View Full Version : the quickness (open challenge to a jedi)

Sep 13th, 2001, 12:31:44 PM
It was dusk, and the shroud of darkness was slowly setteling over the night sky. There was no sound for miles except the soft chirp of crickets. A fire had been lit in a clearing, just off of the coast. Beside that fire was the beast that had lit it, Tempist Opps. Tempist had gone out on his own to try to relax, and maybe further his skills some. The tranquility around him helped him forget about the problems of his life at TSE for a while, and he almost fell asleep untill he was awaken by he russeling of leaves. He sensed the force, but was unsure of what side. "What do you want?"

Sep 13th, 2001, 02:55:12 PM
Akrabbim steps forward into the clearing, addressing the Sith near the fire.

I want to know what your business is in this area. I would hope your intentions are... benign...

Sep 13th, 2001, 03:39:38 PM
"My intentions were to get away from my hastles for a while and train. You have just stoped me from doing so by bothering me. Is there a point to your visit, or am I going to have to make you unable to do so again?"

With that, Tempist rose from his seat, in his human form. If indeed this jedi wanted to fight than he would probably shift first, prepare himself for this illusionist. He rested his hand on the hilt of Infinity to show that he was not in any mood to be toyed with.

"Make your choice, jedi" he said with a tone of pure hate in his voice.

Sep 13th, 2001, 09:46:47 PM
Akrabbim draws his quantum metal katana, but uses an illusion to make it appear as a lightsaber.

My choice is to not stand down against a Dark Sider. I will not be dissuaded.

Miryan no Trunks
Sep 14th, 2001, 02:42:28 AM
*A sudden flash of grey appeared to Akrabbim's right, the tones quickly chaning hues and shades, until the shape had taken on the form of Tempist's master, MnT.. He looked over both warriors, noting with some slight dissapointment the cheap and dishonorable tactics the Jedi was already employing, so early in the battle, and then crossed his arms, a telepathic message reaching out to the two..*

" ... Don't worry, I'll not interfere, I'm merely here to witness my apprentice in battle.."

Sep 14th, 2001, 10:36:11 AM
Tempist saw Akrabbim draw his saber, which seemed a futile attempt at a threat to him. This was no man, he was a jedi. Lower than the scum on his boots. He would no doubt use trickery in this match. Tempist closed his eyes, and reached out with the force, just to make sure he knew what the threat was currently. He mentaly exaimened Akrabbim and his weapon, seeing what type of saber it was. If it were standard he would simply use his fahter's sword....

"Nice try, moron"

He drew his massive broad sword, one of the few strong enough to battle a saber, and more than enough for this coward's toy knife.

"You want to disturb my rest? Then YOU attack first jedi, let your code of honor crumble under your feet."

He shifted his position into one more suitable for battle, leaving one very small hole in his defense, which was too hard for anyone unskilled with a REAL blade to hit.

Sep 14th, 2001, 11:50:02 PM
Akrabbim bows slightly, gesturing with his hand.

No, I insist, after you...

As Akrabbim finishes making the gesture with his hand, he draws and throws a shuriken, covering it in an Illusion of invisibility. The weapon flies into the opening, nicking the man's side. He calls the shuriken back in, and addresses the Sith.

... but since you so kindly offered, I guess I'll accept.

Sep 15th, 2001, 11:01:54 AM
Using the new found pain, Tempist gave amoderatley strong force push to the jedi's ankle, and watched him fall to one knee. He steped forward, with his blade drawn. Instead of decapitating the knight where he was, he threw a throwing knife that he keeps up his sleve into the jedi's sholder.

"This I owe you"

Tempist force pulled his own blade back into his hand.

"Such a shame, a being as powerful as yourself would do good as a sith"

Sep 16th, 2001, 12:29:45 AM
Akrabbim winces at the pain, calming himself with the Force. He smiles beneath his face mask laughing internally at the single-mindedness of the Sith. To them, there is nothing greater in the universe than power. No sense of justice. Perhaps a lesson in right and wrong is necessary.

