View Full Version : No past, Unknown Future ... Only the present
Katya Glasc
Aug 18th, 2001, 03:43:56 AM
Stepping out into the bright morning sun, a young woman looks around her surroundings. Nothing looked even vaguely familiar to her, no spark of any memories entered her mind. With a sigh she headed off along the main thoroughfare, figuring she'd stick to the more populated areas of this unknown world she suddenly found herself on; unknown to her atleast.
Renwel Cushing
Aug 20th, 2001, 12:10:56 PM
Renwel sat uncomfortably in the cockpit chair reminding himself why he had to steal the ship. An unreliable source had told him that Jerred would be in this sector. Knowing that the alien was lying through his teeth he paid him anyway. But it gave him a reason to leave that forsaken planet, even if it was a wild goose chase.
Many months have passed since that fateful day, a day he could never forget. He looked back through the doorway to the cargo hold. Empty, he made sure of it before he took the ship; he learned his lesson already. Suddenly a loud beep went off on the control panel, Renwel turned to meet a blinking red light. Already here, that didn’t take very long
He pushed some buttons and pulled a lever, then sat back to hear the lightspeed engine wind down. Coming out of light speed he looked out the window to see a planet in direct view of him. He slowed the ship until it was almost stopped, then engaged the auto-pilot.
He stood up and stretched his arms, then strolled to a small computer to find out about the planet in front of him. A planet mainly used as a resort, the climate is fairly tropical…interesting. I do need a little rest. Renwel walked back to the cockpit chair and sat back to stare at this huge planet. Nope, there will be no adventures for me on this planet.
Katya Glasc
Aug 20th, 2001, 12:41:47 PM
As Katya sat in the cafe looking out the window, she went over her options. Not like she had many; she was stuck on a planet she knew nothing about, knew no one, had no credits or possessions, let alone a place to stay.
Renwel Cushing
Aug 20th, 2001, 01:35:33 PM
Shocked at the prices for docking, Renwel regrettably handed over the right amount of credits. Well this place is suppose to be a resort and they do love taking all your money… He tugged at the metal mask covering half his face trying to relieve an itch somewhere in the middle. He asked one of the docking guards which way to get something good to eat. “Good to eat? Why everything is good to eat here…” the guard said with a small grin on his face.
“Fine, what about the closest place to eat?” The guard pointed towards the other end of the street. That’s when Renwel saw her. The guard faded into the background as did everything else. His focus was on a little girl standing in the middle of the sidewalk. Thanking the guard while he was in mid sentence, Renwel walked slowly at first then started to run towards the small figure. I found you, I finally found you I knew I would one day.
He grabbed her by the arm and said out loud “I found y…” as he yelled this, the women got off her knees and turned around quickly to face this man. The shock was over. He found that this was not his little girl. “I am sorry, I thought you were someone else” he kept saying repeatedly. He looked around to find everyone was staring at him and whispering to each other. Renwel became dizzy; everyone started spinning. He fell to his knees with a blank look on his face.
The women walked up to him and asked “Are you all right? Do you need a doctor?” Renwel tried his hardest to answer “No…sit…I need…to…sit…seat…down…” The woman and someone closest to him helped him up and slowly walked him to a bench. “Will you be OK?” She sat next to him and pushed him back so he wouldn’t fall.
Katya Glasc
Aug 20th, 2001, 01:47:58 PM
Katya offered a kind, sympathetic smile as she helped him to the bench. Thanking the other gentleman whom aided her, she turned and looked to Renwel with gentle eyes of soft blue. Her genuine concern for him must have been apparent on her face as he kept repeating how sorry he was for thinking she were someone else.
Renwel Cushing
Aug 21st, 2001, 12:33:59 AM
“Yes a ghost that’s all, one who will never stop haunting me” he managed to say finally as the dizziness wore off. “Kind…” Renwel took a sip of water “you are a very kind woman…most people would leave me laying there…Why?” He looked over to meet her soft blues eyes and her powder skin.
He could see the hesitation before she damped his forehead again. A hesitation he has seen many times before. This new facemask was not a welcome sight. Her touch was soft as her skin presented it to be. Finally after a long moment he breathed “Your name, what name do I have the honor of giving thanks to?”
