View Full Version : Natalie Portmans Birthday

Joe Malmsteen
Jun 9th, 2001, 11:03:52 AM
its her 20th today, so hey,

Jedi Master Kyle
Jun 9th, 2001, 05:51:01 PM
I'll let you all know how the party goes! :lol:

buff jedi 2
Jun 10th, 2001, 06:52:20 PM

Jedi Master Kyle
Jun 12th, 2001, 07:11:57 PM
Well, it was alot of fun. After I took out Hayden in the lightsaber duel, the runway was clear to the b-day girl! :lol:

buff jedi 2
Jun 12th, 2001, 09:17:16 PM

Master Kyle , when your done with her ,PLEASE throw your left overs to me !!!!!!


Jedi Master Kyle
Jun 12th, 2001, 11:08:18 PM
ok, if you say so, but be warned, she's awfully tired and worn out! :lol:

buff jedi 2
Jun 13th, 2001, 12:55:31 PM

hey if she can just stay awake for 5 min Ill be happy ;)


Jedi Master Kyle
Jun 13th, 2001, 10:25:58 PM
I hear ya Buff, I hear ya. :)