View Full Version : The shadow of the Light (open challenge)

Aug 31st, 2001, 02:14:23 AM
Akrabbim practices the various forms with his sword, combining his movements with ever more complex illusion. He practices moving opposite his illusion image, creating multiple illusion images, and simple chaotic form and color. As he trains, he detects the presence of another. He stops his training and faces the source of the disturbance.

Lord Gue
Aug 31st, 2001, 02:28:09 PM
[i]He had let his guard down to watch the jedi practice, he had found it.....entertaining. As the jedi knight turned and faced his direction, he sensed the jig was up and he had been detected. Slowly he emerged from the shadows, his coat teetering on its edge. He held his lightsaber by his side, a simple one blade model that had served him well over the years, it was time to let one knight know where his place was in the scheme. That time was now...

Aug 31st, 2001, 11:31:39 PM
Akrabbim sees the Force user, and levels his blade at the man's eyes.

Who are you? And what do you want?

Lord Gue
Sep 1st, 2001, 02:12:27 PM
"I my good man, am Michael Gue, and I wish to remind you that there is a greater force in this universe than good"[i]He grined, slowly moving his hand into his coat, slow enough that the other man could make a move before he did anything

Sep 3rd, 2001, 06:36:58 PM
Akrabbim shakes his head slowly...

Strong you may be, but that does not make you correct. There is nothing more powerful than the Light. Strike me down if you must, but you will not stop the Light.

slayn rainyer
Sep 4th, 2001, 04:59:37 PM
::Both the men sence his presance well befroe he steps out::


*Slayn though to himself as he stumbled apon the seen.Surely luck had favored him today.Listening to akrabbim speak of power he found grate amusement.They realy don't see how insagnificant we all are.*

OOC:If this is to much of an interuption i'll leave just let me know.

Lord Gue
Sep 4th, 2001, 08:13:29 PM
Ignoring the man that had just made himself known he talked to the jedi of light."Ah, but to the contrary, the less force users the less powerfull the light side becomes. Then again, thats not my preocupation, i care not wether the light or the dark side are extinquished, just as long as they remain the same."

Sep 5th, 2001, 12:03:28 AM
Akrabbim shakes his head slowly...

You might as well be a nihilist. But if that is your desire, so be it. I will stand for the Light.

Lord Gue
Sep 6th, 2001, 11:17:45 AM
"Then to even things out I must defend the dark side. Prepare for battle"[i]He gripped his lightsaber by his side, still not lighted, but ready at the moments notice

slayn rainyer
Sep 6th, 2001, 12:42:12 PM
*Watching on as the two would begin there dance.Gue knew he was of no thret and slayn didn't think the jedi would be as foolish as to atack him.Standing there his figuer unchanged he shook his head and sighed*
Heh hehehe...just in time for the show...

Lord Gue
Sep 6th, 2001, 07:56:50 PM
(Who does he think he is? As soon as im done with this force of good I must shut this other man up for his own good)

Sep 6th, 2001, 08:44:25 PM
If you will not be dissuaded, then I have no choice.

Akrabbim concentrates, letting the Force flow through him. He summons up illusion, letting it build, before releasing it in a blinding flash of light. In the moment of disorientation, Akrabbim rushes Gue, aiming an elbow to his neck.

Lord Gue
Sep 6th, 2001, 08:50:18 PM
[i]Unfortunatly for the lesser man, Gue was an excellent artist of illusion as well for as Akrabbim struck at his neck, Michael vanished like a puff of smoke as his saber appeared to Akrabbim, coming down in a wide loop that forced him to fall backwards to evade it.

Sep 7th, 2001, 10:18:49 PM
Akrabbim rolls as he hits the ground, dropping any illusions. He then focuses all his energy on seeing through the all-too-familiar illusion power. He focuses his mind, blocking out everything he can. He draws a shuriken, flinging it at the man's knee.