No, the Darkness holds no interest to me. I greatly prefer the LIGHT!

As he speaks the final word, he launches a strong Force Blindness attack, sending an image of pure white light into the Sith's mind. In the moment he has available, he launches his body at the man, slamming the hilt of his blade into the his nose. He continues in his trajectory, finishing in a roll. He turns and faces the man, waiting for the inevitable counter attack.

Miryan no Trunks
Sep 16th, 2001, 04:57:54 AM
*MnT sighed aloud.. The psychic static emenating from the two made it obvious that this was simply another manufactured Jedi, simply fed hate-propaganda to make him think the absolute worst, and least, about the Sith...*

... You are mistaken in your thoughts, and "knowledge".. For one, most Sith keep going Because of their drive for Justice.. In my own case, and quite a number of others, it is because those we cared for, innocents in the world, were struck down because of the delusional sense of Justice all of you Jedi follow..

*Nodding with a frown, he demonstrated that he'd said what he wanted to, and that they could continue.. As the two began to battle again, MnT followed up, with a thought to himself..*

" ... Besides, considering the cheap and entirely dishonorable tactics that he seems to thrive on, it's a wonder he can even Call himself a Jedi.."

Sep 16th, 2001, 08:46:50 AM
Tempist allowed a small grin at the jedi's lame attack. It did next to nothing to him, his body stronger than when in other forms simply because now it had less mass, molecules were weved tighter now. He closed his eyes, and started playing with the mind of this jedi, sending his own pain into Akrabbim's mind. This jedi was so used to casting illusions that he forgot how to defend himself.

"No sense of justice? Your kind killed my father. One of your own raped and slaughtered my mother when she was defenseless. You bastards slayed my brother, he was 13. This IS justice. What reason do YOU have to hate, little one?"

With this last word, he blinked a few times and the illusion of light disapeared. He stood ready for this coward's next attack, setting up mental barriers.

Sep 16th, 2001, 10:52:24 PM
Akrabbim blocks the mental attack as he listens to more of the Sith's ravings. After he is done, Akrabbim replies to his outrageous claims.

You say that a Jedi brutally murdered your family? I seriously doubt that. Do you truly believe someone could use the Light Side of the Force if they did such things? Have you so deluded yourself that you can believe something like that? You are more of a fool than I previously thought.

Sep 17th, 2001, 03:21:57 PM
"Deluded? I know exactly what I saw, I know exactly what happened. I was there, I took part in the fiasco. I fought and slayed the jedi that killed my father, as well as two that slaughtered my family when they were defenseless. There may have been a third, but he was too much of a coward to come forth. Instead he used illusions, much like yourself, and hid. I want to watch all of you bastards suffer, for if there were four corrupt jedi, then there are bound to be more. THAT is why I chose darkness, to lurk in the shadows.... revenge is a bittersweet feeling. Ive felt the bitterness of it, im simply waiting for the sweetness of the destruction of your kind."

With each word his tone got more and more enraged, to the point where his words stung the ears like bees. He held out his hand, aiming just past Akrabbim's head... and clenched his fist. A large stone, easily half the size of the jedi, slammed into Akrabbim's back.

"...... and no matter how much light there is in a soul, there will always be darkness."

Morino Ryu
Sep 18th, 2001, 08:46:04 PM
My black cloak flies back behind me in the wind as I approach MnT's side, feeling the emanations from the battle far away, and coming to investigate.

I bow respectfully to MnT, Tempis, and surprisingly, to the strange Jedi. I watch the fight as I mentally speak with MnT

(Greetings.... Though I do not usually reveal much of my past, I find it intriguing to know that we share more than just a brotherhood in the Darkside, and also the same Mistress.... Our pasts are similar... most intriguing indeed.)

I then speak to the Jedi.

