View Full Version : What action figure SHOULD be made?
Sep 9th, 1999, 07:47:01 PM
What figure would you like to see made and with what accessories? I'm hoping for a Yoda with lightsaber, myself.
Mirax H
Sep 9th, 1999, 07:55:14 PM
Definitely Maul cut in half--you can put him together and take apart
Sep 9th, 1999, 07:58:49 PM
What about Qui-Gon with a hole in the stomach for Maul's lightsaber? :)
Mirax H
Sep 9th, 1999, 08:07:43 PM
Actually, that was gonna be my next suggestion.
Sep 9th, 1999, 08:10:45 PM
They're gonna make a "hologram Sidious" and "hologram Maul". Yeah, THERE'S some real play value.... :)
Sep 9th, 1999, 10:05:43 PM
i think they should make "mass packs" of stormtroopers, battle droids, gungan warriors, etc. they would be like 20 bucks and u'd get 10 battle droids, for ex. that would be kewl cause then its more realistic instead of 1 of 'em to play with
Sep 9th, 1999, 10:38:10 PM
They should make an acton figure of ME! :)
Mirax H
Sep 10th, 1999, 12:57:45 AM
Hey, I want my own too!
Sep 10th, 1999, 04:57:05 AM
LOL funny story...I once saw an action figure in ToysRUs from a really obscure line of 2" figures...he looked EXACTLY like me, down to the clothes he wore. It was reallly spooky. I convinced a few friends from school to check it out. They couldn't believe the resemblance. I couldn't resist buying it, of course, and even the cashier did a double-take when she saw me with it. Still trying to get some royalties or something... :)
Sep 10th, 1999, 06:21:29 AM
I wanna see a figure of a shaved wookie :)
Mirax H
Sep 10th, 1999, 10:18:06 AM
Bromine, I want to see you as an action figure. A shaved wookie? That would be interesting.
Sep 10th, 1999, 10:24:34 AM
Mirax, would you resemble the Slave Leia action figure if you had one? I bet a shaved wookie figure would look a lot like me, tall, skinny, and not as much body hair(well nowhere near what a wookie has, and leave it at that :)
Sep 10th, 1999, 03:48:11 PM
A shaved wookie would look a lot like Peter Meyhew (played Chewbacca) :). Hey, wouldn't that have been cool in ESB? As part of the torture, they could have shaved Chewie!:) Mira - Fortunately, no one will ever see "my" action figure, as the toy line it was in was quite lame, and I believe I'm the only person to actually buy one. The series was basically a clone of the old M.A.S.K. line from the 80's: figure, helmet, transforming vehicle. I believe it is called "V-Force", "Vector Force", or "Vector Squad". If anyone finds the toy line I'm talking about, I'd love to buy up all the toys available, as I think it's best to keep "me" out of circulation! :)
Mirax H
Sep 10th, 1999, 10:37:47 PM
Then you gotta e-mail me a pic of it :)
Sep 11th, 1999, 12:11:27 AM
Here is my list of hopeful figs: Shimi Skywalker Sabe Senate Guard Wookiee Senator Gungan foot soldier R2-A6 Yoda, w/saber All the jedi Council Twi'lek Girls Sebulba on a card, not just in a cinema set plus more that I cannot think of
Mirax H
Sep 11th, 1999, 01:26:52 AM
I wanna see Aurra Sing.
Sep 11th, 1999, 06:10:41 AM
I'm all for Twi-Lek girls! It's not that I'm a weirdo or something, mind you; it's just that I made this great Cantina playset and it's full of all my male action figures...kind of sends the wrong message about the nature of the cantina, IMO. :)
Sep 11th, 1999, 10:53:54 AM
The entire Jedi Council would be cool.... Shmi Skywalker as well
Sep 13th, 1999, 12:00:31 PM
I want one of those battle tanks, or that dinosaur thingy that held the shield generator.
Sep 13th, 1999, 09:16:42 PM
MTT is apparently coming out soon, but it's scaled down; can't really fit 100+ battle droids inside. :(
Sep 14th, 1999, 08:08:59 AM
That sucks, course who has 100 droids? I'd be happy if it fit like 20 :)
Sep 15th, 1999, 12:26:14 PM
Yeah who has 20 droids though? I have a couple... But I still hope it fits quite a few.
Sep 15th, 1999, 12:38:19 PM
I've got 10 storm troopers, but I doubt I'll get as many droids, they're just not as cool looking.