Lord Gue
Sep 8th, 2001, 02:34:01 PM
[i]He abruptly did a foreward flip, allowing the weapon to pass under him as he planted his hands into the ground, pushing off and towards Akrabbim. Akrabbim moves to counter what appears to be an arial kick by grabing his legs and swinging him to the ground, but in the attempt is elbowed right in the neck and knocked to the ground with Michael.

Sep 8th, 2001, 10:32:56 PM
OOC: Please don't make moves for me.

IC: Akrabbim shakes off the attack from Michael, recovering from the blow to the neck. He rolls away from the man, drawing the hooked tip of his katana hilt across the back of the man's arm. The weapon makes a shallow slice into the muscle, leaving a stinging gash in his arm.

Lord Gue
Sep 9th, 2001, 06:32:06 PM
OOC: Sorry, thats the way I was taught and I keep doing that on accident

IC: [i]Having not felt the sting of a stab wound in a long time he winced and pulled his arm away from the source of pain. Spinning about he came face to face with his adversary as he wheeled back and slammed his forehead to the other mans. As he stumbled back in disary, Gue fell back onto his right hand and spun his legs out to trip Akrabbim up.

Sep 10th, 2001, 12:30:33 AM
OOC: S'ok. :)

IC: Akrabbim barely sees the leg coming and jumps just in time to avoid the full attack. He calls his shuriken back to him, aiming the shuriken into Gue's right hand. However, Akrabbim does not jump quite fast enough, and Gue's leg catches the bottom of his foot. His shuriken's path is slightly altered in the process, and instead of burying itself in Gue's wrist, it only nicks it. Akrabbim hits the ground near Gue, getting ready to roll away.

Lord Gue
Sep 11th, 2001, 03:42:52 PM
[i]Using the rush of adrenaline the pain had given him he whips his arm down, using the full brunt of his upper arm to smash at his midsection with brute force, unfortunatly Akrabbim rolls away quickly enough to where his arm struck the ground. Gue looks up and readiess his defensive stance, preparing for Akrabbim's offensive.

Sep 11th, 2001, 08:22:57 PM
Akrabbim inverts his sword, with the point down and the blade up against the back of his left arm. He stands with his left foot back, right foot forward, holding his free hand out as a guide in front of him. He advances in this position, looking for an opening.

Lord Gue
Sep 14th, 2001, 09:29:54 AM
[i]Gue brings his saber up, lining it straight up from his toes and flat in front of his face. The glow shining eerily upon him. He holds his elbows out and legs planted firmly on the ground. He holds this position awaiting Akrabbim's next move

Sep 14th, 2001, 07:35:35 PM
Akrabbim draws a shuriken with his free hand, flinging it at Gue's head. As soon as the weapon leaves his hand, Akrabbim rushes forward, moving low. He times his attack so that he is within striking distance of Gue just as his shuriken reaches his head. He swings low, aiming for his knees.

Lord Gue
Sep 15th, 2001, 02:09:18 PM
[i]Gue drops backwards, allowing the weapon to fly over him. As Akrabbim swings at his legs with the primative blade weapon he kicks the blade solid in its shaft, knocking it up still in Akrabbim's hands. Following through he procedes to kick Akrabbim in the chin with his other foot which was following through

Sep 16th, 2001, 10:47:27 PM
Akrabbim reels from the kick, slamming his blade into the ground to stop himself. Once he gains control of his momentum, he pushes off the weapon and extends his foot. With the extra extention, he is able to hit Gue on the hip, causing him to shift sideways a bit.

Lord Gue
Sep 17th, 2001, 03:08:57 PM
[i]As he regained his footing he placed his hand to his side, bringing it up to his face to recieve the site of blood on his hand. He smiled evily as he licked the blood off as a cat would milk. He turned off his lightsaber, placing it back in its holster on his belt and prepared a fully hands on defensive position. He then turned it into the crouching lotus position.