Katya Glasc
Aug 21st, 2001, 10:57:01 AM
As Renwel began to speak, Katya looked to him, studying his face. The mask covering the right side of his face didn't bother her; after she initially noticed, she looked past all of it and saw the man for what he appeared to be: shocked? Possibly. Disappointed? More than likely. Not disappointed with her, per se, but in the fact she wasn't the one he seemed to be clinging to but wasn't able to find.
Dark Lord Sodan
Aug 22nd, 2001, 12:00:53 AM
[c]"...Katya..." <font color=silver>He calls out her name as if she was in the room. Sodan stands hovering over the control panel of his ship. He reaches down pulling back the hyperdrive switch. His ship slows down and then finally comes to a stop, floating in space.
Sodan closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, then tries to contact her once more, </font>"...Katya..." <font color=silver>waits a few moments, then tries once more, </font>"...Katya..."
<font color=silver>Sodan stands, dressed in black, his hood hanging down over his head that creates a shadow, which hides the features of his face, </font>"...Katya..."
Katya Glasc
Aug 22nd, 2001, 06:24:29 AM
As Katya continued to tend to the gentleman who seemed a tad distraught still, she canted her head to the side slightly, as if listening for something...or someone.
Dark Lord Sodan
Aug 22nd, 2001, 08:44:23 AM
<font color=silver>Sodan, still trying to find her, continues his search. He closes his eyes trying to find her being. He knows she is not far but there are many planets of head.
Sodan leaves the bridge of his ship and walks to the back. He goes into a room that is completely cleared. He sits in the middle of the floor and concentrates, </font>"...Katya...Tell me where you are..."
Renwel Cushing
Aug 22nd, 2001, 01:25:55 PM
Renwel waited on the bench until he had enough strength to stand. Looking around he saw that no one was paying any attention to him, anymore. He slowly walked to a wall nearest to where Katya entered the lobby. He turned his back towards the wall and leaned against it.
After a few minutes, he looked over to see her emerge from the building. He pushed himself off the wall and strolled over to her.
“I am sorry, I haven’t thanked you properly for aiding me back there” Renwel said as he came into her view. “Have you eaten yet? I was on my way to a diner, before that whole public scene happened. Will you join me? My treat.”
As he said this he could see that she was a little confused and sadden but not by him. I wonder…
Katya Glasc
Aug 22nd, 2001, 01:49:45 PM
Katya was slightly startled as she heard Renwel's voice. She smiled gently then her smiled faltered as she heard that voice again. She glanced around again, feeling a tad uneasy at not being able to see the face of the one calling out to her.
Dark Lord Sodan
Aug 22nd, 2001, 03:13:31 PM
"...Traflin..." <font color=silver>Sodan's eyes slowly open. He stands and exits the room, he heads to the bridge and begins a search. He points down to the screen seeing his target.
Sodna falls back into his command chair and spins about entering coordinates to the planet of Traflin. He then turns back around and pushes the hyperspace handle forward, in a matter of minutes - he is gone.</font>
Renwel Cushing
Aug 23rd, 2001, 02:15:07 PM
Renwel and Katya sat in an uneasy silence as they waited for their orders to be processed. “I haven’t given you my name yet have I? Renwel, Renwel Cushing.” He looked up to see she was staring out the window over the city to where the stars will be, but for now she stared at the clouds.
After a short moment, her gaze changed to Renwel. “Nice to meet you Renwel Cushing” she replied with a smile. Renwel looked around the diner then finally came out and said, “My face mask, I bet you are wondering about my face mask?” Katya shook her head trying to be nice. “Sure you do, everyone does.”
Renwel looked as if he was mentally preparing himself to take a long journey. “It all started six months ago…”, Renwel went off on a sad story about how he had taken a ship, met Jerred, lost his daughter, and just managed to get off the ship which had been set aflame by Jerred’s thermal detonator to live but not before being badly burned.
