View Full Version : BWAHAHAHAHA!
Jul 6th, 1999, 01:43:15 AM
Sorry. Wanted to post first. And now, something to do with the thread: Who knows what was on the back of the droid Jar Jar pushed over at the end of the Gungan / Battle Droid battle?
Jul 6th, 1999, 01:51:13 AM
I know. 1138, which is there because of Lucas's film THX-1138.
Jul 6th, 1999, 01:53:54 AM
How many times does Jar Jar say "How wooud" in the movie? (I'm not entirely sure I know the answer.)
jedi master princess
Jul 6th, 1999, 02:21:18 AM
two times. it's scary cuz i said that a lot before i even saw the movie. q: where does 3po tell r2 they might be sent off to if they weren't careful? (this is in the begining of anh) ::goes back to jedi meditation::
Jul 6th, 1999, 03:22:21 AM
The spice mines of Kessel. What planet was the Jedi Order rumored to have begun? (I suggested this forum....bwahahahaha! Kneel before me! Err no, you don't have to kneel.)
Jul 6th, 1999, 03:40:56 AM
I thought Jar Jar says "how woude" three times...
Jul 6th, 1999, 03:42:22 AM
q: where does 3po tell r2 they might be sent off to if they weren't careful? (this is in the begining of anh) am not sure about this one or where.... a: spice mines on ?
jedi master princess
Jul 6th, 1999, 03:55:55 AM
vader23: i just flipped through my copy of the screenplay and jarjar only says "how wude!" twice--once when he gets zapped when he returns to gungan city (i love that!!) and the second time when ani talks about the transmitters in slaves that blow up. and answer to my 3po and r2 question is spice mines of kessel (good one rhjediknight!) hmm...another q: what shape is the hallway of leia's cell block?
Jul 6th, 1999, 03:59:46 AM
oops, didn't see RH Jedi Knight had already answered that question... As for three "how wudes," I thought there was an additional time when the astromech droids move out to repair the ship and one bumps into Jar Jar leading to a "how wuode" Vader23
Child Padawan
Jul 6th, 1999, 04:01:07 AM
The only times I can think of are when R2 bumps into Jar Jar and when someone shocks Jar Jar after he returns to Otoh Gunga, but I feel as if there's another time. When the heck is it?
jedi master princess
Jul 6th, 1999, 04:13:01 AM
my screenplay only shows the wude line twice (like i've listed above). the screenplay doesn't show jarjar saying anything when r2 bumps him (another great obscure scene, btw). i don't remember the movie well enough (embarrassed look downwards) to recall if jarjar actually says it in that scene. corrections otherwise are welcome...or i'll just go see tpm again... ":) ::goes back to jedi meditation::
Child Padawan
Jul 6th, 1999, 04:23:32 AM
I'm as certain as is reasonable that Jar Jar does say "How wude!" when R2 smacks into him. Mystery solved, IMO; I wasn't thinking when I read your listings before and I missed the reference to the "How wude!" in Annie's house. *thwapself*
Jul 6th, 1999, 06:32:08 AM
It's three times, and yes indeed it is said in the droid scene aboard the Queens Ship (Nubian). I have seen TPM 17 times....I think I'd remember! :)
Jul 6th, 1999, 12:25:53 PM
Three was what I was thinking when I wrote the question. When Jar Jar is zapped at Gunga City, when R2 bumbs Jar Jar, and in Ani's house. How about this one. In the shot of the E.T.s in the Senate there is another species that you can see quite well in the shot. Where in the movie does a member of this species speak?
Darth Missy
Jul 8th, 1999, 03:27:07 AM
>How about this one. In the shot of the E.T.s in the Senate there is another species that you can see quite well in the shot. Where in the movie does a member of this species speak?< oh gosh, i was studying the senate tonight, i should know it at the frog stand on Tatooine? here's one for long do Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan have to hold their breaths in the dioxis gas? "Ny chubah ny?"
Child Padawan
Jul 8th, 1999, 03:31:41 AM
"how long do Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan have to hold their breaths in the dioxis gas?" I feel as if I should know this one, because every time that part happens in the movie, I hold my breath with them. Nine or ten seconds? It isn't very long at all, but darnit, I haven't counted!
Jul 8th, 1999, 03:51:56 AM
That's right Darth Missy.
Jul 8th, 1999, 10:46:30 PM
I'm not sure...HaHa.
Darth Missy
Jul 9th, 1999, 02:18:25 AM
28 seconds, as far as i can tell (timed it twice, but i used an analog watch so the count might be a second or two off) ok, since no one got that, i'll go again...what is the significance of 3263827? "Oon me coosa!"
jedi master princess
Jul 9th, 1999, 03:23:37 AM
ain't that the number of the garbage disposal that luke and co. were trapped in? "where are we?" "3263827." q: which landing platform at bespin was han cleared to land at? ::goes back to jedi meditation::
Figrin D an
Jul 9th, 1999, 10:20:58 AM
The platform at the Cloud City was #327. Who was Qui-Gon's apprentice before Obi-Wan?
Jul 9th, 1999, 02:35:16 PM
Xanatos, right?
Darth Missy
Jul 10th, 1999, 03:10:34 AM
correct, jedi master princess :-)
Sep 27th, 1999, 01:27:02 PM
What species is Bib Fortuna?
Mirax H
Sep 27th, 1999, 04:34:59 PM
he's Twilek
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