View Full Version : Saber Pics

Darth Snack
Dec 11th, 2000, 08:27:43 PM
Does anyone around have a site that has a list of different kind of sabers? I'm looking for some and haven't been able to find any. Any help would be welcome, thanks. :)

Dec 11th, 2000, 08:37:18 PM
This site will probably have pictures of every single saber you could ever want. It's a compilation of just about every saber that has been seen on this board by one of our older members:

<A HREF=http://www.geocities.com/rama_sha/Webpage/lasgallerypage.html>Lightsaber Gallery</A>

While I'm at it there is a thread in the Expanded Universe forum linking to a ton of lightsaber histories which includes lightsabers as well, however I think they're all just pictures of the handles.

Darth Snack
Dec 11th, 2000, 10:37:31 PM
ok, cool. Thanks alot!