Towards the end of his story the food came, Renwel was sadden by his tale to the point where his eyes got all tear filled. “I’m sorry, but I had to get that off my chest. I never talk to people with such a kind soul like yours. Tell me, I haven’t heard anything about your past or how you ended up on this planet?”
Katya Glasc
Aug 23rd, 2001, 03:49:34 PM
Katya's attention soon returned to Renwel's as he went on, speaking of a sad, horrible part of his recent past. She took a few bites of the salad that was set before her as she listened to him, though she had overlooked the fact that he wore a mask after her initial notice of it.
Dark Lord Sodan
Aug 23rd, 2001, 04:17:41 PM
<font color=silver>Sodan slows his ship out of hyperspace coming up on Traflin. He begins pressing buttons then flips one switch which cloaks his ship. He then decends into Traflin's atmosphere where he lands his ship on the out skirts of one of the cities.
The ramp slowly lowers as a bright light shines out from what appears to be nothing sence his ship is cloaked. He slowly walks down the ramp looking to the city.
</font>"...Katya..." <font color=silver>he sends to her. He begins his journey to the city, dressed in black from head to toe. A long metallic cylinder rest on his belt yet unseen due to his cape which wraps around his body. His hood lays upon his head, hiding his face from all.</font>
Renwel Cushing
Aug 23rd, 2001, 05:25:50 PM
Renwel took a small bite of his sandwich. This news was quite sad to him Not knowing your own past, that feeling must be horrible. He looked out the window to stare at the busy streets, people moving through the crowd trying to get to their final destination in record time.
His thought wandered for awhile as he watched the people pass. At last he turned back to gaze upon Katya A lost soul… “Let me help you find your past. I have nothing to do and want to pay you back for that embarrassing act I brought upon you; plus you won’t be alone on this unknown planet.” She finally looked up to meet his gaze.
Katya Glasc
Aug 23rd, 2001, 11:54:54 PM
She simply looked at him for a long time without uttering a word. She could read his face and he genuinely meant what he said. With a deep breath, she finally managed a reply.
Dark Lord Sodan
Aug 24th, 2001, 01:03:25 AM
<font color=silver>Sodan walks down the streets of the city. He stands tall walking through the people, pushing some from his way, and not careing if he hurts them or not.
He stops and turns his head about, </font>"...Katya..Tell me where you are..." <font color=silver>He closes his eyes trying to open himself and find her presense some where.
His eyes suddenly shoot open, he begins walking faster. He grabs one mad by the shoulder and lifts him a few feet throwing him to the side. </font><font color=blue>"Ahhhh!..what the heck?!?!" </font><font color=silver>he yells as he flies into a group of people. Sodan keeps walking, only one person on his mind.</font>
Renwel Cushing
Aug 24th, 2001, 12:36:29 PM
Renwel looked out the window again and watched as more people past by. He was tired of being in this sad mood and wanted to liven up this dying party.
He looked out into the crowd to seek out someone small and puny. Finally, he spotted a small man all dressed up in a nerdish fashion.
“What about him?” He points over to the small man pacing quickly across the sidewalk. “He doesn’t look like he has much of a past. If I looked like that I wouldn’t want to know my past…”
He cracked a small smile, which made him feel a little better. Well now that I feel a tiny bit better, I should try to get her to smile...
Katya Glasc
Aug 24th, 2001, 01:12:00 PM
Katya looked to the man who stood out in the crowd, dressed in less than perfect clothing. Thick glasses, rimmed in thick black. His hair was greased back and he pounded away on a calculator. He avoided contact with others and a few in the crowd laughed at him with his blue plaid pants and his banana collared yellow shirt.
Dark Lord Sodan
Aug 24th, 2001, 01:32:14 PM
<font color=silver>Katya looked to Renwal and smiles slightly, her mind else where, many toward the voice that she hears inside. She then turns her head and looks out the window. She scans the view from left to right, she stops and turns her head back to the left. In the middle of the street stands a dark figure draped in black attire. </font><font color=lightblue> “..who is that?” </font><font color=silver>she ask Renwal as she points to the man.
Sodan stands quickly without motion, hover cars zoom around him heading in both directions. He then begins to move forward slowly heading toward the restaurant. One hover car screeches to a halt, inches from hitting him.
