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View Full Version : Exclusive Posters

Dec 2nd, 1999, 08:31:08 AM
Did anyone else pick up some posters during shop.starwars.com's big poster blowout back in October? I just got mine now, and I STILL can't believe the deal I got! I bought the "Cantina 20th Anniversary Toast" poster, at half price, plus I recieved the Denver Celebration poster free, just for ordering! :) What surprised me about the Denver poster was the big size, and how heavy the paper stock was. I have the Teaser Poster (The one with Vader's shadow), and when I got that framed, I was told the paper stock was very good quality weight. The Denver one seems even thicker. Does anyone know if these were originally for advertising purposes or something? I'm going to try and get down to the local framing shop to ask about the quality some time next week.