Sep 15th, 1999, 04:34:01 PM
I'm still hoping they'll crank out ten-packs of troopers and droids. I don't care if their paint job sucks or if they have bad articulation, I'd just like quantity! :)
Sep 15th, 1999, 04:35:10 PM
The droids are cool, there were two packs, you'd get one of the other figs and it would come with a droid, good way to build up a army, but I've never seen any of those.
Sep 18th, 1999, 11:01:31 PM
Arra sing would be great! I would also hope to see all the council members. I also want a senate guard and some different battle droids
Sep 19th, 1999, 01:16:27 AM
jjwr, don't worry, you didn't miss the two-packs. They were released in non-English-speaking countries, and the figure was to replace the commtech chip, as the chip was only in English. Apparently, the two-pack battle droids had little articulation, and theier blaster was "fused" to their hands.
Mirax H
Sep 19th, 1999, 01:26:56 AM
I wanna see a thin Jabba.
Sep 19th, 1999, 01:42:16 AM
Well, look in the garden on a wet day; you'll see LOTS of Thin Jabba "action figures". I can mail you several, although they won't be carded. :)
Mirax H
Sep 19th, 1999, 01:44:40 AM
lol. I'm sure I have some too.
Sep 19th, 1999, 01:46:22 AM
LOL I bet he'll even sit on a dias and ooze slime, just like the fat Jabba action figure. :)
Mirax H
Sep 19th, 1999, 02:07:27 AM
That would be very cool. And would have a horrible odor too.
Homer Doh
Sep 19th, 1999, 03:58:11 AM
Id like to see Aunt beru with the space age tupperware glasses and blue milk. Maybe some of those astronaut suited guys too.
Sep 19th, 1999, 10:03:31 PM
They made a Flashback figure of Aunt Beru with a blue milk pitcher and treadwell droid, although it didn't get circulated to many stores. :(
Sep 22nd, 1999, 11:58:05 AM
An MTT would be cool They could make it really datailed on the outside and have it be a collectors case like the old rebel transport but make it two-teired so that you could put like 40 figs in bottom and maybe 20-30 figs in the second level- if they are standing upright. I was thinking of a cheap line of battle droids and storm troopers just so people could build an army -I like the box idea of 10 figs for $20, that sounds cheap enough I'd like to see a set of the officer droids like 00M-9 w/ the other color scemes I think they should make a Lucas figure Maybe a special edition for one of the anniversaries or something I see what you mean about the cantina scene you could put a temporary sign over it "The Blue Oyster Cantina" WOW those squad figures look like youu? cool I got like twenty of 'um I'll trade em for a graflex otherwise I'm taking this to the tabloids Just kidding
Sep 22nd, 1999, 02:28:17 PM
Froghopper: Do you mean you've heard of the obscure line of figures that come with a mask and vehicle, based heavily on the old M.A.S.K. line? If so, what the heck is it called again? I think it was Vor-Tech. Anyway, one of these days I'll get a digital photo of the figure and put it up, because it looks more like me than my I.D. photo does! :)
Sep 23rd, 1999, 02:13:08 PM
I'm sorry Bromine, I was just kidding that I had some figures I am familiar with the MASK series and Vor-tech sounds familiar I used a search engine and maybe this guy might connect you with some Vor-tech pics <A HREF=></A>
Sep 23rd, 1999, 04:26:01 PM
Thanks, Froghopper! :) Must track down all copies...must create my miniature clone army.. :)
Sep 24th, 1999, 11:09:01 AM
I think some "exploding" battle droids might be fun. They could have a small button in the back and when swinging a sabre or hand you push the button and arms, legs, and head pop off like the old speeder bike toy. or if they want to go cheap, they can just make a droid that comes apart like the old C-3P0. Bromine, lit me know if you find what you are looking for or if it is a bad lead, I will search some more.
Sep 24th, 1999, 11:47:45 AM
How about figures that actually looked like their respective characters? Those "buff" POTF2 figures didn't do much for me. I've always been a fan of Grand Admiral Thrawn, but the figure looks nothing like him. Some guy with blue skin. That ain't Thrawn...
Sep 24th, 1999, 01:18:19 PM
Almost the entire first run of POFT2 didn't look like the people they were supposed to, Leai looked like a Taun Taun, most of them were huge or ugly, the only ones that were much good were Vader, Chewie, StormTrooper, and Lando, the rest of the first run sucked. Since then they've made a ton of great figures, a lot of them resembling the characters quite a bit.