</font><font color=blue>“Katya…I’m not liking this,” </font><font color=silver>Renwal speaks as he begins to stands from his seat, Katya following his movements. Sodan reaches the sidewalk where he stops, slowly he brings his hands up from his sides. The windows begin to crack, Katya grabs Renwal’s arm and pulls him to the floor. Suddenly the glass shatters, the thousands pieces of glass shoot forward into the restaurant. The people begins to run away from Sodan on the street, those inside take cover, but most getting cut by the fragments of glass.
Renwal stands up pulling Katya up with him, </font><font color=blue>“We better get out of here!” </font><font color=silver>Sodan moves forward walking into the restaurant, the glass crushing beneath his feet. He raises his hand toward Renwal and force blast him back. Renwal stumbles back and goes into a roll hitting another table. Katya looks to Renwal then back to Sodan.
Sodan slowly turns to her, he brings his hands up grabbing his hood and lowers it from his head and down to his shoulder. His long jet black hair falls to his shoulders as his blue eyes gaze upon Katya, </font>
“…Hello my Dear…”
Renwel Cushing
Aug 24th, 2001, 02:44:14 PM
Renwel stood hunched over; he was in pain from the unseen blast. Rubbing his head, he felt a small dint in his facemask. Lucky for him most of the impact of the table was taken by his mask.
Looking up he could see this tall man dressed all in black standing near Katya. However, his brain saw something else. A view he could remember all too well, one that has been burned into his mind. He glanced around to find his view has been altered as well.
He was back on that ship, his daughter and Jerred where there. Jerred standing next to his daughter, A second chance… Renwel looks down to find glass all over the floor by him. He kneels down and scoops up a hand full of small pieces. Standing as straight as he could, he walks within range of the tall man. Not saying a word he watches the man stare down upon Katya.
Without a delay he hurled the shards of glass towards the face of this unknown being, knowing full well that he will stop most of them. Hopefully some will get through. Renwel ducked low as he started to run at him.
Sodan stared down at Katya letting some of his guard down. Still he could feel the glass bits come toward him. He looked up at the glass, which stopped in front of his face. Although most of the large pieces stopped before reaching him, two or three tiny pieces made in through and hit him on the nose. Lifting his arm quickly he wiped away the few pieces. Then without looking he did another force blast to where Renwel was standing.
He looked over to find Renwel wasn’t standing at that spot anymore. He looked down to see that Katya now was missing too. He raised his head up as he heard the sound of a door shutting
Renwel had Katya by the arm and pulled her out the door of the diner and started to run down the street. “Now, I will help you find your past and he might know something about that but I don’t like his demeanor.” Renwel yelled as he pulled her along.
Katya Glasc
Aug 25th, 2001, 02:42:43 AM
As Katya was pulled from the restaurant by Renwel, she did her best to keep up with his run through the crowded streets. Her mind was now reeling with who that could of been back there and why he had gone to so much trouble to get to her.
Dark Lord Sodan
Aug 29th, 2001, 11:32:16 AM
<font color=silver>Sodan brings his hands together, then slowly parts them, as he does so the chairs, table, and even people begin to slide upon the floor, parting like the red sea and opening a lane to the door. He walks across the floor and upon reaching the door he sends his right boot into it. The door falls down with a loud thud and Sodan steps through.
</font>"...Do not run from me Katya..." <font color=silver>he yells through the ally as he begins walk down it. He walks further listening carefully, </font>"...Do not hide from me my dear, show yourself..."
<font color=silver>Sodan stopped a few feet from the hiding spot of where Renwal and Katya were. Katya took a few steps to the entrance and then looked out into the ally, </font><font color=lightblue>"He is gone..." </font><font color=silver>Suddenly a hand snatches her and pulls her out. Sodan wraps his arms around her tightly as he whispers into her ear, </font>"...Remember..."
Katya Glasc
Aug 29th, 2001, 11:40:05 AM
Katya was terrified by the sound of the deep, commanding voice yelling at her down the alley. With her heart racing and barely able to breathe, she peered out from their hiding place and screamed outloud when a hand grabbed her and pulled her into a tight embrace.
