the universe. Although wicked men were responsible, the monk prayed that in the pursuit to right many wrongs, the righteous did not in turn become wicked in their retribution.

It was a solemn prayer...and a sincere one.)

Lord Dagger
Sep 15th, 2001, 04:15:11 AM
Standing alone in a less bussy part of Coruscant Dagger raised a single lit lightsabre in silent salute to the fallen, even a Sith can mourn for those who die without reason.

Force Master Hunter
Sep 15th, 2001, 04:15:22 AM
On a hillside on the unnamed planet, a lone man and his adopted daughter stand, looking out across the peaceful plains and to the beach... a beach that was the edge of a huge ocean.

"Across that water Jina... there is a place that is suffering. Evil was done there. We have to remember never to fall asleep and allow evil to sneak up on us. We must be vigilant. We cant do much where we are, but we can offer our prayers and let them know, places far, far away, cry with them and let them know they are not alone"

Reysa Sashara
Sep 15th, 2001, 04:16:35 AM
A Marching of over 2000 Viashino troops enterd the view of the many on the hills with candles, the Viashino Warriors were to holding a candle eatch at the head of the leadeing was Reysa and his brother Lasheye, the clinking of metle from there armour halted at the crest of the hill, the long line of Warriors stood to attention..

"A'cercavor" shouted Reysa and the 2000+ Warriors saluted in the American way after a few seconds there arms went down and they stood there in the sun set....remebring those whos heart will live on

Sep 15th, 2001, 04:24:29 AM
:: He stepped off of his shuttle, flanked by his IG88 droid. He would have come alone, but the droid refused as did the staff at his castle at Ord Mantell. Even though he no longer wore the Key to Azrael’s Fire on his wrist, they still treated him as if he were their leader.

Behind him was a smaller figure, one who not many had seen for a long time. A petite woman with long red hair. He waited at the bottom of the ramp for her to join him. He looked at his guard droid and then at her, with head turned back over his shoulder, indicating to the droid that he would prefer that its attentions were focused on keeping her from any harm that may happen at such an odd event. It wasn’t very likely, but Trace had reason to be concerned. This woman meant a great deal to him and he had just found her again. He wanted nothing to take her away from him.

Moving across the plain slowly and stoically, he joined the others who had gathered who were also of his alliance to the Darkside. Once there, he reached into a pocket and removed a small item, bringing it to his lips and kissing it before tossing it out in the plains before him as a tribute.

The item he had tossed, could not be identified by those around him, but it was something of significance to the pale faced man and it was his simple way of honoring those in this trying time. ::

Jashiva Darkstorm
Sep 15th, 2001, 04:27:33 AM
After putting down his arm, he saluted in the traditonal Viashino way thumping his chest 3 times...just then in the distance 3 specs were getting closer, after a few secondes the View of 3 Viashino_Vipers sped into the right flight line infront of the croweds of people.. the Vipers opend there Cargo sections and let out smoke in the colors of Red....White.....and Blue the Vipers sped over the front of the croweds at the smoke made the perfect set of lines the bays were closed and the vipes dispaerd into the darkerning skys...

Nathan W3st
Sep 15th, 2001, 04:53:04 AM
Twenty eight men, women and various assorted species marched perfectly in sync, perfectly silent, four by seven. Fourteen wore the blue trim of a New Republic Special Forces Urban Combat unit, and fourteen wore the green trim of a Jungle Combat unit. A NRSF issue rail carbines rested in each pair of hands.

The continued their march until they were exactly fifty meters from the flag that flew half mast, a banner of Red and White Stripes, with A field of Blue with Fifty White Stars in the upper left corner.

"WEEEEAAAAAPONS REEEADDDDY!" A flury of synchronized movement brought the weapons to shoulders.

"AAAIIIIM!" The front seven promptly dropped on their knees, and all aimed just above the flag as it rippled in the wind.

"FIRE!" West's voice roared out like a gunshot over the silence of the carbines, and out streaked smokey colored trails of Red, White and Blue. Two hundred fifty meters later, there was a soft pop, followed by a brilliant flash of the same colours, much in the likeness of the banner that waved proudly.

Rifles returned to ready postion, and the seven kneeling returned to full attention.

"SaaaAAALUTE!" Twenty eight men, women and creatures became statues, in silent watch of the proud flag.

Sergeant Tyle
Sep 15th, 2001, 05:13:54 AM

A phalanx of 14 men from the NRSF 127th began to march down the courtyard, and to the procession. Sergeant Nemor Tyle led his unit to the proceedings.


