View Full Version : World's Greatest Toyline Vote Now!
Dec 16th, 1999, 04:25:04 PM
Toyfare is having an online slugfest to choose to the world's greatest toyline. Week by week the 64 contestants will face off head to head until only one toyline is left standing. SW has 3 entries and Indiana Jones is in there as well. Go now and vote! SW V. Speed Racer POTF V. Battlestar Galactica Episode I V. Power Rangers (We have to win this one!! >( ( or If it came down to those three I'd go with: 1) POTF 2) SW 3) EP1 The vintage line holds a lot childhood memories but most of my collecting efforts these last few years have centered around POTF. I've bought the occasional vintage item but collecting POTF has been a lot of fun. What about you? MTFBWY
Dec 17th, 1999, 08:03:32 AM
I agree with your ranking order. The main reason I think EP1 should be on the bottom is because of the lame Commtech chip accessory (I'd have been much happier with the extra battle droid that the non-English speaking countries get) and the fact that they're already cranking out so many Mauls, Qui-Gons, etc. I think the main problem is that POTF has the whole Trilogy to draw on, and Hasbro seems intent on squeezing just as many figures out of just TPM. One thing I do like about the line is the neat, although somewhat randomly placed, extra wrist and arm articulation they gave the Jedi and Maul for their lightsabers, although not all the Jedi have it for some reason, plus they didn't give Yoda a lightsaber at all and instead gave him a chair...okay, that's my rant for the day. :)
Dec 20th, 1999, 11:05:35 PM
All 3 SW lines and Indy made it to round 2. Vote now! <A HREF=></A>
Dec 21st, 1999, 11:02:37 AM
I just voted, I still think G.I.Joe will mop up, and I had to vote for Robotech over TPM, those Robotech toys were really cool.
Dec 21st, 1999, 09:53:00 PM
I voted for TPM because I never owned any of the Robotech stuff and I wasn't that into the show. Now, if it had been TPM and Transformers...
Dec 29th, 1999, 12:47:26 PM
Round 3 is here!! All 3 SW lines have made it but sadly Indy has fallen. And sorry Anthy, but AP did beat out Final Fantasy. You just can't beat an evil midget. Some more bad news, at least one SW line will go down to defeat. Why? Round 3 Matchups SW: POTF V. Batman: The Animated Series SW: Original Line V. SW: Episode 1 I'm predicting that the oldtimers are going to put EP1 in its place. Think different? Then go on over and vote at: ( MTFBWY
Dec 30th, 1999, 04:33:28 AM
Original line vs. Episode 1? That's a tough one. One the one hand, Episode 1 has better sculpts, articulation, etc. On the other hand, Episode 1 also has lame Commtech Chips. Also, Episode 1 line is just starting out, really, so it's hard to compare it to a complete line of figures.
Dec 30th, 1999, 10:05:21 AM
I don't think EP1 can stand up to the original line. For one its just one movie, has a limited number of figs and playsets, while the Original Line has all three movies, lots of figures, and lots of vehicles and playsets. I think that ones pretty hand down.
Dec 30th, 1999, 01:06:09 PM
Another bonus for the vintage line is the nostalgia factor. EP1 is much too fresh in everybody's minds and hearts to match the original SW line there. I've got fond memories of borrowing my friend's Death Star playset and spending hours acting out my own little SW scenes. (So mcuh so that I bought a vintage DS playset over the net a couple of years ago.) I love the EP1 line, but I'll I've basicly done with them is open them up, apply stickers when needed, try out the CommTech chip, and then display them up on a shelf. That doesn't match up too well with hours of childhood fun does it?
Jan 3rd, 2000, 09:05:20 PM
Well round 4 has arrived and there was a big dissapointment for SW fans as Batman: The Animated Series beat out POTF. The Batman line has produced some really nice figures and accesories but I was still pretty surprised to see it beat out POTF. I guess its quality was enough to beat out the SW brand name. Releasing 27 Tatooine Lukes might have alienated a few collectors. Just as most of us expected, the original line beat out EP1. Here are Round 4's match ups: SW V. Batman: The Animated Series Transformers: Original V. Transformers: Beast Machines He-Man V. M.A.SK. G.I. Joe V. Thundercats I placed all the lines I voted for first. Vote soon, because I think they're shortening the rounds to speed things up a bit. ( MTFBWY
Jan 4th, 2000, 09:57:48 AM
Interesting results, didn't expect Batman Animated to win, though the show is really popular. G.I.JOE G.I.JOe G.I.JOE G.I.JOE :)
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