Dark Lord Sodan
Aug 31st, 2001, 08:46:14 AM
<font color=silver>Renwal came out of hiding and began running toward them both, </font>"Hey!..Drop her now!" <font color=silver>Sodan paid no attention to him and kept walking. Renwal caught up to him and grabbed Sodan's shoulder. Sodan jerked about swinging his left arm back, backhanding Renwal to the floor. He stood over Renwal staring down at him, letting him know it isnt wise to try and stop him.
Sodan then turns and walks into the restaurant he had destroyed earlier. The glass crunching beneath his feet and he passed through holding Katya in his arms. He walked out of the entrance and turned to the left on the street heading back to his ship. Slowly Katya began to awake...</font>
Renwel Cushing
Aug 31st, 2001, 04:03:29 PM
Renwel rubbed his cheek as he could feel that it would swell in a little while. Uncertain of what he should do to prevent Katya from being taken away.
He stood up from the floor and suddenly felt a small prick on the lower left side of his back, in which jogged his memory. He took a small blaster from the ship for his safety on this unknown planet, before he met Katya.
the blaster… he ran to Sodan and lifted the back part of his shirt to pull out a small black blaster and leveled it off at the base of Sodan’s long hair. “Now then…I have said I would help this young lady and I will.” Renwel paused for a second waiting for a response. Nothing.
“You wouldn’t be the first person I have had to kill in the sake of protecting someone. Now, who are you and how do you know Katya?”
Katya Glasc
Aug 31st, 2001, 04:42:46 PM
Katya began to stir in the Dark Lord's arms as she regained her conciousness again. Bringing a hand to her forehead, she squinted her eyes; then they suddenly went wide again when she realized he was carrying her now. She looked back and saw Renwel getting up and rubbing his cheek, getting further away as Sodan continued on his way, unphased by anything that's been tried on him yet.
Dark Lord Sodan
Sep 2nd, 2001, 04:58:00 PM
<font color=silver>Sodan slowly sets her down upon her feet. His eyes gaze into her's, he brings his one hand up gently running it along the side of her face. He then moves his hand down the side of her body taking her right hand into his left, </font>"...Remember my Dear..."
<font color=silver>Suddenly he pivots back on his left foot bringing his right hand up, Renwal's blaster slips from Renwal's grasp and quickly floats into Sodan's hand.
He turns back to Katya as he tosses the blaster out to the side. He holds Katya's hand into his keeping her close. He says nothing else to her, letting his eyes do the talking.</font>
Katya Glasc
Sep 2nd, 2001, 06:26:33 PM
Katya stepped back a few paces once the Dark Lord had set her down. Easing a lock of hair from her cheek, her hand lightly brushed against his fingers as he caressed her face. Not knowing what to do, she stood there, figuring if she did that, then Renwel wouldn't be hurt and perhaps she would be let go.
Renwel Cushing
Sep 2nd, 2001, 11:46:52 PM
Touched by what he has just heard, Renwel felt kind of bad that he had to break the moment. But he must find out what this guy is about. “Hi, we probably got off to a bad start, my name is Renwel Cushing…”
He waited for a sign from Sodan, but he just stared down at Katya. So Renwel went on “How do you know…Katya? Do you know anything about her past?”
Dark Lord Sodan
Sep 3rd, 2001, 12:43:35 AM
<font color=silver>Sodan stares into her eyes. Renwal speaks from behind Sodan, yet Sodan pays no heed. Katya looks back at him, biting her lower lip, wondering whats going to happen next. Renwal keeps going, </font><font color=lightblue>“Sir, please, can you tell us anything?” </font><font color=silver>Sodan breaks contact from Katya and turns his head to the side looking back at Renwal. Slowly he raises his right hand and slowly begins to close it using the force to choke Renwal. </font><font color=lightblue>“What are…..y-you….” </font><font color=silver>Renwal brings his hands to his throat gasping for air.