"It is the hypocritic thoughts of the Jedi that makes things the way that they are... They are blinded by this "Light side" of theirs.... blinded by their own self-arrogance, blinded by their hopeless ideals...."

Sep 18th, 2001, 10:28:44 PM
The rock slams into Akrabbim's back, knocking him flat. His concentration on the mental aspects of the Force leave him nearly defenseless to its physical side. He returns to his feet, blocking the pain with the Force and simple discipline.

Akrabbim turns his head toward Morino. He gestures towards the man with his hand, sending a wave of Force Blindness into his mind.

And you are blinded by the Light. Now be silent. I am busy.

Akrabbim turns back toward his foe. He will try once more to persuade the man to listen to reason. Failing that... physicality may be the last option.

You are gravely mistaken. No true Jedi would be ABLE to do such a thing. Perhaps they may have killed your father in battle, but not while he was defenseless. The other actions you saw these men do obviously shows them to be something other than Jedi. If you felt Light Side signatures, they were illusions.

Akrabbim briefly masks his signature to match that of a Dark Sider.

You see? If I can darken my signature, they could lighten theirs. You have been mistaken, but you are too blinded by rage to see reason. So, if this fight must continue, fight on. I will not yield.

EDIT: Forgot to react to the rock. Sorry.

Sep 18th, 2001, 11:22:09 PM
"If the light side of the force is as powerful as you pretend to let it be, than you and your kind would have no need to fight me and my kind. And the fact that you could change your signature to darkness simply means that your already one step there."

ooc: shouldnt your character be showing some kind of pain for a rock being slamed into his back from the force?

Sep 19th, 2001, 01:01:45 AM
OOC: Oops, sorry dude... I knew I was forgetting something... I'll edit it now. My bad, you're entirely correct.

IC: Incorrect. We MUST fight your kind. It is our duty. Your kind destroys the lives of others. The Dark Side is built of destruction and decay. Look at the Masters of your ilk... they are all aging at an advanced rate, brought on by the ravages of the Dark Side. The Light is life. And Darkness is death. And an illusion is neither good nor bad. It is a tool. Your argument is invalid. But enough talk. If you will not be dissuaded from your course of action, we are wasting breath.

Akrabbim raises his sword, preparing to attack.

Miryan no Trunks
Sep 19th, 2001, 02:43:44 AM
... Light is merely a cover for the darkness of shadow.. Life is a short period of time followed by eternal death.. All light fades, and everything dies.. To believe that you can one day win against those who understand that, is a deluded dream..

*The words echoed across the field, and into the ears of all around..*

... The way of the Jedi is to escape reality by feeding themselves lies until they believe them to be truth.. There are Sith Masters who look younger and more healthful than you, OR I..

*He closed his eyes, and shook his head slightly.. The words reached out to Akrabbim's mind, and Akrabbim's alone*

" ... And an Illusion is a cheap and dishonorable way of gaining a quick advantage in a battle, by causing your opponents senses to work against them, leaving them unaware of what's really happening. In the same sense, shooting someone through the spine is not dark nor light, for the gun and the blast are merely tools.. Do not try and justify the darkness of your own techniques, by putting distance between you and them.. You're still the one Using them.."

Sep 19th, 2001, 11:32:47 AM
"Without death there can be no life worth living. If there were no death than there would be too much life, over populating what there is there, exhausting the rescorces, and making all life suffer. Death is a gift, ment to slience the cries of the weak. Your kind destories the lives of others as well, is that not what you are trying to do to me now? Bah, you are not as bright as I thought you to be, its no wonder that you are a jedi..."

With that being said, he lifted his own blade, and prepaired to strike. Instead of lashing out with his sword, he used the incrediable muscles in his legs to leap over Akrabbim. Tempist landed right behind the jedi knight, and landed a blow with his fist to the light sider's face, giving him just enough time to turn. He then lifted his sword again, and took a lash at Akrabbim's right arm.

