View Full Version : major sale!
Jun 27th, 2000, 11:10:27 AM
Prices so low, even I can afford it!:)
Darth Maul action figure is only $3.99...Be sure to mention that to any scalpers you saw buying cartloads on May 3!:) $3.99 American is about $6 Canadian...STILL $4 cheaper than the retail price!
Some figures are as low as $1.99. Also if you were looking to get TPM bedsheets and such, now's a great time to get them.
Jun 30th, 2000, 05:02:21 PM
Not bad, but I'll go to KB Toys, they are having a sale and some of the figures are cheaper and the selection is better. The one figure they have that I want and is hard to find is the Flash back Anikan, even though the lightsaber is totaly incorrect.
Jun 30th, 2000, 05:10:13 PM
Lucky you; they NEVER have good sales in Canada!:) Some of the FIRST POTF2 stuff is still around at Full retail. The same Han Solo with Jabba has been sitting on the shelf for like four years.
Seems I mention that in every thread, but I don't care, it's so incredibly weird it bears repeating!
Jun 30th, 2000, 08:08:47 PM
That Han Jabba set, its on sale for like $5.99. All POTF figs are on sale for $3.99. If I had cash I'd pick some up. I went to the KB in the mall and they had a ton of stuff, but many of the cards were bent or worn, but I went to a KB Toy Works on the other side of the highway in a small Mini mall, and theyha the same stuff, more of it, and mint packages. I want to pick up a few Slave Lea figs cause I know they are rare, or at least I read that some where, they had a few dozen of them in the store, but my sunglass deal has my wallet empty, when I get my paycheck I'm gonna stop there a pick up a few choice items. All speeder bikes with figures are $3.99, I may grab one. I know I'll take at least 2 slave Leas, and if I can find he Anikan fig I'll grab a few as well.
I new they had a sale, but I didn't know how large it was, normaly a sale consists of a large percentage off, but all the same 4 or 5 figures.
The one TPM fig I want is still $7.99, Mace Windu, so I may order that one.
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