Katya looks down to Sodan’s hand in her’s, she notice a gold ring on his ring finger. She wonders then quickly brings her head up looking back to Renwal. Renwal drops to his knees gasping for air. </font><font color=lightblue>“Please!…release him!” </font><font color=silver>Katya bangs on Sodan’s chest with her left fist. As she does so she notice a gold ring on her own finger. She stops, her eyes stare at the ring on her hand.
Sirens begin to fill the air with noise. Lights brighten the area even more as the authorities of the city rush to the restaurant. Sodan opens his right hand as he turns his head looking at all the craft stopping infront of the place. Renwal coughs, as he finally is able to breathe. Sodan looks down to Katya, </font>“…Stay close…”
Katya Glasc
Sep 3rd, 2001, 09:03:31 PM
Katya slipped from the Dark Lord's grasp on her hand and immediately went to Renwel. "Are you alright?" She asked him, her voice full of concern. She had no idea what the Dark Lord had planned, but she looked up to him as she knelt by Renwel, slipping her arm into his to help him stand.
Renwel Cushing
Sep 3rd, 2001, 09:53:13 PM
Renwel felt the warmth of Katya’s touch as she helped him stand. His hands still rubbed his swelling neck as he rose. “Th…Thank you” he made out in a puff of air.
His emotions rose to just below the surface when he heard Kayta speak. He hasn’t had anyone care about him in a long time. He looked over to Sodan and decided to try one more attempt at find something, anything about him.
“Well, it seems you will get nowhere till you tell us how you know Katya and if you know about her past.” Katya looked up to Sodan as she stood by Renwel’s side, she made a faint nod.
Dark Lord Sodan
Sep 4th, 2001, 12:28:45 AM
<font color=silver>Sodan turns toward them, the authorities now surrounding the place, he has Renwal to blame. Though he dosent attack him, at least not yet. Slowly he walks to them quickly taking Katya's hand and pulling her to him.
Sodan slowly brings his hand up to her cheek as he looks into her eyes. He then lets go of her hand slipping the ring from his finger, he reads, </font>"...Katya and Sodan..."
<font color=silver>Katya's eyes widen as he reads, she watches him place the ring back upon his finger. Sodan looks to her, </font>"...Read yours..."
Katya Glasc
Sep 4th, 2001, 04:44:26 PM
This time, when the Dark Lord came towards her, she took a step back, but he had grabbed her arm before she step back far enough. As he pulls her to him, she resists, again this is futile. Why does this man keep insisting??? She thought to herself.
Dark Lord Sodan
Sep 4th, 2001, 05:04:12 PM
<font color=silver>Sodan wrapped his cape around Katya bundling her up. He lifts her up into his arms, with his eyes closed he still seemed to know where he was. He heads out the back of the restaurant shouting to Renwal,</font> “...Keep up...” <font color=silver>Sodan slid to a halt noticing the authorities had indeed surrounded the place. He growled low staring at the few vehicles that blocked his way.
Renwal stopped beside Sodan, coughing and wheezing from the gas. Suddenly one of the vehicles swooped into the air, turned, and then came crashing own onto another. The men flee from the sigh not knowing what was going on, Renwal looked on wide-eyed. Sodan began walking holding Katya close to him.
Sodan moved through the city, walking in the shadows to keep from sight. The authorities sailing through the streets looking for him. He looks down to Katya, </font>"...I’m taking you home my dear...”
Renwel Cushing
Sep 5th, 2001, 04:48:47 PM
Renwel’s throat burned as he coughed out the remaining tear gas. His eyes overwhelmed by water, he hardly could see where he was going. His ears unaffected by the gas picked up Sodan speaking over all the sirens
“…I’m taking you home my dear…” he said as he looked down upon Katya.
I wonder how he really knows her…but I will keep my mouth shut about that for now…so he doesn’t attack me again…
“Is Katya OK? I heard her fall and make a small shout of pain.” Sodan stopped it his tracks and looked back towards Renwel with an intense glare. Finally, he realized what Renwel had said and he set Katya down and unwrapped his cloak to find her bleeding and pieces of glass sticking out of her arms.
Dark Lord Sodan
Sep 5th, 2001, 08:48:17 PM
<font color=silver>Sodan gently removed the pieces of glass from her arms. Katya gave out a few little cries but for the most part was silent. Sodan then gently wiped away the blood, then ripped pieces of cloth from his shirt and wrapped her arms in it.