Sep 19th, 2001, 11:54:59 PM
Akrabbim relaxes as the blow lands, lessening the impact. As the man begins to swing, Akrabbim steps in on the man. Heis within the man's swing radius, putting him out of danger of the strike. He plants his elbow in the man's Xiphoid process, and continues turning. He locks one hand onto the man's throat and uses the physical connection to fill the man's mind with Force Confusion.

Your mind is full of turmoil and illogic. Therefore, I see no reason not to increase your confusion.

EDIT: Thanks, I was wondering about the spelling.

Keerrourri Sarrtarroa
Sep 20th, 2001, 12:44:41 AM
OOC: Its Xiphoid process....but...OW, nonetheless :x

Sep 20th, 2001, 05:59:29 PM
This jedi was trying another one of his tricks on tempist. His vision went slightly blurry as the area around him started to spin and twist. He closed his eyes, and sent a message to the coward through the force

No matter what you do, your illusions will only work for so long...

He could sense this jedi was near, and through the pain and confusion, tempist managed to clear his head slightly.... enough to land a blow to Akrabbim's temple. His vision returned to normal quickly, as if the jedi had not prepaired for any type of physical abuse while he played his tricks. The pain stayed, but tempist did not care anymore. He raised his hand, force lifting another large stone. This one slamed into Akrabbim's right leg, and cracked. The larger of the two peices flew at tempist, and slamed into his chest. He stumbeled a few paces back, but braced himself for the trickster's retaliation.

ooc: you kicked me somewhere i cant even pronounce! i had to go on yahoo to find out what it was. they said it was a goth band. then MnT found it on excite lol

Sep 21st, 2001, 01:38:24 PM
OOC: Actually, it was an elbow. Anyway, you learned something about anatomy. :)

Sep 21st, 2001, 03:33:08 PM
ooc: and goth bands as well

ic: tempist awaits akrabbim's next attack

Sep 22nd, 2001, 09:48:38 PM
As the rock hits, Akrabbim goes down quickly. Fortunately, the rock hits Tempist as well. In the moment of disorientation, Akrabbim dives toward Tempis with his good leg. He goes in low, sliding past his left knee. Akrabbim uses the hooked end of his sword's hilt and digs into the back of his opponent's knee. The hook catches most of the tendons. He yanks his sword free, violently ripping the back of the man's knee apart.

Tempist Opps
Sep 23rd, 2001, 01:11:01 AM
Tempist felt his leg give out as the knight riped his knee open. Instead of cringing in pain, he shifted his weight into a spin on the heel of his other foot, wish his blade drawn. Midway through the spin, Tempist doug his sword into Akrabbim's back, and finished his spin. A large wound was left on his back, cutting through flesh and muscle. It would be much harder for Akrabbim to operate now...


With that, he drew one of his throwing knives, and threw it Akrabbim in his moment of weakness... it created a deep hole in the jedi's back, paralell to the gouge in it.

Sep 25th, 2001, 02:08:02 PM
OOC: Just so you know, that strike to the Xiphoid process should make it really hard to breathe.

IC: Akrabbim yells in pain, first at the strike, then at the knife. He leaves the knife in, knowing that if he removes it, the blood will flow more quickly. He hops back on his good leg, gaining distance from the Sith. In the middle of his movement, he flings out two shuriken covered by an invisibility illusion. He sends them out sideways, missing Tempist by a wide margin.

Once they are out of sight, he releases that illusion and creates another. He drops into a crouch, bracing his sword in front of him. With the illusion, however, he appears to still be standing, sword at the ready. He prepares himself for the Sith's attack.

Tempist Opps
Sep 25th, 2001, 02:20:43 PM
ooc: thanks, now i get to weave it into a post.

Feeling light headed from his hindered breathing, tempist stabed his sword into the ground, and used the hilt as an arm rest.... somthing to lean on. He sensed somthing wasnt right, what appeared to be Akrabbim looked too healthy for a man that had lost so much blood... maybe the lack of oxeygen was effecting him....

