View Full Version : OT: good place to upload pics? geocities sucks

Jun 25th, 2001, 05:39:53 PM
I'm looking for somewhere to upload some pictures, so I can put them in my sig. I tried using geocities, but the pictures always come up as a little red x.


Jun 25th, 2001, 07:58:00 PM
A lot of places like geocities, and angelfire, have it set where you can't link pics. The reason is, because linking pics doesn't get their advertisements out. So, if you upload pics into their servers, you can only use them on web pages in their servers. I would reccomend you go to www.photopoint.com. I've never used photopoint, but its a popular one to use for linking pics. I think you can upload some for free...or you can get an account, and they will host like a 1000 pics for you for 10 bucks a year or something like that. Or you might want to see if your ISP has some free space you can use. For example, on aol, you get a certain about of free ftp space.

Jun 25th, 2001, 09:43:58 PM
Hmmm, did it work...

Jun 26th, 2001, 01:01:52 PM
well that sucks! Last night it was the whole picture, now it's shrunk down, and has photopoint written above it! :mad:

Jun 26th, 2001, 02:53:05 PM
It might be a long post, but worth to read:

DO NOT use angelfire, angelcities, lycos, geocities, fortunecity, tripod or xoom, they do not allow remote linking.

Note, if you have AOL [keyword: My FTP Space], @home, or Road Runner as your ISP, they provide web hosting space with your account. Always check with your ISP just incase they offer you web hosting and you didn't know, and read the terms of use!

READ the TERMS OF USE for these providers before signing up to make double-sure they do allow remote linking. Make note of possible problems following the link.

www.f2s.com slow unless you are in England
www.homestead.com must put all files on a website, slow loading Please see update on this host, below
www.clubphoto.com only jpg format allowed
www.spree.com From Terms of Use: Please do not use your free Web site for any of the following: ...Using your page (or directory) as storage for remote loading or as a door or sign post to another server
www.dencity.com terms of service: 9. You may not use your homepage as a storage for your files, Your space is for your site content only.
www.hypermart.net/ charges for excessive bandwidth use
www.crosswinds.net/ you agree to low traffic, non-graphic intense sites
liquid2k.com/ no ftp, must use the file manager
www.members.olmworld.net no ftp, one upload at a time, long urls
www.cybercities.com must pay to register a domain name with them to use free hosting service
www.dreamwater.com You have to actually make a page and put your files on it.
www.freeservers.com Please see Update near the bottom of this thread.
www.freespeech.org will delete accounts without notice for excessive bandwidth usage or files larger than 200k
www.fsn.net have to pay to register your domain name with them to get the free web hosting
www.ireg.com have to pay to register your domain name with them to get the free web hosting

www.vidavision.com in Spanish - en Espanol
www.100megsfree.com from their FAQ page: "Also we do not allow our members to store files that are used on other webpages"
www.1avenue.com from their acceptable use policy: "Excessive bandwidth or disk utilization: 1Avenue account descriptions specify limits on bandwidth and disk utilization, and use in excess of those limits is not permitted. Bandwidth utilization is determined by the total bytes transferred from an account's web and ftp space. If excessive bandwidth or disk space utilization is determined to adversely affect 1Avenue's ability to provide service, immediate action will be taken."
www.cityslide.com/ From TOS: "You will not: use your home page (or directory) as storage for remote loading or as a door or signpost to another home page, whether inside or beyond our Site."

some additional webhosts: These specialize in hosting images for online auction houses like eBay, so they do allow remote loading. But to be safe you should still read the Terms of Service for any of these.

www.freepichosting.com/ Resizes your images into three sizes (can't edit or use original size) and you have a limit of 7 images stored.

Note: if this list looks smaller than it used to it is because it was just thinned out to remove sites that are closed, now blocks remote linking, combined/bought out by other sites, or started charging.

Courtesy of John Hunter
A list of free web spaces. Some may be duplicates of ones already on this list.

6-14-01 ZING update: It is with the greatest regret we must inform you that as of July 2, 2001, Zing.com will no longer be available

has recently shut down several people's accounts, both those who had actual webpages made with tripod and those who were only linking from their directory. From their terms of use: "You agree that you will not use Lycos Network Products and Services to: ...Create and maintain a Lycos Network web page as storage for remote loading, or as a door or signpost to another homepage."

"To continue providing you the online photo experience you
enjoy, we need to make several changes to our service in
the coming weeks. Most significant is that, starting in
mid-May, PhotoPoint.com will no longer be a free service,
except for limited "trial" memberships."

is no longer free, and will delete any accounts that do not upgrade to the paid service.

This is from an e-mail sent out by Freeservers on 05/31/01 -- "Remote File Posting - Ever try and link to an image on your site from an auction or another web page? If you have, you know that we never allowed you to do this. Well . . . with our new upgrade packages this will no longer be restricted."

It appears that at least one of their new special hosting packages (prices range from $5.95-$14.95 per month) allows offsite loading. If you can afford that, it may be worth looking into. -SD, 06/05/01

Homestead will soon begin charging for the Personal service they provide for free now. The fee will probably be about $10 per month, but has not yet been decided.

From an e-mail from the CEO: "We will still have a free version
You will still be able to build and maintain a site for free, with a new service called Homestead Personal Preview. Sites built with the Preview version will be restricted to: three pages, limited customer support, 8 MB of storage space, no use of the offline SiteBuilder, and no option to remove Homestead branding."

There is no indication in the e-mail as to whether Homestead will continue to allow offsite loading. -SD 06/11/01

edit 6-12-01 removed www.stormloader.com (http://www.stormloader.com) from list, their TOU forbid hotlinking.

Thanks to Silver Dollar, joeyteel, Visual Paradox, Secret Agent Woman, John Hunter and everyone for suggestions and comments. This list was compiled from many scattered posts in the ezBoard Support Forums, and the comments are not my own, but of the original posters. I do not personally recommend any of the above over another.

Jun 26th, 2001, 04:44:53 PM
Thank you Artamir!!! :)

Jun 27th, 2001, 10:42:19 AM
:) You're welcome.

Jul 2nd, 2001, 07:40:17 PM
Oh yeah....photopoint advertises their site at the top of the pics! Sorry...I forgot to mention that I guess. lol