The soldiers stopped on a dime, turning ninety degrees to the right with unison and rigid precision.


The clatter of railgun stocks against shoulders filled the air like a snaredrum beat. The soldiers crossed their firearms over their chests in stoic pageantry.


The rapid volley of 14 rail charges split the Coruscant sky as they sailed to the heavens. Just as quickly...the rifles returned to formation.


The volley began anew...


The soldiers ceased firing, returning to a stoic frontal position.

Lady Vader
Sep 15th, 2001, 05:18:08 AM
*LV watched, today not a Sith, but a fellow being in this vast universe. She stood tall, silenced by the show of outpouring prayers going out to those during thier time of grief. She flinched slightly as the sound of the rifles gave their salute to the fallen.*

*From under her cloak, she raised her hand, palm upward, and let a small flame grow there. It was small, it was silent, it was plain. Yet it shown brilliantly as it danced in the wind, just centimeters from her palm.*

*She kept the flame bright, to give her support to those grieving and honor those lost. They would all be remembered.*

Jasseeri Arreearruu
Sep 15th, 2001, 05:26:07 AM
The Huntress Admiral watched in somber reverence as the troops fired off their volley's in salute to those men, women, and children lost to the tragedy's that had taken place on that planet so far from where they stood.

She stood by the Emissary, the Cizerack Hunter Forces at crisp attention behind her. With a sharp raise of her right fist, she placed it over her heart in the traditional Cizerack salute. The Hunter Forces behind her followed suit. She held that position for awhile.

Then, to show respect to those from that planet in a galaxy far, far away, she saluted sharply in the human fashion, placing her right hand against her forehead just above her right eye, hand flat, palm downward, arm at an angle. The Hunter Forces behind her did likewise. And in that position she remained, honoring those lives shattered and lost.

Cizerack Hunter Forces
Sep 15th, 2001, 05:38:53 AM
A line of two-hundred Cizerack warriors formed behind the Cizerack contingency of leaders. Their traditionally red armor was now decorated in a pattern of red, white, and blue. In each of the soldier's hands, a candle was held, its flame flickering in the night. From the ranks of burly felinoids, a strange sound began to fill the air...as they attempted to sing a song revered by those distant Forrda.

Oh sssajy can jyou sssee
Bjy the dawn'sss earrrljy ljight
What ssso prrroudljy we hajiled
Asss the twjiljight'sss lassst gleamjing
Who'sss brrroad ssstrjipesss and brrrjight ssstarrrsss
Thrrrough the perrrjilousss njight
O'errr the rrramparrrtsss we watched
Werrre ssso gallantljy ssstrrreamjing

And the rrrocketsss rrred glarrre
The bombsss burrrssstjing jin ajirrr
Gave prrroof thrrrough the njight
That ourrr flag wasss ssstjill therrre
Oh sssajy doesss that Ssstarrr-Ssspangled Bannerrr jyet wave
O'errr the land of the frrree
And the home of the brrrave!

The Pride Mother
Sep 15th, 2001, 05:56:07 AM
Rourrsseeri stood beside Keerrourri, dressed in mourning attire. She brought a lacy hankerchief to her eye and dabbed away at a tear.

Normally, the loss of other beings concerned her not. But in this case, she had sensed a great loss. Something so deep, that it stirred the deepest sorrow in her. Loss of life, especially with no reason, was tragic.

She dabbed away at another tear as it threatened to cascade down her well sculptured cheek. Yes, she was sometimes known as cold and coniving, even being quite demanding. But even she had a heart. And today, her heart went out to those in suffering due to the senseless attack on the planet Earth.

Cirrsseeto Raurrssatta
Sep 15th, 2001, 05:56:44 AM
Big wobbly tears built up in Cirrsseeto's eyes, as he drooped his ears, making a low and pitiful sound

<marquee><font size=50><font color=0099CC>RRRRROOOWWWWWWW!!!!!!</font></font></marquee>

Admiral Lebron
Sep 15th, 2001, 08:20:36 AM
Admiral Lebron, sitting on his command chair of the Umaro, feels the sorrow and pain of this world, then sends a holo-net transfer to everyship in his fleet, to have 21 gun salute at the pain and suffering of this world, which seems foreign, yet so close to him.

"May the force have mercy on them.." He said quietly, a small tear coming to his eye.

