View Full Version : Buying toys online
Jun 15th, 2000, 05:13:51 PM
Can you recommend a good site for buying toys online? I've been to the fan club in the past, but I'm talking about for stuff other than Star Wars. What do you guys use? dank you! :D
Jedi Master Kyle
Jun 15th, 2000, 06:05:29 PM
i've never been here myself, but try this site: ( or (
Jun 15th, 2000, 10:26:22 PM is a pretty good site as well. And many major toy stores have web sites as well. Toys r Us, KB, I'd check all of these places for both SW and non-SW toys.
Jun 16th, 2000, 08:08:02 AM
I usually use Ebay, its not a company per se but you'll find just about anything on there and usually for cheaper than most stores(unless its really hot then it'll be more)
Jun 16th, 2000, 06:03:37 PM
Thanks guys. Has anyone bought from before? Just curious, their prices seem good.
Jun 19th, 2000, 02:45:30 PM
I've bought SW items from EE for about 2 years now. I've never been disappointed with them. They had quite a few decent sales this past May. I picked up some 12" figures from them at a great price and I also bought some of the coin collection POTF2 figures. A couple of years ago they were very understanding when I asked if I could change an order I'd made on a certain case of figures (the one I originally ordered had a ton of repeats). They didn't have to, but they let me change my order, very nice, very professional. I've also bought figure stands from them from time to time. Damn, you'd think I was their b.....;)
Jun 19th, 2000, 05:59:28 PM
Ebay is good to look around for stuff. As an active buyer and seller, I would recommended you stick with your bidding. If you don't, you might end up buying something for more then it is worth. Considering that has happened to me...of course I was lucky in the end when I actually broke even with three books that I bought. I was lucky. Recently I picked up a Mara figure for about 20 bucks. Now that is how much she should be worth on the high end. you look at how much some other people are paying, I have seen it up to 50 bucks, which is ridiculous.
My .02 cents
Jun 20th, 2000, 09:02:58 AM
Ah the joys of bidding on ebay... I try to just pick up vintage items on ebay. I hate buying stuff that I can find in stores on ebay, it just encourages scalpers. But in the case of something like EU figures you really don't have much choice since they haven't been around for ages (although they pop up on the Fan Club site every now and then). I try to set a limit for myself and then I wait until the last few minutes of the auction before I bid on something. It can be pretty exciting when you're going head to head against someone and you're each trying to sneak in the high bid before the auction ends. I've lost and won my share of auctions that way.
Jun 20th, 2000, 01:44:01 PM
Preach on Brother Man about loosing at the last second! Lost to someone over a comicbook that way. i was SO mad. But oh well. I also like to do the old put in a bid then watch till the auction is over if I can. Most of the time I stick to what I originally bid, nice if you can get something for cheap.
When you win something you want, you ever do the dance of joy in your chair lol? ^_~
Jun 20th, 2000, 02:18:39 PM
If no one is around I do a little jig. A very small one. ;)
Jun 20th, 2000, 02:41:06 PM too. Nice to know most auctions end at night that I bid on so I can do that. Nice to be silly at 3am
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