View Full Version : That Son-of-a-Bitch is Dead!!!!

Jun 11th, 2001, 01:42:25 PM
Thought about putting this at the prop board but it REALLY does not belong there.

Today we, yes we, killed that ass Mcveigh. As a Marine, a cop, and an American, I am happy to say that we got the killer of over 100 Children, Women, and Men.

Here endith the rant.



buff jedi 2
Jun 11th, 2001, 04:16:34 PM
If he actually did it (and Im sure he did) I feel as a human his death was to quick and not painfull enough( if it were someone in my family who got killed' I WOULD have found away to get to ole Timmy)
.But as a christian my heart and prayers go out to him I hope he had a long talk with GOD and got his forgiveness, because I pity anyone thta has to live in hell for forever.The best thing we can do is pray that those who lost loved one's can get there life back on track and move ahead.He is dead and Im sure the right thing was done BUT lets not replace hate with hate.


Doc Milo
Jun 12th, 2001, 02:28:18 AM
Amen to that Buff!

buff jedi 2
Jun 12th, 2001, 10:05:03 AM


Jun 21st, 2001, 02:52:58 PM
Yeah, I think criminals like him should be brutally tortured. Some people act like cruel and unusual punishment is a bad thing. Why? If its not cruel and unusual...then what purpose does it really serve? I heard that he said if there was an afterlife...he was going to do like they did in the army....adapt, and something..blah blah blah. I also heard he was going to write a book...and people were already protesting, and trying to keep people from buying it. Don't guess they have to worry about him writing it now though....