Sep 15th, 2001, 11:13:59 AM
Tempist sat on a large rock, not too far from the others. His head was bowed in reverant silence for those who had perished, injured, and their famalies. He prayed for the souls of those who were lost, and that those who had performed this terrible act be brought to swift, painful justice. A tear driped down his cheek, and his fists were clenched, as if physicly holding back more.

Sep 15th, 2001, 11:37:54 AM
Kira had heard of the destruction, and something compelled her to this demonstation. She heard the prayers, and the feeble, but honest, attempt to sing that country's national antherm.
"May whatever god they believe in have mercy on their souls."

Sep 15th, 2001, 12:42:29 PM
In this trying time, Poreon felt the stirring through the Force. He absent-mindedly reverted his ship from hyperspace back to realspace, over the stand-still planet of Coruscant.

Poreon lowered his head; Thoughts unable to put into words filled his mind. Thoughts so heartfelt.

Arriana Rezner
Sep 15th, 2001, 02:17:32 PM
Departing the shuttle to step down onto the ground by Trace, Arriana looked across the view on the horizon then down to the gathering. Thousands, perhaps millions had travelled from all of the corners of the galaxies, from every planet, no matter what race or alignment with the Force for this one event. In many ways, it was quite touching to see such unity through-out the universe.

Lowering her head she clasped her hands infront of her body, muttering a few words before lapsing into silence.

Sorsha Kasajian
Sep 15th, 2001, 03:33:38 PM
:: Sorsha had seen the destruction of two towers in a dream. On a distant world they had fallen.

The child deep within her had been drawn out, like the others around her, to honor and pray for all the spirits that had been lost.

She gazes up into the vast sea of stars, watching the lights fill the night sky. The ones who died were there now. For them she knew there was peace ::

Tirsa Krylana
Sep 15th, 2001, 05:34:02 PM
:: Tirsa stands close to her lover, tears filling her eyes as the night sky is filled with light to honor the memory of the lost souls so far away ::

Skroth da Ripper
Sep 15th, 2001, 07:09:17 PM
*Skroth stood atop a building next to his reploid Vyle. The Protoss thought of all the people who lost their lives due to this cowardly act. The space terrorist felt their cries for pain. He bowed his head and a tear rolled down his cheek. He wondered just how someone could perform such a cowardly act.*


*The droid turns to his master.*


*Make it a notice that we will NOT EVER perform an act such as this as we seige new territory."

*The droid nods*

"It shall be noted."

*The protoss lifted his head.*

"In fact, I don't think we shall be doing any more sieging any time soon. Just the thought of it sickens me."

*The droid nodded, and the two just stood there watching the light grow brighter and brighter.*

Satine Capashen
Sep 15th, 2001, 07:32:22 PM
Alpha stands on a large platform, the soldiers of his Dragon Fleet arrayed in a display, their weapons held at the ready. The Young Jedi had replaced his lightsabre for a candle, and a tear ran down his cheek.

Amazing, Alpha thinks to himself, How just a few people can cause so much suffering...

Raine Sarin
Sep 15th, 2001, 10:14:39 PM
*Raine sat away from the rest of the crowd that had been gathering for this memorial. In front of him sat two candles, one red and one white, across from him sat his brother, Varlon. He bowed his head for a moment and whispered a blessing over a small glass of salt water before sprinkling it over the candles. He struck a match and lit the red as a symbol of love. What he prayed would be spread throughout that world. Then he waited as his brother lit the white candle as a symbol of healing. Then Raine bowed his head again in a moment of silence for the loss that was being felt among everyone*

Darth Varlon
Sep 15th, 2001, 10:16:44 PM
Var sat next to his brother and followed suit as he finished liting the candle, waiting for the wick of the match to blow itself out. Lowering his head as well, Var whispered a quiet prayer.

Sep 15th, 2001, 10:32:53 PM
The cool breeze shuffled her hair softly, her luminescent blue eyes looked over those gathered, many she knew, some she didnt. It didnt matter - the collective sense from everyone was a respect of loss and our common connection no matter the background.

Something of great magnitude had happened in a place a far off, the effects of it rippled out to touch even the furtherest reaches of the galaxy and everyone in it.

The sadness had touched her heart and she knew it was what unified everyone here in this place. It was bigger than everyone and everything and would never ever be forgotten.

Hera stood in silent mourning for so many who had been taken from the symbiont circle.

Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Sep 15th, 2001, 11:15:54 PM
**Sitting in her council chair, getting ready to start her daily routine, Leia was looking over her data pad. A sudden chill went up the Jedi Master's spine, as her face turned pale and grimace. It was as though she heard several thousands voices screaming at once in sheer terror, only to be silenced once again**

**A single tear fell down her cheek... the horror and pain was so terrifying all to real to her..as once her homeplanet of Alderaan experienced this very same fate.**

**Wiping the tear from her cheek, Leia slowly picked up her brown Jedi hood and placed it over her head, as she bowed her head in respect for all those who perished once again...from a faceless killer**

God Bless their souls!

Darth Snack
Sep 15th, 2001, 11:44:36 PM
*A Sith is one who brings destruction. But even then they are tasteful in what they do. The news which came to Snack showed that the destruction which was brought upon uncalled for was even something a Pure Sith wouldn't do. It just wasn't right.

He brought his X-wing down into the atmosphere of Coruscant, where millions were gathering to remember those lost in a great tragedy. Jedi, Sith, Bounty Hunter, New Republic, Imperial alike... all gathered at the central system.

Once landed, the Knight jumped from his ship and began to walk towards where those massed. The closer he got, the more of a familiar pressence he felt. Two stood out infront of him amongst the rest. Knoing who they were, the Sith Knight walked up to them.

Warren Azalin and Amnde.

Snack reached out with his right hand and placed it gently on the shoulder of his one time friend good friend, Jedi Knight Warren. The Jedi turned his head in a small shock. The face he saw was Snack's own, looking into his eyes with a solitary tear flowing down the Sith's cheek. Snack bowed his head and stood next to him. For the first time since he was a Jedi, he could feel his heart go out in prayer, caring for those and remembering those who are no longer there and for their loved ones.*

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Sep 16th, 2001, 01:41:07 AM
*Although Seer had never been to Earth, she still felt sorrow when she had heard what happened. So many souls lost and so many left in mourning... She thought to herself as a tear ran down her striped streaked face.

Selena Kyle
Sep 16th, 2001, 09:56:27 AM
::Going about her business in Yoghurt's Bar & Grill, a sudden newsbreak comes across the holonet projector. All the patrons, turned their heads and stared with utter disbelief as the first images of an hijacked aircraft goes plummeting into one of the tallest buildings on that planet. Nothing but sheer silence can be heard from within the bar::

::The waitress Selena, usually upbeat in her nature, suddenly fell down to her knees on to the ground::

Dear God...Noooooooooo!

::Before covering her face and lowering her head with such disbelief and sorrow, as she started to weep::

Endo Freedoo
Sep 16th, 2001, 10:02:28 AM
:: The message broadcast was not one he understood, being in basic, but his associates were here and so was he. All seemed somber and down in regards to their presence here. It seemed to be some kind of tribute and he would not be disrespectful. He stood behind Tirsa and Sorsha silently. Watching this day’s events. ::

Sep 16th, 2001, 02:00:13 PM
Kyle stood alone in the darkness of Corsucant shaking his head.

"May God have mercy on their souls."

Sep 16th, 2001, 10:29:23 PM
She was one with the Force and when thousands of souls cried out and then were extinguished in the next moment, Daleethria fell to her knees and screamed a silent cry of anguish. They may have been light years away but everyone that perished in one act of evil touched her profoundly.

Her existance was unique, like everyone else in this messed up universe. What made Daleethria special was her heightened senses and the combination of death and destruction almost broke her heart and caused her disappear right then and there.

Instead, she found release and cried. Cried a tear for everyone that was lost and for those that must deal with living without those that they held dear.

Navaria Tarkin
Sep 16th, 2001, 10:33:15 PM
Alone in her quarters, Navaria's eyes snapped opened in horror as she felt what had happened. Loss was not unknown to her and now her heart ache as it did so long ago when she heard the news everytime that her grandfather, father, brother and then mother died.

Now there were thousands of people that lost their love ones ....

"I'm so sorry ..."

Her skin shivered and Navaria clasped the sides of her shoulders as a single tear rolled down her cheek.

Pierce Tondry
Sep 16th, 2001, 11:14:32 PM
Pierce Tondry was a warrior. He had seen catastrophe.

Once, so very greatly, in the form of an assault during the Empire's height. An arrogant General assaulted a fortified position that had been reinforced. The preparations had been made obvious, and the enemy knew they were coming. The General's own battle plan ignored certain defenses in the enemy line that he hadn't wanted to deal with. The result had been nothing less than a slaughter.