Sep 24th, 1999, 06:12:32 PM
...Wish I'd saved my money and avoided a lot of the earlier ones. I like to stand the old buff Luke next to the newer, wimpier one and it looks like one of those "I was a 90 lb. Weakling" Before-and-after commercials. :) Thanks for the help Froghopper. I actually managed to get a girl that works in the Wal-Mart toy dept. to start tracking them down for me, so that should bring some good leads. :)
Sep 26th, 1999, 04:47:14 PM
I'd like to see a reeeaaalllly detailed 12" Destroyer Droid so that I can scale it up and make a lifesize one :) BTW I thought the POTF Luke was alittle "buff" also when he came out, He kinda looked like He-Man from the Masters Of The Universe -not quite the gawky boy from the trilogy
Jedi Rama
Sep 28th, 1999, 03:47:58 AM
My wife works at Wal-Mart, but not in the toy dept. :(
Sep 28th, 1999, 04:17:40 PM
I work in shoes, but I'm right next to the toys, so sometimes I'll "check in the back" for a pair of shoes and take a "shortcut" past the SW toys. :)
Jedi Rama
Sep 29th, 1999, 12:50:31 AM
The Wal-mart here is open 24 hrs, so they stock at night. When I pick my wife up from work they usally have most of the stuff out of the back. So I scan the boxes real quick and if I see something I like I come back the next day.
Sep 29th, 1999, 01:07:45 AM
24 hours? Man, that's scary. There's a rumour that MY Wal-Mart's going 24 hours, and I'm just wondering who's gonna be buying shoes at 3:00 a.m. :)
Mirax H
Sep 29th, 1999, 01:14:32 AM
Yeah, ours is 24 hours and the best time to shop is late a night. This place is chaos in the daytime
Jedi Rama
Oct 1st, 1999, 02:31:29 AM
Br you would be surprised.
Oct 3rd, 1999, 05:37:13 PM
I don't know who buys shoes at 3 am but, I finally got a Destroyer droid at ohh 1 something in the morning mmaaaann that was great, they had already loaded er, sorry I mean stocked the shelves with lots of the new stuff. quick toy review: Destroyer Droid Positives- Looks cool, took 30 seconds to get it to stand by itself Negaitves- It won't roll very well WWWAAAAAAAhhhhh And did I mention that it won't roll too well :( There's a figure that should be made - The droid that folds up and rolls! They can do it -remeber the Transformers?
Oct 3rd, 1999, 10:42:59 PM
I WANT TRANSFORMING DESTROYER DROIDS! For crying out loud, lets have at least ONE Episode 1 figure with full articulation. :)
Oct 4th, 1999, 01:51:52 AM
Perhaps we should give Hasbro a petition for a fully articulated Destroyer droid figure. I think or yakfacesrealm has successfully put out similar requests!!! FYI - the destroyer's head easily pops off and there is a screw in the back that can be removed and you have droid parts to scatter about for a naboo hangerbay diarama :) Wow and to think I was actually considering keeping it in its package. BBBBWWWWAAAAAAHHHAAAAHHHAAA!!! I have succumed to being a kid again! Okay, my droid is back together now; guarding my cd drive from rebel disks :)
Oct 7th, 1999, 01:46:24 PM
jjwr- >I want one of those battle tanks, or that dinosaur thingy that held the shield generator. Just got the JCPenney big gift book(aka the Christmas catalog) and saw on page 572 the Action Fleet Famba deluxe vehicle $20 Bromine- >I'm all for Twi-Lek girls! It's not that I'm a weirdo or something, mind you; it's just that I made this great Cantina playset and it's full of all my male action figures...kind of sends the wrong message about the nature of the cantina, IMO. :) has a Twi-lek (Oola and Salacious Crumb Action Figure Two-Pack) $8
Jedi Rama
Oct 7th, 1999, 05:53:44 PM
Done and Done. Go check out ( they have pics of both.
Jedi Rama
Oct 7th, 1999, 11:58:34 PM
Oh I forgot to add, both are for the 3 3/4 lines.
Oct 11th, 1999, 09:29:35 PM
i think they should make the kid greeto from tpm
Oct 12th, 1999, 04:42:18 AM
Just for the record, I think his name's Wald?
