View Full Version : SW Cantina song
Sep 5th, 1999, 12:00:58 AM
There's a little ditty I stumbled across months ago on in their musical humor section. I'm a little bored, so I thought I'd post this and let everyone know that this is one of the best SW parody songs I've ever heard! Star Wars Cantina. Download it from Listen to it. You'll laugh. :)
Mirax H
Sep 5th, 1999, 12:02:34 AM
If your bored, I wouldn't mind chatting with someone
Sep 5th, 1999, 12:06:20 AM
Sure, Mirax: What's on your mind?
Mirax H
Sep 5th, 1999, 12:08:11 AM
Just wanted to get to say hello to you. We seem to keep following each others posts a lot. but never get to talk to you
Sep 5th, 1999, 12:09:01 AM
Well, I'm kind of sporadic with my posting time, plus I sometimes get booted off without warning. :(
Mirax H
Sep 5th, 1999, 12:14:34 AM
I usually get to post during my lunch and then at night after work. Why do you get booted?
Sep 5th, 1999, 12:15:31 AM
(Sigh) I have to share my computer with my parents...I usually get on before or after work, depending on if I get a day or evening shift.
Mirax H
Sep 5th, 1999, 12:18:30 AM
That sucks:( Where do you work?
Sep 5th, 1999, 12:19:03 AM
What's the time difference between the forum time and where you are? I'm two hours behind.
Sep 5th, 1999, 12:19:45 AM
I work at Wal-Mart, selling shoes. (fun stuff, eh?) How 'bout you?
Mirax H
Sep 5th, 1999, 12:22:51 AM
I'm 2 hours behind as well. I used to work at Kmart, along time ago
Sep 5th, 1999, 12:23:25 AM
Always been into SW?
Mirax H
Sep 5th, 1999, 12:28:10 AM
when I was little, my parents bought all the stuff for my bro but I loved playing with it. we would also act it out in our backyard. Then Mom got rid of our stuff in an auction when we sold our house (tear rolls down my face) But at the time had no where to store the stuff since moving into an appartment. Got back into it in '91 when my bro told me about the Thrawn series. Got serious into collecting in 96. Have an entire room of nothing but SW. And now that I have a computer, can finally meet others like me:) Still feel like crying when I think of all the SW toys we had (sigh)
Sep 5th, 1999, 12:31:32 AM
I sort of missed out on the toys and stuff too, the first time around. I guess I just wasn't into it enough. I splurged on action figures when the new series was released, trying to recapture that lost childhood or something. Now I work right next to the toy department, and some days, I nearly DROOL at all the SW stuff. (I'm also REAL good at helping kids convince parents to buy them the Darth Maul shoes.) :)
Sep 5th, 1999, 12:33:45 AM
Oh, yeah, I also like to call myself a "collector", although I open all the cool stuff and play with them. I seem to remember reading in another thread that you collect the dolls?
Mirax H
Sep 5th, 1999, 12:35:49 AM
Yeah, those are my favorite! It started when one of my techs bought me a Vader 12" for christmas. I loved it so much I just decided to really concentrate on getting more.
Sep 5th, 1999, 12:41:14 AM
You have techs? What kind of job do you have? Man, I wish I had techs. There's a maintainence guy that listens to me sometimes, and once I got to tell the night crew what to do, but I've never worked with techs before! :) Do you keep your stuff sealed in package, or liberate your dolls and let them be free to stand with their arms spread wide and lightsabers extended?
Mirax H
Sep 5th, 1999, 12:46:14 AM
Well, my new 12" dolls I do keep boxed, just to keep them from getting dusty. But I did buy 2 Mauls so i could open one. I just loved it! I only collect loose original figures, much more fun that way. I have bought 2 all the new action figures (TPM) one to open, one to keep boxed. I did have all TPM vehicles and creatures etc displayed in boxes but couldn't stand it and one day went nuts and opened them all. The pod racers were very cool. Kept all the boxes I'm a veterinarian by the way.
Sep 5th, 1999, 12:54:55 AM
When I opened my Maul, I had to do it like a band-aid: real FAST so it wouldn't hurt as much! Speaking of Maul, your two pictures are interesting: The face of the dreaded Darth Maul, symbol of fear and loathing; and Leia, symbol of...uh, well, it's Leia! :) Sort of a Ying-Yang thing going on. Veterinarian, huh? I seriously considered going into that years ago, but I realised that I would have to deal with sick animals, go to medical school, take a lot of exams, study, etc. Then I found out that zookeepers need similar qualifications, and ALL my career prospects were gone! :)
Sep 5th, 1999, 01:02:53 AM
Whoops...Got to run...Talk to you later, Mirax! :)
Mirax H
Sep 5th, 1999, 01:02:58 AM
It really wasn't that bad. Although I actually had to study, different from high school and community college. I only went 6 yrs total. May I ask how old you are? I also have some of the original 12" dolls that I got for free-Luke, Darth, Chewie, Boba, Jawa. And all are complete and in nice condition.