Slowly he lifted her back up into his arms and heading out of the city. Renwel followed behind as Sodan moved faster and faster. After a while, Sodan finally stopped, Renwel dropped to his knees resting as he watched, </font><font color=lightblue>"Now what?" <font color=silver>Sodan payed no attention as he clicked a button on his belt, suddenly a large vessel appeared before him.
Renwel eyes widen then he quickly got up and followed Sodan up the ramp and disappeard into the belly of the steel monster. Renwel sat down as Sodan disappeared into a room placing Katya upon the table and placing bacta bandages on her arms.
The ship began to shake and then lifted from the ground. Renwel held onto his seat as the ship shot off into space leaving Traflin's atmosphere. Sodan stayed at Katya's side, watching over her.</font>
Katya Glasc
Sep 7th, 2001, 12:58:15 PM
Katya continued to blink rapidly as her eyes still burned a bit from the tear gas. Wincing sharply, allowing a few cries to be uttered as the glass shards were removed from her hands and forearms, she thought she felt the ground beneath her shake.
Renwel Cushing
Sep 7th, 2001, 04:53:40 PM
As Renwel sat there, alone with his thoughts he still couldn’t help but wonder how those two knew each other. His thoughts wandered about for awhile, until he came to the realization that they were leaving the planet.
He couldn’t believe that he tried so hard to help this lady that he forgot all about his own mission. Letting out a long sigh, he remembered that his own ship was down on the planet too. Oh well, I just stole that ship and nothing on it was mine. His mood suddenly dropped as he realized that he hasn’t had anything of his own for a long time.
Shaking his head and rubbing his face he decided to look around the ship. I wonder if there is anything here that will tell me a little about…I never did get his name. Renwel stood and made a half circle as he looked around the main lobby area. Noticing a small shelf at the far end of the room, he glanced back to see if Sodan was staying in the other room for now.
He made his way over to the shelf and analyzed in carefully. It was a basic metal shelf plate, which looked magnetized. Not a rare thing to find on a ship as the magnet keeps the ornaments from sliding around during space travel.
Leaning in to see more closely, he found only a few odds and ends placed on it. In the middle of it all was a die-cast ballerina. Odd thing for him to have…
Katya Glasc
Sep 9th, 2001, 10:46:45 PM
Katya sat up on the table, her arms feeling a bit better now that the bacta patches were beginning to ease the pain.
Dark Lord Sodan
Sep 18th, 2001, 09:20:30 AM
<font color=silver>Sodan slowly walked to her, </font>"...Renwel waits in the hall..." <font color=silver> Sodan gazed into her eyes. He then slowly brings his hands up placing them on her cheeks, </font>"...Please, remember Love..." <font color=silver>He then leans in and gently places his lips upon her's kissing her softly.</font>
Renwel Cushing
Sep 20th, 2001, 03:24:39 PM
Renwel turned back around and walked towards the left side of the room. Looking over the long wall ahead, he noticed that it was mostly empty all across, except straight in the middle there was a single picture.
At the angle Renwel was standing, the light hid the picture itself but he could see the size was quite large by the fine crafted frame. Cough…Cough he cringes his face and grasped his throat. The tear gas still burned in his body.
He turned back and looked for the nearest chair. Sitting quickly he put his head between his knees and whizzed deeply. His investigation had to be put on hold for now.
Katya Glasc
Sep 21st, 2001, 09:25:44 AM
Katya had backed away at first, only to find the table preventing her from moving back any further. As the Dark Lord's hands cupped her face gently, a memory was sparked ...A wedding ... many people gathered, dressed in their finest .... candles ... words...
As soon as his lips brushed against hers, she saw herself in these memories, gowned in antiqued lace with a veil. Standing before her was .... this Dark Lord.
She pulled away from him and manuevered around him, looking at him as if she were either shocked or hurt; more confused was actually what she felt.
Something caught her eye in the background and sent a chill up her spine as a sudden quick flash of hundreds of people fleeing to the streets for a reason she cannot see yet.
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