Oct 13th, 1999, 11:45:41 PM
what would be cool is if todd macfarlene help design the toys I am a jedi and forever shall I stan
Oct 14th, 1999, 02:44:13 PM
I'd like to see 1G-88 on a card, more Ewoks, Imperial Officers in their different colors of uniforms, Aurra Sing, Amidala in each of her costumes, and the jedi council member Plo Kloon. No more Luke's and Han's.
Oct 14th, 1999, 02:54:40 PM
I'm planning on getting the entire Jedi Council...although, considering their knees don't bend, they won't be able to sit around in their council chairs. :(
Leia Solo
Oct 28th, 1999, 03:27:01 AM
i like the idea of amidala in all of her dresses, but it would have to actually look like her. it would also be nice to have a couple of the jedi council members... i have a spot next to my origional anakin skywalker figure, (th eone fron jc penny's,) just for them.
Oct 28th, 1999, 03:03:58 PM
I was looking through my action figures the other day, and I realised that I had every single Jedi/Sith they've made so far. I lined them all up in a row, sabers in hand, and I've got to say it looks REALLY cool! I'm DEFINITELY getting all the Jedi that come out! Actually, I don't have EVERY Jedi; I haven't got Qui-Gon yet because I'm waiting for the "soft goods" version to come out (Realistic hair and cloth robes.).
Oct 29th, 1999, 12:45:30 PM
They should make a George Lucas action figure. It should come with a small a briefcase that is filled with money. Also available should be expansion packs with stacks of $100 bills. Those stack should cost twice the face value of the miniature bills...
Oct 30th, 1999, 01:48:56 AM
LOL, I'd love to see that! I can just imagine the Commtech Chip: -"Okay, now, jump, turn and face the camera then run to the left. Action!" -"I think that, yes, there are religious aspects in Star Wars." -"I really like Jar-Jar." :)
Nov 3rd, 1999, 09:41:44 PM
Those are good choices Br :)
Grendel 666
Nov 8th, 1999, 06:12:25 AM
I think it was him... with a commtech chip that says "Stay on target... Stay on tarGETTT!" Because it was such spectacularly BAD ADVICE. I laugh everytime I hear that line.
Nov 8th, 1999, 06:31:35 PM
LOL, I think they should add a line to ANH, right after the pilot Red Five was talking to get shot. He yells to Red Five as he's being blown up, "I told youuuuuuuuuuuu....!"
Nov 9th, 1999, 04:05:47 AM
I would like to see an Aurra Sing figure as well. <img src=> Maybe it's being made???
Nov 9th, 1999, 04:31:05 AM
Just in case you missed it, the reason I posted the image above is because of the figure on the modeller's desk. Female form, taller than Amadala.. hmmmmmmm... Aurra Sing??? Also, if they do make an Aurra Sing figure, I would like one of those COMMTEC voice chips included just to see what they would come up with to put on it.
Grendel 666
Nov 9th, 1999, 01:24:49 PM
I think the Aurra Sing commtech chip would have for her three quotes: "..." "..." "..." She's quite zen, at least so far.
Nov 9th, 1999, 08:28:33 PM
Either that, or they'd have podracing sounds, and the sound of her turning her head to follow the race! :)
Allie Fox
Nov 18th, 1999, 06:17:14 PM
What do you all think of a Jack and Rose Dawson two-pack? Ow! Ow! Stop it! That hurts! OW! Ouch!
Nov 18th, 1999, 11:20:18 PM
"Jack with hypothermia colour-change" and "Rose with uncontrollable weeping action" :)
Dec 2nd, 1999, 05:59:49 PM
Here's your swiss cheese Qui-Gon for ya! All you need is an extra double blade lightsaber, an extra Final Duel Qui-Gon, and a drill. Rumor has it, that a sliced Maul with a magnet at the waist is in the works. If it's anything like the blow apart battle droid in the Theed Hanger Playset then it'll be a disspaointment. That thing can barely stay together.
Dec 3rd, 1999, 12:45:16 AM
Hey, cool custom! :) LOL, I can just see poor Maul; every time he takes a hard swing with his lightsaber, his torso tips over and falls to the embarrassing! :)
Dec 4th, 1999, 04:09:23 AM
Yes, very nice job on the Qui-Gon! Awhile ago I saw an auction on ebay where a guy had made a Cut in half Maul. He said in the disciption that there was an article in ToyFaire(sp) magazine on how to make him- complete with half sabre and custom card(on the back where the comtech lines were he had one line, i think it was: "Ack" and on the front the figure name was "Defeated Maul") Does anyone have that article?
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