Sep 18th, 2001, 10:21:00 PM
Akrabbim advances slightly on the crouching Sith, moving just outside of range of the man. He dips the tip of the sword into the ground, then flips it up abruptly, sending a small clod of dirt towards Gue's head. He continues the movement of the sword, swinging in on the man's body.

Lord Gue
Sep 19th, 2001, 09:00:23 AM
[i]He quickly threw his arm out, straight across the blade so that when it struck him it sliced directly through the skin, making a clean cut that would be easier to heal as the blade became lodged in the bone of his arm. He quickly blocked out the pain and grabed the blade with his other hand, shoving it back towards the other man, hiting him in the gut, then forcing the weapon out of his hands. He quickly dislodged the item from his arm and proceded to snap it over his leg.

Sep 19th, 2001, 11:43:56 PM
OOC: That katana is made of quantum metal. It'd have sliced clean through your arm (as would even a normal katana with anywhere near a correct cutting method). As well, the stuffs unbreakable. You can't break it over your knee. And even if that move were possible, you'd bleed to death in about a minute. Unless you have the ability to heal, which is usually a light side move...

Lord Gue
Sep 20th, 2001, 02:59:49 PM
OOC: Remember, Im shadow Jedi. Quantum Metal? I'll edit my post, but thing is even the best of slices can be stoped by a bone.

Sith Ahnk
Sep 20th, 2001, 03:03:49 PM
OOC: Gues right, quantum metal or not, you would have to be at point-blank to cut through bone.

Cirrsseeto Raurrssatta
Sep 20th, 2001, 04:49:17 PM
OOC: Have you guys ever really seen a Katana at work before? These things can cut through bone quite cleanly.

Japanese officers in WW2 used to test the sharpness of their katanas by seeing how many heads they could chop off of POWs sitting in a row. And these were the lesser-quality steel katanas. Nobody truly knows the original formula for Samurai katana steel. Its a mystery, like Damascus steel.

Now, imagine a quantum alloy, which is nearly indestructible, formed into a traditional katana.

It would go through bone very easily.

And Gue...for the millionth time....SHADOW JEDI ARE CRAP!

Sep 21st, 2001, 02:00:25 PM
OOC: My sensei told me about a woman he knows who could more than easily make such a cut. She is able to cut four of the cutting mats (mats of straw with a bamboo center) that are standing upright in a single blow. These are not anchored in any way. They are merely standing on the ground. She cuts cleanly through ALL FOUR of them in one strike. So my character, who has trained with a katana AND is aided by Force-enhanced speed, would slice your arm clean off. Heck, even I (the r/t me) could take someone's arm off with my normal katana.

Sep 25th, 2001, 02:09:54 PM
TTT again

Sep 30th, 2001, 11:05:13 PM
OOC: Gue, you still in this one?

Slayn Rainyer
Sep 30th, 2001, 11:47:09 PM
OOC: I'm sure he is. I'm just showing I still am...

Slayn Rainyer
Sep 30th, 2001, 11:48:34 PM
OOC: I'm sure he is. I'm just showing I still am...>D

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Oct 1st, 2001, 10:00:04 AM
Guys, keep the OOC comments in OOC please

Lord Gue
Oct 1st, 2001, 01:34:24 PM
OOC: Sorry forgot about this thread, and appearently i wasnt a user when i was posting so i cant edit the old post so just forget about it
IC:[i]He jumped backward, sucking in his stomache and leaning back. He fell backwards and landed on his rearside, kicking up and planting both feet in A's side, using the ground for leverage he pushed back throwing him aside a few feet as he quickly leaped to his feet.

Slayn Rainyer
Oct 2nd, 2001, 09:22:10 PM
* Slayn remained as he was. Standing there he watched the two fight and awaited the out come, or the victor. *

Oct 3rd, 2001, 12:00:44 AM

The blow sends Akrabbim backwards, knocking the wind out of him. He recovers his breath and slings his sword towards Gue. Guiding the blade with the Force, he sends the blade spiraling towards the man's chest.