He closed his eyes, and tried to speak directly to him, through the force. Where the jedi should have been was nothing but empty space.... another illusion of his apparently. Tempist stood there, trying to breathe for a while, hoping he could get enough air into his lungs to fight still. He heard breathing other than his own, and saw that MnT's rythm of breaths was not the same as what he heard.

".....come out, come out, where ever you are....."

Sep 27th, 2001, 02:03:40 PM
Seeing Tempist resting on his sword, Akrabbim calls his shuriken home. He masks them once more in an illusion, yanking them toward Tempist's good leg. They fly in at an angle, intersecting at the back of his knee. The razor sharp objects tear the tendons, rendering the second leg near useless. Once the shuriken return fully to him, he drops all illusions and shambles at Tempist. There is no more time for games.

Tempist Opps
Sep 27th, 2001, 10:40:49 PM
.....no, no more playtime. Tempist felt his leg give way beneath him, the jedi must have been playing his games again. He had a few games to play as well... Akrabbim saw somthing happening to tempist, his leg appeared to turn into some kind of liquid, and melt itslef into the gaping hole left from the throwers. It hurt. Very much. But it was good enough, now he could do a little more than just limp. He also calls back his own blade with the force, pulling it out of Akrabbim's back as he runs at him. Now blood came pouring out of the wound. Akrabbim would get dizy soon, and pass out soon after if he didnt do somthing about his current injury. He pulled his blade out of the ground, and made the quickest spin and slash he could given his leg condition, and managed to land a nice deep cut into Akrabbim's weapon arm. Time for games had long passed, and someone was not going to win this one.

Sep 30th, 2001, 10:06:47 PM

Akrabbim screams from the pain. There's only time for one more attack... he had better make it a good one. Akrabbim fires a quick illusion of Force Blindness, making 4 of himself appear in the moment of confusion. He hides his signature with Force Masking, and prepares his last attack. One of the Akrabbims raises his hands, a glow appearing between the hands. The glow grows, becoming larger until it it is approximately five feet in diameter. With a voice that seems to come from no direction...

Choose your poison. But choose wisely.

The Akrabbim with the energy ball launches it, as the other three ready themselves for an attack.

Tempist Opps
Oct 1st, 2001, 01:19:25 PM
Tempist spun on his less injured foot, and fliped onto his hands. His blade had been drawn, and was now ready to re-do what it had done so well only moments ago. He landed on his feet and cringed in pain, but whirled his blade... into the closest of the Akrabbims. At the same time he threw his two throwers at two other Akrabbims, the one who had shot the energy ball, and the one next to it.

"No more trickery, no more games."

ooc: that better?

edit:: continunity error that i was allerted about afterwards.

Oct 2nd, 2001, 12:47:17 AM
OOC: My illusions and myself weren't standing close enough for you to spin and hit them all. Also, I need to know which one you attacked first. You have to pick one. If you're throwing your saber (I'm not quite sure if you did or not) I still need to know which one you threw at first. And no, I don't have an extra weapon. You wouldn't be able to take my katana, anyway. It's sorta like the sword of omens. Always comes home. :)

Miryan no Trunks
Oct 2nd, 2001, 04:58:29 AM
ooc: You'd bring it back would you? :evil

Do keep in mind that the saber a Sith brings back from a battle is the spoils of victory /=) one does not loot a castle they've just conquered, and bring everything back a week later ^_-

Of course, Also keep in mind that there are little sensory drones Everywhere in the galaxy, and all fights are recorded on holovid for future viewing ;) Don't neccesarily Need to bring back a saber for people to know you won, just it definately puts you in higher favour if you Do ;)

Tempist Opps
Oct 2nd, 2001, 02:11:15 PM
ooc: i wish i had known about the distance before hand... ill edit it so it works better.