The soldiers to die knew it would happen. Yet still, they went in, loyal to their cause. Pierce had recognized it for the deathtrap it was, and so had several of his comrades. They had bailed on the main battle, instead choosing to take out some of the emplacements that were supposedly nonexistant. Their efforts did not stop the tragedy, but hopefully they lessened it somehow.

This was like that.

Pierce Tondry looked up at the clouds of the Chandrilan sky, dark clouds heavy with rain. Not a moment after his eyes had sought the heavens, it began to rain a heavy pitter-patter onto the transparisteel skylight above him.

The tears of angels were falling.

' I'm sorry,' he thought. ' I know how you feel.'

In the present day, Pierce Tondry was a counterterror specialist, as well as an Intelligence agent. Counterterrorism was a world where one failed mission could cost billions of lives.

And today, Pierce knew his profession had lost in a grieving, heart-rending, gut-wrenching battle.

' I'll always remember you as heroes,' he thought. ' No- I'll do you one better.'

' I'll always remember.'

Athena Lady Darknss
Sep 18th, 2001, 05:17:20 PM
Athena had not seen the broadcast until much later she made her way to Coruscant and found a place to watch the others. She too wanted to let the others in this far away place know she was there for them. She smiled and thought inward to herself. Then she took out a small candle and lite it. she placed the object next to her. As it burned she watched many of her friends and many people she didnt know. as Each one made themselfs seen.

Obryn Shan
Sep 20th, 2001, 05:04:30 PM
Obryn enters the Greater Jedi Order's temple inner santuary, the chamber is lined with what seems thousands of white lit candles. Mourning and grief is felt throughout the room though he is alone, like those before him left a part of their hearts in this room. He genuflects with head bowed and says a prayer for the victims and the bereaved. Tears well up in his eyes, covers his eyes with his left hand as tears begin to flow down his cheeks, spotting the floor. With robe he wipes his eyes and stands, turning away to depart from this sanctified edifice. He stops at the doorway, looking back at the candles, a new emotion radiates from the room... one of hope and healing!


Figrin D an
Sep 21st, 2001, 01:12:33 AM
Being Force sensative had many advantages... but it also meant feeling the pain of others. After a while a Jedi could get used to suppressing some of these disturbances in the Force, or use these feelings to find and help those in need...

The Jedi Master could never have been prepared for the wave of suffering he felt... somewhere, in a distant place, thousands cried out in unison, only to be silenced just as quickly... then a second wave, the anguish of family and friends at the loss of their loved-ones. Millions grieved, their sorrow ringing throughout the universe like an ever-expanding echo... the Jedi caught himself against a wall, staggering, trying to hold his balance... he was in disbelief...

But then... another wave of emotions could be felt... ones of kinship and of compassion... a celebration of unity... a world rocked by a violent act rising up to form a single voice... and in that voice, making a declaration to change the world... a solemn promise that peace and love would triumph over all...

Figrin pause, his head lowered in silent reflection. He had felt the agony and the sorrow... for the first time in many years, his calm demeanor faded, and a tear streamed from his face...

Yet, the pain seemed to vanish in the wake of these new feelings... unity, peace, love...

Another tear came to Figrin's eye... but with it, a smile.

sarin vorran
Sep 21st, 2001, 08:18:23 AM
Admiral Desaria, having recenlt ybeen promoted, had seen the tranmission and been nothing less than stunned. He watched the towers fall to the ground, he wathced the people scurry about, and he watched the people die. Needlessly, and heplessly. It was ruthless, and it was wrong. If he could, he would have taken their place.

In his personal flagship, the Super Star Destroyer Achilles, he went to Coruscant, and joined in the memorium. From the gun decks of the mighty battleship came a hail of neom fire that lit up the sky, all the bolts converging in one place and detonating in a brilliant ball of flame.

May their souls find peace, and their honor find vengeance...

Desaria lowered his head and preyed, watching as his crew did the same. The journey back to Thyferra was a solemn one...

May we never forget...

Telan Desaria
Sep 21st, 2001, 08:20:50 AM
Admiral Desaria, having recenlt ybeen promoted, had seen the tranmission and been nothing less than stunned. He watched the towers fall to the ground, he wathced the people scurry about, and he watched the people die. Needlessly, and heplessly. It was ruthless, and it was wrong. If he could, he would have taken their place.

In his personal flagship, the Super Star Destroyer Achilles, he went to Coruscant, and joined in the memorium. From the gun decks of the mighty battleship came a hail of neom fire that lit up the sky, all the bolts converging in one place and detonating in a brilliant ball of flame.

May their souls find peace, and their honor find vengeance...