Sep 5th, 1999, 03:02:59 PM
Just dropped by for a minute, wanted to say sorry for leaving in such a hurry like that. :( I'll probably be on again tonight, though. How old am I? Guess! :) (Don't worry, I won't be offended.)
Mirax H
Sep 5th, 1999, 03:13:23 PM
I'm guessing around my age, 28-29? And that's ok. I look forward to chatting with you tonight.
Sep 5th, 1999, 10:49:00 PM
28-29? Not quite. Hint: I'm the square root of Anakin's age times the years since ESB was released divided by...oh, heck, forget it: I'm 19. :)
Mirax H
Sep 5th, 1999, 10:55:17 PM
Hmm, I thought you were older since you had said something about being a kid in the theater watching SW,I thought. Oh well, age is irrelevant anyways:)
Sep 5th, 1999, 11:01:13 PM
If it helps, I'll avoid using all that teenage slang like, "Yo,yo! what's the dilly? Uh, like whatever, man. You da BOMB!" :) I think I said something like I FELT like a kid when I was in the theatre, maybe that's what threw you. Although I feel about 95 right now.... :)
Mirax H
Sep 5th, 1999, 11:03:19 PM
That might have been it. But why do you feel 95? By the way, I don't mind if you say "You do Bomb" (wink).
Sep 5th, 1999, 11:07:38 PM
LOL just complaining, I guess...Labour Day weekend, parents buying their kids shoes at the last minute, staying an extra half hour at work, looking forward to a BUSIER day tomorrow...just your average gripes. Anyway, that's life. BTW: You da BOMB! ;)
Mirax H
Sep 5th, 1999, 11:14:30 PM
Thanks:) Fortunately for me it gets a little slower over holidays:) But I know what you mean about WalMart. I worked at Kmart for 5 years, was my first job. And it gets crazy this time of year. By the way, I think you have a fabulous sense of humor:) Women definitely like that!
Sep 5th, 1999, 11:25:23 PM
Really? Wow, that's the first time I've heard that! Thanks! :) Actually, my social life of late consists of mainly this forum. I don't get out much. I'll have to take your word on women liking a sense of humour, though: haven't noticed it much so far. You've got a pretty sharp wit, yourself, I must say! :)
Mirax H
Sep 5th, 1999, 11:25:44 PM
So, I'm curious as to where you live since we're on the same time zone.
Sep 5th, 1999, 11:34:27 PM
Weeelll, normally I'd think you were a stalker or something, but let's face it: My life is so boring right now any stalker would give up and I'd probably end up stalking THEM :) sooo: I live in BC, Canada. -P.S. - I was joking about the whole stalking thing, just thought the idea of someone stalking me to be kinda funny :)
Mirax H
Sep 5th, 1999, 11:36:17 PM
Rotfl, Bromine. So, are you in college?
Sep 5th, 1999, 11:41:38 PM
Going this spring, hopefully. Gonna specialize in security alarms. I figure as long as the crime rate stays high, I'll be employed! :) BTW, we're now at the point where you could track me down quite easily. Here's hoping you're not some deranged 50-year-old man living in his mother's basement....:) I believe you mentioned where you live, but it's in another thread and I'm too lazy to look it up...
Mirax H
Sep 5th, 1999, 11:47:39 PM
I'm in Arizona. I don't have any clue as to how I could track you down. But I don't need to since I can find you quite easily here. But I guess we could both be considered stalkers... we are always followinf each other's posts on this board:) And no, I'm not a 50 year old man in my mom's basement. I'm a 28 year old girl who lives in my own house:)
Sep 5th, 1999, 11:51:56 PM
Hey, that's just as bad! :) (I really don't know what I mean by this, just a lame joke! :) ) I know what you mean about following each other's posts: I believe a few nights back we were on at the same time, because I'd post, check somewhere else, come back, and you had replied. By the time I figured out that we were both on, I had to leave :(. One day, I'll have my OWN computer...MWAHAAHAHAAHA! BTW: What kind of connection to the internet have you got? (If you know)
Mirax H
Sep 5th, 1999, 11:53:53 PM
Well, I'm not sure what you mean, but I think it's Microsoft internet explorer. Why do you ask?
Sep 5th, 1999, 11:57:12 PM
Just curious. I actually meant the speed of the connection (bps), but it doesn't matter.
Mirax H
Sep 6th, 1999, 12:03:28 AM
I don't have a clue. Probably pretty quick since my computer is new. I'm really computer illiterate. Hey, have you checked out Jedi vs. Sith. I really think you might enjoy being a sith. Besides, we usually spend time chatting with each other. Kinda fun since it's usually the same people on at the same times so you really get to know each other:)
Sep 6th, 1999, 12:07:07 AM
Sounds cool. (I'm assuming it doesn't involve bloodletting, cannibalism, or having to buy three more videos at regular club prices? :) ) I've checked it out a few times, even caught that whole thing between CMJ and do/could/would I sign up?