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Oct 2nd, 2001, 03:07:09 PM
OOC in OOC please ... IC in here please :p

Oct 3rd, 2001, 12:08:10 AM
The true Akrabbim, the one with the illusion of the energy ball, gasps in pain as the blade strikes him. The new wound, coupled with his previous injuries, causes him to lose concentration entirely. He drops to his knees, all illusions fading. The apparent energy ball illusion fades just as it passes through Tempist.

However, the attack was not totally illusory. The ball, though totally immaterial, covered his quantum metal katana. Fortunately for Akrabbim, Tempist fell for the ruse. Of course he cannot throw a ball of energy... he does not have this ability. And Tempist is aware of this. As expected, he ignored the ball entirely. As the glowing ball of energy fades to nothing, Tempist looks down to see the katana, buried nearly hilt-deep in his chest.

Tempist Opps
Oct 3rd, 2001, 01:55:15 PM
He felt the blood pouring from his body, the sword had punctured his lung. He pulled the sword out of his chest, and flung it hilt over tip at Akrabbim. Due to the knight reveling in his attack, the blade burried itself into his leg, and Akrabbim screamed in pain. He force pulled his throwers back, he didnt want to lose them. He would soon pass out, he had to finish this. Summoning forth all the anger and hate and pain he had in his body, he force lifted two, large stones, one on each side of Akrabbim. He slamed them into the jedi at once, not bothering to moderate the speed. A loud crack can be heard, as one of the stones shatters from the force, and the fragments lunge themselves into Akrabbim's side, mixing with broken bones from the initial impact.

The world before Tempist began to spin, and it became hard to stand. He stabed his blade into the ground, and leaned on it. He took out Infinity, and melted his chest shut, no more blood would be lost..... his lung was still dammaged though, and it had been hard to breathe before hand anyway. He reached out to his master through the force.

Master, this fight is nearly done. I can no longer breathe properly, and soon I will not be able to stand. Please bring my body to medbay when I pass out.

Oct 5th, 2001, 02:10:41 PM
OOC: That's a bit much for having a sword through your chest. When you pierce a lung, you can't even talk for quite some time. Look, I'm already out of the fight, there's no reason to try to kill me.

Miryan no Trunks
Oct 5th, 2001, 04:14:48 PM
OOC: Well, in Tempist's defense, he Wasn't talking, and using extreme pain and whatnot to focus, and increase your strength with the force is part and parsel of being a Sith.

As for the stones though, say they were composed of weak rock compounds, shattered easily, and maybe your upper arms snapped or something from trying to stop them from hitting you. Take the least amount of damage as you can =)

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Oct 5th, 2001, 09:24:51 PM
OOC~ second warning for OOC comments in the OOC forum or email or IM :)

Dont make me take my OOC stick and beat you with it :P

Tempist Opps
Oct 8th, 2001, 03:32:32 PM
ooc: i try to kill you because thats what im supposed to do, remember? the whole "sith vs. jedi" thing? and since temp is a shifter, he can simply liquify himself and reconstruct the wounded lung again, but with much pain. instead he has internal bleeding cus i melted the wound shut with the saber, just to make it a lil more fair. sorry for this ooc dale, i had to say somthing to defend myself even tho i wasnt here.

ic: Tempist passed out from blood loss and lack of oxeygen.

Oct 8th, 2001, 09:41:43 PM
OOC: Whatever... doesn't really matter. I was outta the fight anyway.

Akrabbim yells out once more and passes out.

Miryan no Trunks
Oct 10th, 2001, 08:34:05 PM
*As the jedi faded from conciousness, MnT silently walked up to his apprentice and, picking his form up, initiated a rift.. The colors and textures that made up the two forms suddenly faded to plain grey, before then becoming transparent, and dissapearing to the medbay in TSE.. What came of the disabled body of the Jedi, he gave no concern. All the man seemed to have going for him were trickery, and illusions.. No real fighting prowess to speak of. As such, the Sith Knight could not care whether he lived or died..*