Mirax H
Sep 6th, 1999, 12:14:55 AM
Well, I just watched for a while and got tired of seeing everyone gang up on Mara. I decided I deffinitely had sith tendencies so I asked to join her. We actually have a recruitment post called SITH RULE, JEDI DROOL, Join us. You could sign up there. I'd love to have you on my side. Ocassionally we get to kick some Jedi ass, but usually they run and hide:) We don't eat other sith, however, Jedi are free game:)
Sep 6th, 1999, 12:21:19 AM
Okay, I just joined up. I feel the Dark Side, wait...that's just my dinner digesting...NOW I feel the Dark Side!
Mirax H
Sep 6th, 1999, 12:25:40 AM
LOL. I'm glad you joined. And I'm glad I don't have to fight you like CMJ and Mara do. Boy, has that been interesting to watch:)
Sep 6th, 1999, 05:33:45 AM
Ah, young's like a car accident: you know it's going to be messy, but you just HAVE to see it. :) LOL we sort of have a secret little convo thread here...I think only like three or four ppl actually look in the Miscellaneous section.
Mirax H
Sep 6th, 1999, 02:43:38 PM
Kinda like our secret place:) And yeah kinda fun to watch young love blossom(eww, I might have to hurl now,lol)
Mara Jade1
Sep 6th, 1999, 02:45:08 PM
So might I... I don't think I like how you are talking about me and CMJ behind my back... Please check your e-mail Mira
Mirax H
Sep 6th, 1999, 02:59:49 PM
LOL, I cant get into echostation again today and it's making me mad. I might have to rip off a Jedi's head or something
Mara Jade1
Sep 6th, 1999, 03:03:35 PM
Shall I send the message to the other address?
Mirax H
Sep 6th, 1999, 03:08:55 PM
Yeah, go ahead.
Sep 6th, 1999, 03:41:21 PM
All right! Someone else actually reads the "Miscellaneous" Forum! I apologise for any inappropriate comments, Master Mara. I just meant that "young love" thing in general. Having no clue as to the full extent of th situation, I wouldn't have said anything more. Please don't Force Choke me to death! :)
Mirax H
Sep 6th, 1999, 04:14:23 PM
Hey Bromine, and Mara, I really need some help with Kadann. He's starting to piss me off and I just might have to force choke him
Mara Jade1
Sep 6th, 1999, 05:07:51 PM
Br....I don't think I like your tone of voice....Give me your e-mail address.
Sep 7th, 1999, 02:43:16 AM
I'm just curious, now: Who's read this thread? I know there's at least 4-6, maybe more. If you're reading this (and undoubtedly laughing your head off) say, "Hey!",(Or even say "Bob's your uncle", I don't care) This includes you, Atreyu: I know you read everything! BTW, did ANYONE actually listen to "SW Cantina", which is sort of why I started this thread?
Mirax H
Sep 7th, 1999, 02:56:18 AM
Hi Bromine, actually I forgot to
Sep 7th, 1999, 01:52:02 PM
Interesting conversation...... Isn't that song by Wierd Al? I haven't heard it yet if its that one.
Sep 7th, 1999, 07:48:17 PM
It isn't by Weird Al, although it's on par with his work, IMO. If you go to and look under "Humor" and then "Musical Humor" it's listed there along with the artist; can't remember the name.
Sep 8th, 1999, 06:21:29 AM
I could have swore he wrote a Cantina song......
Sep 8th, 1999, 11:54:34 AM
"Hey" Bromine, Yes, its a nice thread don't forget that added to those 4-6 who are registered and are reading this, there are probably thousands reading who are not registered <=o A cold shiver flows through everyone as reality sets in... OK, just kidding Mirax H, as far as getting tired of watching everyone gang up on Mara- she is a sweetheart but, as they say, If you can't stand the heat...
Sep 8th, 1999, 03:59:00 PM
Yeah, I kind of assume anything posted ANYWHERE is read by everyone in the known world...just thought it was funny that so little goes in this forum that most ppl seem to ignore it... Has ANYONE heard that Cantina song yet?
Mirax H
Sep 8th, 1999, 04:17:02 PM
Well, I had the disco ball out, the feater boa, hip hugging lycra bellbottoms and platforms on and was doing a conga line in my house when it ended mid song. Like what I heard though :)
Sep 28th, 1999, 01:44:38 AM
Hello Again Bromine, Well, I finally got a chance to listen to it (I don't have an MP3 player) I listened to it on my brother's computer on Sunday. It is great, It is fantastic, It is very creative, And then it stopped--- WWWWAAAAAAAAAA oh well, Thanks for letting us know about it :)
Sep 28th, 1999, 01:58:04 AM
Go to for a complete version. (Don't know why no longer has the whole thing.) For more cool SW parodies, check out my thread in the EU forum. :)
Oct 14th, 1999, 09:04:00 AM
Hey, I happen to have an Uncle named Bob. Dig them crazy Sith. Everday Sith look more and more cool. I like the brown robes but black has always been my color. Check out Ambers' site at ( Take a lokk at the Sith section. I'm Tim and that's my Halloween costume this year in Vegas.
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